Can You Get a Business Degree in 2 Years?

Earning your business degree can put you on the path toward becoming a manager or running your own company. You may not be interested in an undergraduate degree, but you still want to further your education by attending college and earning at least an associate’s degree. There are some cases in which you can earn a bachelor’s in business in two years, but this would require transferring credits from a previously earned degree into a new program. For people with no past experience, two years of study will allow you to earn an associate’s in business administration or applied business.

How Much Does an Associate’s in Business Cost?

Tuition varies from state to state and college to college, but you’ll find that two-year degree programs are more affordable in terms of both cost and time. This makes them appealing for someone who wants to advance their education without going into serious debt or losing years to rigorous study. An associate’s typically costs half the price of a bachelor’s, so anticipate a total cost of approximately $8,000 to $20,000. There are options for paying for your degree that make it a manageable expense. You can use a student loan payoff calculator to compare private student loan rates and see how much you’d have to pay per month with each before making any final decisions.

Applied Business Associate’s Degree

An AAB degree allows you to choose from a variety of different disciplines to align your education with your career goals. Some of the most common specializations are human relations, financial management, marketing and accounting. You could also pursue an AAB with a focus in paralegal studies if you’re interested in working in law. The benefit of an AAB is that it qualifies you for entry-level work upon graduation and can easily be transferred into a bachelor’s program if you want to earn a four-year degree later.

Associate’s in Business Administration

If you’re more interested in business principles and management skills, then an associate’s degree in business administration could be a good fit for your career path. An ABA introduces students to the fundamentals of business with a strong emphasis on project management and communication skills. Just like an AAB, ABA degrees can be used as a stepping stone toward undergraduate programs either immediately upon graduation or after you’ve begun working.

Why Earn an Associate’s Degree?

The purpose of associate’s degrees is to build hirable skills in a short period of time, making you a worthy candidate for a number of positions or providing you with the knowledge you need to confidently pursue your professional goals. You are able to secure a job in a field you enjoy while earning a salary that allows you to provide for your family and gain financial stability. In today’s highly competitive job market, you need every credential possible to stand out. Earning a two-year degree shows future employers that you’re dedicated to the field and have taken the time necessary to develop the skills it takes to succeed.

College Education Amidst The Pandemic: 5 Ways to Cope Up

Studying in the pre-pandemic times was stressful enough, but the online learning setup has proved to be an additional challenge to millions of students worldwide. The difficulties come with the drastic change of modes of learning; gone are the routinary days spent in actual classrooms with good friends and classmates. Instead, students now spend hours on end in front of their computers, dreading the next class and the upcoming deadlines–all within the same confined space where they do other activities.

Coping Up With College Education Amidst The Pandemic

There’s no denying it–online learning is very stressful. With the ongoing global pandemic, it seems like college courses online will continue to be the best way for education to proceed. 

How can one cope with such drastic and occurring change? Take a look at the list below:


  • Stay Organized


Nothing beats someone who can maintain control. Being organized is all about keeping things in order. Taking charge of your life, especially now that instructions and learning are done remotely, is one of the crucial adjustments students have to make. 

However, being organized doesn’t always have to mean being over the top. It can be as simple as taking meticulous notes of each task and deadlines per class. Designating a portion of your study desk for important papers and files goes a long way, too. 

Since almost everything’s virtual and digital now, it’s also efficient to utilize free cloud storage services, like Google Drive, where documents can be directly saved and accessed in neat digital files.

The key is constructing a system of doing things that best serve you. Keep it tidy, simple, and easy to work through.


  • Never Chase The Deadline


Deadlines are notorious for putting students to high levels of stress. Chasing deadlines amidst the pandemic is another thing. Procrastinating until a project is nearly due is the typical cause of cramming. It can also be due to poor time management skills and other unique factors.

Still, it can be largely avoided if one immediately proceeds to do the task given. Whether it’s because you’re a perfectionist or procrastinator (or both,) it doesn’t matter. To stay ahead of deadlines, you have to do things now rather than later.

Never mind the need to get things right the first time. As the saying goes, you can never work with a blank page. Aim to do your task in realistic and efficient increments. Setting personal deadlines a few days before the actual deadline allows you to have more time to rework, edit, polish, and sit with your project or paper. This is a foolproof way to reduce stress and anxieties caused by overwhelming deadlines.


  • Break Sweat, Not Tears


Students in the time of the pandemic are prone to a sedentary lifestyle. This means little to no physical activity measured by the time spent sitting or lying down. This comes in the form of watching television, playing video games, spending a significant amount of time in front of a computer screen and scrolling through social media for hours. Such a lifestyle comes with preventable health risks. 

However, it’s not merely about keeping your physical health in check. Exercising also promotes a recreational way to destress. Breaking sweat after spending idle hours working on assignments balances your overall physical and mental state.

Take note to sleep right, look after your nutrition, and check your eating habits, too.


  • Set Clear Boundaries


It’s easy to get overwhelmed these days. Ever since the pandemic, almost all activities have taken place online–from attending Zoom classes to catching up with friends, the virtual world feels immediate, instant, boundless, and repetitive. This adds to the stress and anxiety experienced by a lot of people, most of all, students.

That being said, it’s best to set clear boundaries. Identify a time within the day where you should stop checking your emails and messages. Know when things get overwhelming for you and learn to say no. Take the weekends off as strictly for rest and leisure. Set rules and stick by them, and assert your need for time and space to maintain balance in your life.


