Vol 9, No.1, No.2, No.3, No 4 (2019) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

Vol 9, No 1 (2019)


Vol 9, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage
Journal Editor
Response of Malt Barley to Special Liquid Fertilizer (Rutter AA) in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Girma Chala 1-6
Maize Varietal Adoption Rate in Ethiopia, the Farmer Self Identification and DNA Finger Printing Approaches PDF
Guta Bukero 7-25
The Role of Urban Agriculture in Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability in Africa PDF
Lemi Gonfa 26-35
Removal Methods of Heavy Metals from Laboratory Wastewater PDF
Tamirat Dula Chaemiso 36-42
Coenzyme Q10 Protect Mice Against Inflammatory Responses During Experimental Cerebral Malaria PDF
James N. Nyariki, Daniel Mokaya, Ngalla E. Jillani, Nemwel O. Nyamweya, Achim Hoerauf, Alfred Orina Isaac 43-51

Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921



Vol 9, No 3 (2019)



Vol 9, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Bioinfluence with Infrared Thermal and Electromagnetic Fields as a Therapeutic Approach of Hamsters with Experimental Graffi Myeloid Tumor PDF
Reneta Toshkova, Ignat Ignatov, Elisaveta Zvetkova, Georgi Gluhchev, Christos Drossinakis 1-11
Ameliorative Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Pulp on Alloxan Induced Kidney Toxicity in Male Adult Wistar Rats PDF
Uzozie Chikere Ofoego, Elizabeth Obioma Nweke, Ogbonna Mishael Nzube 12-22
Fabrication and Testing of a Manual Charcoal-Fired Groundnut Fryer PDF
Atanda E. O., Okwudibe H. A., Aideloje V. E., Olawepo B. B. 23-30
Prospects of Oil Palm Wine and Raphia Palm Wine in South East, Nigeria PDF
Nwankwo Temple Nneamaka 31-35
Distribution of Cassava Bacterial Blight and Reaction of Selected Cassava Genotypes to the Disease in Kenya PDF
Hilda M. Odongo, Douglas W. Miano, William M. Muiru, Agnes W. Mwang’ombe, John W. Kimenju 36-43
A Study of the Morphological and Histological Structure of the Caudal Fin of the Female Swordtail Fish Xiphophorus helleri and the Effect of Hydrocortisone on it PDF
Muneerah A. Ibrahim, Ali A. Al-Ali 44-55
The Growth Performance of Triplochiton scleroxylon, Terminalia superba and Ceiba pentandra in Pure and Mixed Stands. PDF
Afrifa, A. B., Ofori-Attah, R, Sarpong, A. 56-61
Characterization of Nanosilica and Comparing Its Effect on Crude Oils and Diesel Fuel PDF
Adnan A. Ateeq, Khalid A. Sukkar, Murtadha AbdAl-Huassein 62-77
Time – Course of Sodium Arsenate Induced Hepatotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity in Male Wistar Rats PDF
John O. Fatoki, Gbadebo E. Adeleke, Jelili A. Badmus, Olusegun K. Afolabi, Olaniyi T. Adedosu, Samuel A. Kehinde, Adeniran S. Adekunle 78-91


Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921

Vol.52 and Vol.53 (2019) Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research

Vol 52 (2019)


Vol 53 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Challenges and Opportunities of Mango Production and Marketing in Assosa Zone of Benishangul Gumuz Region: Evidence from Ethiopia PDF
Regasa Dibaba 1-13
The Effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Study on the Selected Resorts in the Southern Ethiopia PDF
Lidetu Alemu Anjulo 14-23
An Assessment Coffee Marketing Activities and Performance of Bonga Town Peasant Union PDF
Tegegne Alemayehu 24-38
Hide and Skin Value Chain in Ethiopia PDF
Tilahun Kenea 39-49
Analysis of Factors That Influence Consumers on the Purchasing Power of “GW” Bags in Probolinggo PDF
Nuzulul Fatimah, Emmywati ., Dewi Kartikaningsih 50-55
An Evaluation of the Cost and Benefits of Applied Cosmetics Industry Marketing Best Practices: A Case Study of the Kenyan Market PDF
Hemant Raj Singh Thakur, Peter Kiriri 56-63
Rina Astini 64-74
The Effect of Corporate CSR on Customer Attitudes PDF
Prita Prasetya 75-85


Paper submission email: JMCR@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8451

