How to write an essay that your professor will like

Let’s be honest, when writing a college essay your primary goal is to impress your professor. You want to get an A-grade, and these ambitions are easy to explain. At the same time, this task can be very challenging since writing is not like a math problem where you can find one solution. Though you can really develop your skills and become a better essay writer, it takes some time. That’s why so many students send “Do My Essay” messages. They order essay writing and essay editing services when they need help from a professional author.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t make the grade on the essay written by yourself. In fact, the only thing you need is to understand your professor’s expectations.

Make sure you understand the assignment

We bet the answers are right in front of you. The chances are your professor has provided you with a list of instructions as well as with some lectures that you need to consider.

These requirements are not just words, they are literally your guide. What information can you get from them?

  • Topic — What should you write about in a history essay? This field is too wide. When your professor assigns you a topic, you have the focus.
  • The number of words\pages. This number helps you to understand how detailed and informative your paper should be. There is a huge difference between a 500-word essay and a 1500-word essay.
  • Structure. Yes, it is pretty boring, but it is the core of your paper. Just follow it and you’ll come up with content that is easy to read.
  • Deadline. Knowing the final term in advance, you can plan your time and divide the entire project into several milestones. 

There may be other requirements like formatting style, quotes, and references, specific sources. You should know that they exist to help you not to drive you crazy. If something is not clear, your professor will appreciate you asking questions so approach this step responsibly.

Develop a general idea

In other words, you have to come up with a powerful thesis statement. It is one sentence that describes the entire paper and your point of view. When you have it, you can write a good essay based on a clear message.

There are several ways to develop a thesis statement:

  • Brainstorm ideas. Focus on your topic and write down your thoughts related to it. 
  • Take a pause. Have a sleep, do some sports, meet your friends. The best ideas are sudden ideas.
  • Use a thesis statement generator. If you have some notes on your future essay, you can upload them in an online tool and artificial intelligence will provide several ideas for you.
  • Discuss it. Teamwork can be very efficient when you have like-minded people who are working together with you. Ask your fellow students to think over this project together and help each other with your thesis statements.

A general idea or a thesis statement for an academic essay is like a plot for a fiction book. It helps you to make your writing more organized and structured. 

Use proper language

What do you think, what does your professor expect to find in your paper? Professors are looking for signs that you understand the discipline, that you are familiar enough with it to make some conclusions. You should show your knowledge that you’ve gained in classes, and you should provide logical arguments to defend your point of view. Make smart use of language to reach these goals.

There is a list of some phrases that may be really helpful:

  • Firstly, secondly, thirdly;
  • According to A, B stated that, referring to the views of C;
  • In order to;
  • Moreover;
  • Let’s consider the problem from another angle;
  • My own point of view is that…;
  • This leads us to believe that…

Use various linking words to make an emphasis, add new information, provide contrast, order, and so on. Don’t forget to express your opinion and make some conclusions.

If you don’t know whether your language sounds professional enough, you can use tools like Grammarly. This software analyzes your paper and provides you with a list of mistakes and some tips on how to improve your writing overall. Besides, you can set your goals here, e.g. to write in American English, to sound academic with a confident tone, to write for a knowledgeable audience, etc.

Stand out among other students

Well, this step may be pretty brave but it is really necessary when it comes to an impression. Yes, you can get the best grade but your professor will not remember your name because it is just a good essay. Nothing special. What do you want? To boost your performance or to create something special?

Of course, it depends. There are situations when you’re required to provide a solid academic paper with all format nuances. At the same time, essay writing can be your platform to express yourself. If you think it is appropriate, use hooks, jokes, interesting quotes, and rhetoric questions. You can add a short story from your life to illustrate some points, or even start a dialogue with your reader, i.e. professor. 

However, it is a bad idea when it is your first time working together with this specific person. You should know something about the professor since he or she is your target audience. Mention curious facts during lessons, check one’s social media, discuss some issues and ask questions. Your efforts will pay off! 

Never skip a revision 

You may write a fantastic essay but it doesn’t matter if you forget about proofreading. Your professor will mention it immediately. It is bad not because you lack some knowledge or experience, it just shows your attitude. When you don’t do your best to provide the best quality possible, your professor believes that you don’t want to get an A-grade. So, proofreading is a must. Besides, take some time to check if your paper contains some plagiarism. Even if you didn’t copy someone else’s content. Just ensure. 

