Assessing the Level of Aquaculture Biosecurity Regulations Compliance in Ibadan, Nigeria

Y.E Agbeja, Kenneth Obosi


In Nigeria aquaculture is a potential economic investment but different challenges resulting to numerous losses affect the final fish product and returned on investment. This paper among other things will assess the level and problems of aquaculture biosecurity regulations compliance and its limitations in Ibadan, Nigeria. It will suggest measures and propose actions plans or statute which will strengthen aquaculture through the development of aquaculture biosecurity regulations in Nigeria to meet international standard. A total of 100 cat fish farms were randomly selected and visited for questionnaire administration and 80 questionnaires were retrieved and used for data analysis from 10 0ut of 11 local governments that make up Ibadan.  Farmers responses on problems of aquaculture biosecurity compliance were ranked using Likert 5-point scale and data analysed using Anova and Chi-square. The analysis shows that mortality occurrence in farms is different at ? =95% in all the local government areas while the levels of mortality in farms is the same. (P>0.05). Mortality disposal varies across the farms with (38.8%) farmers buried dead fish while 6 farms (7.5%) leave their dead fish to be consumed by other fish.  But the analysis of data concludes that disposal of mortality in farms is different (P<0.05) in all the local government areas.   The application of disinfectants to cure or prevent the spread of diseases shows that most farms 60% use Oxytetracycline, 32.5% apply Formalin and 7.5% applied chlorophenicol. Also drugs application in farms is the same within local government (P>0.05) but different (P<0.05) among local government areas. Unknown sources dominate sources of fish seed supplied for ponds stocking.  Farm effluent are wrongly disposed while 3 farms (3.75%) refined their effluent, 73 farms (91.25%) discharge their effluent into nearby streams/rivers. For aquaculture to thrive and be productive in Ibadan, modern farming which demands a holistic approach must be adopted.

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