Vol.81 and Vol.82 (2019) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 81 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Legality of Executive Order No. 6, 2018 on Asset Recovery in Nigeria PDF
Oyelowo Oyewo 1-12
Access to Utilizing Water Resources and Conflicts of Interest in Indonesia’s Law PDF
Ramziati ., Yulia ., Jumadiah ., Nuribadah . 13-18
The State’s Responsibility in Fulfilling Domestic Energy Needs PDF
Burhanuddin ., Abrar Saleng, Juajir Sumardi, Abd. Maasba Magassing 19-35
Behind China Sport Industry Development: Football PDF
Raul Syahrozi, Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum, Hafid Adim Pradana 36-41
Excessive Use of Death Penalty as Stoppage Tool for Terrorism: Wrongful Death Executions in Pakistan PDF
Sughra Bibi, Qian Hongdao, Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad Bilawal Khaskheli, Hafiz Abdul Rehman Saleem 42-52
Discrimination against Female and Widow in Inheritance of Real Estate and Succession in the South Eastern Nigeria: A Breach of International Instrument and the Nigeria Constitution PDF
Hilary Nwaechefu, Stephen Timiebiowei Kalama 53-60
A Legal Approach to Prevent Road Accident in Bangladesh: Drawbacks and Recommendations PDF
Md. Aktarul Alam Chowdhury, Md. Hasnath Kabir Fahim 61-68
The Concept of Academic Excellence: A Macro Analysis PDF
Nabeel A. Jurdi, Fadia Moosa Rasheed, Radhakrishnan . 69-74
Regulation on Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) in Indonesia: Changing Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from Voluntary to Mandatory PDF
Sri Bakti Yunari, Suhariningsih ., Rachmad Safa’at, Sihabudin . 75-81
Verdicts on Bankruptcy Cases: Study Case on Judges’ Legal Behaviour PDF
Rr. Ani Wijayati, Setiono ., Soehartono . 82-93
Designing Legal Language in Strengthening: The Degree of Legal Certainty PDF
Mohamad Sinal 94-100
Know Your Customer (KYC) Principles Relates to Bank Confidentiality as an Effort to Prevent Money Laundering Crimes PDF
Benedictus Renny See, Ahmadi Miru, Muhadar ., Hasbir Paserangi 101-108
Assessing the Non-Judicial Criminal Case Settlement: A Comparative Approach PDF
Ahmad Hajar Zunaidi, Nur Basuki Minarno 109-114
Patient Rights and Local Government Responsibilities: Human Rights Perspective PDF
Andi Muhammad Sofyan 115-121
‘Hand Catch Operation’ on Corruption Crimes: The Case of the KPK in Indonesia PDF
Hendrik Dengah, M. Syukri Akub, Slamet Sampurno, Syamsuddin Muchtar 122-129
General Principles of Good Governance in Execution in State Administrative Courts PDF
Dezonda. R. Pattipawae 130-144

Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259


Vol 82 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Hodgepodge and Echelon of Citizens Participation in Environmental Law Enforcement of China:The 2015 Environmental Protection Law in Focus PDF
Ayalew Abate Bishaw 1-9
Corruption and Bias Among Judges in Nigeria as Recorded in 2018 and 2019: A Dash of Hope of the Common Man PDF
T.K. Adekunle, Hilary Nwaechefu 10-16
Oversight on the Constitutionality of Laws: A Case Study of the Jordanian Constitutional Court PDF
Hazem Suleiman Toubat, Emran mahafzah, Hashim Ahmed Balas 17-24
Analysis of Legal Protection for Debtors of Home Loan (KPR) at National Commercial Banks in Indonesia PDF
Deasy Soeikromo, Michael Barama, Sarah D.L Roeroe 25-31
The Legal Construction of Sharia Capital Market in Indonesia PDF
Elsy Renie, Thohir Luth, Siti Hamidah, Sihabbudin . 32-37
Halal Certification Obligations in 2019: Is It Possible to be Applied in Indonesia? PDF
Puji Sulistyaningsih, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja, Heniyatun ., Yulia Kurniaty 38-45
Homicides and Open Usage of Guns: A Case of Louisiana, USA PDF
Alberta Robertson 46-52
Determination of Mosque Funds by Indonesian Law Towards the Development of People: Case Study Mosque Raya Ahmad Yani Manado, Indonesia PDF
Deicy Natalia Karamoy 53-59
A Comparative Analysis of Civil Liability in Electronic Payment Systems Under the U.S. and Nigerian Laws PDF
Emmanuel Nimbe Olowokere 60-75
Optimizing Protection of Geographical Indications in Indonesia by Special State Agency PDF
Mieke Yustia Ayu Ratna Sari, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Yuliati ., Bambang Winarno 76-81
The Impact of Psychological Violence on Children and Legal Protection Efforts in Indonesia PDF
Gladi A.R. Dendape, J. Ronald Mawuntu, Wulanmas A.P.G. Frederik, Emma V.T. Senewe 82-91
Substantial Position of Constitution as Human Nature to the Existence of State in Modern Civilization PDF
Syafruddin Muhtamar, Muhammad Ashri, M. Arfin Hamid, Zulkifli Aspan 92-95
The Concept of Proper Wages for Workers Based on Social Justice PDF
Suci Flambonita, Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Iwan Permadi, Abdul Madjid 96-102
The New World Order, Human Rights and Extradition Laws in Africa: Impacts and Prospects PDF
Lucas Nduka Oluka, C. Ailende Ativie, Okwanuzor Mwaamaka Okuguni 103-114
The Reform of Muslim Women’s Rights in the Marriage Law of Indonesia and Malaysia PDF
Robi’atul Adawiyah 115-124
The Authority of Police Discretion in Actualizing the Repressively Fair Law Enforcement in Indonesia PDF
I Gusti Kade Budhi Harryarsana 125-131
The Civil Legal Protection of One’s Image Right: A Comparative Study between Jordan, France, and Egypt PDF
Murad Mahmoud Shnikat 132-158
The Essence of Justice in the Division of Community Property in Polygamous Marriage According To Law Number 1 of 1974 Concerning Marriage PDF
Nurul Maulidah, Thohir Luth, Iwan Permadi, Masruchin Ruba’i 159-164
Eddy Pelupessy 165-178