Analyze your mistakes

Students deal with essays all the time. The chances are you have a dozen essays written for this professor. If you want to impress him or her, you should show that you appreciate one’s feedback and that you’re able to analyze your mistakes and take them into account. So, when you’re looking for inspiration to start, read a couple of previous samples just to understand what your professor already liked and what didn’t. 

Top 5 Breaking Trends that Dominate Mobile Development in 2021

Smartphones today are in the pocket of almost every person. Each of us spends several hours browsing news feeds, social networks, and applications from our smartphones. Statista shows that mobile app revenues have grown almost ten times over the past eight years.

Whether you develop mobile apps yourself or are simply interested in using them, you will be interested to know what trends in mobile app development are dominating in 2021.

Let’s consider some of them.

1. Cloud applications

Cloud storage and service technologies are what will influence mobile app development in the coming years. Cloud applications are cost-effective and reliable. It is one of the best options for building a cross-platform application. Plus, it is straightforward to manage such an application.

2. Payment applications

With the rise of eCommerce and the ability to pay for everything from your smartphone, there is a growing demand for developing payment applications. Without them, it is impossible to make purchases via a smartphone. 

This TechCrunch article explains why mobile payment solutions will continue to increase: mobile payments are convenient for both users and sellers. Trending aspects like crypto trading and exchange with the help of platforms like SafeTrading also benefit from making buying and selling transactions quickly.   

The user can quickly and easily pay for a product or service with electronic money, and the merchant receives payment directly to a card or account, no matter where he is.

3. Technology 5G

The release of new smartphones with 5G support by leading mobile companies has launched a recent boom in 5G technology. And, undoubtedly, the number of smartphones supporting this technology will grow. 

5G gives you better speed, even faster downloads, stable network connection, and bandwidth. In addition, rapid testing and smooth addition of features without compromising the quality of the application will also become common after the introduction of 5G technology. Thanks to 5G, it becomes possible to efficiently perform financial transactions via a smartphone.

4. Applications for folding devices

With prototypes and physically foldable devices hitting the market, it became clear that this was an inevitable future. The demand for a large display continues, but the user wants a conveniently sized device. It is precisely what folding devices will solve. 

Such a device requires a multi-window interface that will allow you to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and run numerous applications at the same time. So designing and developing mobile apps that work seamlessly on foldable mobile phones with a wide range of screen sizes is something that developers need to keep in mind in the future.

5. Application development with low/ no-code

The need to write hundreds and thousands of lines of code is a thing of the past. Today, people use many advanced high-quality graphical user interfaces and configurations to develop user-friendly and feature-rich mobile apps instead of writing colossal coding. With rapid development, reduced costs, and scalable capabilities, low-code / no-code app development has become a global trend in mobile app development. 

Even if you do not know how to implement the development practices, there are companies like MLSDev, for example, for you to help. They offer custom software implementation that meets the market demands and resolves some challenges businesses face with digital innovations. More details can be found here:

By hiring a professional development team, you can quickly get a product that is relevant to modern trends.

To sum things up

In conclusion, you should note that today the mobile applications market occupies more than half of the total Internet traffic consumption market. With the development of mobile applications, this sector is only growing. And it will continue to grow. To stay on top of the latest news and build a successful online business, you just need to keep up with trends in the field.

How to Pay Student Loans with a Part-Time Job

After graduation, many of our visions of the ideal career don’t come to fruition. Even though going to college is still the best way to build a career for yourself, the reality is that job hunting isn’t easy and definitely not always fair. To make ends meet, you might take on a part-time job in your field or even an unrelated industry. But student loans are still looming over you and making you wonder whether you could ever live a future without crippling debt. Even if you’re earning a lot less than you envisioned after graduating, there are ways to make student loan debt more manageable. For part-time employees or freelancers, here are some tips for paying back your student loans with a small income.

