Top 5 Helpful Websites for Students, or Learn Online Efficiently

Many people believe that modern students don’t have many things to do. Just open the browser and download the needed assignment, get ever the rarest book and so on. And what about those magic apps that promise to teach you anything within a couple of days? However, any student knows that not all is that simple.

It is very challenging to select helpful websites for students among all those educational resources. To make your life simpler, here you are a list of top online services where you can get high-quality help.


The specializes in providing one-to-one assignment writing help to students, in all subjects, and for any academic level. Actually, this is the most important thing for most of their clients. Whenever you place an order to assist with your:

  • Dissertation
  • Essay
  • Research or term paper
  • Thesis

Or any other written assignment, you get not only a perfectly written task. You can ask the tutor any questions about the assignment or even get a complete explanation of the topic. This is the main advantage of the You get your assignment done and explained. That’s why you will be able to do a similar task on your own. You don’t get dependent on the services provided by the specialists, but you are always welcome to place your order again whenever you need it.

2.    Ninja Essays

As you can see from the name, the resource specializes in providing essay writing services. They claim they can write any essay within a record short time. Prices are cheap. So, whenever you want to place a “create my essay for me” order, you might do it there. However, no further assistance or follow up is provided. So, if you buy any of your papers from them, you will get the best service. But whenever you need similar help you will have no option but to get back to them.

3.     EdX

This is one of the best online learning websites if you want to complete a good course. EdX provides plenty of courses in all subjects. What you will definitely like is that the courses are provided by the leading universities of the world, such as Harvard University, Berkeley University, the University of Queensland and similar. If you want a degree, however, you will be requested to pay for it.

4.    Khan Academy

Ok, this website is not for any student. It is the best source of useful knowledge if you are keen on mathematics. However, if you are looking for an assignment writing service, you cannot do much with this website. But if you need mathematics assistance, of any service provided in this subject, you will be sincerely enjoying using this resource.

5.    Academic Earth

Free online courses from the leading universities are offered here for free. The main idea of the company is to provide top class education to those who would never have money for it otherwise. You can find courses by subject or by the university. As well, you can filter them based on a degree or a category.

For a certificate or a degree, you will have to pay, but the payment is very reasonable. Moreover, you will be learning all the materials from home. So, you are not going to have expenses for trips, accommodation. Maybe this is not the best place for a “do my assignment” request. But this company is definitely worth attention.

So, your choice will depend greatly on your targets and long-term expectations. Define your needs and select the best resource for you!

7 Reasons Why Financial Education Provides the Best Return on Investment

One of the major savings and investment problems consumers face is having little financial education. Many individuals live with low levels of financial understanding and often make uninformed decisions on critical finance matters such as spending and using credit cards.

What is Financial Education?

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines financial education is a continuous process by which consumers improve their understanding of finance concepts and develop skills of making informed choices on financial products and how to improve their financial well-being. Financial education results to financial literacy and can be obtained through self-study, instruction, or objective advice.

Although financial education varies from person to person based on their education and income levels, research has shown that even wealthy, highly educated consumers can be ignorant about financial matters just as the less educated. According to a Financial Education report by the OECD, a survey carried in Canada showed that choosing the right investment for retirement savings plan was more stressful than visiting the dentist.

Financial education is crucial for everyday living and for success in savings, investment, and wealth building. Below are 7 reasons why you need to invest in educating yourself about finances:

1. It enables you to use money prudently

Financial literacy enables you to make wise and responsible money decisions. You gain ability to account for your incomes and expenditures, and are able to use financial services to your benefit. It is only with good financial education that you can understand where you are financially and plan on how to improve your financial circumstance.

2. Helps you build knowledge of financial products

The financial market continues to become more sophisticated partly due to technology advances, globalization and changing consumer needs. It is extremely difficult to participate gainfully in the today’s financial market without continuous proper financial education.

Gaining financial literacy will help you to understand how credit facilities, investment products, top performing shares (if interested in investing in the stock market), retirement schemes and other financial products and services work. This knowledge is extremely useful when deciding on how you can use them to become financially free and happy.

3. Financial education can helps you to end a debt cycle

Debt is probably the most concerning financial problem facing many persons especially in developed nations. Debt management is anchored on budgeting and spending practices, and financial education will give your every tenet of proper budgeting and managing every day expenses. If you are reeling under a seemingly endless debt cycle, take time to educate yourself on how to use credit wisely such that it does not hurt your accounts.

4. Gain saving and investment independence

There are two major reasons why you should yearn for financial decision-making independence. One, it helps you make decisions quickly and take advantage of opportunities effectively. Without financial education, you are not confident of your decisions and you may need to seek advice from one of two trusted people before you make your decision.