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vo.52 and Vol.53 (2019) Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Vol 52 (2019)


Vol 53 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Rajdeep Singh, the Peace Poet: Analysis of Figurative Language Used in ‘La paz que venga con fuerza’ Poem by Rajdeep Singh PDF
Rajdeep Singh 1-8
An Analysis of Prepositional Errors Committed by Undergraduate ESL Learners of Pakistan PDF
Naima Saher 9-15
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Rhetorical Devices Used in Advertisements of Beauty Products in Pakistani Print Media PDF
Muhammad Imran Shah 16-25
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Imran Khan’s Speech at Global Peace and Unity Forum. PDF
Muhammad Imran Shah 26-32
The Effect of High School Program and University Study Length on Taiwanese EFL University Students’ Motivational Identities and Learning Strategy Use PDF
D. Ryan Berg, Yichen Lu 33-43
The Reflection of Love for Motherland in the Select Poems of Agha Shahid Ali PDF
Firdous Ahmad Dar 44-45
Ideo-Cultural and Lexical Challenges Encountered in Translating Qur’anic Metaphoric Expression into English: With Reference to Three Translations of the Meaning of the Holy Quran PDF
Ali Albashir Mohammed Alhaj, Mesfer Ahmed Mesfer Alwadai 46-59
Analysis on the Application of Transposition Theory in Translating a Text from English into Indonesian PDF
Misi Elisa Fatimah 60-64
Gender (Mis)-Representation: in Defense of Feminist Language PDF
Happiness Uduk 65-69


Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435

Vol.58 and Vol.59 (2019) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 58 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Associated Factors of Kangaroo Mother Care for Neonatal Survival Among Care Takers of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants in Health Care Settings, Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia, 2018 PDF
Getinet Kassahun 1-9
Knowledge and Attitude Towards Birth Preparedness Among Prime Gravid Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic at Bwindi Community Hospital PDF
Okello Samuel, Akatuhurira Ronnah 10-23
Effectiveness of Health Education Among Mothers to Reduce Unintentional Home Injuries of Under- Five Year Old Children in Rural Community PDF
Yasir Nouman 24-30
The Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Medical Staff Absenteeism and Turnover in Arba Minch General Hospital PDF
Tekle Dula 31-38
Premature Implanon Discontinuation and Associated Factors Among Implanon User Women in Ambo town, Central Ethiopia, 2018 PDF
Kassa Mamo 39-46
Barriers and Enablers to Pain Management in Emergency Department PDF
Mohammad Abu Asal, Muhammad Darawad 47-54
Workplace Bullying Among Pediatric Nurses: Its Relationship to Children Exposure to Some Adverse Events and Parents Satisfaction PDF
Amal Abderazik Fathalla, Rehab Abd Allah Nassar 55-71
Assessing the Effect of Training of Traditional Bone Setters in Enugu State South East Nigeria PDF
Ifeanyi Eyisi 72-84
Impact of Nutrition Education Program Based on Nutritional Assessment of Adolescent in Assiut -Egypt PDF
Faten M. Rabie, Safaa R. Osman, Alyaa H. Abo-Rahma 85-93
Reviving Healthcare Delivery: Context-Based Issues for Revamping Primary Healthcare in Nigeria PDF
Owumi, B.E., Taiwo, P.A., Kolo, V.I. 94-100
Results of Blood Serum from Cancer Treated Hamsters with Infrared Thermal Field and Electromagnetic Fields PDF
Ignat Ignatov, Reneta Toshkova, Georgi Gluhchev, Christos Drossinakis 101-112
Predictors and Characteristics Associated with use of Complementary Health Approaches among Cancer Patients PDF
Hala Ibrahim Abo Deif, Amel Saied Mahmoud 113-123

Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419


Vol 59 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effectiveness of Health Education on Knowledge and Practice of Food Hygiene Among Women in Rural Community of Pakistan PDF
Rabia Jabbar 1-5
Isolation and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Klebsiella Spp. from Hund Pumped Sources Drinking Water in Kola Tembien, Central Tigray, Northern Ethiopia PDF
Hadish Bekuretsion 6-9
Assessing Capacity and Performance of Health Systems Using Principal Component Analysis: Results from Cross Sectional Survey in Kakamega County, Western Kenya PDF
Maximila N. Wanzala, Vincent Were, J.A Oloo, Gordon Nguka 10-18
Diabetes Mellitus Risk Assessment Among Egyptians Versus Saudi Arabians Nursing Employees: Comparative Study PDF
Hassnaa Eid Shaban Mosa, Ayat Masoud Omar, Shahenda Ateyat Allah Salih, Eman Fawzy El Azab 19-29
Assessment of Iron Status in a Sample of Infants Aged 6-12 Months in Jerash Governorate, Jordan PDF
Sara L. Hussein, Hamed R. Takruri 30-38
Diagnostic Value of Serum Glypican 3 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Control Study of Patients Seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria PDF
Oke Temitope, Adegboyega Akere, Otegbayo Jesse 39-45
Factors Affecting Perceived Stress and Self-Care Agency Pregnant Women PDF
Hafize Ozturk Can, Zehra Baykal Akmese, Yeliz Cakir Kocak, Dilek Ocalan, Nursel Alp Dal, Umran Sevil 46-54
Urogenital Myiasis in Wolaita Sodo, Southern Ethiopia: Case Report PDF
Abraham Getachew Kelbore, Efa Ambaw Bogino, Blen kassahun Dessu, Teshome Tesfaye 55-57
Developing Nursing Care Standards for Postoperative Gastrointestinal Patients PDF
Elham Elhanafy, Ishraga Mohamed 58-72
Occupational Hazards and Safety Nursing Guidelines for Pediatric Nurses in the Health Care Setting PDF
Amal Ahmed Elbilgahy, Shereen Ahmed Elwasefy, Magda Ahmed Abd El Aziz 73-82


