How to pick the best VPN

So, you’ve decided you should get a VPN service. Next step is to select the provider. But you can’t just stick to the first one you find if you want a reliable and suitable solution. It’s crucial to understand your needs and expectations before even starting looking for the VPN. To get this understanding, you should ask yourself a few questions that will help you realize what you need.

Do you need to protect the access to your home network only?

Then you need a VPN server that will run on the router or some other device (personal computer, for example. The best option, of course, is a VPN server running on the router. Some routers have a pre-installed VPN, so you don’t have to worry about setting up things. But if your device is not that upgraded, you can install and configure a VPN solution yourself. It is quite easy to execute. Also, every provider that offers protection on the router level will give you detailed instruction and guide you through the process if needed.

Do you use Wi-Fi networks in public places frequently?

Most Internet users don’t bother themselves with the data protection issues when using Wi-Fi in a cafe or an airport. But you will never know if you are safe. Hackers can get to user data through a router with an outdated firmware or a malicious code. So just surfing the Internet in your hotel room you are exposed to potential threats. Even the password doesn’t guarantee that the public network is secure.

For such situations, there is no need for some powerful VPN service that has a massive bandwidth. You only need to protect your casual actions like simple browsing or interacting with emails. So you will be fine with some basic VPN that you will use from time to time. There are plenty of free options, but you can also pick a paid one if you use public networks a lot.

Do you need to seem like you’re in another country?

If you need to shift your location to access certain websites or content that are not available in your region, you should look for a geo-shift feature choosing a VPN service. Check what countries does the provider have servers in, and if the software is compatible with the streaming services you use. Most VPNs won’t work with Netflix, for instance. It is true even for top providers, as, say, any PureVPN review will tell you this VPN service is not the best choice for Netflix fans. So take a careful look at these specific nuances when picking a provider. As if you need a VPN to watch your favorite show on Netflix and the VPN you have is not compatible with it, it will be pretty much useless.

Do you need to stay anonymous?

Maybe you want to keep your activities private. Or perhaps you want to get some free content using BitTorrent. For these needs, a simple basic VPN wouldn’t work. You need a provider that won’t log your activity and has a lot of customers. The larger its audience is, the more difficult it is to isolate one user from others.

Surely, changing your location with a VPN helps. It is not the perfect solution, but it works. Also, you should find out in which country the service is based. Most users are trying to avoid providers based in the US thinking that the government forces VPN services to log their clients’ activity and share it. But there is no such requirement.

Understanding your needs, you will know what kind of VPN you should pick. It is better to lay out a plan first, and only then search for a solution.


The Value of Idea Exchange in Academic Conferences

It’s not a secret that the sciences exist because there are questions in the community that need answers. How can pneumonia be avoided? How to make cars more efficient? How to move on from a failed marriage? How to appear and be treated as a professional in a corporate setting? The results of any scientific pursuit will directly or indirectly impact the community.

To pursue answers in any topic of interest, academics and scientists rely on the time-tested scientific method. After they ask their most crucial questions, they review the existing literature on the topic; the answers might already be there. They talk to those who delved in the topic before them just to get valuable insights and direction. Eventually, they settle on a particular way of attacking the issue, and they mine their answers from there.

Universities and other academic institutions often hold conferences so that researchers can converge to share what they have uncovered. Sharing is rightfully a normal thing in the scientific community. After all, an idea that’s left unshared is useless. It can never be refined nor transformed into something more understandable and useful.

Conferences will become a more useful platform for exchanging ideas if they do not limit their attendants to scholars from a specific school of thought only. Read on to know why.

A Multi-Perspectival Conference Significantly Expands Horizons

We know that there a million ways to solve any specific problem. But we are human, and there are limits to our capacities and attention. As a result, we settle for a carefully chosen method.  While this is not necessarily bad, it’s very limiting as the chosen path may not be applicable to others. Whether we admit it or not, we are bound by our circumstance, and our contexts often are strong determinants of behavior. Those in situations that differ from ours might have other means of achieving things.

Hence, inviting scholars who espouse other perspectives and completely different trains of thought will effectively expand the list of solutions to a problem. Consequently, the conference and the insights gained from it will appear more appealing to a much wider audience.

Take the study of car accidents as an example. If only engineers converge to talk about how vehicles can be made safer, the conference will surely miss out on one of the most important aspects: humans. The issue needs social scientists, especially if the goal is to develop accident prevention measures and other car accident resources that the community understands and utilizes. A seasoned car accident lawyer can also be called on for their inputs on policy application and how the legal community, in general, is responding to new knowledge.

