Vol 10, No.5 and No.6 (2018) Journal of Civil and Environmental Research

Vol 10, No 5 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of Status of Irrigation Practice and Utilization in Western Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Gamachu Ayala 1-13
Determinants of Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Irrigation Water of Lake Hawassa PDF
Teshome Berasso Tule 14-18
Application of RO System to Desalinate Brackish Surface Water in Southern Iraq PDF
Noor Hussein Ali Sabtie, Nagham Nagam O. kariem, Dawood E. Sachit 19-34
Assessment of Building Collapse in Nigeria: The Major Causes and Practical Remedies PDF
Kolawole, Oluwatobi M. 35-40
Spatial Distribution of Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water Sources in Northern Tanzania PDF
Mengiseny E. Kaseva, Christopher Mayige, Fredrick Salukele, Godfrey Mkongo, Eliud M. Sangeti 41-51
Housing Satisfaction of the Elderly in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria PDF
Araloyin Funmilayo Moyinola, Alao Olufemi Folasade 52-58
Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Assessment of Surface Water Quality of a Himalayan Wetland Deoria Tal, India PDF
Sheetal Chaudhary, Ramesh C. Sharma, Rahul Kumar 59-75
Visibility Trends in Baghdad City During the Period 2005-2014 PDF
Ahmed Hassoon Ali, Basim Ibraheem Wahab Al-temimi, Younis Swadi Taliaa, Ali Dhamin Khishala 76-84
The Origin of Conflict to Dispute in Nigeria Construction site PDF
Alejo, Ayodele Oluwole 85-89
The Maintenance of Tertiary Institution Buildings in Ondo State, Nigeria: Practice, Problem and Prospect. PDF
Alejo, Ayodele Oluwole 90-95
Assessment of Poor Drainage System in Building within Low Land Areas. PDF
Alejo, Ayodele Oluwole 96-102
An Investigation into the Potential of Architects’ Contribution to Furniture Design in Uganda PDF
Judith Alowo, Kenneth Ssemwogerere 103-107
The Impact of Storage on the Quality of Sachet Water Produced in Amassoma, Nigeria PDF
Odafivwotu Ohwo 108-115

Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514


Vol 10, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Using Coagulant Aid, Poly Polypropylene Sediment, Ferrolite, Manganese Greensand, Cation Resin, and Anion Resin in Modified Water Treatment PDF
Setyo Purwoto, Rusdiyantoro ., Budi Prijo Sembodo 1-5
Comparative Analysis of Strength and Physical Properties of Concrete Made from Three Different Coarse Aggregate (Granite, Gravel and Palm Kernel) PDF
Alli, O. O., Odewumi, T. O., Alli, J. A. O. 6-9
Quantitative Implementation of Acoustic Impedance Inversion to Porosity and Lithology Prediction of Clastic Reservoir, Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq PDF
Omar N. A. Al-Khazraji, Rami M. Idan, Amani L. M. Salih, Rand K. Hassein 10-18
Study on the Bending Strength of Solid and Glue-Laminated Timber from Three Selected Nigerian Timber Species PDF
Ekundayo Olurotimi Olusegun, Alake Olaniyi 19-27
Soil Loss Estimation Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques: The Case of Debis Watershed, Blue Nile Basin Ethiopia PDF
Abebe Senamaw Kebede 28-39
GIS Based Potential Volcanic Hazard Zonation in Ethiopia the Case of Aluto Volcano PDF
Mesfin Mengistu Mekuria 40-52
Structural Design: Technology and Computerization Not the Problem PDF
Lamuo Francis Suglo, Jai Prakash Nayak 53-59
Development of Optimum Irrigation Regime for Onion Production at Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Alemnesh Ayza 60-65
Low Flow Charecterzation of Satluj River PDF
Jaiprakash Nayak, Pradeep Kumar, Lamuo Francis Suglo 66-70
Household Solid Waste Generation Rate and Onsite Handling Practices in Bedelle Town, South west Ethiopia PDF
Abraham Ochocho 71-74
Soil Classification and Agricultural Potentials of Soils of Tembaro District, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Alemu Lelago 75-91
Influence of Availability of Resources on Completion of Construction Projects in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Josephine N. Ojiambo, Charles M. Rambo, Stephen Wekesa Masinde 92-102
An Effective Performance Management Model in the Framework of Corruption Controls (In the Local Government of Bogor) PDF
Nandang Saefudin Zenju 103-111
Nonlinear Analysis of Arch hollow box RC Beams with openings in different locations PDF
Yasar Ameer Ali Mubarak, Alaa Hussien Ali 112-122
Spot Speed Study of Vehicular Traffic on Major Highways in Makurdi Town PDF
Paul Terkumbur Adeke, Aper E. Zava, Aondoseer Abraham Atoo 123-131
Patterns of User-Initiated Transformation of Dwelling Units in Selected Public Housing Estates in Lagos, Nigeria PDF
Kolawole O. MORAKINYO, Adetokunbo O. ILESANMI, Olusola A. ASA 132-141


Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514

Vol.65 and Vol 66 (2018) Journal of Arts and Design Studies

Vol 66 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Contemporary Ceramic Art of Ghana: Focus on Kingsley Kofi Broni PDF
John Benjamin Kofi Aidoo 1-5
The Visual Typicality of Non-Alcoholic Beverage (NAB) Package Forms in Akure, Nigeria PDF
E. Bankole Oladumiye, Ayorinde S. Oluyemi, Oluwafemi S. Adelabu 6-15
Printmaking for Graphic Design Students in the Age of the Digital Screen: An Art, a Craft or a Creative Intersection PDF
Debra Livingston 16-25
Impact of Digital Environment Graphics on Advertising Consumption in Nigeria PDF
Akaninyene John Sampson 26-33


Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603


Vol 65 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Killing Fields and a Memorial: Two Installations PDF
Ashiedu Ogboli 1-10
In Search of Virtuosity through the Manipulation of the Textiles Screen Printing Method: A Report PDF
Ashiedu Peter Ogboli 11-16
Deconstruction of Penting in Order to Preserve Balinese Gamelan Ensemble PDF
Pande Made Sukerta, I Nyoman Sukerna 17-20
Print-Media Beyond Academia PDF
Wael A. Sabour, Awad Allah Elshimy, Mahmoud Mourad Abd Ellatif, Yazan Alamarat 21-24
The Supremacy of Lighting in Hanung Bramantyo’s Film: The Cultural Studies of Chiaroscuro in Sang Pencerah and Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Film PDF
Dyah Gayatri Puspitasari, Setiawan Sabana 25-29
Relational Art Work in Kampung Public Space through Found Object in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia : Identity Through Public Art PDF
Budi Adi Nugroho, Setiawan Sabana, Tisna Sanjaya 30-34

Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

How to Write a Quality Dissertation Without Professional Education

Nowadays, many people are attempting to write a dissertation to advance in their academic career. The reality is that writing a dissertation is a very difficult process. I have been providing dissertation writing assistance for years, and the first thing I can tell you is that you need to prepare yourself for this long and arduous journey. You may know the subject matter very well. You may know how the final paper should look like. But don’t think that you are able to write such a complex paper in a couple days or that you can write it perfectly from the first try. It will simply not happen.

Can You Write a Dissertation Without Prior Experience?

The good news is that you can write a dissertation even if you don’t have professional education. You will need to learn the subject matter very well though. Nowadays, you can find information on almost anything online. There are even online courses and classes that you can pay for. Learning something new is not at all difficult. So the very first thing you want to do if you plan on writing a dissertation is to learn the subject matter very well. After all, it is impossible to write such a complex paper on a topic you know nothing about.

