Save Your Struggling Business With a Bar Graph Maker

Myriam Jessier / Unsplash

Businesses, in one way or another, undergo the inevitable phase of struggle. They may struggle to garner popularity and patronization over their competitors, struggle to keep up with the growing public demand, or struggle to stay in the competitive industry. 

When talking about saving a struggling business, data visualization can do so many wonders. A struggling business could boost its image to its potential clients or customers through the help of a comprehensive and meticulously done graph. Graphs and other data visuals aren’t just pretty pictures, but they actually bode well for your business.

What Is a Graph?

Time and time again, graphs prove to be one of the most effective tools for visual presentation. Graphs, along with charts, are often used to demonstrate relationships between different sets of data. It has many types: line graph, bar graph, pie graph to name a few.

If you want to avoid dealing with confusing and dreadful numbers, then graphing your idea is the way to go! It helps you better understand information that is too complex to be put into words.

Why Should Businesses Create Graphs?

Graphs aren’t just about the aesthetics of presenting information to a particular target audience. It is also about highlighting important details from a drowning pool of information gathered through the years of service that your business has been continuously contributing to society.

Here are some reasons why businesses like yours should exert effort into creating graphs.

Graphs make your data easier to digest.

Goumbik / Pixabay

Not everyone likes to look at large numbers or, worse, comprehending what those numbers mean. Data, when too broad and too complex, tend to be really overwhelming for a lot of people. Thankfully, graphs were invented to help average people comprehend information that only math wizards understand.

With easier-to-digest data presentations, the audience would be quick to understand. Engagement with the audience will transpire naturally as data was already converted into more comprehensible forms such as graphs. Audience engagement then becomes beneficial for you to achieve your established goal. This goal can be to attain suggestions, ideas, and solutions from the audience.

Graphs can identify areas for improvement.

LTD EHU / Pixabay

Day by day, the world gets more and more analytical and data-driven. With this in mind, businesses should note that understanding and knowing how to work with graphs is as essential as coming up with an excellent financial management plan or an outstanding marketing, sales, and customer service strategy.

Like a pattern, data tells a story that is too complicated to be reiterated through words. Businesses may use graphs to represent their revenues, profit margins, and practically everything numerical that is relevant to its success and, at times, the lack thereof. Through the use of data presented in graphs and in order to get rid of the obstacles hindering its success, businesses may utilize visual representations to come up with an informed and important decision on the next step that it should take.

Graphs can determine which data is relevant.

Mohamed Hassan / Pixabay

As your business grows, so does the information that your data bank holds. You may end up getting drowned with too much information, so better wear your life vest aka graphs, charts, and other diagrams to help you swim through the pool of confusing figures. Visualization techniques such as bar graphs can help you discover some hidden or unnoticeable anomalies and malicious patterns from your pool of information. And from there, you can come up with a conclusion and proceed to taking necessary steps in order to save your struggling company.

Because of the load of information that they have, businesses tend to miss some information that could be found when graph makers are used: unusual distributions of data, gaps, missing values, outliers, etc. If you can’t understand the data presented to you, then sure as hell you aren’t gonna learn anything from it too.

How Important Are Graph Makers?

Isaac Smith / Unsplash

Generally speaking, every business across sectors benefits when the information presented to them is easy to read and interpret as this helps them avoid misinterpretation. Visualization is very important especially when dealing with a large volume of information. When effectively presented through graphs or any visual technique, you will be able to grasp the meaning behind any data and you can quickly draw conclusions with the image of the graph in mind.

It is good to know that there exist websites such as Venngage that provide businesses a tool to create visually impactful graphs, reports, charts, and infographics. Bar graph makers help struggling businesses see and understand the patterns, trends, and most especially, the outliers in their existing data. They allow you to determine the meaning behind the numbers — where you went wrong, where you can improve on, etc.

Little by little, graphs continue to prove its contribution and essence to every industry one could think of. Graphs are used in the government, in marketing, in real estate, in finance, in sales, in science and technology, in consumer goods, in sports, and in education to name a few. Students use graphs to better understand their lessons, electrical engineers use graphs to better represent networks and circuits, businessmen use graphs to present their business’s revenues and outliers too. 

I could go on and on. But one thing is for sure: graphs make lives better. It’s time to bid adieu to the dull and boring world of complex data and say hello to the era of powerful insights as expressed through informative yet stunningly formatted graphs.

