Musculoskeletal Illness in Nigeria Drivers: A Psychosocial and Physical Factors Perspective

Imaekhai Lawrence


This survey was based on a hypothesis that working conditions may be responsible for ill-health amongst drivers in Nigeria, especially musculoskeletal complaints. Factors considered include design of vehicles, baggage handling, traffic, working hours, lifestyle and psychosocial stress caused by violence and domestic stress. The incidence of musculoskeletal problems was established using the Nordic Questionnaire for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms, complemented by a so-called Workload Questionnaire. Drivers competing the questionnaires were selected from drivers have an elevated incidence of musculoskeletal complaints compared with the general population. An important concern for many drivers is a fear of violence, actual or threatened. Analyses of these data support the contention that taxi driving may contain elements that contribute to reduced health.

Keywords: survey, drivers, musculoskeletal, psychosocial, lifestyle

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