An Important Problem in Dairy Cows: Repeat Breeder

Yunus Cakici, Mehmet Akoz


The main purpose of dairy cattle breeding is fertility and ecomical sustainability of dairy cattle cattle breeding is dependent on fertility. Repeat breeder (RB) syndrome is a substantial problem on fertility. Repeat breeder syndrome, defined as acondition in which clinicaly healthy cows that gave birth, having regular oesrous cycles appears but fails to conceive after three artifical insemination. Incidence of RB 5-36 % in dairy farming has led to intense study on this subject. The aetiologies of RB are numerous and related to early embryonic death and non-formation of fertilization. First of all, anamnesis and fertility records should be taken into consideration and extent of the problem should be determined and the cause of RB should be determined by inspection, rectal examination, culture of uterus and detection of hormone levels. The first step of treatment involves good care and nutrition.then, teratment should be applied according to the cause of the RB. The most important treatment methods are synchronization of ovulation and fixed-time artifical insemination, induction of ovulation, post-insemination protocols that might impact embryo survival, intrauterine antibiotic and antiseptic treatments. Furthermore, in recent years it has been stated that embryo transfer applications, intra peritoneal insemination and acupuncture treatment are applied fort he treatment of RB. The protocols applied in treatment are based on the support of embryonic life and fertilization. Although many treatment options have been developed, desired level of success couldn’t be achieved. For this reason, RB remains its importance, and studies continue to develop new diagnostic and treatment methods. The aim of the present review is to summarize current information about the aetiology of RB and on-going new methots in diagnosis and treatment of RB.

Keywords: Dairy cow, Endometritis, Repeat Breeder, Fertility, Embrionic death

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