Buy College Essays Online: What to Expect from College Papers with Ideas?

The majority of final year students all over the world regardless of them completing an accounting or programming college degree must complete their thesis or dissertation in order to graduate and collect their diploma. Despite the end of school life being so close, the thought of having to write such a challenging assignment makes it look so far away. In order to make this process a lot easier on you, you may want to buy college papers with ideas – in general, buy college essays on

Surprisingly, finding a topic to research is not what students struggle to do the most. Rather, finding the right ways to approach and assimilate their subject of interest appears to be the most challenging for students. Therefore, services that college paper with ideas will not only help you structure your thesis in the best way possible, but it will guide you towards success by paying a small, at times the cheapest fee. All you have to do as a client is pay the required amount, and let the expert writers that these sites hire, and see how the topic you want to investigate unravels and is organized into a professional dissertation idea proposal.

Buy College Papers Online

What can I expect from my custom purchase?

The purpose of college idea essays is for a student to see a sample of what their dissertation essay would look like. The role taken by the writer consists on providing the students with a sense of security and clarity since there is a series of ideas and suggestions on the best ways to dissect and approach whatever subject it is that the student wants to research. As for the writing quality, all of the writers on these sort of websites like are experts in the English language to hire (most likely originating from the UK); and have been trained to use top academic terminology and tone.

To get a better idea of what you’ll gain from this service company, you may want to look up online reviews from other students. In fact, you might be able to see past examples or samples of this type of service in particular. Certainly, besides comments being about their amazing experience with, you’ll notice how many students agree on how affordable and cheap it is.

How will this impact me in my life at college?

Seeing as you will not have to worry too much about how to write your thesis, you will have a lot of free time to work on additional things throughout the term; for example, coursework, homework or assignments. If you wish to pursue further or higher education after your bachelors, you could use the college paper with ideas you bought for when you’re constructing sample essays or paperwork to increase your chances of admission.

5 Tips for Finding a Home


Finding a dream house is a difficult task especially who are finding their first home. Everybody has their own taste for home but there are some tips for first home buyers. These tips can help you save money and time.

Think About the Money

Money is not easy to earn and that is why; you need to use it in the right place. Most of the people save their money in banks as it is the best way. Whenever you start seeing properties, you should consider your budget. Most of the people buy their house with a mortgage but you need to pay for the 5 to 10% of the price of the property. Finding an affordable property in cities like Hamilton is not easy so consider contacting with Hamilton Real Estate agents that can help you find the place in your budget.

Keep Your Wants and Needs in Mind

Whenever you are going to buy a property consider your wants and needs. So, you do not need to regret your choice afterward. Everybody has something in mind for their home. Some people want their home on some specific locations or some want to have things like a pool etc. in their home. That is why; it is better to tell the property agent about your wants and needs.

Sell The Existing Before Buying the New

Some buyers intend to buy the new house before getting their home on the market. It is not good because when you find your ideal home, you will not be able to secure the deal. The reason is that you will short of money and there is a possibility that other bidders can give a better offer to the seller because they have cash available. So, we recommend you to sell your existing home so you can have cash available and when you find the right home., you can secure the deal easily.

Start the Search

When you are prepared to start the search as soon as possible. The real estate increases rapidly, famous areas which mean what you have today may have less worth tomorrow. So act fast, you can search in local property search websites or can contact the real estate agents. Most of the agents have their own websites where you can search easily and these sites allow filters such as the number of bedrooms, price, and location. For example, if you’re interested in real estate opportunities in Union County, Georgia, explore available properties and resources at Real estate in Union County Georgia with eXp Realty to guide your search.

First Impression Is Not the Last Impression

It is a reality, some people see a home and want to buy it urgently. Never buy a home on your first visit, you should need to have a look at the surroundings too. When you visit a property and enters in the bedrooms, you see the owner’s furniture and possessions. Remove these things from your mind and picture your furniture there. Focus more on the location of the house because you can change everything in a home with money but cannot change its location. Try to visit more than twice a home before making the final decision.



