Vol 4, No 23 (2014) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 4, No 22 (2014)

Table of Contents


Assessment of Ecosystem Services by using Decision Tree Approach in the Leimatak River Basin, North East India PDF
Lunghim Rongmei 1-8
Foraminiferal Assemblage and Palaeoenvironment: A Case Study of Meren 31 Side Tract -2 Well, Offshore Niger Delta PDF
Review of the Role of Plant in Carbondioxide Sequestration Globally using Chlorophy II or Leaf Index PDF
Olaniyi Olatunde Akinola 22-30
Identifying Diseased Areas using a Geospatially Developed Human African Trypanosomiasis Vector Habitat Classification Scheme PDF
Akiode Olukemi Adejoke, Oduyemi Kehinde O K 31-45
Implications of Urban and Regional Planning Laws on Urban Renewal Projects in Akure, Nigeria PDF
Enisan Olugbenga, Ogundiran Adekemi 46-53
Landslide Susceptibility Zone using Frequency Ratio Model, Remote Sensing &GIS –A Case Study of Western Ghats, India (Part of Kodaikanal Taluk) PDF
C. Sivakami, A. Sundaram 54-61
Assessment of Pollution Level of Groundwater in Gariki, Enugu Urban, Nigeria PDF
Eze, H.I., Ogbuene, E.B., Nwachukwu, U.L. 62-67
The Sediments Flow of the Main Baikal Rivers and Its Sensitivity to the Environmental Change (East Siberia, Russia) PDF
Tatiana Potemkina, Vladimir Potemkin 68-74
Taxonomy and Distribution of Recent Benthic Foraminifera from the Inner Shelf of Gulf of Mannar, off Tuticorin, South East Coast of India PDF
K. Babu, R. Prabhakaran, R.S. Kumar, B. Selvaraj, P. Subramanian 75-89
Analysis of Sensor Imaging and Field-Validation for Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Future Flood Prone Areas along River Niger and Benue Confluence Ecology, Lokoja, Nigeria PDF
Yahaya Usman Badaru, Onuh Spencer, Musa Yakubu, Ibrahim Ishiaku, Yakubu Mohammed Nassir 90-99
Assessment of a Vulnerable Rural Community to Typhoid Fever using Geospatial-Temporal Analysis: Case Study of Ejule, Kogi State of Nigeria PDF
Yahaya Usman Badaru, Israel Kayode Olayemi, Onuh Spencer, Musa Yakubu 100-108
Environmental Geochemical Assessment of River Gora Sediments in Minna, North-Central Nigeria PDF
S.O. Obaje, F.C. Ugbe, I.A. Akpoborie, F.I. Chinyem 109-115
Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Bacteriological Studies in Hand Dug Wells in Udu Community of Delta State, Nigeria PDF
John O. Olomukoro, Ebehiremhen. O. Oviojie 116-120
Re-Thinking Social Studies Education for Effective Citizenship in Twenty-First Century Nigeria PDF
Ibhafidon H.E., Otote O.C., Jimoh A.S. 121-124
Lack of Community Participation in Drinking Water Supply Project and its Impact on Health and Services Provided to Flood Affected People PDF
Asam Shad 125-131
Impact of Soil Amendments on Yield and Yield Attributes of Maize (Zea mays L.) under Different Irrigation Schedule PDF
Amanullah Jan 132-139
Land Suitability Evaluation for surface and sprinkler irrigation Using Geographical Information System (GIS) in Guang Watershed, Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Gizachew Ayalew 140-149
Amanullah Jan 150-154
Sowing Dates and Nitrogen Levels Effect on Morpo-Phenological Traits of Sesame Cultivars PDF
Shahzad Ali 155-160
A GIS based Land Capability Classification of Guang Watershed, Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Gizachew Ayalew 161-165
Assessment of Human African Trypanosomiasis Foci using Change Detection Algorithms PDF
Akiode Olukemi Adejoke, Oduyemi Kehinde O K, Yahaya Usman Badaru 166-183
Bioclimatic Architecture: Housing and Sustainability PDF
Ayman Al Suliman 184-195


Vol 4, No 23 (2014)

Table of Contents


Assessment and Management of Human African Trypanosomiasis Propagation using Geospatial Techniques PDF
Akiode Olukemi Adejoke, Oduyemi Kehinde O K 1-12
Comparison of Radiation Levels Emission between Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and Incandescent Bulbs PDF
Efficient and Strategic Resource Allocation for Sustainable Development in Jordan PDF
Hanin I. Shuqair, Dania Abdel-Aziz 17-26
Assessment of Environmental and Human Challenges in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria PDF
Okhakhu Poly Alens 27-36
Estimating the Effect of Urban Trees on Summertime Electricity Use and Air Quality Improvement in Urban Areas –Amman as a Case Study PDF
Dania Abdel-Aziz, Nabeel Al-Kurdi 37-47
Seasonal Variation in Heavy Metal Content of Lake and Underground Water in Some Selected Towns around the Bosomtwe Crater Lake PDF
N. K. Asare-Donkor, A. Boadu, A. A. Adimado 48-59
Financial Engineering and Project Risk Management: Imperatives for Professional Quantity Surveyors PDF
Uche. O. Ajator 60-71
Removal Parameters of Clean Water using Treatment; Sediment Poly Propylene, Carbon Block, Manganese Zeolite, Ion Exchange, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) PDF
Setyo Purwoto, Tatang Sopandi, Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma, Yunia Dwie Nurcahyanie 72-77
Heavy Metals Contents in the Edible Parts of Some Vegetables Grown in Candi Kuning, Bali and Their Predicted Pollution in the Cultivated Soil PDF
I Made Siaka, I Made Supartha Utama, I. B. Putra Manuaba, I Made Adnyana 78-83
Hydrogeological Implications of Environmental Devastation in Orlu and Its Evirons South Eastern, Nigeria PDF
Usman, Ayatu Ojonugwa, Iheme, Obinna Kenneth, Chinwuko, Augustine Ifeanyi 84-95
An Assessment of the Environmental Impacts on Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Strategies of Reducing the Adverse Impacts: A Case of Eldoret Municipality, Uasin Gishu District, Kenya PDF
Janet Cherono Korir 96-103
Indu-Diesel and Bio-Diesel as Renewable Fuel Synthesis from Used Automotive and Frying Oils PDF
Mohammed Nsaif Abbas, Seroor Atallah Khaleefa Ali, Firas Saeed Abbas 104-117
Organic Matter Quantity, Quality and Maturity Studies of the Paleocene Ewekoro Formation, Southwestern Nigeria PDF
Henry Madukwe 118-130
Geophysical Investigation of the Causes of Borehole Failure in the Crystaline Basement Complex: A Case Study of Kaura Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria PDF
Afuwai, G.C, Lawal, K.M, Sule, P, Ikpokonte, A.E 131-141
Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment of Sediments of River Gora in Minna, North-Central Nigeria: Statistical Approach PDF
S.O. Obaje, I.A. Akpoborie, F.C. Ugbe 142-149
Assessment of Surface and Groundwater Quality of the Akure Metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria. PDF
John Sunday Ojo, Marthin Olusola Olorunfemi, Idowu Adedeji Aduwo, Sunday Bayode, Olaoluwa James Akintorinwa, Gregory Oluwole Omosuyi, Frances Omowonuola Akinluyi 150-168
A Geophysical Approach to Site Characterization for Construction and Related Purposes; Case Study of ABUAD Teaching and Research Farm, Ado – Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria. PDF
Ademilua O. Lawrence, Ojo O. Felix, Ademilua B. Oladipupo 169-187
Characteristic Level of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Soil and Groundwater of Oil Impacted Area in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria. PDF
Alinnor I.J., Ogukwe C.E., Nwagbo N. C. 188-194
Environmental Reform in Egypt: The Past Mistakes, Present Situation and Future Perspectives PDF
Sherifa Fouad Sherif 195-201

Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948

Vol 4, No 28 (2014) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 4, No 27 (2014)

Table of Contents


Evaluation of Leaf Bud Cuttings from Different Sized Crowns for Rapid Propagation of Pineapple (Ananas Comosus L. [Merr.]) PDF
Addis Alemayehu Tassew 1-7
Effects of Organic Amendments on Cocoa Soil and Leaf Nutrient Contents PDF
Akanbi, O. S. O 8-12
Dynamics and Management of Major Postharvest Fungal Diseases of Mango Fruits PDF
Kumlachew Alemu 13-21
Assessment of Antioxidant Properties of Honeys from Tanzania PDF
Masoud Hadi Muruke 22-32
Review on Concepts in Biological Control of Plant Pathogens PDF
Alemu Nega 33-54
Costs and Returns to Potassium Fertilizer Application in Melon (Egusi) Seed Yield and Oil Production PDF
O.J. Ayodele 55-58
Evaluation of Entamoeba Histolytica Transmission Rates amongst Primary School Children in Five Selected Communities in Gwagwalada Area Council, Fct, Abuja, Nigeria PDF
GIMBA, U.N., AZARE, A.B., ALAO, A.O 59-63
Review on Barely Yellow Dwarf Viruses PDF
Alemu Nega 64-90
Soil Fertility Status as Affected by Different Land Use Types and Topographic Positions: A Case of Delta Sub-Watershed, Southwestern Ethiopia PDF
Bahilu Bezabih 91-105
Impact of Household Decision Making Criteria on Access to Productive Capital in Northern Ghana: A Baseline Evidence of The United States Government’s Feed The Future (FTF) Programme PDF
Baba Hananu, Abdallah Abdul-Hanan 106-111
Chemical Composition and Supplemental Effects of Levels of Euphorbia Tirucalli and Acacia Albida Pods on Feed Intake of Goats PDF
Effect of Stress on Animal Health: A Review PDF
Aleme Asres 116-121
Micrococca Mercurialis Benth– Pharmacognostic Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of an Important Folk Medicinal Plant PDF
Sutapa Choudhury 122-128
Review on Nematode Molecular Diagnostics: From Bands to Barcodes PDF
Alemu Nega 129-153
Poultry Production System and Role of Poultry Production in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia: A Review PDF
Mearg Fitsum 154-159
Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infections among Food Handlers in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya PDF
Gilbert K. Biwott, Paul M. Wanjala, Moses M. Ngeiywa 160-171
Assessment of Crop Water Productivity of Maize in Sub-Trophical Conditions under Tube Wells Irrigation System PDF
Ziaullah . 172-178
Review of Bamboo Value Chain in Ethiopia PDF
Teshome Kassahun 179-190
Review On Early Blight (Alternaria spp.) of Potato Disease and its Management Options PDF
Binyam Tsedaley 191-198
Rice (Oryza Sativa) and Chickpea (Cicer Aritinum L) Relay Intercropping Systems in an Additive Series Experiment in Rain Fed Lowland Ecosystem of Fogera Vertisols PDF
Yayeh Bitew 199-204
Seasonal Incidence of Insect Pest and Natural Enemies on Onion Agro Ecosystem at Tandojam, Pakistan PDF
Tufail Ahmed Wagan 205-212
Supplementation with Different Forms of Processed Lupin (Lupinus albus) Grain in Hay Based Feeding of Washera Sheep: Effect on Feed Intake, Digestibility Body Weight and Carcass Parameters PDF
Yilkal Tadele 213-231
Village Chicken Production Constraints and Opportunities in Western Zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia PDF
Shishay Markos 232-245
A Contribution to the Previous Study for Genus Amanita from Ayubia National Park, Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Ali 246-254
Antenatal Care and Safe Delivery among Social Groups in Madhya Pradesh PDF
Dewaram A. Nagdeve 255-268
Assessment of the Cognitive function in the epileptic patients and effect of anti epileptic drugs PDF
Nabiel Abdel-Hakeem, Mahmoud M. Hassan, Yasser H. Mostafa, Islam Shaban, Amal Tohami 269-275
Effects of different Levels of Compost Manure on Upland Rice and Soil Chemical Properties in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria PDF
Ojobor, S. A., Obiazi C. C., Egbuchua, C. N. 276-283
Response of Upland Rice and Soil Chemical Properties to Formulated Organic Manures in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria PDF
Ojobor, S. A., AdeOluwa, O. O, Adeoye, G. O. 284-290
Analysis of Implementation barriers of Directly Observed Treatment Short course therapy (DOTS) program: Case of TB patient care in Machakos County, Kenya PDF
Kasusu A. Mutinda 291-300
Environmental Infection Control in Intensive Care Units at Gaza Governorates: KAP Study PDF
Khalid Khadoura, Samir Afifi, Yousef Aljeesh 301-309
Determinants of Factors that Influence Small Ruminant Livestock Production Decisions in Northern Ghana: Application of Discrete Regression Model PDF
Faizal Adams, Kwasi Ohene-Yankyera 310-321
Gene Polymorphism of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in a Sample of Iraqi Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients PDF
Khulood K. Hasan, Ali H. Ad’hiah, Hala K. Alsamray, Ahmed Asmar 322-326
Comparative efficacy of extracts from Azadirachta indica, Piper guineense and pirimiphos-methyl against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) in stored maize PDF
Mobolade Dele Akinbuluma, Francis Kolawole Ewete