Exchanges with scholars from other schools of thoughts lead to professional growth

The scientific stance that we espouse, while practical and valid, will have its own set of blind spots. In psychology, for example, there are scholars who subscribe to behaviorism. Basically, they believe that behavioral repetition is actually a function of whether or not the behavior is punished or reinforced. A behavior that’s reinforced gets repeated. A behavior that’s punished will be suppressed.

However, this particular perspective cannot explain why people still persist even if they are in pain. It also falls short in explaining why people exhibit different behaviors in different contexts. These are dilemmas confronted and given convincing answers by those from the cognitive side of psychology.

Simply put, human behavior is a multi-faceted thing. It can be predicted by one perspective, but such a perspective will never be enough to fully explain it. Hence, any advocate of science should learn how to open themselves to other views not only to develop more practical ideas but also to enrich themselves as professionals.

Your Guide to a Perfect Academic Paper

Although writing an academic paper is a tedious process and one single guide cannot be the exhaustive, some general tips do remain the same in whatever approach you choose to prepare an impeccable and immaculate academic paper.

We will sum up this general advice. However, if you have stumbled upon this guide because you have delayed the submission of your academic paper, spent the last few days sending panicky ‘Help Write my Paper’ texts to your friends and want to find magical answers here, you’d better choose a professional paper writing service to help you out just this once.

In this post, we will give you some versatile tips to assist you in writing a quality academic paper, whatever your subject is.


  • Write about something that genuinely interests you


If you have the flexibility of selecting your own topic within your academic field, then you are in luck as you can choose one that interests you the most. Take your time to choose it carefully and do not forget that your paper must not only highlight the existing problems, but also suggest some possible solutions. Therefore, it must not be something that is more fun to write about, but rather something you care about the most.


  • Read before you write


Do not rush into the writing part immediately after selecting a topic. Give the considerable amount of time to reading the recommended sources and gathering as much information as you can. Have a discussion with your supervisor on the topic that you have chosen to gain some useful insights.

  • Document the information that you have

Write down all the pieces of information that you have in the form of a rough draft. Organize your information in order of its importance and relevance to the focus topic. You can write the key points on post-its for easier rearrangement and visual hierarchy. Keep crucial information at the top to make sure that you will include all the essential stuff in your final draft.

  • Prepare an outline for yourself

Just like an architect prepares a blueprint of the building’s architecture before giving a green light to the construction, you should consider yourself an architect of your academic paper and prepare a proper outline for yourself highlighting the key points that must be included and the main point at which you must arrive at the end.


  • Introduction and conclusion are the musts


The introduction and conclusion sections may seem secondary in importance, yet they are crucial as they state the reason why your paper exists in the first place: what is the problem and what is the solution.

A proper introduction must include some background information about your topic and explain the focus of your academic paper. The purpose of writing the academic paper must be highlighted in the introduction. A good conclusion always sums up your points and details their importance. Moreover, you can also point out a part of the topic that requires more research. Still, the most important thing is that the conclusion and the introduction must be related to each other as a question and an answer.


  • Final revision is vital


A final revision of your academic paper is essential. Take this opportunity to check your sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, and, last but not least, the flow and sequence of your academic paper.


We hope that the tips we have condensed here will come in handy in preparing your academic paper. In fact, any kind of writing will benefit from this balanced and organized approach.  

Custom Essay Writing UK Students Have Been Waiting for – an Easy Way to Better Grades with

It has long ago been proven that the best way to learn how to write essays of a particular type is to follow the example of a professional writer who has already mastered all the necessary methods and techniques. No amount of poring over textbooks can replace a high-quality sample assignment you can consult when you are not sure how to proceed further. Even practicing writing on your own is less effective if you don’t have a good paper you can use as a reference point to see if you are doing everything right. But where can one get these well-written examples? It is exactly where we at come in.