Financial independence in financial decision-making also helps to increase your return on investment. When you can make savings and investment decisions independently, you reduce the money spent on financial advisors. This means you save money that you can invest in your long-term wealth plan.

5. Conflicting advice from financial experts

Different financial advisers adhere to different philosophies. That’s why the opinions two advisors can be completely contradicting. For someone with limited financial literacy, coming across conflicting expert opinions is almost frustrating. Financially literate individuals can make their deliberations when they encounter controversial matters of finance.

6. Plan for the future better

With the many different options for saving and investment, choosing the most suitable avenues to achieve your goals is usually not an easy task. Lack of financial education makes it even harder to understand how different options affect the saving and investment outcomes. A simple example is retirement planning. With proper financial education you can more accurately determine the amount of savings you need to make for the life you desire at retirement.

Whether it’s planning for higher education, your children’s future school fees, or even a vacation, financial education will help you make sure that you have the funds needed when they are needed.

7. Financial education is not learned in school by the majority

Of course it’s not. That’s why you are here. Only a few people are lucky to learn the ideals of finance and economics when in their formative years. The majority get to maturity studying their desired fields only to complete school and get stuck with finances. Today’s young people are all over borrowing and spending not because they have no responsibilities or can access credit options. They simply lack financial education to help them understand the implications of their financial decisions.

Regardless of your age, profession, or education level, investing in your financial education will pay you handsome dividends for the rest of your life. It sets you up for a sustained financial reality. The sooner you get it, the sooner you can improve your quality of life, and the better it will serve you, your dependents, and possibly your entire generation.

Advice for Pursuing a Career in Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a career suited to people who are organized and have strong math skills. Computer literacy is a must, and the ability to work well and communicate effectively with others are both important qualities. This is a career path that can apply to many different businesses and industries, including real estate, construction, retail and banking. Even though bookkeeping deals with numbers, it’s also important for a bookkeeper to be proficient in critical thinking, reading comprehension and social skills.

Bookkeeper usually handles financial transactions, and is part of the accounting process in business. The records include purchases, sales, receipts, funding and payments by an individual person or a corporation.

Is a specific degree required to be a bookkeeper?

A business degree is a good foundation if you’re interested in being a bookkeeper, but any degree can be the basis of a bookkeeping career. Almost 15 percent of bookkeepers in the U.S. have either a Social Science or Education degree, and it’s recommended that you receive training specifically for the job of bookkeeper in addition to a liberal arts degree. Basic and advanced bookkeeping courses online are available if you’re currently working full-time or don’t live close enough to a school to commute to class.

Bookkeeping is one job that doesn’t have specific educational requirements. Some bookkeepers have only a high school diploma, while others have business or math degrees. To advance in your career, you’ll have to pass a bookkeeping exam, and having a bachelor’s degree will give you an advantage when competing for a supervisory role.

What kinds of tasks do bookkeepers perform?

At the most basic level, a bookkeeper’s central job is keeping a record of all financial transactions for a business. That includes purchases, refunds, sales and payments, and a record of receipts from suppliers. A bookkeeper is also responsible for preparing invoices for services or materials sold by the company. Some bookkeeping tasks rely on automated computer programs, but you still need to be skilled at math to meet the requirements of the job.

The end result of all the record keeping is a database of information about the business, including whether or not it’s making a profit, keeping expenses within bounds, allocating resources properly, etc. An accountant will analyze the data compiled by a bookkeeper to answer these questions and create reports about cash flow, provide audits and prepare tax returns.

How do the career prospects look for bookkeeping?

Although bookkeeping will be affected by the trend toward automation, job opportunities are expected to be stable through 2026. Bookkeepers will shift away from manually entering data to performing more analytical tasks with data prepared by software programs. A job as a bookkeeper can be your ultimate career path or you can use it as a springboard for a higher-level job in finance. For example, some bookkeepers go on to become accountants.

As long as you have a bookkeeping certificate, you can advance to a bookkeeping supervisor position once you’ve been on the job for a few years. In order to progress in your career in the U.S., you’ll need a certificate from the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) or the National Bookkeepers Association (NBA). You’ll have to achieve a passing grade on a bookkeeping exam from one of them to get your certificate. Both also require two years of full-time work as a bookkeeper or the equivalent in part-time hours to get a certificate.

Top Skills for a Bookkeeper

One of the most basic skills for a bookkeeper is proficiency in math, but there are other characteristics that are helpful for a successful career as a bookkeeper. Ask yourself if the following descriptions apply to you. If they do, then a bookkeeping job could be the start of a long and happy career.