What Makes E-Signatures Safe and Trustworthy?

Most businesses and organizations will distribute and receive documents that must be signed or have been signed. This has been the case for at least a century, and probably longer.

However, the way in which these documents may be signed has changed in recent years. For example, it’s become increasingly common for companies to resort to and accept e-signatures instead of traditional pen-and-ink signatures.

An e-signature serves the same purpose as a traditional autograph. It’s simply a digital alternative. Though many have embraced this solution, some have remained reluctant to do so.

This is often the case because someone worries that an e-signature may not be secure. This is an understandable concern, but not a justifiable one.

E-signatures are actually highly secure, and arguably more secure to a substantial degree than ink signatures. The following points illustrate why.

E-Signatures Are Difficult to Forge

Forging a traditional ink signature isn’t terribly difficult. Someone might not have the skills necessary to forge a signature on his own, but with a little effort, he could probably find someone who does.

Or the aspiring forger could develop the necessary skill over time. In addition, a range of tech tools can make the task of forging a traditional signature much easier.

Forging an e-signature is far more challenging. It requires access to your computer. The forger must also have your signing certificate password.

It’s crucial to understand that an e-signature isn’t just an image that resembles a traditional ink signature. It’s actually more of an algorithm that creates a “digital footprint” unique to the signer.

E-Signatures Offer Greater Control Over Documents

E-signatures are also convenient for many reasons. One is the simple fact that they allow organizations and individuals to process documents much more quickly than they used to.

For example, instead of mailing a new client a contract and waiting for them to return it–again, through the postal service–with their signature before work on a lucrative project can begin, you could send the contract as an attachment to an email, obtain the e-signature, and start work in a matter of minutes.

This also increases the safety and security of critical documents. Although it may be fairly rare for the postal service to lose mail, it does happen. Sending a physical document by mail also increases the chance of it falling into the hands of someone you’d prefer would not see it.

That’s going to be far less of a concern when you send it by email. Unless you’re the target of a cyberattack at precisely the wrong time, it’s highly unlikely the wrong person would intercept an email you just sent.

This is another reason e-signatures are secure. They allow you to send and receive documents that must be signed in a manner that’s much safer than traditional mail.

E-Signatures Have Electronic Records

When transactions involve signing multiple documents, perhaps over a somewhat long span of time, disputes can arise. Luckily, e-signatures provide an electronic record of a transaction.

They establish an “audit trail” that can be used to solve disputes more readily. Because such disputes often overlap with security concerns or issues, this is one more way in which e-signatures are more secure than you might have recognized.

Having concerns about security issues when new technologies become available is entirely rational. If you’ve relied on traditional signatures for years, you might wonder why you should switch to a new solution if you don’t know it’s just as safe.

Nevertheless, it’s become increasingly accepted by industry observers that if security is a concern, using e-signatures is likely the wisest option.

Easy ways to finance your education in 2021

As we move into a new decade, it is important to consider what your education will cost you. There are many reasons for this and can vary from person to person. Some people may be looking at getting their degree because they want to advance in their current career, while others may be looking at the long-term opportunity to get an advanced degree or certificate that could potentially exponentially increase their earning power. Whatever the reason, it’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to finance your education in 2021.

This post covers easy ways to finance your education in 2021, which include;

1. Getting a scholarship

Getting a scholarship is one of the most popular ways to finance your education, as it doesn’t usually require repayment. Some examples are academic scholarships, which may be based on GPA or SAT scores, and athletic scholarships for athletes who showcase their skills at various universities during recruiting events.

Scholarships are determined by the college, which means that you should be proactive about applying for them. The best way to do this is to research scholarship opportunities and find ones that match your academic interests or lifestyle preferences to increase your odds of getting one. In addition, there are also scholarships available through private organizations.

2. Student prizes

If you’re a student looking for easy ways to finance your education, consider entering some of the many competitions geared towards students. These could range from beauty pageants and academic contests.

Students can also enter essay or photography competitions sponsored by companies such as Microsoft.

Some companies offer a scholarship to the top three finalists in their essay or photography contest. The only requirement is that you are currently enrolled as an undergraduate student and at least 18 years old. One of these scholarships may be enough for your entire education, so it’s worth entering if you’re eligible.