Buy an Academic Assignment Sample of Any Type is a custom essay writing service offering you a cheap and easy way to better grades. You don’t have to waste your time studying the boring theory that has little to do with developing your actual writing skills, you don’t have to spend vast amounts of money to hire tutors who cannot guarantee any particular results. You simply purchase a sample essay written by a skilled writer and use it to deepen your understanding of how a particular kind of research papers is supposed to be written. There are many reasons to get help from the website like the one mentioned above in particular:

  • Experienced writers invested in your success – the earnings of the people working for reputed custom writing services depend on how satisfied their customers are with their work. You can rest assured that your writer or editor is just as interested in you getting a good grade as you are;
  • Many different services – you can buy anything from a high school book review to a heavily complex dissertation;
  • Round-the-clock availability – the writing professionals are online all the time. Whenever you decide to contact US or UK based company and place an order, there will be somebody to start working on your task immediately;
  • Every order gets the most suitable writer to work on it – when you place an order, the company representatives will place the top specialist in this area to write it. Guarantees the Quality and Originality of Its Essay Samples

Whether you buy an essay, a dissertation or a term paper, the skilled authors guarantee that it is going to be written from scratch and not just adapted from an earlier text or compiled from parts of other pre-written assignments. They know how important it is for students to have original, plagiarism-free writing samples to work with and use highly sophisticated software to check every assignment before sending it to you. Don’t hesitate to recheck them using any anti-plagiarism tools you want if it is going to make you more confident about it. Offers Some of the Most Reasonable Prices on Essay Writing

“Will the price of my order be high? Won’t it be too much for me?” Many of the first-time customers ask something along these lines, but let us assure you: while you probably can find cheaper essays somewhere else, it is highly unlikely that you are going to find a writing service that would offer you a better price/quality ratio. The writing options offered at are affordably priced but isn’t exactly dirt-cheap – after all, they only hire highly experienced writers, and they aren’t known for their willingness to work for food. You, however, can be certain that pricing is going to be fair, and will remain the same after you finalize the order – there are no hidden charges or unexpected extra payments added to your bill after you’ve already confirmed the order. So don’t worry anymore and place an order right now!

Custom essay writing UK: checklist before placing the order

If you do not have the time or knowledge of how to write an essay properly, you can hire some reliable custom essay writing in the UK and let them do it quickly and efficiently. All you need to do is choose a suitable writer and place an order. The writer should be able to produce a good essay on short notice regardless of the topic and the university requirements. In this case, you can be confident that the result will fully meet all your expectations. At the same time, you will be able to focus on your exams or work.

What custom writing services in the UK can do for you

There is a great number of things that you can get from an essay writing company. Here are the most common ones:

  • Writing an entire essay for you taking care of the formatting, references, citations and much more;
  • Helping you deal with a particular section of your paper if you are stuck;
  • Proofreading and editing;
  • Carrying out a research.

List of essay subjects

The number of essay subjects is quite extensive, and it primarily depends on the writing company that you end up choosing. Here are some common subjects that college students in the UK often request help with:


  • Graphic design
  • Journalism
  • Art
  • History
  • Cultural Studies
  • Literature
  • International Relations
  • Pedagogy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Law and Jurisprudence
  • Advertising and PR

Typical custom writing problems

Unfortunately, not all custom essay writing companies in the UK are the same. Some have great websites and customer care while their writers are truly horrible. This means that you need to be aware of how to choose the best custom essay writing UK.


Here are the most common issues with essay writing companies in the UK:

Plagiarism: Universities conduct plagiarism checks on their own. So if you hand in a plagiarized paper, you are going to face some serious academic issues.

No contact with the chosen essay writer: When you resort to a writing company, you need to be able to stay in touch with your chosen writer. The thing is that the writer will need to craft your paper according to your university guidelines, which means there might be something to clarify during the execution of your order. You might also have some questions about the finished essay. If this is done through a manager, this could lead to some confusion.

Uncertainty concerning the order status: When you place an order online, you need to be aware of when the writer starts working on your essay.

Overly high pricing: Although in most cases high prices equal to great quality, there are many custom writing services in the UK that charge a lot of money and deliver bad essays. When you pay a lot of money, you have to be sure that you are going to get a good product.

Steps to choosing a reliable UK writing service

Find out more information about the writers: You should research how great the writes are. Not all the UK custom essay writing companies cooperate with native speakers of English and PhDs. Make sure to get in touch with the service and inquire about the qualifications of their writers, since this will have an impact influence on the quality of your essay.

Make sure your essay is going to be plagiarism-free: When paying for an essay, you need to be absolutely sure you are getting a unique and plagiarism-free piece. For this purpose, you can do some research about a chosen custom writing service and read what the customers are saying about it and particularly about the originality of the papers.

Look for the UK companies which specialize in various areas: It is a good idea to look for a custom writing service in the UK that can help you with various university assignments. But the thing is that a big company would not limit itself to simply essay writing but also provide you with academic help with your theses, term papers, dissertations and much more.

Check the prices and the promised quality: You ought to take into account prices but do not base your choice on prices alone. The thing is that there are cheap custom essay writing services UK, but they provide you with poor quality. It is therefore important that you check prices in relation to the quality of the essay they produce.

