Current MOOC Platforms at Online Education
The rapid developments in information and communication technology, for educational activities, has led to the emergence of new opportunities as in many fields. One of the most important of these developments is Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The reason for this development is the rapid spread of e-learning courses and started to use. But MOOC project, although the popular press and media organizations in a short time of academic publications on this subject said that equally accelerated. This is because can be interpreted as this project, that’s not enough on the agenda in the academic platforms. To help fill the gap in this topic, comparisons and analysis will be carried out for recognition about current MOOC platforms and a situation assessment will be made about the project in this study. Online education is undoubtedly covered by the existing multiple platforms. These are certainly useful in education. However, users should be aware that through a multitude of platforms in the nature of the benefits to their business. The main objective of this study is MOOC platforms to introduce more closely the academic community to contribute to the resolution of identifying problems. For this purpose, introducing the existing platform and made an analysis for the comparison and place was given to a condition assessment of the project.
Keywords: MOOC, MOOC Platforms, e-Learning, Open Online Courses.
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