Vol 8, No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 (2018) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

Vol 8, No 1 (2018)


Vol 8, No 2 (2018)

Vol 8, No 3 (2018)




Vol 8, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Contemporary Advances and Precincts of Biopharming as Drugs’ Production Systems PDF
Apollo O. Maima, Were L.L. Munyendo 1-9
Effect of Tillage Methods and Spacing on the Productivity of Waterleaf PDF
Emylia T. Jaja, Nwankwo, N.E, Dimkpa, S.O.N. 10-14
Bacterial Contamination of Potable Processed, Packaged, And Commercialized Water in Parts of Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria PDF
Jamila Abdullahi, Denwe Samuel Dangmwan, Yahaya Abdullahi Umar, Benthai Benjamin, Baba Bukar Alhaji 15-21
Measurement and Characterisation of Fractures in Parts of the Togo Structural Units (TSU) and Dahomeyan Gneissic Complex (DGC), SE Ghana PDF
Amadu Casmed Charles, Gawu Simon K.Y., Appiah-Agyei Emmanuel 22-37
Second- Harmonic Generation Improved of ZnS/Au Core/Shell Nanomaterials PDF
Nada Abdul Hadi Kareem, Nadia Mohammed Jassim 38-42
Molecular Genotyping of Cystic Echinococcosis in Different Intermediate Hosts using 12 S Mitochondrial DNA Gene PDF
Shahad Abbas Ali 43-47
The Consumption and Utilization of Leaves of Host Plants in Fifth Instars of Bunaea Alcinoe Stoll [ Lepidoptera Saturniidae] PDF
JAJA, E.T., OGBALU, O. K. 48-51
The Level of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil as Affected by Wastes from Pig Production in Assin South District, Ghana PDF
E. A. Ampofo, D. Awortwe 52-60
Coenzyme Q10 and endogenous antioxidants neuro-protect mice brain against deleterious effects of melarsoprol and Trypanasoma brucei rhodesiense PDF
James N. Nyariki, John K. Thuita, Anderson M. Wambugu, Nemwel O. Nyamweya, Khalid Rashid, Grace K. Nyambati, Alfred Orina Isaac 61-73
Estimation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Fishes of Shatt Al-Arab River-Iraq PDF
Dhafar Dh. AL-Khion, Balqees S. Al-Ali Zuhair A. Abdulnabi, Hamid T. Al-Saad 74-79


Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921

Vol.42 and Vol.43 (2018) Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research

Vol 43 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of the Extended Marketing Mix elements on Customer Service in the Insurance industry in Botswana PDF
Douglas Chiguvi, Zenzo. D. Dube 1-7
The Relationship Between Student Orientation and Trust in Higher Education PDF
Halimatussakdiah ., Abd. Rahman Lubis, Mirza Tabrani, Shabri Abd. Majid, Nasir . 8-15
The Impact of Employee Motivation on Customer Satisfaction in the Insurance Sector in Botswana PDF
Douglas Chiguvi, Jairus T. Ndoma 16-19
Structured Review of Research Methodologies Applied in Internet Banking PDF
MugdhaYogesh Keskar 20-28
Divergence and Relevance in Advertising Creativity: Theory Testing in the Nigerian Context PDF
Olarotimi, Busayo Anthony 29-38
Determinants of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Marketed Surplus Among Smallholder Farmers in Humbo and Damot Gale Woredas, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Besufekad Belayneh 39-44
Effects of Internal Marketing on Employees’ Customer Orientation in Ethiopian Airlines PDF
Yibeltal Nigussie 45-54
Determinant of Employees’ Motivation in the Hotel Industry PDF
Haftamu Kahsay 55-62
Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Imported Shoe Products in Ethiopia PDF
Service Quality from Customer Perception: Comparative Analysis between Islamic and Conventional Bank PDF
Qaisar Ali 70-82
Rice technology and its market value in Guinea: A case of Faranah Prefecture PDF
Siba Kolin Koivogui, Umuhoza Karemera Josiane Noella, Emmanuel Tolno 83-93
Influence of Microfinance Banks’ Service Quality Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction in South-south, Nigeria PDF
Ugbaja, Ifeoma, Mary, Abdulkarim, Musa 94-104