Look for the UK services known to deliver essays on time: You need to choose a writing service based on how good it is at meeting deadlines. In addition, you can look for information on the service website to see if they take rush orders. In most cases, a good custom essay writing service in the UK should be able to deliver on your essay within 3-6 hours. What’s more, they should meet deadlines without fail.

The Rule of Keeping Your Data Safe Online

It is fair to assume that today’s generation lives on the Internet. We rely on the global network more than ever before. But, as a matter of fact, we are rarely aware of the level of insecurity there. Only a few people are educated enough to understand the level of danger a cybersecurity issue has.

Have you ever been curious how protected is the data you transfer and accept? Can anybody monitor it? When? And what for? Of course, there are a lot of cybersecurity problems, which can’t be solved in a day. Some of them touch upon only the biggest organizations in the world, while some of them are targeted at ordinary Internet users solely. However, the issue remains. How to make sure your data is completely safe and protected online? What can be don

e to run a business without fear that any sensitive data you possess can be used to compromise you? The answer is simple – a VPN. To get a deeper understanding of what it is, go here or read the article below.

VPN: a Magic Pill or a Simple Antivirus?

If you have never heard of a VPN, you’ve missed a lot. A VPN is already widely used by a lot of users all over the world. So, what is it? An antivirus?

First of all, it is not an antivirus. Secondly, it is used both for office and home. A VPN is a secure connection between a user’s computer and a remote server. In other words, it is a piece of software that creates a secure connection on the network. A VPN creates an invisible shield to protect your traffic online. Additionally to this, it encrypts the traffic, making it unreadable for other users on the network.


A VPN is not the only one service available on the market. There are different brands and companies that provide virtual private network services. Despite the variety, all of the VPNs have similar features and operate in a similar way. You can find a full instruction on how to pick the right VPN on this site along with other interesting information on the topic.

Let’s come back to the question we’ve asked at the very beginning.

Of course, VPN can’t solve all cybersecurity problems threatening us today. But it is definitely more than a simple antivirus. A VPN is more than just encryption and privacy.

It also serves for:

  • Online anonymity by changing a geographical location and your IP address;
  • Unlimited Internet because of providing access to previously blocked sources.

Are your devices vulnerable enough to get a VPN? Does it depend on the devices you have?

In the age of mobile computing, any mobile gadget is absolutely vulnerable online. Doesn’t matter whether it is a smartphone, a laptop, or a tablet, a VPN is a must. Even your home computer requires an extra level of protection in the 21st century. Want to keep your data safe? Definitely check for further instructions.

Alternative holidays in easy going destinations

If summer leave is your only chance to escape abroad, then you can transfer your holidays abroad. And if you are looking for something “alternative” away from the busiest places of the world, see our suggestions.

Ayvalık, Turkey

City and one of the safest ports on the west coast of Asia Minor, opposite Lesvos, in the northeast of Mytilene, Ayvalik is home to some of the most beautiful beaches of Turkey and is within walking distance. It is a very good alternative to the large Bodrum, with crystal clear waters and in many cases shallow and ideal for children and families. Importantly, it is also one of Europe’s most economical destinations, meaning it will not empty your wallet.

Skåne, Sweden

If you are looking for clean and beautiful beaches, with a few people and a lot of isolation, without the heat of Greece, take souvenirs to southern Sweden. Skåne is the southern region, so the temperatures will be summer, but not too high, the beaches are clean and there will always be room for your towel. One of the most beautiful beaches is Fapsterbo and Skanör, where you will see well-lined, beautiful, colorful pillows to give it some more air.

Yvonand, Sweden

No matter how you feel, in Switzerland you will find one of the most beautiful beaches in Europe. Located on Lake Neuchâtel and you can lay your towel on the sand, overlooking the wooded hills that stretch back. Around the lake you will find several places to set up a stage, meaning you can spend your holidays there quite economically.

Playa de las Galgas, Tenerife

A very good alternative to the bustling beaches of Tenerife is the Playa de las Galgas, which is a small creek-diamond, visited mostly by the locals. Most tourists heading to this part of Tenerife usually prefer the most popular beaches of Costa Adeje, such as Fañabé and Torviscas, which means that you are most likely to have this beautiful Canarian beach for yourself. It is accessible by foot, while those staying at the 5th Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel can reach it through a cave.

