Policy Of Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Sustainable Development And Its Impact On Buffer Zone Society (A approach Economics Valuation and Analysis of Hierarchy Process)
This study aimed to analyze the characteristics, perceptions and socio-economic factors and the characteristics of visitors TNUK social, economic, cultural buffer zone and arrange alternative TNUK management decisions as the basis for a policy of sustainable development of the region.This type of research is descriptive and verification with the object of research is TNUK visitors and the community in the conservation area.
The data used are primary data and secondary data, collected through observation, surveys, interviews and literature study. The total sample of 150 visitors TNUK drawn randomly and 100 communities in the buffer zone which is determined proportionally based on the number of people in each village.
Analysis of the characteristics and perceptions of visitors TNUK done descriptively displayed with tabulation. TNUK economic value analyzed by summing all expenses paid visitors, while socioeconomic factors and public visitors buffer zones dianalaisis using multiple regression, whereas the public perception of the existence of buffer zones TNUK analyzed by providing scoring. Determination of alternative decisions in the management of sustainable use TNUK Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP).
The results showed that the majority of visitors TNUK is male aged 21 to 25 years who come from the provinces in Java in addition to Banten. In general, visitors TNUK first came to the region and spend more than 10 hours at this location. Perception visitors to complete facilities, fame recreation, information, timing and payment facilities visited recreation, including both categories based on perception continuum line visitors, but the variable is a facility completeness lowest percentage value, which means feeling complete facilities in TNUK not fully in accordance with the the needs of visitors. TNUK economic valuation as measured by the value of Willingness to Pay (WTP) obtained by Rp.1,9 million to Rp.3,4 million per person for each visit.
In general, respondents felt that the presence of calves can not provide benefits for their lives because people are not allowed to use the forest resources that are in the area and acreage TNUK be reduced by the establishment of district boundaries. Illegal logging, land clearing, hunting animals, and forest fires, a significant effect on the level of variable TNUK damage. The greatest influence caused by the opening of new land. Alternative TNUK management decisions is in the form of an integrated policy between the interests of managers with the public buffer zone, sehingg can preserve the forest and everything in it and provide environmental benefits to the communities in the buffer zone.
Keywords: policy, TNUK, integration,area, buffer, economic valuation, AHP
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