Paper submission email: JMCR@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8451


Vol 42 (2018)

Vol.69 and Vol.70 (2018) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 69 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Establishment of Regional Regulation in Regional Autonomy Implementation PDF
Marten Bunga 1-8
A Human Rights Perspective in the Development of National Education System PDF
Ichsan Yasin Limpo 9-14
An Analysis of the Doctrine of Informed Consent in Nigeria’s Health Care Services PDF
Patricia Imade Gbobo, Mercy Oke-Chinda 15-25
The Function of Pretrial Institution in the Decision of Limitation on the Duration of Investigation to Enforce Law in Indonesia According to the Perspective of Human Rights PDF
Anang S. Tornado, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Prija Djatmika, Noor Hafidah 26-32
Government Neutrality as Mediator of Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement in State-Owned Enterprises of Indonesia PDF
Aries Harianto, Nurul Ghufron, Dyah Octorina Susanti, Echwan Iriyanto 33-45
An Appraisal of the Impact of Natural Law on Contemporary Legal Systems PDF
Omoleye Benson Olukayode 46-53
The Effectiveness of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the Environmental Protection at Armed Conflict Areas PDF
Enas Al-zahrani 54-62
Informed Consent in Indonesia PDF
Harustiati A. Moein 63-68
JASTA Violation of the Sovereignty of States and Its Jurisdictional Immunity PDF
Mohammed Ahmed Eisa 69-74
Legal Aspect on Use and Land Utilization of Outermost Small Islands in Indonesia for Foreign Investment Interests PDF
Abrar Saleng, Sri Susyanti Nur, Muh. Ilham Arisaputra 75-83
Legal Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 Year 2014 on Child Protection) PDF
Wiwie Heryani, A. Tenri Famauri, Ratnawati . 84-88
Potret of Basic Education in Indonesia (A Legal Political Study) PDF
Ichsan Yasin Limpo, Syamsul Bachri, Aminuddin Ilmar, Farida Patittingi 89-95
The Negotiation Phase in Electronic Contracts PDF
Mohammed Fawwaz Matalkaha 96-104
The Right to Free and Compulsory Primary Education in Ghana: Lessons for Other African Countries PDF
Osifunke S. Ekundayo 105-116
Legal Protection of Patient Rights in Fulfilling Health Service by Doctor in Hospital PDF
Zahir Rusyad, Suhariningsih ., Bambang Winarno, Abdul Rachmad Budiono 117-122
Constraints to Indonesian Government in International Trade: a Trade Law Perspective PDF
Vera W. S. Soemarwi 123-131
Smart Cities and Global Village PDF
Nabeel Jurdi 132-134
The Meaning of Audi Et Alteram Partem Principle In Verstek Verdict Of Civil Law PDF
I Gede Yuliartha, Herowati Poesoko, Basuki Rekso Wibowo, Aries Harianto 135-149
The Essence and Function of Criminal Sanctions in Higher Education as a Crime Prevention PDF
Audyna Mayasari Muin, Andi Muhammad Sofyan, Muhadar ., A. Pangerang Moenta 150-159
Jordanian Public Hospital Disaster Preparedness based on WHO and ECHO Safety Index PDF
Naser Saif 160-169
The Connection of Authority between Central Government and Regional Government in Managing Mining and Forestry in Papua PDF
Muslim Lobubun, Abrar Saleng, A. Suriyaman Mustari Pide, Farida Patittingi 170-191
Review of Court Decision after the Constitutional Court of Indonesia Decision in Legal Certainty and Justice Perspectives PDF
Rahman Syamsuddin, Abrar Saleng, Sukarno Aburaera, Syamsuddin Muchtar 192-199
Strategy and Policy Development of Youth in the District of North Luwu PDF
Indrianty Sudirman, Muhammad Aminawar, Andi Samsu Alam, Iin Karita Sakharina, Muhammad Darwis, Muhammad Erik Kurniawan, Bambang Irawan, Awaluddin Andi Paso 200-213
Notaries That Run Business As the Land Broker PDF
Habib Adjie, I Komang Cri Khrisna 214-221
Legal Consequence For Notary Regard To Late Fiduciary Registration By Online PDF
Rusdianto Sesung, Rina . 222-227

Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259


Vol 70 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effect of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Nigeria, 1999-2007 PDF
Chime Jide Mathew 1-7
British Colonial Encounter with Sokoto Caliphate with Particular Reference to the Shari’ah Legal System (1903 – 1960) PDF
Harmonization of Village Development Planning Law in Lampung Coastal in the Spatial Planning Regime PDF
Heryandi, Budiyono, Ade Arif Firmansyah, Yulia Neta, Muhtadi . 16-23
In the Realm of Intellectual Property: Cyber Fraud as a Major Challenge to the Copyright Protection in Nigeria PDF
Alaba Ibironke Kekere, Akin Olawale Oluwadayisi 24-31
The Nature of Renvoi Procedure in Insolvency Law in Indonesia PDF
Ivida Dewi Amrih Suci, M. Khoidin, M. Hadi Shubhan, Herowati Poesoko, Aries Harianto 32-44
Polluter-Pays Principle and the Regulation of Environmental Pollution in Nigeria: Major Challenges PDF
Jude O. Ezeanokwasa 45-53
Supply Chain Integration and Workplace Values in Jordan PDF
Naser Ibrahim Saif 54-60
The Basis of Thinking Dispute Settlement Alternative in Religious Court Through Small Claim Court Model Based on Simple, Quick, and Low-Cost Principle PDF
Erfaniah Zuhriah, Moh. Bakri, Masruchin Rubai, Rachmat Syafaat 61-66
Geographical Indications Regulation in Indonesian National Law PDF
Almusawir ., Badriyah Rifai, Ahmadi Miru, Winner Sitorus 67-74
Environment Dispute Resolution Through Awig-Awig (Customary Law) (Case Study in Desa Adat (Customary Community) of Tenganan Pagringsingan, Regency of Karangasem, Bali.) PDF
I Made Minggu Widyantara, I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya, Ni Komang Arini Styawati, I Nyoman Sumardika 75-79
Legal Consequence For Notary Regard To Late Fiduciary Registration By Online PDF
Rusdianto Sesung, Rina . 80-85
Notaries That Run Business as the Land Broker PDF
Habib Adjie, I Komang Cri Khrisna 86-93
Implementation of Environmental Law Enforcement in Forestry Crime at Papua Regional Police PDF
Yuvenalis Takamuli, Irwansyah ., Muhadar ., Muh. Yunus Wahid 94-100
Supervision of Fair Execution for Civil Case Decision PDF
Muhammad Ilyas, Abdul Razak, Sukarno Aburaera, H. Mustafa Bola 101-107


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vol.41 and Vol.42 (2018) Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Vol 41 (2018)


Vol 42 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Study of L2 Sound Speech to Improve Learners’ Speaking Proficiency PDF
Than Chhorn 1-12
Environmental Justice and Oil Industry: Violence Against Human and Non-human Entities as Represented in Abdelrahman Munif’s Cities of Salt PDF
Motasim Almwajeh 13-23
A Study of Social Media-Apps Integrated Learners’ Critical Thinking of Second Language Learning PDF
Than Chhorn 24-34
From Exclusion to Inclusion: Integration of Kenya Sign Language During Television Newscasts in Kenya PDF
Alexina Nyaboke MARUCHA, Samuel NGIGI 35-62
Pragmatics of Na ‘see’ Perception Verb Expressions in Gӑ PDF
Ruby Otoo 63-71
Assessing conformity of HIV and AIDS education to acceptable communication principles PDF
Wambui Kiai 72-93


Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435


Vol 8, No.1 and No.2 (2018) Journal of Information Engineering and Applications

Vol 8, No 1 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Enhancing the Adoption of E-Government Systems through Open Government and Open Government Data (OGD) Initiatives in Qatar PDF
Ali Selham Al-Kubaisi 1-10
Resources Policy to Application of E-Government in Supporting Public Services in Kupang City PDF
William Djani, Jenny Therikh, Umbu Pariangu 11-17
RSA Public Key Cipher Implementation using Microcontroller PDF
Waleed Noori Hussein, Dhuha Habeeb Mutasher, Ethar Habeeb Jasem, Liqaa Nabeel Sabeeh 18-22
Big Data Analysis: A New Scheme for the Information Retrieving Based on the Content of Multimedia Documents PDF
Abderrahmane EZ-ZAHOUT, Jawad OUBAHA 23-26
Paper submission email: JIEA@iiste.org
ISSN (Paper)2224-5782 ISSN (Online)2225-0506