  • People Skills: The ability to network with other bookkeepers and work well with members of your company’s finance team.
  • Computer Literacy: Experience with operating computer programs, including using spreadsheets and bookkeeping software.
  • Discipline: Attention to even the smallest details of your work and the ability to complete tasks on a deadline.
  • Organization: The ability to sort, organize and file data for easy retrieval and maintain clear, concise records.
  • Communication Skills: The ability to communicate clearly with supervisors and prepare reports for accountants.

Habits of successful people that students should learn

Albert Einstein, who is recognized worldwide as one of the most intelligent minds to have walked the earth, only begun speaking when he was 4 years of age and almost dropped out of university, his first job was as an insurance salesman. Today, he is known as the man who introduced Quantum Theory. Unlike Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin actually dropped out and quit school twice. But because of his theories on evolution and natural selection, we are able to understand life, the various species on earth and the advancement of biological organisms.

The thing that these two successful people and many like them share in common is that they all failed before they could succeed. Henry Ford says it best, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Since time immemorial, people have been battling with the ups-and-downs generated by their profound craving to succeed. But encountering failure on the path to success is inevitable and necessary.

Contrary to what some people think, success is more  “planned” than “happen by chance” ideology, which is why we study and try to adapt the things successful people do in order to better our chances for success as well. Our determination to succeed begins right from school when we work hard to score top grades, which is why you find some students hiring a writing helper to help them with their writing projects. However, wanting success is one thing; attaining it on the other hand requires the right attitude, discipline and readiness to learn from your failures in whatever field, which is why we often try to emulate the habits of successful people for us to yield similar results.

Here are 7 habits of successful people that students can introduce in their daily routine for them to attain their academic goals.

Hard work and determination

Just as Colin Powell said, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” For you to score high grades, you have to study, no shortcuts. If there are areas in your academics that you have trouble with, do not hesitate to seek assistance from your peers and professors, and even get essay writing help to perfect your writing skills if necessary. You have to be willing to put in the work and the time for results to come.

Proper planning

Planned routine is among the most crucial success habits. Plan your daily schedule right from morning to evening and make sure you plan the previous day. When interviewed, most successful people. Planning is like having a map that will guide you to your final destination.

Act now!

It may take forever for you to be emotionally preparer to take action. Be bold and act in the now as opposed to postponing matters. If you need essay help be bold enough to ask for it.

Outline your goals

For students, their main goal is to get good grades that will help them secure good jobs in future. Once you know what your goal is, plan objectives that will help you attain them. Focusing on your goals will help keep you motivated and give you the mental build that will drive you to reach your destination.

Failure is a friend

You are bound to fail a few times, but don’t let it put you down. Instead, learn from your mistakes and push again. When you encounter failure you are bound to question yourself and your strategies, so if you do fail, pause, take some time to accept and get in the right mindset, analyze what led you to fail, pick yourself up and try again even better than before.

Be a risk-taker

Most people avoid exploring new things, methods and areas out of their comfort zones. But as Tony Schwartz says, “Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.” This simply means that you have tried many times to write good essays, for instance, and but still you find yourself scoring low grades, maybe you can ask for online writing help for a change.

Focus on your passion

As a student, you can easily get misguided due to peer pressure and the likes. You may probably find yourself doing some subjects simply because you want to share the same classes as your best friend, or because your parents told you to, or perhaps because you think the subjects are easy and you can simply breeze through your academics. But what some students don’t count on is losing interest at some point.

Have passion in what you do. This way you can be certain you will never lack interest or drive, for example in your papers writing, choose a topic that will make your mid spiral with ideas and before you know it, you are great at writing and scoring top grades easily or even perhaps earning from it by becoming an essay helper.

There is no defined map to success, but by practicing these habits for success, you better your chances.

How the Right IT Courses can Help Propel Your Career

Having the right kind of IT knowledge can help you further your career even if your work has nothing to do with servers and code. People for years have relied on IT department staffers to tackle every chore for them, but technology is so pervasive now that it’s become unreasonable to expect that technical personnel have sufficient time to meet the demands placed on them. Thus, financial agents are being told to handle database searchers themselves.

Scientific and healthcare researchers are now required to look through document repositories to find journal articles for citations. Even auto mechanics have to use PCs and mobile devices to look up part numbers when they’re overhauling a truck, so it’s easy to imagine that more academic careers will soon become extremely reliant on technology.

No matter what kind of career you have, a little extra IT training will take you far. In many cases, it’s completely painless even if you don’t have much prior experience writing code. Consider the following examples of cases where a little extra IT knowledge helped improve performance in the workplace.


Cloud Computing in the Most Unlikely Places

While you’ve probably heard the term cloud storage thrown around, you might very well don’t think it directly applies to your job. However, engineers are inventing many new cloud-based tools that can help you automate repetitive tasks at work and make your life easier. Imagine how much you could get done if save upwards of an hour every day and apply that extra time to other chores.

