The Determination of the Most Appropriate Matrix Modifier for Tin Analysis by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Method
In this study, the matrix modifier items given for tin in the literature have been determined, tin analyses have been made in the same conditions by using these substances, and by comparing the results, and optimum matrix modifier has been selected. The most appropriate concentration of the selected matrix modifier has been determined. It was seen that the most appropriate one among the 10 matrix modifiers specified in the studies in the literature was Mg(NO3)2, and that 4 - 5% concentrations of this substance were suitable concentrations for the ETAAS method. The results were compared by working with this matrix modifier on two standard reference materials and a commercial solder sample. The declared correct values of the reference materials and besides this, the results found with gravimetric and XRF have been accepted as correct values, and the results have been interpreted.
Keywords: Matrix modifier, Sn analysis, ETAAS method
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