How to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Home

When it comes to protecting yourself in today’s modern world, there is no simple solution. Some people choose to protect their homes with security systems and cameras, while others do not secure their space at all. It is crucial to recognize, however, that homeowners can and should take advantage of modern technologies to improve their life and overall security.

1) Do Your Research

Before installing any security systems and spending large amounts of money, it is especially important to conduct research. Look up different security tools, their price points, and reviews to see which would best fit your lifestyle.

SafeNow, a trustworthy site for security tips, has employees who test every new security tool on the market. Their team writes reviews for everyone to access. Expert writers on the site offer side-by-side comparisons with products, breakdowns of critical features and functions, and even real-time information on the best offers.

It is in your best interest to check out reviews on alarm systems, security cameras, and car safety devices. These devices are only a few technologies available to ensure the safety of you and your family.

2) Know Your Neighbors

One of the best ways to prevent unwanted visits from burglars and criminals is to be friendly with your neighbors. The next time you are on vacation, you will not have to worry about your house because there is always a close watchful eye. If burglars think someone is watching, they are a lot less likely to carry out the crime.

3) Never Accept Unsolicited Help

Unless you have specifically called someone to complete a job at your house, do not let in an unexpected visitor. A lot of thieves are con artists, posing as painters or plumbers, sometimes with another person. Thieves have attempted many tactics when trying to rob someone.

Some legitimate painters and plumbers can be thieves as well. Remember to lock up your valuables when you let someone into your home to work. Anytime that you let anyone into your home, you are giving them a chance to steal, so be smart about who you let walk through the front door.

4) Keep Your House Well-Lit

Thieves like dark, secluded areas because it is easier and less conspicuous for them to get away. Installing lights around the entire perimeter of your home is sure to deter criminals since they do not want to risk being visible in the light. Motion lights let you know exactly when someone has passed through a particular part of your property.

5) Invest in Home Security Systems

One of the best home security systems is a dog. Dogs tend to bark when they see unfamiliar people, so this helps a lot to ward off potential criminals.

However, if a dog is out of reach, then home security and alarm systems are necessary. Home security cameras keep tabs on everyone, including that of unwanted visitors. Alarm systems warn you when there are unwelcome visitors in the home and can even alert the police even when you are unable.

Don’t Risk it

When it comes to protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your belongings, there is no settling. It is essential to have the right security measures in place because everyone has the capability to steal. Get to know your neighbors, and you will always have a watchful eye when away. Keeping your house well-lit, installing cameras, and using home security systems are all necessary actions to take to prevent anything from going awry. While there is no one right solution to protecting your home, you should try to defend it at all costs.

How To Successfully Choose and Navigate Web Hosting Sites

Web hosting sites are used for a whole range of subjects and businesses and should be relatively simple to use. They work when a host company website acquires other websites and hosts them for individuals and companies. Other users can then access these websites. Finding and navigating these host sites isn’t always easy and can sometimes be challenging to achieve.

When visiting company sites and providers, take a look at  their in-depth hosting reviews as they can help you understand the hosting process more efficiently. There are also several other tips you can use to ensure you are making the best choice. Wasting time on websites and the internet, in general, is irritating, but there are always ways to find and use a host site successfully. You have to plan well, read information carefully, and stay logical!

Host companies can often be used as large knowledge-sharing platforms that share many resources, and matching your material to their guidelines is essential.

1. Set your goals

One of the first things to do when choosing a web host is to establish your own goals. You should ask yourself what your website is going to include and what kind of site it’s going to be.

Think about titles, topics, software, and functions. You need to have an in depth plan right down to the smallest of details. If you don’t have all this laid out first, then it will be much harder to find a web host that suits your needs and the requirements of your website itself.

These ideas may change a little along the way, but you need to go to the hosting site with a solid idea of what you need.

2. Choose a host site

You can’t choose a host site until you have completed the initial steps of sorting your own website goals.

When looking for host sites, you then need to check out reviews, and these should give you an idea of the positives and negatives of different companies. Don’t just look at one review. You need to look at several to compare companies and get a clearer overall picture. If there are no reviews available, then carefully going through different sites to see how they function and how they match your criteria is the next logical step.

