Vol 10, No.4 and No.5 (2018) Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

Vol 10, No 4 (2018)


Vol 10, No 5 (2018)

Vol 9, No 4 (2018) Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Vol 63 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Design and Construction of a Broadloom Capable of Weaving Compound Weaves PDF
Isaac Kofi Awuyah, Robert Ahiabor, Bennet Nyante 1-13
The Role of American Posters in Supporting the Economy During World War II PDF
Mahmoud Mourad Abd Ellatif, Wael A. Sabour, Ahmed Husain Ibrahim Waseif, Rana Abd ElGhany Elmoalem 14-25
Product Fitness Design Based on Head and Facial Anthropometry Knowledge Management Systems PDF
Wenkui JIN, Renke HE, Haining WANG 26-30
Asril ., M. Arif Anas, Jonni ., Nurkholis . 31-40
Creative Responses of Cirebon Batik Craftsmen towards Free Market Competition PDF
Agus Nursalim, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Triyanto ., Sri Iswidayati 41-48

Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

Vol.63 and Vol.64 (2018) Journal of Arts and Design Studies

Vol 63 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Design and Construction of a Broadloom Capable of Weaving Compound Weaves PDF
Isaac Kofi Awuyah, Robert Ahiabor, Bennet Nyante 1-13
The Role of American Posters in Supporting the Economy During World War II PDF
Mahmoud Mourad Abd Ellatif, Wael A. Sabour, Ahmed Husain Ibrahim Waseif, Rana Abd ElGhany Elmoalem 14-25
Product Fitness Design Based on Head and Facial Anthropometry Knowledge Management Systems PDF
Wenkui JIN, Renke HE, Haining WANG 26-30
Asril ., M. Arif Anas, Jonni ., Nurkholis . 31-40
Creative Responses of Cirebon Batik Craftsmen towards Free Market Competition PDF
Agus Nursalim, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Triyanto ., Sri Iswidayati 41-48

Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603



Vol 64 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
On Architecture for Justice: A Translog Analysis of Capital Construction and Spatial Expansion as Panacea for Facility Crowding in Nigeria and New York PDF
C. Chuba Jon-Nwakalo 1-23
BATIK SUDAMALA Artistic Creation of Batik with Story of Sudamala Carved in the Relief of Sukuh Temple of Karanganyar Regency of Java Island of Indonesia PDF
Dharsono . 24-34
Hanacara Project: Javanese Alphabet as a Visual Element on Interior Design PDF
Taufik Murtono 35-38
Developing Creativity among Design Students at Jadara University, Jordan PDF
Fadwa Barakat 39-46
Andar Indra Sastra, Ediwar ., Hajizar ., Jufri . 47-56


Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

UNILORIN cut off mark 2018

Are you planning to become a student of University of Ilorin? Then you should know UNILORIN cut off mark. We provided all latest information in the article below.

When considering candidates, the admission committee takes into account two types of marks: JAMB and O level results.

JAMB cut off mark

In accordance with the general statement for all universities, prospective students must have at least 180 points. UNILORIN followed this rule. If you scored less than 180 points, you will not be able to become a student of this educational institution.

Take into account that this year’s competition is very tense. The high JAMB mark plays a crucial role. With good results you can choose the most popular and prestigious specialties.

It is not recommended to relax if you have 180 points. This level is not enough to enroll in some UNILORIN courses. If you have 220 points, there will be virtually no restrictions in choosing a specialty. However, even this high result is perceived just as a minimal University of Ilorin cut off mark at some faculties.

As you can see, there is a direct relationship between your success at admission and the JAMB score.

O level marks

There are 50 O level marks. Each grade is tied to certain mark:

A – 8 marks;

B – 5 or 4 marks;

C – 2 marks.

Simple logic works here. You need to get as many A marks as possible. And vice versa, a large number of C marks can push your candidacy to the background. Try to get a lot more points than prescribed by the minimum level in order to obtain a place in the university.

