Instructions for authors

Initial Manuscript Submission

            Maximum length for submitted papers is 16 pages (after formatting the manuscript according to the journal style) including tables and figures. Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere while they are under consideration by Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering.           

Authors must supply:

1.  an electronic copy of the final version (see section below),

2. a copyright transfer agreement with original signature(s) -without this we are unable to accept the submission, a form of copy write agreement con bbe found in the journal site, and

3. permission grants -if the manuscript contains extracts, including illustrations, from other copyright works (including material from on-line or internet sources) it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission from the owners of the publishing rights to reproduce such extracts using the Permission Request Form, permission grants should be submitted with the manuscript.            

Manuscript style 

            The language of the Journal is English. All submissions must have a title be double-line spaced 2 columns per page and have a margin of 30 mm all round. Illustrations and tables must be printed on seperate sheets, and not be incorporated into the text.

1. The title page must list the full title and the names and affiliations of all authors. Give the full address, including e- mail, telephone and fax, of the corresponding author.

 2.Include the name(s) of any sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper.

3. Supply a summary of up to 200 words for the articles. This is a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, and is understandable without reference to the rest of the paper. It should contain no citation to other published work.

4. Include up to six key words that describe your paper for indexing purposes.           

Reference style

            To cite sources in the text, use the author-date method; list the last names of the authors, then the year. The formats are as follows: one author -(Smith 2004); two authors -(Smith and Jones 2004); three or more authors-(Smith et al. 2004). Prepare a reference section listing all references alphabetically by last name of the first author. For anonymous reports and standards, alphabetize by the issuing institution. Double-space the reference section. Below are samples of properly formatted and complete references:               

Journals: Husein Malkawi, A.I., Hassan, W.F., and Sanna, S.K. (2001). "A Global Search Method for Locating General Slip Surface Using Monte Carlo Techniques." J. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engrg., ASCE, 127(8), 688- 698.           

Conference Proceedings and Symposia: Husein Malkawi, A I., Mutasher, S.A., and Qiu. T. (2002). "Thermal Analysis of Al-Tannur RCC Gravity Dam." Proceeding of the 2002 International Conference on Roller Compacted Concrete Dam Constrnction in Middle East, April 7th-10th. pp. 303-318, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, Edited by Malkawi, A.I; Auflrger, M and Strobl. Th.

Include the sponsor of the conference or publisher of the proceedings, and that entity's location -city and state or city and country.           

Books and Reports: Feld, J., and Carper, K. (1997). Construction failure, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York.  Book references must include author, book title, publisher, and the publisher's location. If a specific chapter is being used, list the chapter title and inclusive page numbers. For reports, include the full institution name (not just the acronym) and its location.           

Unpublished Material: Unpublished material is not included in the references. It may be cited in the text in the following forms: (John Smith, personal communication. May 16, 1999) or (Jones et al., unpublished manuscript, 2002). As an exception to the rule, articles that are accepted for publication may be included in the references as follows: Gibson. W. (2003). "Cyberspace: The postmodern frontier". J. in Fiction. in press.           

Web Pages and On-line Material: Burka, L.P. (2002). "A hypertext history of multiuser dimensions." MUD history, (Dec. 5,2003).

Include an author if possible, a copyright date, a title, the Web address, and the date the material was accessed or downloaded (in parentheses at the end).           

CD-ROM: Liggett, J. A., and Caughey, D.A. (1998). "Fluid statics.  " Fluid mechanics (CD-ROM), ASCE, Reston, Va. Include authors, copyright date, titles, medium, and procedure/publisher and their location.            


            Electronic of the artwork should be supplied at the intended size for printing; the maximum column width is 143 mm. Color illustrations are not accepted. Use figure index data marks (like x, o. * and other types) to substitute color marking.           


            To enable the publisher to disseminate the author's work to the fullest extent, the author must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, transferring copyright in the article from the author to the publisher, and submit the original signed agreement with the article presented for publication. Copies may be printed from this website.           

Further Information           

One complimentary of the printed   version of the journal will be sent by post mail to each author. There is no page charge to authors.

ISSN: 1993-0461   ISSN: 2225-157X,

Edited and Published by Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan

Mailing address: Prof. Fouad Gharaybeh, Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief Civil Engineering Department Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid 22110, Jordan Tel. No. + 962 2 7201000 ext. 22104 Fax No. + 962 2 7201073

Submission & Subscriptions