Vol 9, No.7, No.8 and No.9 (2018) International Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 9, No 7 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Practices and Challenges of Distributed Leadership in Secondary Schools of Aksum Town, Tigray, Ethiopia PDF
Shimelis Mesfin 1-7
Exploring Experiences of First Year Students at Ambo University: Implication for Success PDF
Fekede Tuli 8-14
The Instructional Decisions of Teachers in Inclusive Education: From a Curriculum Stand point PDF
Visual Education: A Curriculum Model for Learners’ Socio-Cognitive Skill Development in Nursery Schools PDF
Differences in Metacognition and Mathematical Communication Ability Between Students Taught Using Problem Based Learning Model and Numbered Head Together Cooperative Learning Model at SMP Kartika I-2 Medan PDF
Ariza Furaiza, Edi Syahputra, Waminton Rajagukguk 30-37
Influence of Teacher Pedagogical Practices on Gender in Nairobi Informal Settlements and Kilifi County Schools, Kenya PDF
Charity Mukiri Limboro 38-46
Exploring the Effects of Social Media on the Reading Culture of Students in Tamale Technical University PDF
Dukper Bawa Kojo, Baffour Ohene Agyekum, Beatrice Arthur 47-56
Factors Associated with the Academic Performance of International Students in Northeast Normal University PDF
Xue Han, Saagyum Philip Dare 57-60
The Effects of Teacher’s Corrective Feedback on Kurdish EFL Undergraduate Students’ Redraft Essays PDF
Farhad Majeed Hama, Daiman Abdulrahman Ismael 61-68
Review of Reading Understanding in the Ability of Writing in Class IX Junior High School Jambi Medan PDF
Sarminta ., Rosidah Surbakti, Hernawaty . 69-73
Revitalization of Teacher Character Through Pedagogical Content Knowledge PDF
Yenny Anwar 74-79
E-Learning Lectures Implementation Analysis for Vertebrata Courses PDF
Baiq Hana Susanti 80-88
Developing Learning Materials Based on Problem-Based Learning to Improving Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Regulated Learning at MAN Hutagodang Labuhanbatu Selatan PDF
Aswan Efendi, E. Elvis Napitupulu, Bornok Sinaga 89-99
Learning through Self-reflection: Critical Approach to Self-efficacy and Teacher Identities Development PDF
Muhammad Azim 100-107
Enrolment or a Job? The Dilemma of Economic Crisis Among Young People: “A Case study of First Year Students in Higher Education Institutions and New Employees in the Labor Market in Cyprus, before and after the Financial Crisis” PDF
Avgousti Charalambos 108-118
Mathematics and Science Student Teachers’ Self-Reported Pedagogies: A Case of Copperbelt University PDF
Asiana Banda, Leonard Nkhata, David Chituta, Beauty Choobe, Jack Jumbe 119-126
Opinions of Primary School Teachers Towards Inclusive Education in Central Kenya PDF
Chomba M. Wa Munyi 127-131
Values Driving Internationalization of Higher Education and Its Influence on International Student Mobility in Two Distinct Contexts Zhejiang Normal University in China and Jimma University in Ethiopia PDF
Ewnetu H. Tamene, LOU Shizhou 132-143
Strategies for Enhancing Access and Retention of Learners with Visual Impairments in Regular Universal Primary Education (UPE) Schools in South Western Uganda PDF
Odette Tumwesigye Niyisabwa, Chomba Wa Munyi, Jessina M. Muthee 144-156
Analysis of the Adaptations Required for Access and Retention of Learners with Visual Impairments in Regular Universal Primary Education (UPE) Schools PDF
Odette Tumwesigye Niyisabwa, Chomba Wa Munyi, Jessina M. Muthee 157-164
Assessment of Teachers’ Preparedness to Teach Learners with Visual Impairments in Regular Universal Primary Education (UPE) Schools PDF
Odette Tumwesigye Niyisabwa, Chomba Wa Munyi, Jessina M. Muthee 165-174
Public Education on the Relationship of the Scarcity of Adequate Housing in Squatter Settlements to the Economic and Health Status of Squatters PDF
Eze, S.G.N., Chijioke, E.O. 175-181