Europe continues to be an attractive business hub for foreigners. Switzerland, especially, has continued to see a steady increase in the number of foreigners who are moving or expanding their businesses to the country. This trend has ensured that the country remains one of the top destinations for businesses that are looking to expand their operations into the European market.

If you are a business person looking to get into the European market, you are probably wondering what makes Switzerland so attractive. The following are some of the main benefits of expanding your business into Switzerland.

  1. Location

When looking to enter into a foreign market, your first prerogative will be to look for the right base, which is usually a country within that geographical market. One of the most crucial criterion that this base has to meet is location.

Switzerland is the best choice in this case because of its prime location, right in the middle of the most densely populated area in Europe. On top of this, the country borders some of the biggest economies in Europe and the world, namely, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France.

Setting up a business in this country will ensure that you have direct access to densely populated markets with participants that have high levels of disposal incomes. There will be a ready demand for your products, and guaranteed high market prices.


  • Infrastructure


Another consideration you need to make is whether the country has the infrastructure you need in order to undertake your business. The infrastructure includes roads, office space, communication, and other forms of infrastructure that are critical to the proper and profitable functioning of your business.

Switzerland is considered among the top countries in Europe in terms of infrastructure. The country boasts of world class public transportation, roads and highways. The Internet and communication infrastructure in the country are also highly modernized, and also regarded as the best within the continent and throughout the world.

Efficient transport, communication, and Internet connectivity not only means that business can progress smoothly, but this efficiency also keeps the business operations costs low guaranteeing you high profit margins.


  • Legal Environment


Business relocation to Switzerland continues to boom because of the pro-business government policies. The country’s government treats all businesses as well as institutions as customers, and its policies reflect this state of affairs.

Government advisors are available to help foreigners set up or expand their businesses in the country. These advisors provide guidance on the legal aspects of moving your business there, making the transition process ever so easy.

Furthermore, Switzerland has double taxation agreements with all of the major industrialised nations as well as some emerging markets. These agreements ensure that companies only pay federal tax in one jurisdiction, which makes the country’s tax regime very attractive to foreign businesses.

The labour market is also quite attractive to foreign businesses because of the limited government regulation. The employment laws as well are viewed as some of the most liberal in the developed world.


  • Labour


Of course you will have to consider the quality of labour in a country before setting up shop there. You want to operate in a market where you have easy and adequate access to a highly skilled talent pool.

Switzerland is very attractive in this regard because of its high quality, well-trained workforce. In fact, the country is among the top countries in the world in terms of highly qualified workers, and majority of Swiss employees work in fields that require highly specialised skills. With access to a talent pool like this, your business is sure to expand, the quality of your products is sure to improve, and your business will generate increased profits.


With the above reasons laid out, there is no reason for you to hesitate relocating or expanding your business to Switzerland.

Why Online Academic Hosting Services Need to Adopt the Latest User-Friendly Technology

There is no doubt that the academic community is now fully entrenched within the digital world. Whether referring to distance learning or downloadable e-books, this presence can be felt nearly everywhere. However, not all online hosting environments are created equally. A growing number of websites directly related to education (and particularly those which host journals or academic papers) are choosing to outsource their services to large e-commerce providers such as Shopify. This is a result of their user-friendly nature as well as the number of templates to choose from. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to choose the best Shopify themes. This is why it is a good idea to take a look at a few guidelines as well as why legacy architecture might no longer suited for growing academic websites. 

The Downsides of Outdated Hosting Architecture 

In this sense, we are not necessarily referring to web hosting services such as WordPress. We are instead focusing upon the type of user interface (UI) that visitors will encounter. One of the main issues with outdated systems is that they can appear confusing to the end user. It could be difficult to navigate to specific pages or to pull up a certain journal entry. This issue will only be magnified in the event that the website in question is home to a massive amount of digital material. 

