Vol 8 (2015) Journal of Culture, Society and Development

Vol 8 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Determinants of Participatory Poverty: Evidence from Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Abrar-ul-haq 1-5
University Students’ Perceptions on Effectiveness of Female Lecturers in Zimbabwe PDF
Barbra Mapuranga, Tom Tom, Kudzai Chiwanza, Maxwell C.C. Musingafi 6-11
The Link between Demographic Workforce Diverstity Management, Employee Retention and Productivity: A Case of the Civil Society Organizations in Homabay County, Kenya PDF
Were Philip Onyango 12-19
Study on Students Learning Style According to Gender Factor PDF
Nurul Aida binti Hamidon 20-22
Leadership Competencies among Vocational Students in Design Capabilities PDF
Muhamad Hafizudin Kassim, Mimi Mohaffyza Mohammad, Nurul Nadiha Kassim 23-26
Rose Ogbechie, Friday Osemenshan Anetor 27-34


Paper submission email: JCSD@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8400

Vol 5, No.11 and No.12 (2015) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 5, No 11 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Ethnobotanical Survey of Plants Traditionally Used for Malaria Prevention and Treatment in Selected Resettlement and Indigenous Villages in Sasiga District, Western Ethiopia PDF
Oljira Kenea, Habte Tekie 1-9
Evaluation of Avocado Root Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands) Control Options in Southwest Ethiopia PDF
Demelash Teferi, Getachew WeldeMichael 10-13
Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Brinjal Cultivars under the Agro-Climatic Conditions of Mansehra PDF
Adil Rehman Muhammad Shahid, Ahmad Abbas Malik Shireen Khan Zakaria 14-19
Review of Arabica Coffee Nursery Management Research in Ethiopia PDF
Anteneh Netsere Taye Kufa 20-23
Economics Analysis of Mango Orchard Production under Contract Farming in Taluka Tando Adam District Sanghar Sindh, Pakistan PDF
Irfana NoorMmemon 24-36
Effect of Irrigation on Chickpea Varieties Sown on Different Dates on Irrigated Fields of Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan PDF
Khalid Nawab Khalid Nawab, Abdur Rab Rahmatullah Mahmood Iqbal 37-41
Introduction and Promotion of Off-Season Vegetables Production under Natural Environment in Hilly Area of Upper Swat-Pakistan PDF
Imran Muhammad Uzair, Fazal Maula Marco Vacirca, Salvatore Farfaglia Muhammad Nauman Khan 42-48
Ethical Issues of Biotechnology, Possible Risks and Their Management PDF
Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad 49-54
Farmers’ Awareness, Preference and Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices in Zing Local Government Area of Taraba State, Nigeria PDF
Philip Hegarty James, Adam Lawan Ngala 55-58
Genotype Effect on Body Weight of Different Rabbit Breeds and Their Crosses PDF
Oyegunle.O.O Awe. A.B, Banjoko. O.J Chineke.C.A 59-63
Related Fracture Resistance with Moisture Content in Different Grain Orientation of Paddy Grain PDF
Renny Eka Putri, Azmi Yahya, Nor Maria Adam, Samsuzana Abdul Aziz 64-69
Digestibility and Feed Intake of Menz Sheep Fed Natural Pasture Hay Supplemented with Ameja (Hypericum quartinanum) Leaf and Noug (Guizotia abyssinica) Seed Cake PDF
Tefera Mekonen, Getachew Animut, Mengistu Urge 70-75
Prevalence of Intestinal Helminthiasis and Associated Risk Factors among Schoolchildren in Dawro Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Bereket Alemayehu, Zewdneh Tomass 76-82