  • Extend Kindness


Just like yourself, everyone’s going through a lot of things as they deal with the same impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the world. People cope in different ways; some take more time, others even more so.

Attending classes and collaborating with people for projects all require an awareness of each other’s unique situations. Understanding how difficult it can get is humbling. This is because it brings empathy to the table and allows you to connect better with other people. 

What makes things easier is kindness. Build support networks, get in touch with friends, be patient with teachers and technology, and reach out to others who might need help. 

Final Words: Online Learning Is Possible

Even with the present challenges posed by the pandemic, fruitful learning can still happen. The best way to cope with difficult situations and unique circumstances is to find ways to work with what you have. Taking control of things, setting priorities, and extending yourself to others requires a positive mindset geared towards remaining steadfast and resilient. 

As with everything else, college education amidst the pandemic takes will, effort, and patience to arrive at good outcomes.

How To Find Journals And Training Materials For Lab Workers

Laboratories are facilities typically adjunct to hospitals and clinics. But they can be stand-alone amenities, in some instances. Whatever the setup, laboratory workers are your go-to when your physician needs to have your body checked and analyzed to confirm a diagnosis. Like any other healthcare worker, the nature of a lab employee’s job exposes them to potentially dangerous and disease-causing pathogens. 

Despite the dangers, there are about 338,000 clinical laboratory workers in the United States as of 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). These medical staffs are considered frontline workers and have a crucial responsibility to perform tests accurately.  

What Makes A Good Lab Worker? 

Anyone who wants to start a career in the healthcare sector can do so after getting a bachelor’s degree in the medical-related course. Lab workers are often graduates of a medical technology and biology course. Meanwhile, clinical laboratory technicians typically complete an associate’s degree program for two years.   

States impose diverse requirements for lab workers, depending on the staff’s field. Most require certification and a license, though. For this particular occupation, clinical and laboratory experience are crucial. A lab employee must be good at practicing lab skills, lab management, and perform safety procedures.   


  • Technology-friendly:  To be a good laboratory technologist, one has to be adept at using machines, given that most medical equipment these days use advanced technologies. Information systems care is widely used to help in the decision-making process, being that it promotes collaboration with the other seasoned staff, provides the latest information, and facilitates better interpretation of results, among others.    
  • Detail-oriented: Lab workers also need to be detail-oriented to perform tests flawlessly. When it comes to staying safe and getting an accurate reading, a lab worker should follow all procedures diligently. Cutting corners should never be an option.   
  • Agile: Possessing great hand-and-eye coordination is the main skill for laboratory workers, being that they need to ensure that they don’t get pricked with needles—one of the main causes of pathogen contamination— or take time to adjust laboratory instruments.    
  • Resourceful: Apart from exposure to heightened risks of infection, working inside the laboratory has its accompanying challenges. Lab personnel should be able to find a way to work around these problems. 

Someone who gathers and analyzes body fluids like blood, vomit, saliva, and other bodily fluids is highly hazardous because it can carry disease-carrying pathogens. These organisms, particularly viruses, can mutate easily; a lab worker should be aware of the latest risks posed by these pathogens. Training, written journals, and other online resources can all help you become a better healthcare worker.  

Finding Journals And Training Materials 

Before actually setting foot inside the laboratory and peering into the microscope as a lab worker, you’re required to attend basic training courses such as Laboratory Safety Training and Bloodborne Pathogens Training. The training should be conducted annually to healthcare workers, lab personnel, included.  

If you want to find out about the basic training courses, and possibly the materials included in the lecture, check out the following sources.


  • From Your Lab Supervisor 


Your lab supervisor is an important resource for how things are done in the workplace. More importantly, they should be able to train you to become a better employee by enabling you to improve your skillset. 

There are basic trainings that all laboratory workers are mandated to take, as earlier mentioned. As a fresh lab worker, you should be able to take them or ask your supervisor for a training slot. The human resources department should also be supportive of you taking these trainings not only to improve your craft but in taking on other duties, as well – if that’s the route you want to take.       


  • Government Health Agency Sites 
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  


This is the leading public health organization in the United States. It has been the most active in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. But make no mistake, as this agency is also taking charge of other issues including violence, environmental health, workplace safety, chronic and infectious diseases, among other health subjects. 

CDC’s site allows a medical practitioner to search for training for a specific field and to acquire continuing education training, as well. 

For lab workers, the CDC has specific training for: 

  • Biological safety in a virtual laboratory, which uses virtual reality technologies 
  • Information systems such as laboratory information management system  
  • New testing procedures and validation processes
  • Laboratory safety protocol in detecting potential biothreats even while in a safe environment
  • Basics of personal protective equipment 
  • Laboratory informatics that focuses on data analysis
  • Information about specific biohazards including Bacillus anthracis or the dreaded anthrax
  • Molecular biology that’s divided into several modules –all focusing on laboratory safety and procedures    
  • Fundamentals of microscopy, microbiology, and biochemicals 



  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)


The National Institutes of Health is run by the US Department of Health and Human Services. It’s an organization that seeks to enhance the quality of life and extend the lifespan of individuals by performing advanced biomedical researches aimed at minimizing illness and disability.   