Look into PAYE and REPAYE Programs

For federal Direct student loans, there are two programs that make repayment feasible even working part-time. The Pay-As-You-Earn and Revised-Pay-As-You-Earn plans are income-based, so they change according to how much you’re earning and what you can reasonably afford to contribute each month. It may take much longer to pay off your loans with these plans, but they’ll keep payments manageable and help you avoid defaulting.

We all know that some of us won’t be able to pay off our loans anytime soon. Some of us expect to carry student debt for life. That doesn’t mean you’re forced to live poorly or go without achieving certain milestones. You can have debt for decades and still keep it under control, build a decent savings and progress through life.

Look into Consolidation

If you have debt from multiple lenders, you may find that combining all of your loans into one lump sum. This can help you avoid varying interest rates and overwhelming bills each month. In this situation, consolidation could be right for you. If you use a student loan consolidation calculator, you can explore how rates with a private lender could change your budget and give you more discretionary income. Consolidating student loans isn’t as difficult as you might think. Learn all about the process so you can decide whether it’s a worthwhile choice for your future finances.

Take on a Side Hustle

Freelance side gigs or weekend jobs can be a good way to earn money that you put toward student loans. If your primary income comes from your part-time job, you can use the side gig to pay your monthly repayment without taking away from the cash you need to survive. If you took out student loans from a private lender and aren’t able to take advantage of PAYE or REPAYE programs, talk to them personally. Let them know what your current financial situation is, including how much money you have available at the end of each month after taxes, rent and other living expenses. Side gigs can help you meet the minimum payment requirement without going further into debt or facing penalties. Even if you only bring in $100 to $300 a month, you can set that aside to cover your payments and keep your part-time earnings to yourself.

6 Benefits of Being a Registered Nurse

Nursing is one of the oldest professions with a history dating back to the Middle Ages. Doctors need nurses to apply their medical knowledge to save patients’ lives and ensure they are in good health. Most healthcare systems can hardly implement their care and medical practices without nurses’ input. If you have already graduated or are still pursuing nursing as a career, here are some reasons why you need to ensure you become a registered nurse before you enter the job market.

  1. Getting registered as a nurse gives you access to a realm of opportunities

Part of why most hospitals and clinics are ready to hire registered nurses is that they want to be sure you have all the skills and experience needed to execute your duties. Nursing is an open field that provides many sub-specializations.

 As you build your experience, you get an opportunity into the realm of opportunities such as training budding nurses in schools, working in an industrial setting and nursing homes. As you keep scaling higher in your career, you get all the experience you need to work in healthcare facilities that rely on technologically advanced equipment to resolve challenging situations.

  1. Nursing is a real-life career path that keeps changing its way of doing things

If you have been keen on nursing practices that existed a century ago, you will realize how things are changing fast. Nurses are no longer the ones who do the donkey work. Nowadays, patients can consult nurses when they have healthcare issues, even without seeing a doctor. Nurses also take part in making critical decisions as far as the healthcare system is concerned. The only way to embrace nursing as a dynamic field is by getting registered.

  1. Registration clears any doubts about a person’s competence

Just like an architect needs to produce relevant documents to prove they are worthy to carry out architectural tasks, nurses also need certification to garner enough trust from doctors and patients alike. Doctors leave patients in the care of nurses as they attend to other patients. On the other hand, patients depend on nurses to get instant relief.

  1. Certification guarantees you satisfying job security

Entering the job market can be satisfying for any career person. However, the uncertainty that comes with not getting registered as a nurse is worrying. You do not know when you will lose your job because more people with relevant certifications apply for your position. In a setting where an employer has to choose between retaining an unregistered nurse and recruiting a registered one, it is obvious the unregistered nurse will have to go even if they have the necessary skills

  1. The nursing career pays extremely well

Due to the increase in demand for nursing services, it is evident that the government is creating more job opportunities for entrants. The median pay for a registered nurse ranges from $60,000-$80,000. That means you have higher chances of increasing your pay if you enter the job market as a registered nurse. Once you are in, it is easier to scale in your career and get better pay.

  1. Nursing allows you to work anywhere

Careers like being registered real estate agents require job seekers to stay in a specific place. A person who has worked in one place for a long time might not have the opportunity to travel to other places to see what the world can offer in terms of opportunities.

