Screening of Faba Bean (Vicia faba)Varieties Against Faba bean Gall Diseases (Olpidium viciae) in East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
Faba bean (ViciaFabae L.) is an important legume crops grown in different agro ecological zone in Ethiopia. It has a vital role in the Ethiopia national dietary and is consumed in various forms. However, the average yield of its production under small-holder farmers is very low due to biotic and a-biotic factors. Faba bean gall (Olpidiumviciae) disease is one of the newly emerging disease threateningfaba bean production and productivity in small scale farmers in the study site. Thus, the study was conducted to evaluate the reaction of fababean varieties against faba bean gall disease at three main fababean production woredas farmers field during 2015 main cropping season. The field experiment consisted of seventeen fababean varieties (sixteen released and one local check). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replication. The evaluated seventeen varieties varied significantly (p<0.001) in disease severity, AUDPC , yield and yield components. The tested varieties had varying reactions to the disease, on the basis of which two groups were identified, viz. Resistant (fourteen varieties) and moderately Resistant (three varieties). The highest and least percent disease severityindex and AUDPC was recorded from local check and Dosha varieties respectively in all locations. Yield and yield parameters were also significantly (P<0.001) different in all locations. In general Dosha, Tumsa, Hachalu and Wolki varieties were high yielder and resistant to faba bean gall in all study sites compared with other varieties. In the future, resistance and high yielder varieties combination with other alternative management options research will be conducted in the potential faba bean growing areas in Ethiopia.
Keywords: Faba bean gall disease, disease severity, AUDPC, Dosha, Tumsa, Wolki

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