Why You Should Start Buying Stamps Online

There are several reasons why it makes sense to start buying your stamps online, some are based on practical reasoning, others are financial, and possibly some could be a mix of the two. Regardless, if you are not already clued up on the benefits of online stamp shopping you will find all you need to know right here.

Reason 1 – Buying stamps online is extremely convenient

Unless you happen to be in a store which sells stamps, and you happen to remember to buy some while there, chances are you will find yourself making a special trip to pick them up. Who has time for that? Or perhaps you don’t even live close to a convenient selling point. Either way, ordering your OnlineStamp is ridiculously easy to do and saves you valuable time.

Reason 2 – Ordering your stamps online avoids disappointment

Stamps are more than a merely functional item to many thousands of people; instead, they are miniature works of art which are perfect for collecting and displaying. The USPS recognizes this fact, and cater to both those who simply enjoy looking at something pretty as well as practical, and to the serious enthusiasts who avidly catalogue every new stamp issued. USPS’s website sells stamps with themed designs in a variety of formats, such as priority mail, postcards, and forever stamps.

There are various themes available, covering topics like nature, history, music idols, Disney and love, with new designs released periodically. Ordering these stamps online makes collecting them very easy, and as upcoming new releases can be pre-ordered fans don’t have to worry about missing out. Some designs have limited numbers so why risk missing out at the post office when you can snap them up in a few clicks?

Reason 3 – You can save cash ordering stamps online

There are plenty of ‘forever’ stamps released throughout the year, and as they can be used at face value to mail a letter, weighing up to one ounce, anywhere in the United States at any point in the future they are basically inflation proof. This can turn out to be a great opportunity for anyone who uses a good number of stamps, either throughout the year or at particular times, say when sending Christmas cards. Another way that purchasing stamps online can save you money is that you avoid the risk of impulse buying that is a hazard when visiting a store or post office to buy them.

Reason 4 – Online sources are great for tracking down rare stamps

If you are new to collecting stamps or just missed out on certain designs for some reason, there’s a good chance you will be able to find what you are looking for somewhere on the internet. Some stamps offered n specialist sites are in new condition, others may be used, but either way, it’s a great way to complete a set, or find a particular stamp which you love but is out of print.

Do Globalization Have An Impact On Student’s Choice About University?

“As the economy started to grow, most of the industries have changed their approach to be in line with increasing global requirements. Universities and other educational establishments have improved their systems and curriculum to conform to the growing global standard. This leads to students who want to pursue higher education to consider some guidelines for them to gain skills that would make them fit for international companies.”

  Not only the process of education has changed, but also the approach and the ways students do their assignments. Some schools don’t even use pen and papers but tablets and the internet. Some students don’t do the assignments themselves but hire online homework solvers whose help is a really wise choice in many cases. If students want to learn how to write accurately, they may use essay helper – one of the special tools which can guide them on how to do an essay. Meeting their writing needs can also be done quickly online.

Globalization Define

  Globalization is the connection of people and businesses throughout the world that would lead to global economic integration, which also includes political and cultural integration. With globalization, institutions and companies can easily communicate with others in any part of the world to conduct and do business. Companies have developed an international presence will be able to gain clients and increase their business transactions. Globalization is the reason why you have different products in your fridge from different countries.

Impact of Globalization in Education

  Universities and colleges recognized the changes in the globalized world. When the demand for high technology courses increases, most universities offer courses that would make students adaptable to many companies who require high tech skills. Before globalization, business courses are plain theory and discussions. Nowadays, they have incorporated it with in-depth learning with high technology and software. The need to align the classes with different changes in the modern world is necessary or else the enrollees will decrease. As technology rises, courses related to IT also increases. You will find only a few universities who have not adopted the IT system nowadays. Teachers and educators are also into a lot of pressure to be able to maintain the school’s standard fitted to globalization.

  Another impact of globalization in education is what they called the internalization when school administrators decide to create an international presence. They integrate learning, teaching and other educational activities including essay writing, to the international dimension. This effect is usually present in schools offering higher education. Schools and universities have made the system of learning open to other cultures and nationalities, by creating a welcoming and friendly environment. This is to represent an image of appreciating different origins, customs, and traditions from different countries around the world and openly accept them.