3. Getting an online loan instead of a student loan

One of the easiest ways to finance your education in 2021 is by taking out an online loan. This type of loan should be taken as a last resort, but some people may find that they’re unable to get any other form of financial aid because their credit score isn’t high enough or they don’t have any assets (for example).

The good news is that some loan providers like CashFlex offer online loans for students without a credit score requirement and can be applied through an easy process in just under five minutes. No paperwork or faxing is required.

Online lenders don’t rely on your credit rating to approve the loan application, so it’s worth considering.

However, there are some downsides to taking out an online loan for your education as well; the APR rates can be much higher than what you would pay with a student-loan provider, and they may also require collateral such as a car or house to ensure that the person takes out payments on time.

4. Part-time jobs

If you don’t want to take out an online loan to finance your education, there are other ways that you can earn some money. One of these is getting a part-time job on-campus or off-campus during the school year and summer break.

This could be anything from being a peer tutor for students who need help working in the campus cafeteria.

The bottom line with part-time jobs is that you need to do your research beforehand without letting any opportunity slip away.

5. Student grants

There are also some student grants available for students to apply for that can help with tuition or living expenses. These could be either merit-based, need-based, or a combination of both.

The first step in applying for these grants is to fill out the form and see if you’re eligible. You’ll know that you are once your financial aid award letter arrives with a list of scholarships, loans, or other types of student-aid available to you. This can take some time, so it’s important not to wait until the last minute.


Financing your education in 2021 is easy. With different ways available, it’s a good idea to get started early and figure out which one is best for you. To do this, we recommend researching scholarship opportunities and what other types of financial aid may be offered to you.

6 Things You Need to Rock Your Next Interview

Changing jobs to advance your career or getting your first professional job after college can leave people overwhelmed with anxiety. There are so many things to consider in the process, it’s hard to know where to start. If you’ve been holed up in your house working remotely for the past year and a half, the added stress can make the thought of change even more unbearable. The good thing is that you can walk into your next interview with confidence when you do these things.

Professional Resume

Spruce up your resume. Those Microsoft Office templates might provide a good start, but if you really want to stand out in a sea of applicants, have a professional resume writer offer you suggestions to improve. You’d be surprised at the difference they can make. It’s not just about putting information on paper, it’s about the look and feel of the resume as well. For people in creative industries, the layout can make or break your chances of even getting invited for an interview.

Along with your professional resume, a good cover letter tailored to the job you’re applying for is critical. No “Dear Sir or Madam” greetings will do. Take the time to research the company and the names of the people who you want to get in front of. It’s not as hard as you think to find out who the HR director or Marketing VP is at a company. A good resume and cover letter will set you up for success once you get the interview.

LinkedIn Profile

A lot of companies do some sleuthing online to learn more about potential candidates. A professional photo and complete LinkedIn profile is a great way to stand out. Leverage this powerful social media tool to network, connect with thought leaders, and others in your industry. Share valuable content on occasion to help you stand out when recruiters come looking. With a good first impression online, you’ll be able to rock your interview.


Human resources professionals don’t pick the worst candidates, they choose the best. Wear confidence that you were one of the best of all the applicants. You don’t need to feel self-conscious, you can walk with confidence that you have the skills they need and you are one of the best options. Too many professionals think they might not be good enough for a role, but the truth is, if you were selected to interview, you passed the first test.


Unfortunately, what you wear matters. You can be the most brilliant mind, but if you walk into an interview looking sloppy and dirty, it’s unlikely you’ll get the job. Wear something stylish but subdued. You don’t want to be distracting, but there is no need to wear outdated pant suits when you can wear a pair of cute bottoms with a simple button-up shirt. Use accessories sparingly, but don’t feel like what you wear must be devoid of fashion.


Learn about the company you want to work for. There is no reason you need to walk into a company blind. You can find out gross revenue for the previous year, read annual reports, and check out their social media profiles to discover their voice. Interviews are as much for you as they are for them. Be prepared with good questions about company culture, corporate policies, and job-related questions.

Find out about how they approach advancement, bonuses, and other career building opportunities. You’ll want to discover how supportive they are of further education and families. What is their take on work/life balance? All of these are important ways you can prepare for your interview.

For the technical interviews, you may also experience tests like brainteasers and IQ tests.  You can test you Edgar Allan Poe knowledge here with this fun quiz.