Effect of Spacing and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield and Yield Component of Shallot (Allium ascalonium L.) PDF
Fkadu Negese Biru 83-91
Evaluation of the Effect of Land Use Types on Selected Soil Physico-Chemical Properties in Itang-Kir Area of Gambella Region, Ethiopia PDF
Wasihun Mengiste, Muktar Mohammed, Teshome Yitebarek 92-102
Epidemiological Investigation of Hepato-Pulmonary Bovine Hydatidosis and Its Economic and Zoonotic Importance at Jimma Municipal Abattoir, Ethiopia PDF
Atsede Brhane Belay Abebed 103-110
In-Vitro Effect of some Commonly Found Botanicals on the Growth and Sporulation of Choanephora Cucurbitarum (Berkeley and Ravenel) PDF
E. J. Umana S. E. Udo, A. A. Markson E. N. Okey, N. A. Okon E. M. Ekpenyong 111-118
Assessments of Major Cereal Disease in Potential Agro-Ecology of Borana Zone , Southern Oromia PDF
Tolessa Taye Natol Bekele, Yonas Shimalis Addis Shiferaw 119-123
Determination of Heavy Metals in Selected Tissues and Organs of Slaughtered Cattle from Akinyele Central Abattoir, Ibadan, Nigeria PDF
Okareh O.T Oladipo T.A 124-128
Genotype X Environment Interaction and Yield Stabliity of Breade Wheat (Triticum Eastivum L.) Genotype in Ethiopia using the Ammi Analisis PDF
Temesgen Bacha, Sintayehu Alemerew, Zerihun Tadesse 129-139
Participatory Epidemiological Studies of Major Trade Constraint Diseases of Goats in Selected Districts of Afar Region PDF
Birhanu Hailu Gezahegn Alemayehu, Nuru Sied 140-148
Perception of Local Community towards Soil and Water Conservation in the Case of Damote Boloso Kebele, Damote Gale Woreda, Wolaita zone. PDF
Gebreslassie Welu Tamirat Solomon 149-155
Review of Mango (Mangifera indica) Seed-Kernel Waste as a Diet for Poultry PDF
Gebremedhn Beyene Alemu Araya 156-159
A Review on the Diagnostic and Control Challenges of Major Tick-Borne Haemoparasite Diseases of Cattle PDF
Eyob Eshetu 160-172
Influence of Temperature Regimes on Germination of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum l.) Varieties PDF
Abdul sattar khetran 173-177
Scent-Marking by the African Civet Civettictis civetta in Arba Minch Forest, Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia PDF
Dagnachew Mullu 178-186
Weight Gain and Carcass Characteristics of Adilo Sheep Fed Urea Treated Wheat Straw Supplemented with Enset (Ensete Ventricosum), Atella and Their Mixtures PDF
Feleke Assefa Mengistu Urge, Getachew Animut 187-194
A Preliminary Survey of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Animals in Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Zoological Park, Ogun State, Nigeria PDF
Adegbulu, Yetunde, Temilade 195-202
Heterosis and Combining Ability of Fruit and Bean Characters in Ethiopian Origin Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Hybrids PDF
Ashenafi Ayano, Sentayehu Alamirew, Abush Tesfaye 203-213
Study On Rainfall Probability Analysis At Allahabad District Of Uttar Pradesh PDF
Mohd Asim Satyendra Nath 214-222
Effect of Adaptable Green Manure Plants on Sorghum Yields and Soil Fertility in Eastern Amhara Region of Ethiopia PDF
Abebe Getu Abreham Teshager 223-231
Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Of Midwives On Active Management Of Third Stage Of Labour At Selected Health Centers Of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2014 PDF
Rahel Yaekob Tsehay Shimelis, Tsehay Shimelis Tafesse Lamaro 232-240
Factors Affecting Family Planning Information Utilization by Rural Households: The Case of Dugda Woreda, East Shewa, Ethiopia PDF
Mesfin Tebeje D. Sundaraa Rajan 241-249



