Viscoplastic Finite Element Analysis of Complex Geotechnical Problems
The principles of elasto/viscoplastic finite element analysis were presented and explained, and the results and the analysis of some geotechnical problems were presented in this work. Plasticity models such as von-Mises, Tresca, Drucker-Prager and Mohr-Coulomb models with associated and non-associated flow rules were incorporated in the viscoplastic algorithm. The ultimate bearing capacity of a rigid surface footing on weightless clayey soil, Tresca material, predicted by the elasto/viscoplasticity approach agrees very well with that obtained by Prandtl exact solution (only 1% above Prandtl exact solution). Solution was also presented for complex problems with no available solution such as the problem of an anchor buried in sands (Mohr-Coulomb materials), where large zones within the soil domain are dominated by tensile stresses as well as sharp changes in shear stresses.

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ISSN: 1993-0461 ISSN: 2225-157X,
Edited and Published by Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Mailing address: Prof. Fouad Gharaybeh, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief Civil Engineering Department Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid 22110, Jordan Tel. No. + 962 2 7201000 ext. 22104 Fax No. + 962 2 7201073
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