Vol 8, No.11, No.12, No.13, No 14 (2018) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 8, No 11 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Physical Exercise and Factors Affecting Among Adult Diabetic Patients at Wolaita Soddo University Teaching Referral Hospital, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Hailu Chare Koyra 1-8
Determination of the Optimum Sowing Date of Chickpea(Cicer Arientinum L) in Some Selected District of South Region in Rain Fed Condition PDF
Berhanu Bilate 9-14
Review on Lungworm Infection in Sheep and Goats in Ethiopia PDF
Semayat Oyda 15-20
Effect of Foliar Applied Urea on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivium L.) PDF
Zohaib Ahmed Wagan 21-28
Assessment of Female and Male Farmers’ Participation Difference on Types of Agricultural Extension Training Delivered in Halaba Special Woreda, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Mohammed Ibrahim Garade 29-34
Participatory on Farm Evaluations and Selection of Improved Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) Varieties in Different Districts of Southern Ethiopia PDF
Yasin Goa 35-41
Major Causes of Organ Condemnations and Its Economic Implications in Cattle Slauughtered at Kombolcha Elfora Abattoir, Northeastern, Ethiopia PDF
Fentaw Mohammed 42-49
Effect of Tef Variety and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Growth and Yield Components Under Jimma Condition PDF
Fenta Assefa 50-59
Evaluation of the Performance of Some White Seeded Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Genotypes Using GGE Biplot in Northern Ethiopia PDF
Fantaye Belay 60-68
On Farm Demonstration of Improved Varieties of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) in Gemechis, Chiro and Tullo Districts of West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia PDF
Fekede Gemechu 69-73
Evaluation of Effective Microbe Treated Barely Straw Supplemented with Bypass Protein as Intervention Diet for Crossbred Dairy Animal under Small Scale Farmer’s Condition PDF
Girma Chalchissa 74-78
Evaluation of Biological Treatment of Barely Straw on Voluntary Intake and Milk Yield of Crossbred Dairy Cows under Small Scale Farmer’s Condition PDF
Girma Chalchissa 79-83
Coffee Weed Management Review in South West Ethiopia PDF
Demelash Teferi 84-90
Effect of Inclusion Rate of Effective Microbes (EM) on Growth Rate of Lambs Fed Low Protein Diet PDF
Deribe Gemiyo 91-96
Влияние производительности трактора DT 75 на четырехколесный плуг и влияние на производственный процесс PDF
Аль-Майди Али Аббас Хашим, A. A. H. Al-Maidi 97-103

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X


Vol 8, No 12 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Intra and Inter-Row Spacing on Yield and Yield Components of Mung Bean (Vigna radiate L.) PDF
Abayneh Wubetu 1-9
Assessment of Marketing and Challenges of Goat Production in Zala Woreda, Gamo Gofa Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Amare Migibe 10-13
Review on Genotype X Environment Interaction in Plant Breeding and Agronomic Stability of Crops PDF
Mohammedsani Zakir 14-21
Application and Characterization of Dadih from Different Kinds of Bamboo Plants (Bambusa sp) PDF
Puspawati, N.N, Sugitha, I.M., dan Duniaji, A.S 22-28
Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis in Upland Cotton Cultivars PDF
Kalim Ullah 29-34
Genotype x Environment Interaction and Yield Stability in Improved Rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) Tested Over Different Locations in Western Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Antimicrobial Inhibition Activity of Some Plant Oil Extracts (Syzygium aromticum , Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Citrus limon) PDF
Hasan Kadhim Ali 41-49
Potentials of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extracts as Biostimulant on the Field Performance of Sweetcorn PDF
Abosede F. Kehinde-Fadare, Ayodeji E. Salami 50-56
Isolation and Characterization of Endophytic Fungi from Medicinal Plant Warburgia ugandensis PDF
Mirriam Mbilu, Wanjiru Wanyoike, Mourine Kangogo, Christine Bii, Muthumbi Agnes, Charles Kihia 57-66
Study some biological aspects of peach fruit fly Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) (Diptera: Tephritidae) In laboratory and field PDF
Abu-Ragheef, A.H., R.F. Al-Jassany, R.F. 67-74

