Vol 9, No 3 (2018) Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Vol 9, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Index Based Pattern Searching Algorithm Using DNA Sequence PDF
Tania Islam 1-7
Optimized Naïve Bayesian Algorithm for Efficient Performance PDF
Obuandike Georgina N., Audu Isah, John Alhasan 8-13
Swarm‏ Intelligent Agents of E-mail Classification for Contribution of Cyber and Forensic System PDF
Abdulkareeem Merhej Radhi 14-22


Paper submission email: CEIS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2863

Vol 63 (2018) Journal of Arts and Design Studies

Vol 63 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Design and Construction of a Broadloom Capable of Weaving Compound Weaves PDF
Isaac Kofi Awuyah, Robert Ahiabor, Bennet Nyante 1-13
The Role of American Posters in Supporting the Economy During World War II PDF
Mahmoud Mourad Abd Ellatif, Wael A. Sabour, Ahmed Husain Ibrahim Waseif, Rana Abd ElGhany Elmoalem 14-25
Product Fitness Design Based on Head and Facial Anthropometry Knowledge Management Systems PDF
Wenkui JIN, Renke HE, Haining WANG 26-30


Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

5 Excel Functions That Make Students’ Lives Easier

Whether you’re studying statistics or English, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to use a spreadsheet to analyze data at some point. And while Excel is extremely powerful, it’s not always intuitive.

These five functions will help you in a range of situations. Memorize them so you’re ready to use them on any data set you come across, and you’ll save yourself tons of time when you need them!


If you have a spreadsheet that contains a lot of text, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to combine different text fields. It could be first and last names, or names and phone numbers, or any other type of text data. Having that data split up into different columns can be inconvenient, but merging the cells gets rid of the existing organization.

What can you do?

Excel’s CONCATENATE function is perfect for this situation. It takes the text in two or more cells and puts it together in a new cell.

For example, you might have “John” in cell A2 and “Smith” in B2. Instead of merging these cells, you can concatenate them.

In this case, you’d need to click into an open cell, then type the following:


In our example, we’re concatenating three things: the contents of cell A2, a space (between the quotes), and the contents of cell B2. In the end, you’ll get a cell that reads “John Smith.”


Excel has several different lookup functions, but VLOOKUP is likely the most useful. It lets you search for one value in a table, and get back the corresponding value from a different column in the same row.

For example, let’s say you have students, scores, and grades. If you know the student name, you can enter it into the formula and have the equation return the grade. It’s important to note that the data needs to be organized in columns; so students should be in one column, scores in the next, and grades in the next.

Here’s the syntax you need to know:

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)

The lookup value is the known value; in our example, the name of the student. The table array is the area occupied by the table you want to search. If the table in our example were aligned with the top-left corner of our spreadsheet (with headings), it might be something like A2:C50. Finally, col_index_num is the column that contains the value you want returned (learn VLOOKUP more in-depth here)

To look up Jason Jones’ grade, you’d use this formula:

=VLOOKUP(“Jason Jones”, A2:C50, 3)

Excel will look for the text “Jason Jones,” then return the corresponding value from the third column in the table. In this case, it would be his grade.


Logical functions let you tailor the returned values from your formulas. The IF function checks whether a logical statement is true; if it is, Excel can either tell you that it’s true or execute another command.

For example, you could tell Excel to display a value only if another value is above a certain threshold. Let’s look at the syntax before we set up this example:

=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

Here’s an example you might use in grading. Let’s say column 2 of your spreadsheet contains test scores, and you want Excel to tell you if students passed or failed. Here’s how you might do that:

=IF(A2>65, “Pass”, “Fail)

This formula checks cell A2 for a score higher than 65. If the score is indeed higher than 65, Excel will display “Pass.” If it’s not, it will display “Fail.”

You can even chain multiple IFs together, like so:

=IF(A2<65, “Fail”, IF(A2<70, “D”, IF(A2<80, “C”, IF(A2<90, “B”, “A”))))

In this case, Excel checks for a score under 65. If it finds one, it displays “Fail.” If it doesn’t, it checks to see if it finds a score under 70. If it does, it displays “D.” If it doesn’t, it checks to see if the score is under 80. And so on.


With numbered rows, you might think that you’ll never need to use a function that counts values. But COUNT can be great if you have a spreadsheet where some cells are blank.

For example, if you use =COUNT(A1:A100), you’ll get the number of cells that have numbers in them. That could be all 100 cells, or it could only be a subset. If you need to know how many data points are missing, or how many people answered a certain question on a survey, COUNT will do it for you.