Don’t Share Too Many Personal Details

Your interviewer doesn’t need to know that you were out late drinking last night or any of your personal financial problems. It’s important to keep your interview focused and professional. If they try to dig in to anything that’s outside the scope of the job interview, it’s up to you to redirect the conversation. An interview should be a back and forth, give and take between the parties. But it should not be a juicy tell-all. Hold back on anything related to home, family, or personal life. You don’t want to give the impression that you aren’t planning to be committed to the job. 

How to Make Safety an Integral Part of your Outdoor Cooking Experience

Outdoor cooking has become a fresh idea again. Lots of restaurants have had to move their dining facilities outside to accommodate COVID concerns. Many restaurants have been discovering the joys and headaches of serving people outside. It is easy to do on a nice day. Add cold and rain into the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster. The solution is expensive. Big restaurants have adopted tent-like structures with integrated heating. The entire system still has to have access to open air for safety. But the heaters have to run hot and constantly to fight the chill of the air. It is not without a hint of danger.

The threat of fire is real and present. Do you know what to do if your building catches fire? What about the outdoor space where you are cooking or eating? Fire safety is one of the big reasons why smaller restaurants are having a hard time setting up appropriate facilities. When you add outdoor cooking to the mix, you have a situation that is even more fraught. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. It just means that you have to do it with safety built into the process. Here are a few things to consider:

Safe Equipment

When setting up your U shaped outdoor kitchen, the first detail you should consider is the components of that kitchen. Will you be using a gas, charcoal, or electric grill? You have to be as concerned about fire with an outdoor setup as you do an inside setup. Some people just love the ritual that involves charcoal, lighter fluid, and a long match to get it all started. Others find a gas grill much safer, and something with an electric start even more safe. The key is to start with safety and figure out flavor later. You can always make food more flavorful. Adding safety after the fact is a lot harder.

The physical arrangement of the kitchen might also contribute to safety. A cramped space is likely going to be less safe than a larger space where there is room to spread out. A larger space will also make it safer for more than one person to be in the kitchen at the same time. When too many people are in too small of a space, accidents happen. To reduce the chances of fire, start with quality equipment chosen for the setting in which it will be used.

Safety Gear

A lot of people have a fire extinguisher inside the house. But do you have one outside as well? If you have an outside fire that blocks your entry to the house, you are in trouble. This is one of the most important safety tips that people forget when it comes to outdoor cooking. 

A lot of outdoor fires start because people don’t build campfires the right way. But even those fires could be stopped before they become news with the simple expediency of having a fire extinguisher near to hand. When cooking outdoors, your fire extinguisher needs to always be near to hand. You should not consider it safe to start the heat until you have the fire extinguisher nearby. 


Cooking outdoors means giving insects more access to you and your food. Some insects carry disease. Some cause allergic reactions. And you never want to accidentally bite into one. That is the kind of thing that can easily put you off your lunch. 

While nothing will completely eliminate pests, you should have your pest control service spray outside. They have chemicals that can greatly reduce pests. You can also use bug zappers and those torches that have insect repellent in them. These measures can help. What you don’t want to do is use any type of aerosol around your cooking area. It might kill the bugs. But it will also ruin your food and endanger your guests. It might seem like a small problem. But for a mostly insect-free outdoor cooking and dining experience, you should call in the professionals. It doesn’t cost as much as you think, and will help more than you think.

To enjoy your outdoor cooking experiences, start with safety. Only use quality products installed by professionals. Keep the fire extinguisher near to hand. And let the professionals deal with the insects before you set up your kitchen. 


Here’s How to Use Giveaway Bottled Water to Promote your Brand

Whether it’s for your conference, launch, or a daily on-site promo, supplying people with customized bottled water is a great way to boost your brand. Giveaway items are a super way for guests to remember you, but a gift like water goes a step further: it promotes your values and shows you care about your customers’ health.

But how do you give out bottled water in an effective way? Here’s a complete guide on how to make this strategy work for your business.

How Does the Promotional Bottled Water Giveaway Work?

Giving customized, promotional bottled water to your guests is quite simple. The idea is to hand out water bottles with your own branding rather than corporate labels.

But won’t people throw them away when they’re done using them?

Not if you invest in aluminum bottles they can reuse and take wherever they go. This makes your giveaway much more memorable and usable long-term.

To create this giveaway, you usually have to customize your own labels or aluminum bottles through a professional service, which give you full creative control. For example, lets you choose the material of your bottles, like recyclable plastic, glass, or aluminum.