As such, the leading health entity has a wealth of resources for research and training, whether performed inside and outside of the NIH. You can start by clicking their page. The agency also operates a laboratory, where lab workers are regularly trained on lab safety, bloodborne pathogens, biological safety, among other lectures. These instructions are done both online and in person.    

Resources For Boosting Laboratory Techniques

Apart from internal training, students and newly-hired lab workers can benefit from external and often free training resources. Online simulations are often used to complement readings about multiple laboratory safety protocols. You can even review what you’ve learned in school by checking out basic topics about chemistry, math, and biology. 

Check the sites of the following entities for more online training, and additional reading materials:       

  • Educational institutions 
  • Private medical organizations 
  • Virtual laboratories run by different firms 
  • Chemistry simulations 
  • Microscopy simulations 
  • Phone apps 
  • Textbooks 



  • Online Scientific Journals


Scientific journals are one of the most comprehensive and credible sources you can refer to for researches and discoveries. The good thing about these sources of information is that they’re typically reviewed and checked by specialists and scholars from multiple fields.    

Despite being wide-ranging, scientific publications may be specialized and publish only subjects hinged on a specific field.    

What Makes Them Reliable?

These types of resources don’t just publish research papers right away like you would in your social media account. Science journals are always checked for the veracity of their claims to ensure that only high-quality papers get through and are posted on the site. Journals may come in the form of an article, review paper, research article, case study, opinion from an esteemed expert from the field, among other forms.  

These papers undergo a meticulous peer-review procedure and proper copyright crediting to avoid problems down the road. 

How Is It Done?

Scientific journals aim to solve a ‘problem’ in a form of a question. Before coming up with the results or findings, the author has to choose how to approach the question and explain the methods used to arrive at a specific conclusion – including how the data was interpreted and analyzed.    

When the paper is presented, it has to be checked by scientists –either the author’s peers or someone who’s already an expert in the field. These reviewers check the merits of the research before giving the go signal for publication. Often, the reviewer doesn’t know the name of the author, just so they can focus on the quality of the research.  

How To Spot Peer-reviewed Journals  

Peer-reviewed sources are known by many names; they can be referred to as scholarly or refereed journals. The process is hinged on the principle that two (or more) heads are better than one.   

While articles are often written by experts or field practitioners, another expert may have findings that support, complement, or sometimes, put into question the results and conclusion raised by the author(s). Reviewers serve as the gatekeepers; checking the quality and veracity of the scientific document before its publication.   

If you want to ensure that you’re only getting validated sources online, do the following:     

  • Use The Filter Function

Check the site for filtered searches. Some sites allow users to choose the results based on their preferences—from the topics to looking for keywords like ‘advanced search.’ These features, unfortunately, aren’t present in all of the sites, though.  


  • Use A Database That Can Do The Job


If the site doesn’t allow you to filter your search settings, you can use the online database from where the journal was published. To do this, choose the database, click ‘publications’ or whichever button gives you access to the site’s actual database. Type in the name of the journal and click ‘browse’ or ‘enter.’ Doing this takes you to the full information about the article in question. You can check if your journal is peer-reviewed typically by looking at either the top or the bottom part of the list.    


  • Check The Paper 


For printed journals, it’s quite easier, as papers often have indications in text print or in symbols when the article is peer-reviewed.   

You can check the section that carries the name of the publication or magazine. Often, it also carries additional information such as the publisher’s name, the editors, and the place of publication, among other bits of information. The editors are often the main reviewers of the scientific articles. Sometimes, the expert reviewer’s name is cited below the title or at the bottom part of the article.          

You can also check whether the article follows the typical format which includes the following: 

  • Abstract
  • Literature review
  • Methodology  
  • Findings
  • Conclusion 
  • References and footnotes

The Bottom Line        

The healthcare sector is constantly evolving along with the technologies humans use to detect, manage and prevent diseases. At the same time, there are so many things that we don’t know about how the human body works, more so, the existing and emerging biological threats.

Like any other health worker, a laboratory staff has to continue learning using multiple training and reference sources. Finding out how you can access these resources is essential in keeping your skills and knowledge as a lab worker up to date.      

The Pros and Cons of Having a Short-Term Loan as a Student

One of the biggest challenges most students face today is balancing between finances and studies. If you are enrolled in a college or planning to do so, you must not only be focused on your studies but have to find a source of income to cater for your tuition fees, accommodation, and other essentials. For many students, they may not have a reliable source of income and that’s where a loan over short time comes in handy.

It’s very common for students to take short-term loans. So, if you are considering applying for one, know that you are not alone. In most colleges, especially if you are studying a competitive course, the tuition fees can be quite high. And even if you do receive a formal student loan, it may not be enough to pay for significant expenses such as rent or purchase of equipment for school projects.

During such instances, a short-term loan can provide you with fast cash. For students, a short-term loan offers many advantages, but it also has its drawbacks. Before applying for a loan, you must weigh the pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision.

The Pros

  1. Students with short term loans can afford college

Making ends meet as a student is not easy. However, short-term loans can be of immense help whenever you are in a fix. Are you late on paying your monthly rent? Do you still have some tuition balance to clear and the semester is almost over? Thanks to short-term loans, you can afford to be in college.

