Effect of Different Nitrogen Rate and Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Variety to different Growth Analysis at Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia

Demis Fikre Limeneh


Nitrogen (N) is the most common limiting nutrient in agricultural systems throughout the world. Crops need sufficient available N to achieve optimum yields and adequate grain-protein content. Consequently, sub-optimal rates of N fertilizers typically cause lower economic benefits for farmers. On the other hand, excessive N fertilizer use may result in environmental problems such as nitrate contamination of groundwater and emission of N2O and NO. In spite of the economical environmental importance of good N fertilizer management, the development of an optimum fertilizer recommendation is still a major challenge in most agricultural systems. Nitrogen supplies have a strong influence on the physiological and phonological characteristics of crop as well as on the quality of barley growth, which have the capacity to enhanced yield and production of barley. In order to evaluate the physiological and quality assessment of barley in response to soil fertilization of nitrogen a field trail was carried out having randomized complete block design with four replications and three different treatments of nitrogen allotted to plots at planting and tillering growth stages. Results indicated that maximum leaf area ratio, maximum crop growth rate and maximum dry weight was recorded when the crop was none fertilized with as compared to fertilized nitrogen. Likewise maximum leaf area index was obtained with the non-fertilization of nitrogen. Control practice resulted in high values for all recorded parameters. Thus it is possible to obtain maximum physiological traits as well as vigorous barley through non nitrogen application.

Keywords: Barley, leaf area index, leaf area ratio, crop growth rate, Biomass and nitrogen.

DOI: 10.7176/ALST/86-01

Publication date:March 31st 2021


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