Nursing allows job seekers to work in any city, state or country. It allows you to work from high-end areas to rural areas. If your interest is in freelance consultation, you can travel to work in a city of your choice. To increase your job-seeking perks, ensure you fulfill all the requirements that make you worthy of certification.

Whether you are a budding nurse or have been in the nursing industry for more than a decade, getting registered comes with many perks. The nursing field is versatile, allowing you to be a consultant, teacher or researcher. The sooner you register as a nurse, the better your chances of enjoying limitless opportunities. If you want to land a lucrative job no matter where you are based, the time to learn how to become an RN is now.

7 Careers You Can Explore With A Criminal Justice Degree

A career in law enforcement and criminal justice may be perfect for you, especially if you’re looking to make a change in your community. A criminal justice degree provides many fulfilling career opportunities in the field of law and order. With your degree, you’ll have the option to specialize in investigative work, crime prevention, and behavioral science. 

You found yourself at the right place if you’re looking to know more about the professions you can pursue with your criminal justice degree. Here are some of the top career opportunities you can take, including the usual responsibilities:

  1. Police Force 

The most usual career path for a criminal justice graduate is to be in the local police force. A criminal justice degree may help you maximize the possibility of getting a promotion and speeding up the climb to higher positions too.

The available rankings for the police force depend on the size of your department. Typically, most police departments have a ranking system similar to that of the military. If you aim for higher positions, you need to upgrade your level of education as well. Thus, you may want to check out the best online masters in criminal justice to help you advance your career.

Here, the rankings range from corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and chief. But, other departments, usually those with a modest size, also offer a position for detectives. 

Bigger departments, on the contrary, have more specialized positions, including but not limited to, canine and harbor patrols. 

Some officers are usually called troopers in other police forces. Although troopers share a similar job description to regular police officers, there’s the addition of state traffic law enforcement and monitoring of interstate highways. 

Troopers also help the local police department if assistance when dealing with emergency cases is needed. In some cases, the court calls on troopers to provide assistance and protection. In other instances, troopers are also promoted to fill the work of investigators. When police officers are called to take a federal level position, the title then changes to ‘agents.’ 

The minimum educational attainment to enter the police force may change, depending on the state you’re from. But, usually, most states look for a college degree. 

In addition to that, you must also complete the police training program or on-the-job training in a local department. On the other hand, federal agents go through supplementary training that’s necessary for the position. This is done through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. 

Once you pass all your required training, the federal or state jurisdiction you plan to serve will provide you with special certification and licensure.  

  1. Corrections Officer 

Another career you can take with a criminal justice degree is in the correctional institutions. Corrections officers are the ones who are responsible for supervising individuals who have been arrested. 

If you’re interested in being a correction officer, you can expect to work as a bailiff or a jailer. Either can be stationed locally or in state and federal governments. 

The minimum educational requirement for correctional officers is, at least, a high school diploma and a certification of a training academy. However, specific departments may require you to have, at least, a college degree in any criminal justice-related field. Such departments include federal prisons. In addition to that, many federal departments would also require you to have several years of work experience before you can get started.  

The work environment for correctional officers would require you to have strong decision-making and interpersonal skills. It would be best if you also had self-control and discipline. This is because correctional officers tend to work closely with criminals. 

  1. Legal Science 

If you’d much rather work behind the scenes, then you might want to consider a position in legal science. Paralegals comprise the legal support system.

As a paralegal, your responsibility is to assist lawyers in preparation for court trials, hearings, and other legal meetings. Your particular duty as a paralegal would depend largely on the firm you’re working with. 

However, most paralegals share a standard job description which includes: 

  • Collecting and analyzing facts and data to be used in a case 
  • Legal research 
  • Making report summaries 
  • Drafting of documents 
  • Assisting lawyers in court proceedings

As a paralegal, you have to be adaptable and remain composed and firm in times of complication. On top of that, you must also possess great knowledge about depositions, legal trials, and the preparation of witnesses for questioning.  

If you’re looking to pursue a legal science career, you’ll do well with an associate degree in paralegal studies. However, several firms require a bachelor’s degree. But, if you’re a criminal justice degree holder, you’d still need a specialized certification to start practicing.  

