Vol 10, No.31-No.36 (2018) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 10, No 31 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Determinants the of Micro and Small Enterprises Performance in Karat town, Konso, EthiopaPDF
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopia: Systematic ReviewPDF
Habtamu Legese11-18
Determinants of Tax Compliance Behavior in Presumptive Taxation:The Case of Dire Dawa City AdministrationPDF
Review on Status of Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) Development in EthiopiaPDF
Tariku Ayele28-33
Business Development Service (BDS) Role in Improving the Performance of SMEs in Case of Selected Manufacturing SMEs in Adama Town, EthiopiaPDF
Minda Yirga Beyene34-38
The Practices of Customer Relationship Management in Selected Private Banks: A Case of Hawassa, EthiopiaPDF
Tesfaye Nigussie39-45
Effect of Knowledge Management on Firm Competitiveness: Testing the Mediating Role of Innovation in the Small and Medium Enterprises in KenyaPDF
Charles Kiprono Sang Keter, Amos Kiptalam, Felishana Cherop46-54
Direct Franchising as Business Model with Moderating Role of Managerial Skills and Education Level of Franchisee: Evidence from Franchisees of KarachiPDF
Muhammad Faisal Sultan55-68
Strategic Planning and Its Contribution to Organizational Performance: A Case of Selected Public Sectors in Yirgalem Town, EthiopiaPDF
Tesfaye Nigussie69-76
Opinion: “An Emerging Entrepreneur Popping Out from Nowhere to Everywhere, Created His Own Space”PDF
The Effects of Market Orientation on New Product Performance and Innovation Speed (A Case Study: Malayer Furniture Workshops)PDF
Mohammad Mohammad Zaheri79-88
Survivalist Women Entrepreneur’s Motivation and the Hurdles to Succeed in EthiopiaPDF
Amensis Gudeta89-94
Linear Programming and Its Application for Preparation of Product Mathri and Namkeen in a Small Scale IndustriesPDF
Manmohan Patidar, Sanjay Choudhary95-104

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No 32 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Comparative Study of ICX Business with Prosperity and Significance in BangladeshPDF
K. M. Salah Uddin, Shoyeb Haider1-11
Determining Service Quality Dimensions for Sourcing Bulk Commodities: A Case Study of the Power Utility SectorPDF
Ayanda Nteta, Douglas Boateng, Philip Serumaga-Zake12-17
E-Marketing and the Future of Commerce: Pros and ConsPDF
Thuraya M. AL-Rubain, Ghada Arif18-21
The Effect of Corruption on Economic Development in Nigeria: 1996-2016PDF
G. Udi, B. O. Ohwofas, J. Erakpoweri, L.B. Ekaje22-29
Productivity Analysis Method Using Partial Productivity and Total Productivity in the Framework of Industrial Business Development Tofu Craftsmen in Manado CityPDF
Frendy A. O Pelleng, Wilfried S. Manoppo, Dantje Keles30-37
Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance in Saudi Public UniversitiesPDF
Samiah Al Jaid, Mas Baroto, Rosmini Omar, Saiyer Al Jaed38-49
The Effect of Financial Performance on Company Value Banks Registered at Indonesia Stock Exchange:2014-2016PDF
Stella Theodora Kewo, Rosiana Gaghenggang50-55
Public Fund Management System at Local Government Level in NigeriaPDF
Abdullahi Garba, Jummai Mamman, El-rufa’I Tijjani Abdullahi, Ibrahim Mohammed Jirgi56-59
Bank Duties in Relation to Forged Cheques with Special Reference to Bahrain LawPDF
Husham Saeed Alawsi60-67
Current State of Entrepreneurship Education Towards Breeding Entrepreneurial Attitudes Among Vocational and Technical Students in Colleges of EducationPDF
Yakubu Abdullahi Yarima, Dabo Baba Hammad, Baba Saidu Muhammad68-74