The second potential pitfall involves a lack of compatibility with mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Otherwise known as mobile-responsive designs, some older systems might not be able to accommodate for such a paradigm shift. As a result, pages will display incorrectly and some information could be inaccessible altogether. This has been one of the main driving forces behind more malleable e-commerce platforms. 

A final issue involves the branding and visual identity of the website. In theory, all pages should display the same and be associated with a similar theme. This serves two main purposes. From a purely functional point of view, visitors will be able to find what they are looking for within a relatively short period of time. Aesthetics play an additional role. Websites which offer seamless and intuitive transitions between different pages are likely to be visited on a more frequent basis. This results in a greater number of inbound hits and naturally, higher rankings within a search engine results page (SERP). 

Now that we can understand why outdated hosting platforms should be modernized, are there any ways that website owners and engineers can choose the most appropriate themes? Let us take a look at a handful of guidelines that are bound to come in handy along the way. 

How to Choose the Most Appropriate Shopify Themes 

Familiarity is generally the first concern that should be addressed. In this respect, we are referring to a template layout that is clear and designed in a conventional way. Menus located on the left-hand side of the main dashboard, drop-down options along the top and contact details found within the footer are three examples of this type of style. The main intention is to enable visitors to find what they are looking for within a matter of seconds. They could otherwise navigate to the website of a competitor if it offers a clearer interface. 

The subject of embedded images and media is actually rather tricky when referring to academic resources. As the material tends to be more associated with journals and publications, the amount of visual content may be a bit sparse. However, it is always good idea to allow users to preview a specific number of pages. Many websites which host journals will also provide an ability to display the cover pages of a specific magazine or publication. This method can be excellent for browsing purposes. 

All templates should exhibit a style that allows users to quickly find specific pages; particularly those involved with purchases and checkout processes. Once again, the actual e-commerce portions of the site should offer up the same user-friendly appeal that the other pages are known for. 

One of the many reasons why a growing number of websites are choosing to work with Shopify themes is that there are a host of different options to choose from. The drag-and-drop functionality of these templates is also great in the event that a firm does not possess an advanced in-house IT team. Even novices can modify pages and implement changes when the time is right. Furthermore, Shopify offers a number of unique pricing plans based partially upon the information contained within. This has not always been the case with other e-commerce platforms such as Magento. 

Choosing the correct Shopify theme does not have to represent a difficult process. Please keep in mind the information mentioned above in order to increase the appeal of your academic website.

3 Things To Know About GDPR And New Data Privacy Laws






Ever since the Facebook scandal personal rights of internet users has been drawn into question. A debate rose over just how private things like personal data is on the internet. In order to address this issue, the European Union introduced GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). GDPR is one of the biggest changes to data privacy laws ever, and affects not only people in Europe, but also others around the globe. However, what exactly is GDPR, and how exactly does it change data privacy laws? Here’s three things you need to know about GDPR and new data privacy laws.

GDPR Defined

GDPR is a new European Union law that is designed to protect the digital privacy of all European Union residents. In order to do this, GDPR clearly defines what your digital data is and what protections it can receive. Some of the data GDPR covers includes your digital records, IP address, and GPS location. Previously, this data was freely available to businesses, raising some privacy concerns. However, after the recent Facebook scandal the European Union decided to take matters into their own hands. Businesses now must ask users for permission before this information can be collected. In addition, if a company has already collected your data and you would like them to delete it, the company must comply with your wishes. At its core, GDPR is designed to protect citizens’ privacy rights and prevent companies from exploiting them.

Is The U.S Affected?

Although this law was designed to protect citizens of the European Union, U.S consumers could still feel repercussions from GDPR. All companies that collect data through the Internet need to follow these regulations for their European users. This means that these companies need to put out adequate notice and provide some sort of opt-out method. You probably have already had a few notices from major companies asking you whether or not you want your digital information to be collected or retained. However, in America there is no requirement for this to happen. Companies may very well expand their new European Union policies to their American consumers, but there by no means required to do so. In the end, American consumers may see some change following GDPR, but until stricter American regulations are put into place the change won’t be that significant. So at least for now, American companies can still see that you’re searching for houses for sale in Jacksonville, FL and other important aspects of your life.