  Globalization created the Online Education system where schools offer degree courses, training, and classes online. Students who are working or those that are far from schools can conveniently enrol in their preferred courses, and join classes online. Through the use of online education, the school can extend its services to a vast number of learners around the world.

Influence of Globalization to Students

  Globalization has caused changes in all aspects of the world. This includes the perception of the young students. The changes and effect of globalization led to a competition for an entrance to an excellent school. Students feel the need of striving harder and the pressure of preparing themselves to be able to get into highly competitive and high ranking universities. Though not everyone finds this globalization helpful, students are still up to adapting to the present situation.

  The globalization also made new information and knowledge accessible through the internet. By simply clicking and browsing on the internet, one may be able to get the information they need. This can be an advantage for them as it means saving time instead of researching in the actual library setup. The information will quickly provide answers to learners who might have confusions in a certain context. The learning process indeed will be faster. However, the validity and reliability of information may be questionable. Because of the vast number of data, students need to be cautious with their internet sources.

Effect of Globalization to Education Essay

  Along with the accessibility of information, the essay writing help online is one of the globalization impacts. Students who need essay writing piece can always find help on the internet. The essay writing service is available in all countries around the globe. Since all transactions are communicated and done online, the organization doesn’t have to be within the local community where you are located. Although some people prefer to get help from companies within the country, there are also essay writing service in Australia if you want to deal with people in the country.

  Not only does globalization affect the way students get essay services but also the topic of the research. Writers will no longer have to go through the books in the library. Scanning pages on the file of references to get the information they need in making an essay. They have to gain access on the internet, and the essential information is ready for them to read and use as a reference.   Globalization has a different impact on a lot of things and to different people. One may find it overwhelming and making their lives easy, but some didn’t find it useful and see it as a threat to the standard and quality of life. The education system has been made easy to a lot of people but can be depriving to some who don’t have access to the internet. Whether the effects of globalization is positive or negative, we can’t deny the fact that it is consuming the world and there is no stopping it.

Pros and Cons of Custom Essay Writing in Academic Education

At first glance, an essay, which is the main type of student text in Europe and the US, is much more in keeping with the tasks of popularizing, understanding and developing science than any other writing method in education used in previous years. Looking through phd dissertation writing services you think that you can have more time on doing your research or any other method while studying.

Many students like writing essays, although struggling with numerous external factors complicates the learning process. That’s why the civilization invented such phenomenon in academic education like different kinds of custom essay writing service.

The attitude toward these services is different nowadays. Students may name you a lot of reasons to turn them every time they get difficult tasks while the elder generation fights against these platforms.

Here we’ll talk about the most common pros and cons of writing services.


It must be recognized that this type of employment has long existed in the form of hobbies and leisure activities, and many people in education or science became known not by their main activities, but because of their additional hobbies.

Since the first year of education, students prepare to write a thesis, which should be an indicator of their professionalism and readiness to work on the specialty they aim to get. However, from the first semester, students begin to feel a strong dislike for such analytical work: essays, term papers, again essays, etc. This work is done carelessly and quite often is done by a student on the last night before the exam.

In fact, the second option is more like the truth. The educational role of the thesis takes place only if the student independently analyzes numerous sources and writes each letter himself. If you copy and paste fragments of your future paper from the Internet, it is better to order it for money from Write my essay today than to waste time on such a useless occupation.

Agree that writing thesis yourself is a tremendous work. Perhaps if the requirements were less severe, more students would try to do the work themselves. For example, it is extremely difficult to read and rethink 80 sources, but from 20-30 it is quite possible to cope.

However, the root of the problem lies somewhat in a different way. A student of the first year of studying gets used to download published papers from the web. It is absolutely clear to everyone that a 10-20 page essay to write on each subject and several times in a semester is completely impossible. Moreover, if our student has a part-time job as well.

This amount of work is comparable to the work of a writer, but not all people have a penchant for the writing profession. That forced students to download the finished work or buy essays on order if the subject is highly specialized. Having become accustomed to acting in a similar way, the student likewise applies to term papers, and then to thesis work.