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 10, No.1 to No.4 (2019) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 10, No 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Budgeting Process on Organizational Effectiveness: Evidence from Wolaita Zone Selected Woreda Public Finance Sectors PDF
Amen Diakon Debebe 1-9
Factors Affecting Saving Practices of Members of Rural&Urban Saving and Credit Cooperatives: Evidence from Kucha Woreda, Gamo Gofa Zone, Snnprs, Ethiopia PDF
Tefera Tanga 10-16
Impact of Land Acquisition on the Livelihoods: The Case of Gilibina-Akuna-Agita-Merewo-Besikiya Road Project Telemet Woreda, North Gondar Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia PDF
Getahun Abebe 17-31
Investigate on the Determinants of Economic Growth in Ethiopia PDF
Habtu Nibret 32-41
Green Economy: Challenges of Sustainable Consumption and Production in Ethiopia PDF
Belay Addisu 42-51
Economic Implications of Non-Timber Forest Products/Benefits/ to Livelihood Improvement in Terms of Income and Determinants of Household Participation in NTFPS Collection: A Case Study of Mecha Woreda, Amhara Region PDF
Addisu Tadesse 52-59
Stock Market Returns Under Macroeconomic Conditions: An Empirical Evidence from BRIC Economies PDF
Rashid Naim Nasimi 60-69
Privatization Experience and the Jordanian Economy PDF
Abdullah Ali Al-Masaeed, Evgeny Tsaregorodtsev 70-76
Exploring the Contributions of Microfinance Institutions to the Ghanaian Economy: A Study at Takoradi PDF
Daniel Odoom, Kennedy Oppong Fosu, Kwadwo Ankomah, Marian Birago Amofa 77-95

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 10, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Bank-non-Intermediation Income and Gold and Oil Co-movement Analysis PDF
Adama Dembele 1-6
Analysis of the Organizational Attitude Towards Human Capital Development: A Study on Commercial Banks in Bangladesh PDF
Md. Rafiqul Amin, Md. Minhaj Uddin 7-11
Comparative Analysis of the Property Negotiation Outcome Between Professional Estate Agents and Non-Professional in Akure PDF
Rasidat. Adejoke OLADAPO, Ibrahim Olaolo EGUNLETI 12-22
Feasibility of Reusable Glass Bottles in Bottled Water Small Industry (Case Study: Academic Enterprise Unit of Bogor Agricultural University) PDF
Tajuddin Bantacut, Adisti Kusumawati 23-35
Industries et Services ruraux: Supports de la Transformation Rurale dans le contexte d’une Agriculture en dégradation continue : Evidence du Sénégal PDF
Amadou Tandjigora 36-43
Willingness to pay for an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Suppression of Citrus Infesting False Codling Moth, African Citrus Trioza and Greening Disease Among Citrus Producers in Kenya PDF
Gitahi Dorothy W., Muriithi Beatrice W., George Owuor, Diiro Gracious, Mohamed Samira 44-53
Inflation-Growth Nexus in the CFA Franc Zone and BRICS: Evidence from Panel Threshold Regression Estimation PDF
Prao Yao Seraphin 54-66
Quantifying Physical and Economic Losses of African Indigenous Vegetable Solanum aethiopicum Along the Commercial Supply Value Chain PDF
Kasharu A.K., E. B. Kizito, M. Masanza, J. Jjagwe, A. Namutebi 67-77
Investigating the Working Environment and the Hindrance Faced by Street Hawkers in Bangladesh: An Empirical investigation in Dhaka City PDF
Istihak Rayhan, Asif Tanvir, Barin Mazumder 78-88
Empirical Review of the Impact of Fiscal Policy on the Manufacturing Sector of the Nigerian Economy (1980-2017) PDF
An Empirical Examination of the Determinants of Private Investment in Nigeria. PDF
The Roles of Agricultual Cooperatives in Linking Small Farmers to Set up Large Paddy Fields in Mekong Delta PDF
Thi MinhVu, Manh Dung Tran, Tien Dinh Nguyen 109-119
Developing Efficient Lead Time Practice in the Supply Chain Process to Enhance Customers’ Satisfaction in FMCGs in Nigeria PDF
Golda Ezeoke, Emmanuel Oyatoye, Joseph Mojekwu 120-125
Factors Influencing Farmers’ Decision to Adopt Apple Management Practices in Southwestern Highlands, Uganda PDF
Ambrose Rwaheru Aheisibwe, Kenneth Tindimwebwa, Denis Ashaba, Alex Barekye 126-137
Shifting Labor Structure in Line with the Requirements of Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Vietnam PDF
Nghia, Nguyen Trong 138-143
Total Factor Productivity Growth of African Public Universities PDF
Ngobi Kiwanuka Robert, Yawe Bruno Lule, Ddumba-Ssentamu John 144-156
The Influence of Knowledgeable Planning Generation Program (GenRe) on Adolescent Attitude in Aceh Province, Indonesia PDF
Rahmat Musfikar, Eddy Munawar, Fitrah Afandi, Zulkifli ., Muslim A Djalil 157-161
The Valuation of Water Quality: A Conceptual Framework for Households’ and Producers’ Willingness to Pay in Dhaka, Bangladesh PDF
Md. Ariful Islam, Siti Aznor Ahmad, Rabiul Islam 162-168
Analyzing the Factors Influencing Farmers’ Willingness to Produce Safe Agricultural Products: Evidence from Vegetable and Rice Farmers in Sri Lanka PDF
Dhammika. P. Withanage 169-178

