Improvement of Degraded Pastures in the Foothills and Sandy Desert Zone of Uzbekistan by Implementing Best Practices
The article presents the best practices for the restoration of degraded pastures in the foothill zone of the Zamin district of Jizzak region and the sandy desert of Karakul district of the Bukhara region carried out by a UNDP project. On the degraded lands, measures were taken to restore the biodiversity of pastures, preserve landscape-ecological systems. The implementation of reclamation measures for the retention of moving sands, for the creation (restoration) of protective forest belts in pastures, reproduction of pasture productivity by artificial by additional sowing seeds in degraded areas, restoration of pasture infrastructure, bringing non-working wells and wells into working order.
Key words: foothills, Kyzylkum desert, degradation, drought-resistant fodder plants, seeds, seedlings, technology, grazing
DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-10-12
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