3. Choose a plan

Host websites may have different approaches to the way they approach subjects and content. However, many of them have several plans on offer for you to choose from.

Once you have established your website ideas and selected a host, then you can start going through these plans to see what might suit you best. If you are writing a specific type of content, you will want to pick a plan that matches your subject needs as closely as possible.

4. Check cost and value

As with anything, it’s essential to check the cost and value of something before you launch in. Different web hosts may have varying criteria, and you must know what is expected of you. Host sites do host your website, but there is a certain amount of work and effort that you, as the customer, have to put in.

5. Look at samples and guides

Another important lesson to learn when trying to choose and navigate a host site is to look at samples and guides. These are there to help you work on things efficiently.

Guides and samples will also help you see what kind of material knowledge databases and other host companies are looking for. For example, if a site hosts various journals and publications subjects, it’s a good idea to research these and browse through host site guides to know where your work best fits in.

Following these tips will allow you to successfully choose and navigate a web hosting provider. Best of luck!

Great Tools to Help When Writing and Publishing Your Academic Journals

From the collection of data for research to its publication, there are many parts involved in creating a research paper. Because of this, doing research isn’t a simple task. Getting your research work published is more than just creating content.

Thankfully, there are many available tools that researchers can use in building their research. Check out the following:

Writing Software

Writing your research paper calls for many steps, including adding images, tables, or scientific equations. You may also need to include footnotes and cite references. Sometimes, you may need to use a word counter for a specific word requirement. Now, choosing the best writing software depends on your personal choice.

While there are many researchers who are content with open-access software, such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice, some are willing to spend a few bucks to use Microsoft Office Word. For the scientific community, however, Latex is a popular choice.

In a research paper, it’s ideal to ensure that your document is free from grammatical errors, typos, and wrong sentence structure. Even if your content is good, if it contains bad grammar, it can still be judged wrongly. Thus, using a writing software that also has a grammar checker would be truly helpful to improve your text.

Research Software

You need tools and software when doing research. In laying the groundwork for your investigation, a free tool to help you is Google Scholar. With this tool, you can easily look for works that are similar to yours and find out how their research can help you.

If your work involves analyzing data, you’ll also need to have the appropriate software. A common tool to help you perform basic graphing and statistical analysis is Microsoft Excel. Depending on your area of research, you may need to have other data analysis tools to improve your work.

Reference Tools

In organizing the references you’ve used in your paper, you need handy referencing tools. These tools come by different names, including citation app or software, reference management software, citation manager, or literature management software. All of these means a tool that’ll let you save and format your references.

It’s crucial to select a software that will let you consistently save the references that you used in your writeup. There are various options out there including Paperpile, Mendeley, and Zotero. These free resources allow you to collect the references you read and save them later for easy access.

Project Management Software

Working on a research manuscript involves deadlines and multiple tasks. With everything that needs to be done on time, it’s easy to get caught up and be overwhelmed. Thus, it’s a good idea to find a project management software that will help keep you on top of your work. With such a tool, you can easily lay out the activities that need to be done by whom and when. For many researchers, it’s helpful to visualize all tasks and know the expected timeline for doing them.

There are a bunch of options available to all kinds of researchers. Some of these include Scrivener, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft OneNote. Using these tools, you can save tables, images, lab results while you do your research, too.

Formatting Tools

Today, there are lots of journals with their own guidelines and formatting rules. Take note that publishers come with a specific style guide. If you want to publish your paper with them, it’s important that you follow their specified format. 

You can start with templates provided by Google Docs or Microsoft Office Word. However, if you want your work to automatically follow a specific format, you can try Typeset or Overleaf, which are free tools.

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism happens when you use text from someone else’s work without citing the original author, which is a serious academic misconduct. Regardless of using it word for word or paraphrasing it, it’s still considered plagiarism if you don’t give credit to the rightful person. 

A common way to plagiarize academic work is using your previously published work without stating that it was already used. This is called self-plagiarism. When you publish your work, the publisher also holds the copyright of your text and you’d need to ask permission to use it or you can also mention the source.