Will Businesses Survive?

Failure to comply with GDPR can result in multiple sanctions and punishments for a company. Unfortunately, not every company has the capacity to implement these new policies in a timely manner. While companies like Facebook and Google may have the resources to ensure their policies align with GDPR, smaller independent companies that rely on data collection may struggle to meet demands. If these companies can’t adapt in time, then the European Union will place irreparable sanctions on them. When the dust settles, major corporations with a vast amount of resources should be able to adapt without a problem, but smaller companies could struggle to keep up with the new regulations.

The Three Essential Skills You Need In College







Many people consider college to be like high school, but with the difficulty level set three notches higher. Because of that, some people are too intimidated to go to college, thinking about how studying would be even more tedious. In truth, it is. College serves as the transition to professional life. It’s where you acquire everything there is to know about your chosen field before you venture out to make a name for yourself.

As such, you just can’t expect college to be a walk in the park. The training you get from it is necessary, so there’s nothing else you need to do other than work hard and study hard to earn your degree.

Just like everything else in life, there are ways you can get around the difficulties of college. Endless paperwork and lectures may exert their pressure on you, but with the right skills you can make it past the hardest that each semester has to offer.

Here are three of the most essential study skills you will need to get you through college.

  1. Time management

If you haven’t taken time management seriously yet, then college can be the best place to start practicing. For one, you will have an endless stream of assignments and academic papers to prepare. Add in examinations here and there, and you can easily get lost under the heavy workload. One way to get around this issue is to simply practice good time management.

Make a list of the things you need to do for the week. Once that’s done, rank each task or activity based on their importance. If one project has to involve a great deal of time and effort, you may as well flag it as high priority. For minor tasks, you can complete them right after you’re done with the most important ones. That way, you can focus more on your priorities and avoid spending energy and time needlessly on less important things.

  1. Research skills

Right after time management, research skills are also crucial since they allow you to complete any academic task without impinging on quality. Sure, you can always use Wikipedia for a 1,500-word reaction paper, but copy-pasting isn’t really a part of learning. Research in itself is an educational process, so you will need to spend time and energy trying to find the information you need for certain tasks.

You will need to hone your research skills through proper indexing and cataloging. It’s also important to use every available means for gathering sources. For one, if you’re doing research on the works of Saint Augustine, you can find great resources online that are relevant to the topic. You will need to make sure you cite your sources carefully and document the date you accessed them.

  1. Stress management

Seniors are particularly familiar with the fact that college is at its most difficult during the last year. This would explain why most college students choose to drop out at that point. The stress can be daunting, making it fairly easy for just about anyone to call it quits. 

Rather than give up, you will need to hold on until the most difficult part of senior year passes. You only need proper stress management for that. If you think you have worked hard enough, you may as well go through an extensive period of rest. That way, you can resume doing your final tasks feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Vol 9, No.17, No.18, No.19 and No.20 (2018) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 9, No 17 (2018)