Vol 5, No 12 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Evaluation of Optimum Inclusion Level Azanza Garckeana Pulp on Survival of Clarias Fingerlings PDF
Onyia, L .U, Michael, K.G, Enoch, D, Milam, C, Ja’afar A 1-5
Lambing Interval in Zero-Weaned West African Dwarf (WAD) Ewes Reared Intensively with Rams in a Humid Tropical Environment PDF
Lawrence BRATTE 6-9
Studies on Seed Size and Storage on Germinability and Performance of young Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis L.) Seedlings in Semi-arid Areas of Kenya PDF
S.K Inoti, S.A.O Chamshama, R Dodson, W.M Thagana, L.L.L Lulandala 10-16
Response of Growing Rabbits to Concentrate Diet Supplemented with Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) or Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum)Leaves PDF
Makinde, O. J, Ibe, E.A, Ajibade, A.J 17-21
Understanding some of Nutritional Characteristics of Twelve Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Genotypes in Southern Tanzania PDF
A.C. Kundy, G.S. Mkamilo, R.N. Misangu 22-27
Utilization of Modern Cassava Processing Techniques among Small Holder Rural Women Processor in Ondo state, Nigeria PDF
Wole-Alo Felicia I, Okunlola J. Olaniyi 28-33
Worldwide Contrast in Application of Bio-Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa PDF
Cargele Masso, Juliet R. Awuor Ochieng, Bernard Vanlauwe 34-50
An Analysis of a Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) at a Mining Company in Zimbabwe PDF
Godfrey Mutara, Ngonidzashe Mutanana 51-58
Agricultural Extension Roles towards Adapting to the Effects of Taro Leaf Blight (Tlb) Disease in Nsukka Agricultural Zone, Enugu State PDF
Chiebonam . Justina Ayogu, Chinwoke Uzoamaka Ike, Onyinye Ifeanyi Ogbonna, Gregory Kenneth Nnaemeka 59-72
Effect of palm bunch ash treatment on remediation and growth performance of Zea mays in crude oil polluted soil PDF
Gbosidom V. L, Akien Alli I. J., Ekiyor F. H 73-80
Effect of Npk Fertilizer and Transplant Age On Growth, Fruit Yield And Nutritional Content Of Solanum Melongena South Western Nigeria PDF
Lawal, B. A, Ilupeju, E. A. O, Ojo, A. M., Jolaoso, M. A., W. B. Akanbi 81-91
Review on Vertisol Management for the Improvement of Crop Productivity in Ethiopia PDF
Amare Aleminew Wubie 92-102
Evaluation of Some Haematological Parameters Among Marijuana Smokers In Yenagoa, Nigeria. PDF
Eledo, B.O.,, Dioka, C.E., Amilo, G.I., Ifeanyichukwu, M.O., Onuoha, E.C. 103-111
Attitude towards Receiving Information on Sexual Relationship among Female Secondary Students in Ebonyi State, Nigeria PDF
Nkiru E. Ogbuinya, Ignatius O. Nwimo 112-119
Comparative effects of poultry droppings and N.P.K. 15:15:15 on the growth and density of soil microbes PDF
Olajire-Ajayi BL, Wahab OM, Dada OV, OI Ojo 120-128
Antibacterial efficacy of some essential oils in combination with locally used disinfectants against clinical and environmental strains of Staphylococcus spp. PDF
Saad L. Hamed, Nadheema H. Hussein, Butheina M. Taha, Jumaah D. Hussein 129-138
Policy Of Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Sustainable Development And Its Impact On Buffer Zone Society (A approach Economics Valuation and Analysis of Hierarchy Process) PDF
SUHERMAN . 139-152
Some Fungal Pathogens of Yam (Dioscorea Spp.) In Storage And The Effects Of Their Infection On The Nutrient Composition PDF ()
Nweke, F. U. 153-157


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 6, No 6 (2015) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 6, No 6 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of Slums’ Upgrading Interventions: Case Study Jabal Al-Natheef, Amman, Jordan PDF
Amal Abed, Ayman Tomah, Diana Dumour 1-8
Development of a Microcontroller Based Car Speed Controller PDF
Jonathan A. Enokela, David O. Agbo 9-16
Investigation of Suitable Foundation for Storey Building in Surcharged Swampy Soil (A Case Study of Lagos State) PDF
Ajamu S. O., Adeleke S. A., Ademola S. A. 17-25
Optimization and Analysis of Underactuated Linkage Robotic Finger PDF
Shaker S. Hasan, Somer M. Nacy, Enass H. Flaieh 26-38
The Effect of Adding Stiffener on Deflection of Loading Arm by Using BEM & FEM PDF
Effectiveness Of Sediment Flushing by Using Overflow Flush Canal PDF
Apollo Safanpo, Suripin ., Iwan K. Hadihadadja 48-55


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 5, No 6 (2015) Information and Knowledge Management