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X


Vol 8, No 13 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
New Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Varieties for MID and Low Land Agroclimatic Condition of Ethiopia PDF
Tesfaye Tadesse 1-7
Effect of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Intercropping with Different Crops PDF
Bodena Guddisa 8-15
Population Density Effect on Tillering, Biomass and Ground Cover of Two Green Manure Crops PDF
Belay Garoma 16-20
To Study the Effect of Willow Extract on Apple Cuttings for Different Time Duration PDF
Adil Rehman 21-24
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Application at Damot Gale, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Mesay Paulos 25-33
Response of Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) to Blended Fertilizers in Tembaro, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Tekle Lombamo 34-39
Response of Kale (Brassica Oleracea L) Crop to Cyanobacterial Biofertilizer in Ziway Area, Ethiopia PDF
Eshetu Gebre 40-45
The Status of Plant Genetic Diversity and Genetic Erosion in Ethiopia PDF
Ashebir Gogile Zengele 46-49
Evaluation of Genetic Parameters for Yield and Yield Related Attributes in Black Seed (Nigella sativa L.) Accessions under Rainfed Conditions PDF
Tamoor Hussain 50-53
Control of Contamination and Explants Phenolics in Ginger Accession (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in Vitro Cultures PDF
Berihu Mengs 54-59
Review on Actinomycosis in Cattle PDF
Ufaysa Gensa 60-64
Carcass and Non-carcass Yield Characteristics of Horro Sheep Supplemented with Two Lablab purpureus Cultivars and Concentrate Mixture to a Basal Diet of Natural grass hay PDF
Abuye Tulu 65-71
Challenges and Prospects of Honey Bee Production in Ethiopia: A Review PDF
Haftu Kebede Sebho 72-77
Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) for Yield and Yield Components in Highlands of Guji, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Tekalign Afeta 78-81
Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Yield and Yield Related Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes at Assosa and Kamashi, Western Ethiopia PDF
Aliyi Robsa Shuro 82-96
Demonstration of Improved Teff Varieties at Selected Midland Districts of Guji Zone PDF
Dembi Korji 97-100
Yield Response of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) to NPS and Urea Fertilizers Rates at Alicho Wuriro Highland, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Bezabih Woldekiros 101-103

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X


Vol 8, No 14 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Evaluation of Management and Performances of Dairy Goats in Aridlands of Northern Kenya, Marsabit County PDF
Michael Okoti, Moses Lengarite, Tura Isako 1-7
Effects of Moisture Content on Selected Physical and Mechanical Properties of Alfalfa Seeds PDF
John Morris Togo, Decheng Wang, Wenpeng Ma, Changbin He 8-18
Alternative Conceptions as Determinant Factor for Students’ Explanation of Biological Phenomena of Genetics PDF
Mortality of Children Under the Age of Five Years Old for the Year 2016 in the Karbala District/Iraq PDF
Mohammad Abdulbaqi Abdulmohsin 24-30
Progress of Soil Acidity Management Research in Ethiopia PDF
Fekadu Mosissa 31-43
Clinico-Epidemiological Survey on the Prevalence of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites Affecting Buffalo & Cow Calves in District D.I.Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan PDF
Umm-e-Aimen . 44-48
Effect of Sowing Density on Tiller Number, Fresh Biomass and Soil Cover of Two Green Manure Crops PDF
Belay Garoma 49-53
Demonstration and Promotion of Biofertilizer Application for Maximum Grain Yield of Faba Bean(Vicia faba L.) Variety: The Case of Alicho Wuriro District PDF
Muluneh Mekiso 54-57
Effect of Substituting Commercial Feed with Mulberry Leaf Meal on Performance of Broiler Chickens PDF
Muhammed Tilahun 58-63
Augustine Eyiwunmi Falaye, Augustine Omoike, Christiana Bunmi Akinkuolie 64-71


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol.46 and Vol.47 (2018) International Journal of African and Asian Studies