There are various plagiarism checking software you can choose from. This will ensure that you only submit work that’s free from plagiarism. 

Some of this software includes DupliChecker and Turnitin.

Final Thoughts

Writing and publishing research work isn’t an easy thing to do. With the many steps to undergo, you’d need some tools to help manage the tasks until its completion. 

While there are only a few of these tools mentioned above, you’re free to explore other software and tools, which can help you finish your work and finally have it published.

[Paper Version Available] Bank Lending Products & Securities: A Conventional & Islamic Banking Approach

Bank Lending Products & Securities: A Conventional & Islamic Banking Approach by Ibrahim Mohammed Lawal

Published by IISTE in United States. ISBN 978-1-62265-155-9, ISBN-10: 1622651553. To get a copy of the book, please contact

Islamic banking is considered as an alternative to the conventional form of banking system as it provides financial services in accordance with the shariah. The adoption of this form of Islamic banking is gradually taken the centre stage in the parlance of the financial world. This book tries to explore comprehensively both the Islamic and the conventional banking approach in relation to bank Lending products and securities (Collateral). This book is divided into ten chapters. Chapter one sets out to give an overview of the conventional banking system where its origin, definition and its various types was discussed. It also introduces the concept of lending as well as highlighted the various cannons that govern lending. Chapter two discusses the major lending products that are obtained in the conventional banking system such as overdraft, import overdraft, import and export finance facility, foreign currency loan, letter of credit confirmation line, invoice discounting facility, local purchase order, term loan, direct credits, leases, loan syndication, specialized loan. The chapter ends by also highlighting some of the retail loans. Chapter three proceeded by introducing the concept of security (collateral) its various features in order to ascertain when a security is good or not. The chapter ends by highlighting some of the benefits attached when obtaining security (collateral) when it comes to lending. In chapter four, the various forms of securities that are acceptable by conventional banks was also discussed. Amongst which are land, debenture, stocks and shares, life insurance, cash deposit, guarantee. Other types of securities were also mentioned such as equipment lease agreement, assignment of debts, factoring, bonds and money market instruments. The concept of Islamic banking was introduced in chapter six, its origin and its current performance in the various regions of the world was discussed. The chapter ends by discussing further the principles that are guiding the operations of Islamic banking. Chapter six sets out to examine the various sources of funds that are available for the smooth operation of its activities. Basically the sources that are avaibale internally and externally was mentioned. Chapter seven dwells deeply on the various lending modes that are obtainable in Islamic banks. Amongst which are Murabahah, Musharakah, Mudarabah,, Ijarah, Istisna’a, Tawarruq, Bai-salam etc. Chapter eight focuses on security in an Islamic perspective. Its types in islam and also discussed the position of security in Islamic banking on whether it is acceptable or not. Chapter nine discusses the various forms of securities that are acceptable by Islamic banks which was discussed based on an Islamic approach. Amongst which are land, debenture, stocks and shares, insurance (takaful), cash deposit, guarantee, Islamic Bond (Sukuk) other types of securities were also mentioned such as Ijarah lease agreement, assignment of debts (Hiwalah), and factoring, Islamic money market instruments. The book ended by examining the difference and the similarities between Islamic banking and the conventional banking.

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[Paper Version Available] A Collation of the Drama “Journey to the West”

A Collation of the Drama “Journey to the West”

Published by IISTE in United States. 978-1-62265-202-0 (online)  /  978-1-62265-203-7 (paper). To get a copy of the book, please contact   

Journey to the West is a classic Chinese mythological novel. It was written during the Ming Dynasty based on traditional folktales. Consisting of 100 chapters, this fantasy relates the adventures of a Tang Dynasty priest Sanzang and his three disciples, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand, as they travel west in search of Buddhist Sutra. The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven. Then in chapters eight to twelve, we learn how Sanzang was born and why he is searching for the scriptures, as well as his preparations for the journey. The rest of the story describes how they vanquish demons and monsters, tramp over the Fiery Mountain, cross the Milky Way, and after overcoming many dangers, finally arrive at their destination – the Thunder Monastery in the Western Heaven – and find the Sutra…………

Chinese title: 《雜劇〈西游記〉》校勘本   50 USD / paper version

English title: A Collation of the Drama “Journey to the West”

Author’s name in Chinese: 利忘川  校勘

Author’s name in English: Lethe Li

ISBN information:  978-1-62265-202-0 (online)  /  978-1-62265-203-7 (paper)

Publishing time: August 2019.