Some employers have started to use these tools so much that they actually require new personnel to have some sort of documentation that proves they’re prepared to work with it. They might only take candidates who carry an AWS Certification or a certain number of hours of experience using certain cloud-based platforms.

The kind of document you’ll need depends on whether the research foundation you’re connected to has decided to use Amazon’s ecosystem, Canonical’s or one from another major organization. That being said, the good news is that you can earn this kind of certification in your free time without having to sacrifice anything you might be working on at your current job.


Using New Tools as Soon as They Come Out

No one wants to fall behind when it comes to the research world. There are countless new tools coming out all the time that can help you in your academic career, but you’ll need to have at least a moderate level of pre-existing IT knowledge if you want to use them.

Consider something like sNews CMS for instance. because it’s an example of the kind of content management system you might see if you had to promote a project you were assigned to. In most cases, this kind of a tool would make your job considerably easier since it would tackle any content you have to post online. However, without any experience working with a sophisticated platform like this, you might be unable to take advantage of even the most basic features it has to offer. Just a few hours of class time can help you become proficient with this kind of application.

Academic search tools, like those provided by Microsoft and Google, are another excellent example of this problem. They allow you to quickly pick through peer-reviewed papers in very little time. However, you’ll have to know a bit about how computers search for things if you want to use them. To get ahead in your career, you might want to take a class in search algorithms since this knowledge can help you find documents much faster.


Mini IT Classes can Change Your Outlook

Scientific studies are often published via RSS or ATOM feeds. While XML might seem like a challenge to you, just a few hours of training is more than enough to understand it. Legislative changes might mean that you might soon be using your own tech in the workplace, and that means you’ll have to maintain it yourself.

To some people, this might sound like a scary proposition. However, even the most basic training can give you the edge you’ll need in this kind of scenario to stay relevant and take your career to new heights.

Best advice to survive when you are a student

Are you a student? Sure you face lots of problems when you study, first of them is money. Don’t hesitate to follow our rules how to survive when you are at college.


Top 5 tips to help you survive as a student

Joining campus may be your first time living on your own. If you will succeed in it, you will need to have some key college survival tips.

Many students attest that their university years are usually their best. And for sure they can be. However, there is no denying that college comes with its own share of demands. Students are supposed to adapt to the new life. In order to survive in campus, there are a new set of skills that you should get. Remember that surviving in college will require more than getting some good grades. There are several survival tips that every college students should learn.


  • Understand the budgeting process


There is no denying that you will get broke during your campus years. But the good news is that this is something you can avoid. The best way to achieve that is by creating a budget and sticking with it. You can do that by creating a prepaid budgeting card.  Avoid those night out when you will drink your college money. Avoid giving in to peer pressure. The good news is that there are various budgeting apps that you can use to create a budget.


  • Create a routine


One of the key college survival tips is to create a routine that is beyond your class schedule. When you have a well-planned schedule, this will help you to shape how you spend your time outside the classroom. Remember that classes take more time than just lecture time. Plan for various errands and having your laundry done. Ensure that you remain committed to a regular bedtime. Bear in mind that you will need to get enough sleep if you will concentrate in class.


  • Socialize and seek help


Socialization is college is very important. Take time to make new friends with your classmates. You new friends can help you discover things like the cheapest barber shop or even where to get academic assistance. They will take you through edubirdie review and if it is worth ordering your paper from there. You can get new friends by joins volunteer groups and clubs where there are students with similar interest to your.


  • Understand how to study


You will realize that college is usually different from high school. This is because there is a lot of reading that is needed as well as independent research. Make sure you understand how to use your campus library as well as other resources. Get a nice place to study where there are no distractions. Feel free to form study groups and visit your professor outside the official hours in case you have a question.


  • Understand the must-have tools


There are many tools that a student needs to make their study life better. If you want to write perfect essays, you will need an online grammar checker. You will also need to have an app such as Evernote to help keep your notes organized. Having an online scheduler and a planner can help you stick to a task. All these tools will help to make you college life easier.


Use the above tips to survive in college.

The main difficulties in writing coursework and how to avoid them

Every student needs help with course work, which is a very difficult task. Most students succumb to the stress of not meeting the desired criteria and thus fall in depression. Many issues are ranging from temporary glitches, low motivation, and little productivity.

This article, however, aims to point out all the issues faced by the student during writing their coursework and how to avoid them best by using tried and tested strategies, producing desired results.


Know your obstacles:

Do you procrastinate?

Most students fall victim to it without even knowing that they are procrastinating. You may be facing difficulties in writing your coursework but delaying it will make it much more difficult.