Whenever you meet a mandatory expense that you can’t afford at the moment. You can rely on short-term loans to help you cover that expense and you can continue with your studies. As a student, it is crucial that you identify needs worth taking a loan for. Do not take a short-term loan to pay for minor expenses such as food or transport. You can work part-time and use that money for such expenses.

  1. You can study, not only in every university but in your dream university

Even though the courses offered in every university are the same, some universities have more credibility than others. When you study in a recognized college, this can really pay off later when you are seeking employment. Because most companies will consider your application.

If you are planning on studying a certain course, your dream university isn’t only well-known, but it’s probably ranked as amongst the ones that produce the best students in your field of interest. The problem with the so-called dream universities is that they have higher tuition fees than their average counterparts.

As a student, you may have money for ordinary colleges. But with a short-term loan, you can top up the extra money and be able to afford not just every university, but your dream university. As a result, you can accomplish your dream of studying what you want in your preferred university.

  1. You will pay the loan faster and any revenue generated after graduating will go directly into your pockets

This is one advantage that you can’t get from student loans and long-term loans. Short-term loans usually have a repayment period of one or two years. With such a short repayment duration, in the future, you won’t be burdened by loans you took when you were studying. All the salary you will be getting from your job will go directly into your pockets. And this will give you a lot of financial freedom, which most people do not have nowadays.

The Cons

  1. Short term loans can be expensive

The short repayment duration associated with this type of loan can be a blessing and a curse. As a blessing, we talked about how you can pay it faster and enjoy all revenue generated after graduation. It can also be a curse because the more you take, the more premiums you will have to pay in a short time.

With short-term loans, never bite more than you can chew. If you take a loan that you can’t afford, the monthly premiums will be very expensive for you to pay off. Considering that you are still a student and have expenses to pay for, adding expensive monthly loan repayments can drastically affect your financial life.

  1. Defaulting on your student loans can tank your credit score

If you pay off your short-term loan in time, your credit score will benefit the most as it will increase significantly. However, if you default, you will lower your credit score. And graduating with a bad credit score isn’t a good way to start life as an adult.

Life after college isn’t always a smooth ride, and you may need to get some financial aid from time to time. A bad credit score exposes you to abnormal interest rates and strict borrowing terms. A word of advice, before taking a short-term loan as a student, evaluate your ability to repay the loan in time.

  1. You will have to work while studying

To help with paying off your short-term loan, you must get a part-time job. Even though this is something most students usually do, in the case of one with a loan to pay, it is mandatory that they earn as much money as they can. So that they can repay their loan in time.

Please note that being a working student isn’t easy. You will have to balance between work and studies. At times, you may have a double shift in the evening and have classes or assignments that need to be done. You, therefore, need to be disciplined.

The Bottom Line

For many students, short-term loans can offer financial relief in situations when they need money for tuition, accommodation, or other school-related projects. However, they also have certain risks. If you are a student considering taking a short-term loan, you need to be aware of the pros and cons so that you can decide on the right course of action.

Mailchimp vs EngageBay vs HubSpot Which software tool is good for small business?

You can use email marketing to communicate with leads, nurture customer relationships, and generate new sales. If you’re looking for an email marketing platform for your small business or start-up, you’ve probably reduced your choices down to three: HubSpot vs Mailchimp vs EngageBay. You’re having difficulty deciding which platform is best for you. What kind of Mailchimp campaign can you create with their platform? How much does Engage Bay cost? We’ll help you to find a leader in the duel around Mailchimp vs. ActiveCampaign vs. EngageBay in this post. To do so, we’ll go through the features, cost, and advantages and disadvantages of each of these three email marketing platforms. Analyze their features to identify which product is best appropriate to your business requirements. In general, any business software should allow you to see the big picture while still allowing quick access to the details.


EngageBay is the first in our comparison between Mailchimp vs HubSpot vs EngageBay. Engagebay is a software service that enables its customers an all-in-one marketplace that includes sales & marketing, CRM, and customer service tools. Despite being formed in 2017 and having a slew of strong competitors, EngageBay has carved out a niche for itself. When other firms limited their CRM services to big companies. Engagebay was giving a great bargain on CRM for small businesses and start-ups. Engagebay is a cost-effective, easy-to-use, easy-to-implement platform with numerous integration options and an automated nature. 


Engagebay offers four different packages.

  • Version that is freely available
  • 1000 contacts and 1000 branded emails would be sent to users.
  • Basic Version
  • The basic version charges 8.99 dollars per month per user.
  • Customers will receive ten thousand branded emails and fifteen thousand contacts.
  • For all of your questions and onboarding requirements, there will be a customer support team.
  • Growth Version
  • The monthly cost of the expansion version is $29.99 USD per user.
  • This program contains 50000 contacts and 25000 branded emails.
  • For your onboarding and inquiries, we have a dedicated customer support team.
  • Pro Edition
  • The Pro version costs 47.99 USD per month per user.
  • This plan includes 50000 branded emails and limitless contacts.


  • It’s simple to use, implement, and integrate!
  • When we ask for an update, they are quite prompt. Very quick to respond. A really nice group of people. It’s simple to use.


  • Even though they are always glad and prompt to help, the training manuals could be better. Some of my concerns are general and should have been covered in a manual/video.
  • It isn’t exactly a drawback, but it would be better if they added more CRM tools. We won’t have to use any extra CRM software as a consequence of this.