In addition, the desire to independently carry out the analysis, for which, in principle, we need term papers, beat off strict rules on registration. For example, the thesis project  in economics is usually assessed as to how well it is framed, but its content quite often remains a mystery to the curator. If the curator carefully read through each work, the student would have a good incentive to express themselves and show their ability to analyze. Thus, students cannot be blamed for their dislike of the thesis and graduation projects, and the system itself should be revised.

In the scientific community, this phenomenon has more positive connotations, as it allows teachers to expand their competencies, social experience, social communications, enhancing their professionalism and creating a “name” for themselves, where the department works and for the university as a whole.


It’s impossible to download essays from the web: the stylistic and semantic difference in relation to your personal writing will be immediately apparent. Therefore, you have to write an essay completely independently. And this is a great school – not only in terms of the discovery of scientific potential but also for the development of the ability to speak.

It is no secret that many American politicians write their speeches on their own. And this is not a problem for them, because, in college and university, they had to write texts some times a week. By graduation, they had accumulated oratorical experience and developed their own style.

In order to successfully write different kinds of papers, you need to develop various skills and gain experience which will surely be useful for you in future.

It is an eternal dispute of every student on what better to choose writing by myself or to turn to academic writing service. Probably we’ll get to know the exact answer after responding to the question of whether the writing essays is so up-to-date method of education.

It is believed that the importance of such an approach is that students reinforce their thoughts with the thoughts of other people, more meaningful and held in the scientific field. However, often the thought of the student himself is lost behind the ideas of famous scientists and a pile of books. However, sometimes this idea is completely absent, but the high intensity of the text is actively simulated.

Vol 9, No.1-No.4 (2019) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 9, No 1 (2019)


Vol 9, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Historical Origin and Mission of Ho Chi Minh’s Philosophy PDF
Duong, Nguyen Ba 1-8
A Content Analysis of Online Brand Elements of Universities in Ghana PDF
Rhodalene Amartey 9-17
The Impact of Parenting Style on Adolescencents’ Behavioural Problems in Secondary Schools in Mbooni East Dsub County Makueni County-Kenya PDF
Milcah .W. Mutuku, Elizabeth Muema, Patricia Makau, Grace Igoki, Silvia Kainyu 18-22
Challenges and Prospects of Women Participation in Local Governance – Evidence from Jirapa District, Upper West Region, Ghana PDF
Alhassan Baba, Wang Yihuan, Ahmed Mahmud, Alhassan Fahad 23-32
Impact of Infrastructure on Productivity of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria PDF
Anthony E. Hassan, Kashim Akor, Emmanuel O. Bamiduro 33-40
News Construction on the Pivots of Framing and Ideology: A Theoretical Perspective PDF
Andy Ofori-Birikorang 41-51
The Effect of a Psycho-Training Program Designed to Increase Optimism on Secondary School Students PDF
Pervin Nedim Bal, Ayşe Yıldız 52-59
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality on Grand Royal Ceramic Purchase Decisions at Pt. Era Graha Perkasa Medan PDF
Michael Pranata, Wilson Cong, Oscar Wijaya, Venny ., Lenti Dayan 60-68
Social Outcomes of Training Practices in the Ghana Police Service PDF
Ronald Osei Mensah 69-82
The Aesthetics and Ethics of Contemporary Female Songstress in Javanese Ensemble PDF
Suyoto . 83-91
The Capital Social in the Development of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia PDF
Rahmalia ., Teuku Zulyadi 92-97
Assessing Effective Utilisation of Instructional Time by Secondary School Teachers in Northern Region, Ghana PDF
Ibrahim Mohammed Gunu, Mohammed Issifu 98-106
Portrayal of Children and Adults in Ewe Proverbs PDF
Emmanuel Dogbey, Georgina Sapaty 107-117
The Issue of the Care of Orphans and Children made Vulnerable by HIV/AIDS (OVC) in Ivory Coast: case of the Dabakala region PDF
TANO Kouassi Joseph, SUN Qiu Yun 118-128
Community versus Institutional Meanings of Child Poverty: Implications for Policy for Reducing Child Poverty PDF
Grace Alenoma 129-135

Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 9, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Survey on the Effects of Mal-traditional Practices Among Indigenous People in State of Benishangul Gumuz PDF
Shewa Basizew 1-8
Effect of Process-Genre Approach on Students’ Writing Skill: Timuga Preparatory School 11Th Grade in Focus PDF
Melese Degu Abate 9-15
A Study of SWOT Analysis of Punjab University: Comparison Between Teachers and Students Perceptions PDF
Saghir Ahmad 16-22
Relationship Between Teachers Attitude and College Students Learning PDF
Abid Hussain Ch 23-30
Examining of the Factors, Effects and Mechanisms to Combat Females and Children Business at the City of Bahirdar, Ethiopia PDF
Dagnachew Nega 31-38
Policy Making, Theories and Practices: A Study of Pakistan PDF
Syed Raheem Abbas Shah 39-47
Investment and Growth Amidst Widening Government Debt: The Ghanaian Story PDF
Eric Boachie Yiadom 48-54
The Investigation of the Jurisprudential Review of the Principle of Acquittance and Its Effects in International Law PDF
Hosein Rahimi, Hamid Kaviani Fard, Esmat Al-Sadat Tabatabayi Lotfi, Nasrin Karimi 55-64
The Impact of the Psychological Stress on the Heart Rate of the Losing and Winning Coaches of the Soccer Premier League PDF
Elham Mahbod 65-75
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Education on Students’ Communication Problems and Perfectionism PDF
Sara Dehghani, Zahra Gholamy Heidarabady, Elaheh Khoshnevis 76-88
Codifying the Strategic program for Valiasr Hospital in Arak using TOPSIS method PDF
Banafsheh Mohammadi panah, Sheida Badirzade 89-99

Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 9, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Class Structures in the Creative Industries: An Analysis of the Working Conditions of Workers in Nigeria’s Fashion Sector PDF
Ijeoma Onyeator 1-11
Tin Mining and the Formation of a New Local Shadow State: The Case of Lom People, Bangka Indonesia PDF
Iskandar Zulkarnain, Endriatmo Soetarto, Satyawan Sunito, Soeryo Adiwibowo 12-20
Facts and Fiction in Positivism and Neo Positivism PDF
Ayeni, Evans Oluwagbamila, Saman, Udi Polycarp, Sani Kasimu 21-33
Legal Politics and Strategy on Protection of Women from Violence in Human Rights Context PDF
Margie Gladies Sopacua 34-40
Local Genius of Engganese Community in Bengkulu Province (An Etnographic Study of Health and Illness Perception) PDF
Daisy Novira, Idramsyah . 41-48
The Efforts of the Jordanian Civil Defense Director Major General Mustafa Al-Bzeaiha in the Development, Modernization and Administrative Reform of the Civil Defense Apparatus in Jordan (Descriptive Study) PDF
Aref.Mohammed Mufleh AL.sarheed 49-58
The Speech Function in Buru Folk Songs in Maluku Province PDF
Everhard Markiano Solissa, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Haris Supratno 59-66
Human Rights Protection Policy in Freedom Violations of Religion and Belief PDF
Winner Agustinus Siregar, Iin Karita Sakharina 67-77


Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 9, No.1 and No.2 (2019) Public Policy and Administration Research

Vol 9, No 1 (2019)