The best way to curb this situation is to take a short break from your work and do something else for a while to help freshen up your mind. Maybe chat with your family or siblings, watch a TV show or go outside to take a stroll so that when you come back to writing your work, you do not have to exclaim in desperation to complete coursework for me but can complete it on your own.


Are you organized?

Chaos and haphazard ways are okay as long as it is your wardrobe or room, but when it comes to completing your coursework writing, you need to be thoroughly organized. It is the key to successful completion of the task, and the first rule of being organized is to plan your work effectively. Do understand that some parts may take more time than others depending on the complexity and the amount of research required.

You may reserve some time for finding suitable online help for writing or revision, there are some credible write a coursework helplines, and you may want to use one of them.

Do plan ahead

Planning on writing a great course work involves research. You need to plan from where you are going to get the research material that is required for your paper. The most common mistake done by students is that they collect all the research that is available so that when they sit down to write their paper, they have no clue what to incorporate and what to exclude.

Moreover, you need expert advice to decide which research will help your statement in your course work, for that you can talk to your senior, some teacher or get online help. Do make sure that you incorporate only the most authentic and reliable research and not just some random facts from the internet. Also to go according to your plan you need to make a list of all the things that need to be done and tick them off as you go along the way, so you do not miss a single thing.


Are you motivated?

Writing a great course work can be a challenging task, and you cannot do it unless you are a willingness to do it. Motivation plays an important role in helping you get good grades and finishing a task merely because it needs to be done will not help.

Start with your environment, stick a poster of a university you are aiming for or an expensive car you wanted to buy with your own money or a place you always dreamt of spending your vacations in. try anything that works for you, just keep your objective insight so you can keep an eye on the bigger picture or reward.

Are you distracted?

You are doing everything to finish your course work, but you are not even remotely there. The most common mistake students make while writing their course work is that they do not get rid of the distractions. Just be strong and remove anything that takes your focus away from whether it is social media, your friends, your cell phone, TV, video games, outside noise, songs, or even your favorite pet.


Finish your course work on time

We have identified all the possible elements that hinder your ability to write impressive coursework and how to avoid them. Finish your course work by going through it again running a quick spell check, ask a third eye to scan the grammatical errors and you will succeed with flying colors.

Creative Jobs that Become valuable in 2019

Creativity is on the rise and 2019. Job market proves that this could be a great year for creative executives and employees.

Growing demand for workers in a creative sphere affects their salaries accordingly. It may be the right moment for a breakthrough in a career through promotion or getting a new job.

Let’s have a look at some great paying jobs you might want to switch to in 2019.

Creative Jobs That Pay Well

Creative jobs nowadays often mix with tech-savvy stepping away from a classic notion of artists, writers, and performers.

  • Technical and Creative writers

Technical writers often have tasks to make complex things understandable to common people and users. If you are good at grasping precise essence of technical data produced by your company and translate it into eloquent language for common people, stay on the lookout for great offers this year.

Interpretation and translation of corporate documents also may bring good income for people talented at localization of the content. Companies increasingly move towards global production, and willing to pay above average for creative language skills.

It is tougher for creative writers to achieve stable incomes, but they can land some great projects. Being sensitive to change can help you to stay posted. Try defining your strongest spheres and publish various ads. Sign up for freelance resume writer jobs or novel writers for children. Applying a creative approach to job search like no one else is a large part of your success.

The average salary is estimated at $70K/year for technical writers and $65K/year for translators. 

  • UI/UX design

It’s a great way to apply problem-solving skills and creative thinking. UI and UX interact with end users in a unique way as defined by companies. 

Some large corporations or those with high monthly output hire UX research for deeper and broader dive into many current trends of digital interaction. Researchers are expected to know sociology or psychology and marketing. They need to define a portrait of their end user, their needs and how to impress them through service with a concentration on digital interaction of course.

It seems like taking a narrow path from an initial UI/UX designer. But research itself, if necessary, has enough validation to stand out as a separate branch. Relying on in-depth research of UX is wise. It allows experts to develop through multiple directions.

Being a constituent with jobs for creative people, this one includes constant briefs with different teams and even focus groups.

Often designers are in demand in the digital agencies. They can either pick up single projects or work their way up in a company with a constant output.

Statistic data shows the average salary estimated at $80K- $90K yearly for UI/UX designers and researched and around $128K for the leading positions for this department.

  • Art director

This position encompasses marketing and technical knowledge too. Tasks include searching for the artistic line of a digital campaign. SEO and copywriting knowledge also play a large role in succeeding art director.

Even small teams of creative conceptual agencies offer great opportunities to grow and develop as art director. In the world where the audience has already seen everything, catching public attention is merely an easy task. This is when the artistic solutions come in handy.

The estimated average salary is at $85K/year.