Mailchimp was just rated #8 on G2’s global list of the Best Software Companies of 2020. It provides a perfect marketing platform for small businesses, with everything from CRM functionality to tagging and segmentation, predictive demography, and more. For customer signups or introducing new products, the platform also includes a form builder, websites, and landing pages. You receive the powerful capabilities you want and need with less hassle with Mailchimp than with alternative marketing systems. You’ll be capable of transforming insights into action because you’ll be able to store all of your audience data in the same place you execute all of your marketing.


In EngageBay vs Hubspot vs MailChimp, it’s important to note that MailChimp is one of the oldest and most reliable names in CRM and automation. You can manage up to 1000 contacts for free on this platform before starting to pay depending on the quantity of subscribers you add to your list. The cost can then be hiked to $10 or $25. The greatest feature about this platform is that its templates are simple to use, and the framework itself allows you to customize your operations to your specific requirements.


  • The “free forever” plan is indeed a generous (but feature-limited) solution.
  • The editor is easy to use, and creating campaigns is a pleasure.
  • There are several integrations, guaranteeing that there is something for everyone.


  • Paid plans are cost prohibitive (especially if you have a large email list and need advanced features)
  • Marketing automations aren’t as feature-rich or consumer friendly as other solutions.
  • Pre-built automation processes are available at reasonable libraries.


HubSpot is a sales and marketing marketplace wherein different types of clients assemble. Customer relationship management (CRM), lead management, tracking, categorization, and seamless sales closing are all included. As the name implies, it is a location where all marketing departments come together in one place to improve productivity. It provides a variety of products to its customers, with the primary goal of consolidating all types of inbound marketing and sales for peak effectiveness. In the year 2006, Brian Halligan, an American software developer, and Dharmesh Shah co-founded the company.


  • HubSpot CRM is a free service.
  • HubSpot CMS Hub – $300/mo for Pro, $900/mo for Enterprise
  • HubSpot Marketing Hub is available for free, with a Starter plan costing $45 per month, a Pro plan costing $800 per month, and an Enterprise plan costing $3,200 per month.
  • HubSpot Sales Hub is available for free, with a Starter plan costing $45 per month, a Pro plan costing $450 per month, and an Enterprise plan costing $1,200 per month.
  • HubSpot Service Hub is available for free, with a Starter plan costing $45 per month, a Pro plan costing $360 per month, and an Enterprise plan costing $1,200 per month.


  • HubSpot is a high-priced choice.
  • HubSpot has an onboarding charge.
  • To join up with HubSpot, the consumer must go through an annual commitment process.


  • While HubSpot’s content staging tool lets you redesign and relaunch your website in a sandbox development environment, it’s only for website pages and landing pages.

HubSpot’s tags are universal, which means they’ll function on any blog. This is excellent if you only have one blog in one language; but, if you have two, three, or even four blogs (all covering various topics), the tags would not translate well (unless they are proper nouns).

How to Become a School Psychologist

A school psychologist is an invaluable asset to any institution that wants a safe and healthy environment for its students and their future. The increase in anxiety and depression rates among children makes it crucial to create systems where qualified professionals assist those who need help. Here’s everything the role entails, including psychologist education requirements, and a step-by-step guide.

What is School Psychology?

School psychologists work closely with teachers, administrators, and parents to help students learn skills that will help them in school or life. These professionals encourage students and support a safe learning environment.

School psychologists are knowledgeable about how children learn and how instructors teach.  As such, they can work with students to accentuate their strengths and improve their weaknesses. What’s more, school psychologists may also contribute to reshaping teaching practices for K-12 schools as well.

What does a School Psychologist do?

School psychologists work with students to manage various behavioral, emotional, and academic issues. They also serve on interdisciplinary teams that address the needs of at-risk learners. Besides, some school districts have implemented new mental health programs for their schools in response to increased demand from parents. Many school psychologists work independently or through consulting other professionals, such as teachers.

Steps to Become a School Psychologist

There are four steps to becoming a school psychologist.

Here’s a step-by-step guide.

1. Complete a degree

A degree in psychology could be all you need to pursue this career path. But, if you’re planning on specializing in children from kindergarten through fifth grade, you’ll also need an undergraduate degree in a related field. While it’s not mandatory, a postgraduate study for educational psychologists can enhance your chances of getting a good gig. 

Additionally, the Ed.S (Education Specialist) qualification is a popular choice for students who want to study education. Specifically, it helps those who don’t have enough time or funding to complete their Master’s degree and need an additional credential to be qualified for higher positions requiring two degrees.

2. Obtain State Licensure

What are the requirements in your state?  While every place has slightly different rules, you’ll need at least 60 credit hours of coursework and over 1,200 supervised training hours before getting licensed.  You also have to take an exam, which might vary depending on the state in which you’ll be working.

3. Secure the Job

Aspiring school psychologists should always be looking for work, even before completing their education and supervision.  This helps build a network of fellow professionals who are in similar positions as yourself that may come through with job opportunities when they arise.  There is no one type of environment where these specialists will find themselves working, so you must keep an open mind about the possibilities.

4. Maintain certification

Getting the job is one thing, but maintaining credentials and staying current in the field is another. Foremost, you must ensure that your school psychologist certification is up-to-date by undertaking continuous professional development activities.  Keeping the certification also means meeting various requirements, which vary with the state. Some states require renewal every 2-5 years, while others only set that requirement if your license expires or is revoked due to disciplinary action. 