Categories:  Nonfiction > Social Science

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[Paper Version Available] The Hero’s Destiny — for the Beethoven 250 Years Anniversary

The Hero’s Destiny — for the Beethoven 250 Years Anniversary

Published by IISTE in United States. 978-1-62265-198-6 (paper), 978-1-62265-199-3 (online). To get a copy of the book, please contact   

This is a Western classical music monograph written by overseas Chinese. It contains the author’s achievements in writing for many years, that is, more than 200000 words of works with Beethoven as the theme, in the form of poems, essays, essays and comments. It covers all aspects of Beethoven’s life and career, from birth experience to emotional life, from the background of the times to ideological awareness, from work review to music appreciation. The book is rich in historical materials and information, rigorous in argument and incisive in comment, and fluent in writing. It comes from a non academic Beethoven scholar. One of the characteristics of this book is that it has a distinct personality and is free from the constraints of traditional rules and regulations. Based on a comprehensive and profound understanding of the historical figures and their works, the author has put forward some original arguments and opinions in some important professional topics and fields.

Chinese title: 英雄命運 貝多芬250年祭     36 USD / paper version

English title: The Hero’s Destiny – for the Beethoven 250 Years Anniversary

Author’s name in Chinese: 章凝

Author’s name in English: Zhang, Ning

ISBN information:  978-1-62265-198-6 (paper), 978-1-62265-199-3 (online)

Publishing time: August 2019.

Categories:  Nonfiction > Social Science

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Can Schools Combat Exam Anxiety In Teenagers?

In today’s modern climate, academic success all too often is solely measured by formal test results. The pressure is on schools to ensure their cohorts excel, and with a heavy emphasis on preventing dishonesty through exam proctoring and ever-stricter protocols, it’s no wonder that test anxiety has become an increasingly prevalent problem among teenagers. 

While test anxiety may not be a brand new phenomenon, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t lead to a host of performance issues which can impact severely on students’ outcomes. Mental health issues, non-completion of exams, poor attendance and feelings of panic are all associated with this challenging time in students’ lives. So, how can schools identify which students are likely to struggle most? And how can staff identify then respond to those students’ needs so support can be offered to those who need it?

Creating A Positive School Exam Culture

Evidence shows that it’s possible to create a positive school exam culture where the pressure involved in taking exams is recognized, managed, discussed and, ultimately, addressed. Teachers in such schools can support and help students through this challenging and difficult exam period by adopting a whole-school, holistic approach to better mental health.

The basis of strong academic performance relies on social, psychological and physical needs of students being met. When students have the right environment paired with plenty of exam practice and revision opportunities, they can achieve optimal performance.

Which Needs Must Be Met To Ensure Academic Success?

Students have varying needs which must be met if they are to achieve the desired academic outcome:

  • Physical health – ensuring adequate exercise, nutrition and sleep
  • Psychological health – ensuring confidence, positivity and relaxation about abilities and performance 
  • Social health – ensuring authentic contact with family and friends 
  • Psychological support – ensuring adequate help with anxiety and exam stress

How Can Schools Support Students In Managing Exam Anxiety?

There are three areas where schools can offer support to students from when it comes to managing their exam anxiety:

  • By teaching specific revision and examination techniques to increase students’ sense of competence. This can be achieved by holding skill-building interventions. 
  • By helping students to identify, challenge and share any negative thoughts and feelings about exams in a supportive setting.
  • By offering support to manage the symptoms of stress before, after and during exams through the teaching of relaxation and mindfulness techniques.