Vol 5, No 6 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Librarians’ Use of Social Media for Promoting Library and Information Resources and Services in University Libraries in South-South Nigeria PDF
Investigation of Individual Motivational Factors on Online Shopping PDF
Mohamad Mohsen Mirbagher 9-16
The Impact of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Strategy on Knowledge Management in GCC Countries PDF
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi 17-26
A Secure Web-Based Universal Basic Educational Administrative Management System: A National Capacity Building Strategy in Education PDF
Uduak Umoh, Patience Bassey 27-35
An Investigation on Measuring Accuracy of Explicit Knowledge Sources in Universities PDF
Ahmad Abedal-hayy Al-dala’ien, Moamin A. Mahmoud, Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad 36-44
The Effect of Management Information System on Organizational Performance: Applied Study on Jordanian Telecommunication Companies PDF
Alaa khresat 45-50
University Academics’ Behavioural Intention to Use E-Government Services in Sri Lanka PDF
Samsudeen Sabraz Nawaz, Samantha Thelijjagoda 51-58
Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Selected Universities in Southern Punjab-Pakistan PDF
Abdul Ghafoor Awan Muhammad Imran Khalid 59-67
Mining Event – Based Commonsense Knowledge from Web using NLP Techniques PDF
M.Rajesh K.Balasubramaniaswamy, S. Aravindh 68-73
Performance Measurement and Shareholder Value Creation in Indian Computer Software Industry: An Empirical Analysis PDF
Siddhartha Sankar Saha, Mitrendu Narayan Roy 74-84
Enhancing Transfer of Knowledge in Physics through Effective Teaching Strategies PDF
Akinbobola, Akinyemi Olufunminiyi 85-92
Marking Behaviour of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to Gender, Marital Status, and Religion PDF
Mohd Shakir 93-97
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction PDF
Nasser Mohammed Al-Hamami, Mohd Taib Hashim, Ahmad Rahman Songip, Abdel Hameed Al-Saeed 98-101
The relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning within middle and senior managers of Iranian public organizations PDF
Ali Asghar Fani Hasan, Danaee Fard, Hossein. Yakhkeshi 102-112


Paper submission email: IKM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5758 ISSN (Online)2224-896X

Vol 5, No 6 (2015) Industrial Engineering Letters

Vol 5, No 6 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Adoption of E-Procurement Strategy and Procurement Performance in State Corporations in Kenya (A Case of Kenya Revenue Authority) PDF
Dorcas Wanjiru Muhia, Francis Ofunya Afande 1-24
Corporate Entrepreneurial Impact on Formal Fast food Sector PDF
Nabila Khan Nadeem Iqbal 25-30
Design and Thermal Analysis of LED Lamp Cooling by using Optimization of Circular Fins PDF
Deepak Bhonde Purushottam kumar sahu, Yogesh Dodia 31-37
Measuring Total Factor Productivity and Finding the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity at Sectoral Level: A Case Study of Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Tufail Ather Maqsood Ahmed 38-53
Designing of Different High Efficiency Diode Clamped Multilevel PDF
Mubarak Ahmad Mubarak Ahmad, Hashim Khan Mian Izaz ur Rehman, Yawar Hayat Liaqat Ali 54-66


Paper submission email: IEL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6096 ISSN (Online)2225-0581

Vol 33 (2015) International Affairs and Global Strategy

Vol 33 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Contradictions of the Process of Globalization in the World Economy PDF
Krume Nikoloski, Vlatko Paceskoski 1-9
Critical Analysis of Post-Structuralism as a Theory of International Relations PDF
Mazhar Abbas 10-12
Sino-Turkish Strategic Economic Relationship in the 21st Century PDF
Zhiqiang Zou 13-20
The United Nations (UN), International Security and The Just War Doctrine PDF
ORHERO, Abraham Ejogba 21-26
Pathology of the Role of Woman and Family System and Strategies for Recovery PDF
Yahya mirshekaran, Zohreh kazemi, Masumeh afzali 27-32
Beyond the ‘Remedial’ measures: Re-thinking ‘Normalization’ of women’s election as part of political experience in Kenya PDF
Josephine Anyango Obonyo, Dalmas O. Omia, Charles Owuor Olungah 33-43


Paper submission email: IAGS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-574X ISSN (Online)2224-8951

Vol 21 (2015) Historical Research Letter

Vol 21 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Eaely Life A Study PDF
The Indigenous Aliens: The Case of the Igbo in Nigeria, 1953 – 2013 PDF
Okonkwo C. Eze 6-12
B.R.Ambedkar View of Women Rights Scheduled Castes PDF
Banking Reforms and the Nigerian Economy, 1990 – 2007. PDF
Obienusi, Ihuoma, Obienusi, E. A. 17-42