Vol 8, No 2 (2018)


Vol.46, Vol.47, (2018) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 46 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Clinical Management in Diagnosis and Treatment of the Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults: Systemic Review PDF
Fahad Obaid Alharbi, Tameem Abdulaziz Alhomaid, Hatim Saeed T Alshahrani, Ayedh Mubarak Ayedh Al Bishi, Jamal Jeza Mohsen Alrashidi, Mohammed Saleh Alhulayfi, Sulaiman Shulaywih Alharbi 1-7
The Effects of Stress on Surgeons and Surgical Performance: An Analytical Study PDF
AbdulHameed AbdulRahman Shehab Ahmed, Ahmad Nayef Althaher, Sami Ahmad h Alanazi, FATIMAH HASAN A ALJANBI, Meshael Abdulwahab M. Al-saqqa 8-12
Medical Residents of Family Medicine Management of Depression, Anxiety and Burnout Syndrome in KSA PDF
ALSHAALAN, RAKAN FAHAD A, ALANAZI, ADEL SALEH N, Mosa Ahmed Alshumrani, Almutairi, Maram Faleh, Hadeel Saud Alkheledan, ALATWAI,ABDALLH MOSALEM A 13-17
Incidence and Trends of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Youths in KSA for the Period (2011-2016) PDF
Hani Mohammed M Alharbi 18-23
Antiplatelet Intake Medications for Patients Undergoing Dental Surgery PDF
Faisal Obaid Alrashdan, Raed F. Aldahmeshi, Mohammed Arif Alanazi, Mamdouh Ali Al-zahrani, Nawaf Eyed Alanazi, Ahmed Mohammed Alanazi, Mohanna Saud M. Alanazi 24-30
Management and Primary Prevention of Obesity and the Role of the Pediatrician: Systematic Theoretical Review PDF
Mohammed Yahya Homod Alderaan, Abdullah Habib M Kimawi 31-36
A Qualitative Survey Study in Managing Patient Obesity for Exploring Self Efficacy among Saudi General Practitioners PDF
RADHI NASSER S ALKUBAIDAN, ABDULMAJEED AHMED D ALSAIDAN, Sulaiman Zayed Alamri, Mohammed Mons Alruwaili 37-41
Contemporary Endodontic Sealers PDF
Mohammed Sulaiman Alaenazi, Saeed Saad Al-Qahtani, Hmoud Ali Algarn, Sabah Fahad AL- Mutairi 42-52
‏Multimodality Therapy and the Role of Surgery for Small Cell Lung Cancer PDF
Lama Ibrahim Aloraini, Rawan Abdulkareem Alsini, Hanan Abid Al Qurashi, Ameera Mishal Alosaimi, Fatima Alawi Alhebshi 53-56
The Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Its Aetiologies PDF
A Systemic Review of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults and the Clinical Management of Diagnosis and Treatment PDF
Mohammed Owaid O. Alshammari, Mahdee Hemaidan M Albeqami, Alhashim, Jehad Nizar A, MASOUD BASHEER O ALSHAMMARI, ALDAWUDI ISRAA KADHEM A, Mohammad J M S Alhashan, Hassan Abdullah Essa Al Busaysi 62-66
Vitamin D Level in Patients with Bone Diseases and Dental Caries PDF
Sana’a Ibrahim, Ahmed Esa 67-79
OBESITY (Causes, Consequences, and Prevention) PDF
Ahmed Basheer Alazmi, Thamer Gayyadh Alquickby 80-83
Assessing Parental Knowledge on Sickle Cell Disease: A Phenomenological Study PDF
Afia Achiaa Asamoah Owusu, Angela Dufie Acheampong, Emmanuella J. Eshun-Noble, Vivian Painstil 84-89
Co-morbidity in Geriatric Patients Attend Elderly Clinic in Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital PDF
Louai Shaalan Ghaidan, Nawar Shafiq Hussain, Ali Hassan Hayyawi 90-95