  1. Criminalist 

Another career is to be a criminalist. You’ll be doing crime scene investigations (CSI) which lets you collect, document, and preserve forensic evidence. 

As a CSI, you’re also responsible for recording observations, taking photographs, and drafting sketches. Typically, it’s your duty as a criminalist to conduct laboratory analysis from crime scenes. 

You can also expect to work closely with other law enforcement officers. However, once you earn more working experience, you can specialize in one aspect.  

  1. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Likewise, you can also become a (CISO) responsible for overseeing data security plans and cybersecurity management. You’ll be responsible for establishing protocols to detect security threats and maintain an up-to-date firewall. 

As an ISO, your duty will also include managing both hardware devices and software applications to prevent any unauthorized breach of data. In the case of data breaches, you’ll perform an investigation and security improvement to avoid further attacks. 

  1. University Professor  

Criminal justice degree holders like you can also enter the field of education. After all, without college professors, you’ll leave the next generation of college students without an educator. 

To be a criminal justice professor, you’d need a bachelor’s degree and another advanced degree such as a master’s in the field you’re teaching.  

  1. Fire Investigation Officer 

Like its police counterpart, as a fire investigation officer, you’d be expected to conduct investigations on incidents involving fire. 

You can also expect to work with several law enforcement officers in a fire accident, especially if it’s deemed to be arson. In such a case, fire and crime scene investigators come together to comprehend the nature of the crime and locate the perpetrator.  


As mentioned, there are several career opportunities for you. A criminal justice degree also opens a lot of windows for employment growth and development. But, it’s important to note that the specialization you choose right now will largely influence which field in criminal justice you’ll end up in. Thus, you can start specializing in criminal justice programs that you want to have a career in.

3 Ways to Prepare for a Career in Property Management

If you’re a young person with ambitions of starting a career in property management someday, naturally, you may have some questions regarding what steps you can take now to not only prepare for your eventual career, but also make the right impression on potential employers in the future.

No single blog entry could cover all the ways you can position yourself for success in this line of work. You should strongly consider reaching out to other property managers to ask if they’d be willing to offer their own advice or even become a mentor.

In the meantime, though, the following tips will help you generally understand what a young person should do to improve their chances of becoming a successful property manager. Be aware, while this list is written under the assumption that the average reader will either be a college student, a college graduate, or a young person who plans on attending college in the near future, it is technically possible to achieve your career goals in this industry without a college degree (though it may be more difficult).

If you’re considering becoming a property manager in the future, you should be taking such steps now:

Familiarize yourself with practical factors

You might not be entirely certain property management is the ideal career for someone with your goals and talents. A career in property management may be one of several options you’re considering.

If so, you can start to better determine whether this is a career you’d genuinely be interested in by researching certain practical factors. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, the median pay for a property manager was $59,660 per year. Depending on how much money you wish to earn in the future, this may make property management a more appealing or less appealing career option.

You should also review the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ general overview (linked to above) to learn more about what the day-to-day work of being a property manager typically involves. For instance, although most property managers have offices, they may also spend large portions of their time showing properties and performing other out-of-office tasks. Once more, this may appeal to some job-seekers, but not all.

Consider studying business

Some colleges and universities offer academic programs specifically focused on property management. If you truly aspire to this career, and you attend a college with this type of program, you should of course enroll in such programs. However, many property managers simply studied business administration in college.

Keep in mind that, even if you’re not a college student or graduate and don’t expect to attend college, you can still earn a certification in property management. This is another means of ensuring your resume stands out to employers if you don’t have a college degree. Research your options to determine if you should pursue a certification.

Be patient

Once you have the necessary qualifications, you should apply to jobs or internships at property management companies with the understanding that you’ll likely have to accept an entry-level position at first.

When describing how they achieved their career goals, successful property managers often explain how they started in temp positions or as low-level assistants. They were able to climb the ladder by not only consistently impressing their employers through the quality of their work, but also by openly expressing their desire to become a property manager, volunteering for new assignments, and pivoting to new roles at other companies when opportunities for advancement with their early employers were limited.