Vol 9, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Comparative Study of the Reliability and Validity of China’s Postgraduate Enrollment System PDF
Lan Yu 1-6
Zanzibar (Tanzania) and the Politics of Foreign Aid. A Case of Impact of Foreign Aid on Development of Health Sector PDF
Suleiman Haji Suleiman 7-11
Complaint Management in the Public Sector Organization in the Philippines PDF
Allan V. Mantaring, Ma. Angela P. Espinoza, Arneil G. Gabriel 12-25
Human Resource Management: Implications of Outsourcing in Public Organisations in Nigeria PDF
Andrew O. Suleman, Ogbette, Afamefuna Samuel 27-31
Ascertaining the Influence of Politics on the Outcomes of the Implementation of the NHIS: Study of the Ga West District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme PDF
Feng Ying, Bright Dartey, Emmanuel Gyabeng 32-38
Assessing the Transparency Practices in Public Bidding of Philippine Rice Research Institute in the Philippines PDF
Angemil Mayette F. Magtalas, Marc Jon S. Flores, Rocido D. Domingo, Christopher Dave B. Musa, Vilma B. Ramos 39-45
Tax Reforms of the Federal Government of Somalia PDF
Abdinasir Abdullahi Mohamud, Najibullah Nor Isak 46-52
Foreign Investments in Development, does it really matter? An analysis under Pakistan’s Perspective PDF
Sadaf Mustafa, Sumair Farooq, Syed Shabib ul Hassan 53-59
Assessment of savings and Asset allocation behaviour on low income individuals in Rural Kenya: Case of Oyani Sub Location, Kenya. PDF
Benard Otieno Konya, Simon Nyakwara 60-85


Paper submission email: PPAR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972

Vol.77 and Vol.78 (2019) New Media and Mass Communication

Vol 77 (2019)


Vol 78 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage
Journal Editor
The Relationship Between Facebook Addiction and Depression Among Madda Walabu University Summer Students- Cross Sectional Survey PDF
Mulugeta Deribe Damota 1-6
The Effect of Social Media on Society PDF
Mulugeta Deribe Damota 7-11
Building Customers Satisfaction Using Social Responsibility Communications of Islamic Banks in Jordan PDF
Iyad A. Al-Nsour 12-29
Leaders – Deceptions and Convenient Lies PDF
Human Communication in a Digital Age: Perspectives on Interpersonal Communication in the Family PDF
Ijeoma Onyeator, Ngozi Okpara 35-45


Paper submission email: NMMC@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3267 ISSN (Online)2224-3275

Vol 9, No 2 (2019) Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling

Vol 9, No 1 (2019)


Vol 9, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


An Analysis of the Academic Performance of Candidates by Gender in SSCE (NECO). PDF
Victoria Adah, Bashiru Omeiza Sule 1-8
Hypothesis Testing for the Association Between Categorical Variables: Empirical Application of Chi square Test PDF
Basil Msuha, Tiberio Mdendemi 9-17
linear derivative operator with differential subordination of meromorphic ε -valent functions PDF
Thamer Khalil MS. Al-Khafaji 18-26
Invasive Species Population Status Modeling Using Stage Based Matrix: Mount Elgon Ecosystem PDF
S. O. Ojung’a, J. O. Nyakinda, E. Okuto, J. A. Mullah 27-32
Dynamics of 2014 Ebola Epidemic in West Africa PDF
Mutuguta John, Rotich Titusy, Chepkwony Isaac 33-41
Numerical simulation of dispersion around a cubic building: characterization of wind-induced pressure coefficients on cube using Standard K-ε Model PDF
Ali R. Hayajneh 42-53


Paper submission email: MTM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5804 ISSN (Online)2225-0522

Vol 5, No.1, No.2, No.3 (2019) International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research