An Investigation into the Challenges Towards Implementation of Total Quality Management Under the Saudi Healthcare National Transformation Program-2020 PDF
Fahd Mohammed Albejaidi 96-107
Effect of Protocol of Care on Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Chest Tube Post Cardiothoracic Surgery PDF
Abeer F. El far, Om Ebrahem A . ELmelegy, Abd Elhady M. Taha, Monera B. Elshemy 108-122
Patient Satisfaction Visiting the Dental Clinics, Faculty of Dentistry, Najran University PDF
Mohammed Ali Alshahrani, Pervez Abdulrazak 123-128
Reality of Applying Governance in the Public Health Sector in Ma’an Governorate Jordan in 2017 PDF
Bassam Saad Alemami 129-145
Cultural Risk Factors to the Outbreak of Ebola Bundibugyo (BDBV) PDF
Nzanzu Twalibu, Twesigye Charles 146-148
Characterization of Hypervariable Region of Gyra And Gyrb Genes of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Jeddah, KSA PDF
Shifa Abubaker Ali Bahaddad, Asho Ali 149-166
Nurses’ and Managers’ Perceptions of and Experiences with Continuing Nursing Education Programmes PDF
Jennifer Newton, Taysir Ibrahim M Sanawi, Georgina Willetts 167-178
Intention to Use and Factors Associated with Utilization of Long Acting and Permanent Contraceptive Methods among Married Women of Reproductive Age Group in Debre Markos Town, North West Ethiopia PDF
Gizachew Abdissa Bulto 179-188
Work Related Stress among Health Care Workers in Mekelle City Administration Public Hospitals, North Ethiopia PDF
Gezae Godifay 189-195
Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin. Electromagnetic Conception for the Eyesight in Additive Mixing and Еmotional Perception of Colors PDF
Ignat Ignatov 196-210
Utilization of Long Acting and Permanent Contraceptive Methods and Associated Factors among Women of Modern Contraceptive Users in Debre Markos town, North West Ethiopia, 2016 PDF
Habtamu Chanie 211-223
Insecticide Treated Bed Nets Utilization among Pregnant Mothers and Associated Factors in Damot Pulasa District, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Amanuel Ayza Shonga 224-230
Assessment of Behavioral and Organizational Determinants of HMIS Performance in Beghi, District West Wollega, Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Fikru Negese Dufera 231-237
Postnatal Care Services Utilization and Its Associated Factors Among Women Who Gave Birth in the Past One Year in Gulele Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia PDF
Abera Shibru 238-246
Prevalance of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending Robe Hospital, Robe, Bale Zone, Ethiopia: A Research Article PDF
Fisseha Gebrewold 247-254
Knowledge, Practice and Barriers of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Among Diabetic Patients in Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Southern Ethiopia, 2017 PDF
Birhanu Jikamo Bago 255-266
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Prevalence of dental caries in school children (Age12 to 16 years) in Najran, Saudi Arabia PDF
Alshamrani. K, Alassiry. A 267-279

Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419



Vol 47 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Behavioral and Physiological Indicators of Pain During Nociceptive Procedures Among Mechanically Ventilated Patients at a University Hospital in Cairo PDF
Nahla Afify, Warda Youssef Mohamed, Fatma Shoeib Aly 1-10
Application of the Health Belief Model -Based Educational Intervention on Hand Hygiene Performance of Intensive Care Units’ Nurses PDF
Om Ibrahim Ali Elmelegy, Nagafa Hafez El Mahdy, Hend Mohamed Elazazy 11-24
Asthma Control Impact on the Quality of Life and Parent’s Educational Degree Effect on Asthma Control among Pediatric Patients in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh City PDF
Abdullah Almalki, Abdulaziz Almalki, Salman Almutairi, Khalid Aljasser, Omar Alghamdi 25-28
Mortality Prediction Among Critically Ill Patients During Intensive Care Unit Stays At Assuit University Hospital PDF
Sanaa Hussein, Warda Morsy, Alaa Atyea, Mogedda Mehany 29-46
Problem-Based Learning Strategy Effect on Nurses’ Knowledge and Patients’ Health Behaviour Outcomes Post Myringoplasty PDF
Essam Abo elmagd, Om Hashem Ragab, Entisar Shabaan, Al Hussein Awad 47-58
Urinary Stoma Care Guidelines: The Effect on Patients’ Self-efficacy and Incidence of Peristomal Complications After Permanent Urostomy PDF
Naglaa Elsayed Mahdy, Dalia Ali Ameen, Waleed Elsayed Mousa 59-74
Protective Impact of L-arginine against Necrotizing Enterocolitis PDF
Raed Fahad Althagafi, Nada Sadaqah Asali, Magda M. Hagras, Soad Shaker Ali, Omar Ibrahim Saadah 75-80
Protective effect of L-arginine in experimentally induced Necrotizing Enterocolitis in rats PDF
Nada Sadaqa Asali, Magda M. Hagras, Omar Ibrahim Saadah, Raed Fahad Althagafi, Soad Shaker Ali 81-92
Knowledge & Misconceptions about ADHD among Female Primary School Teachers in Aseer, Saudi Arabia PDF
Ghazwani, Salha M, Al-Zaalah, Mousa A, Al-Azraqi, Zahrah A., Ayedh, Lamees Y., Alshahrani, Amjad A., Al-Qahtani, Ayshah A. 93-97
The Prevalence of overweight and obesity among employees in Babil Health Directorate PDF
Israa Umran Kadhum, Maher Jawad Kadhum, Hassanin Sadiq Abakah, Aqil Aboud Abbas 98-103
Effect of Skin Rehabilitation Massage Therapy on Burned Patient’ Outcomes PDF
Hend M Elazazy 104-116

Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419



Vol 9, No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4 (2018) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 9, No 1 (2018)


Vol 9, No 2 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Evaluation of Socioeconomic Status and Handling Practices Used by Small-Scale Fishermen Along Coastal Areas of Ondo State, Nigeria PDF
Olusumbo Adeolu ADELAJA, Roslina Binti KAMARUDDIN, Lee Wen CHIAT 1-9
Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities, Growth Policies and Externalities in Developing Countries PDF
Mohamed Ali Labidi 10-16
Some Facts About Outward Foreign Direct Investment from China PDF
Alzaid Abdulmonim M, Hu Yanbin 17-21
Determinants of Economic Growth and Poverty Minimization in Liberia: An ARDL Approach PDF
Genesis B. Kollie 22-31
Economic Analysis of Growth Performance of Various Grains Crops During Agricultural Reform in Rwanda PDF
Theodore Murindahabi, Qiang Li, E.M.B.P. Ekanayake 32-42
Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Forest Sector in Eastern Africa. Synthesis of Primary and Secondary Production Actors, and Trade PDF
Joshua Kiplongei Cheboiwo, Tageldin Hussein Nasroun, Reuben Mwamakimbullah, Robert Kambugu Kyeyune, Amini Mutaganda 43-58
Towards an Understanding of the Implementation of the Farmer Input Support Programme Electronic Voucher in Choma District, Zambia PDF
Nkumbu Nalwimba, Gubo Qi, George T. Mudimu 59-69
Nonprofit Governance as Succession Planning PDF
James K. Agbodzakey, Felix Kumah-Abiwu, Jennifer O’Flannery Anderson 70-83
Public Debt and Economic Growth Nexus in Zimbabwe PDF
Mufaro Andrew Matandare, Josephine Tito 84-89
A Re-Examination of Trade Policy and Industrial Sector Performance in Nigeria PDF
The Effect of Credit Risk on Profitability and Liquidity in Tehran Stock Exchange Banking Industry PDF
Salman Salmani, Seyed Mohammad Fateminezhad 103-110
The Influence of Chamber of Commerce on Small Businesses PDF
Saeed Farahi, Mohsen Khadem 111-119
Investigating the Impact of Financial and Personality Variables on Credit Risk of Banks’ Real Customers (Case Study: Omid Entrepreneurship Fund Branches in Markazi Province) PDF
Yasser Fallahi, Hossein Motefaker 120-132
Economic Diversification: Drive Towards Sustainable Development in Nigeria PDF
Okuwa O.B, Campbell O.A 133-143
The effect of government expenditure on economic growth: The case of Tanzania using VECM approach PDF
Rashid Saleh Juma, Hongbing Ouyang, Jinghan Cai 144-155
Effect of Financial Leverage on Firms’ Financial Performance: A Study of Listed Companies in Agricultural Sector. PDF
Onuora Joshua K, Obia, Chinonyerem Edith 156-170
Grape Value Chain Mapping In Dodoma Region, Tanzania PDF
Mary Kulwijila, Jeremia Makindara, Henry Laswai 171-182
Money Supply Exogeneity and Endogeneity Under Zimbabwe’s Multiple Currency Regime, 2009 to 2017. PDF
Sunge Regret 183-194
Evolution of Policy in Nigerian Banking System: Lessons from Experience PDF
R. O. Odenu Iyede, Felix E. Onah, O.O. Osusu 195-207
National Security and Development in Nigeria: A Study of Bayelsa State of Nigeria PDF