UNILORIN courses and their cut off mark

The enrollment process can vary depending on the direction chosen by the student. In fact, you can apply for any courses if you have at least 180 points. But you should understand that the real selection will take place according to the cut off mark of each faculty. Find your course in the detailed list below:

  1. (Aquaculture and Fisheries) – 180

B.Agric – 180

B.Sc. Food Science – 180

B.Sc. Home Economics – 180

  1. Forestry and Wildlife – 180

B.A. Arabic – 180

B.A. English – 180

B.A. French – 180

B.A. History and International Studies – 180

B.A. Linguistics – 180

B.A. Yoruba – 180

B.A. Hausa – 180

B.A. Igbo – 180

B.A. Performing Arts – 180

B.A. Christian Studies – 180

B.A. Islamic Studies – 180

B.A. Comparative Religious Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Social Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Geography Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Social Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Educational Technology – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer Science – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Technology Education – 180

B.Sc.(Ed.) Health Education – 180

B.(Ed.) Primary Education Studies – 180

  1. Ed Adult Education Studies – 180

B.(Ed.) Counsellor Education – 180

B.(Ed.) Educational Management – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education – 180

B.Sc.(Ed.) Human Kinetics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Maths Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Agriculture – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Arabic Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Christian Studies Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) English Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) French Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) History Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Islamic Studies Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Yoruba Education – 180

B.Eng. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering – 180

B.Eng. Computer Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Food Science and Technology – 180

B.Eng. Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering – 180

B.Eng. Civil Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Electrical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Chemical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. (Metallurgical Engineering) – 180

B.Eng. (Biomedical Engineering) – 180

B.Sc. Architecture – 180

B.Sc. Estate Management – 180

B.Sc. Quantity – 180

B.Sc. Surveying and Geo-informatics – 180

B.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning – 180

DVM – 190

LL.B. Common Law – 240

LL.B. Common & Islamic Law – 220

B.Sc. Anatomy – 200

B.Sc. Physiology – 200

MB;BS – 235

  1. Nursing Science – 210

B.Sc. Computer Science – 200

B.Sc. Mass Communication – 220

B.Sc. Information and Communication Science – 180

B.Sc. Library and Information Science – 180

B.Sc. Telecommunication Science – 180

Doctor of Optometry – 190

B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry – 200

B.Sc. Microbiology – 200

B.Sc. Plant Biology – 180

B.Sc. Zoology – 180

B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry – 180

B.Sc. (Applied Geophysics) – 180

B.Sc. Chemistry – 180

B.Sc. Physics – 180

B.Sc. Geology & Mineral Science – 180

B.Sc. Mathematics – 180

B.Sc. Statistics – 180

B.Sc. Finance – 200

B.Sc. Marketing – 180

B.Sc. Industrial Relations & Personnel Management – 180

B.Sc. Public Administration – 180

B.Sc. Accounting – 200

B.Sc. Business Administration – 200

B.Sc. Psychology – 180

B.Sc. Social Work – 180

B.Sc. Criminology and Security Studies – 190

B.Sc. Economics – 210

B.Sc. Geography & Environmental Management – 180

B.Sc. Political Science – 200

B.Sc. Sociology Surveying – 180

Now you know the cut off mark for UNILORIN. We hope that your knowledge will be enough to start a bright, interesting and fruitful student life in one of the best universities in Nigeria. Good luck!

Source: Naija.ng

Write the best resume with these five tips

Be careful at how you format your resume

It doesn’t matter how well written it’s your resume; chances are it won’t be picked up from the very start to be read. As an unwritten rule, the resume is scanned for about 25 seconds. And the whole scanning process can get more difficult if it’s not organized, appropriately formatted. It shouldn’t exceed two pages. So to be sure that you chose the right format, use wide margins, a clean type and clear headings. Use the bold and italic format to show the reader the most important things from your resume and don’t forget about bullets (you need to tell the reader about your accomplishments, right?)

Talk about your accomplishments, don’t describe a job

To hire managers, it’s not an easy job, especially if we’re talking about fields such as engineering – they need to be able to solve a problem quickly. To make them hire you, you need to tell them about your achievements, how you solve similar problems from other companies and how you manage stressful situations. Resume Writing Service Toronto is here to help in case you find this overwhelming.

To do this, you should mainly focus on what you did on the job and not just describe your job post. You can include two lines of your job description (try to avoid general description, however), but that’s it – it’s time to talk about your achievements. For every one of it ask yourself what’s the benefit of this thing.

Number your accomplishments

If you’re asking yourself what’s the most common resume mistake, the answer would be that there are too many general claims or too many industry jargons and these usually do not market the candidate. Your resume should sell your skills not just show them on a piece of paper. To do this, talk about the achievements that show your marketability. If your marketability makes its presence felt, you’re giving the reader a good idea about you. Ask yourself what would’ve happened if you had not done that one thing that changed it all.

Write a career summary instead of a detailed objective

By writing a career summary, you give a brief explanation of who you are and what’s your occupation. Everyone makes an aim that sounds like “I’m looking for challenge” or “I want this position because I can use my skills.” Keep in mind that you have about 25 seconds of making a good first impression, so don’t blow it. Make your summary interesting and original – make them understand why you’re a solution to their problems.