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 8 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Diversity Awareness: How Pre-service Teachers Notions of Diversity Were Effected After Attending a Multi-cultural Conference PDF
Sarah Edwards Moore 1-6
Enhancing the Comprehension of Basic Science Through Visual – Analogy PDF
Agboola, Omowunmi Sola 7-15
Analysis of Disbursement and Management of the Capitation Grant to Primary Schools in Morogoro Region, Tanzania PDF
Omari Mzee, Gabriel K. Nzalayaimisi, Damian M. Gabagambi 16-24
Effect of Computer Animation via Movies on Biology Academic Achievement Among Students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts/ UNRWA PDF
Amal Shaker Awad, Samar Mohamad kasaji 25-36
Pedagogy of Christian Religious Education in Nigerian Schools PDF
Daniel Ude Asue, Didacus Kajo 37-49
Integrating 21st Century Skills into Language Teaching Curricula PDF
Karim Karmi 50-53
Assessing Issues in Achieving the Goals of Teacher Education in State Owned Tertiary Institutions in Edo, Delta and Bayelsa States, Nigeria PDF
Clever Omovigho Igberaharha 54-61
Factors, Shaping Fields and Typology of Organizational Culture of School on Tehran City PDF
Mahnaz Taslimi, Maghsoud Farastkhah, Narges Hassanmoradi 62-72
Analyzing Productive Families’ Business Over Social Media Using External Factors of SWOT Analysis: Case of Saudi Families PDF
Israr Abd Al-karim El-sharif, Majed Albraithen 73-81
Investigating Willingness to Communicate: The Case of EFL Learners at Tlemcen University, Algeria PDF
Anissa Khaldi 82-84
The Role of the Members of the Teaching Staff in the Development of Digital Citizenship for Students of the Faculty of Education at King Saud University from the Point of View of the Students of the Doctoral Program PDF
Mona Mohammed Baqader 85-93
Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Instructional Supervisory Competences of Educational Quality Assurance and Standards Officers PDF
Solomon Gitonga Mwaniki, Florence M. Itegi, Felicita W. Njuguna 94-103
Improving Basic Schools through Continuous Professional Development: The Case of Amia-Ba Circuit of Ajumako Enyan Essiam District PDF
Dandy George Dampson, Harriet Antor, Peter Eshun 104-112
Independent Vocabulary Learning Features and Strategies of Indonesian EFL Learners PDF
Langgeng Budianto 113-117
Learn Your Learner; Assess Later: Addressing Individual Learner Differences in a Writing Class PDF
Mohd. Moniruzzaman Akhand 118-126
Mechanical Ventilation: Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Selected Patients’ Outcomes at a University Hospital in Cairo PDF
Mohamed Mamdouh Al-Banna, Warda Youssef Mohamed Morsy, Hanaa Ali El-Feky, Ashraf Hussein Abdelmohsen 127-135
The Effect of Peer Learning vs. Traditional Learning on Knowledge and Clinical Performance of Critical Care Nursing Students PDF
Intessar Mohamed Ahmad, Hala Eid Mohamed 136-143
The Contribution of Previous Educational Studies on the Process of Teaching Science Curriculum in Secondary Schools in Jordan PDF
Yusuf M. Abu Alloush 144-148
The Correlation Between Student-Teacher Rapport, Student Academic Achievement and Post-Graduation Plan PDF
Mazlina binti Mohamed, Rosilah binti Wok, Zulaida binti Mohamed 149-156
The Effect of Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Self-Regulated Learning, Mathematical Disposition, and Logical Thinking Ability Towards the Problem Solving Ability of Geometry in State Junior High School Students in Bandar Lampung City PDF
Joko Sutrisno AB, Gaguk Margono, Wardani Rahayu 157-161