Gilli Islands, Indonesia

These islands are the ideal alternative to the popular destinations of Thailand and Dubai and are essentially three islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air) that can be approached from the land and feel like it is isolated in the middle ocean. There are no cars, only beautiful beaches with turquoise waters, plenty of wildlife (attention to lizards) and many options for affordable accommodation, from coastal wooden houses to boutique hotels that pop up one after another in recent years. You can stay at a Komodo resort and after that move to Gilli islands.


Ryde, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

Forget Spain and Portugal and choose Ryde for this summer. On the Isle of Wight there are some of the best beaches in the United Kingdom, with Appley beach being a truly hidden diamond known only to the locals – so far. You will find it very easy if you keep in mind the Appley tower, a gothic construction of 1875 by the eccentric local owner Sir William Hutt. And if your hunger knocks on the door after bathing, enjoy the classic fish and chips’ specialties as you watch the yachts go to Solent’s waters.

Do dare to spend some time at one of the above islands and let yourself feel free and relaxed. After you do so you will realize that spending some time with alone and with our beloved ones, is one of the greatest pleasures of life. Don’t think too much and just choose the destination and pack your bag! You are going to love all of them!

Vol 9, No.11, No.12, No.13 and No.14 (2018) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 9, No 11 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Internet Banking on Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Banks PDF
Mohammed Ahmed Yasin 1-10
The Effect of Adoption of Internet Banking on Performance in the Banking Industry in Nigeria PDF
Muyideen Ayinla 11-36
Foreign Ownership, Governance Practices and Gearing Level: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange PDF
Hassan Ahmad 37-46
Comparative Predictability of Financial Stability in Islamic Banks: An Analytical Study of Malaysian & Pakistani Islamic Banks Using Altman’s Z Score PDF
Mahvish Sabir 47-56
Effect of Capital Structure on Firms’ Profitability: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) PDF
Assad Naim Nasimi 57-68
The Effect of Financing Structure on Financial Performance of Micro Banks: An Empirical Analysis of Ethiopian MFIs PDF
Tesfaye Asefa 69-83
The Impact of Employee Empowerment on Job Satisfaction of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia,Dire Dawa Branch PDF
Girmay Aklilu 84-93
Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Information by Ethiopian Tax Payers: In Case of Eastern Ethiopia PDF
Ermias Bogale 94-100
Determinants of Tax Compliance Behavior in Presumptive Taxation System. The Case of Dire Dawa Administration PDF
Target Financial Forecasting as a Basis of Anticrisis Financial Management PDF
Sergey Krylov 111-152
Person Job Fit (PJF) and Employee Performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Anambra State PDF
ONWUCHEKWA, Faith Chidi, UDEKWE, Eucharia Ebele, ARACHIE, Augustine Ebuka 153-161

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ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 12 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Albanian Banking Sector Productivity Using Malmquist Index PDF
Irini Kalluci 1-8
An Analysis of Factors Influencing Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia PDF
Nur Azlina 9-15
Control Environment and Internal Control System Effectiveness of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
AWEN, B. Iorsue, NYOR, Terzungwe, YAHAYA, A. Onipe 16-26
Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness: Case of Sudan Public Sectors PDF
Salma Farouk Karrar, Ibrahim Fadul Almula Elbashir 27-38
Evaluation of Accountants’ Performance: The Case of Vietnam PDF
Duc Dinh Truong, Duc Tai Do, Manh Dung Tran 39-45
An Effecting of Foregin Ownership Structure in Firm Value Towards Offshore Debt Financing in Manufacturing Firms PDF
Gilbert Rely, Regina Jansen Arsjah 46-56
Investigating the Effect of Enforcement & Corporate Governance on Internal Control Disclosure in Pakistan (Comparison of Non-financial vs. Financial Sector) PDF
Khurram Ashfaq, Naveed Razzaq, Zhang Rui 57-71
Investor Perception of Tax Avoidance and Quality of Earnings Information PDF
Mukhlasin ., Nur Anissa 72-78
Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: The Nigeria Perspective PDF
The Influence of Trading Frequency on Lead-Lag Effect Between Index Futures and Stock Index in Malaysia PDF
Noor Azuddin Yakob 88-98
Profitability, Advertising Promotion and Government Support: Study in Tourism Corporate in Indonesia PDF
Deden Tarmidi, Zuhal Maftuh Ahnan 99-105
Yield Sukuk: Maturity, Rating and Value of Emission PDF
Shinta Melzatia, Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina, Mahroji . 106-112
Empirical Approach of the Nexus between Public Expenditures and Economic Growth: Case of Republic of Kosovo PDF
An Analysis of the Contribution of Financed Socio-Economic Projects to the Food Security at Household Level: The Masvingo Case PDF
Benias Mapepeta, Rejoice Mandizvidza 120-126
The Impact of Risk Profile, Capital Adequacy Ratio, And Good Corporate Governance Implementation On Islamic Bank Financial Performance PDF
Taufik Akbar 127-135