Paper submission email: HRL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3178 ISSN (Online)2225-0964

Vol 40 (2015) Food Science and Quality Management

Vol 40 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Comparative Economic Analysis of Hybrid Tomato v/s Conventional Tomato Production in District Tando Allahyar Sindh, Pakistan PDF
Sanaullah Noonari 1-14
Impact of Storage Conditions on the Physical Properties and Cooking Characteristics of Two Bean Varieties Grown in Kenya PDF
Valentine Wacu, Elizabeth Namaemba, Anselimo Makokha, Daniel Njoroge, Peter Kinyanjui, Daniel Sila 15-24
Physical and Functional Properties of Breakfast Cereals from Blends of Maize, African Yam Bean, Defatted Coconut Cake and Sorghum Extract PDF
Okafor G.I., Usman, G.O. 25-34
Dairy Cattle Production at Small Holder Level in Sidama Zone Selected Districts, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Tsegay Lijalem, Agengew Asefa, Ashenafi Sharo 35-41
Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in Vegetables Grown along Akaki River in Addis Ababa and Potential Health Implications PDF
Minbale Aschale, Yilma Sileshi Mary Kelly-Quinn, Dereje Hailu 42-52
Experiment on Sand Incubator: An Alternative Mini-Hatchery Technique for Smallholder Poultry Farmers PDF
Yonatan Kassu, Netsanet Beyero 53-58
A Review on Staphylococcal Food Poisoning PDF
Shimelis Argaw Mekonnen Addis 59-71
The Contribution of Livestock in Meeting Food Production and Nutrition in Ethiopia PDF
Habtamu Lemma Didanna 72-95
Microbiological Quality and Safety of Sambusa and Fried Fish in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia PDF
Mesfin Angaw, Mulugeta Kibret, Beye Abera 96-107
Mycoflora, Proximate Composition and Nutritional changes during the Storage of Oryza sativa. PDF
Emmanuel Dayo Fagbohun, Tolulope Tomiye Oluwaniyi 108-116


Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557

Vol 7, No.16, No.17, No.18 (2015) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 7, No 16 (2015)

Table of Contents


Islamic Management and its Present Applications in Islamic Organizations in Bangladesh PDF
M. Ataur Rahman, Md. Golam Mohiuddin 1-11
Entrepreneurship: A Culture Embedded in The Religion of Islam PDF
Taskina Binta Mahmud, Sayema Hoque 12-26
Omens and their Impacts in Bangladesh: Remedy from an Islamic Management Perspective PDF
Md. Mokhter Ahmad, Md. Mahabub Alom 27-48
An Islamic View of Human Development: Special Reference to Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun PDF
Salah ben Tahar Machouche, Benaouda Bensaid 49-64
The Level of Consumers’ Awareness and Perceptions in Consumption of Halal Certified Products PDF
Ekrem Erdem, İnci Varinli, Emin Yıldız 65-75
Professional Ethics Under Islamic Perspective: A Study on Islamic Banks Operating in Bangladesh PDF
Mohammad Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan, Md. Showkat Imran, Nazneen Fatema 76-88
Hybrid Contract in Islamic Banking and Finance: A Proposed Shariah Principles and Parameters for Product Development PDF
Muhammad Iman Sastra Mihajat 89-99
An Insightful Assessment on Customer Satisfaction from Contemporary and Islamic Perspective PDF
Khatijah Othman 100-112
Micro Financing Products and Business Model of Islamic Micro Finance Institution (Imfis) In Indonesia: Lessons from Baitul Maal Muamalat (BMM) PDF
Euis Amalia, Muhammad Iman Sastra Mihajat 113-123
Are Islamic Finance Products and Services Islamic: A Perceptual Analysis from Malaysia and United Arab Emirates PDF
Fayaz Ahmad Lone 124-136
Determinants of Liquidity Risk in Islamic Banks: A Panel Study PDF
Khoutem Ben Jedidia, Hichem Hamza 137-146
Micro Finance with Regard to Beneficiaries Perspective in Conventional and Islamic Paradigm with the Effect of Riba (interest): A Case Study on a Particular area of Bangladesh PDF
Kazi Farzana Shumi, Afroza Bulbul 147-156