Vol 9, No 18 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Attitude Toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control on Whistleblowing Intention PDF
Ketut Kartika Diah Utami, Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba, Ni Ketut Rasmini, A.A.G.P. Widanaputra 1-5
The Comparative Measurement of Market Risk and the Capital Charge Through Internal Model Approach: An Empirical Studi on Indonesia State-Owned Bank 2015 PDF
Embun Prowanta, Indra Siswanti, Nahdy Niza Mustafa 6-10
Determination of Tax Payers Behavior on Tax Reporting with E-Filing System PDF
I Gusti Made Putra Budidharma, I Wayan Ramantha, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi 11-16
Customers’ Adoption of Electronic Banking and Access to Its Facilities in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation PDF
K. Biradawa 17-20
Relevance of Accounting Theory to Business Corporate Governance Performance in Nigeria PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Ajayi, David Adelagun 21-30
Justifying the Concept of Fair Value as a Theory through International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Ajetunmobi, Tokunbo .P. 31-39
Effect of Short-term Debt to Total Assets Ratio on Financial Performance of Medium-sized and Large Enterprises in Kenya PDF
Charles Samson Mboi, Willy Muturi, Joshua Wanjare 40-49
The Effect of Public Sector Accrual Accounting Reform on Fiscal Performance PDF
Uche T. Agburuga 50-57
Efficient Financial Management Policy in Nigeria: An Evaluation of the Operations of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAS) in Nigeria PDF
Felicia Okwueze, Suoton R. Ekine, Ngozi N. Ugwu 58-65
An Effecting of Corporate Social Responsibility, Managerial Ownership, Institutional Ownership of Firm Values Towards Real Earnings Management PDF
Gilbert Rely, Ari Purwanti 66-77
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Profitability, and Leverage Toward Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility PDF
Hairul Anam, Sudjinan ., Sudarmo ., Mega A 78-85
Lease Arrangements and Financial Performance of Breweries in Nigeria PDF
Gospel J. Chukwu, George C. Wadike 86-93
Legal Appraissal of Nigeria’s External Debt PDF
The Role of Consultants in Resolving Loan Interest Charges Between Banks and Civil Servants in A Depressed Economy PDF
Joseph Wilfred ININI 104-109
Investigating the Impact of Accounting Information System on the Profitability of Jordanian Banks PDF
Borhan Omar Ahmad Al-Dalaien, Bader Omar Ahmad Dalayeen 110-118
An Exploration of Accounting Conservatism Practise: Empirical Evidence from Developing Country PDF
Badingatus Solikhah, Agus Wahyudin, Agung Yulianto, Yohana Eka Pratiwi 119-126
The Influence of Credit Control on Non Performing Loan in Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (A Survey of First Bank, United Bank for Africa and Union Bank of Nigeria) PDF
Amos Olusola Akinola 127-138
The Influence of Exchange Rate and Inflation on Stock Return Volatility PDF
Fransiskus X Lara Aba 139-145
The Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Kenya and Macro-economic Factors PDF
Lisiolo Lishenga 146-152

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 19 (2018)


Vol 9, No 20 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Increasing the Level of Agreement of Taxpayers on Tax Audit Conclusions-Recommendations to Vietnamese Tax Authorities PDF
Van Hue Dam, Quang Hung Nguyen, Manh Dung Tran 1-7
The Effect of Performance Accountability, Audit Opinion and Autonomy Toward Audit Delay of District / City Governments in Indonesia PDF
Dewi Sarifah Tullah, Lia Septia Dewi 8-13
Managing the Ratcheting Risk in Target Setting in the Nigeria Financial Sector PDF
Adebawo O. Owolabi, R.I. Akintoye, Adebawojo Oladipupo 14-23
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Company Value in Life Company Cycle PDF
Natalia Fiasari, Gayatri ., I Wayan Ramantha, Ida Bagus Putra Astika 24-32
The Effect of Selected Factors on the Development of Nairobi Securities Exchange PDF
Fredrick M. Kalui, Lucy Kalekye Musya 33-46
Analysis of Management Accounting Function in Entrepreneurial Orientation Culture in Private Manufacturing Firms in Kenya PDF
Rose Kerubo Nyanchama Mayianda 47-73
The Effect of Electricity Tariff and Self-Generated Power Supply on Business Performance in Nigeria PDF
Olaoye, Clement Olatunji, Talabi, Amos Olatunbosun 74-80
Influence of Cashflow Liquidity on Dividend Payout Among Deposit Taking Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Kenya PDF
Patrick Mwangi, Agnes Mutiso, David Kabata 81-86
Sensitivity Analysis of the Demand for Financing in Riau Province PDF
Rosyetti ., Sri Endang Kornita, Rahmat Richard 87-97
Tax Avoidance and Evasion Practices in Bangladesh: A Study on Dhaka City PDF
Md. Nur Mohabbat, Md. Khalilur Rahman, Md. Abud Darda 98-102
Effects of Demographic Factors on Value of Investments of Teachers in Kisii County, Kenya PDF
Mary Bosire, George Owuor, Irene Asienga, Fredrick Kalui 103-113
“The Role of the External Auditor (Chartered Accountant) in Improving the Quality of Environmental Auditing” : Evidence From Jordan PDF
Laith Ahmad Al kasasbeh 114-131
The Effect Of Company Characteristics On Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure And It’s Impact On Stock Price (Study at Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2014-2016) PDF
Linda A.O. Tanor 132-138
Endang Suparman, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti 139-150
Financial Capacity and Adoption of E-government for Improved Service Delivery in Kajiado County, Kenya PDF
Jennifer Wangari Wairiuko, Raphael Nyonje, Elisha Opiyo Omulo 151-165