Vol 47 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Developing Worksheet Based on Multiple Intelligences to Optimize the Creative Thinking PDF
Alben Ambarita, Anida Luthfiana, Suwarjo . 1-6
Forensic Accounting & Auditing Techniques on Public Sector Fraud in Nigeria PDF
Gacaca Courts in the Light of Public International Law: Bold Step in Achieving Reconciliation and Justice in Rwanda PDF
Amer Ghassan Fakhoury 17-27
Investigating Teaching Methods Employed by Teachers and Learning Styles of Students in Biology at the Senior High School Level in the Cape Coast Metropolis PDF
Ayamba Abubakar, Salifu Abdalla 28-33
Religious Dogmatism, Prejudice and Conflict in Nigeria PDF
Okoro Paul Mmahi, Funmilola E. Ojo 34-39
Energy Crisis and Economic Growth: Empirical Investigation from Pakistan PDF
Shumaila Riaz 40-50
Education and Its Practice in Nepal PDF
Shanta Maharjan 51-53
Impact of Fiscal Deficit and Government Debt on Interest Rate in Pakistan PDF
Najia Shakir 54-68
Effect of Budgeting Process on Organizational Effectiveness: The Case of Hadiya Zone Selected Woreda Public Finance Sectors PDF
Abebe Wotte Olbe 69-88
The Effects of Employees Empowerment on Organizational Performance: A Case of Hotel Industry in Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Tahir Nadeem 89-94


Paper submission email: JAAS@iiste.org

ISSN 2409-6938


Vol 46 (2018)

Vol 9, No.3 and No.4 (2018) Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 9, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Wind and Solar Cell Based Distribution System for Different Load Variations Using Fuzzy Logic Controller PDF
P Trimurtulu 1-9
Application of Optimal Control to the Epidemiology of Dengue Fever Transmission PDF
Okey Oseloka Onyejekwe, Ayalnesh Tigabie Shiferaw 10-23
Modelling of Fatigue Failure for Plasma Coated Members Using Artificial Intelligence Technique PDF
Hani. A. AL- Rawashdeh, A. O. Hasan, Kamis Issa, Jehad bin yamin, U Al-Qawabeha 24-30
The Effect of Network Mode on Mobile Phone Radiation PDF
Bourdillon Omijeh, Ela Okowa 31-36
Portable Domestic Refrigerator: A Design Approach PDF
Fou, Ayebatin, Yousuo, N.A. 37-50
Alternative Energy System PDF
Firas J. Khusaifan 51-56

Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871


Vol 9, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Novel Technique for Economic Load Dispatch and Test on 13 Generating Units PDF
Predictive Maintenance – Analysis of Seasonal Dependence of Vehicle Engine Faults PDF
Patrick Pana, Dennis Kijek, Christoph Ullrich, Adam-Alexander Manowicz, Fabian Seithel 6-13
Wind and Solar Cell-Based Distribution System for Different Load Variations Using Fuzzy Logic Controller PDF
P Trimurtulu, K Bhaskara Rao 14-22


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 8, No.4 and No.5 (2018) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Vol 8, No 5 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Work Recruitment Factors as Indices for Staff Employment in Federal University Libraries of South West Nigeria PDF
Henry Itohowo Okon, Emeka Jeremiah Ugwulebo, Nse Emmanuel Akwang 1-6
The Effect of Technical and Interpersonal Cmpetencies on Medical Represetative Performance on PT XYZ Jakarta PDF
Machmed Tun Ganyang 7-12
MRI Contrast Agents: Developments, Challenges, and Future Trends PDF
Sami S. Alshowiman, Ayman K. Alswailem, Omar A. Almohizy, Abdurrahman A. Alfawaz, Abdulaziz A .Ibn Alshaikh 13-24
Research on the Affective Mechanism of Authorized Leaders’ Influence on the Innovation Performance of Knowledge Workers PDF
Wei Hua-fei, Gu Ji-bao, Zhang Shu-lin 25-35
Teaching Models in Science: An Experiment with ICT in Classroom PDF
Anil Kumar 36-41
Students’ Precedence of Attributes Related Online Management Education – A RIDIT Approach PDF
Mohammed Khaja Qutubuddin 42-47
Publication of Library-Related Articles in Selected Nigerian Newspapers from 2011 to 2016: How Much of the Media Reportage? PDF
Cognitive Factors in Students’ Academic Performance Evaluation using Artificial Neural Networks PDF
Etebong Isong, Udonyah Kingsley, Godwin Ansa 57-71
How can E-business Strategies Develop through Knowledge Management? In Ernst and Young Organization in Jordan PDF
Majed Ismail Hussein, Saad Ali Idriss, Khaled Al Bustanji 72-84