Vol 5, No 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


Processing of TiC-Al2O3 Powders PDF
Ahmet Atasoy 1-8
Finding Story and Gemological Features of the Spoonmaker’s (Kasikci) Diamond PDF
Murat Hatipoglu 9-18
CryptES: A Self Learning Application Software for Encryption PDF
Volkan Sozeri, Coskun Harmansah 19-29
A Geographical Survey of Village Names in Cizre District PDF
Diyar Karademir 30-42
A Novel Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Cefotaxime Conjugate: Synthesis, Characterization, In Vitro Antibacterial Activity And Cellular Cytotoxicity PDF
Idil Karaca Acari, Ismet Yilmaz 43-52
Investigation of Gene Polymorphisms Leading to Formation of Tau and Beta-amyloid in Alzheimer’s disease PDF
Feyza Genc Satir, Sadrettin Pence, Burcu Caykara, Hani x Hani Alsaadoni, Halime Hanim Pence, Ender Coskunpinar, Necip Ozan Tiryakioglu, Gokhan Erkol 53-62
Determining Production Fabric with Three Dimensional Modeling System (V-Stitcher) PDF
Hilal Bilgic, Feyza Turemez 63-70
Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Biga Stream (Canakkale/Turkey) PDF
Nurcihan Hacioglu Dogru, Cigdem Gul, Murat Tosunoglu, Burcu Mestav 71-83
Spatial Groundwater Quality Assessment Using Geostatistics in Puntland, Somalia PDF
Abdullahi Ali Said, Recep Yurtal 84-92
Importance of Branding in the Ceramic Sector: A Research in Bilecik PDF
Ibrahim Alkara 93-107
On The Atom-Bond Connectivity Index and Coindex PDF
Seda Eren 108-114
The Investigation of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of the Adsorption of Trypan Blue Dyestuff by Chitosan and Chitosan Phthalate PDF
Selma Ekinci, Fuat Guzel 115-125
Comparison of jet transverse momentum resolution in large pile-up background at sqrt(S)=7TeV PDF
Nasuf Sonmez 126-135
Mechanical Behavior of Bioactive Glass and Hydroxyapatite Reinforced Compomers PDF
Feyza Nur Gorken, Elif Sepet 136-147
Investigation of the Cellular Behavior of Polycaprolactone-Hydroxyapatite Tissue Materials Produced with Bioprinter PDF
Erdi Bulus, Yesim Muge Sahin, Hakan Darici, Leyla Turker Sener 148-161
Brain Drain in the Afganistan PDF
Farzana Nezami 162-170
Filling Materials and Properties of Rubber Type Elastomers PDF
Nurettin Akcakale 171-181
3D Anatomical Modelling On a Patient with Proximal Focal Femur Defect PDF
Elifnur Halici, Melih Kaan Saridal, Goker Kuluslu, Leyla Turker Sener, Fuat Bilgili 182-184