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855


Vol 9, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Microcredit on Selected Livelihood Assets of Rural Households: The Case of Shebedino District Omo Microfinance Institution, Sidama Zone of Southern Ethiopia PDF
Abera Alemu 1-9
Exchange Rate, Inflation and the Nigerian Balance of Payment PDF
Aidi, Hakeem O. 10-16
Challenges and Socio-Economic Importance of Fish Production in Ethiopia:Review PDF
Selamu Abraham 17-21
Financial Deepening, Private Domestic Savings and Per Capita Gdp Growth in Nigeria PDF
Ndukwe-Ani, Pamela Amarachi, Madueme, Stella Ifeoma, Nwodo, Ozoemena Stanley 22-29
Equity in Financing Health Care Services in Nigeria PDF
Chinenye Ebele Iloka, Richardson Kojo Edeme, Henry Chukwuemeka Edeh, Uzochukwu Franklin Ikeagu 30-36
Rural Female Headed Households´ Perception and Adaptation to Climate Variability in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia PDF
Birtukan Atinkut Asmare 37-42

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855


Vol 9, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Construction of the Evaluation Index System for Innovation Ability of Regional Science and Technology in China PDF
SUN Xiaokun, SUN Qigui 1-10
Determinants of the Growth Cycle of The Gambia’s Economy using ARDL and Forecasting Techniques PDF
Muhammed L. Sanyang 11-18
Effect of Liquidity on Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
ONYEKWELU, Uche Lucy, CHUKWUANI, Victoria Nnenna, ONYEKA, Virginia Nnenna 19-28
Factor Decomposition Analysis of Industrial Wastewater Discharge: A Case of China’s Jiangxi Province PDF
Mianhao Hu, Yunling Hu, Juhong Yuan, Fucai Lu 29-41
Foreign Direct Investment and Employment Generation in Nigeria PDF
Babasanya Adeyemi O. B. 42-47
Forecast of Borsa Istanbul Dividend Index (XTMTU) Trend by Using the Method of Artificial Neural Network PDF
Seyma CALISKAN CAVDAR, Alev Dilek AYDIN 48-55
Impact of Poverty Reduction on Education: Analytical Study from the Perspectives of Rwanda and Sri Lanka PDF
Gerard Bikorimana, W.K.D Keerthirathne, Shengmin Sun 56-66
Does Foreign Direct Investments Impact Agricultural Output in Nigeria? An Error Correction Modelling Approach PDF
Agba D. Z., Adewara. S.O., Nwanji, T, Yusuf, M., Adzer K.T., Abbah. B. 67-77
Empirical Analysis the Government and Private Intervention Model for Social Conditions Recovery of Public Economics at After Poso Conflict PDF
Nudiatulhuda Mangun, Wildani Pingkan, Eko Jokolelono 76-86
The Effect of Public Expenditure on the Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2013) PDF
The Effects of Shortage of Accommodation on Students’ Performance in Private Tertiary Institutions in Botswana PDF
Douglas Chiguvi, Jairus T. Ndoma 97-104
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Openness on Economic Development in Lao PDR PDF
Success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria: Do Environmental Factors Matter? PDF
Lionel Effiom, Samuel Etim Edet 117-128
The Influence of Training, Competence, and Motivation on Employees Performance of Workers Social Security Agency in Banten Province, Indonesia PDF
Endang Saefuddin Mubarok, Hidayatullah Putra 129-139
The Problem of Infrastructure on E-Commerce, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria PDF
Adewale E. Adegoriola, Mohammad Nuruddeen Isa, Peter Siyan 140-147
Venture Capital and Small Scale Businesses in Benue State PDF
Saasongu Ezekiel Nongo 148-154
A Predictive Model For Nigeria’s External Debt: New Evidence And Insights PDF
Ikechukwu. S. Nnamdi, Daniel E. Eniekezimene 155-164