Make your resume for your industry

The engineering field is different. You don’t have to advertise and design that much for this, as employers won’t be impressed. Just be yourself and show that on the resume. Make it without errors, make sure it’s grammatically correct and clean. Even the type of paper can make an impression.


Read books on paper or on a digital device?

There is always a debate between lovers of digital devices and the romantics of print is getting hotter. Which format do you prefer? Which one is healthier? The advantage of printed books lies in the convenience of reading, as opposed to the discomfort of reading an extensive document on the computer screen. But with the emergence of mobile devices, such as tablets and cell phones with a medium screen, readers have found more than a new means of reading, a better option to better consume the different types of texts.

The new developments of mobile devices have focused much effort on the filters provided by the screen to have a more optimal reading.

Manufacturers know that tablets and cell phones are the most common means of reading today, and that is why they make their screens do not tire the eyes, much less affect them. But the printed books are not condemned, yet, to the disappearance. Printed books have evolved to become a collection material. By design, appearance, and even smell, the books maintain good demand among the English people.

Let’s see the advantages of each, in terms of its readability:

Why read printed books?

– The number of pages that can be read in a session is greater. Of course, this depends on each reader, but on average the number of pages is greater.

– The complete reading can be completed faster in the printed version than in the digital version.

– The eyes do not get tired so much, in each reading session in print, compared to the texts displayed on digital devices.

– Going from one page to another (if you want to read something, for example) is easier in a printed book.

– Although it is a more symbolic reason: there is nothing better than the texture and smell that a good book offers.

Why read digital books?

– The biggest advantage is that you can condition the text size according to the needs of each reader.

– The wallpaper can also be adjusted to make reading more comfortable. (This is impossible in print).

– Light is not necessary, neither natural nor artificial, to be able to read. Thanks to the light that the device itself can provide.

– The fact of being able to have hundreds of books in a single device is one of the main advantages of digital readings.

– With digital texts on devices you do not have to worry about the weather conditions. With the printed, the sheets can get wet, break or dirty, as the case may be.
Both types of books have the advantage of each and every person can choose one of them or both. If you have financial limitations to buy, fast loans can be your best solution. You can click here to get more information. Hopefully this article can add to your knowledge. Good luck!

The significance of Professional Grant Writing Services

The prime motive of most of the faculty members and researchers nowadays is to get external research funding. There is a great competition in the research field due to which you have to take some time and think carefully before writing your grant application or funding proposal. Now, if you are a faculty person or a research assistant whose most of the time goes to work, then you might not be able to put much effort and time into your funding proposal. However, you shouldn’t let your chances go away but rather, hire the Professional Grant writer services for preparing your manuscript or grant application.

Save your time and hire a professional

Relieve yourselves and get professional writers who excel in writing grant application in respective research areas. In this way, you can ensure that you are sending out the best-quality research. There will not be any issue regarding the grammatical errors or formatting of the manuscript because a professional writer will be looking after these issues. A professional company knows very well how much your research matters to you and keeping that in mind, the non-disclosure agreement will be signed by the company that ensures the safety of your research.

Grant Writing Services

With a professional grant writing company, you will be able to avail yourself of a wide range of grant application services that include

  • Complete review and proof-reading of a grant application given scientific standards and ensuring clarity and logic
  • Performing basic editing in the grant application and rectifying any errors, if found.
  • Preparing full- fledge grant applications

Various organizations require a specific type of funding applications. So, if you are writing your funding applications to submit to such organizations, then you can hire the professional grant writers who have an expertise in writing applications for these institutions. Such common institutes and organizations include

  • American Diabetes Society, American Cancer Society and other philanthropic and private organizations
  • EAGER – ‘Early concept grants for exploratory research.’
  • Phase I and II of SBIR/STTR proposals
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • RAPID (Rapid Response Research)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH, R21, R03, R01 and U01 award mechanisms).

Preparing a Grant Application Process

Now, when you hire a Professional Grant Writer, what do you expect him to do? And how do you want the grant application to be prepared? Well, first of all, you will have to provide the writer with all data figures and your required outline. These are the preliminary requirements which will be followed by the writer, and in case of any suggestion or query, the writer will communicate with the client, either in person or online, as feasible. The writer will keep the client updated about the specific methods and strategies that he might be implemented in the application and will tell the client about his focus area, and background referred material. Now, a short abstract or specific aims page will be provided to the client which, if approved, will begin the application preparation. The grant application will be completed and proof-read. In case of any revision or editing, the writer will perform that and send the final version to the client.