Paper submission email: IKM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5758 ISSN (Online)2224-896X


Vol 8, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Assessment of the Impact of Staff Motivation on Organisaitonal Performance PDF
Robinson Onuora Ugwoke, James Isaiah Ekele 1-5
Socio- cultural Factors Influencing Utilization of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinics in Rachuonyo North Sub- County-Homa-Bay County, Kenya PDF
Otieno A.J.W 6-14
Sources of Knowledge and Perceptions of the Involvement of Librarians in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS by Nigerian University Students PDF
Olubanke Mofoluwaso Bankole 15-22
Awareness of Electronic Databases by Academic Staff in Private Universities in South-West Nigeria PDF
Adetomiwa Basiru, Oshiotse Andrew Okwilagwe 23-31
Cloud Computing: User’s Perceptions About Security Issues PDF
Md. Tuhinur Rahman 32-36
Information Needs and Seeking Patterns of Farmers within the Changing Information Environment: A Case of Sri Lankan Vegetable Farmers PDF
M.G.P.P. Mahindarathne, Qingfei Min 37-49
Infrastructure Operation Capability and Resilience of Domestic Airlines In Nigeria: Does Managerial Proactiveness Matter? PDF
Waribugo Sylva, Ukoha Ojiabo 50-76
Fitri Indriawati 77-82
Knowledge Management Practice in The Ghanaian Construction Industry: A Case Study of 4 Firms in The Tamale Metropolis PDF
Francis Lanme GURIBIE, Callistus TENGAN, Napoleon KUEBUTORNYE 83-88

Paper submission email: IKM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5758 ISSN (Online)2224-896X

Vol 8, No 3 (2018) Industrial Engineering Letters

Vol 8, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Rural Industrialization Through TVET PDF
Prem Prasad Sigdel 1-12
Critical Review of Cottage and Small Scale Industries in Pakistan PDF
Naushad Khan 13-22
Impact of Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance: A Case of FMCG Industry of Pakistan PDF
Zohra Kalsoom, Mukaram Ali Khan, Syed Sohaib Zubair 23-30
Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Casson Fluid through a Vertical Deformable Porous Stratum PDF
P. Sreehari Reddy 31-46
Enhancement of Project Performance through Risk Management and Monitoring & Evaluation with Moderating Role of Project Manager Decisional Skills PDF
Shahzad Ahmad Khan 47-56
Employers’ Satisfaction towards Business Graduate of Jigjiga University in Private and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia: The Case of Jigjiga City PDF
TazebachewAchenef Alem 57-65
Analysis of Sheep Value Chain: The Case of Adama District, East Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
The Effect of Supply Chain Integration on Dashen Brewer Share Company Operational Performance PDF
Adisu Moges Tsehaye 79-88
Impact of Promotion Mix on Consumer Product Perception PDF
Samavia Munir 89-99
Analysis of Current Status of Poultry Value Chain in Ethiopia: Implication for Information Generation and Exchange: A Review PDF
Atsbaha Hailemariam 100-111
Milk Value Chain Analysis in Sebeta District, Center High land of Ethiopia PDF
Shimelis Gizachew Desalegn 112-127


Paper submission email: IEL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6096 ISSN (Online)2225-0581

Vol.76 and Vol.77 (2018) Food Science and Quality Management

Vol 77 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of Breakfast Eating Habits Among Students of Takoradi Polytechnic PDF
Lucia Dzokoto, Lordson Damoah 1-14
Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Potato: Review Article PDF
Kanko Chuntale 15-23
Development of Water – Yield Relation for Onion Production at Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Alemnesh Ayza 24-29
Global Food Fraud Trends and Their Mitigation Strategies: The Case of Some Dairy Products: A Review PDF
Alganesh Tola 30-42
The Challenges and Opportunities of Honey Production Systems in Ada Berga District,West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Etenesh Mekonnen 43-49
Soaking Time and Temprature on Condensed Tannin and Phytic Acid of Sybean Products PDF
Zeritu Shashego 50-58
Preliminary Investigation of Some Serum Biochemical Parameters of Confined Nigerian Cattle Breeds in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria Fed with Some Conventional and Non-Conventional Feedstuffs PDF
I G Adeyemi 59-65
Assessing the Awareness of Food Safety Laws and Regulations among Consumers in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Ghana. PDF
Barbara Osman, Esther Offeibea Anoff 66-73


Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557


Vol 76 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Review on Hygienic Milk Products Practice and Occurrence of Mastitis in Cow’s Milk PDF
Amanuel Bekuma 1-11
Production and Evaluation of Sport Drink from Coconut Juice and Watermelon Juice PDF
Barth Effiong, Ukpong Udofia 12-17
Effect of Germination on Nutritional Composition and Functional Properties of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn) Seed Flour PDF
Tamiru Kasaye Atlaw 18-23
Identification of Major Crop Production Constraints in Debub Ari district, South Omo zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Biruk Gezahegn 24-30
Chemical Composition of Essential Oil Extracted from Euphorbia Densa Schrenk and Evaluation Its Antioxidant Activity PDF
Joumaa Merza 31-34
Status of Major Coffee Diseases of Coffea Arabica L. in Afromontane Rainforests of Ethiopia. A Review PDF
Demelash Teferi 35-40
Phenotypic and Genotypic Correlation and Path Coefficients in Rainfed Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes at Guraferda, Southwest Ethiopia PDF
Abayneh Kacharo Kampe 41-46
Analysis of Economic Efficiency of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L) Production in Babogambel District of West Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia PDF
Hika Wana 47-61
Evaluation of Transitional and Modern Hives for Honey Productivity in Buffer Zone of Chebera-Churchura Park, Konta Special District of Ethiopia PDF
Amare Migibe Cherkoes 62-65
Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers Potato Production in Shashemene District, West Arsi Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Beriso Bati Bukul 66-72
Review on the Management of Coffee Berry Disease (colletotrichum kahawae) in Ethiopia PDF
Muluneh Bekele Etana 73-76
Characterization of Selected Maize Varieties for All-Year-Round Sweet Corn Production in Malawi PDF
Blessford Chisata Mubanga, Kabwe Harnadih Mubanga, Tobias Alubi 77-84
Variability in Proximate Analysis of Twelve Selected Elite Pigeonpea Genotypes Across Varied Agro-Ecological Zones in Kenya PDF
Juliana J. Cheboi, Oliver K. Kiplagat, Everlyne N. Sikuku 85-91
Antinutritional Factors of Five Selected Underutilized Legumes PDF
Soetan, K.O. 92-100

Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557

Vol 10, No.16,17,18,19, 20, 21 (2018) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 10, No 16 (2018)


Vol 10, No 17 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Contribution of Credit Risk Management Strategies on Financial Stability: A Case of Commercial Banks in Kilifi County-Kenya PDF
A Pragmatic Study on Viral Marketing Scenario of Bangladesh PDF
Md. Abdullah Al Jamil, Md. Zillur Rahman Siddique, Md. Moynul Hasan 13-20
Sustainability Reporting Practices: A Study of Selected Banking Companies of Bangladesh PDF
Faria Akter, Asma Akter, Hamida Akhter 21-29
An Empirical Study on the Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use on Purchase Intention Through Mobile Devices in Pakistan: A Mediating Role of Online Trust PDF
Muhammad Khalid Iqbal, Amer Saeed, Ali Raza, Hammad Mushtaq, Naveed Ahmad Faraz 30-35
Determinants of Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from the Indonesia Stock Exchange PDF
Sasha Dhita, Noer Azam Achsani, Roy Sembel, Sugeng Purwanto 36-45
Value Relevance of Financial Derivatives: Evidence from Nigerian Listed Banks PDF
Emmanuel Eragbhe, Okun Omokhoje Omokhudu 46-54
Identifying Appropriate Funding Model for Public Infrastructures in Nigeria: A Non-Empirical Analysis PDF
Ezekiel Oseni, Funmi Oseni 55-64
Financial Innovation as an Alternative Delivery Channel and Financial Performance of Listed Commercial Banks in Kenya PDF
Peter Musangi Ndwiga, Justus Nderitu Maina 65-69
Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria: The Predicting Role of Innovative Service Delivery PDF
Cyril, Yiltsen Tsenyil, Reuel Johnmark Dakung, Meshach Gomam Goyit 70-79
Interest-Based Conflict Management Systems: Beyond Traditional and ADR Systems of Conflict Resolution PDF
Ogbor John Oghenechuko, Eromafuru Edward Godbless 80-91
The Determinants of Emerging Financial Markets Development: A Case Study of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange, Tanzania PDF
Benedicta K. Kamazima, John Kebaso Omurwa 92-108

