Minerals, Amino Acids and Essential Oil Contents of Ethanol Extracts from Seeds and Pulps of Artocarpus Heterophyllus

Adele, Habiganuchi, Comfort, C. Monago-Ighorodje, Victor, Olua, Chigozirim, S. Amadi, Bliss, I. A. Ajie


Artocarpus heterophyllus is shown to be one amongst several plants shown to be blindly used by locals as nutritional supplements and for therapeutic purposes. This study examined comparatively the nutritional potentials of the seeds and pulps of Artocarpus heterophyllus. The minerals, amino acids and essential oil contents of ethanol extracts from seed and pulp of Artocarpus heterophyllus was evaluated using standard laboratory methods. Results shows that, the seed has the highest amino acid content, with glutamine being the highest in the seed (23.24g/100g) as compared to the pulp (21.74g/100g). The mineral content analysis shows that the pulp is rich in manganese (0.66mg/kg) while the seed is richest in potassium (0.6mg/kg). Iron (0.42mg/kg) and Calcium (0.42mg/kg) were observed to be higher also in the pulp. The totality of the mineral content is however, greater in the pulp than in the seed. The seed and the pulp of A. heterophyllus were found to contain almost the same quantity of essential oils, with the seed having higher varieties of essential oils. The study revealed that the ethanol extracts of the seed and pulp of A. heterophyllus are of high nutritional values as essentials minerals, oils and amino acids were seen present in the samples.

Keywords: Artocarpus Heterophyllus, Minerals contents, essential oils, amino acids, Ethanol Extract

DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/14-1-07

Publication date: April 30th 2024

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