COUNTA is a related function, but it doesn’t just count cells with numbers in them; it counts cells that aren’t empty. So running it on the same 100 cells as we did before would give us a different answer if some cells have text or TRUE/FALSE values in them.

It might not seem that useful right now, but it’s a good function to be able to call on when you need it.


The MAX and MIN functions are very similar; the first returns the largest number in the set you’ve selected, and the second returns the smallest.

Just type =MAX([your data]) and you’ll get the largest number in the set. =MIN([your data]) does the opposite.

It’s a great way to find these two numbers more quickly than using Excel’s sort and filter options. You can also leave them in place to see how the maximum and minimum values change after you’ve made edits to your data set.

10 SEO tips to rank better than competitors in the industry

With millions and millions of websites on the internet and about hundreds of similar lines, it gets really difficult for anyone website to garner the traffic towards itself. I’m sure you also are aware of the websites that are selling similar products or services are about in hundreds.

So, what is it that you can do to get more traffic and visibility for your website and rank better than your competitors? I know, you have probably hired the best marketing agency in the market to boost your website and are paying lump sum amounts in order to get better visibility.

SEO is the most popular method by which one can increase the traffic and visibility of a website, thereby, increasing the ranking of the website. We all know that the users’ first search for a product or service over the internet using the search engines and how we utilize the search engines in our favor is all it’s about. About 80% of a website’s traffic begins via the searches that are made by the users and this is why SEO is a really important tool in the field of digital marketing.

Appearing on the first page during the search gives your website better visibility and studies reveal that the users tend to complete the purchase if your website ranks in the top 5 of the first page of the search results page.

Here’s how you can work towards increasing the ranking of your website with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics.


  • Understand the needs of the users

Understanding what your users need and look for in your website is the basic step towards attracting more viewers and users.

Most search engines act as a data bank for the websites. Their content is such that the users are compelled to provide their data and the search engines store them.

Turn your website into a data bank and have content that will attract more viewers and in the process collect more data for you. Having a questionnaire-based survey with the data you have collected will give you the requirements of your users for your website.


  • Apply for an advanced SEO training course

SEO certification and training courses offered by many institutes provide the professionals with the advanced knowledge and training.This will help them increase the visibility of the websites organically.

Market Motive’s Advanced SEO training provides an all-around learning on all Search Engine Optimization concepts. One can use this SEO course to master the process of driving traffic to one’s website organically by learning various important components of digital marketing such as on-page and off-page optimization, keyword research, and SEO analytics The course looks to increase the user experience of a website with its hands-on experience and training that can be used in real time situations.

With this certification one would acquire not only the needed training and be up-to-date with the market trends and the updated algorithms of the search engines, it will provide the exposure and experience that will help the professionals increase the website’s visibility and traffic and will help you rank better and turn your company in to a role model company for many.


  • Work on finding the best keywords

Keywords are the ones that work in favor of a website in the SEO tactics. If you have not found the best keywords pertaining to your website, optimizing it on the search pages will prove to be a mere waste of time.

By now, you’d have understood how the users search on the internet; by typing in the keywords and if you don’t incorporate the right keywords for your product or service, the search engines will not take your website into consideration.

In order to appear on top of the search engine pages, finding the best keywords will do the trick.


  • Long tailed-keywords will do wonders

Users generally tend to type in or more recently say long phrases instead of short words while searching for something online. For instance, if one is looking for a place to eat, say sandwiches, he is bound to type in or say ‘best sandwich place near me’ or ‘ best sandwich place in ……..’ instead of just typing ‘sandwich’.


  • Create content that the users can relate

As they say, ‘content is the king’ in the digital marketing world. But, it is not just any content that will work in your favor.  Content should be such that which can attract users and be related to the website.

For instance, your website is an e-commerce website and your content is more in the form of essays and long articles, then the users will surely lose interest and never return to your website. Check out this full-service SEO agency that can help you create a content strategy.


  • Make full use of your homepage title

The digital marketing industry is divided between two beliefs. One believes that the homepage title should be short and less informative and the other group including me are of the belief that when the homepage title provides more search related info, it works better. For instance, Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more.


  • Work on your homepage meta description

It is always better to provide a description on the homepage regarding what the website is all about. This will help the users to know what they are looking for and will make looking for the particular stuff easy.


  • Giving importance to headings and subheadings

When organizing a webpage, the best practice that will have a better effect on the users is the W3C’s guidelines.

The page should ideally have only one heading and optionally 3-5 sub-headings. Each page should have at least 400+ words.


  • Add emotional quotient to the title tags

Title tags often garner more share than anything else. Adding emotions to it will help in getting a better result than simply having multiple title tags.