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 9 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Implementation of Peer Tutoring as a Strategy to Promote the Development of Basic Mathematical Skills in University Students PDF
José Alfredo Carazo Luna, Irma Salina Pérez, Virginia Berrón Lara, José Anibal Arias Aguilar 1-5
Attitude of Public Primary School Pupils to Inclusive Education Practice in Umuahia Town PDF
Victoria Iroegbu 6-13
Analysis of the Supply and Demand Side of Postgraduate Education and Construction of the Regulation Mechanism Model from the Perspective of Supply-side Reform PDF
Lu Li 14-20
Differences in Mathematical Connection and Conceptual Understanding Ability Between Students Taught by Using Problem-Based Learning and Direct Learning Model in SMP Negeri 1 Bilah Barat PDF
Densa Ritonga, Bornok Sinaga, Pargaulan Siagian 21-27
Lecturers of Fine-Arts’ Digital Technology Utilization in Tertiary Institutions of North-Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria PDF
Olatayo Olanrewaju, Michael Odewumi 28-34
Understanding Career Choice Dilemma in Kenya: Issues of Informed Choices and Course Availability PDF
Anne Mberia, Ronnie Midigo 35-40
A Comparative Study on Minority High School Teachers Incentive Measures between China and Ghana PDF
Ernestina Sossah-Leo, Zhang Li Jun 41-48
Teachers Perceptions and Demographics on Technology Integration in Ibadan Metropolis Secondary Schools PDF
Abayomi A. Adedokun 49-61
An Investigation of Classroom Management Challenges Faced by English Language Teachers at Primary Schools of Iraqi Kurdistan Region PDF
Farhad Muhammad Rajab, Chiayee Khorsheed Faqe 62-65
Burn -Out as a Psychological Effect of Widowhood in Meru County, Kenya: Comparative Study of Widows and Widowers PDF
Beatrice M. Mburugu 66-71
The Development of Learning Devices Based on Discovery Learning to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Students Class V at SD Negeri 060827 Medan Amplas PDF
Juli Asmida Rambe, Bornok Sinaga, Yusnadi . 72-79
The Effect of Using Storytelling on Developing Saudi EFL University Students’ Reading Comprehension PDF
Issam Mostafa Ta’amneh 80-87
The Role of School Manager in Encouraging the Teachers to Apply Self-Education Process Among Students in Jordanian Schools PDF
Mustafa M. H. Kanaan 88-94
Degree of Applying International Standards for Selecting Teachers of Talented Students in the State of Kuwait from Specialists in talent and Educational Supervisors View Point PDF
Yasmin Haddad Sameen Al Fadhle 95-108
An Analysis of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia PDF
Sarah Alhoian 109-114
Conflict in the Somali World & How It Is Resolved Through The Use Of Proverb as an Artistic Discourse Strategy PDF
Adan Mukhtar, Ahmed A. Osman 115-123
Teacher perceptions of the instructional leadership roles of the cluster teacher leader: A case of Masvingo district, Zimbabwe PDF
Jeriphanos Makaye 124-132
Interference of Jamee Language Morphology on the Use of Written Indonesian Language by Students Grade X SMA in Subdistrict of Singkil Aceh Singkil District and its Benefit as Teaching Material for Writing Narration Text PDF
Novira Sabrina, Syahnan Daulay, M. Oky Fardian Gafari 133-144
Deviant Behavior as Among Major Factors Contributing to Poor Performance in Certificate Secondary Education Examination: A Case of Micheweni Secondary School in Zanzibar, Tanzania PDF
Salum Mohammed Ahmed, Othman Mohammed Ahmed, Salum Ally Ayoub 145-155
Co-teaching in Classrooms: Literature review of teachers’ perspective, readiness, and knowledge PDF
Rashed A. Aldabas 156-161
Eko Lesmono, Mara Bangun Harahap, Ajat Sudrajat 162-169


Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X

Vol 8, No 3 (2018) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 8, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Assessing Existing Forest and on Farm Tree Management Practices and Its Livelihood Contribution for Rural Small Holder Communities Found at the Forest-Farm Interface Integrated Landscape Mosaics in Ethiopia PDF
Kefyalew kassa 1-9
Assessing and Quantifying Impacts of Land Use and Climate Changes on Hydrological Processes: Review PDF
Gizachew Kabite 10-18
Structural Interpretation of the E2.0x Reservoir in the KC Field using 3D Seismic and Well Logs: A Case Study from the Eastern Niger Delta PDF
Michael Emenike Egbunike 19-25
Determination of Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters Using Single Well Pumping Test Borehole Data within Boki Local Government Area, Cross River State, South Eastern Nigeria PDF
Okon Ita A., Akaerue Emmanuel I., Felix IreK .P 26-36
Uranium Concentration in Groundwater and Assessment of Radiation Doses Within Naraguta Sheet 168, North Central Nigeria PDF
Abiye Olatunji Solomon, Paul Olusegun Ogunleye, Raymond Ishaya Daspan, Nestor Monday Chagok, Igah Sabastine Otebe 37-43
Geological Characterization of Azara Barite Mineralization, Middle Benue Trough Nigeria PDF
Adedipe O. Aladesanmi, Ayodeji K. Ogundana, Adenike A. Olowookere, Layefa Jenakumo 44-52
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources in Nnewi and Environs of Anambra Basin, Nigeria PDF
Michael Emenike Egbunike, Ephraim Ihenacho Okpoko 53-62
Knowledge and Adaptive Responses of Rice Farmers to Saline-water Intrusion on Swamp Rice-growing Fields in Lower River Region of the Gambia PDF
M’koumfida Bagbohouna, Sidat Yaffa, Jean Miniakpo Sogbedji, Alagie Bah, Yawovi Sena Koglo 63-76
Preliminary Investigation of the Geologic Controls of Graphite Mineralization and Exploration Potential of the Wa-Lawra Belt: Implications for Kambale Graphite Deposit PDF
Emmanuel Daanoba Sunkari, Musah Saeed Zango 77-89
Predicting Coastal Depositional Style: The Role of Accommodation/Sediment Supply and Basin Morphology within a Sequence Stratigraphic System on Selected Wells (Mid Miocene to Pliocene) in Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria PDF
Chiaghanam, O.I., Nwozor, K.K., Chiadikobi, K.C., Egbunike M.E., Nwaokeobia, N.C., Omoboriowo, A.O., Uwajingba, H.C. 90-99
Research on the Reform of Environmental Policy Supply in Anhui under the New Normal of Economic PDF
Chen Jiusong 100-105
Assessing 30 Years Historical Climate Data and Its Implication on Livelihoods in Kapsokwony Division, Mt. Elgon Sub -county, Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Sindani Bon Bonzemo 106-126
Households’ vulnerability to Climate Change: Insights from a farming community in Aguie district of Niger PDF
Abdou Matsalabi Ado, Jin Leshan, Patrice Savadogo, Siba Kollin Koivogui, John Chrisostom Pesha 127-137
Design/Modification of a Virtual Instrument System for Electrical Resistivity Imaging in Environmental Pollution Studies: A Case Study of Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria PDF
Okoh, Henry, Emagbetere, J. U, Igherighe, Edwin 138-142


Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948

Vol 8, No.5 and No.6 (2018) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 8, No 5 (2018)



Vol 8, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Awareness and Utilization of Birth Control Measures as a Means of Increasing Production Output Among Rural Women in Fishing Communities of Lagos State, Nigeria PDF
Akinsola, O. O., Badaru, R. A., Omoare, A. M. 1-11
Blood Biochemical Differences That Influenced PMT in Puskesmas Mandala Medan PDF
Ginta Siahaan, Ida Nurhayati, Yusnita . 12-18
Constraints to Increased Demand for African Breadfruit (Treculia africana) in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria PDF
Effects of Egg Yolks from Different Avian Species on Boar Sperm Motility and Livability PDF
Adeusi Adebolu Sunday, Ogunlade Jacob Taiwo, Alaba Olufemi, Adewumi Abel Adeyemi 24-28
Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with Raw Groundnut Seeds Sold at Four major markets in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State PDF
Tobin-West, M. D., Dimkpa, S. O. N., Osakwe, J. A. 29-35
Assessment of Relationship Between Body Weight and Biometric Traits Using Path Analysis in Kenyan Domesticated Rabbits PDF
Mutai Festus Kiprono, Kasili Remmy Wekesa, Mamati Edward George, Mwangi John Muturi, Auma Sharon Awuor 36-41
In Vivo Activities of Some Selected Antimicrobial Agents Against Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Chicken Feeds on Broiler Layers PDF
Iheukwumere, Ikechukwu Harmony, Chukwura, Edna Ifeoma, Chude, Charles 42-50
Synergistic Effects of Probiotics and Autogenous Bacterin Against Inositol Negative Motile Salmonella Species PDF
Iheukwumere, Ikechukwu Harmony, Amadi , Elechi Regina, Chude, Charles 51-58
Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Pain in Emergency Departments: A Comparative Study PDF
Khawla S.M. Al-Sharif, Andaleeb M. Abu Kamel 59-67
Amadi G.I., Dimkpa, S.O.N 68-74
Identification of Contaminant Fungi on Pedetan, an Dry Fish Product of Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) PDF
Ni Made Ayu Suardani Singapurwa, Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, I Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, Khamdan Khalimi 75-82