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 10, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Infrastructure on Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach PDF
Joshua Adeyemi Ogunjimi 1-8
Impact of Human Capital Development on Sustainable Development in Ethiopia PDF
Selamawit Wudneh Mitike 9-12
Agricultural Investment and Role of Commercial Farming in Benishangul-Gumuz Region: Evidence from Ethiopia PDF
Regasa Dibaba 13-22
Analysis of Saving Patterns by Rural Households in Guduru Districts of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Agassa Gadassa 23-29
Determinants of Rural Women Economic Empowerment in Agricultural Activities: The Case of Damot Gale Woreda of Wolaita Zone, SNNPRS of Ethiopia PDF
Determinants of Smallholder Farmers Teff Market Supply, in Jimma Arjo District, Western Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia: A Two Stage Least Square Approach PDF
Temesgen Kabeta 50-59
Micro Finance and Women Empowerment in Urban Setting: Reflection from Southern Ethiopia PDF
Befikadu Esayas Amphune 60-73
Determinants of Business Linkage Between Medium-Small and Large Business Enterprises in Manufacturing Sector: The Case of Kombolcha City PDF
A Review of Optimal Inflation Targeting, What Should Be the Threshold Inflation Target? PDF
Bekele, Yetsedaw Emagne 93-110
Determinants of Trade Balance in Ethiopia PDF
Mamo Esayas Ambe 111-119
Trend of Microcredit in Bangladesh: A Study on Government and Non-Government Institutions and Banks. PDF
Md. Nezum Uddin, Mohammed Jashim Uddin 120-130
Mustafa Hyder, Salman Ahmed Khatani 131-134

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 10, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Do Remittances Promote Economic Growth? A Case of CESEE Countries PDF
Ripon Kumar Mondal, Sumitra Sen 1-9
What Drives Choice of Coping Strategies Against Ex-Post Weather and Climate Shocks Among Smallholder Fish Farmers in Malawi? PDF
Griffin E. Masoambeta Miracle, Julius H. Mangisoni, Davies H. Ng’ong’ola 10-19
The Food Industry in Ghana: Demystifying the Innovation and Quality Conundrum PDF
Ernest Kwame Affum, Haisu Wang 20-34
The Fiscal Federalism Approach in the Eurozone Related to Structural Budgetary Development, and Its Contribution for the Last Period PDF
Ahmet Niyazi ÖZKER 35-44
The Role of Entrepreneurship Education and University Environment on Entrepreneurial Interest of MBA Students in Saudi Arabia PDF
Aljohara Khalid Ababtain, Yusuf Opeyemi Akinwale 45-56
Industrial Development and Natural Resources Depletion in Nigeria PDF
Ogunwusi A. A., Ibrahim H. D. 57-79
Sustainable Policy Options for Funding Capacity Building of Teachers for the Achievement of Education 2030 in Nigeria PDF
Azuka Benard Festus, Utalor Kate Ifeoma, Okwuoza Sylvester Orobosa, Onuma. Obiageli Nancy 80-84
Determinant of Adoption of Improved Varieties of Sorghum in Center-north and Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso PDF
Silamana Barry, Mariam Myriam Dama Balima, Sabine Nadembega 85-92
Analyzing Factors That Can Attract Outsourcing Production to Tanzania PDF
David Edward Mwambene, Japhet Jacksoni Katanga 93-99
The Nexus Among Trade Volume, Trade Deficit and Real Exchange Rate: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Asif, Faheem Ur Rehman 100-108
Impact of Credit Access on Crop Farmers’ Well-being in Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria PDF
Sodeeq A.E, Saka J.O, Lamidi, L.O, Oguntade, M.I, Adegbuji U.O 109-116
Employee Performance Among Selected Tertiary Institutions: Evidence from Intrinsic Reward System PDF
Modupe Olayinka Ajayi 117-122
The Role of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Supporting Public Sector Reform in the Western PDF
Florije Miftari 123-129
Asymmetric Impact of Crude Oil Cost on Diesel Price in Canada: Evidence from Nonlinear ARDL Model PDF
Fidelia N. Onuigbo, Jonathan E. Ogbuabor 130-136
Is Japanese Retail Industrial Fuel Oil Price Stickier Downwards Than Upwards in Response to Oil Cost Shocks? PDF
Fidelia N. Onuigbo, Jonathan E. Ogbuabor 137-143
Analysis of Farmer’s Perception of Partnership Patterns in Bumi Dipasena Indonesia PDF
M Yusuf S Barusman, Budhi Waskito 144-151
Demand Analysis for Cassava in Rural and Urban Areas: Is it an Inferior or Normal Food? PDF
Basil Msuha, Tiberio Mdendemi 152-164
The Effect of Cristiano Ronaldo’s Recruitment on Football Club’s Stock Prices In Italian League PDF
Panji Putranto 165-169