  • Marketing

Marketing used to work as a combination of analysis, research, and creative process. Now that the data-driven decisions are basically an open source, the struggle for attention is real. This is when creativity helps.

Not only winning type of content works. Everyone uses it. But companies have a chance to make themselves seen or hear through creativity. 

This department also includes branding that has the same problems of making the brand seen or heard through the constant flow of other brands.

Sometimes, it means quite risky decisions that go far beyond the comfort zone of the target audience.

This is when the PR department steps in with wise countermeasures.

A range of average salaries within the department:
CMO — $168K/year
Creative director — $111K yearly
Marketing director — $108K/year
Marketing analyst — $93K/year
Brand manager — $90K/year.

  • PR experts

PR department works closely with marketing teams, often being a sub-department. Often, the PR director takes care of communications on behalf of a large company or its executives.

PR department also deals with crises invoked not only by the marketing team touching the wrong nerve of a public, but also by the private lives of high-profile executives and corporate decisions.

PR director earns an average of $95K yearly. Media directors get $100K yearly.

Why Creativeness Matters

Amidst the development of AI, working people are worried about keeping their jobs. Inventors talk of automation of many manual processes and analysis of data for human-like conclusions. 

Looking out at prospects, creativity is listed as a skill of the future. It’s highly unlikely that computers are going to recreate or automate inventiveness any time soon. Practice thinking out of the box and find ways to feed your creativity for a constant flow of original ideas.

Vol 10, No.1, No.2 and No.3 (2019) Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 10, No 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Using Mobile Technology in Language Learning: Merits and Demerits PDF
Radin Honarzad 1-6
Awareness of Elementary School Teachers in Tribal Areas of Odisha, India about RTE Act, 2009 PDF
Sudarshan Mishra 7-16
Practices, Challenges and Opportunities of Early Childhood Care and Education Program Implementation in Bahir Dar City Administration PDF
Molla Bekalu Mulualem 17-26
Influence of Terrorism on Educational Institutions: Perceptions of University Students PDF
Saghir Ahmad 27-32
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Strategy on Student Learning Outcomes of SMK with Different Achievement Motivations PDF
Edy Suprapto, Ketut Mahendra Kuswara 33-38
Student’s Perception of Cooperative Learning on Their Academic Achievement and Social Development; The Case of Debre Tabor University Social Science and Humanities faculty, Ethiopia PDF
Alebachew Mohammed Legas 39-43
Attitude of Students Towards Academic Dishonesty in UMT PDF
Zaki Ullah Khan 44-48
Upper Primary School Basic Science Curriculum Materials Development Process in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Bezabih Wondimu 49-60
Analyzing Whistleblowing Practices at Higher Secondary School Level in District Mianwali PDF
Najia Jahangir 61-67
Gender and Leadership Differences: Reality or a Dilemma? PDF
Prem Raj Bhandari 68-75
Transition of the Mainstream/Special Education System to the Inclusive Education System in Pakistan PDF
Uzma Rafique 76-82
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program Regarding Knowledge of Drug Abuse Among Students PDF
Naseemullah . 83-89
Metacognitive Abilities within Personal Narratives of Inpatients with Schizophrenia: Associations with Clinical Insight and Drug Compliance PDF
Fatma Hussein, Heba Shafik, Rasha Eweida 90-103