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No 33 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Turnover Intention of Factory Employees: A Case Study in IndonesiaPDF
Agusman Nurhidayat1-9
Determinants Influencing Consumers’ Attitude Towards Online Shopping: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance ModelPDF
Ngoc Thang Ha, Manh Dung Tran, Thanh Do Nguyen10-17
Discussion on the Development Problems and Strategies for Cruise Tourism Based on the Comparison of Supply and DemandPDF
Xiaomei Gong, Minjing Liang18-22
Internal Green Supply Chain Management Practices Influence on Firm PerformancePDF
Annika E. Jave Díaz, Cheng Guo Ping23-29
Impact of Liquidity Management and Macroeconomic Determinants on Bank’s Profitability in the Jordanian Commercial BanksPDF
Shama Noreen, Noshe Ranjha, Aliya Hafiz, Nida Saher30-37
An Empirical Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Organised RetailingPDF
Faran Ahmad Qadri, Adeel Maqbool, Mustafa Raza Rabbani, Mohammed Ishfaq38-43
Simulation of Strategic Planning for Compound Storing and ShipmentPDF
Dinda Puspita Yandra Arkeman Lilik N. Yu44-51
Traditional Institutions and National Integration for Sustainable Development in NigeriaPDF
Abdullahi Garba, Ibrahim Mohammed Jirgi, Jummai Mamman, El-rufa’I Tijjani Abdullahi52-56
Authoritarian Leadership and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Mediating Role of Moral DisengagementPDF
Kemeng Zhu57-63
Evaluation of Governance Risk in Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation Project: Based on BP Neural NetworksPDF
Wei Fang, Jie Zhao, Jin Shang64-73
An Evaluation of Customers’ E-servicescape of Branded Websites: A Case in the Foodservice IndustryPDF
Yoshimasa Kageyama74-82
Research on Business Model of Self-operated Import E-commerce Based on Value Network ——A Case Study of KAOLA.COMPDF
Xiu Liu, Hui Yan, YiZhe Sun83-90
Non-Oil Export Impact on KSA Economic Growth: a Case Study of SABIC Company in Saudi ArabiaPDF
Hajar Ahmed Al maghrabi91-98
Effect of Strategic Human Resources Management (HRM) Practices on Perceived Financial Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations: Empirical Evidence from RDRS BangladeshPDF
Md. Sadrul Islam Sarker, Md. Ataur Rahman99-110
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in the Garment CompanyPDF
Ferryal Abadi, Horas Djulius111-117
The Impact of Creative Accounting and Auditing on Business Administration and Maximizing the Value of BusinessPDF
Taiseer Ali Khalaf Al-Momani118-126
The impact of the use of e-commerce accounting on the reduction of totalmarketing costs in the telecommunications sectorPDF
Taiseer Ali Khalaf Al-Momani127-137
Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development in Benue State, NigeriaPDF
Umogbai Monica Esiebugie, Agwa Tewase Richard, Hian Fabian138-153
Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial IntentionPDF
Amos O Ayuo154-162
Aggressiveness and Exploration strategies of mobile communication Firms in Rivers StatePDF
Wegwu, Macaulay Enyindah, B. Chima Onuoha163-172

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No 34 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
A Step Towards Nexus Salon: Integration of All Top Salons at Single PlatformPDF
afrozah Nadeem1-4
Determinants of Coffee Producing Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit in Bodji Dirmeji District of West Wollega Zone, Northwest EthiopiaPDF
Esayas Negasa Hambisa5-10
Perceived Entry Barriers to Self-Employment in Eastern Ethiopia with Special Reference of Graduates and Youth EmployeesPDF
Mikrie Fekadu11-23
Challenges and Prospects of Budget Preparation and Utilization: a Study in Selected Finance Bureau of Kaffa ZonePDF
Garedew Ganecho24-32
Work Motivation Among Agricultural Development Agents in Jaldu Woreda, EthiopiaPDF
Girma Ajama33-47
Determinants of Capital Structure in PakistanPDF
Rashid Naim Nasimi48-60
Entrepreneurship in the Renewable Energy Sector of Bangladesh: A Conceptual Analysis for Exploring Opportunity and ChallengePDF
Rubaya Ismat Shithila, Nasrin Sultana, Fahad Rashid, Tasdeed Hossain Tasin, Shadman Fahim, Md. Saifullah, Md.Abdullahil Kafi, Protiva Mohiuddin61-68
The Impact of Total Quality Management on the Organization PerformancePDF
Najwa Alweteed69-71
Management information systems and their importance in decision-makingPDF
Ghada Mohammed Arifi72-80
The Impact of Total Quality Management on the Organization PerformancePDF
Najwa Alweteed81-83