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ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 13 (2018)


Vol 9, No 14 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Securities Behaviour on Performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange Indices PDF
Robert Mugo Karungu, Florence S. Memba, Willy M. Muturi 1-15
Fair Value Accounting & Challenges of Audit Practice in Nigeria PDF
Appah, Ebimobowei, OGIRIKI, TONYE 16-24
Human Resource Accounting: A Panacea to Financial Reporting Problem PDF
Ishola Akintoye, Tunji Siyanbola, Isoken Adekunle, Rebecca Benjamin 25-41
Sinergy of Working Capital and Intellectual Capital to the Creation of Profit as the Source of Local Revenue (An Emphirical Study at BPR in West Java in 2012-2016) PDF
Garin Pratiwi Solihati 42-55
Influence of Momentum Effect on Stock Performance of Firms Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange PDF
Robert Mugo Karungu, Florence S. Memba, Willy M. Muturi 56-67
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and Credibility of Financial Reporting in Nigeria Public Sector: An Improvement or A Ruse PDF
OLAOYE, F. O., TALABI, Amos O. 68-74
The Role of Government in Development Challenges of Firms in Industries in the Industrial Free Trade Zones in Douala, Cameroon PDF
Francis A. Fuamenya 75-81
Determining Shares’ Internal Return: Fifty Leading Large-Cap Companies PDF
Zulkifli ., Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina, Marsyaf ., Nurhasanah . 82-89
Corporate Governance Mechanism and Internet Financial Reporting of Listed Companies in Nigeria PDF
The Role of Environmental Information System Mediation on the Effect of Environmental Strategy and Compliance with Government Regulation on Environmental Performance (Pilot Study of Companies in Indonesia) PDF
Ririn Breliastiti, Yvonne Augustine 102-111
Tax Incentive as Moderating Variable the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility’s Disclosure on Tax Aggressiveness PDF
Ni Luh Supadmi, Ni Ketut Ari Astiti 112-119
The Impact of Product Exposure as a Key Element of Sales Promotion PDF
Shaip Bytyçi 120-124
The Influence of Asimetry Information, Budget Emphasis, Self Esteem on Budgetary Slack with Unbelievable Career as Moderate PDF
Sang Ayu Made Griastini, Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba 125-136
The Effect of Internal Audit on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Exploration of Selected Jordanian Banks PDF
Borhan Omar Ahmad 137-144
Responsibility accounting (RA) as a tool to enhance cost control. A position paper of retail outlets in Zimbabwe. PDF
Guruwo, Paul T., Guruwo Mitchel 145-150
Credit default swaps, regulatory arbitrage and banking regulation PDF
Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer KOUAKOU 151-158
The Effect of Environmental Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance to Corporate Reputation PDF
Gilbert Rely 159-171
Effectiveness of Cost Management Systems in Turkish Manufacturing Companies with a Special Emphasis on Use of Activity Based Costing PDF
Arif Ayluçtarhan 172-185


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ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 8, No.11, No.12, No.13, and No 14 (2018) Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 8, No 11 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Public Subsidies on Health and Nutrition in Punjab: Do the Poor Benefit? PDF
Asima Ihsan 1-6
Theorizing Literature: Style and Themes in Selected Texts by African Authors PDF
Ifediora Okiche 7-11
Economic Research of Corruption: Its Consequences PDF
Muhammad Mohsin Khan 12-16
Sexual Behavior and Risk Perception of HIV Infection PDF
Teferi Beyene 17-36
Student’s Attitude & Motivation Towards English Language Learning: English Major Students at Dire Dawa University in Focus PDF
Megersa Dadi 37-42
Challenges in Teaching Pupils with Visual Impairment in Inclusive Classrooms: The Experience of Ghanaian Teachers PDF
Sandra Tsoenemawu Sikanku 42-48
Teaching Competency and Self Concept of Elementary Teachers: A Correlational Study PDF
Bharti Sharma 49-53
Impact of Extrinsic Rewards on Instructors’ Satisfaction at Assosa University, Ethiopia PDF
Desta TakeleBabushe 54-59
Factors Influencing ICT Usage Among Malaysian Small and Medium Agribusinesses: Conceptual Framework and Structural Model PDF
Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim, Md. Salleh Hj. Hassan, Sarina Yusuf 60-71
The Dynamics of Conflict and Intervention in North -East Africa: The Case Study on the Second Ethio- Somalian (Ogaden) War of 1977-1978 PDF
Wondim Tiruneh Zeleke 72-81
Principals’ Leadership Practice and Students Academic Achievement in the Case of General Primary Schools of Enjibara Adminstrive Town, Ethiopia PDF
Agegnehu Alene Demozie 82-90
Assessment of the Methods, Routes and Transportation Systems of Human Trafficking Across Eastern Ethiopian Borders PDF
Wondu Teshome 91-99
Herdsmen/Farmers Crisis: A Threat to Democratic Governance in Nigeria PDF