Vol 5, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Periodic Solutions of Certain Fifth Order Differential Equations PDF
Melike Karta 1-4
Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration Using Multiple Linear Regression Models PDF
Selcuk Usta, Serpil Gencoglan 5-19
Determination of anti-cancer and apoptotic effects of Tricholoma terreum, Tricholoma arvernense and Tricholoma imbricatum species PDF
Ali Ozmen 20-30
The Relationship between Cyber Security and Decision Support Systems PDF
Ahmet Naci Unal 31-35
Flora of Lake Seyfe Nature Reserve Area Kirsehir – Turkey PDF
Omer Eyuboglu 36-54
Factors Affecting the Professionalism of Midwifery Students PDF
Sukran Ozkahraman-Koc 55-61
Usability of Some Reactive Dyes in Human Blood Cells (HBCs) Staining PDF
Nilgun Guler Kusculu, Huseyin Benli 62-67
Utilization of Activated Carbon Prepared from Pumpkin Seed Shell for the Removal of Dyestuff from Aqueous Solutions and Wastewater by Microwave Radiation PDF
Ilknur Demiral, Tijen Ennil Bektas, Canan Aydin Samdan 68-77
Sustainable Urban Planning and Tourism Management PDF
Secil Gul Meydan Yildiz, Hayriye Sengun 78-86
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Spireaea nipponica PDF
Saban Keskin, Yakup Sirin, Hilal Ebru Cakir, Gulsen Kaya, Merve Keskin 87-92
In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of resin cements to computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) framework materials PDF
Guler Yildirim Avcu 93-97
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Wisteria sinensis PDF
Saban Keskin, Yakup Sirin, Hilal Ebru Cakir, Merve Keskin 98-103
Effect of Instruction Based on REACT Strategy: ‘Water Treatment and Water Hardness’ PDF
Hulya Demircioglu, Tugba Asik, Pelin Yilmaz 104-118
A High Power Thyristor Rectifier with Low Harmonics and High Power Factor PDF
Ozgun Girgin, Halit Zengince, Ahmet Faruk Bakan 119-128
On Low Dimensional Leibniz Algebras PDF
Nil Mansuroglu, Mucahit Ozkaya 129-133
Use of Volume Measurement in Adrenal Mass Follow Up PDF
Arzu Turan, Fatma Beyazal Celiker, Eda Beykoz Cetin, Hatice Beyazal Polat 134-139
Hydrogen Production by Microbial Electrolysis Using Nickel and Platinum Deposited EPPG Electrodes PDF
Acelya Secer 140-145
Examining Determinants of Turkey Export to OIC Member Countries PDF
Arab Dahir Hassan 146-156
Complicated Diverticulitis Rates in Acute Abdominal Cases PDF
Arzu Turan, Fatma Beyazal Celiker, Ertan Zengin, Ahmet Pergel, Mehmet Beyazal 157-163
The Effects of Nutrients on Fungi and Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanut PDF
Isilay Lavkor 164-175
Sustainable Design in Landscape Architecture Education PDF
Tugba Duzenli 176-182
Seed Dormancy in Rheum ribes L. Collected from Natural Populations in Turkey PDF
Mehmet Akin, Zehra Ekin, Seyran Ozmen, Mensur Kaya 183-192
Historical Duration of Base Triangulation Network of Turkey PDF
Nihat Ersoy 193-198
Particle Morphology of Spray-Freeze Dried Microencapsulation Agents PDF
Hilal Isleroglu, Izzet Turker 199-206
Fossil Finds Around Ancient Troy PDF
Reyhan Korpe 207-212
Reducing Annual Heating Energy Consumption of A Building By The Sunspace Application PDF
Huseyin Enes Halitoglu, Derya Burcu Ozkan 213-222
Nesfatin-1: An Anorexigenic Peptid PDF
Gulin Ozturk Ozkan 223-229
Natural Material Awareness; Periodic Study PDF
Safiye Irem Dizdar 230-238
The Effect of Index Futures Contracts on Indices in Futures Markets PDF
Semra Taspunar Altuntas 239-245
Spatial Satisfaction and Expectation Analysis of University Campus Users, Case Study of Yozgat Bozok University PDF
Secil Gul Meydan Yildiz, Ilker Atmaca, Muhammed Ozgur Oguz 246-261
The Evaluation of Governmental Research Institues of Turkey and Certain EU Member States Regarding to Marine Fisheries in Terms of Their Substructure and Researcher Characteristics PDF
Senel Birceyudum Eman Gokseven, Ilknur Meric Turgut 262-271
Investigation of Some Heavy Metal Levels in Drinking Waters in Bingol Region PDF
Semih Yasar, Aykut Cagirtekin, Leyla Mis, Tuncer Cakmak 272-278
Optimum Sample Size in Group Comparisons in Animal Breeding Researches with Simulation Study PDF
Mehmet Emin Tekin, Mustafa Agah Tekindal 279-286
Evaluation of Patients with Gout Acute Arthritis In Terms Of Demographic, Clinical and Laboratory Parameters PDF
Elanur Karaman, Timucin Kasifoglu 287-290
Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Temperature and Time on Inflammatory Response PDF
Ese H.Caran Karaoglu, Harun Karaoglu, Cenk Eray Yildiz 291-297
Evaluation of the Effect of Sleep Habits of 0-2 Years Age Children on the Quality of Mother’s Life PDF
Aysel Topan, Tulay Kuzlu Ayyildiz, Muge Seval, Aylin Kurt, Ozlem Ozturk Sahin, Birsen Mutlu, Ayla Gundogdu 298-313
Learning Difficulties of Fourth Graders About The Subject of Fractions in Primary School PDF
Cevdet Epcacan, Fatma Ay 314-327
The Determination of Green Infrastructure Components of Van City Center and Its Near Surroundings PDF
Ayse Demir, Emel Baylan 328-343
A Study on Islamic Religion in Germany PDF
Atilla Kurnaz 344-348
Scamander: FromTrojan Wartoend of Antiquity It’s Mythology and Iconography PDF
Reyhan Korpe 349-359
Household and Drinking Water Supply and Water Consumption in Kilis Province PDF
Yunus Ozturk, Huseyin Cagan Kilinc 360-367
Pollution Problem of Kilicozu Creek (Kirsehir) PDF
Omer Eyuboglu 368-373
Kizilcahamam Flora of Soguksu National Park PDF
Omer Eyuboglu 374-402
Worker Health and Safety in Rubber Shoe Production PDF
Nurettin Akcakale, Ayhan Milli, Ihsan Ates 403-413
Treatment of the Basic Yellow 2 Dyestuff with Fenton Advanced Oxidation Process PDF
Serkan Bayar, Mahmut Erdogan 414-421