How to Find a Family and Mom Friendly Employer?

Not every job is a great fit for a mom who has one or more children at different ages. One child may need to be dropped off at kindergarten, another to high school and a third kid who prefers to walk to school nearby as they’re a teenager now. While employers are looking for the most suitable person to fit a position and to some extent be devoted to that employer, for working moms, their first priority is always their children. Finding an employer who understands that reality is not always easy.

Let’s look at how a mom can find better employers willing to be understanding.

Letting a Recruitment Agency Help You

It’s always a good idea to see what a recruitment agency can do for you. Get signed up as soon as possible and describe the type of position that you’re looking for. Tell your needs to your recruitment agency. At the end of the day they want you to be happy in your new position. The agency wants each placement to be satisfied and to stay in the position. This way the agency, the new employer and you will all be very happy with the outcome.

With some agencies, they often will place people in positions even if they’re not ideal for them because they hope they are adaptable to the situation. You should decide for yourself ahead of time what your true priorities are and the things that are non-negotiable. If you have to leave work to collect your kids from school in the afternoon, then you’ll need to state that as a requirement. Good employers are often only too willing to adjust their plans for a job when they like you, want you to join their team and can see the need to tweak the employment contract to accommodate a request.

Tap Your Mommy Network

You probably know plenty of moms who are long-terms friends. Either you met at school or college and have stayed in touch or they’re people you first met at work. Alternatively, there are many moms who bring their young kids to school or drop them off at kindergarten. These are all women who are good to talk to and get to know. Many have a job just like you and will happily talk with you about whether their employer is friendlier or unhelpful to the reality of being a busy mom. You’re sure to find a few moms who talk well of their employer and the flexibility they’re granted because they have kids.

Children-related Event Sponsors

There are some events focused on children in the local community. These events will often have one or more corporate sponsors that put money towards paying for the cost of putting on the event that day. Usually they’ll have at least one employee on-hand at the event representing the company. While they may or may not be able to talk at length about the benefits and flexible options for parents who work for the company — such as childcare facilities on the work premises – they can usually put you in touch with the right people at the company. This gets you an initial point of contact and from there you can discuss what jobs they may have available now or in the future.

Make a List of Family-Friendly Local Employers

It’s never a bad idea to make a list of the companies that you know are friendlier to working moms. Forgetting the names of these businesses when looking for another job is easy to do. Therefore, it’s a good idea to jot them down on a pad of paper or a spreadsheet including contact details, their website, and notes about the benefits they offer parents to encourage them to work there. You never know when this kind of information will prove useful later. Any casual conversation with another mom (or dad) can illicit a new snippet about their employer’s benefit scheme or other attractive aspect to their employment contracts that’s worth noting down.

Final Thought

Finding an employer that’s friendlier to families and working mothers isn’t always that easy. For some, their pursuit of profit and service of their customers is what they care about. However, the good news is that there are plenty of mom friendly employers out there when taking the time to seek them out.

Vol 9, No.5 and No.6 (2018) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 9, No 5 (2018)