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 10, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Extent of Academic Leaders’ Practice for Wise Governance from Faculty Members’ Perspective in Mu’tah University PDF
Hind khaled domuor 1-9
Extent of Public High Schools Principals’ Practice for Organizational Justice in Their Schools from Teachers’ Perspective in Alkarak Governorate 2018 PDF
Hind khaled domour, Lena Mohammd Bsharat, Noura Ali Jadallah 10-18
Analysis of Ethnolinguistic Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia PDF
Syahrial ., Ahmad Hariandi, Nur Amalina, Dwi Agus Kurniawan 19-25
Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Chinese Language Speaking Anxiety of International Students at Northeast Normal University PDF
Huma Akram, Muhammad Junaid, Yang Yingxiu 26-32
Gender Inequality in Usage of ICT Facilities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Presbyterian University College Library (PUCL), Ghana PDF
Frank Afoakwa Boateng, Samuel Ameyaw 33-44
Management of Learning Technique on Lesson Termodinamika on Department Mechanical Engineering Maritime Inonesia Academy Medan PDF
Maria Magdalena, Fatolosa Telaumbanua 45-50
Investigating Self-Concept and Readiness of Self-Directed Learning Among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Jeddah PDF
Hala A. Abdou, Doaa Alshomrani, Ghadeer Alsomli, Ahlamalsulami . 51-61
The Relationship Between Willingness to Communicate in English Inside the Classroom and Achievement in the Omani ELT Context PDF
Nasser Al-hinddasi 62-70
Perceived Effects of Smartphone Usage on Students’ Attitude Towards Learning in a Health Institution PDF
Justice Yao Woelinam Dzamesi, Kwadwo Oteng Akyina, Jacob Manu, Evans Danso 71-81
Implementation of Almajiri Education Program: The Role of International Development Partners and Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria PDF
Muhammad Alkali 82-92
Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Employing Educational Technologies in Teaching Mathematics at the Negev Schools in Israel PDF
younis hoashla 93-100
The Relationship Between Quality of Service and Student Satisfaction within an Indonesian Islamic-Based University PDF
Maria Ulfah, Firdaus . 101-111
Kholifah . 112-121
Influence of Principals role in setting direction on academic performance: Perceptions in Public Secondary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya. PDF
Elizabeth Akinyi Okoth, Kennedy Nyambeche Getange 122-130
Influence of parental behavior on the prevention of drug abuse among students in public secondary schools in Nakuru west Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. PDF
Naftal Michira Nyang’ara 131-134
The relationship between awareness of HIV and AIDS workplace policy and consultation on HIV and AIDS policy development among staff of Moi University, Kenya. PDF
Naftal Michira Nyang’ara 135-140
Commercialisation of Tertiary Education as a Correlate of Economic Recession in Nigeria PDF
IGBINEDION, Doye Angela, DIETTE-SPIFF, Mercy Inekiengha C. 141-146
Influence of Self-Esteem on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya PDF
Mercy Nkinga Kariuki, Fredrick Ogolla, Mwaura Kimani 147-160
Ruth Hertami Dyah Nugrahaningsih 161-163
Application of E-Learning in Instructional Design Course PDF
Sahat Siagian, Pardomuan Naulli Josip Mario Sinambela, Yasaratodo Wau 164-173

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ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X



Vol 10, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Instructional Strategies for Motivating and Engraining Generation Z Students in Their Own Learning Process PDF
Mohammad Afshin Afshar, Alireza Jafari, Fariba Heshmati, Farahnaz Movahedzadeh, Abour H. Cherif 1-20
A Content Analysis of Online Brand Personality of 4 Universities in Ghana PDF
Rhodalene Amartey, Nathan Austin 21-31
Teacher Related Causes of Boredom PDF
Florence Uchechukwuka Nkwogu, Josephine Nonye Ubah 32-35
Perspectives of Parents on Communication Challenges Faced in Educating Learners with Hearing Impairments PDF
Rosemary Ogada 36-44
Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions in Kenya PDF
Thomas Katua Ngui 45-53
Genre Analysis : Investigation of the Functions of Simple Present and Simple Past Tenses in Translator’s Introduction PDF
Nasir Ali Osman Satti 54-66
Capability of Students from the Low-socio-economic Backgrounds: Exploring Student Loans in Tanzania PDF
Faustina M. Msigwa 67-76
Evaluation and Description of Factors that Affect Teachers Performance on Private High School in Indonesia PDF
Nicolas Chally Tirayoh, Joulanda A.M Rawis 77-84
School Principal’s Time Management as per the Experience of Vice-principals of Primary Schools stage in Najran City PDF
Salman Refan ALsharif 85-96
Adoption of Whole Group Strategy on Standard Seven Learners’ Achievement in English Composition Writing in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya PDF
Kamau Wambui Hellen, Odundo Amollo Paul, Inyega Nasimiyu Hellen 97-105
Mathematics Achievement Motivation in a Collectivist Culture: The Role of Gender Differences and Self-Efficacy PDF
Influence of Academic Staff Empowerment on Service Delivery in Nigerian Universities PDF
Olayemi J. Abiodun-Oyebanji 115-121
The Development of Supplementary Textbooks Based on Local Wisdom with Inquiry Learning Model in Elementary School PDF
Evi Seftiana, M. Thoha B. S. Jaya, Alben Ambarita, Darsono . 122-125
Using Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Understanding and Attitude Towards Linear Equations Word Problems PDF
Hamidu Ibrahim Bukari 126-135
Sudanese EFL Students’ Preferred Learning Styles and Evaluation Techniques PDF
Awwad Othman Abdelaziz Ahmed 136-144
The Focus of Educational Development in Africa Since the Addis-Ababa Conference of 1961 and Tanananrive of 1962 PDF
Celestina Imade Harry, Patrick Eluke 145-158
Research on the Influence Mechanism of Music Education on College Students’ Innovative Thinking PDF
Donglan Li 159-164
Interrogating the Adoption of Quality Assurance Parameters in the Management of Private Basic Schools in Six Local Government Areas, Kano PDF
Fabian Ndidi Nwaugo, Mansur Ali Garba 165-172
Reforming Education for the Attainment of National Development PDF
Osamiro Emmanuel OSAGIOBARE, Victor EKWUKOMA, Evelyn Ofure OBOZOKHAE, ThankGod Onyebuchi IBE 173-178
Effectiveness of Audio-Visuals in Enhancing Understanding of Circulatory System PDF
Prosper Apaliya Agangba, Mark Wesono Ayiwah 179-190

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X

How does technology have a positive impact on education?