Vol 4, No 28 (2014)

Table of Contents


Alzheimer’s Disease: The Features and Quality of Life PDF
Mustafa M. Amin 1-5
Antimicrobial Activity, Toxicity and Phytochemical Screening of Four Medicinal Plants Traditionally Used in Msambweni District, Kenya PDF
Magrate M. Kaigongi, Saifuddin. F. Dossaji, Joseph. M. Nguta, Catherine.W. Lukhoba, Fredrick. M. Musila 6-12
Associated Factor of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Academic Outcome PDF
Nur Hazirah Azahar, Shahirah Muhamad Mukhtar, Siti Hariyah Ahmad Mawardi, Wan Nur Atiqah Wan Habib, Wan Syakirah Wan Jamil, Mohammad Nasir Abdullah 13-17
Clinical Response in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Combined Therapy of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and NSAIDs: Etoricoxib vs Piroxicam PDF
Farhat . 18-25
Comparative Effect Haloperidol and Quetiapine within Positive Symptoms for Female Schizophrenic Patient PDF
Hanip Fahri, Vita Camellia, Bahagia Loebis 26-30
Factors Influencing Choice of Pesticides Used by Grain Farmers in Southwest Nigeria PDF
O.A Adejumo, E.A. Ojoko, S.A. Yusuf 31-38
Effect of Prefeeding Oral Stimulation Program on Preterm Infants’ Feeding Performance PDF
Hanan Mohamed Rashad, Soheir Abd Elhamid Dabash, Hoda Wahid Amer 39-46
Antifungal Activity of Leaf Extract of Ficus Septica Against Colletotrichum Acutatum the Cause of Anthracnose Disease on Chili Pepper PDF
Sang Ketut Sudirga, Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, I Made Sudana, I G.N. Alit Susanta Wirya 47-52
Feed Intake and Carcass Characteristics of Bunaji Bulls Fed Raw or Parboiled Rice Offal as Energy Source PDF
Sani, R.T, Lamidi, O.S, Jokhtan, G.E. 53-59
Granite Dusts and Poultry Manure Effects on Growth Performance and Yield of Maize (Zea Mays L.) PDF
Ayanlowo, K. A, Awodun, M. Adeyeye 60-70
Egg Production and Economic Response of Laying Pullets Fed Urea- Fermented Brewer’s Dried Grains Groundnut Cake Based Diets PDF
Isikwenu J. O, Akpodiete O. J., Bratte L. 71-75
Use of Factor Scores in Multiple Regression Model for Predicting the Live Weight of Native Chickens using Body Measurements PDF
S.I. Daikwo, U.A. Dike, J.K. Onaleye 76-80
Observations on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Root Yield and Soil Fertility under Different K – Sources PDF
B. Osundare 81-86
Risperidone and Haloperidol Comparative Effects of Positive Symptoms Patient Schizophrenic PDF
Ferdinan Leo Sianturi, Syamsir BS, Vita Camellia 87-92
The Influence of Workload and Work Stress to Patient Safety Attitude on Nurses PDF
Qurratul Aini 93-101
Determinants of Output and Profitability of Aquaculture Fish Farming in Burutu and Warri South West Local Government Areas of Delta State, Nigeria PDF
Pius Chinwuba Ike, Victor Azuka Chuks-Okonta 102-108
Financing Agro-Based Small and Medium Scale Enterprises by Selected Commercial Banks in Enugu State, Nigeria PDF
IKE, P. C., EZEAKU, I. E., AKENBOR, A. S. 109-114
Demographic Pattern of Economic Elder Abuse among Retired Army Officers and Men in Bauchi South Senatorial District Bauchi State-Nigeria PDF
James, Iliya Kyamru, Bulus, Maiyanga Yuyu 115-121
Bioactivity of crude extracts of Ascomycetes isolated from Tanzanian traditionally fermented milk, Mtindi PDF
Jane S. Mlimbila, Masoud H. Muruke, Ken M.M. Hosea 122-129
Attitude of the Youth towards People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA): The Case of Cape Coast Polytechnic PDF
Emmanuel Baffour-Awuah 130-141
Factors That Attribute To Decrease in Agricultural Production in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya PDF
Chukwu Rosebella Cheptoo 142-152
Isolation and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Bacteria from Otitis Media Infections in Children in Rabat Morocco PDF
Imane Es-said, Rachid Mahdoufi, Maamar Yagoubi, Mimoun Zouhdi 153-159

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 5, No 12 (2014) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 5, No 12 (2014)

