Examination of the Challenges Facing Markets in Anambra State Nigeria

Mba, S.A, Obienusi, E.A, Obikwelu, M.C


This study examined the challenges facing markets in the rural areas of Anambra state, Nigeria. This study was carried out to enable one find out the major challenges facing rural markets as central places in Anambra state. The objectives of the study were to: ascertain the nearest – neighbor distance between the markets and to ascertain the major challenges facing the rural markets in the study area. Three hundred and ninety-nine (399) respondents were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The computation was done using t-test, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Weighted Mean and Nearest-Neighbor Analysis. Analysis using the t-test indicated that the challenges facing the rural markets were significant while the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated that the major challenge facing the market was the high cost of transportation of goods to the markets. The study concluded that the major challenges facing the rural markets limited the contributions of the rural markets to the socio-economic development of the state and therefore recommended that rural market linkages should be given adequate attention by the state and local government. This will be achieved by working in synergy with the various communities and market union organizations to create and maintain link and access roads in major rural markets.

Keywords: Rural areas, rural markets, central places, market linkages, market access

DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-12-06

Publication date: December 31st 2019

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