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 8, No 12 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impediments to Statutory Land Access Among Women: Case of Mumbwa District in Zambia PDF
Ndangwa Watala, Roy Chileshe 1-9
Conversion of Social Capital into Political and Economic Capitals: A Case Study of Erzaldi Rosman Winning in Bangka Belitung’s Gubernatorial Election in 2017) PDF
Afif Musthofa Kawwami, Sholih Muadi, Wawan Sobari 10-13
Effect of Integrated Study Reading on Students’ Academic Success Mindset and Academic Achievement PDF
Joseph Lekan Olajide, Titilayo Helen Adeosun, Lawrence Oludare Adeyeri 14-21
Blended Family Dynamics and Social Behaviour Outcome of the Child in Kenya: Case of Kabete Sub-County in Kiambu County PDF
Margaret Njoroge, Gabriel Kirori 22-32
Framework of the Existing Patterns of Residential Segregation and Housing Quality in Nigeria PDF
Maryam Salihu Muhammad, Rozilah Kasim, David Martin, Aliyu Ahmad Aliyu 33-41
The Examination of Time Management Skills of Healthcare Professions PDF
Yasemin Özel, Ergün Hasgül, Tuğba Duzcu 42-47
The Impact of Psychosocial Support Activities on the Resilience of Conflict-Affected Adolescents in Iraq: A Sample of Nineveh Governorate PDF
Raid Faiq AMEEN 48-57
The Shifting Tradition of Ethnic Chinese Weddings at Pecinan Village Bandar Lampung City PDF
Mas Azizah, Sudjarwo ., Pujiati . 58-65
Policing the Community or Community Policing: Implication for Community Development in Nigeria PDF
Jude C. Okafor, Ernest Toochi Aniche 66-72
The Spirit of Youth Unity of Senior High School in Bengkulu City PDF
Sakroni . 73-78
Exploring Constraints To Office Property Market Maturity In The Metropolitan Areas Of Lagos State, Nigeria PDF
Oladapo, Rasidat Adejoke 79-91
Family Dynamics and Psychological Outcome of the Child in Kenya: Case of Kabete Sub-County in Kiambu County PDF
Margaret Njoroge, Gabriel Kirori 92-108
Prospects and Enhancing Factors of Women Representation in Local Governance in the Sissala East District of Ghana PDF
Shani Osman, Bukari B. Abdulai 109-119

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ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 8, No 13 (2018)