Vol 5, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Sustainability of Aquaculture: Applications of Environmental Model PDF
Serap Pulatsu 1-14
Determination of Effective Mutagen Dose for Carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens alef and D. carota) Callus Cultures PDF
Damla Turan Buyukdinc, K. Yaprak Kantoglu, Arzu Karatas, Ahmet Ipek, S. Sebnem Ellialtioglu 15-23
A new record of genus Zercon (Acari, Zerconidae) for Turkish Fauna: Zercon saphenus Błaszak, 1979 PDF
Rasit Urhan, Elif Hilal Duran 24-28
Strategies to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses for Fruits and Vegetables PDF
Aysel Elik, Derya Kocak Yanik, Yildiray Istanbullu, Nurcan Aysar Guzelsoy, Arzu Yavuz, Fahrettin Gogus 29-39
The passing adventure of Anzer Thyme (Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. caucasicus (Wild. Ex Ronniger) Jalas var. caucasicus) from the Highland to the Field PDF
Emine Yurteri, Fatih Seyis, Aysel Ozcan 40-44
Selection of Appropriate Cutting Parameters to Achive Optimum Surface Roughness with Taguchi PDF
Mehmet Yaka, Mehmet Burak Bilgin, Harun Yaka 45-51
Effects of Dobutamine and Levosimendan on Systolic Time Intervals in Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure PDF
Aydin Nadir, Kadir Ugur Mert, Bektas Morrad, Fezan Mutlu, Yuksel Cavusoglu 52-59
The Relationship between Glomerular Filtration Rate and Mean Platelet Volume in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients without Dialysis PDF
Zeynep Ata, Ali Kirik, Omer Toprak 60-68
Numerical Solution of MRLW Equation with İmplicit Finite-Difference Approximation PDF
Melike Karta 69-71
The Effects of Inhaled Drug Use on Saliva and Dental Plaque in Children PDF
Sema Celenk, Ezgi Eroglu 72-83
Tea (Camellia sinensis O. Kuntze) Seed Oil and Health Properties PDF
Fatih Seyis, Emine Yurteri, Aysel Ozcan 84-87
Evaluation of Individual Growth Performance of Goat Kids by Using Multilevel Models PDF
Suna Akkol, Ozdal Gokdal, Okan Atay 88-98
The Importance of Databases in the Reproduction Process of Medical Information PDF
Okan Koc 99-108
Sustainable Road Transport: Alternative Fuels, Electrical Vehicles and Environmental Effects PDF
Eda Baspinar, Ozgur Zeydan 109-128
Some Wild Edible Plants of Tosya District (Kastamonu, Turkey) PDF
Gamze Tuttu, Gokhan Abay, Sinasi Yildirimli 129-135
Use Opportunities of Some Natural Herbaceous Plants of Cankiri Province in Landscape Applications PDF
Gamze Tuttu, Ibrahim Aytas, Zuhal Dilaver 136-147
Brand Cities under the Effect of Consumption Society PDF
Ahsen Sacli 148-159
A Study on Turbidity Estimation Using Remote Sensing Techniques PDF
Mustafa Akgun, Yalcin Kemal Bayhan, Necla Barlik 160-167
A Comparison of SVM and Traditional Methods for Demand Forecasting in a Seaport: A case study PDF
Hande Guzey, Mehmet Akansel 168-176
Numerical and Theoretical Analysis of Free Vibration of a Multi- Cracked Cantilever Beam with Rectangular Cross Section PDF
Cem Boga 177-191
Comparison of Mobile LIDAR Technique with Terrestrial Methods in Digital Map Production PDF
Gokhan Kara, Huseyin Kemaldere 192-200
Risk Perception Analysis with FAHP in Turkish Brand Patented Automobile Production PDF
Buket Karatop, Cemalettin Kubat, Ibrahim Yildiz 201-211