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No 35 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Indonesian Tax Amnesty and Its ImplicationsPDF
Afrizal .1-15
Evaluating Microfinance Banks’ Capacity to Purvey Credits to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in South-West, Nigeria: Adopting Financial Ratio TechniquePDF
Obadeyi, J. A, Oladejo Moruf O., Adesuyi, I. O.16-31
Financial Analysis of Textile Sector in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Textile CompaniesPDF
Kaniz Fatema, Nazrul Islam, A. K. M. Golam Rabbani Mondal, M. Amzad Hossain32-38
Factors that Contribute to Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Lecturers in Selected Technical Universities in GhanaPDF
Mary Ophelia Amporful, Phyllis Asorh Oteng, Unity Akosua Amoabeng39-45
Satisfaction Level of Credit Card Holders in Khulna City of BangladeshPDF
Kajol Karmoker, Md. Enamul Haque, Sayed Azharul Islam, Prosenjit Tarafdar46-51
The Effect of Applying Activity Based Costing System on Net Cash Flow in Manufacturing Companies in JordanPDF
Luai Abu –Rajab, Riad Al Qumbarji52-64
Impact of RMG Sector on Standard of Living of Garment Workers in Bangladesh: Determinants and Workers’ PerceptionPDF
Md. Nazrul Islam65-72
The Explanatory Variables of Non-Performing Loans in Albania, During and After the Financial CrisisPDF
Irini Kalluci73-81
Impact of Farmers’ Adoption of Good Agricultural Products on Total Factor Productivity Change: The Case of Grape and Apple Production in VietnamPDF
Thi Minh Vu, Manh Dung Tran, Quyet Thang Dao82-87
Work Environment and Its Relationship with Performance from Millennial’s PerspectivePDF
Irhamahayati ., Musa Hubeis, Aji Hermawan, Setiadi Djohar88-96
Influence of Content of Entrepreneurship Training on Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises in the Information and Communication Technology Sector in Nairobi City County, KenyaPDF
Margaret Nganu, Bula Hannah97-104
Influence of Training Needs Assessment on Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises in the Information and Communication Technology Sector in Nairobi City County, KenyaPDF
Margaret Nganu, Bula Hannah105-111
Migration, Remittance Inflow and Economic Growth of BangladeshPDF
A.H.M. Rakibul Mawla, Firoja Akter Khanam112-123
Effect of Competitive Aggressiveness on Competitive Advantage of Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Ogun State, NigeriaPDF
Aroyeun, Taiwo F., Adefulu, Adesoga D., Asikhia, Olalekan U.124-135

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No 36 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
A Conceptual Framework to Examine the Effects of Service Quality, Organisational Image and Satisfaction on Loyalty Towards Public Higher Education Institutions in Kano State, NigeriaPDF
Ado Ismail Sabo, Zainuddin Awang1-6
Developing the Logistic Services in Hai Phong Port, VietnamPDF
Phuong Nguyen Thi Hai7-18
The Effect of Nurse Competence, Motivation, and Workload on the Performance of Emergency Room (ER) Nurse in Regional Hospitals of YogyakartaPDF
Dewi Suryandari, Erna Rochmawati, Susanto .19-26
Factors Determining the Success of the Independent Economic System, Case Study of Shrimp Farming in IndonesiaPDF
M Yusuf S Barusman, Appin Purisky Redaputri27-33
The Brand Image of Islamic Banks in the View of Conventional Bank Customers (A Study Based on Marketing Approach)PDF
Hafasnuddin ., Sofyan Idris, A. Sakir34-40
Marketing Opportunities and Export Competitiveness of Indian Spices: An Econometric AnalysisPDF
Ambili Sunil, Kiran. S. Nair41-56
Strategic Factor Analysis for Construction Consultant Business in IndonesiaPDF
Dedy Guswandi, Sahara ., Setiadi Djohar57-62
Strategy to Increase the Entrepreneurship Interest in Diploma StudentsPDF
Yusriyati Nur Farida, Riswan ., Aldila Krisnaresanti, Lina Rifda Naufalin63-67
Effect of Organizational Structure on Employee Involvement and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in Select Telecommunication Firms in South-East NigeriaPDF
Okuu Kalu Okwuagwu68-76
The Link Between Competitive Strategy, Organizational Culture and Human Resources Management PracticesPDF
Esra Dinç Elmalı77-85
Understanding the Attitude of Generation Z Consumers Towards Advertising Avoidance on the InternetPDF
Madhobi Hossain86-96
Forest-based Tourism in Bangladesh: Challenges Unveiled for the SundarbansPDF
Md. Ariful Hoque, Easnin Ara, Muhammad Shoeb-Ur-Rahman97-107
Exploring the Staff Development and Retention Challenges Faced by Tertiary Educational Institutions in Ghana: The Case of Takoradi Technical UniversityPDF
Samuel K. Amegatsey, Daniel Odoom, Bernard Arpoh-Baah, Isaac Okyere108-123
The Effect of Financial Decisions on Selected Commercial Bank’s Profit Margin in Lagos, NigeriaPDF
Olaifa Olubunmi Ikeolape124-130
Service Recovery Strategies and Customer Retention of Selected Banks in Lagos State, NigeriaPDF
ITAI, Muktar Monday131-145
Extent of Applying Creativity Elements Among Public University Libraries’ Directors from Administrators’ Perspective at these LibrariesPDF
Nurah ali Jadallah, Omar Al-Jaradat, Ali Altawalbeh146-152
Influences of Entrepreneurs’ Affect and Self-esteem on Escalation of CommitmentPDF
Yushan Li153-158
Food Security and International Trade in Agriculture: Short and Long Term Evidence from Low Income and Food-Deficit Countries (DCs)PDF
Di He, Ingrid Epezagne, Prasad Siba Borah159-168
Joint Moderating Effect of Perceived Equity and Supervisor Support on the Relationship between Employee Compensation and Employee Performance in Kenyan Chartered Public UniversitiesPDF
Ruth Mitalo, Florence Muindi, Peter K’Obonyo, G. P. Pokhariyal169-176
Research of Structure of Entrepreneurial Fear Based on Grounded TheoryPDF
Xintong Li177-183
The Challenges of E-Commerce Implementation for Saudi SMEs: Case Study of Retail Sector in RiyadhPDF
Khaled Mohammed Alqahtani, Pingping Song184-188
Towards Entrepreneurial Universities through Marketing strategy and entrepreneurship: A comparative study of Selected Public and Private Universities in KenyaPDF
Justus M Munyoki, Joseph Owino, Henry Mutoro189-203
Performance Evaluation of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh – A Statistical AnalysisPDF
A.H.M. Rakibul Mawla, Firoja Akter Khanam204-213
Impact of Applying ISA 11 Construction Contracts on The profitability in Jordanian Contracting CompaniesPDF
Reem okab kasswna214-231