However, all of them mandate at least one continuing education course within the first five years for new license applicants.  As a school psychologist, you’ll be in tune with the kids and their parents. You must also possess strong diplomatic skills and compassion for those around you. The rewarding part of this position is that you get to help young people become better versions of themselves, implementing change within your community.

8 Best Ways to Combat Procrastination in College

“Just one more episode of the TV show”… “I will work on my essay after a quick walk” … “I will write my lab report a bit later.”

There are dozens of excurses that college and university students tend to use in order to avoid working on their essays, preparing for exams, and so on. Most undergrads wait until the last minute to sit and do homework or turn in an essay or book review. As a result, they end up feeling anxious and ready to give up.

If you feel like it’s time to improve your study habits and strengthen your focus by combating procrastination, we have some useful tips for you to use. You do deserve them.

Get Help

You want good grades but procrastination doesn’t let you get the desired scores in college. If you’re not sure whether or not you can meet the deadline set for this or that project, have a look at services that offer clients to buy an original research paper, and, maybe, one of them can become a real helping hand for you. When you hire professional writing and editing experts to get immediate assistance from, you will have an opportunity to co-work with the best reps of the custom writing industry. Not only will you receive a unique piece of writing, but you will also make sure that your cooperation with online helpers will always remain confidential.

Find a Partner in Crime

Finding a study buddy is a great opportunity to get academic assignments done on time! Your partner should be someone who is interested in academic progress and accomplishing every other paper at hand within the deadline. If you find one, you will be able to hold each other accountable for completing assignments. What is more, finding a study buddy also helps when one of you starts procrastinating. If that’s you, you will always have someone ready to encourage you to keep working.

Make a To-Do List

One of the reasons why students tend to procrastinate is because the workload seems to be pretty overwhelming. Check the list of the assignments that you have to accomplish. Break them up to have bite-size chunks of projects. You will accomplish them one by one. It is important to set a realistic deadline for each and work on them to submit your projects on time. Make sure you focus on one task at a time. If you’re a great procrastinator, don’t try to multitask. If you do so, you’re going to end up feeling even more stressed.

Cut Off Distractions

You won’t get any essay done when you keep checking your Facebook messenger or turning your attention to that new Netflix show. Make sure to assign yourself a certain period of time that you’re going to spend without all distractions. Turn off music, TV, and forget about your friends’ status updates. This time should be used to do as much  work as possible to submit the task at hand on time.

It’s Time to Change Your Environment

The reality is that our productivity may depend on the environment that we choose to study in. If it’s usually too loud in your dorm room, it’s better to visit the on-campus library or some other quiet room in college. At the same time, check some local cafés that you find especially comfortable. Many college students admit that they find it quite inspiring to work in a café with the background noise of coffee machines and people talking all over the place. Choose the place where you find yourself working most efficiently.

Reward Yourself

When you’re done with your essay, or you have successfully prepared for the test, it is important to have a mini-celebration. Make sure to reward yourself for what you have already done (even if it’s just a small part of a complex project). Watch your favorite movie or play some video game – it’s up to you to choose the most suitable rewards.

Address Your Fear

More often than not, procrastination is based on fear. Fear of making mistakes, fear of failure, and even fear of success can be there between you and the project that you have to accomplish. Ensure to address your fear to be able to finally overcome your habit to procrastinate.

Finally, Be Realistic

If you’re a morning person, consider waking up an hour or two earlier in order to start the essay that you have been putting off for a week. It’s recommended to create a schedule and set a time that will work best for you. Stick to the schedule to accomplish your assignments on time.

Combating your habit to procrastinate is not easy. After all, if it was a simple task there would be fewer college and university undergrads engaged in procrastination regularly. It’s no doubt, the urge to turn on the I-will-do-it-tomorrow mode is strong, especially when there are unanswered Instagram messages and new TV shows hooking your attention.

While procrastination is not something that you can always stay away from, once you understand why exactly you procrastinate and how to battle your habit, you will be able to control the situation. When you implement the strategies that we have just discussed, you will find it easier to handle college workload and avoid the anxiety that is usually associated with the inability to submit important tasks on time.

5 Ways Information Systems Aid in Decision Making

Decision-making is an essential factor for any business regardless of its nature. With the dynamic business environment, an added need to be agile and make decisions quickly yet effectively. The development of technology has undoubtedly made multiple businesses conscious of effective management and running seamless day-to-day activities. This article will talk about the emerging markets of Information systems and the essential factors that help a company realize its key goals and plans.

The digital era that we are currently operating in needs more complex and synchronized systems that help all employees and members work from a similar standpoint and access all data in an instant.

Quick access to information 

There is also a subsequent need to make quick decisions about everyday business activities, acquisitions, and day-to-day management needs in an agile business environment. Now, the first step to do so is to have all information quickly at hand. This is where the Information System helps; it brings about the availability of data and does so rapidly. 

The IT department further helps in making decisions that are not only quick but well-informed. This process allows managers and decision-makers to be quick and confident of the findings thus made. Not concerning the nature of any business, Information Systems is the need of the hour and is about time that every company installs the systems. 