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 18 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Liquidity, Quality of Productive Assets and Company Size on the Operational Risk Disclosure of Sharia Commercial Bank (Study on Sharia Banking in Indonesia) PDF
Ahmad Badawi, Nurul Hidayah 1-10
The Effect of Marketing Mix and Service Performance to Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction PDF
Yacobus Sutarmo, Suharno ., Sri Mintarti, Tetra Hidayati, Martinus Robert Hutauruk 11-21
Impact of International Trade on the Economic Growth of Nigeria PDF
Analysis of Total Quality Management (TQM), Just In Time (JIT) System, and Partnership Implementations on Corporate Competitive Advantages and Mediation of Lean Manufacturing Performance PDF
Iwan Nauli Daulay 31-41
The Importance of Teamwork on Business Restaurant in Medicating Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance PDF
Mafizatun Nurhayati, Onggo Pramudito, Ermawati Ermawati 42-50
Effect of Motivation and Job Stress on Employee Performance (Case Study of General Support and Marketing Division and Enterprise Service Division of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.) PDF
Ryani Dhyan Parashakti, Maula Refahla 51-57
Research on the Moderating Role of Authorized Leadership in the Relationship Between Mental Capital and Innovative Performance of Knowledge-Oriented Employees PDF
Wei Hua-fei, Gu Ji-bao, Zhang Shu-lin 58-67
Do Affective Commitment, Competency and Deming Cycle Affect the Need for Achievement and Job Performance? PDF
Agus Sujarwo, Sukisno S. Riadi, Sugeng Hariyadi, Tetra Hidayati 68-73
Challenges Faced by Youth When Acquiring Real Estate Properties in Africa. A Botswana Perspective PDF
Guruwo, Paul T. 74-81
Evaluating Factors Affecting Supply of Short-Term Insurance in Botswana PDF
Guruwo Paul T. 82-90
Using the Servoual Model to Evaluate the Service Delivery of the Consumer Protection Council in Nigeria PDF
Ifediba Emmanvitalis Emeka, Francis C. Eze 91-98
Optimizing the Transportation of Potable Water to Kaura- Namoda and Its Surrounding Villages PDF
Abimbola Nurudeen Gbolahan Adeshina, Asma’U Bello 99-103
Exchange Rate –Oil Price Nexus: The Role of Asymmetries PDF
Bernard Olagboyega Muse, Benjamin B. Omoniyi 104-116
Business Model Innovation – The Vital Link to Business Continuity PDF
Babeet Gupta, Ruchi Agarwal 117-121

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839



Vol 10, No 19 (2018)