You should include items on your bottle label such as:

  • Your logo, branding, company colors
  • Company name and or slogan
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Website

How to Present Your Giveaway

1. Reception Area Promo

Offering free water at reception is a lovely way to make guests feel comfortable. You will remind customers of your branding throughout the day and much longer if you go with aluminum.

Ask your receptionist to offer water to anyone who comes by.

2. In Meetings

Having water readily available helps people for more comfortable in board meetings, presentations, conferences, or team-building events. It is a small touch that goes a long way to creating a good impression.

3. At Charity Walks/Runs/Golf Days etc.

Whether your company is hosting, collaborating on, or participating in a charity day, handing out branded water to participants is a great way to gain visibility. You can have them at the finish line and/or at hydration stations.

By having employees get involved, your team will interact with the local community and establish new relationships.

4. In Swag or Tote Bags

Everyone loves getting a bag of goodies to take home after a conference, launch, or any event, really! If you are collaborating with other companies, tell them you’ll supply the water with your branding.

Make sure to have your branding on the swag bag itself and the other items in it if it’s an in-house affair.

5. At Markets or Trade Shows

Wherever you go to showcase your company, take your promotional water along. Chatting with all the traders and looking at what they offer is draining work. Visitors to your stall will be grateful to get that free bottle of water when they really needed it.

Make sure the water is clearly visible at your stand to draw people in.

6. Sponsorships

If your company doesn’t sponsor any local school programs and sporting, arts, literacy, or theater clubs, consider doing so immediately. It’s a wonderful way to give back to the people who support your business and reach new potential customers. As part of your sponsorship of projects and events, you can include promotional water. Parents will respect you for being a part of these youth development programs and are bound to support you in return.

7. Community Events

There’s always something going on in a thriving community — craft fairs, ladies high teas, sporting days, you name it. Having a stall handing out water alongside company pamphlets is another way to connect with your community and get your name out there. It’s also loads of fun to be a part of these community gatherings!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, handing out bottled water to employees, clients, and community members shows your company cares. It’s an effective way to market your company and thereby generate more business leads. So next time you’re considering buttons or pens, try your hand at designing water bottles instead!

Forrest Walker Conner: Choosing the Right College Major

Everyone finds their purpose in different ways and at different times in their lives. Some instinctively know what they are called to do at a young age and plan their whole academic career around that. Others test out various things to discover their passion and talents.

Picking your college major is a big decision, and, frankly, some heading to college aren’t certain of which direction to go. Nashville rising businessman Forrest Walker Conner said it was a trip in the summer after his eighth-grade year at Montgomery Bell Academy that set him on his path. 

A Program That Changed His Life

That was the summer Forrest Walker Conner studied Lithuania and the Baltic countries during World War II. The fortitude of these smaller countries to remain free impressed Forrest Walker Conner and prompted him to participate in any exchange program available. 

His family hosted German and Lithuanian students, and Walker traveled to Australia to study in between his junior and senior years in high school. After high school, Forrest Walker’s travels and experiences led him to enroll in University of the South, Sewanee.

Picking a Major in College

A rising junior, Forrest Conner is majoring in economics and minoring in business. Forrest Walker is also a paid intern in Washington, D.C., while participating in an economic and public policy program called the Fund for American Studies.

He said the toughest decision of his college career was picking a major. 

“I know it doesn’t sound like that crucial of a choice,” Forrest Walker Conner said, “however, understanding that it will affect my life further down the road definitely adds more pressure to the decision.”

Learning from Experiences

Forrest Walker said he enjoys new places, people, and experiences, which led to many opportunities. He pays attention to relationships and listens to mentors. He said he tries to learn from every experience. All of that has helped him come to decisions about his major. 

Those who are having trouble deciding which major is the right one can do some of the things Forrest Conner did to help you decide. 

Forrest Walker Conner participated in extracurricular study programs, like the one in the Baltic States, which piqued his interest in foreign countries, the economy, and freedom.

He also started seeking out foreign exchange programs to learn more about the world, which ultimately led him to the nation’s capital. Learning about different topics can put you in a direction that you wouldn’t have expected. 

Expand Social Circles

Forrest Walker Conner also expanded his circle of relationships. That can be beneficial in multiple ways because, as he stated, it opens up opportunities. More opportunities mean you could find something you really enjoy that you hadn’t pursued before. 