Vol 9, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Government Expenditures and Tax on Investment and Economic Growth in Indonesia PDF
Amran Husen, Muammil Sun’an 1-6
An Analysis of Financial Leasing in Albania PDF
Fatjola Lubonja, Sllavka Kurti 7-12
Macroeconomic Determinants of Inflation: Evidence from the Republic of Guinea PDF
Antoine LOUA, Yang WAN RONG, Siba Kolin KOIVOGUI, Muhammad WASIF ZAFAR 13-21
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Return on Assets of Multinational Companies in Nigeria PDF
Analytical Review of the Effect of Corporate Social Reporting Disclosures on Performance of Firms in the Financial Sector in Nigeria PDF
Onyekwelu, Uche Lucy, ENEH, George N.O., OKONKWO, Elizabeth, Uzoamaka 31-38
Accounting System as A Tool for Effective Management of Finance of Local Governments in Benue State PDF
Saasongu Ezekiel Nongo 39-43
Determinants of Corporate Financial Disclosures: An Empirical Analysis of Family and Non-Family Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises PDF
Andrea Quintiliani 44-52
Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance: A Comparative Study on Select Banks in Sultanate of Oman PDF
Shouvik Sanyal, Mohammed Wamique Hisam 53-58
Income Tax Compliance Behaviour in Kenya: An Application of Structural Equation Modelling PDF
Farida Abdul, David Wang’ombe 59-67
Measuring the Financial Stability: A Focus on the Banking Sector of Bangladesh PDF
Niluthpaul Sarker, Shamsun Nahar 68-76
Measuring Market Valuation of Amman Stock Exchange Industrial Sectors: Tobin’s Q Ratio as Investors’ Market Performance Indicator PDF
Sami E. Alajlani, Ofelia T. Posecion 77-84
Payroll Fraud and Profit Performance: An Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Nigeria PDF
Wale Henry Agbaje, Olusola Esther Igbekoyi 85-93
Portability of Multiple Discriminant Analysis Prediction Model of Listed Firms: An Emerging Market Perspective PDF
Prince Gyimah, Williams Kwasi Boachie 94-99
Solvency, Debt and Operating Performance (Case Study on 23 Districts/Cities in Aceh Province, Indonesia in 2014-2015) PDF
Jalaluddin ., Juanda ., Fitrawati . 100-105
The Impact of Accounting Disclosure on the Efficiency of Investment Decisions in Sudanese Banks (2007 to 2017) PDF
Sana Ali Awad 106-114
The Impact of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Stock Returns in the Jordanian Amman Stock Exchange Case PDF
Tawfiq Taleb Tawfiq, Asem Tahtamouni 115-128
Towards a Proactive Role of Internal Auditors in Anti-Money Laundry Compliance Review: An Egyptian Perspective PDF
Sara H. Sabry 129-138
The Moderating Effect of the Listing Sector on the Relationship Between Capital Structure and Financial Distress of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Kenya PDF
Robert Gitau Muigai, Agnes Ndinda Mutiso 139-146
Effect of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on Information Delivery and Quality in Nigeria PDF
Gideon Tayo Akinleye, Abiola Peter Alaran-Ajewole 147-163
Relationship between Frequency of Board Meetings and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya PDF
Mercelina Praxides Adhiambo, Josephat, Lishenga Lisiolo 164-171


Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 8, No.5 and No.6 (2018) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 8, No 5 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Insecurity Challenges in Nigeria: Human Security Option as a Panacea PDF
KALU, Emenike Okorie, AJUZIE, Henry Dozie, CHUKWU, Christian Chima 1-9
The Relationship Between Parental Education and Children’s Academic Performance: The Case of Genda Tesfa Primary School, Dire Dawa PDF
Abeya Degefe Terfassa 10-16
Matching/Mismatching of Teaching and Learning Styles; and Its Effect on Students’ Academic Achievement at Tertiary Level PDF
Javed Khan 17-25
Localization of TVET in Developing Countries PDF
Prem Prasad Sigdel 26-36

Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 8, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Perspectives on the Development of Border Regions in Indonesia PDF
Budi Gunawan, Barito Mulyo Ratmono 1-6
Perceptions and Attitudes of Saudi Arabian Female Students’ Metacognition for Higher Education PDF
Amani Saleh Al-Yousef 7-26
An Empirical Analysis of Electricity Generation, Electricity Loss, Exchange Rate Fluctuation and Industrial Sector Productivity in Nigeria (1990-2015) PDF
Aderoju Bolanle Rahmon 27-36
An Ethnographic Study of Audience Viewing of the Telenovela- Kumkum Bhagya at Selected Sites in Ghana PDF
Elizabeth Owusu Asiamah, Andy Ofori-Birikorang 37-44
Washback Impact on Teachers’ Instruction Resulting from Students’ Apathy PDF
Asifa Abbas, Sahiba Sarwar Thaheem 45-54
Themes and Research Perspectives in the Study of Nigeria’s Political Parties and Party System PDF
Festus O. Imuetinyan, Joseph O. Aihie 55-65
Condom Use and Culture of Life: The Roman Catholic Church Dilemma in the Wake of New HIV Infections PDF
Telesia K. Musili, Margaret Gecaga, Josephine Gitome 66-72
Legal Protection on Indigenous Peoples in the Utilization of Coastal Area and Small Islands PDF
A. Suriyaman Mustari Pid, Aminuddin Salle, Oky Deviany Burhamzah 73-82
Pastoral Economy and Social Conflicts: The Emergent Security Challenges in Contemporary Nigeria PDF
Jacob Iorhen Yecho 83-89
A Literature Review-Bird Eye View of Decision Making Concepts PDF
Rima Bin Saeed 90-95
Disciplinary Problems and Modes of Punishment used against Transgressions of upper Primary Learners in Schools for the Hearing Impaired in Vihiga County, Kenya. PDF
Andrew K. Makachia, Paul Oburu, John A. Agak 96-107
The Negative Impact of Corruption on Development in Nigeria PDF


Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484