Vol 10, No 20 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Employee Working Motivation Development Post Organizational Changes (Case Study at Female Prison Class IIA East Jakarta) PDF
Fatimah Malini Lubis, Moch. Asmawi, Billy Tunas 1-6
The Influence of Human Capital Development Strategies on Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Practices in Uganda PDF
Albert Otete 7-21
The Effect of Stakeholder Power, Strategic Posture and Special Interest Group on CSR Disclosure PDF
Dwi Orbaningsih 22-27
Educators’ Attitude to Teaching and Preference of Entrepreneurial Expression Options from Programme of Studies PDF
Samuel Oyebanji Akintunde, David Olusegun Aninkan 28-35
The Role of Human Resources Motivation in the Development of Hotel Enterprises in the Ferizaj Region (Republic of Kosovo) PDF
Naim ISMAJLI, Arberesha BEHLULI, Roberta BAJRAMI 36-40
Taxation Alternative Source of Revenue in Nigeria: A Domineering Evidence of Petroleum Profit Tax PDF
Odoemelam Ndubuisi 41-55
What is the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Economic Growth in Pakistan? An Empirical Analysis in the Light of Religious Sectarianism as a Catalyst for Terrorism PDF
Ayesha Serfraz 56-65
Ability to Cope with the Challenges of Teamwork in Managing Change in Selected Manufacturing Organizations in South Eastern Nigeria PDF
Lovlyn Ekeowa Kelvin-Iloafu, Anthony Obiora Ude 66-77
Relationship of Recognition and Staff Performance in Kenya School of Government Baringo Campus, Kenya PDF
Naomi Ng’endo Muriuki, Catherine N. Munyua, Laban Musundi, Benard Julius RAJWAIS 78-83
The Impact of Performance Evaluation on Employee Performance, Moderating Role of Organizational Standards PDF
Zuheir Mohamed Dahkoul 84-90
Succession Strategies and Performance of African Family Businesses: An Empirical Investigation of Nairobi Central Business District of Kenya PDF
Joseph Mutunga Kiilu, Joseph Franklin Ntale 91-97
The Influence of Point of Purchase Advertising and Service Quality on Purchase Intention of Store Brand PDF
Rongrong Ni, Nanxi Ning 98-107
Lack of full market potential exploitation by SMMEs in Botswana PDF
Guruwo Paul T. 108-112

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 21 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Role of Strategic Vigilance in the Operational Performance of the Banking Sector: Field Research in a Sample of Private Banks PDF
Fadhiela Salman Dawood, Ali Fakhri Abbas 1-18
The Influence of Workload Perceptions and Human Resource Management Practices on Employees’ Burnout (A Case Study on Mercu Buana University Administrative Staffs) PDF
Anik Herminingsih, Augustina Kurniasih 19-26
An Analysis of the Incidence of Fraud in Cameroon and Prospects PDF
Fuamenya A. Francis 27-37
Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance of Selected Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria PDF
MADICHIE, Christopher, Nwanosike, NWEKWO, Marbel Ngozi, NNADI, Chikezie Sunday Onoh 38-47
Effect of Blue Ocean Strategy on the Performance of Telecommunication Firms in South East Nigeria PDF
OKECHUKWU, Elizabeth Uzoamaka, EKWOCHI, Eucharia Adaeze, EZE, Jude Obinna 48-56
Influence of Information Technology Utilization, Tax Socialization, Tax Knowledge, Community Economic Levels and the Role of Account Representative on Personal Tax Compliance (In the Tax Service Office Kembangan, West Jakarta) PDF
Muti’ah . 57-64
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital on the Quality of Financial Reporting (Case Study of Banking Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange) PDF
Nurul Hidayah 65-73
Impact of Environmental Management Accounting Practices and Report on Organisation Performance PDF
Olaoye, F.O., Adekanmbi, J.A. 74-84
The Effects of Good University Governance and Organizational Culture Toward Lecturer Performance and Its Influence on Private Universities Performance in the City of Lampung PDF
Garaika Hamzah, Siswoyo Haryono, Zainal Mustafa EQ 85-94
An Empirical Study on the Changes of Internet Privacy Concern:Differences Between American and Chinese Cultures PDF
Shu Yan Li, Prasad Siba Borah 95-106
Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of PLB’s in Food Products from Azerbaijan Retailing Industry PDF
Yangxi Lin, Yurong Gao, Huseynov Safar 107-120
Analyzing the mediating role of Brand association for Brand awareness and loyalty PDF
Nazar Hussain Phulpoto, Imtiaz Ali Halepoto, Ayaz Hussain, Suhail Ahmed 121-123
Relation of Investment Climate and Money Laundering Eradication in Indonesia PDF
Hendra Karianga 124-132
Application of Internal Control in Reducing Accounting Chance PDF
Aldila Dinanti, Lina Rifda Naufalin, Pretisila Kartika Putri, Ginanjar Adi Nugraha 133-137
Application of “Ricardian Rivalry Actions” (RRA) to the Zimbabwean Business Industry PDF
Guruwo Paul T. 138-142
Access to External Finance by Micro Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Kumasi Metropolis: Evidence on the Impact of Financial Management Practices. PDF
Siaw Frimpong 143-159
An Analysis of the Comparative Advantage of Thai Tourism with Chinese Tourists Compared to Other ASEAN + 6 Countries PDF
Sauwanee Rodyu, Prateep Wetprasit 160-182