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 8, No.11 and No.12 (2018) Developing Country Studies

Vol 8, No 12 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Assessing the Various Opportunities Explored by Cybercriminals in AccraPDF
Daniel Ennin, Ronald Osei Mensah1-7
Consumer Perception of Product Quality and the Country-of-Origin EffectPDF
Tomi Adejorooluwa, Qijun Liu8-14
Graduating from Extreme Poverty into a Sustainable Livelihood: A Case Study of LEAP programme in the Kpandai District, Ghana.PDF
Lariba Pakmoni, Yinghua, Chen, Charles Dwumfour Osei, Peter Saibu Mangdow15-23
Balancing Between ‘De Facto’ and ‘De Jure’ in Standard-setting Strategy by a Latecomer Country: The Case of ICT Industry in ChinaPDF
Hui Yan, Jiaqian Li24-39
Projecting the Implication of Rapid Urban Population Growth on Urban Facilities in Amhara Region: An Application of SPECTRUM ModelPDF
Belete Debebe Tekle40-47
Value Chain Analysis of Butter and Cheese: The Case of Loma Woreda, Dawuro Zone, Southern EthiopiaPDF
Betela Beyene48-57
Due Process Rights of Suspects During Pretrial and the Existing Challenges Under the Legal Frameworks of EthiopiaPDF
Awol Alemayehu Dana58-72
Impacts of Adopting Sustainable Land Management Practices on the Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers  The Case of Benishangul Gumuz Region, EthiopiaPDF
Mahammad Arega73-80
A Tale of Two Countries: Indonesia and Kazakhstan; So Different, But So the SamePDF
Dennis de Tray81-93

Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565

Vol 8, No 11 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Energy-Poverty Nexus: Conceptual Framework Analysis of Cooking Fuel Consumption in Ghanaian HouseholdsPDF
Alhassan A. KARAKARA1-10
The Issue of Urban Character in the Suez Canal Region: A Proposed Matrix for Developing the Area’s Urban Character in Light of the Egyptian State’s Development PlansPDF
Waleed Hussein Ali Hussein11-23
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Regional Arrangement and 2011 Presidential Post-Election Violence in Nigeria: A Theoretical AssessmentPDF
Chime Chukwunonso Jideofor24-31
The Influence of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles of Site Managers on Job Performance of Crafts in Cape Coast MetropolisPDF
Christina Boateng, Frank Ackon32-41
Documenting Indigenous Knowledge of Climate Change, Coping and Mitigation Mechanisms: The Case of the Niger-Delta, NigeriaPDF
Onwuemele Andrew42-48
Effects of Boko Haram Insurgency on Public Schools and Responses by Government of Borno State, NigeriaPDF
Abubakar K. Monguno, Mohammed K. Abdullahi, Yagana S. M. Aji49-54
The Revealed Value and Meaning of Accountability: The Dayaknese Ceremony of Hindu Kaharingan ReligionPDF
Astrid Patricia Amiani55-59
Business Plan Template Prepared on Dairy CowsPDF
Impacts of Child Labour Working at Hotels & Workshop Sectors in PakistanPDF
Saiqa Yameen70-81
Review on Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) in EthiopiaPDF
Tariku Ayele82-85
Review on Policy Issues and Gender in Agricultural Value Chain in EthiopiaPDF
Impact of Merchandize and Services Trade on Economic Growth of PakistanPDF
Muhammad Afzal90-96
Review of Maize Value Chain Resilience and Sustainability in EthiopiaPDF
Takele Honja97-101

Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565

Vol 10, No.10 and No.11 (2018) Civil and Environmental Research

Vol 10, No 10 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
The Effective Factors on Quality in the Jordanian Construction ProjectsPDF
Aswan S. Al-Dalaeen1-4
Effect of Sawdust Ash on the Compressive Strength and Sorptivity of Laterised ConcretePDF
Samuel Olufemi Folagbade5-14
Performance Prediction Models of Crumb Rubber-Modified Asphaltic ConcretePDF
Olutaiwo A.O., Mudasiru J. B15-27
General Overview of Wastewater Treatment in Injibara TownPDF
Yitbarek Andualem Mekonnen28-48
Compressed Stabilized Earth Block as a Sustainable Building MaterialPDF
Md. Akhter Hossain Sarker, Ishtiak Mahmud49-53
Population Forecasting for Design of Water Supply System in Injibara Town, Amhara Region, EthiopiaPDF
Yitbarek Andualem Mekonnen54-65
Stabilization of Deficient Soils in Ethiopia – A ReviewPDF
Fitsum Markos Deboch66-74
Solid Waste Generation and Disposal by Informal Sector Participants in Barkin Ladi Town Plateau State, Nigeria.PDF
Ijeoma G.U. Ayuba75-80
Awareness, Attitude and Practices of Environmental Sanitation by Informal Sector Partakers in Barkin-Ladi Town Plateau State, NigeriaPDF
Ijeoma G.U. Ayuba81-86

Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514

Vol 10, No 11 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Storage Period on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Portland CementPDF
Ahmad J. Ibrahim1-5
Experimental Study of Hydraulic Response for Combined Weir-Gate Flow of Composite ShapePDF
Rafi M. Qasim, Ihsan A. Abdulhussein, Muna A. Hameed, Qusay A. Maatooq6-14
Impacts of Building Collapse on Sustainable Development in NigeriaPDF
OLUBI, Abiodun Rufus, ADEWOLU, Timothy Olugbemiga15-32
A Comparative Analysis of Energy Performance Index (EPI) of Selected Office Buildings in Jos, NigeriaPDF
Ademola Olatunji Jimoh, Ochapa Onazi33-41
Evaluating Causes of Delay in Construction Projects of PakistanPDF
Zahid Sarwar, Muhammad Saeed Lodhi, Muhammad Asif Khan, Syed Tauseef Ali42-52

Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514

Vol 74 (2018) Advances in Physics Theories and Applications

Vol 74 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Electronic Structures of CexHf1-xO2 (x=0.5 and 0.75) Mixed OxidesPDF
Olanipekun Alice Bukola, Akoso Christopher, Bello Oluwaseyi1-6
Examining the Main Factors That Causes Photoluminescence Peak to Shift Towards the Smaller Wavelength in Nanoporous Silicon Quantum DotPDF
Adem Beriso7-13
The Effects of Car Density on the Overall Interaction of the Vehicles Current Traffic Flow Models Case Study at Wolaita Sodo TownPDF
Tadesse Lamessa14-24
Interaction of Gravitational and Electromagnetic FieldsPDF
Bharti Saxena, Ramakant Bhardwaj, Basant Kumar Singh25-37
Two-point resistance on hypercubic lattices with second nearest neighbor resistorsPDF
M. Q. Owaidat, Monther Alsboul, Ahmed. A. Qwasmeh, Almaasfeh Sultan Abdelmajid38-44

Paper submission email: APTA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-719X ISSN (Online)2225-0638

Vol 68 and 69 (2018)Advances in Life Science and Technology

Vol 68 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
An Ethnobotanical Study of Traditionally Used Medicinal Plants for Treatment of Human Diseases in Goba District of Bale Zone, Southeast EthiopiaPDF
Ayalew Sebsibe Tegene1-7
Indigenous Knowledge, Major Threats and Conservation Practices of Medicinal Plants by Local Community in Heban Arsi District, Oromia, South Eastern EthiopiaPDF
Gemedi Abdela8-26
Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Heban Arsi District, Oromia, South Eastern EthiopiaPDF
Gemedi Abdela27-45
Assessment of Cow’s Milk Hygienic Practices Under Small Scale Farmers in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State, EthiopiaPDF
Sisay Lemma46-55
Relation Between Rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae) and Faba Bean (Vicia Faba) Yield Loss in Bale Highlands, South Eastern EthiopiaPDF
Yekedem Bimrew56-66
Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation Strategies to Cimate Change and Variability in Arsi Negele District, Oromia, EthiopiaPDF
Tadese Bedada67-81
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Some Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) Varieties in Bench Maji Zone South Western, EthiopiaPDF
Wondwosen Wondmu82-92

