Characteristic and Preferences of Green Consumer Stratification As Bases to Formulating Marketing Strategies of Ecolabel-Certified Furniture

Ririn Wulandari, Budi Suharjo, Agus W. Soehadi, Herry Purnomo


International furniture markets certify ecolabel has been growing, but the domesticmarket has not yet developed. Unfortunate, because these products have two advantagesthat ensure environmental sustainability and promote a furniture market. This study wasexpected to open and developed the domestic market for ecolabel-certified furniture. Theaim of this study was to develop marketing strategies for ecolabel-certified furniture oneach of green consumer stratifications. Consumer stratification was conducted to group awider market. This grouping was meant to make the marketing strategies drawn up canbe used appropriately. The formulation of the marketing strategies for ecolabel-certifiedfurniture was done through an analysis of consumer preferences over the strategies inquestion. The components used were: satisfaction, safety, socialization, andsustainability, as well as government policies which could open markets. Therespondents were 408 potential consumers in Jakarta and its surroundings. The methodused was purposive and convenience sampling, in which the survey was conducted atexhibitions and showrooms. Ward Method, Stepwise Discriminant Analysis and BiplotAnalysis were used to generate consumer stratifications. Before that, reliability testswere conducted using Crombach Alpha method. In addition, data was explored andreduced using Component Principle Analysis. Preference analysis was performed usingthe method proposed by Thurston Case V. This study results four stratifications of greenconsumers. There were similarities and differences in preference on each of thestratification of the component of green marketing strategy as well as the marketingstrategies of furniture-certified ecolabel for the targeted consumers.

Keywords: Green Consumer Segmentation, Green Marketing Strategies, Furniture,Jakarta, Indonesia

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