Table of Contents


Cultural, Economic and Political Reasons Controlling the Informalities Spreading: Jordan as a Model PDF
Diana Dumour, Numan Abu-Hammad 1-14
Design and Construction of a Tesla Transformer by using Microwave Oven Transfer for Experimentation PDF
M. Sohel Rana, A.K. Pandit 15-22
Design of Domestic Helix Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to Extract Energy from Exhaust Fans PDF
Sonika Chauhan, Ravinder Singh 23-28
Heat losses in Ceramic Coated Diesel Engine PDF
Vedant Singh, S. Vaibhav 29-33
A Method of Measurement of Permittivity and Opacity of Fluid PDF
Nilotpal Manna 34-42
Investigation of Conventional and AI Techniques for Online Application to Solve ELD, MED and CEED Problems PDF
M. Naresh, Sri. B. Viswanath, Sri. G. Govinda Rao 43-53
Development of Material Selection Software for Airplane Construction PDF
Taiwo M. Adamolekun, Samuel B. Adejuyigbe, Biliamin Kareem 54-60
Investigate Science Background, Coverage of Syllabus and Performance of Candidates in Mechanical Technology Subject in National Examinations in Technical Institutions PDF
Jason M. Wapukha 61-66
Reduction of Saturation Error Value of PAL Television System Using Inverse Matrix Generator Model PDF
Joel. J. Biebuma, Bourdillon. O. Omijeh, Awama, Iheanachonwaji 67-79
Modelling of the Behavior of Lossless Transmission Lines PDF
Bourdillon.O. Omijeh, Stanislaus.K. Ogboukebe, Temitope .J. Alake 80-90
Design and Construction of an Automatic Triggered Bell Ringer Circuit PDF
Ijemaru Gerald Kelechi, Adamu Murtala Zungeru, Yaduma Sandra, Adedayo Kayode Babarinde, Olusuyi Kehinde Oluwafemi 91-98

Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 4, No 12 (2014) Information and Knowledge Management

Vol 4, No 12 (2014)

Table of Contents


Information Literacy: A New Frontier of Learning for Librarians, Educators and Students in the 21st Century PDF
Moses C. Nwosu, M. C. Onwubiko 1-13
An Evaluation of the Perceived Effect of ICT’s on the Performance of Sacco’s in Kenya (Case of Licensed Sacco’s, Nairobi County) PDF
David Munene Wachira, Peter Ndwiga Muturi, Jerotich Sirma 14-32
Applying Electronic Commerce for a Proposed Virtual Organization PDF
Wisal Hashim, Firas Abdulhameed 33-41
Bibliometric Analysis of International Journal of Research in Education, 2004 – 2012 PDF
L. F. Jimoh, Emmanuel S. Eshiemokhai, Zakari Salisu Hambali 42-48
Taxation as an Instrument of Economic Growth (The Nigerian Perspective) PDF
Confidence Joel Ihenyen, Ebipanipre Gabriel Mieseigha 49-53
Assessing Sources Used by Rural Women to Access Health Information in Morogoro Rural District PDF
Kotorai, Gladness 54-64
Developing Myanmar’s Public Private Telecommunications Partnerships PDF
Colonel Douglas A. LeVien 65-72
Information Systems’ Contribution to Firm Performance: Impacts of Information Systems Strategy and IS Maturity PDF
Bernard K. Okpattah, Justin Chisenga, Richard Otoo 73-83
Nature of Delinquency among Library Staff and Users in Academic Libraries: A Study of University of Benin Library (John Haris Library) PDF
Lawani F. Jimoh 84-94
Drivers for the Adoption of Risk Management Practices by Farmers in Ghana: Critical Inquiry from the Wa East District PDF
Motin Bashiru, Moses Dumayiri, Gordon Terkpeh Sabutey 95-105
The Role of Digital Library in Bridging the Language Divide: Comparison Study of Arabic and Other Languages PDF
Omar Mohammad Al-Jaradat, Khaldoon M. AL_Dwairi, Othman A. Obeidat 106-121
The Effect of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in the Jordanian Universities PDF
Khaled,K, Zureikat 122-132
Developing Knowledge-Based Systems: Car Failure Detection using Expert System PDF
Adsavakulchai, S. 133-140
Democratic Relation of Local Bureaucracy, Public Participation, and Sampean Watershed Forum in Public Service Performance PDF
Geographical Information Systems Approach for Transportation Planning Management PDF
Adsavakulchai, S. 147-151
Influence of Famer Field School’s Networks on Empowerment and Sustainability of Post-Graduation Farmer Groups in Rungwe and Kyela Districts in Mbeya Region, Tanzania PDF
Edward Johnson Mwaikali 152-165
Knowledge & Skills Transfer in Capacity Development PDF
Oganga, Clement Otieno 166-172
Framework for Client-Server Distributed Database System for an Integrated Pay Roll System PDF
Sese Tuperkiye Ebimobowei 173-180
Information Accountability on Cloud for Data Sharing in a Distributed Environment PDF
Rintumol Joseph, Fabeela Ali Rawther 181-185
A Standard Public Information Center for Effective National Development: The Study of Local Communities in Kogi State of Nigeria PDF
Bello, Stephen Adeyemi, Ekere, Felix C 186-190
Diffusion of ICT in Rural Areas Community for Socio-Economic Development under the Platform of E-CLRC PDF
Sabit Rahim, Sun Tie, Afsana Begum 191-204
ICT Influence on Globalization of Library and Information Services Delivery in Academic Libraries in South West, Nigeria PDF
Sarah Okonedo, Oyintola Isiaka Amusa, Olubunmi Dorcas Bakare 205-212
An Appraisal of Manpower Adequacy of MIS Units in Managing Information in Nigeria Universities PDF
Mustapha Momoh 213-220
Effective Use of Library Resources: A Case Study of Business Students of Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana PDF
M. Owusu-Acheaw, Agatha Gifty Larson 221-228

Paper submission email: IKM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5758 ISSN (Online)2224-896X

Vol 15 (2014) Historical Research Letter

Vol 15 (2014)