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 7, No 17 (2015)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Assessment Of The Performance Appraisal System Of The University For Development Studies PDF
Lawrencia Kania Wonnia, Monica Dede Tekyi Ansah Yawson 1-16
An Investigation into the Core Values That Drive Successful Family-Owned Businesses: A Case of Lagos State, Nigeria PDF
Rose Ogbechie, Friday Osemenshan Anetor 17-23
Integration of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility with Other Key Anchors of Success PDF
Asiya Gul, Arshad Zaheer, Zeb Jan, S M Najmi 24-45
Real Estate Management and Value Adding in Corporate Institutions in Ghana PDF
Daniel Amos, Andrews Gadzekpo, Naana-Amakie Boakye Agyeman 46-54
Effect of Youth Enterprise Development Fund on Growth of New Enterprises in Kenya: A Survey of Selected Youth Enterprises in Mathioya District PDF
Jackson Irungu, Riro Kamau 55-64
Monetary Policy and the Performance of Deposit Money Banks – the Nigerian Experience. PDF
Ndugbu Michael O, Okere Peter A 65-72
An Analysis of M-Pesa Use in International Transactions PDF
Caroline Ntara 73-79
Effect of the Service Quality on Customer’s Satisfaction and Loyalty of Premium Credit Customer PD.BPR Bank Boyolali PDF
Leo Agung Kresno Kusumo Adi, Mulyanto . 80-87
Nurturing a Culture of Creativity, Innovation and Continuous Improvement PDF
Edwinah Amah, Gift Worlu 88-91
Assessing Government – NGO’s Partnerships in Community Based Education in Egypt- A Case Study PDF
Alia Abdel Hamid Aaref 92-105
Place Branding: A Content Analysis of How Tour Operators Sell Kenya as a Tourist Destination on Their Official Websites PDF
Wendy Rop 106-113
Power and Influence as Determinants of Re-Entry Behaviour PDF
Haruna Abdul 114-120
Effect of the Knowledge Acquisition on the Strategic Decision-Making of Industrial Units’ Managers PDF
Mona Kheradmand, Mostafa Jafari 121-131
Identification and Prioritization of the Effective Factors on Employee Productivity of SMEs of Shiraz Industrial Town Using AHP and TOPSIS Techniques : Case Study In Iran PDF
MASOUD BIRJANDI, Somayeh Akhavan Darabi, HAMID BIRJANDI 132-143
Board Entrepreneurial Orientation, Board Guanxi and Firm Growth of Small Medium Enterprises in Malaysia PDF
Kim Yew Lim, Rosmini Omar, Rohaida Basiruddin, Farzana Quoquab 144-149
Evaluating Customers’ Perceptions of Service Quality: An Empirical Study on A Leading Telecom Service Provider of Bangladesh PDF
Mehdad Mamur Mannan, Sandip Sarker 150-156
A Spill Over Relationship – Corporate Governance and Investor Reaction: A Case of Karachi Stock Exchange PDF
Sajid Iqbal 157-159
Shipping and Transport Optimization on Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with Genetic Algorithm PDF
Anggara Hayun Anujuprana 160-166
Women Empowerment in Bangladesh through Microfinance PDF
Md Sharif Hossain 167-175
Money Growth Bias and Output Variability in Nigeria: An Empirical Perspective PDF
Mustapha Saidi Atanda, Musa Samuel Olayinka Ganiyu, Osobase Anthony Onagiese 176-188
Political Instability and Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan PDF
Sobia Nadeem 189-199
Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance: Evidence from Pakistan PDF
Imran Abbas Jadoon, Norkhairul Hafiz Bajuri 200-207
The Effect Of Competence And Motivation And Cultural Organization Towards Organizational Commitment And Performance On State University Lecturers In East Kalimantan Indonesia PDF
Ana Sriekaningsih, Djoko Setyadi 208-219
Behavioral Empowerment Determinants Artisanal Fishermen In East Kalimantan Indonesia PDF
Rusmiyati ., Djoko Setyadi, Sri Mintarti 220-228
Correlates of Road Traffic Congestion and Workers’ Performance in Lagos Metropolis PDF
Fadare Olawale, Somuyiwa Adebambo, Ayantoyinbo Boye 229-235
The Impact of Business Networking and Internet Adoption on SME performance in Sri Lanka PDF
Harshana P. Suriyapperuma, Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, Ali Khatibi 236-245



