Scenario on Environmental Management to Reduce Green House Gas Emission Due To Low Land Rice Cultivation under Paddy Soils

Wubayehu Gebremedhin, Mamo Bekele


As an important staple food crop rice production needs to be increased by 40% by the end of the 2030s to meet the increasing demand for food due to the expanding population. In this regard countries like Ethiopia having reasonable potential of rice production in various areas, mainly in rainfed lowland, upland and irrigated ecosystems are the major targets. But such Agricultural activities contribute to approximately 18.4% of to the present concentrations of GHGs emission followed by energy sector that are considered as one of the major sources of emissions however, this warming potential is a cumulative effect of 100 years horizon. CH4 gas is produced under flooded or anaerobic soil conditions by the process of methanogenesis while N2O gas is produced through nitrification and denitrification processes. Consequently predicting the dynamic changes in emission of GHGs and rice yield in paddy fields and keeping the possible solution should be considered.  From the scenarios of  rice and green house gas emissions water managements on paddy soils as well as organic and inorganic fertilizations under plenty mass production of rice on paddy soils are top most considerable’s. Therefore conducting researches to fills the gap by determining the effect of nutrient and water management on rice yield and greenhouse gas emission should be developed and in lined with the mass production for the future.

Keywords: Paddy Soils; Fertilization;   Water Management; Green house gases

DOI: 10.7176/JEES/12-4-01

Publication date: April 30th 2022

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