Table of Contents


Auditing and Corruption in Nigeria: A Review of the Legal Weight of the Audit Act of 1956 PDF
Adetunji Ojo OGUNYEMI 1-7
Corruption and Democratisation Hurdles in Nigeria: An Overview of the Fourth Republic PDF
Sakariyau, Rauf Tunde, Abdulrahman, A. Ajibola 8-13
Historical Development of Corporate Social Responsibility- A Review on Early Studies PDF
Md. Tareq Bin Hossain, Chamhuri Siwar, Mazlin Bin Mokhtar, Abul Bashar Bhuiyan 14-17
The Impact of Military Rule on Nigeria’s Nation Building, 1966-1979 PDF
ABDULRAHMAN, Ajibola A. 18-23
Igbon, Iresa and Ikoyi: A Pre-Historic Relationship Till Present Time PDF
ONIPEDE, Kayode Joseph, ADEGBITE, Folaranmi Adewuyi 24-28
The Post-Colonial Themes of Racism in the Nigerian Army (NA) 1966-2014 PDF

Paper submission email: HRL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3178 ISSN (Online)2225-0964

Vol 34 (2014) Food Science and Quality Management

Vol 34 (2014)

Table of Contents


Hedonic Quality of Empek-Empek with the Addition of Kappa Carrageenan and Flour Porridge PDF
A.D. Murtado, Dasir ., Ade Verayani 1-6
The Effect of Olea afrikana and Cassia didymobotrya and Aging Period, on the Level of Heavy Metal Residues in Fermented Milk A Case of Kabianga Division PDF
Wangila Tsikhungu Phanice, Tsimbiri Pamella, Peter Nyongesa 7-11
Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity among Women of Child Bearing Ages in Northern Ghana PDF
Hudu Zakaria, Dujin Barma Laribick 12-25
Influence of Extrusion Condition and Defatted Soybean Inclusion on the Functional and Pasting Characteristics of African Breadfruit (Treculia Africana) Flour Blend PDF
James Samaila, Nwabueze, Titus Ugochukwu 26-33
Bioadhesive Buccal Tablets of Aminophylline by Direct Compression Method PDF
Chaudhari Rupesh, Patel Ronak, Akarte Anup, Baviskar Dheeraj, Jain Dinesh 34-41
The Present Status of Meat Processing and Preservation in the Pastoral Regions of Kenya PDF
Josphat N. Gichure, Catherine N. Kunyanga, Pius M. Mathi, Jasper K. Imungi 42-50
Effect of Iron–Based Coagulants in Municipality Operation A Case Study of Kwara State Water Corporation PDF
Ameen Babatunde A, Musa Rukayat T 51-57
Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls Living in Southwest of Ethiopia PDF
Tsedeke Wolde 58-64
Thinlayer Chromatography (TLC) and GC-MS Analysis of Somes Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatent of Haemorrhoids PDF
Eseigbe, M.I., Salawu, S. O., Adeniyan, O O. 65-69
Quality Parameters of Some Selected Potable Packaged Water in Minna, Nigeria PDF
Musa, John Jiya, Adejumo, Bolanle, Mohammed, Sadeeq Abubakar, Musa, Hassan Isah, Yakubu, Joel, Jibril, Ibrahim 70-73
Safety and Hygienic Implications of Street Vended Foods in Anyigba Town, Kogi State – Nigeria PDF
Steve Metiboba, Venatus V. Kakwagh 74-77
Nutritional Improvement of Whole Wheat Flour Chapatti by Supplementation of Tartarty Buckwheat Flour PDF
Rahat Bano, Shehzad Hussain, Jie Li, Sartaj Ali, Wenjun Jin, Hui Li, Amjad Ali, Muhammad Hussain 78-85
Influence of Harvesting Stages, Drying Structures and Drying Durations on Oleoresin and Essential Oil content of Korarima (Aframomum corrorima (Braun) P.C.M. Jansen) Capsules Grown in Ethiopia PDF
Fissiha Gebreyesus Gebreazgaabher 86-92
Microbiological, chemical and sensory characteristics of yoghurt prepared from blended cow and goat milk PDF
Ketut Suriasih, Martini Hartawan, Nyoman Sucipta, Sri Angreni Lindawati, I.A. Okarini 93-102
Inhibition of Ascorbic Acid on Lotus Rhizome Polyphenol Oxidase: Inhibition Kinetics and Computational Simulation PDF
Hongbin Wang, Shoulei Yan, Qingzhang Wang, Shehzad Hussain, Jie Li 103-112
Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Storage on Physicochemical Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Var. Pechtomech) PDF
Robert Agbemafle, Joshua Owusu-Sekyere, Ato Bart-Plange, John Otchere 113-120

Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557

Vol 6, No.37, No.38, No.39 (2014) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 6, No 37 (2014)