Vol 7, No 18 (2015)

Table of Contents


An Examination of the Legal Regime of Corporate Governance in the Nigerian Banking Sector PDF
Oluwaseyi Leigh 1-11
The Effects of Work Environment and Developed Expectation toward Profession Responsibility and Lecturers Motivation in Private Universities of East Java PDF
Budi Kartono, Heru Suprihhadi 12-21
Business Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Practices in Nigeria PDF
ADEROBA, Charles T., BABAJIDE, D. Adesina 22-31
Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment on the Growth of Agro-Processing Sector: A Case of Selected Agro-Processing Companies in Kenya PDF
Grace K. Otanga, Abuga Vitalis Mogwambo, Ojera Patrick, Gideon Momanyi, Nyabwanga Robert, Patrick K. Nyatete 32-41
Developments in Money Market Operations and Economic Viability in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis PDF
Andrew O Agbada, Deborah O. Odejimi 42-52
Cooperative Effects of Business Performance as Implication of Board of Management, Controller and Manager Competencies through Members Participation (Study on Primary Saving and Loan Cooperative in West Java Province) PDF
Yuanita Indriani, Ernie Tisnawati Sule, Tisnawati Sule, Yunizar . 53-60
Financial crises and Adjustment rate of firms towards target capital structure: Evidence from China PDF
Sultan Sikandar Mirza, Tanveer Ahsan, Xianzhi Zhang, Wang Man 61-69
International Financial Reporting Standards and Earnings Management Behaviour of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
Onipe Adabenege Yahaya, Umar Mohammed Kutigi, Ahmed Mohammed 70-82
The Mediating Influence of Subjective Career Success on the Relationship between Core Self-Evaluations and Career Competencies, and Subjective Well-Being PDF
Mamdouh Zaky Ewis 83-97
Personality and Consumer Behaviour: A Review PDF
Philip Thomas Udo-Imeh, Nsobiari Festus Awara, Eyo Emmanuel Essien 98-106
Qualitative Insights into Brand Management Practices of Universities in Emerging Markets: The Ghanaian Perspective PDF
Felicia de Heer 107-114
Test of Complicity Theory: Is External Whistleblowing A Strategic Outcome of Negative I/O Psychology? PDF
H.Tezcan UYSAL, Kemal YAVUZ 115-124
How Do You Explain A New Product Category? Product Knowledge Explains It! PDF
Ikechukwu-Maria Nnamdi Hyacinth Okoye 125-128
Success Factors and Potential Problems in Applying of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems PDF
Abdel-Rahman Ismail, Mahmood B. Ridha 129-134
Supplier Selection Criteria and Supply Chain Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya PDF
Lucas Waweru 135-148
The relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction: Applied study on Jordanian Textile Companies PDF
Luma Basim Elias 149-154
Sustaining Conflict-Free Team Leadership in a Cross-Cultural Project Management Setting: Observational Evidence from China PDF
Jules Harris Danarson 155-190
Empowerment and Participation of Woman in Arab Workforce Market PDF
Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Relationship between Relationship Lending and Financial Performance of manufacturing SMEs in Kenya PDF
Abraham Kipkemboi Rotich, Kenneth Lawrence Wanjau, Gregory Namusonge 198-209
Knowledge Transfer and Family Business Sustainability in VaZezuru Entrepreneurship model: an Explorative study of Botswana VaZezuru Sub-culture PDF
Clever Gumbo 210-218
Strategic Management Accounting Usage, Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Performance PDF
Hamzah Al-Mawali 219-226
Transformational Leadership Model Of Private Vocational School Principals (A Study on School Principals’ Competences, Organizational Climate and Work Ethics as Determinant Factors of the School Principals Transformational Leadership Amongst the Private V PDF
Sitti Hartinah DS 227-232
Accessibility of Financial Credit and the Growth of Women Owned Small Retail Enterprises in Uasin Gishu County PDF
Doreen Chebet Cheluget, Valentine Jepkorir Morogo, Kenneth Kipruto Chelimo 233-242


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839