Most business activities have moved to an online format, whether it is inventory management, financial activities, or even human resource management. Working online means choosing the right browser, and one is often caught between choosing the best. If you are thinking between Safari vs. Chrome as a default browser for surfing the Internet, you need to spend time researching because most of the software, including the information systems, are online and work in browsers.

Collaborative Opportunities 

Another notable advantage of having Information Systems in place is that it allows for collaboration among the team members, staff, or any projects. Information Systems enable easy access of the same data for all employees and collaborators making it easy for each.  Agile methodologies, which are approaches to product development that are aligned with the values and principles, may help stakeholders grasp the key collaborative opportunities. Here you can learn more about Agile methodologies.

Additionally, there is no barrier to geography when it comes to accessing the data and information set. Hence, this is highly usable for remote working setups for companies and businesses. The pandemic has led to a shift in the work setup. More companies and businesses are beginning to learn the importance of Information systems for their seamless operations that lead to beneficial results.

Availability of latest information 

Businesses require data from external parties and vendors to make the best decisions related to business activities. For example, a company might need data from retail outlets, vendors and even the supply chains. This is where information systems come into use. The teams and managers connected to a business can make the decisions based on both internal and externally available data, and the best part is that they are the latest. Hence, the chance of missing out on crucial information comes into the picture. 

Efficient interpretation of results 

Decisions come with implications and results; every business must evaluate the impact of their decision. With many measures available to access these decisions, the need to analyze them correctly is essential. Information Systems not only help interpret the results quickly but also do so quite accurately. 

To make quick decisions, the managers and important decision-makers can also use the tools to analyze the implications beforehand and make informed decisions. To explain this better with an example, a manager can understand the change in prices of a commodity that the business might need and do so beforehand. The automated Information Systems tools and software help determine the right question to ask and then make the decisions accordingly. 

Ease in presentation 

Managers are answerable to the business owners, and in typical business environments, the activities and subsequent results need to be displayed efficiently. Most businesses come with the need for multiple approvals from senior leaders and owners. Information System tools help present the ideas, reports, and findings in a rather visually appealing manner.

The tools are pretty elaborate and come in handy for days when the display and presentation of ideas, reports, and reviews come into picture. The team members and managers can use these great tools to create a lasting impression on all-important stakeholders involved in business activities. 


To sum up the importance of an Information system for any business- it helps analyze the best decisions and do so relatively quickly with the help of efficient tools. The system is easy to deploy and use. A short training to staff enabling them to learn the importance and use is enough to get the systems installed and used to precision. The best part about the software is that it is easy to use and effective in terms of the anticipated results.

5 Benefits of Digital Data Loggers

A digital data logger is a device that tracks and records information related to specific environmental conditions. Many different industries use them when the condition of food, vaccines, equipment, and the environment requires monitoring to keep products safe or to maintain compliance. Digital data loggers permit the collection of data such as temperature, pressure, voltage, current, and humidity. They can also record and store data and can be programmed to send alerts if the conditions fluctuate beyond a set standard, enabling action to be taken to prevent spoilage, noncompliance, or additional issues. In this article, we will take a closer look at five of the benefits of using digital data loggers.

1 – Maintaining Regulatory Compliance 

Digital data loggers automatically record information at pre-programmed intervals. The charts and graphs that can be printed from this data aid in identifying patterns and trends in both the environmental conditions and critical equipment being monitored. When data loggers detect changes in the conditions, they may be indicating serious problems are imminent. However, with the advance notice provided by data loggers, repairs or corrections can be made promptly to prevent damage or loss of inventory. Industry standards can be met and maintained with a remote monitoring system that utilizes the power and reliability of digital data loggers. As Dickson notes, up-to-date digital data loggers are essential for maintaining regulatory compliance in many industries.

2 – Protecting Assets

You want to protect your business’s assets—especially when those are saleable product or important production processes. Particularly sensitive assets are items that require temperature monitoring and travel through a cold chain. A cold chain includes refrigerated transport vehicles and storage facilities between transportation links. Digital data loggers act as a form of data management, tracking items as they travel from place of origin to end-user. Data loggers serve as the eyes and ears of the cold chain, providing assets that require protection from spoilage the added security of a remote monitoring system that can issue alerts when temperatures depart from safe parameters. Other assets are also protected because their specific environmental conditions are under constant watch, thanks to the technology of digital data loggers.

3 – Precise Data Tracking

The most significant benefit digital data loggers provide is highly accurate readings of environmental conditions. Depending on the environmental conditions that are being monitored, either external probes or internal sensors can collect environmental data. A microprocessor inside the data logger records and stores the information. Because data loggers use digital technology, the environmental monitoring is far more precise than could be achieved with analog monitoring devices or manual readings taken by a human. As a result, the information data loggers collect is far more accurate than previously possible. Digital monitoring tools can detect the smallest variation in conditions, variations that may not register on analog recording devices.

4 – Compatibility with Monitoring Software

Another of the great advantages of using digital data loggers is the ease with which the information they collect can be transferred to a desktop computer or a smartphone. Each data logger comes with a software disc or app information that requires downloading. Once you connect your data logger to your computer or handheld device, the information stored on the data logger’s microprocessor can be transferred and analyzed. The digital data logger can be connected directly to a computer or may use a wi-fi connection to send the data to a desktop, laptop, or smartphone. Plus, some data loggers can be programmed to provide real-time information or to simply collect the information once the data logger memory is full or near capacity.