Table of Contents


Leadership Begins with a Creative Approach PDF
Syeda Sana Gulzar 1-5
Corporate Governance in Pakistan and Need of Corporate Performance Measurement: An Empirical Study PDF
Aamir Firoz Shamsi 6-15
Mutual Real Estate Funds: A Veritable Window of Investment in the Nigerian Stock Market PDF
Robinson Onuora Ugwoke, Edith Ogoegbunam Onyeanu 16-23
A Study on Evaluation of Training Effectiveness among Employees in M/S Addison & Co., Ltd., Chennai PDF
S. Vadivelu 24-48
Impact of Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image and Advertisements on Brand Loyalty of “Sting (Energy drink)” with Special Focus on Karachi PDF
Ahsan Jamal Baig 49-56
Does the Investor Investigate? Antecedents of Investment Decision PDF
Jayakumar T 57-64
Empowering Women to Eliminate Gender Discrimination in Asia PDF
Tarana Karim 65-71
How Entrepreneurs Identify and Acquire Venture Capital Financing in Moroccan and French New Ventures? PDF
Brahim Bouzahir, Ahmed Chakir 72-86
The Moderating Effect of IT Capability on the Relationship between Business Process Reengineering Factors and Organizational Performance of Banks PDF
Maria Khalid Satti 87-97
Budgetary Control: A Tool for Cost Control in Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria PDF
OLAGUNJU Adebayo, IMEOKPARIA Lawrence, AFOLABI Taofeek Sola 98-108
Coffee Production and Marketing in Ethiopia PDF
Alemayehu Asfaw Amamo 109-121
Scenario of Corporate Governance Practices in Bangladesh: A Study on Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) PDF
Shakhawat Hossain Sarkar 122-126
EOQ in a Just in Time (JIT) World: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of EOQ Variables on Operating Profit: The Case of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc PDF
Assessment of Advertising on the Sales Revenue and Profitability of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc PDF
Abdullahi, Dauda 144-154
Factors that Undermine International Students’ Decision to Choose China as Work Destination: An Exploratory Study PDF
Faheem Akhtar, Chen Jian-An 155-161
Effect of Knowledge Transfer and Spillover on Product Innovativeness: The Case of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya PDF
Patrick Gudda, Henry M. Bwisa, John M. Kihoro 162-168
Factors Affecting on Employees Retention in Banking Sector: An Investigation from Karachi PDF
Atif Salman 169-178
An Evaluation of Change Management and Its Implications on Competitiveness of Public Universities in Kenya PDF
Collins Reuben Gaunya 179-188
The Impact of Trading Counterfeited Vehicle Spare Parts across the Local Supply Chain: Case of Moshi Municipality PDF
Faustine Panga, Alban Mchopa 189-195
An Explicit Model on Fundamental Factors Affecting Stock Prices of BSE Listed Companies in India: An Inter Industry Approach PDF
Sunita Sukhija 196-202
Impact of Schedule Banking Industries in Bangladesh: An Evidence of Rural and Urban Areas PDF
Rashidul Alam Mahumud 203-211
Managing Employees’ Decruitment Exercise during Corporate Crisis PDF
Akinbode, J.O 212-216
Significance of Marketing Activities in Garments Industry: A Study on Bangladesh PDF
Mahamudul Hasan 217-225
Influences of Perception on Reward and Developedexpectation on Professional Responsibility and Motivation Lecturer in Private Universities Kopertis Region VII of East Java PDF
J.V. Budi Kartono 226-236
Nigerian Tax System and Administration: Implications of Multiple Taxation on the Economy PDF
Omesi, Israel, Teerah, Lekpa Edward, Nzor, Nuka Peter 237-243
Effect of Country of Manufacture and Brand Image on Iranian Customers’ Purchase Intention Case Study: Foreign Made Home Appliances PDF
Shaghayegh Hejazi, Mohammadreza Shojaee 244-256
Evaluation of Simultaneous Equation Techniques in the Presence of Misspecification Error: A Monte Carlo Approach PDF
Investigating the Effect of Different Methods of Financial Supply on the Profitability Ratios of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange PDF
Hamed Ghafouri 261-268
A Study to Analyze Relationship between Psychological Behavioral Factors on WhatsApp Addiction among Youth in Jalandhar District in Punjab PDF
Navjit Singh 269-273
Impact of Succession Planning on Employee Engagement in Telecommunication Sector in Rawalpindi, Pakistan PDF
Syeda Sana Gulzar 274-281
Role of Buyer-Supplier Relationship on Buying Firm’s Performance in Chemical Sector of Pakistan PDF
Tahira R. Hassan 282-289
Determining the Influence of Psycholigical Capital on the Ethical Behavior of Sales Force: A Case of Telecom Sector PDF
Fazal ur Rehman 290-296
Dynamic Analysis of Strategic Issues in Lubricating Oil Manufacturing Industry Based on Supporting Activities PDF
Samira Bekr 297-305
On the Liquidity Management in Businesses: A Key to Survival and Growth PDF
Ezeamama Martin, Ugbor, Raphael Oluchukwu, Eze Everistus Obinwanne 306-309
Structural Youth Unemployment and Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Nigerian Manufacturing Sector Experience(2000-2013) PDF
Hope N. Nzewi, Nkechi C. Ojiagu 310-314
Succession Management and its impact on Family Business PDF
Technical Efficiency of Domestic Commercial Banks: A Case Study of Pakistan PDF
Farhat Ullah Khan 321-330
The Impact of Information System (IS) on Organziational Performace: With Special Refernce to Ethio-Telecom Southern Region, Hawassa PDF
Tesfaye Hailu 331-338
The Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm Performance in Fuel and Energy Sector, Pakistan PDF
Aqsa Inam 339-347
Women Entrepreneurs- Challenges and Opportunities in India PDF
Amit Tyagi, Ranchay Bhateja, Mani Tyagi 348-353
Multidimensional Poverty Analysis and Informal Sector in Nigeria PDF
Yakubu, A.T., Mobolaji, H.I., Ijaiya, G.T., Kilishi, A.A., Yaru, M.A 354-361


Vol 6, No 38 (2014)