For instance, when the title tag is about green tea, and you add words like ‘benefits’, ‘ weight loss’, ‘metabolism’ and such, it tends to work better.


  • Using brackets in the titles

Adding brackets to the post title is a masterstroke to stand out in the crowd of many. It tends to draw the users’ attention towards your website in the SERPs.

Continuing Your Education to Further Your Career

Seeing success in your chosen line of work is not always going to be an easy journey. In order for you to stay relevant in your field, it is important for you to take time to consider how you can get more in-depth information about emerging information or tech in your industry. For many, this means making the decision to go back to school. Returning to an academic setting can have a wonderful impact on your current position in life and even help to increase the odds of your advancement in your chosen line of work.

To get started, you might want to take a moment to look over some basic reasons to think about heading back to an academic environment. The more you research this decision, the easier it is going to be for you to see all of the benefits of advancing your educational career and getting ahead in your chosen line of work.

Learn New Things

Every moment of your life is going to offer you an opportunity to learn and grow. Still, you are not always going to be aware of these opportunities when they first present themselves. In order for you to feel like you are really being put in a position where you can receive new information and process it in original and clever ways, you need to find yourself in the right surroundings. Life offers many opportunities to learn and grow but you can increase those odds when you put yourself in a location where learning is the main focus.

By attending school again, you have the unique chance to get ahead in your field and learn new and cutting-edge techniques. Industries change at a rapid pace these days and it is in your best interests to stay on top of your field in whatever way you can. Everyone can stand to take time to grow. Even those who are famous in the world of finance and business like Sjamsul Nursalim know how important it is to go back to school in order to see extended success with all of their various business endeavors.

Expand Your Circle

While going back to school to become more adept at your line of work can be admirable, there are other key areas to focus on when it comes to getting the most from your journey. The people you meet in an academic institution are going to help you to grow by challenging you in exciting ways. Professors and other instructors will be presenting a ton of varied and fascinating information to you with each and every course you sign up for. Outside of the instructors, you can bet the other students will have an impact on your experience.

Who you know can be a huge asset in the world of business. Should you come in contact with someone who is a leader in his or her field, you might want to connect with this person. Learn inside tips, trade secrets, and all kinds of pointers on how to get yourself ahead. Learning definitely takes place both within the confines of the classroom and on the campus as a whole, where you can speak with students and expand your understanding of various topics in fun and educational ways.

Test Yourself

You might feel like you already know a lot about how your industry works and what you need to do to see lasting success but this is never quite the case. No human being on the planet has enough information to claim he or she does not need to learn a bit more. Whether you are eighteen, eighty, or any other possible school-going age, you can bet you will find time spent in the classroom to be as fulfilling as it is engaging and worth every second of your time.

In life, it can be easy to become complacent. In order for you to fight back against the doldrums of existence and the wear and tear that can take hold of the mind, you need to keep yourself sharp in all possible ways. Going back to school allows you the opportunity to break out of your routine and see if you actually have insight on how to see the greatest amount of success in your chosen line of work. You simply need to get the ball rolling and find the right institution for you.

School Days

Going back to school can be a big decision to make. No matter how successful you might be in your chosen field, you can always benefit from stepping outside of your comfort zone and expanding your capabilities within your line of work. Take a moment to research your options in regards to various institutions out there and see how you can get started. The sooner you act, the easier it will be for you break out of what is comfortable and start to see all of your options expand in front of you in the near future.



The Pros and Cons of Custom College Essay Writing Services

College essay writing services have become a booming business in the last few years, but it can still be confusing to understand what exactly they do as well as how they could help students. Some people think these services are just for students who are lazy, but they can also be a major help to students who are just pressed for time if they know how to use them correctly.

What Are College Essay Writing Services?

To put it simply, college essay writing services are websites that allow students to either hire someone else to write their essay for them or websites that allow students to buy essays that have already been written. Of course, if we want to talk about legal help, custom writing agencies are your choice. All these services require students to pay for college essay samples. Essays that need to be written in the moment or by a certain deadline are usually more expensive than those that are pre-written.

Many students question how ethical it is to use college essay writing services. Others may wonder why someone would pay for college paper samples. To clear things up, we’ve provided some pros and cons of paying for college essays and papers.

The Pros

Saved Time

One of the biggest pros of paying for college essays from writing services is that it saves a whole lot of time. With these papers, the student doesn’t need to do any research. Sure, when a student buys custom-made papers, they need to wait a few hours or days to get their papers. While waiting for their paper to be written by someone else, students can use that valuable time to work on other homework, study, or relax.

