Occurrence, Distribution, Biology and Management of Coffee Thread Blight (Corticium koleroga (Cke) Hoehnel): A Review
Coffee is the key cash crop and top foundation in the world economy. Coffee thread blight caused by Corticium koleroga (Cke) Hoehnel is a devastating disease that causes severe damage to Coffee in major coffee producing countries. The disease is reported in India, Trindad, Tobego, Guatemala, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Birazil, Ethiopia, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Mexico and United States. It infects areal parts of various crop species as Coffea spp., Camellia sinensis, Diospyros kaki, Pipper nigrum, Theobroma cacao, Citrus spp., Zingiber officinale, Mangifera indica and Hevea brasiliensis. The Corticium koleroga is characterized with colony colour ranging from white to floral white, with circular to irregular form and filiform to entire in margin on PDA plates. Growth rate of the pathogen is ranged between 6 and 9 mm/day in diameter. Basidiospore size ranged from 10 to 13.75 x 3.75 to 5μ. Use of improved cultural practices (pruning out blighted twigs and shade tree management), use of resistant varieties, biological control by use of parasitic fungi (Gliocladium spp., Trichoderma spp., Verticillium spp.) play a role in controlling the disease. In addition Chemical control with cupric compounds, propiconazole, Agrozim, Bavistin, Bayleton, Foltaf, Plantvax, Tilt and Topsin-M are effective to control thread blight in coffee in extreme cases.
Keywords: Basidia, Basidiospore, Black rot, Hyphae, Koleroga, Mycilium
DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-2-01

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