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 10, No.1 to No.6 (2019) International Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 10, No 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Using Mobile Technology in Language Learning: Merits and Demerits PDF
Radin Honarzad 1-6
Awareness of Elementary School Teachers in Tribal Areas of Odisha, India about RTE Act, 2009 PDF
Sudarshan Mishra 7-16
Practices, Challenges and Opportunities of Early Childhood Care and Education Program Implementation in Bahir Dar City Administration PDF
Molla Bekalu Mulualem 17-26
Influence of Terrorism on Educational Institutions: Perceptions of University Students PDF
Saghir Ahmad 27-32
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Strategy on Student Learning Outcomes of SMK with Different Achievement Motivations PDF
Edy Suprapto, Ketut Mahendra Kuswara 33-38
Student’s Perception of Cooperative Learning on Their Academic Achievement and Social Development; The Case of Debre Tabor University Social Science and Humanities faculty, Ethiopia PDF
Alebachew Mohammed Legas 39-43
Attitude of Students Towards Academic Dishonesty in UMT PDF
Zaki Ullah Khan 44-48
Upper Primary School Basic Science Curriculum Materials Development Process in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Bezabih Wondimu 49-60
Analyzing Whistleblowing Practices at Higher Secondary School Level in District Mianwali PDF
Najia Jahangir 61-67
Gender and Leadership Differences: Reality or a Dilemma? PDF
Prem Raj Bhandari 68-75
Transition of the Mainstream/Special Education System to the Inclusive Education System in Pakistan PDF
Uzma Rafique 76-82
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program Regarding Knowledge of Drug Abuse Among Students PDF
Naseemullah . 83-89
Metacognitive Abilities within Personal Narratives of Inpatients with Schizophrenia: Associations with Clinical Insight and Drug Compliance PDF
Fatma Hussein, Heba Shafik, Rasha Eweida 90-103

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Extent of Academic Leaders’ Practice for Wise Governance from Faculty Members’ Perspective in Mu’tah University PDF
Hind khaled domuor 1-9
Extent of Public High Schools Principals’ Practice for Organizational Justice in Their Schools from Teachers’ Perspective in Alkarak Governorate 2018 PDF
Hind khaled domour, Lena Mohammd Bsharat, Noura Ali Jadallah 10-18
Analysis of Ethnolinguistic Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia PDF
Syahrial ., Ahmad Hariandi, Nur Amalina, Dwi Agus Kurniawan 19-25
Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Chinese Language Speaking Anxiety of International Students at Northeast Normal University PDF
Huma Akram, Muhammad Junaid, Yang Yingxiu 26-32
Gender Inequality in Usage of ICT Facilities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Presbyterian University College Library (PUCL), Ghana PDF
Frank Afoakwa Boateng, Samuel Ameyaw 33-44
Management of Learning Technique on Lesson Termodinamika on Department Mechanical Engineering Maritime Inonesia Academy Medan PDF
Maria Magdalena, Fatolosa Telaumbanua 45-50
Investigating Self-Concept and Readiness of Self-Directed Learning Among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Jeddah PDF
Hala A. Abdou, Doaa Alshomrani, Ghadeer Alsomli, Ahlamalsulami . 51-61
The Relationship Between Willingness to Communicate in English Inside the Classroom and Achievement in the Omani ELT Context PDF
Nasser Al-hinddasi 62-70
Perceived Effects of Smartphone Usage on Students’ Attitude Towards Learning in a Health Institution PDF
Justice Yao Woelinam Dzamesi, Kwadwo Oteng Akyina, Jacob Manu, Evans Danso 71-81
Implementation of Almajiri Education Program: The Role of International Development Partners and Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria PDF
Muhammad Alkali 82-92
Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Employing Educational Technologies in Teaching Mathematics at the Negev Schools in Israel PDF
younis hoashla 93-100
The Relationship Between Quality of Service and Student Satisfaction within an Indonesian Islamic-Based University PDF
Maria Ulfah, Firdaus . 101-111
Kholifah . 112-121
Influence of Principals role in setting direction on academic performance: Perceptions in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya. PDF
Elizabeth Akinyi Okoth, Kennedy Nyambeche Getange 122-130
Influence of parental behavior on the prevention of drug abuse among students in public secondary schools in Nakuru west Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. PDF
Naftal Michira Nyang’ara 131-134
The relationship between awareness of HIV and AIDS workplace policy and consultation on HIV and AIDS policy development among staff of Moi University, Kenya. PDF
Naftal Michira Nyang’ara 135-140
Commercialisation of Tertiary Education as a Correlate of Economic Recession in Nigeria PDF
IGBINEDION, Doye Angela, DIETTE-SPIFF, Mercy Inekiengha C. 141-146
Influence of Self-Esteem on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya PDF
Mercy Nkinga Kariuki, Fredrick Ogolla, Mwaura Kimani 147-160
Ruth Hertami Dyah Nugrahaningsih 161-163
Application of E-Learning in Instructional Design Course PDF
Sahat Siagian, Pardomuan Naulli Josip Mario Sinambela, Yasaratodo Wau 164-173