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 10, No.7, No.8 and No.9 (2018) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 10, No 7 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Wellbeing on Students’ Performance in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence PDF
Imrab Shaheen 1-5
Factors Influencing Work Motivation of Development Agents: The Case of Duna Woreda, Southern Nation’s Nationalities and People’s Regional State PDF
Desalegn Abo 6-21
Impact of Project Management Success Factors: A Case of Pakistani Private Sector PDF
Muhammad Imran Majeed 22-37
Analysis Effect of Organizational Leadership Capability, Learning Orientation and Flexibility Strategy on Organization Performance Through Ambidextrous Capability in Private High School in West Kalimantan, Indonesia PDF
Marvello Yang, Yuswar Zainul Basri, Agustinus Sri Wahyudi 38-50
The Relationship Between Job Scope, Job Routinization, Compensation, and Commitment with Employee Turnover Intension: In the Case of Selected Public Service Bureau of Dire Dawa Administration PDF
Mestawet Abebe Alemu 51-57
Organisational Change and Development PDF
Hillary O. Odor 58-66
Organisational Learning and Learning Organisations: A Literature Review PDF
Hillary O. Odor, Peter A. Samuel 67-75
The Influence of Job Role, Job Opportunity, Satisfaction and Stress on Employees Turnover Intention. In Three Government Bureau of Dire Dawa Administration PDF
Senaitt Argaw Wossen 76-82
Overview of Working Capital Management: Effective Measures in Managing Working Capital Components to Entrepreneurs PDF
Patrick Kipronoh, Titus Mweta 83-86

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 8 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Contextualizing the Algorithm of Assessing Students’ Learning Vis-à-vis Teachers’ Adherence to Assessment Protocols PDF
Ofelia T. Posecion, Arnold T. Posecion 1-5
Corporate Philanthropy as Firms’ Survival Strategic Behaviour in South-South Nigeria PDF
CRM Dimensions Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Bangladeshi Banking Industry: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach PDF
Tahmeem Siddiqi, Samira Sahel, Imroz Mahmud 11-22
The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Employee Satisfaction (Study of Gondanglegi Islamic Hospital of Malang) PDF
Didit Jefry Andyanto, Heri Pratikto, I Wayan Jaman AP 23-32
Factors Influencing Women’s Access of Mobile Financial Services: An Empirical Study on Sylhet Region PDF
Tanjina Lubna, Shawn Bhowmik, Syed Ashraf 33-40
Financial Resources, Physical Resources and Performance of Public Health Institutions in Embu County, Kenya PDF
Elias Njagi, Stephen Muathe, Ann Muchemi 41-47
Impact of Capital Adequacy on Profitability Under Basel II Accord: Evidence from Commercial Banks of Bangladesh PDF
Chandan Kumer Datta, Abdullah Al Mahmud 48-58
Impact of Connected Remote Services on Car Servicing Loyalty PDF
Adam-Alexander Manowicz 59-69
Influencing Export Barriers for Internationalization and Relationship Between Export Barriers and Information Systems Strategic Orientation on SMEs’ in Bangladesh: A Study on Ready- Made Garment (RMG) PDF
Shirin Akter 70-81
The Importance of Strategic Management Process in the Performance of Management of Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State Nigeria PDF
Achilike .I. Nicholas, Akuwudike.C. Hilary 82-91
Management Practices Towards the Incorporation of Sustainability in African Universities PDF
Solomon Chukwuemeka Ugbaja 92-107
Nexus Between Personality Factors, Group Norms and Counterproductive Work Behaviour among Employees in Nigerian Universities PDF
Sani Ibrahim Amin, Abdul Syukor Shamsuddin, Mohd Shahril bin Ahmad Razimi 108-122
The Effects of Financial Decisions on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria PDF
Olubunmi Ikeolape OLAIFA 123-128
Role Played by Rickshaw Pullers in Economy Affected by Pricing Strategies: A Study Based on Selected Cities of Bangladesh PDF
Nargis Sultana 129-135
Specialization and Exclusion in Two Sided Markets PDF
Gökçe Kurucu 136-141
The Impact of Learning Organization on the Performance of Organizations and Job Satisfaction of Employees: An Empirical Study on Some Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh PDF
Zahidul Karim, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman 142-151
The Role of Business Strategy in Mediating the Relationship Between Industrial Competition and Performances: A Study in the Higher Education Industry in Timor-Leste PDF
Estanislau de Sousa Saldanha, I KetutRahyuda, Ni NyomanKertiYas, I PutuGdeSukaatmadja 152-172
Effects of Management Practices on Performance of Law Firms in Trans-Nzoia County PDF
Robert Kipchumba Tigogo, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha 173-182