5 – Customizable Alarm Capabilities

When digital data loggers are part of a remote monitoring system, they provide an easy way to send alerts when the environmental conditions change to the point where compliance issues may develop. Digital data loggers have a built-in alerting system. This system goes far beyond an audible alarm—many digital data loggers can send SMS text messages to smartphones or email messages to a selection of recipients who can respond to the situation before it develops into a serious problem. Messages can be customized, and the list of people who should be notified of a fluctuation in temperature, pressure, humidity, voltage, or current can also be customized and changed when required.

What Industries Use Data Loggers

Four main industries use digital data loggers. In the food industry, the devices track and monitor perishable goods and monitor temperatures and humidity to ensure that food products get to where they are going without spoilage. In the automotive industry, specific data loggers assist vehicle manufacturing companies in ensuring that emission standards are met with diesel vehicles on the road. In the healthcare industry, data loggers monitor the temperature of cold storage facilities that are used for blood, vaccines, organs, and other sensitive assets. In the aerospace industry, data loggers track the temperature and pressure of equipment to prevent failure of structures and designs of aircraft that operate under extreme conditions.

In Conclusion

Simply put, digital data loggers are your remote monitoring solution. In applications where environmental conditions are critical and can cause problems if not controlled properly, digital data loggers provide accurate proof of compliance. They are versatile—digital data loggers can monitor many different types of conditions depending on your needs; they are portable; they are durable and can be used in harsh environments where human monitoring is impossible or dangerous. A digital data logger collects information and stores it for easy retrieval through a direct connection to a computer or a wi-fi download. If the digital data logger finds conditions outside of acceptable parameters, the logger can be programmed to alert people. These affordable tools are a great piece of insurance where assets need to be monitored and protected.

8 Best Part-Time Income Opportunities For Students Abroad

It’s a well-known fact that millennials have it pretty rough, with student loan debt accounting for a staggering total of over $1.50 trillion of debt in the United States alone. And if a student loan funds your studies, you already know just how much of a debt burden you have hanging over your head before your professional career has even begun.

While there’s hardly a way for most students to obtain qualifications without the help of financial lending, another widespread issue among millennials is that student life is generally unaffordable, whether studying abroad or at a university in your home region. As a result, students abroad are faced with the extreme challenge of finding ways to make ends meet on an exceptionally tight budget. With general essential costs such as International Citizens Insurance, accommodation, utilities, internet, and quite a few others, making ends meet without any income supplement can seem impossible.

So, if you are among the multitude of students abroad searching for ways to ease the struggle by finding part-time earning opportunities, we have listed a few solutions for you. These opportunities are ideal for students as they probably won’t interfere with your education too much. 

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring isn’t too stressful, especially if you tutor a subject that you are well-versed in; English and maths are the most common options. The pay for online tutoring isn’t too bad either, and because class times are predictable, you will find it straightforward to plan your days well in advance around your own education. There are also several online tutoring platforms available that connect students with tutors, so you won’t have to advertise your service to find students either. 

Website Testing

Website testing is pretty straightforward; you test websites from a user’s perspective and provide recorded video footage of your review to the relevant company. Once again, you can find website testing opportunities by signing up with various platforms that will link you to available tasks. You don’t need any experience, although you will need a stable internet connection, a laptop or PC, and a headset. The average pay for website testing is also pretty decent, but different companies will offer different rates. 


Transcription is basically turning audio files into written text. You don’t need much to sign up other than a basic understanding of language and grammar, a stable internet connection, a laptop or PC, and a headset. Transcription service platforms are also relatively easy to find, and most will provide you with an introduction and a test to get you started. Because you can work in your own time, you won’t have to neglect your education to earn a bit extra with transcription services. Transcription may be somewhat mundane, although you won’t have to strain yourself at all to earn an income by turning audio files into written text. 

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a growing community, and opportunities are ample as a result. You can find writing gigs easily with a bit of research or sign up with a content mill. The hours are generally flexible, and depending on the client, the pay can be pretty impressive too. You will need to have an solid grasp of language usage and, of course, a love for writing. However, the flexibility of freelance writing makes it perfectly suitable for students. If your creative writing skills aren’t that great, you can also consider academic writing opportunities and resume writing opportunities that are also quite easy to find online. 

Part-Time Jobs That Aren’t Suitable For Students

While the above-mentioned extra income opportunities can help you make ends meet without interfering with your education, other options that are commonly opted for by students worldwide are not suitable. Unfortunately, even though waiting tables and bar-tending is generally considered a student job, this kind of part-time employment can have a massively negative impact on your education. These opportunities aren’t entirely suitable due to long hours on your feet, often draining work conditions, and minimal pay. 

Other jobs that you should avoid are customer service opportunities call center jobs and even babysitting and dog walking, as these will be taxing on your physical and emotional wellbeing. Because your main focus is obtaining qualifications, you should only consider flexible employment options. Moreover, remote opportunities are also ideal as you won’t have to spend extra on transportation costs.

The vast majority of students today work part-time jobs to make it through their studies in more comfort. While part-time employment is a practical solution, you should also consider saving various methods of savings as a student abroad, such as meal-sharing, walking to class, partying less, and others. The more you simplify your budget and cut your costs, the easier it will be to focus on your education and make it through each month with less stress about your finances.