Vol 8, No 14 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Allama Iqbal’s Critique of Western Democracy PDF
Farrukh Aziz Ansari, Asifa Abbas 1-6
A Paradigm Model of Children of Alcohol Abuse Parents Phenomenon PDF
Temitayo Serah Abijo, Hussin Huzili, Suhairi Hanif 7-20
Parental Involvement in Student’s Academic Performance: Can Parents Shift the Responsibility to Private Tutors? PDF
B.W.R. Damayanthi 21-29
Analysis of Precipitating Factors and Practices Relating to Trafficking in Persons in Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
Odey, Stephen Adi, Sambe, Ngutor 30-38
Communication and Information Management: Akan Indigenous Approach PDF
Michael Kwadwo Ntiamoah 39-45
Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Underdevelopment PDF
Umar Dantani, Aliyu Musa Jega 46-51
The Art of the Impossible: A Stylistic Study of Translating Poetry with a Special Reference to the Famous Iraqi Poet Mothaffer Alnawab, Some Selected Poems PDF
Fatima H. Aziz 52-65
The Implementation of Sharia Law as the Gender Equality Manifestation in the Province of Aceh: Analysis of Qanun No. 6 of 2009 Concerning the Protection and Empowerment of Women PDF
Mustika Saraini, Darsono Wisadirana, Siti Kholifah 66-70
Mobile Phone Use and Travel Behaviour of Adult Residents of Ile-Ife, Southwestern Nigeria PDF
Ajani O. A., Fakunle S. O. 71-77
Networked Spaces: Benefits of Mobile Phones in the Treatment and Referral Process within iCCM PDF
Agnetta Adiedo Nyabundi, Erick Nyambedha, Sonja Merten 78-85
Geographical Perspective of the Sources of Foreign Direct Investments in Nigeria PDF
Preventive Measures on Sexual Violence against Female Students in Two Selected Countries: Lessons for Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria PDF
IJITONA, Cecilia Kehinde, AGBOOLA, Victoria Olufunmilayo, OLANIRAN, Olawale Biliaminu Akinkunmi 103-112
Multivariate Comparison of Cephalometrictraits in Iranian Azeris and Persians PDF
Vahid Rashidvash 113-116
Levels of Teachers Commitment to the Teaching Profession in Secondary Schools in Kagera Region, Tanzania PDF
Adolphina Mwesiga, EVANS OGOTI OKENDO 117-127
Terrorism, Security Challenge and Implications on Nigeria’s Good Neighbourliness PDF
ADU, FUNMILAYO MODUPE, OSADOLA, Oluwaseun Samuel 128-136
Vietnamese Family – Change from Tradition to Modernity PDF
Nguyen Thi Tho, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Pham Thi Khanh, Nguyen Thi Len 137-143
Viewing the Cultural Trace of the Mosque Building in the Cirebon Sultanate PDF
Nyai Kartika, Yasraf Amir Piliang, Imam Santosa, Reiza D. Dienaputra 144-153
Family Factors Influencing Work-Family Conflict Among Married Women Medical Professionals in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. PDF
The Dynamics of Political Corruption and Neo-Patrimonialism in Kenya PDF
Nenpomingyi Sarah Gowon-Adelabu, Susan Mwangi Owino, Washington Ndiiri 160-169
Neoclassicism, Marxism, Institutionalism: Revisiting the broad schools of economic thought PDF
Alirat Olayinka Agboola, Aderemi Olofa, Adedayo Odebode 170-182
Socio-Demographic Variable And Ownership Of Small-Scale Business In Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. PDF
Veronica Akwenabuaye Undelikwo, Fortune Eyeh Etu 183-192
Pauline Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Development of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria PDF
Samuel Okanlawon 193-198
Non Implementation of Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000, in Balochistan: A Case Study of Gaddani Central Jail. PDF
Gulshan Munir, Muhammad Hanif, Abdul Rab 199-203
Development of Village Based Potentials of Social Capital in Madiun District, East Java, Indonesia PDF
Bambang Martin Baru, Sripeni Rusbiyanti, Harianto ., Bambang Sulistiono 204-210
The Right Way to be Human in Quốc Âm Thi Tập of Nguyen Trai and its Significance to Vietnam’s Modern Society PDF
Nguyen Thi Van, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Luong Cong Ly 211-220


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ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 8, No.6 and No.7 (2018) Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

Vol 8, No 6 (2018)


Vol 8, No 7 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Improving Public Sector Service Delivery in Ghana:The Application of Innovation and ICT. PDF
Amankona David, Seth Adutwum Amo, Danquah Opoku Derrick 1-9
Media Reportage of Buhari’s Anti-Corruption War in Nigeria by Sun and Chronicle Newspapers PDF
Patrick Ene OKON, Edemekong EKPE 10-19
Government Strategies and Implementation Challenges on Evicted Farming Households in Ensuring Sustainable Livelihoods: The Case of Gondar City-peripheral Rural- Communities. Gondar, Ethiopia PDF
Yeshiwas Tigabu Alemineh 20-26
Recruitment and Promotion Practices in the Ethiopian Civil Service PDF
Henok Seyoum Assefa 27-37
The Performance of the State’s Civil Apparatus Staffing Agencies in the Education and Training Area Ponorogo PDF
Ismoyo . 38-46
In Quest of a Scale for Measuring Local Government Financial Sustainability PDF
Shepherd Mhlanga, Dovan Reckson Thakhathi 47-56
Using Leon’s Model to Leverage Local Government Financial Sustainability PDF
Shepherd v, Dovan Reckson Thakhathi 57-66
Towards Containing Terrorism in North East Nigeria: A Befitting Strategy for a Protracted War PDF
Charles E. Ekpo, David O. Odey, Bright E. Tobi, Omopo Bimbo Stanley 67-93


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ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972