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 8, No.6 and No.7 (2018) Journal of Developing Country Studies

Vol 8, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Correctional Programmes Within the Prison Community: The Views and Perception of Inmates and Staff in Anambra State Prisons, Nigeria PDF
Nwune, Emmanuel Chikwelu, Benjamin Okorie Ajah, EGBEGI, Friday Raphael, Chinelo Edith Obiefuna 1-7
Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance in CCECC Limited (China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation Nigeria) PDF
Kowo Solomon Akpoviroro 8-17
An Investigation of the Role of Entrepreneurship Agencies for Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria PDF
Kowo Solomon Akpoviroro, Bola Kadiri 18-27
Impact of Foreign Capital on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: A Debatable Issue in India PDF
Jie Zhang, Yong Lin 28-35
Analysis of the Immediate and Long-Term Impacts of Transferring of Men’s Labour Force from Agriculture to Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Tanzania PDF
Dora Harrison Ouma, Zuo Ting, Siba Kolin Koivogui 36-46
Are We Keynesian Fools: A Study of Govt. Colleges in UTTARAKHAND PDF
Abha Agrawal 47-61
A Struggle Against Underdevelopment in the Geography of Rural Terrorism in South-South Nigeria PDF
Kio-Lawson, Datonjo, Owanate, Boyle.K, Le-ol, Anthony, Evangeline.N, Imaitor, Ebinemi Edith 62-72
Socio-Economic Development and Insecurity in Nigeria: A Study of Boko Haram PDF
Jake Dan-Azumi 73-83
The Reasons Behind Indonesia’s Unwillingness To Join The Military Coalition Of Saudi Arabia Against Global Terrorism PDF
Lalu M. Singgih Albanjjari, Gonda Yumitro, Najamuddin Khairur Rijal 84-90

Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565




Vol 8, No 7 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Causes of Child Labor in Bangladesh: A Case Study in the City of Dhaka PDF
Jakowan ., Syeda Helmi Afrah 1-14
Of What Significance Are Improved Main Roads in Malawi? Economic and Non-Economic Perspectives of Rural Communities from Karonga and Chitipa Districts PDF
Zondiwe Mabilabo Jere, Tang Lixia, Desire Mpanje 15-24
Entrepreneurship and Job Creation for Sustainable Development in Ghana: The Role of Government as an Arbiter in Shaping the Institutional Environment PDF
Ato Essuman 25-32
Micro Finance in Cameroon the Need to Empower Customers PDF
Nsanyui Armstrong Bansah 33-35
Fostering a Culture of Academic-Industry Collaboration and Industrial Cluster Management in Saudi Arabia’s Industry: A Saudi-German Initiative PDF
Eid Al-Hajri, Abdelsalam Shanneb 36-42
An Assessment of Relationship Between Permanent and Temporary Executives in Ethiopian Bureaucracy PDF
Henok Seyoum Assefa 43-59
Development Status of Ethiopian Export Revenue During 1991-2014 G.C PDF
Alemu Anshiso 60-63
Burglary on the Rise: Street Life and Motivation for Residential Break-Ins in Amagba Community, Southern Nigeria PDF
Barr. Emmanuel Imuetinyan Obarisiagbon, Michael Ndisika 64-69
External Debt and Inclusive Growth in Nigeria PDF
Rachael Elo-Oghene Morris, Johnbosco Chukwuma Ozigbu, Christopher Ifeanyi Ezekwe 70-79
Gender, Age and Ownership of Small-Scale Business in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. PDF
Fortune Eyeh Etu, Veronica Akwenabuaye Undelikwo 80-86
Determinants of Residential Location Pattern of Staff of Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji, Osun-State, Nigeria PDF
Adebisi, O.S., Adu, C.A., Araromi, S.P. 87-93
Money Politic, And The Effect Of Democracy In The Selection Of The Head Of Village, In District Magetan, East Java, Indonesia PDF
Harianto ., Mudji Rahardjo, Bambang Martin Baru, Sudjatmoko . 94-99


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565