Using Person Product Moment Correlation to explore the relationship between different categories of Municipal solid waste in Kano Metropolis, Northwestern Nigeria
This study explores the relationship between different categories of Municipal solid waste in Kano Metropolis with Person-Product Moment Correlation. Data for the study was obtained from Samples of Municipal solid waste from dumps located within three residential zones of Kano metropolis. The samples were collected and segregated into their various classifiable categories based on standard procedures. The data analyses showed a positive correlation between food scrap, ash and vegetable (r = 0.852, 0.752) and negative correlation between food scrap, paper cardboard, rubber, metals, plastic and glass (r = -0.847, -0.793, -0.853, -0.833 and -0.776). Based on these results, it can be concluded that a waste management strategy for the area should focus on managing biodegradable organic waste, considering this constituent has the potential to impact the environment, type of collection equipments, transport mode and frequency of collection. Furthermore, the amounts of waste generated per households can be used to predict the total amount of vegetable waste generated within the municipality.
Keywords: Biodegradable Solid, waste management. Waste generation, Waste composition, Recycling
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