Again, this isn’t an exhaustive list of the steps you can take to become a property manager. It’s wise to actively research this topic in greater detail. That said, this brief guide hopefully provided you with a sense of what such a career entails, and how you can begin pursuing this career.

Areas of Your Business You Can Easily Improve

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a business owner is how you can improve key areas of operations to grow your bottom line and increase profits. Interested to know how you can do just that with minimal effort? Here are a few simple tricks that might make your life a bit easier when it comes to business practices. 

Fleet Management

You do need to track your assets and, if that is in the form of a fleet of vehicles, you should invest in fleet management software. This will encompass things like GPS coordinates and vehicle telematics, both of which are essential if you want to improve the efficiency of operations and maximize your assets and the team you have working for you. It’s important to understand the benefits of telematics when choosing software. From improved safety and increased customer satisfaction to reducing operating costs and fuel consumption, there are so many reasons why businesses are investing in telematics. You have a Human Resource organization for your team, a facilities management setup for your property so why not give your vehicles the same level of protection?  

Interpersonal Communication

If you had mentioned the concept of Zoom to people in 2019, the majority would have asked what it was that you were talking about. Two years on and Zoom has taken over the world of communications. While there are various advantages of using video messenger services, they don’t always make sense for the structure of every business because sometimes in-person communication is essential. Is it essential in your business?  

Social Media Plugin Setups

Scheduling social media is usually the biggest hassle of any communications, marketing or digital marketing executive. One of the reasons is, in order to make sure you are in sight of your intended audience; you need to be posting at a specific time of day. If that’s in the same time zone as you you’re lucky. If not, and you need to post during the night your time, a social media scheduling suite will literally be your best friend. You can get trial versions of most of the big names, but if you are looking to schedule multiple platforms in multiple formats then you will need to invest some money into the management of those systems. 

In order to figure out a quick cost/benefit analysis you should figure out how much income your social media is bringing to you – directly, or indirectly – and compare it to the cost of one of those systems. Doing this will give you an approximate figure of how much capital you should invest in a scheduling app. This can also be dictated to by region and the type of campaign you are looking at starting, so if you are planning on sticking to simple text-based solutions, paying out of pocket for something designed to work at scheduling picture-based posts is redundant. Know what you want from your campaigns, research the different options that are available and make the smart move for your business.


While typically healthier than people in many other age groups, college students often battle headaches and migraines that are caused by stress, intense studying, lack of sleep, and other issues.

Although the occasional headache can be relatively harmless, intense episodes or persistent pains can interfere with day-to-day life. Certain headache disorders can be debilitating, to the point where some students need to seek immediate medical attention or collect long-term disability benefits.

Whether you’re looking to fight off the occasional mild headache or combat painful migraines, here are 10 tips for college students who suffer from headaches and migraines.

1. Reduce the strain on your eyes

Many headaches are caused by students putting too much strain on their eyes. This can be the result of poor lighting, blinding glares, excessively bright colors, or computer vision syndrome (CVS)—a condition caused when people stare at computer screens, tablets, or phones for extended periods.

Optimize your workspaces so that they put minimal strain on your eyes. Rather than working in the dark, turn on a few lights or remove the shutters from a few windows. Rather than positioning a bright light directly in front of your eyes, move it slightly out of your field of view.

As your school program already requires you to spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer screen, try to cut back on some of the more unnecessary screen time. Also, remember to take frequent breaks in between tasks!

2. Invest in an ergonomic chair

Bad posture can also be a cause for certain headaches. Unfortunately for college students, they are often required to sit in rigid classroom and library chairs for long periods.

To improve your posture, consider investing in an ergonomic chair for your own personal study time. Not only will an ergonomic chair help you correct some of the minor postural issues that go undetected but it will also provide a greater level of comfort.

3. Monitor your caffeine intake

While caffeine certainly has its benefits—improving memory, increasing alertness, temporarily decreasing fatigue, and even relieving certain headaches—it can also be the cause of headaches when not used in moderation.

When you consume caffeine, the blood vessels surrounding your brain narrow. When you stop consuming caffeine, those same blood vessels expand and put pressure on the surrounding nerves. This can cause what is often referred to as a “withdrawal” headache.