Preparing to Write the Dissertation

Now that you know the subject matter well enough to attempt to write a dissertation on it, you need to take the next two steps. You must find an interesting topic that brings value and then you need to start doing the necessary research. A dissertation means serious research. You are not gathering information from the Internet; you are researching a new topic. This means there is very little information available. Be prepared to do the research and test your hypotheses for weeks, even months.

Steps to Take to Write the Paper

While conducting the research, it is a very practical idea to write an outline. It will help you immensely throughout the endeavor of writing the dissertation. You basically gather all the important ideas and findings and create an outline out of them. It’s like a table of contents. You can find examples of how a dissertation is structured online, so make sure you include all the chapters. Failing to include the Methodology or Bibliography chapter will get you disqualified, so be very careful. Write the body of the dissertation first.

After you’ve finished writing the body of the paper, write the introduction and the conclusion. These two parts are very important and must be written perfectly. Remember that some universities may require you to write an abstract as well. After you have written the entire paper, you need to start proofreading and editing it. Remember, it has to look and read perfect. Also, make sure all the sources you’ve used are properly cited and referenced. Every single one!

Final Considerations

It is a very good idea to get accustomed to the academic writing standards before even attempting to start on your dissertation. Also, learn everything there is to learn about the chosen writing standard (APA, MLA, or Chicago). You must use proper formatting and properly structure the paper. Otherwise, you will get penalized harshly. There are style books available and you can even find cheat sheets to help you with learning the academic writing standard of your choosing. It’s not as difficult as you think. Even though I am an experienced academic writer at Paperwritten.com, I am still referring to the style books when I am writing complex dissertations. You should too!

Find the Perfect Travel Insurance on The Internet

If you’d like to find the best buys on travel cover, going online has become the ideal ways to proceed. Not only will you get access to virtually every best travel insurance australia, but you may also evaluate insurance coverage prices and get instant details about your travel location. The online world means that you can get the best price without ever having to pass on the boundaries of your house or workplace.

Research Your Options

Before you start your research for the most effective travel cover on the internet, it’s important that you start your lookup at home first. Do you have any current insurance policy that may previously cover you on a trip? Yes? No? Uncertain? Well, this means you may require to work locating and reviewing all those plans. Many vacationers either wrongly think that their current health or car plans cover them on a trip or find that they require more insurance coverage according to their travel location and routines, right after critiquing their insurance policies. Be equipped with the important points about the insurance policies you have in order to support you buy only the protection you may need.

Compile Your Details

You need to know exactly what you are searching for to get the best travel cover on the internet and the easiest method to make this happen is to have a travel inventory. Where will you be heading? How long will you be gone? How many individuals are traveling? How many locations are you going to visit? Are you carrying any costly personal things? Will you need a rental vehicle? Are there any unwell or senior members in your event?

Most of these are just some of the concerns that you will have to get answers to find the travel coverage that will work best with you. You better analyze your options and preferences. While traveling, you need to plan everything that which location or spot would cost you a bomb and which one will be affordable.

Make use of a Comparison Website

Travel insurance evaluation websites tend to be good timesavers which help you successfully define the travel insurance company as well as plan. Most of these websites are known for providing you many different choices that meet the requirements that you type in online or via call. Most offer conventional travel cover, luxury cruise insurance coverage, holiday insurance policy, and hikers’ insurance plan. Making use of a comparison website is actually highly recommended if you’re running low on time or even patience.

Once you choose a coverage to satisfy your needs, you’ll embark on trip realizing that whatever scenario shows up you will have at least a reassurance that you’ll be protected. You will have more money and much more fun on your getaway, while you do!

You shouldn’t be at a loss for the possibilities of finding the right travel cover. Let the world wide web help you get the holiday insurance which is most effective for you and your loved ones.

6 Mistakes Your Startup Should Avoid

Getting a startup off the ground is not for the faint of heart, but it can be exhilarating when done right. With the right management, employee hires, and a well mapped-out guide to where the future is going to lead, your startup could end up being the next big thing. Most importantly, though, you’ve got to avoid the snafus that befall far too many when trying to launch a startup. Want to know what NOT to do? Read on for six mistakes your startup should avoid in order to ensure certain success.