Vol 69 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Successful Transplantation of Primary Hepatocytes from DsRed Mice into Fah-/-;Scid/Scid Mice; A Future In Vivo Model System for Receiving Human HepatocytesPDF
Mohammod Johirul Islam, Mohammed Badrul Amin, Mohammad Asaduzzaman, Farha Matin Juliana, Saima Sabrina, Rumana Rashid, Aradhan Sarkar1-6
Effects of Ethanolic and Aqueous Extract of Morus alba Leaves on Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Levels in Experimental RabbitsPDF
Vicky Gent, Kenneth Ogila, Erastus Mwadondo, Rebecca Waihenya7-13
Gonococcal Acute Septic Arthritis in Immunocompetent PatientsPDF
T. Kalo, R. Celami, E. Puca, E. Muça, N. Gjermeni, Sh. Kurti, E. Qyra, Dh. Kraja, E. Rapushi, M. Hoxha, S. Damo, M. Eqimi14-16
Lung Surfactant Proteins A (SP-A) and D (SP-D) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)PDF
Regina Hasa, Juliana Gjerazi, Eritjan Tashi, Donika Mema, Sofiela Telo, Jul Bushati, Anyla Bulo17-24
Garlic Rust (Puccinia allii): Effect and Management Options- A ReviewPDF
Tilahun Negash, Hassen Shifa25-30

Paper submission email: ALST@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-7181 ISSN (Online)2225-062X

Vol 70 (2018) Arts and Design Studies

Vol 70 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpagePDF
Journal Editor
Development of Furniture and Raw Material Efficiency Through the Recycling of Sawdust in the Wood IndustryPDF
Joko Budiwiyanto, Sumarno .1-6
Self-Portraits in Enigmatic ContextsPDF
Kofi Sarfo7-31
Interactivity in the Performance of the Traditional Art of Bagurau Saluang Dendang Minangkabau in West SumateraPDF
Rustim ., Wisma Nugraha, Lono Lastoro Simatupang, Asril .32-42

Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

How Upgrading Your Skills Improves Your Career Prospects

If you’re looking to improve your career prospects or move up through the company then you need to improve your skill set. The better your range of skills the more jobs you will be able to perform for your business and the more valuable you’ll be.

This is also true if you have a very specific skill set, not only will this make you in demand but improving this skill set will help to ensure you are the very best at what you do. The better you are the more in demand you will be. This will lead to greater success and improved financial gain but, perhaps most importantly, you’ll find more satisfaction in what you do.

In short, upgrading your skills means you are needed more which will make you more valuable and desirable to any business. This will carry you up the ranks financially and professionally.

How To Upgrade Your Skills

There are two main ways to upgrade any skill set, through education or through experience. Both methods have their own merits and to be considered an expert in any field you’ll need to have experience and the right qualifications.

Step 1 involves checking out the courses available in your chosen field. It is worth noting that when you are already working you’ll probably find it easier to use a remote learning course, you can find out more info about these here.

Step 2 is to get more experience with your chosen skills. It’s important to do this after you have gained the understanding of what is involved through your study course. You’ll then be able to put this knowledge into practice and hone your skills to perfection.

The Importance Of A Plan

You should decide what level you are aiming for. It is easy to get swept away and end up running a business despite the fact you simply wanted to run the engineering section. It is important to know what you are aiming for and consider carefully if you have the opportunity to go further; will your skill set still be relevant?

Once you’ve decided what you’re aiming for you need to list your current skills and the ones you are lacking. You can then create a plan to obtain the extra skills and a timescale.

Make It Known

There is no harm in discussing your plans with your colleagues and supervisors. They will be able to help you stay motivated and may even have on the job training or help to fund your learning course. An employer will also appreciate your aims and flexibility providing you with opportunities when they arise.


This simply means connecting with others in the industry. You don’t need to specifically aim for those that can help you to get where you want to be. Building a good network of contacts will help you to deal with any issue as you’ll have the knowledge to back you up even when you don’t know how to handle a situation yourself.Networking can also provide an array of opportunities to improve your skill set; all you need to do is be willing an open to these opportunities.

2019 SEO Trends: 9 Areas That Will Be Affected


(Image from Pixabay)

Like everything else, SEO strategies and tactics also evolve with the times. After all, Google’s algorithm changes as well.

This 2019, there are old, new, and improved SEO techniques that will help businesses dominate the SERPs and increase their revenue earnings. If you are an SEO professional who strongly desires to leave a mark in the business this year and help your clients achieve their goals, you should update your knowledge of the latest trends in SEO.