Table of Contents


Information Security Subcultures in Information Security Management: A Conceptual Framework PDF
Daniel Muendo 1-8
The Impact of Human Resource Management Functions in Achieving Competitive Advantage Applied Study in Jordan Islamic Bank PDF
Kafa Hmoud Al-Nawaiseh 9-22
KUD Members’ Participation Development through Society Education PDF
Arief Subyantoro, Khoirul Hikmah 23-33
Operational and Financial Performance Analysis of Chittagong Port Authority in Comparison with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore PDF
Ziaul Haque Munim, Mohammad Hassan Shakil, Mashiyat Tasnia, Md. Kazi Golam Azam 34-45
E-Government and its Impact on Knowledge Management Processes: A Case Study: Ministry of Industry and Trade in Jordan PDF
Jumana Ziad Al- Zoubi, Khaled Mahmoud Al- Shawabkeh, Qasem Ebrahim Al.Shaar 46-56
Quantitative Techniques’ and Production Planning and Control: An Empirical Analysis of Practice by Selected Nigerian Small-Scale Industries (2002-2006) PDF
Anene Edwin Chukwudozie 57-63
Replicating Social Innovations through ICT Devices: A Paradigm Shift PDF
Adewoye, Jonnathan Oyerinde, Adele, Hasimiyu Ademola 64-69
Rewards and Incentives Impact on Job Satisfaction of Saudi Banks Employees PDF
Atallah ” Mohammed Tayser ” Alsharah 70-81
A Challenge of Business Record Keeping for Tanzania Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case of Madukani Ward- Dodoma Region PDF
Sanga Danford, Kasubi John, Kisumbe Lazaro 82-86
Staff Satisfaction with Human Resource Management Practices at the University of Education, Winneba PDF
Dorothy Oppong Frimpong 87-95
Statistical Models and Parametric Methods to Estimate the Reliability and Hazard Rate Functions of Weibull Distribution PDF
Hasan Yasien Touama 96-102
Survey on Employers Rating of University of Abuja Business Graduates Competencies in Nigeria PDF
Bello Ayuba, Ibrahim Ali Aliyu 103-112
The Effect of the Late Global Financial Crisis on the Jordanian Insurance Companies Profits (Case of Jordan) PDF
Abdul Aziz Farid Saymeh, Suleiman Jamal. Mohammad, Marwan Mohammad Abu Orabi 113-120
The Impact of Applying the Knowledge Management Strategies to Accomplish Productive Efficiency and Market Share in Jordanian Telecommunications Companies PDF
Laith Abdallah Alqhaiwi, Hussien Elyan al haramsheh 121-132
The Impact of Dividend Policy on Share Price Volatility: Empirical Evidence from Jordanian Stock Market PDF
Fawaz Khalid Al-Shawawreh 133-143
The Relationship between the Internal Environment Variables and the Small Business Success PDF
Hussien al haramsheh, Laith Alqhaiwi 144-150
The Status of Tourism Sector in Tafila Governorate: Challenges and Expectations PDF
Talal Bataineh, Khaled Abu Aligah, Amjad Qwader, Bassam Abu Karaki 151-156
Towards an Effective Audit Committee Role in Corporate Governance in Libyan Banks: Composition Criteria and Membership Requirements PDF
Abdulaziz Abdulsaleh 157-165
Using Balanced Scorecard Approach to Analyze The Performance of Pharmacy Installation in Implementing Strategy Mapping PDF
Firman Pribadi, Juli Santoso 166-176
Analyzing Factors Affecting Repurchase Intention During Gezi Park Brand Protests PDF
Asli Kuscu, Dilek Saglik Ozcam 177-188
Changing the HRM Vision into Reality the Role of Manager’s Skills for Implementing Change Within the Organization: A Chinese Study PDF
Sajjad Nazir, Wang Qun, Amina Shafi, Fahim Afzal, Nadia Nazir 189-206
Linking Rewards To Employee Motivation At Work: A Chinese Study PDF
Sajjad Nazir, Wang Qun, Deng Yulin, Fahim Afzal, Li Hui 207-216
Influence Of The Islamic Leadership To Participation Of The Members, Business Performance And Prosperity Of The Members Of Syari’ah Financial Service Cooperative In East Kalimantan Province PDF
Ali Mushofa, Djoko Mursinto, Saiful Anam 217-226
The Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems in Enhancing the Level of Job Performance as Perceived by the Staff of Jordan Social Security Corporation PDF
Ahmad Almakhadmeh 227-235


Vol 6, No 39 (2014)

Table of Contents


The Impact of High Performance Work System (HPWS) on Employee Productivity as Related to Organizational Identity and Job Engagement PDF
Shirzad Mohammed Mahdi, Liao, Jianqiao, Shaho Muhammad, Heersh Mohammed Nader 1-24
Economic Analysis of Yam Processing in Oyo State PDF
Salawu, M.B, Ibrahim A.G, Lamidi, L.O, Salau M.A, Ogunleye B.T 25-30
Impact of Employee Empowerment on Job Satisfaction in First Bank Nigeria PLC, Nigeria PDF
Hadiza Saidu Abubakar 31-35
The Influence of Career Commitment on Organizational Commitment among Selected Bankers in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria PDF
Arogundade Odunayo, T., Arogundade Ayodeji, B., Oladipo Olaniyi M. 36-41
Impact of Perceived Service Quality on Students’ Satisfaction PDF
Leninkumar Vithya 42-49
Social Responsibility Commitment and Its Impact on Customer’s Satisfaction ‘Field Study on the Jordanian Food Industrial Companies’ PDF
Fathi Alshare 50-63
The Strategic Use of Information Technology in the Insurance Industry: A Case Study of State Insurance Company- Kumasi, Ghana PDF
Prosper G. Agbanu, Peggy Dzifa Tagbotor, Hayford Adjei, Rita Baffoe Sarkodie 64-76
A Study on Employees Performance: Spiritual Leadership and Work Motivation with Mediation Work Satisfaction at the University of Darul Ulum, Indonesia PDF
M Mudjib Musta’in, Anwar Sanusi, Abdul Manan 77-85
Resilience and Organizational Trust as Correlates of Work Engagement among Health Workers in Makurdi Metropolis PDF
Judith Ayangeawam Mase, Tertindi Lordsent Tyokyaa 86-93
Retirement Challenges and Sustainable Development in Nigeria PDF
Abdullahi Garba, Jummai Mamman 94-98
Applying Management Theory into Practice at Secondary School in Zimbabwe: Teachers Impressions of Classical Management Functions at Mapakomhere Day Secondary School in Masvingo PDF
Maxwell C.C. Musingafi, Shupikai Zebron, Kwaedza E. Kaseke, Lilian Chaminuka 99-103
The Impact of Service Quality Provided by Admission and Registration Deanships at Jordanian Private Universities on Student Satisfaction PDF
Suzan Darwazeh 104-120
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment FDI on Economic Growth of Jordan PDF
Hadeel Yaseen 121-128
Organizational Strategy, Culture, and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya PDF
John Kiptui 129-135
Assessment of Participatory Management in Strategy Implementation: Case of Mabati Rolling Mills Company Limited, Mombasa PDF
Stephen Ogonda Juma 136-144
Evaluation of Public Private Partnership Strategies on Concession Performance: Case of Rift Valley Railways Concession, Kenya. PDF
Hussein N. Ndonye, Emma Anyika, George Gongera 145-166
Analyzing Factors Influencing the Job Satisfaction of Building Construction Workers in Bangladesh: A Study on Private Construction Firms PDF
The effect of increased investment in Bodaboda business on economic empowerment of people in Kisumu west district. PDF
Olawo, K. Walter, Ochieng. Isaac, Ombok, O.Benjamin, Achieng’, Florence Opondo 177-184
The Effect of Risk Perceptions on Tourists’ Revisit Intentions PDF
Savas Artuger 185-192
Strategic Planning: A Management Contrivance for Effective Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania? A Survey of Selected SMEs in Ilala Municipality PDF
Grace Thomas Mori, Isaac Kazungu, Alban Mchopa 193-203
Information and Communications Technologies in Special Needs Education: Challenges and Prospects PDF
Effective Human Resource Management As Tool For Organizational Success PDF
Efficient Queue Management in Supermarkets: A Case Study of Makurdi Town, Nigeria PDF