Promoting Positivity In the Classroom

While exams may be stressful, it’s important for students to recognize that they are an essential and inescapable part of their school career. As such, they need to find healthier ways to cope with the negative thoughts and feelings that can arise as a result. While schools are under increasing pressure to ensure that their pupils excel, they must also acknowledge their responsibility to their students to provide them with a positive exam culture and a supportive ethos within the classroom environment so that the worst cases of exam anxiety can be avoided. With the right training and the right approach, schools can help young people to not only cope in this challenging period of their lives but also to achieve the outcomes that they deserve.

How to Get the Most out of Conferences and Workshops

Conferences and workshops are a great way to develop new ideas. Whether in a business or academic setting, they bring people together in order to find the best solutions.

Organizing these events can be quite the task. However, as long as you follow a few simple steps then you will be sure to get the most out of your conferences and workshops. Below we outline how to go about the planning and organizing of these events.

Overall Theme

All great conferences and workshops start and end with a great theme. It is important to know what message you want speakers to deliver and what information you want attendees to take away. Another way to think about a theme is what the goal of the event is. Once you have an idea on the overall purpose of the whole thing, then you can go about planning the details.

Consider the wording for the theme of your conference. If it is an academic workshop, then it might be appropriate to use a longer title with technical terms. If it a business conference for social media companies, then it probably makes more sense to use simple language that is more catchy.


You will find once you start diving into the details that there are a lot of them. Here are some of the most important things to check off your list.

  • Location. What venue will it be held at? Is it available for your planned dates? Do you need catering?
  • Transportation. How will the attendees get to the conference? Do you need to arrange travel?
  • Attendees. Who will be invited? What date do they need to register by?
  • Speakers. Who will the speakers be? What topics will they present?
  • Workshops. How will the workshops be organized? What are the size of the rooms?
  • Equipment. What equipment will be needed for registration, workshops, etc.?
  • Food and Entertainment. When will there be breaks? Will meals be provided? Will there be social events, awards, etc.?
  • Social Media. How will the event be covered? Will there be hired photographers and/or press coverage?


Running conferences and workshops can get expensive, fast. Make sure that once you have all the logistics organized that you start to budget everything. If there isn’t enough money in your budget then you may have to make adjustments.

You can also try and find sponsors or apply for grants. If you are running an academic workshop there are often lots of public and private grants to apply for.

Business conferences can also often find sponsors. For example, if you’re running a conference in the video game industry, try to get a video game company or an energy drink company to help sponsor the event.

The best way to get money is to go to the people or companies that will benefit from you having a successful conference or workshop

Get Outside Help

There will always be some roadblocks along the planning process. Sometimes it can be hard to develop new ideas with the same people you work with everyday. If this is the case, it can be a good idea to hire someone to come in and help shake things up.

Companies like Icreon can help develop new ideas to make sure your conferences and workshops keep up with the latest developments in your field.


Good conferences and workshops can help develop change in business and improve companies. Attendees, whether they are students or professionals, can learn a lot from them. It is important for event organizers to plan an overall theme, figure out the logistics, and make sure they can afford the whole thing. When troubles arise, it can be useful to get outside help to ensure you get the most out of your conference or workshop.

Vol 10, No.21 and No 22 (2019) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 10, No 21 (2019)