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ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 8, No.17, No.18, No.19 and No 20 (2018) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 8, No 17 (2018)


Vol 8, No 18 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Millenial’s Preference on Triple Bottom Line: Effects of the Corporate Social and Environmental Publicity on the Reputation, Attitude, and Intention to Work at A Company PDF
Retno Artsanti, Soemarno ., B. Yanuwiardi, M.S. Djati 1-11
Girl Child Education and Its Importance to Her Economic Advancement PDF
Analysis of Economic Growth in the Regional Area of Halal Beachs of Kura-Kura in East Lombok District PDF
Risdayati . 16-22
Contextualization of the Christian Gospel in Kenya: A Case of Tharaka Community PDF
Moses Kirimi Ndunjo, Dickson Nkonge Kagema, David Nyaga Bururia 23-32
Traditional Versus Modernism: The Persistence of Tharaka Traditional World-view among the Evangelical Coverts in Tharaka, Kenya PDF
Moses Kirimi Ndunjo, Dickson Nkonge Kagema, David Nyaga Bururia 33-39
Role of Self Help Groups in Improving Members’ Social Economic Condition among Women in Dodoma Municipality PDF
Deodata V. Mtenga 40-47
Examining the Perceptions and Preferences of Saudi EFL Student Teachers Concerning Teachers’ Feedback Practices PDF
Hayat Rasheed Hamzah Alamri 48-68
Wuthering Heights: Making of A Free Woman in Male-chauvinist Victorian Society PDF
Saed Jamil Shahwan 69-74
Non-Monetary Motivation Strategies and Growth of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Ogun State, Nigeria PDF
Onu, C. A., Akinlabi, B. H., Makinde, G. O. 75-86
Movie as Student’s Character Learning Media in Senior High School at Pamekasan PDF
Asri Bariqoh, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Endang Surachni 87-91

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 8, No 19 (2018)


Vol 8, No 20 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
International Integration in Defense and Security of Vietnam PDF
Nguyen Ba Duong 1-7
Examining the Challenges of State Land Management in Zambia PDF
Anthony Mushinge, Mubaala Alex Simposya, Sam Mwando 8-13
Governance in Higher Education: A Comparative Study on Ghana and China PDF
Amankona David, Lois Tweneboa Kodua, Tobi Michael Ogunwemimo 14-27
Traditional Pottery Production Amongst the Tiv People of Benue State from the Pre-Colonial Era to 2000: The Role of Women PDF
Elizabeth Yecho Ihugh 28-34
New Technologies: Catalysts for Business Models and Finance Function PDF
Abel Aig. ASEIN, Ishola Rufus AKINTOYE, Timothy A. SOETAN 35-43
What Life Was Like for Women in the Late 1800 PDF
Tasneem Rashed Said Shahwan 44-47
The LGBT Communıty in Relation to the Dıfferent Perspectives in the Republıc of Kosovo PDF
Batjar Halili, Florim Mellova 48-52
Sabaot Traditional Practice and its impact on Environmental Management in Mt. Elgon Sub-County PDF
Jacinta Nduta King’ori, Nelson Kiplangat Mneria 53-58