Rather than relying so heavily on caffeine to stay awake and be productive, carefully monitor your caffeine consumption to avoid painful withdrawals.

4. Stay hydrated

For many students, headaches are simply the result of dehydration. Even during simple tasks that involve very little physical activity, your body is constantly losing fluids that need to be replenished.

After a few glasses of water, most dehydration-related headaches are resolved within three hours. While you may choose to drink coffee, tea, soda, and other beverages throughout any given day, be sure to drink plenty of water in between.

5. Maintain a routine

One of the most effective ways to manage stress is to create a daily routine and stick to it. A routine provides you with a complete picture of what needs to be achieved, and subsequently, gives you the confidence to achieve it.

Besides potentially eradicating headaches and migraines, lower stress levels can also improve both your mental and physical health across the board—putting you at lower risk for certain conditions and illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, and heart disease.

6. Create a sleep schedule

It’s not unlike university students to study well into the night when completing an assignment or preparing for an exam—forfeiting much-needed rest in pursuit of a good grade.

Unfortunately, sleep deprivation can be the source of headaches and migraines. Not to mention, it can actually have a negative impact on academic performance. Instead, create a sleep schedule that allows you to get 7 – 9 hours of rest at a consistent time each night.

7. Improve your diet

Sticking to a healthy diet can also eliminate certain headaches and migraines. According to one study, 42% of adults reported that eating a vegan diet or removing certain dietary triggers helped with their migraines.

Even if you’re unwilling to adopt a vegan diet at this time, most students can improve their diets significantly by preferring fresh foods—such as fruits and vegetables—to foods that are packed with preservatives and unhealthy sugars.

If you live in an apartment or suite, consider preparing your own healthy meals rather than resorting to takeout and fast food. If you’re on your college’s meal plan, consider selecting the healthiest options that are being offered whenever possible.

A healthy diet also requires you to refuel at the right times. Avoid the temptation of skipping meals when you’re studying for a test or using conventional meal times to catch up on sleep.

8. Exercise often

For students whose headaches and migraines are related to stress or lack of sleep, physical activity can often be the solution.

Exercise not only improves blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, including the brain, but it also allows individuals to fall asleep more easily at night. Additionally, physical activity causes the body to release endorphins—hormones that are known to relieve both pain and stress.

9. Make your school aware of your condition

If your experience with headaches or migraines has become a legitimate disability, it’s wise to make your college or university aware by filing disability accommodation paperwork.

Although not required, it might also be worth discussing your condition with your professors directly. If severe, debilitating pain ever causes you to miss a lecture or assignment, a professor might be more understanding than if he or she had no knowledge of your disability.

10. Reevaluate your workload

Particularly for those who are working jobs while attending college, headaches and migraines can be the result of extreme stress.

Consider whether or not your heavy course load is contributing to your condition. There’s no shame in curbing the amount of work you take on each semester. In fact, doing so could even improve your academic performance.

4 Tips For Great Employee-Manager Relations

It’s no secret that not every employee gets on with their boss.

There can be a wide range of reasons for this, from overbearing managers who don’t listen to employees to inefficient leadership structures leaving those lower down the ladder unsure about their job roles and responsibilities.

Forbes reports that 58% of managers never even received training on how to carry out their role, so it’s no wonder there are issues.

However, for your business to flourish it’s crucial that your workforce is united and everyone can work together, from the most senior member of staff to the most junior. To help you achieve this goal, we’ve come up with four ways to make your employee-manager relationships and communication levels as good as possible.

1. Smooth Management Transitions

There’s nothing worse as an employee than a manager who clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing. To prevent this, you must provide new managers with an appropriate level of training and support as they start their role. This will help employees to trust their managers, and help the managers to feel more confident in their position and less likely to be overbearing or timid.

For an in-depth investigation of this topic, you can read a report by UConn MBA Jasdeep Singh which explains exactly how to best carry out this crucial task.

2. Regular Feedback Surveys

One of the best ways to find out what employees and managers think about their relationship is to regularly survey them. This will allow you to quickly discover any issues and remedy them before they cause a more serious rift.

If you’re worried that employees may not feel comfortable responding honestly if they have problems, a great idea is to make the surveys anonymous. This way staff can reveal how they really feel about relationships between employees and management without fear that it will harm their job prospects or relationships with colleagues.

