Current Status of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects: A Review

Nagassa Dechassa


Water hyacinth is one of the rapidly spreading aquatic weeds, both globally and in Ethiopia, causing adverse effect on ecosystem and human benefits. It directly and indirectly affects fish, crop and livestock productions, electric power generation, irrigation, waterway transportation, tourism and human health. It is an invasive weed that is native to Amazon basin and introduced as an ornamental species to decorate the water bodies in Ethiopia. The weeds’ fastest growth, ways of reproduction, ability to adapt to wide range of climatic conditions and nutrients, and complex root system made its management difficulty. However, Manual removal of water hyacinth in small areas at early time is effective in controlling the weed for short period of time. Use of biological control agents; arthropods (Neochetina brunchi and Neochetina eichhorniae) and parasitic fungi (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria sp., Alternaria tenuissima and Neofusicoccum parvum) play a role in controlling specifically water hyacinth in Ethiopia at experimental level. In addition Chemical control with 2, 4-D dimethyl amine, glyphosphate and acetic acid are effective to control water hyacinth in extreme cases. Integrated use of herbicidal and mechanical control measures is effective in control, economically safe and environmentally friendly than a single control measures. Weed removing machines and integrated managements should be designed based on Ethiopian water bodies’ conditions in the future research. The release of promising biological control agents should be encouraged by the Ethiopian government.

Keywords: Alien weeds, Aquatic weeds, Ethiopia, Invasive weeds, Neochetina spp.,

DOI: 10.7176/JEES/10-12-03

Publication date: December 31st 2020


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