Vol 10, No 22 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Global Financial Crisis on the Financial Performances of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia PDF
Minyahil Assefa 1-8
Influence of Liquidity on Idiosyncratic Volatility of Stock Returns among Listed Firms in Kenya PDF
Job Cheruiyot Aiyabei, Olweny Tobias, Irungu Macharia 9-17
Influence of Earnings per Share on Idiosyncratic Volatility of Stock Returns among Listed Firms in Kenya PDF
Job Cheruiyot Aiyabei, Olweny Tobias, Irungu Macharia 18-26
Cost – Driving Strategy Under the Use of E-business to Achieve A Competitive Advantage in A Digital Economy Environment PDF
Reem Oqab Hussein Al- Khasawneh 27-32
Executive Pay Composition and Corporate Financial Health Maximisation PDF
Stanley OGOUN, Emmanuel ATAGBORO 33-40
Gaining and Maintaining Employee Trust in Academia: The Cultural Setting Perspective PDF
Yvette Ferguson Arthur, John Kingsley Arthur, Kofi Sarpong Adu-Manu 41-49
The Effects of Ligitation Risk and Investment Opportunity Set Affected by Good Corporate Governance on the Company’s Earning Quality PDF
Adelina Suryati, Etty Murwaningsari 50-59
Corporate Governance, Financial Characteristics, Macroeconomic Factors and Performance of Manufacturing Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange PDF
Moses Odhiambo Aluoch, Erasmus S. Kaijage, Cyrus M. Iraya, Martin Ogutu 60-74
The Impact of Financial Crisis on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Access to Credit in Nigeria PDF
OWUALAH, Sunday I., OHADEBERE Emmanuel Chukwuemeka 75-85
Post-Implementation Benefits and Challenges of the Balanced Scorecard: Evidence from the Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Sector PDF
Dileepa N. Samudrage, Darshika T. Jayewardene 86-99
The Effect of Financial Distress, Management Turnover, Audit Opinion and Reputation of Public Accounting Firm to Auditor Switching PDF
Atika Zarefar, Vera Oktari, Arumega Zarefar 100-111
Role of Accounting Standards for the Future of Islamic Financial Institutions PDF
Faran Ahmad Qadri 112-114
The Effect of Financial Performance on Firm Value Included in the SRI Kehati Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, as A Representation of Corporate Behavior PDF
Nila Efrida Yusi 115-120
Appropriateness of Liquidity Ratios Model in Predicting Shareholder Wealth of Non-Financial Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya PDF
Obulemire Alex Tom, Paul Muoki Nzioki, Koima Kibiwott Joel 121-128
The Commitment with FDI Firms of Accountants in Noi Bai Industrial Park – Creative Application in Economics Sociological Knowledge PDF
Duc Tai Do, Thi Huyen Yen Chu, Hong Hanh Ha, Bich Thuy Vu 129-135
Impact of Liquidity Ratio on Profitability of Firm: An Empirical Evidence from Automobile Industry of Pakistan PDF
Waqar Mustafa, Waqar Ahmed Sethar, Adnan Pitafi, Shah Muhammad Kamran 136-140
The Influence of Organizational Capabilities, Strategic Management Accounting on Organizational Performance Mediated by Competitive Advantage in Companies in Indonesia PDF
Farid Wajdi, Regina Jensen Arsjah 141-151
The Role of CSR to Influence the Relationship between Institutional Ownership and Managerial Ownership on Firm Value PDF
Farid Wajdi, Sekar Mayangsari 152-162


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 9, No.21 and No.22 (2019) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 9, No 21 (2019)



Vol 9, No 22 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Dimensions of Arab Regional Security and Its Perceptions for the Period (2010-2017) PDF
Hasan Abdullah Al-Dajah, Qais Salem Al-I’weisat 1-13
Getting and Keeping a Foot in the Door: Strategies by Migrant and Informal Sector Women to Remain Relevant in the Labour Market PDF
Lillian Omondi, Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff 14-21
The Roles of Indigenous NGOs in Health Service Delivery in Ghana: Assessing the Mediating Effect of Administrative Authenticity on the Relationship Between Partnership Potential and Performance PDF
Yuanwang Xu, Edwina Naa Amerley Amarteifio, Abredu Pearl 22-29
Psychosocial Strategies, Debasing Gender- Based Violence in Nigeria PDF
Olusegun, G. F., Olatubosun, S.M., Adedokun, M.O., Abiodun, E.O. 30-32
The Influence of Studying Legal Course in the Progress of Translation Students’ Performance in Translating English Legal Sentences into Arabic at Jadara University in Jordan PDF
Mohammad AlShehab 33-41
Use of Conventional Teaching Resources in Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Patrick Makari, Stanley Ngome Mutsotso, Edwin Masibo 42-50
The Role of the Private Sector in Community Development: A Socio-Economic Study of the Hallabat PDF
Suleiman Raja Salameh ALBataineh 51-64
National Failure: Social Studies Education to the Rescue PDF
Fasiku, Adesola Mercy 65-69
School Type and the Choice of Christian Religious Knowledge Among Senior Secondary School Students in Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
Monity, Flora Michael, Udumo,Bassey Obeten, Igwebuike, Osedumme 70-76


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484