High Quality

Another pro is that the essays are written professionally. It’s much safer to use a professional writing service to write a student’s paper, rather than a student asking someone in their class to write it for them. When a student asks a friend to write their paper, a professor may be able to recognize another student’s writing style, which could get both students in trouble for plagiarism. With buying an essay online, that won’t happen.

Well-Researched Example

For students who don’t want to just copy and paste a paid-for essay (which is not recommended in the first place), they can still save time as they have a professionally written paper to use as an example for their own. They can use ideas from the paper, edit it to make it sound more like their own writing, or even just cite the paid-for paper on their works’ reference page to avoid plagiarism.

The Cons

You Waste Money

The biggest disadvantage of buying essays online is that they cost money, plain and simple. The faster the paper needs to be written, the most it will cost. Money is already tight for most college students so some students may not see this as a wise investment.

You Still Spend Time on Writing

Another con that many students deal with is that spending some time on the paper is still recommended, mostly to avoid plagiarism. However, it still saves a lot of time to use a paid for paper than to start from scratch. Paying for college essays more or less gives a student a draft to work off of. While it may take some editing, it doesn’t require research, which is sure to be a major time-saver.

Paying for college essays from writing services can be a quick way for college students to get caught up on their assignments. If edited correctly, there should be no problems with plagiarism, either. Paying for papers can be a great help every once in a while, and as long as a student doesn’t rely on them too heavily, they can be a great resource for busy college students.


Easy techniques to write academic papers easily and earn higher grades

If you think that writing original academic papers is a challenging task, use effective techniques that can make this process easier and faster.

Write – it’s easy!

The basis of any studies is your ability to write a quality essay. Although this statement is obvious, this skill must be developed by all students because no one is born with it naturally. There are many effective techniques that can be used to write the custom essays that address a specific topic successfully and support the main argument with adequate evidence. Don’t worry because this skill is easy to learn if you follow helpful guidelines:

  • Getting started fast;
  • Researching a given topic;
  • Planning everything;
  • Writing and referencing;
  • Revising tips;
  • Final checks.

The essay type that you need to write is determined by your academic field, but general writing points are similar for all subjects.

How to get started

Examining a given essay question is the first aspect of writing a good paper. Analyze it closely because the importance of this step shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s surprising how many students write their ideas down even without realizing the question asked. Look at keywords carefully to determine how to proceed with your writing assignment. They provide you with a specific way to discuss your topic and ideas of how to write about it. When developing your argument, ensure that you check a given question to ensure that it’s answered. Research critical opinions before you start writing and focus on such important pointers as the necessary word count, choice of sources, and style.

Helpful guidelines on researching a given essay topic

After thinking carefully about a given essay question, the next step is to avoid plagiarism because it’s a major academic concern. It’s easy to forget where you get essay ideas, so find the right balance between finding strong evidence to support your points and highlight contradicting views. A top-quality essay should present a well-balanced case while displaying your awareness of all existing viewpoints. Make a list of the sources you want to use during your research. Reference all of them according to a specific academic style.

How to plan everything effectively

It’s quite tempting for many students to ignore this stage of the essay writing process only because they want to save more time.  A detailed plan is important to offer a reasoned, structured, and researched response on a given topic. Start by finding keywords and consider your evidence. Follow the necessary essay instructions and keep a given question in mind while doing your research. It can be hard to determine the best evidence to support topic points, and you may omit some of them because they aren’t relevant. Structure your essay to make a major argument concise, clear, and developed. These easy tips will help you reveal any gaps in proofs.

The basics of writing your essay

Ensure that your grammar, spelling, and punctuation are perfect. There’s nothing that makes a bad impression on tutors than your bad punctuation and grammar, especially if you misspell. Proofread every sentence that you write and get other people to spot the mistakes you may overlook. You can write your essay by structuring the main body first before going back to its introduction. If you think that a major argument can be stated in an opening part, start with the main body.

The importance of correct referencing

Any academic paper requires referencing or declaring the sources used to write it. This is what improves the strength of your ideas while ensuring that you don’t plagiarize. There are different referencing styles to choose from, and they all have unique requirements. Consult with teachers if you have any questions.

Final checks

Once your essay is ready, read it twice to check for mistakes. As you already know, it’s useful to ask others to help you. Read it aloud to avoid overlooking any typos and fix all mistakes before handing your paper. Ensure that all quotes are referenced correctly and your bibliography is completed based on specific stylistic requirements. A bibliography is crucial because it proves your research and reading. Remember that essays are your responses to suggested assignment ideas.