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 4, No.26 / No.25 (2014) Developing Country Studies

Vol 4, No 25 (2014)

Table of Contents


African Nuclear Weapon Technology: A Search for Nigerian Perspective PDF
Francis Osadebamwen Osayi 1-10
Global Financial Crisis and African Economies (With Sub Saharan Specifics) PDF
Augustine Oby Obiorah 11-26
Agriculture and Nation Building: Do Students Still Use the University Library? Case Study of University of Ibadan Agricultural Economics Graduate Students PDF
Oluwole Ibikunle Ogunyemi, Taiwo Bosede Ajayi 27-33
Stress and Coping Strategies among Bankers in the Tema Metropolis PDF
Charles Gyan, Michael Baffoe 34-41
Religion among the Kambari People before and after the British Colonial Rule PDF
Mahdi Adamu, Mansur Abubakar Wara 42-60
Faith in Development: A Double-Edged Sword PDF
Mahmud Mukhtar Muhammed 61-67
Municipal Capacity and Environmental Service Delivery in Digotsion Town, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Maru A. Berhanu 68-78
Mangrove Management in Indonesia from Laws on Coastal and Small Islands PDF
Muzani . 79-83
The Economic Thoughts of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar with Respect to Agriculture Sector PDF
Rajendra Kumar Arya, Tapan Choure 84-86
The Relevance of Community Education in Guinea Worm Eradication Effort in Savelugu District PDF
F. G Adjei 87-94
The Ethical Decision Making of Bank Managers’ and Corporate Financial Performance in Kenya PDF
Kimutai Kevin Torois, Felishana Jepkosgei Cherop, Samuel Kibet, Tenai Joel Kipngetich 95-103
Determining Factors of Private Investment: Empirical Study of Pakistan PDF
Atif Salman, Nawaz Ahmad 104-120
Determinants of Capital Flight in Bangladesh: an Econometric Estimation PDF
Md. Shawkatul Islam Aziz, Md. Omer Khayyam, Md. Minhaj Uddin 121-134



Vol 4, No 26 (2014)

Table of Contents


Bangladeshi Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Global Brands over Local Brands PDF
Shehrin Ahmed 1-10
Press Coverage of Government in 1998 and 2002 Content Analysis of Selected Ghanaian Newspapers PDF
Osei Aaron Debrah 11-19
Food Security Incidences Based on Monetary and Caloric Poverty Lines in Mbeya and Makete Districts, Tanzania PDF
Dorah H. Mende, Kim A. Kayunze, Maulid Mwatawala 20-27
Impact of National Minimum Wage on Low Income Workers in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria PDF
Atseye Fidelis Anake, Takon, Samuel Manyo, Ogar, Ogar Ajom 28-36
Opportunities and Challenges of Regionalism: Zimbabwe in the Comesa Customs Union PDF
Kumbirai Ngwaru, Veronica Mufudza, Shupikai Zebron, Zadzisai Machingambi 37-41
Psychosocial Determinant of Creativity among Secondary School Students in Saki, Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
OFOLE Ndidi. M., Ezeokoli R. N. 42-50
Rejected People: Beggars with Disabilities in the City of Harare, Zimbabwe PDF
Techno-Scientific Temper of Three Nigerian Newspapers PDF
Herbert Batta, Ita Ekanem, Nevelyn Udousoro 57-67
The Use of Online Tools by Information Professionals in Medical Libraries in Oman PDF
Salim Said AlKindi, Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqri, Abdullah Hamood Zaher Al-Sarmi 68-79
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Stigma in Developing Countries The Case of the Furniture Sector in Ghana PDF
Agyei-Boakye Isaac, Quayson Ebenezer, Nutassey Kennedy Newton 80-89
Virtue Ethics in Marketing FMCGs in East African Common Market PDF
John Yabs, Victor Ndambuki 90-94
The Role of Investment Law in Housing Construction in Duhok City, Kurdistan Region PDF
Halima A. Othman 95-104
Analyzing Strategies and Measures for Inclusive, Sustainable and Shared Growth: Egypt After the Uprisings PDF
Sherifa Fouad Sherif 105-114
An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Revision Strategies Questionnaire in an Underachieved ESL Writers’ Context PDF
Wardatul Akmam Din, Siti Jamilah Bidin 115-124
Local Revenue Mobilization Mechanisms: Evidence from the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District in Ghana PDF
Ernest Opoku, Christian Kyeremeh, Daniel Odoom 125-137
Due Process Compliance in Capital Projects Execution In Tertiary Institutions In Southwest Nigeria PDF
Kareem, W.A, Asa, Olusola Adekunle, Lawal, Musediq Olufemi 138-145
Resources Conservation and Waste Management Practices in Construction Industry PDF
Kareem, W.A., Asa, Olusola Adekunle, Lawal, Musediq Olufemi 146-153
Examining the Effect of E-Commerce on Business Performance in A Business Environment PDF
Human Resource Management, International Labour Standards and Globalization PDF
Competency Development Model for Agricultural Instructors in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia PDF
Mohamad Ikbal Bahua 166-175
Of Marriage, HIV-test Certificate, and the Church: What does the Youth Say? PDF
Emmanuel Baffour-Awuah 176-191
Rebasing of the Nigerian Economy and the Real Imperatives of Development: A Case for Agricultural Renaissance in Nigeria. PDF
Uduakobong S. Inam 192-199

Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565