  1. Not Identifying Who Your Customer Is

How do you market to a population or demographic when you don’t know who that is? Not well, that’s for sure. We get that you are likely looking for ways you can cut corners financially, as launching a business can be financially draining. We’re here to tell you, though, that skipping over market research is a bad idea. Whether you hire a company like Survata to do this or find programs that can help you do this on your own, you need to identify the characteristics of the people you are trying to reach with your product or service. Otherwise, you’re just throwing things at the proverbial wall to see what sticks, which will surely lose you money.





  1. Skipping the Planning and Branding Phase

Much like identifying who your customer base is, it’s imperative you go through the planning phase instead of going in blind. We get it—you’ve got this amazing idea that no one has ever thought of before you and you need to get a jump on the competition. But you’ll be jumping without a parachute if you do this without coming up with a solid business plan after doing the necessary idea research. On top of your business plan, you need a financial plan and a marketing plan.  

If you’ve done your due diligence in these arenas, it’s time to start branding. Once again, you don’t want to start putting out marketing collateral and/or online messages out there without truly knowing who your company is and what you stand for. In fact, this would be a good place to put your money for outsourcing, as branding is that important in this day and age.




  1. Not Going All In

Listen, startups are intimidating but once you’re in, you’re in. That doesn’t mean you spend your entire nest egg, per se, but there’s no point in even trying such a venture if you’re not willing to commit. First of all, you don’t want to avoid financially supporting your own idea/business. Overspending is an issue, too, but if you refuse to invest any kind of capital in your business, you’re almost surely hindering its potential for success.

The other side of that coin (pardon the pun) is drive. You can’t go full speed ahead for a few months and then run out of gas. You need to know that you and the employees you hire have the motivation and the drive to work the (likely) long hours that will be required to make your venture work. If you need help in ensuring that you’ve hired worthwhile employees, invest in the services of a new background check company like ShareAble for Hires to conduct background checks. This vetting system can help ensure you’re placing the right people in important positions—thereby positioning your startup for success.   

  1. Not Setting Measurable Goals

It’s easy to flounder if this your first time not having anyone breathing down your neck, asking for you to report on your results. If you’re in charge of the startup, you need to find a way to hold yourself accountable, whether you use a software or app to make sure you meet certain financial milestones or you have a coworker keep tabs. If you don’t set measurable goals from the start, you could easily get bogged down in the planning phase.

  1. Not Knowing the Value of Your Products or Service

Your inclination might be to price your products or services low since you are just starting out, but you don’t want to set that precedent and, more importantly, sell yourself short. Know the value of your product or service and set the price accordingly.

  1. Not Using Technology and Social Media

Not everyone is tech savvy and, if that describes you, your natural inclination might be to avoid anything of the sort when launching a startup. That’s a huge mistake. Even if you have to hire someone to help you or to take classes to get up to speed, you want to make sure you’re using the latest technology in your business. The same goes for social media. You can’t avoid it for lack of comfort with it, as social media marketing is the most effective way to get the word out about your business in both cost and reach.

A mistake or two along the way is expected, but make sure to avoid these pitfalls to ensure your startup launch goes off without a hitch—and enhance your career in the process.