3. Take A Training Course

Although there are many things that you can personally do to improve relationships between management and employees, sometimes contacting a professional is the best way to remedy a serious issue.

You don’t need to work out thousands of dollars to find an effective service. There are plenty of free human relations and communications courses offered online by Ivy League universities and important organizations, helping you and your term to learn for free.

4. Try Teamwork Activities

Sometimes the best way to help your team bond is to take them out of the office completely. Allowing them to work as a team of equals in a situation that isn’t work-related can help them to wind down and have fun, as well as improving team relationships.

You don’t have to pick a traditional team activity like outdoor pursuits for this to work. Sometimes simply sitting down to have a meal as a team can help employees and managers to get to know each other as people and build respect.

See Your Team Growing Stronger

If you want your company to work efficiently, it’s always best to ensure that employees’ needs are being met and relationships between general staff and managers are strong.

International consultancy firm KPMG has reported that as of 2019, only34% of HR leaders are confident in their ability to transform the workforce in the digital era, so prioritizing this will help you to stand out from the crowd and improve your chances of business success.

By using these four simple tips you can help to build a strong and successful team, and see your company flourish.

5 Tips for Finding That Perfect Internship Match

Internships aren’t just resumé fodder.

They’re opportunities to get hands-on experience in your desired field. They’re chances for growth, exploration, and connection within your expertise and beyond.

That’s why you should seek your perfect internship match — and that’s not necessarily with a Fortune 500 company.

As UConn MBA student Jasdeep Singh advises, you shouldn’t let your perceived “perfect” internship interfere with finding the right one. Therefore, we’ve written a list of tips on sourcing the internship that’ll boost your future to new heights.

1. Understand Full Scope of Your Career Interests

Construct an idea of what you want, but don’t fret over the specifics. Take time to consider all your interests and how they could broaden your career options.

Are you a finance major, but love film and TV? Consider a business internship with a production company. Maybe you’re in an artistic field, but have a passion for mental health care. Try interning at a health facility or outreach program that emphasizes arts rehabilitation.

The world is your oyster; there’s no need to limit yourself.

2. Use Your Network

Discuss your career interests with college advisors, career counselors, faculty, friends, and even family. 70% of opportunities remain unlisted, and about 85% of jobs are secured through networking. It’s in your best interest to utilize your circle, you may discover opportunities no one else has access to.

Don’t forget your network also includes alumni, even if you haven’t met them personally. Just be sure to send a thank you to anyone who’s helped you along the way.

3. Start Early

Minimize stress by starting your search and application process early. Grant yourself wiggle room to check out your options, talk to people, research companies, and apply.

Companies don’t always offer internships year-round, so keep your deadline dates organized. Research every opportunity, but know what time-sensitive material to prioritize.

For the standard summer or winter internships, applications can open several months in advance. Applications surge a few weeks leading up to a deadline, so stand out by getting your materials in early.

The most important takeaway here is don’t procrastinate, or you risk missing out.

4. Hone Your Interview Skills

No matter the internship, you’ll face an interview process. You can prep by:

  • Researching interview questions
  • Staging mock interviews for practice
  • Learning all you can about the company
  • Preparing questions for your interviewer about the position

Interviews give the chance to discuss your qualification in-depth and to see if the company is the right fit for you. Preparing for the process will help you communicate your points effectively (and communication is one of the top values employers seek).

5. Consider Immediate Needs Alongside Future Goals

You may run into the dilemma of finding a fantastic internship that promises future success but doesn’t consider your immediate needs.

If money is crucial right now, don’t opt for an unpaid internship that drains your savings. The opportunity cost of unpaid internships is about $13,000. Narrow your search to paid opportunities to remain on a steady track forward.

And if finances aren’t a concern? Carefully comb through prospects for what provides the best learning opportunity and helps you gain professional skills.

Final Thoughts — Take These Tips with You

Keep your prospects open, use your network for personalized help, and give yourself the time you need.

Keep these tips, and your best interests, in mind during your search. It’ll take some hustle, but we’re confident you’ll find the internship that’s tailored completely to you.