Without a doubt, the tips and tricks you will learn will help you ace an SEO interview if and when the important trends of the year will come up during the interview. This will boost your chances of turning an application into long-term employment.

So, what do the top SEO professionals consider as the most important trends in 2019 and which areas will they focus on?

  1. Target Audience and User Intent

Understanding your user audience and search intent has always been an important part of SEO, but it will be more important than ever in 2019, what with ranking fluctuating over the years to ensure that the semantic intent of a search query is satisfied.

What does this mean exactly?

  • Keyword research will be performed based on user intent.
  • Website content must be perfectly written and optimized for the right audience.
  • Content must comprehensively answer audience questions made through a search query.
  • Content must anticipate and answer follow-up questions.

To achieve this, you must gain a better understanding of your target audience and their search intent.

2. Structured Data Markup

Schema structured markup data is not a ranking factor because it doesn’t have a direct impact on ranking or directly helps a website rank. But it does have an indirect impact because, as what Google’s Gary Illyes said, “It will help us understand your pages better, and indirectly, it leads to better ranks in some sense, because we can rank easier.”

Google has long recommended using it. So, why not?

But with AI becoming more important, structured data will be more vital than ever in 2019. Co-founder and managing director of Ryte, Marcus Tandler, considers this as the means to help AI work optimally. When information is highly structured, “contents and their relations to each other” will be processed faster.

3. Content Strategy

Websites that provide exceptional content rank highly throughout the year. And with algorithm updates indicating that Google is intensifying its focus on depth in quality content, publishing posts just for the heck of it will no longer fly.

So, It is important to provide users with the best in-depth experiences through content.

Experts suggest to:

  • Write posts that are highly likely to acquire links to increase its chances of ranking.  
  • Do one, properly distributed post in a month than several that will only get a few visits.
  • Write content that:
    • Solves a problem
    • Answers a question
    • Helps with link building
    • Converts and makes a sale
    • Generates leads
    • Boosts reputation management
    • Helps with social proof and/or community building
    • Optimized to match search intent of a reader/user
    • Uses Schema markup

Director of ShellShock Shelley Walsh also recommends using content maps and experience maps to help create content that “use language to engage the user and guide the user
to the next action.”

4. Technical SEO


(Image from Pixabay)

This will take center stage as websites become more complex over time. This makes investing in technical SEO a wise and profitable move. This is especially true with some key areas of focus such as Speed, JavaScript, and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

Google will reward sites more for faster speed. An increase in JavaScript-driven websites means SEOs must familiarize themselves with the framework. The future of websites is to live on as PWA.

Time to think about how to make this happen.

5. Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness

Better known as E-A-T, establishing and growing these key factors will be big in 2019 and will help SEOs “understand that ‘quality’ comes with context,” according to Dixon Jones, founder of DHJ Ventures.

You can’t write authoritative content and expect it to rank if you’re not an authority of the subject.

Distribution and promotion of content must be done from a reputation standpoint. Write a blog or publish a post that will make you an expert that journalists go to.

6. Voice Search

Although not quite right for the picking, experts believe that 2019 will be the year that voice optimization strategy will become part of a company’s to-do list.

The growing popularity of voice search devices will also bring to the fore the need to rework website content to directly answer questions made via voice search. The challenge, however, is to make effective use of voice response without the need for translators and to create the ideal format where the intent of more complex answers is satisfied.

Currently, voice search only works in some scenarios. Still, it will be a game changer in 2019.

7. On-page Optimization

This will continue to be an important SEO strategy in 2019, with some key website optimizations focused on content and conversions.

Write content that provides answers to your users’ common questions. Or use chatbots to deal with common and basic queries. Shorten the conversion process to make more sales while reducing the cost of acquiring customers.

Merkle’s Technical SEO Manager Alexis Sanders also recommends ensuring that only relevant results are served with internal site search and simplifying the way repeat customers restock items that they commonly purchase.

8. Featured Snippets and Other Features in Google SERPs

Don’t stop at website optimization.

To improve Google search experience this year, you should also optimize for features that will boost organic traffic. Optimize for featured snippets, answer boxes, carousels, knowledge graphs, and other search features.

9. Machine Learning

This is the answer to the search engines’ goals of answering intentions rather than questions. The prep work has already been rolled out through some layout changes that engines are pushing out.

For SEO, it will be the technology to help develop unique content, thus the need to adopt machine learning, “beginning with a set of data based on specific variables,” according to Jenn Mathews of Jenn Mathews Consulting.

Update your knowledge of the latest SEO strategies so you won’t be left behind. This is especially vital for professionals who need to serve something new to clients to beat the competition.

Implementing initiatives, however, is just the beginning. You also need to analyze and track your progress using the right tools and metrics, including micro KPIs–smaller, repetitive actions that make a significant contribution when added up.