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Instructional Strategies for Motivating and Engraining Generation Z Students in Their Own Learning Process PDF
Mohammad Afshin Afshar, Alireza Jafari, Fariba Heshmati, Farahnaz Movahedzadeh, Abour H. Cherif 1-20
A Content Analysis of Online Brand Personality of 4 Universities in Ghana PDF
Rhodalene Amartey, Nathan Austin 21-31
Teacher Related Causes of Boredom PDF
Florence Uchechukwuka Nkwogu, Josephine Nonye Ubah 32-35
Perspectives of Parents on Communication Challenges Faced in Educating Learners with Hearing Impairments PDF
Rosemary Ogada 36-44
Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions in Kenya PDF
Thomas Katua Ngui 45-53
Genre Analysis : Investigation of the Functions of Simple Present and Simple Past Tenses in Translator’s Introduction PDF
Nasir Ali Osman Satti 54-66
Capability of Students from the Low-socio-economic Backgrounds: Exploring Student Loans in Tanzania PDF
Faustina M. Msigwa 67-76
Evaluation and Description of Factors that Affect Teachers Performance on Private High School in Indonesia PDF
Nicolas Chally Tirayoh, Joulanda A.M Rawis 77-84
School Principal’s Time Management as per the Experience of Vice-principals of Primary Schools stage in Najran City PDF
Salman Refan ALsharif 85-96
Adoption of Whole Group Strategy on Standard Seven Learners’ Achievement in English Composition Writing in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya PDF
Kamau Wambui Hellen, Odundo Amollo Paul, Inyega Nasimiyu Hellen 97-105
Mathematics Achievement Motivation in a Collectivist Culture: The Role of Gender Differences and Self-Efficacy PDF
Influence of Academic Staff Empowerment on Service Delivery in Nigerian Universities PDF
Olayemi J. Abiodun-Oyebanji 115-121
The Development of Supplementary Textbooks Based on Local Wisdom with Inquiry Learning Model in Elementary School PDF
Evi Seftiana, M. Thoha B. S. Jaya, Alben Ambarita, Darsono . 122-125
Using Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Understanding and Attitude Towards Linear Equations Word Problems PDF
Hamidu Ibrahim Bukari 126-135
Sudanese EFL Students’ Preferred Learning Styles and Evaluation Techniques PDF
Awwad Othman Abdelaziz Ahmed 136-144
The Focus of Educational Development in Africa Since the Addis-Ababa Conference of 1961 and Tanananrive of 1962 PDF
Celestina Imade Harry, Patrick Eluke 145-158
Research on the Influence Mechanism of Music Education on College Students’ Innovative Thinking PDF
Donglan Li 159-164
Interrogating the Adoption of Quality Assurance Parameters in the Management of Private Basic Schools in Six Local Government Areas, Kano PDF
Fabian Ndidi Nwaugo, Mansur Ali Garba 165-172
Reforming Education for the Attainment of National Development PDF
Osamiro Emmanuel OSAGIOBARE, Victor EKWUKOMA, Evelyn Ofure OBOZOKHAE, ThankGod Onyebuchi IBE 173-178
Effectiveness of Audio-Visuals in Enhancing Understanding of Circulatory System PDF
Prosper Apaliya Agangba, Mark Wesono Ayiwah 179-190

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Continuous Assessment Perception of Madda Walabu University Instructors, South East Ethiopia PDF
Abera Getachew 1-8
Assessment Practices in the Center for Regional and Local Development Studies, College of Development Studies in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia PDF
Ephrem Ahadu 9-25
The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement Among Addis Ababa University Undergraduate Psychology Students PDF
Mulugeta Deribe Damota 26-33
Conflict Resolution Styles of XI Grade students in Delhi: An Experimental Study PDF
G. Shivani, S. Ruchi 34-40
Economic Literacy Among Social Studies Teachers in Oman PDF
Ahmed Al-Rabaani 41-46
The Effect of Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Development on Children’s Creativity in Education Games of Al-Khairaat Kindergrten at Palu City PDF
Fatimah Saguni 47-53
Iraqi Learners’ Problems in Learning Speech Act of Request in EFL Classroom PDF
Nadhim Obaid Hussein, Intan Safinas Mohd Ariff Albakri 54-57
Pedagogical Analysis of Police Training Practices in Ghana PDF
Ronald Osei Mensah, Lawrencia Ayim 58-67
Practices and Challenges of Children’s Learning Assessment in Pre-school Centers PDF
Beide B. Melaku, Jemaneh T. Tadesse 68-73
The Essential Role of Teaching Pragmatic in the Iraqi EFL Classroom PDF
Nadhim Obaid Hussein, Intan Safinas Mohd Ariff Albakri 74-78
Educational and Behavioral Disparities among Kindergarten Children and their Peers Who did not enroll in it from the Point of View of the First Grade Teachers in the Light of Some Variables PDF
Mohammed Ali Bani Khalid 79-99
The Level of Representation of Arabic Language Books for the Basic Stage in Jordan for the Psychological Foundations of the Curriculum from the Point of View of teachers in Ma’an Governorate PDF
Jazzah M. Alrfou 100-118