Nowadays thanks to the rapid development of information technology (IT) and the continuous increase of information needed for work, computer teaching becomes widely popular. E-learning courses and systems have been developed and successfully used in the educational process; methods and results of their use are investigated and analyzed. Scientists are constantly developing and offering new, more advanced methods to significantly improve the quality of education and intensify the learning process.

First, the Internet gives students the instant access to knowledge. Modern schoolchildren are able to “Google-it” when they have questions about the learning material. Search for additional information on the Internet helps to expand the amount of knowledge that gives the textbook. Besides more and more educational online-services like Pro-Papers appear in the web. Such websites provide help in self-learning and make it easier and faster to do the homework.

The introduction of electronic encyclopedias, which are analogs of reference and information books, has become common today. Thanks to these digital resources, children quickly find the right information instead of searching the right word from books. In addition, electronic directories can contain audio recordings or video clips that help children create a complete visual picture of their new knowledge.

A system of virtual experiment has become widespread in primary schools. Children like this game and cognitive form, which provides an opportunity to conduct an experiment that would be impossible for reasons of safety and finances. In addition, virtually conducted experiments provide an opportunity for students to study the ongoing process much more extensively compared with the traditional method. Such a laboratory encourages schoolchildren to experiment and enjoy their own inventions.

Especially useful are computer games when teaching kids. Therefore, an editor was developed that allows you to create game situations, use them both independently, and include them into computer tutorials. In creation of the editor and software for games were used Flash, PHP, XML and MySQL technology.

Multimedia computer technology allows replacing almost all traditional technical teaching tools. In many cases, such a replacement turns out to be more efficient, makes it possible to combine quickly various means that contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the learning material, saves lesson time, and fills it with information. Therefore, it is quite natural to introduce these tools into the modern educational process. Multimedia means allow us to provide the best implementation of the principle of visibility, in comparison with other technical teaching. In addition, multimedia meant to be the effective support tool for game forms of the lesson.

The newest and most interesting technology for younger students is virtual and interactive excursions. In contrast to the traditional excursion, this species is distinguished by its availability, multiple reproducibility of the interesting moments, and independence from weather conditions. Although, a virtual tour, of course, does not replace the personal presence, it provides an opportunity to get a complete picture of any object. During the virtual trip, a student can choose the route himself, look around, maximize or minimize the desired object, look closely at interesting interior details, view the panorama from a distance, walk around separate rooms.

Today, distance education technologies are actively developing. Consider some structural elements of distance learning:

  • Lectures (in real time, with control elements, with video elements, with audio elements);
  • The study of resources (Internet resources, electronic media, paper media, texts including illustrations, video, audio, animation);
  • Independent work on the scenario (searching, researching, creative, etc.);
  • Conference chat;
  • Forum conference;
  • Collective project work;
  • Individual project work;
  • Training exercises;
  • Learning using special training systems;
  • Tests;
  • Consultations.

By varying combinations of such “bricks”, a network teacher can create lessons of various types – depending on the age of children, on the degree of their activity and independence, on the specifics of the subject, etc.

In distance learning, a teacher leads each student by the hand. A special learning environment makes it possible to comment on the work of each student, to make recommendations for correcting mistakes – to work with each child until the task of learning is completely solved.

Positive results are given by the introduction of computer technologies into organizational processes in many educational institutions. It should be noted that many programs have been created for students’ and personnel evaluation, test tasks, any blogs, and websites with information for students, etc. Many universities have implemented data collection programs for graduate employment. This is very convenient and incredibly useful software, because all information is stored in the same portal with access for not only university professors, but also applicants, students and graduates themselves.

The capabilities of this system are following:

  • Data collecting about the employment of all students and graduates;
  • Letters of recommendation from the place of work;
  • Generation of statistical reports in quantitative and percentage values for various parameters and combinations;
  • Vacancies of leading companies, which will be very useful for the effectiveness of the university students and graduates employment.

Currently, in connection with the development of computer technology and modern means of communication, when their use becomes necessary in almost any field of human activity, the need of information technology in education is obvious. New technologies are firmly implementing into our lives; the degree of their influence on the younger generation has noticeably increased. The virtual world occupies an integral part in student’s surrounding reality. Whether the use of modern technology will become an impulse in learners’ development or not depends on adults, especially on teachers.