Vol 9, No.7, No.8, No.9 and No.10 (2018) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 9, No 7 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Insurance Risk Management: A Correlate of Economic Growth in Nigeria PDF
Torbira, Lezaasi Lenee 1-10
Regulatory Arbitrage, Supervisory Capacities and Information Sharing in the Wake of Cross-Border Banking Supervision PDF
Asenath Maobe 11-17
Internal Audit’s Involvement in Risk Management Process PDF
The Leverage of Access to Finance on the Performance of Firms: A Study Conducted in Ethiopia PDF
Ermias Moges, Mustiary Begum 26-34
Effects of Working Capital Management of Procter & Gamble on Its Profitability PDF
Sadaf Mustafa 35-41
The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Quality of Financial Reporting in the Nigerian Chemical and Paint Industry PDF
Mubarak Abbati Bako 42-59
Management Control Performance in Moroccan Public Equities PDF
Rachid BOUTTI 60-76
Effect of Firms’ Growth Indices on Profitability of Food & Beverage Firms in Nigeria PDF
UGWU, Rose, EZE, Joseph Chukwudi 77-86
Does Firms’ Growth Indicators Predict Market Capitalization of Firms in Nigeria Breweries Industry? PDF
MBA, Jennifer O, Ezeh, Jude O, Nwekwo Mabel Ngozi 87-94
Determinants of Tax Compliance Under the Self-assessment System in Private Secondary Schools: Evidence from Delta North Senatorial Zone PDF
ELURO, David Chukwudi 95-108
Board Attributes and Corporate Social Responsibility Performance of Listed Cement Companies in Nigeria PDF
Shamsuddeen Mamuda Ali, Muhammad Aminu Isa 109-121
An Evaluation of the Comparative Effects of Mergers & Acquisitions on the Profitability and Efficiency of Banks (A Case Study of Selected Banks in Nigeria) PDF
Fabinu, Idris Babatune, Jonny Munby, Agbatogun, Taofeek Osidero 122-135
Factors Affecting to ECMA Application in Vietnamese Brick Manufacturing Enterprises PDF
Thi Tam Le, Hoan Nguyen 136-145
CAMEL Method: Bank Health Levels for Financial Performance of Banking in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2006 to 2015 PDF
Djoko Hanantijo, Trie Utami Armayasari, Harianto Respati 146-152
Relationship Between Liquidity and Profitability: An Empirical Study of Trade Service Sector in Jordan PDF
Naim Salameh Al-Qadi, Ibrahim Marwan Khanji 153-157
The Influence of Information Asymmetry and Intellectual Capital Disclosure to Cost of Equity Capital with Managerial Ownership and Institutional Ownership as a Moderating Variable (Banking Sector Issuers listed on Stock Exchange 2013 – 2016) PDF
Siti Choiriah, Itjang D Gunawan 158-167
Influence of Introductory Accounting Course Teaching Methodology on Students’ Choice of Accounting Major in Kenyan Universities PDF
Grace Akinyi Musa, Atieno Ndede Amadi, Evans Vidija Sagwa, Selefano Odoyo 168-174

Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 8 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analysis the Effectiveness of Local Government Financial Management (Study at Local Government in Riau Province) PDF
Amries Rusli Tanjung, Yesi Mutia Basri, Nur Azlina 1-11
Budgeting and Its Effect on the Financial Performance of Listed Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms Listed on Ghana Stock Exchange PDF
Wonder Agbenyo, Frank Osei Danquah, Wang Shuangshuang 12-22
Convertible Bonds and the Price Discriminating Monopolist Firm PDF
Kofi B. Afful 23-29
Corporate Governance as A Moderator Between Strategic Management Accounting and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence PDF
Ahmad Mohammed Alamri 30-44
The Effect of Corporate Governance Culture of Banks Financial Performance in Nigeria PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Ogodor Blessing N 45-56
Factors That Influence Non-financial Disclosures: Evidence from Jordan PDF
Khaled E. Abu Risheh 57-62
The Effect of The Government Accounting Standards Implementation and Apparatus Competency on the Quality of the Local Government Financial Reporting (Case Study at Klaten District Government) PDF
Nurlis . 63-69
The Impact of Working Capital, Fixed Asset, Leverage & Profitability Toward Audit Opinion for Manufactirung Firms PDF
Gilbert Rely, Regina Jansen Arsjah 70-78
Modeling with ARIMA-ARCH/GARCH Techniques to Estimate Weekly Exchange Rate of Liberia PDF
Joe Garmondyu Greaves 79-102
Analysis of Asset Usage Activities, Capital Structure, Financial Performance and Corporate Value (A Study of Manufacturing Corporates at the Indonesia Stock Exchange) PDF
Ari Data 103-119
Effect of Internet Financial Reporting on Stock Prices and Dividend Yield of Quoted Non-Financial Companies in Nigeria PDF
OLOWOKURE, Theophilus O., AGBESANYA, Elizabeth Oyebola 120-129
The Political Integration of ICT in Higher Education: Evidence Case Study with Structural Equation Modelling PDF
Redouan Ainous, M’hammed BENDINE, Yamina GRARY 130-137
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance of Firms Listed on Nigeria Stock Exchange PDF
Ewereoke Vitalis 138-150
Impact of Corporate Governance Quality on the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from Palestinian Firms PDF
Adnan A.A. Qubbaja 151-159
Role of ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard in Relationship Between Foreign Ownership and Profitability of ASEAN Countries PDF
Adhitya Agri Putra 160-170
The Relationship Between Computerized Accounting Information Systems and Rationalizing the Government Expenditures at the General Budget of Jordan PDF
Ibrahem Al Bataineh, Ashraf Bataineh 171-178
Published Financial Statements, Equity-holders’ Investment Decisions and Bank Performance: A Study of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc. PDF
Okanta, Sunday Ukeje 179-189
Auditing and Fraud Control in Corporate Organisations PDF
Edori Daniel Simeon, Edori Iniviei Simeon 190-196
Ownership and Control of Mutual Savings Banks in Korea PDF
MinHwan Lee 197-205

Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 9 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Benefits of Microcredit in Farm Production: A Welfare Economic Perspective from Punjab Province of Pakistan PDF
Rukhsana Rasheed 1-8
Impact of Exchange Rate on FDI in Pakistan PDF
Qurat-ul-Ain Imran Naseem 9-18
The Effect of Apparatus Competence on Public Service Quality of Financial Agency in Gorontalo District PDF
Yusran Lapananda, Yulianto Kadji, Sarson W. Dj. Pomalato, Arifin Tahir 19-25
Toward the Best Model in Recruiting Security Staff at Outsourcing Industries PDF
Mochamad Soelton, Lia Martika Mahdalena 26-32
Effect of Service Quality, Socialization and Inspection on Corporate Taxpayer Compliance at Tax Service Office in South Badung-Bali PDF
I Gusti Agung Prama Yoga, I Dewa Gede Wirama, I Gusti Ayu Made Asri Dwija Putri, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi 33-40
The Impact of National Bank of Ethiopia’s 27% Bond Purchase Directive on Credit Performance and Profitability of Private Banks PDF
Mintesnot Seyoum 41-50
The Nexus of Bank Liquidity and Profitability: Evidence from Commercial Banks in Ethiopia PDF
Melaku Aweke 51-57
Financial Environment for Derivatives: Growth and New Dimensions for Financial Derivative Market in Pakistan; A Case Study PDF
Kiran Jameel 58-67
Dynamics of Financing Structure & Financial Performance of Ethiopian Micro Banks (MFIs) PDF
Tesfaye Asefa 68-83
Loan Disbursement and Collection of Microfinance Institutions in Bale Zone PDF
Geremew Teshome 84-89

Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 9, No 10 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Internal Factors on Financial Performance of Listed Construction-Material Companies: The Case of Vietnam PDF
Cuong Duc Pham, Quan Xuan Tran, Lan Thi Ngoc Nguyen 1-7
Corporate Tax and Corporate Social Responsibility of Firms in Nigeria PDF
Asian A Umobong, Uche T Agburuga 8-25
Effect of Credit Management Systems on the Loan Recovery Efforts of Microfinance Banks in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria PDF
Eno G. Ukpong, Ukpe Essien Amos, Essien, Iniabasi Thomas 26-32
Credit Risk Management in Nigerian Banks (2005 – 2015) PDF
Gabriel T. Edu, Francis A. Bassey, Uwem Okpoho 33-43
The Effect of Skepticism, Experience, And Intelligence on Audit Opinions Decision with Time Budget Pressure as the Moderation Variable PDF
Desak Rurik Pradnya Paramitha Nida, Made Gede Wirakusuma, I Nyoman Wijana Asmara Putra 44-51
The Effect of Human Resource Competence and the Use of Information Technology on the Effectiveness of Accrual Accounting Implementation (Survey on: Regional Work Unit of Banten, Indonesia) PDF
Nurul Hidayah 52-62
Assessing the Effect of Microfinance on Cocoa Production in the Ashanti Region of Ghana PDF
Joyce Ama quartey, Abigail Asamoah 63-70
The Study of the Experience of Developed East Asian Countries in Customs Audit Methodology and Its Implementation in Uzbekistan PDF
Azizov Sherzod 71-79
Influence of Selected Factors on the Choice of Capital Structure of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kiambu County, Kenya PDF
Fredrick M. Kalui, Bernard K. Njenga 80-94
Human Resource Accounting: The Missing Element in the Statement of Financial Position. Empirical Evidence from Ghana PDF
Dawuda Abudu, Matthew Kwabena Valogo, Osman Chilala 95-101
Strategic Risk Determinants Influencing Growth of SMEs: The Case of Vietnam PDF
Thi Thu Hien Phan, Manh Dung Tran, Tuan Anh Luong, Thi Lua Pham 102-108
The Conceptual Perspective of the Subjective Norms Determinant of the Investors Decision-Making Behavior PDF
AHMED K.M. MADI, Rosylin Mohd Yusof 109-115
Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Organizational Commitmen and Perception of Credit Makers in the Use of Accounting Information on the Effectiveness of Decision Making of People’s Business Loans PDF
Novita Alvina 116-121
The Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Establishment and Assessment on Jakarta Islamic Index ST PDF
Yuhasril . 122-131
Factors Affecting The Accountability of The Use of School Operational Assistance Fund at State Elementary School In West Jakarta Indonesia PDF
Nurul Hidayah, Ahmad Badawi 132-140
Appraisal of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s 2012 Currency Restructuring Proposal PDF
Muftau Adesina Abayomi, Abolaji Dauda Dada 141-149
Effect of Debt Financing Options on Financial Performance of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya PDF
Benter Achieng Omollo, Willy M. Muturi, Joshua Wanjare 150-164
Fair Value Measurement versus Historical Cost Accounting: A Comparative Effect on Firms’ Performance in Nigeria PDF
Leonard I. Amaefule, Emma I. Okoye, Edith O. Kalu, Stanley N. Nwosu 165-175


Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 8, No.7, No.8, No.9 and No 10 (2018) Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 8, No 7 (2018)


Vol 8, No 8 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Color Code Personality on Creativity PDF
Suharnan ., Tadjoer Ridjal, Muhammad Farid 1-7
The Role of Listener’s Response Tokens Mm and Oh: The Case of Ga PDF
Ruby Otoo 8-15
An Introduction to Robotic Stylistics: A Future Trend PDF
Ahmed Mohammed Hashim 16-19
The Effects of Improvised Materials on the Study of Science in Basic Schools in Aowin Municipality – Ghana PDF
Valentina Osei-Himah, Joseph Parker, Isaac Asare 20-23
Income Smoothening in Financial Reporting and Theory of Financial Accountability in Nigeria PDF
Alice Anese Shiyanbola, Sunday Adebayo Alayemi, Chituru Nkechinyere Alu 24-30
Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria: A Dangerous Threat to Human Existence and Business Activities PDF
Ukwayi, J. K., Okpa, J. T., Dike, E. 31-37
Non-profit Organizations in Saudi Arabia: Reforming to Achieve the Kingdom Vision-2030 Goals PDF
Hamza Ahmed Mohamed 38-44
Deepening the Public Service Organizational Culture in Human Resource Procurement in Nigeria: Politics-Administration Dichotomy Revisited PDF
Mustapha, Adesoye Isiaka, Adetunji, Olu Emmanuel 45-55
Real Time, Apparent Time and Age Grading PDF
Noora Abu Ain 56-60
The Lost Dignity: The Reading of Alex La Guma’s A Walk in the Night PDF
Jonathan Essuman, Nathaniel Glover-Meni 61-70
Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees Behaviour among Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Delta State PDF
Clever Omovigho Igberaharha 71-77
Enhancing Skimming strategy on ESP College students’ Performance in Improving Reading Comprehension PDF
Edhah Numan Khazaal 78-94
Relationship between Age and locus of control orientation among HIV positive women in Thika sub-county, Kenya PDF
Jacinta Nduta King’ori, Lydia Nduku Mutua 95-100
Attitude of Millennial Generation towards the Usage of Social Media Devices in Nigerian Universities PDF
Ugwu, Chinelo Joy Ugwu, Anekwe, Josephine Uzoamaka 101-112

Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 8, No 9 (2018)


Vol 8, No 10 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Group Conformity on Academic Counseling Among Students: A Comparative Study of Boys and Girls in Public Secondary Schools in Tharaka- Nithi County, Kenya PDF
Elosy Nyambura Riungu, Veronica Karimi Nyaga 1-5
Livability Impact on Satisfaction: A Case Study of Public Housing in Montserrado County, Liberia PDF
Edward Boima Jones 6-14
Family System Theory as a Counselling Strategy for Improving Marital Satisfaction Among Ghanaian Couples: Implications for Counselling PDF
Dabone, Kyeremeh Tawiah, Essuman, Joseph Kwesi, Nyarko-Sampson, Eric 15-22
Education for National Development: A Study of Experience of Tiv Women of Benue State: 1900-2006 PDF
Elizabeth YECHO Ihugh 23-29
Stress and Rhythm in the Educated Nigerian Accent of English PDF
Nkereke M. Essien 30-42
Impact of Motivation, Religiosity and Intrapersonal Conflict on Consistency in Religious Brotherhood Vocation in Africa PDF
Vitus Osuji 43-58
Policy Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability of Supply Chain Practices on the Performance of Total Exploration and Productivity Nigeria LTD PDF
Mutiullah Olasupo, Chukwuma Okafor, Anthony Igbokwe 59-67
JAPFA4Kids Revisited: Do Good Would Bring Benefits PDF
Retno Artsanti, Soemarno ., Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Moch. Sasmito Djati 68-71
The Significance of Working Among Women Workers in Contracted Home Industry of Factory PDF
Liliek Soetjiatie 72-82
News Commercialization: Implications for Nigeria’s Development PDF
Ben U. Nwanne 83-89
Parental Poverty as a Determinant of Children Street Hawking in Warri Metropolis of Delta State, Nigeria PDF
Akpotor, Julie 90-98
Subjugating Cultural Underpinnings of the Perceptions and Effects of Victims of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the Kandiga Community of Northern Ghana PDF
Bangase Immaculate Kapuri, Lucy Effeh Attom 99-109
The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Preference for Musical Genres Among Students of Redeemer’s University, Ede. PDF
ThankGod, U. Ocheho, Lanre, F. Babalola 110-116
The Poverty of Imprisonment as a Correctional Measure in Nigeria PDF
Jacob Iorhen Yecho 117-125
The Morality of the Aristotlean Virtue Ethics to the Contemporary Nigerian Man: A Philosophical Reflection PDF
Onuoha Jude Adindu 126-131
Obstacles to Women Representation and Participation in Local Governance: A Case Study of Sissala East District of Ghana PDF
Shani Osman, Bukari B. Abdulai 132-140
“A Corridor of Corruption”: Perception of Kidnappers, Victims of Kidnapping and Their Relations on the Administration of Criminal Justice in Selected States of Nigeria PDF
Emmanuel Imuetinyan Obarisiagbon, Adeyinka A. Aderinto 141-147


Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484