Total Sequestered Carbon Stock of Mangifera indica

Balbhim Chavan, Ganesh Rasal


Carbon sequestration by green plants is a suitable way to reduce atmospheric CO2. In the present investigation aboveground and belowground carbon sequestration potential of Mangifera indica from nine sectors of Aurangabad city was measured. The total standing aboveground biomass and belowground biomass of Mangifera indica are 82.83tha-1 and 21.54tha-1 respectively, while total standing biomass of Mangifera indica in 2847 hectares of Aurangabad is 104.41tha-1. The sequestered carbon stalk in aboveground and belowground standing biomass of Mangifera indica are 44.73 tha-1 and 11.63 tha-1 respectively while, total sequestered carbon of Mangifera indica in 2847 hectares area is 56.36 tha-1. The newly developed allometric equations for Mangifera indica on the diameter class basis for AGB as a function for DBH and height have shown high correlations.

Key words: Aboveground carbon, Allometric equation, belowground carbon, CDM, carbon sequestration potential, climate change, carbon stock, Total Biomass.

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