Most of all, he listened to those he respected. Forrest Walker Conner said that included family, friends, teachers, those at church.

Forrest Walker said he knows he still has much to learn and is eager to continue learning both in the classroom and in life. 

Find Your Interests

Those who are having a challenging time deciding what interests them should take an interest inventory test. This is offered through guidance counselors’ offices, and some are even online. 

Answering simple and fun questions can clue you in on parts of personality you haven’t thought about before. After calculating your answers, the inventory test will list several possible jobs that you may have the skills and interest in pursuing. 

It doesn’t hurt to do some part-time or temporary work or even volunteer in different industries to see if you’re a fit for that job. You can earn some money, gain some skills, meet new people who can help you advance your career, and find out if you truly like a job before you pursue it as a career.

That is what Forrest Walker Conner is doing in participating in a paid internship. He said he is learning that public policy and business often work together, and the experience is teaching him how government policies affect the economy and business environments.

Take on Challenges

He advises young people to try as many new things as possible, even if it appears to be challenging.

Forrest Walker said trying new things may seem intimidating, but they can be some of the best experiences of your life.

He said the more you challenge yourself, the less scary things become. Then you can face the next challenge with confidence. 

“Then before you know it, there isn’t much that will intimidate you anymore,” Forrest Walker said.

Picking a college major doesn’t have to happen the moment you hit the college doors.

You can take some basic courses while you think about it. Just don’t put it off. Search different avenues and make the most of every opportunity so you can move ahead when you figure out which major you want to pursue.

Favorite Techniques for Action Loving Traders

Some people love the chase and the non-stop action of the daily securities markets. Whether it’s stocks, options, futures, commodities, forex, or precious metals, there’s something about non-stop price movement that gets the adrenaline pumping for certain kinds of investors. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for those who want to be in the thick of things, making dozens of trades per session and always having a fresh one in view. If fast-paced buying and selling is your cup of tea, here is a short summary of four ways that you can get involved. The best part is that you won’t need to put a ton of money on the line, nor does it take months of intense study to learn how to use any of the techniques.

Precious Metals Scalping

Precious metals scalping is not for everyone, but those who like fast price action and the chance to make a daily income from speed-based transactions love nothing more. Unlike day trading, precious metals scalping only involves the four precious metals, gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Additionally, the size of each trade tends to be larger than a standard day trade, and lasts for much less time.

Day Trading

Day traders make multiple round trips (a purchase and associated sale) per session and don’t hold positions overnight. That’s the basic definition of the strategy that many people engage in every day of the year. The good news is that learning how to day trade only takes a couple of weeks, and you can get started with a modest amount of capital as soon as you feel ready to go live. If you’re attracted to this kind of activity, remember to seek out a broker that is day trade friendly and offers plenty of educational resources to new account holders. Also, make sure that whoever you end up working with has a simulator available so you can practice quick order placement for a couple weeks before putting real money on the line.


Stock options have long been a favorite among people who like to balance higher-risk investing with high potential rewards. Options contracts are complex instruments and there are unlimited mathematical strategies for setting up positions. However, sticking to simple vanilla options, contracts that give you the right to buy 100 shares of the underlying stock, can be the best way to get started in this fast-paced niche where prices often change rapidly.

Commodities Futures

Buying futures contracts on commodities is a favorite strategy for investors who like to take part in active markets. Prices change quickly on individuals’ commodities, which is why so many who follow this approach diversify their holdings among five or more assets at a time, like cotton, oil, copper, and wheat (just to name a few of the most frequently traded commodity’s futures). There are mini contracts for most of the major categories, so don’t expect to have to put thousands of dollars on the line to get started. Additionally, futures brokers usually offer high leverage to traders and the markets are very liquid.


Looking to treat your students to a field trip in Branson, Missouri? Nothing rewards great effort and builds morale while also providing an educational experience quite like a field trip.

Whether your school is located right in Taney County or whether you’re looking to travel to Branson from elsewhere, there are plenty of exciting activities to enjoy in the Branson area. Here are eight top field trip ideas your students will love!

1. Visit the Titanic Museum Branson

The tragic sinking of the Titanic holds an important place in world history. To reinforce their knowledge of the event, consider taking your students on a trip to the Titanic Museum Branson.

