Population Size and Habitat Utilization of Menelik’s Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus Meneliki Neumann, 1902) in Abasheba-Demero Controlled Hunting Area, Southeastern Ethiopia
Background: Despite Ethiopia is among few African countries with high wild animal species diversity, its mammalian resource is highly degrading. Hence, assessing the demography and ecology of the wild animals is indispensable to provide information on the current status of animal, which helps for better wildlife conservation and management purpose. Thus, an investigation on the population size and habitat utilization of endemic Menelik’s bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus Meneliki Neumann, 1902) in Abasheba-Demero controlled hunting area was done for one year during both dry and wet seasons of the year, 2019.
Objective: The objective of investigation was to gather baseline data on population size, structure and habitat utilization of Menelik’s bushbuck in Abasheba- Demero CHA.
Methodology: To reach the objective, quantitative data was collected using18 representative random sampling of line-transects covering sample area of 18km2. For field survey, the total area of the controlled hunting area was systematically clustered into four sample units based on the major habitats of the study area (Montane forest habitat, woodland, riverine and seasonal grass-wetland) habitat.
Data Analysis: SPSS computer software version 20, descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used to analyze the data.
Result: The projected population of Menelik’s bushbuck was 519.36±individuals. From the total population, Male bushbuck covered38.27%females were 50.62%and young’s were 11.1%. The sex ratio of male to female was found to be 1:1.32. Age structure was dominated by adults, which constituted 55.5% of the total population. Although, the bushbucks were evenly distributed in all the four habitat types in both seasons, its frequency was higher in the riverine forest habitat (3.33 individuals per km2). The most commonly observed group types throughout the study period were single (solitary) bushbuck.
Conclusion: Based on the current study result the population of Menelik’s bushbuck was not in immediate danger. However, negative attitude of local people towards the CHA and anthropogenic pressures are major underlying problem that needs appropriate correction measure.
Keywords: Abasheba-Demero, Controlled hunting area, Menelik’s bushbuck
DOI: 10.7176/ALST/76-03
Publication date:September 30th 2019
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