Custom Essays: How ThePensters.com Chooses their Staff Members

Different websites all have their unique ways of choosing who they hire. ThePensters.com is no different. However, they pride themselves in being a brand new kind of custom essay writing website. To help to ensure that their websites are entirely customized and plagiarism free, they hire freelance writers to work on their websites.

Freelance writers are writers who are not held to any kind of contract. However, they still need to conform to the website’s rules. This means that they are not allowed to plagiarize anyone’s work, including their own. They also must turn in their assignments on time.

Review-Based Hiring

While just about anyone can sign up to become a freelance writer for ThePensters.com, not everyone can stay on as a writer. This is because the writers are rated based on their work. They are not rated by the website, but instead by the customer who hires them. Because of these, writers are encouraged to do their best work to earn a higher rating. After all, customers are more likely to hire a writer who has a 10/10 rating than someone who only has a 3/10 rating.

Reviews for writers are not only in stars, customers can also write reviews, which gives more insight on how the writer works. The reviews give the topic of the assignment, the page length, and the type of assignment. This helps future customers to know what the writers have worked on in the past (anything from basic coursework to complicated dissertation chapters) and how well they have done on those projects.

Perks of Becoming a Writer for ThePensters.com

Whether students want to order cheap assignments or become a freelance writer,ThePensters.com can help. On their website, ThePensters.com lists some of the perks of working for them as a freelance writer. Freelance writers have the ability to work wherever they want and on whatever schedule works for them. The only time-based restraints they have are that they need to finish their project before the deadline.

One of the best perks of being a freelance writer is that they only need to work on the assignments they want to work on. For example, creative writers won’t be burdened with nursing papers or vice versa. This is because writers only work on the assignments they bid for. There is no maximum or minimum amount of assignments freelance writers need to bid for. They could bid for one a week if they wanted to, or bid for only one a month when they are busy. So long as they can finish their assignments on time, they can bid for as many assignments as they want.

In summary, ThePensters.com is willing to give any freelance writer a chance, but only great writers will succeed. This way, writers are encouraged to do their best, and customers can be sure that they are getting the best bang for their buck. ThePensters.com is always looking for new freelance writers to apply, and anyone ages 18+ with great writing skills is encouraged to apply. Just click “Become a Freelance Writer” and begin your career with ThePensters.com!

3 Main Guarantees to Look for When Ordering Custom Essays

Many students every year turn to reputable writing services such as the brand new kind of custom essay writing service – ThePensters.com – to provide them with essays, papers, and assignments. However, not all websites essays which as good as the custom essays on ThePensters.com.

When looking for a writing service to provide a custom essay, paper or assignment it is crucial that students look for certain guarantees.

What guarantees should students look for when ordering custom essays?

Students need to be really clear when they are ordering custom essays about what precisely they expect the writing service to provide, and then they need to ensure that there are guarantees in place.

Plagiarism free

This is a really important aspect of custom essays which should not be overlooked. Students have been kicked out of schools, colleges, and universities when they have handed in plagiarized essays. The best custom paper writing services will ensure that the papers are completely free of plagiarism, that they are thoroughly and properly researched and that they are checked by professional editors to ensure that the essays, papers, and assignments are 100% original and unique.

Some expensive custom paper writing services don’t provide these guarantees, but a brand new kind of custom essay writing service – ThePensters.com provides guarantees that all of their papers are plagiarism free. This helps the students to relax, as they know that they are paying a fairly cheap price for the best online custom paper writing service.

Money back guarantee

That’s right – when you order a custom essay, such as the custom essays on ThePensters.com, they should guarantee you a minimum grade for that paper. If a student orders an A-grade paper, they should get an A-grade paper. If once the paper has been submitted, marked and returned and the student hasn’t received the expected grade, then they should be able to claim all of their money back through a money back guarantee. If the writing service does not provide a money back guarantee then avoid them! The brand new kind of custom essay writing service – ThePensters.com provides a money back guarantee with all of their essays, papers, and assignments.

Quality guarantee

Whenever a custom paper is ordered online, the best writing services will ensure that the paper is thoroughly researched, planned and written before it is checked by professional editors. The custom essays on ThePensters.com all come with a quality guarantee ensuring that you are getting the best possible paper, assignment or dissertation to meet your needs.

Students need to take great care when choosing which essay writing service to use. It is worth taking the time to check that the chosen service, such as the brand new kind of custom essay writing service – ThePensters.com provides guarantees about the quality of the work, whether or not it is checked by a professional editor, and that it is plagiarism free. If the service cannot provide these guarantees then it is best to avoid them and to keep looking. The best online custom paper writing services will happily provide these guarantees to anyone who asks for them.