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 9 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Assessment of Impact of Financial Statement Fraud on Profit Performance of Manufacturing Firm in Nigeria: A Study of Food and Beverage Firms in Nigeria PDF
Wale Henry Agbaje, Sunday Rufus Oloruntoba 1-16
Empowerment Based on Pesantren by Putting Forward Local Wisdom, Local Potency to Build People to Realize Civil Society PDF
Sriharini ., Moh. Abu Suhud, Suyanto ., Abdul Rahmat 17-22
Competitive Intelligence Practices and Performance of Airlines in Kenya:Case of Air Kenya Express Limited PDF
Mary Muthoni Ndegwa, Stephen Muathe 23-38
Corporate Social Responsibility, Profit After Tax and Return on Asset of Selected Multinational Companies: A Granger Causality Approach PDF
Emotional Intelligence and Performance Among Nursing Professionals in Tertiary Hospitals in Benue State of Nigeria PDF
Saasongu Ezekiel Nongo 48-56
Trust in E-Government in Pakistan: Analyzing the Influencing Factors of Accessibility, Security, and Usefulness PDF
Insar Ali, SUN Qigui, Syed Nadir Ali Shah 57-69
Factors Affecting Public Procurement Performance in Transnzoia County Government PDF
Lilian Masindano, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha, Gregory Namusonge 70-74
Human Capital Acquisition and the Challenges of Developmental State: A Case of the Nigerian Civil Service 2000 – 2015 PDF
Mustapha, Adesoye Isiaka, Osaghae, John Osemwengie 75-84
Taxation Effect on Depreciation: Evidence from the Algerian Tax System PDF
Bouazza Abdelkader, Mostéfaoui Sofiane, Sidameur Zaineb 85-89
The Challenges and the Development of Style in Nigerian Art PDF
Stephen A. Fọlárànmí 90-97
The Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management and Strategy Management on Organizational Performance of UAE Civil Defense PDF
Saif Hassan Ali Alzaabi, Hassan Al-Dhaafri 98-111
Telemarketing and Consumer protection in Nigeria: A Case for the Domestication of the U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act, (TCPA, 1991) PDF
Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Motivation PDF
Sudarsih ., Erica Febianti Nur Puspitasari, Sri Wahyu Lelly Hana Setyanti 127-138
Quality Circle and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of Manufacturing Sector in Rivers State PDF
Employees’ Emotional Hardiness and Intentions to Quit in the Public-Sector Organization in Nigeria PDF
Benibo Meeting George, Justin Mgbechi Odinioha Gabriel, Otaroghene, Peretomode 153-165
Effects of Total Quality Management Practices on Performance of construction Projects in Trans Nzoia County PDF
Magero Pius Dickson Gumo, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha, Gregory Namusonge 166-175
Sustainable purchasing and business performance in manufacturing industries PDF
Chompunoot Duangjan 176-181
Chinese Tourism and its Impact to Thailand Economy PDF
Piyachat Dobbs 182-199
Network Centrality and Public Service Motivation: The Medium of Organizational Commitment PDF
Jia Zhang, Xiaobao Peng, Jiaojiao Liu, Guofang Liu 200-207

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 8, No 3 (2018) Journal of Developing Country Studies

Vol 8, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Smallholder Agricultural Commercialization for Income Growth and Poverty Alleviation: A Review from Ethiopian Context PDF
Debebe Cheber 1-15
Analysis of Nonpoint Source Pollution Loading on Water Quality in an Urban-Rural River Catchment Using GIS-PLOAD Model: Case Study of Sosiani River Watershed PDF
Sum Kipyego, Yashon Ouma 16-31
The Contribution of Agricultural Service Support Programme to Socio-economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Zanzibar, Tanzania PDF
Asha Fakhi, Anna Sikira 32-41
Empirical Study on the Differences in Stakeholder Perceptions on Locations of Filling Stations in Kitwe, Zambia PDF
Thomas Kweku Taylor, Blessings Chansa 42-52
Globalisation, Occupational Disease and Workers’ Abuse in Turkey:A Case Cluster Study Analysis PDF
Cigdem Cimrin, Arif Cimrin 52-58
Impact of Financial Integration on Production Volatility in Developing Countries PDF
Tarek GHAZOUANI, Daghbagi HAMROUNI 59-70
Tianjin Port-Hinterland Connectivity to Mongolia: Challenges and Strategies PDF
Khaliun Nasanjargal, Pascal Kany Prud’ome Gamassa, Yan Chen 71-78
Layout Plans and Its Implications on Land Use in Ifon, Ondo State, Nigeria. PDF
Tpl. Adeniyi J.O, Tpl. Odogiyon A.H 79-90
Exploring Women’s Level of Participation in Grassroots Politics in the Akan Constituency of Ghana PDF
Lucy Effeh Attom, Nana Frimpong Akromah 91-105


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565