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ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 8, No.9 and No.10 (2018) Public Policy and Administration Research

Vol 8, No 9 (2018)


Vol 8, No 10 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of the Causes for Policy-Implementation Narratives in Ethiopia: The Case of Selected Public Institutions PDF
Dereje Terefe 1-16
Influence of Strategic Change Implementation on Employee Performance in State Department for Correctional Services in Kenya PDF
Michael Geoffrey Witaba Matekwa, Jacqueline Mokeira Omuya 17-26
E-Governance, Corruption and Public Service Delivery in Ethiopia: Evidence from Jimma Town Water Supply and Sanitation Sector PDF
Feleke Solomon Ejara 27-41
The Role of Decentralization in Promoting Good Governance in Ethiopia: The Case of Wolaita and Dawuro Zones PDF
Hika Nigatu 42-57
Public Knowledge, Concern and Engagement of Climate Change in Cambodia-A Perspective of Residents in Phnom Penh PDF
Nop Ratanak, Huang Dong 58-67
Public Rights and Freedoms in the Libyan Constitutional Declaration 2011 PDF
Fatema Shaib 68-78
Application of Teaching Values Silat Life Terate (PSHT) and Faithful Silat Education Winongo Young Cash Heart (PSHW) in Reducing Conflict PDF
Retno Iswati, Agus Wiyaka, Saras B. Utami 79-83
Challenges to Actualization of Decentralization Forest Management Functions: Experiences and Lessons on Devolving Forestry Management Functions in Kenya PDF
Musingo T.E. Mbuvi, Leila Ndalilo, J. Cheboiwo 84-92
Ideal Business Policy Model For Small Traders PDF
Abdurrahman Antoni, Mulyono . 93-102
Overview of Policy Frameworks on Spas in Thailand PDF
Tanyamon Pullapalin 103-107
Moderating Effects of Intrinsic motivation: Social Economic factors and employee performance PDF
Gabagambi, Jovin Peter, Song Wei 108-113
Applying Entrepreneurship Concept to Decrypt the Socio-Economic Environment of Zimbabwean Rural-Urban Informality Since 2000 PDF
Munyaradzi A. Dzvimbo, Robson Chiambiro 114-121
The Model of Developing and Establishing Public Trust of Zakat-Paying Community in East Java PDF
Moh. Mukhrojin 122-134


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ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972

Vol.73 and Vol.74 (2018) New Media and Mass Communication

Vol 73 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Federalism and Management of Diversity: A Brief Account of Ethiopian Experience PDF
Merkineh Mojira 1-7
Assessment of e-Learning Skills Need of Vocational Education Students in South-Eastern Universities, Nigeria PDF
Cajethan Uche Ugwuoke, Benardine Ifeoma Onah, Ernest O. Ugwoke 8-14
Citizen Journalism in Crisis Communication: Lessons from Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya PDF
Mohan Masaviru 15-20
The Nigerian Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and the Right to Know: Bridging the Gap between Principle and Practice PDF
Jacob U. Agba, Eric Ugor Ogri, Kwita Ojong Adomi 21-31

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-3267 ISSN (Online)2224-3275


Vol 74 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Institutionalizing A Media Self-Regulatory Body in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects PDF
Solomon Tabor 1-18
Understanding the Implications of Social Media Usage in the Electoral Processes and Campaigns in Nigeria PDF
Oberiri Destiny Apuke, Elif Asude Tunca 19-28
The Relationship Between Ideology and Communicational Process PDF
Shogaa Saad Alharthy, Ahmad Aljumaiahe 29-42


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-3267 ISSN (Online)2224-3275