Here, they will be able to explore a life-size recreation of the famous vessel. The museum is filled with all sorts of authentic artifacts that have been recovered from the ship, as well as stories and exhibits that provide greater context for the incident and the events leading up to it.

As the museum offers self-guided tours, students can work through the information at their own pace. Staff members are also scattered throughout the facility to fill in knowledge gaps and answer questions as needed!

2. Check out The Butterfly Palace

If you’re currently teaching your students about biology, zoology, or another branch of science, The Butterfly Palace might be the perfect destination for a Branson field trip. This attraction is home to more than 1,000 exotic butterflies, as well as other animals—such as birds, reptiles, and more.

At the Palace’s main exhibit, the Live Butterfly Aviary, your students will not only get to learn about and encounter butterflies of all shapes, sizes, and colors but also have the opportunity to feed them!

When you’ve finished exploring the Aviary, be sure to catch the museum’s 3D video, “Flight of the Butterflies.” Round out your excursion by exploring the Rainforest Science Center. Here, your students will be able to view and pet live amphibians and reptiles!

3. Feed the trout at Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery

The Branson area is home to Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery, which is responsible for producing between 350,000 and 400,000 pounds of trout every year—the majority of which are used to stock Lake Taneycomo.

This 155-acre facility features a free conservation center that has been allocated to the public. Here, your students will be able to view the trout up close, feed them, and learn more about aquatic life.

Fish food can be purchased from the many vending machines located on site—just make sure that you and your students bring plenty of quarters!

4. Spend the day at Silver Dollar City

While it’s true that a productive field trip should have some level of educational value, end-of-year trips are a different story.

To celebrate another successful school year, considering treating your students to a day at Silver Dollar City—a hometown favorite that is filled with thrills, shows, shopping, and food!

This eclectic park has something for every child to enjoy. For the thrill-seeker, Silver Dollar City offers close to 40 rides and attractions. For those who prefer water activities, the park is home to 10 different slides and pools.

What’s more, Silver Dollar City provides shows and live music around the clock. Be sure to check the park’s schedule when planning your trip!

5. See the wildlife at Promised Land Zoo

Give each of your students the chance to see their favorite furry friend in person by taking them to the Promised Land Zoo—a family-owned animal attraction that has been named as one of TripAdvisor’s top 25 zoos in the nation.

This facility spans across 75 acres, giving your students plenty of animal exhibits to explore—from live animal shows to self-guided safari adventures. With VIP admission, your students will even get to take part in exclusive encounters with fishing cats, owls, ring-tailed lemurs, and two-toed sloths!

If you happen to visit during the wintertime, you might even be able to catch Branson’s Let There Be Lights drive-thru adventure—a festive safari filled with animals and an impressive light display.

6. Get creative at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum

If you sense that your students are growing tired of the mundane classroom dynamic, get the creative juices flowing again by visiting the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum in Branson.

This museum offers 8 galleries and over 450 unique artifacts that are sure to not only keep your students engaged and entertained but also challenge their developing minds.

After a field trip filled with art, illusions, and brainteasers, your students will return to the classroom feeling refreshed and eager to learn once again!

7. Take a stroll through Table Rock State Park

While the classroom may provide a great learning environment for children, it’s important that your students also exercise regularly and spend time outdoors. You can promote physical activity, fresh air, and time spent with nature by visiting Table Rock State Park.

This recreational site utilizes every mile of its 356-acre location, offering all types of on-site activities for you and your students to enjoy—whether it’s a challenging hike or bike ride on one of many park trails, a boating adventure across the marina, or an impressive view of the Table Rock Dam.

What’s more, campgrounds and picnic areas are scattered across the park, allowing you to stop for lunch and break up the day’s activities!

8. Explore Talking Rocks Cavern

There is so much natural beauty to discover below the earth’s surface. With a guided cave tour at Talking Rocks Cavern, your students will have the opportunity to explore cave formations, learn more about various rock types, and even mine for precious gems.

After you’ve filled your students’ heads with knowledge about stalagmites and stalactites, wind down by entering a SpeleoBox maze or with a game of mini-golf at Cave Country—the cavern’s very own on-site course.

Before you leave, stop by the cavern’s gift shop, where your students will be able to pick out a rock to commemorate the experience!

What Should You Do If Your Building Is On Fire?

When you’re a college student, you probably share a space in some form or another with other people. This can include being in a dorm or an apartment building. 