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 5 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
From Vecten’s Theorem to Gamow’s Problem: Building an Empirical Classification Model for Sequential Instructional Problems in Geometry PDF
Stavroula Patsiomitou 1-23
An Action Research on Project-Based Learning and Understanding by Design and Their Effects on the Science Achievement and Attitude of Science Students PDF
Richard Dean B. Rubrica 24-44
Analysis of the State Universal Basic Education Board’s Execution of Strategic Capacity Building and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria PDF
Affiong Imeh Imeh 45-49
Discriminant Analysis: An Analysis of Its Predictship Function PDF
Ogbogo Stella 50-57
Development and Validation of Lecturer Teaching Assessment Scale for Nigerian Universities PDF
Amuche Christian Igomu Amuche, Mahmood Hamid Umar 58-69
Case Study: Supporting Students with an Autistics Spectrum Disorder PDF
Doaa Faisal Almuaigel, Mohammed Faisal Almuaigel 70-75
Qualitative Study: An Analysis of Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understanding About Scientific Inquiry and Their Confidence in Inquiry-Based Science Pedagogy PDF
Fayhaa Al-Momani 76-91
Challenges Facing Implementation of an Integrated Tourism Curriculum: The Experiences of Teachers in Lesotho PDF
Mzamane Nhlapo, Boitumelo Moreeng, Mots’elisi Malebese 92-101
Measuring the Correlation Between Self-Efficacy Beliefs and English Language Attainments Among Thai University Students PDF
Matthew Rudd 102-110
Problems of Improvising Physics Instructional Materials as Perceived by Serving Teachers in Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
Ndem Nsungo Udo 111-115
Management of Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) and Sustainability of University Education in Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
N. N. Ukpong, Uzoigwe, Michael Chukwudi 116-125

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 6 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Importance of English Phrasal Verbs Use in the Business Writing-A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Non-native Business Students in Pakistan PDF
Nayyab Mufti Zohaib, Summaira Sarfraz 1-6
Students’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Formative Assessment and Feedback for Improvement of the English Writing Composition Skills: A Case Study of Secondary Level ESL Students of Private Schools in Lahore, Pakistan PDF
Falaknaz Zia, Summaira Sarfraz, Nayyab Mufti 7-13
Generic Skills Assessment Through Implementation of Group Based Learning to Understand SDGs PDF
Namita Maharjan, Kyohei Kuroda, Misuzu Okada, Shigeyoshi Nakamura, Hideaki Aburatani, Takashi Yamaguchi, Makoto Ichitsubo 14-23
The Impact of Educational Trust Fund on Nigeria Tertiary Institutions: Ondo State as a Case Study PDF
Dare Williams OMOTOYINBO 24-30
Can Differentiated Instruction Create an Inclusive Classroom with Diverse Learners in an Elementary School Setting? PDF
Suleyman CELIK 31-40
Examination of the Ability of Classroom Teacher Candidates’ Making Written Arguments PDF
Hüseyin Polat, Fatma Bilge Emre 41-46
Impact of Job Satisfaction and Commitment to Performance: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediator (Research on Teachers in State Islamic Elementary Schools (MIN) in Banda Aceh) PDF
Muhammad Idris Tumanggor, Nurdasila Darsono, Mahdani Ibrahim 47-53
Gender Difference in Formative Assessment Knowledge of Senior High School Teachers in the Upper West Region of Ghana. PDF
Daniel Asamoah, Sauri Songnalle, Benjamin Sundeme, Charles Derkye 54-58
Curriculum Reform: A Key Driver to the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education PDF
Barbara Z. Podzo, Charles G. Chipika 59-67
Research on Online Engagement in the MOOC Context PDF
Yang Minghui, Hu Chuanshuang 68-78
The Employability Status of Makerere University Graduates PDF
Ssembatya A. Vincent, Ngobi Kiwanuka Robert 79-87
Research on the infiltration of environmental protection consciousness in the teaching of chemistry teachers’ specialty PDF
Sheng-Jie Jiang, Zheng-Hao Fei, Jing-Ping Wang 88-93
The practice exploration of case teaching mode in the environmental monitoring course teaching PDF
Jing-Ping Wang, Jian Chen, Zheng-Hao Fei, Qing-Hua Dong 94-98
Development of Social Studies Learners’ Textbooks for Secondary Schools in Zambia PDF
Sianga Musilekwa, Innocent Mutale Mulenga 99-108
Higher Education Service Quality based on Students’ Satisfaction in People’s Republic of China PDF
Abdul Ghaffar Mastoi, Lu XinHai, Wimonsiri Saengkrod 109-121
The Effect Of Self-Efficiacy, Management Ability, Internal Communication And Job Satisfaction On Commitmentnormative Lecturers At Quality University Medan PDF
Osberth Sinaga, Benyamin Situmorang, Julaga Situmorang 122-129
Myanmar Secondary School EFL Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of English as a Medium of Instruction in Their EFL Teaching PDF
Thawdar Lwin, Aaron Richards 130-137
Influence of Family Size, Nature of Job and Years in Marriage on Working Mothers Job Commitment in Public Universities in South-West Nigeria PDF
Ngozi Uwannah 138-148
Exploring use of incorrect terminology used in medical sciences: quest for scientific and academic verity PDF
Nasir Abdul Latif Sarwani, Aysha Fatima, Henry James, Hala Ebrahim A.Aziz AlMehzaa, Manoj Chakravarty 149-159


Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X