While that’s part of the quintessential college experience, it can have downsides. 

For example, you’re at risk because of things other people do. If there’s a fire, it can be out of your control, but there are things you can do to keep yourself safe in this situation. There are also preemptive steps you can take to avoid being someone responsible for a fire in your building. 

The following are things to know about fires in a dorm or apartment, especially if you’re a college student. 

Dorm and Apartment Fire Safety

If you live in a shared space, you want to make sure that you have fire alarms on your floor. If you don’t see them or aren’t sure, talk to the RA or apartment manager. It’s their responsibility to ensure there are working fire alarms on each level of a multi-story building. 

These alarms should also be outside every sleeping area and in every bedroom. 

Talk to the person who’s in charge onsite and figure out when the last battery test was. 

There should also be fire extinguishers available on each level of your apartment and, if applicable, in the kitchen. 

Proactively you also need an escape plan. Think about what your route will be and give yourself different options. 

When you live in a multi-unit residential building of any kind and you’re living close to other people some of the most significant fire risks include:

  • Cooking: Even if you live in a dorm and there aren’t kitchens, other people in your building might be using hotplates, microwaves, electric kettles, or other small appliances. It’s essential that if you are using any of these items, you don’t ever leave them unattended. You need to turn them off as soon as you’re done preparing food. If you live somewhere with a kitchen, be especially careful of grease or oil and keep your clothing and combustible items away from flames. 
  • Heaters: There should be at least three feet of clearance space around heaters. Things like fireplaces aren’t as common in apartment buildings, but if you do have one, you need to make sure you have it professionally cleaned and maintained. 
  • Candles: Probably one of the most significant fire risks, if you’re a college student, are candles. You should never leave a candle unattended, and make sure they’re placed far from things like curtains or anything combustible. Before you go to sleep you should put any candles out, and you might need to check your lease or dorm agreement because they might not be allowed at all. 
  • Smoking: If you’re a college student, never smoke indoors in your dorm or apartment. Not only is it very likely against the rules, but you’re putting yourself and others at risk if there’s a fire. 

A few other fire safety tips include:

  • Use surge protectors for all of your appliances
  • Don’t run cords under rugs
  • Don’t have cords running between rooms
  • Don’t store anythingcombustible

So what should you do if your building is actually on fire?

Never Ignore a Fire Alarm

If you hear a fire alarm, you shouldn’t ignore it. You should get your room or apartment keys and let the people around you know as much as possible. It’s essential to take your keys in case you have to turn around because of any flames in the hallway or smoke, or a blocked entry. You may need to go back into your apartment. 

Begin to act right away, but try to stay calm. If you’re on your bed, roll-off and crawl to the door. Remain low in case there are fumes or smoke.

Check doorknobs before opening them. If there’s heat that you can feel on the doorknob, it can indicate there’s a fire behind the door. 

If there’s an elevator, don’t take it. 

If you can’t leave, stay where you are. This means that your apartment isn’t immediately threatened. You can put wet towels or rags under your doors and cover the vents to prevent smoke from coming in. Call 911, and open a window to wave a brightly colored cloth or towel outside the window. If possible, you might use a flashlight as a signal. 

If you have to escape through smoke, along with staying low, you should close doors behind you. 

If you have a window, don’t break the glass unless you have to because it can draw the smoke in from the outside. 

If you see a small fire somewhere in your building and you’re comfortable doing so, you might be able to use a nearby extinguisher. 

You should not enter a smoke-filled room, even if it doesn’t look like there’s any fire. 

Other key takeaways in the event of any kind of fire include:

  • Activate the fire alarm if that hasn’t already been done
  • Alert people in your direct area
  • Avoid fumes and smoke
  • Try to identify an exit you can access
  • Don’t attempt to go back into a building until you’re told it’s safe. If you’re worried there are pets or other people still inside, notify the first responders. 

When you live in a shared building with other people, it’s so crucial that you’re proactive about fire safety. You might not think about it until it’s too late. It could save your life to know what your escape plan is. 

If you’re on a high floor of a building, you might even invest in an escape ladder. 

There are just so many variables around you when you’re sharing this kind of space with other people, and there are many things out of your control. 

If you have any concerns about fire safety in your building, whether it is a dorm or an apartment, talk to someone who’s in charge about what those are and what you think can be done.