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 9, No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (2018) International Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 9, No 1 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Relationship Between Instructors Approaches to Teaching and Students Approach to Learning and Learning Outcomes: Debre Markos University:Ethiopia PDF
Eshetu Kibret Emiru 1-6
The Basic Tenets of Generative Phonology PDF
Fareed Hameed Al-Hindawi, Nesaem Mehdi Al-Aadili 7-16
An Investigation of the Most Common Spelling Errors in English Writing Committed by English-Major Male Students: At the University of Tabuk PDF
Ahmed Khider Ahmed Othman 17-22
Transformation of Everyday Practices into Commercialization: A Case of TVET PDF
Prem Prasad Sigdel 23-31
The Influence of Cognitive Loads (Low and High) of Multimedia in Direct Learning and Leraning Style to the Results of Reading Comprehension for the Second Grade of Senoir High School Students PDF
Mufdalifah ., Punaji Setyosari, Utami Widiati, Sihkabuden . 32-40
Relationship Between ISO 9001:2008 QMS and the Tangibiles of Services Offered in Public Universities in Kenya PDF
Peter Kimanthi Mbaka 41-45
The Status of Visual Art Apprenticeship Training in Ghana PDF
John Benjamin Kofi Aidoo 46-55
The Influence of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Commitment in Teaching Public Primary Schools in Tanzania PDF
Noor Abdu, Josta Lameck Nzilano 56-63
The Relationship Between Teachers’ and Learners’ Gender and Their View on Principles of Critical Pedagogy PDF
Yaser Behrouzi 64-71
Living and Teaching in Two Worlds: Professional Identity Development in Transnational Dual Language Immersion Teachers PDF
HyeKyoung Lee, Stephen I. Tucker 72-80
Practices and Challenges of Supplementary Exam in Selected Colleges of Haramaya University, Ethiopia PDF
Anwar Ahmed Hussen 81-87

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 2 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Exploring the Use of Smartphones as Clickers PDF
Ahmed A Alkhalifah 1-9
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Among Minority Children: Diagnoses and Treatment Challenges PDF
Areej Alsalamah 10-16
Evaluating Saudi Teachers’ Knowledge in Teaching Students to Read in Arabic PDF
Adel Abdullah Alkahtani 17-36
Effects of Instructional Materials Conflict Management on Student Achievement PDF
Ekawarna ., Ade Kusmana, Martinis Yamin 37-43
The Development of Contextual Based Instructional Material in Entrepreneurship for Students of Class X SMK BM Apipsu Medan PDF
Khoirun Nikmah 44-49
Legal Framework for the Protection of Children’s Rights in Ghana PDF
David Naya Zuure, Prince Percy Kwamena Mbir Taylor 50-55
Examining the Montessori Model of Early Childhood Education in Ghana: The Gap between Policy and Practice PDF
Obstacles Facing Female Students Using Blackboard in Curriculum Courses at the College of Education in King Saud University PDF
Afnan Almannie 69-74
Attitudes Towards Use of Hypermedia in Hearing Impaired Students’ Pedagogy PDF
Obondo Gaudence, Nabwire Violet Kafwa, Too Jackson Kiprop 75-82
The Effect of Learning Methods and Learning Interest Towards Music Arts Learning Outcomes Elementary School Class V Academic Year 2016/2017 PDF
Rumintang E. Gultom 83-87
The Effect of Learning Strategy and Interpesonal Communication to the Result of Student Art Music SMA Chandra Kumala School Medan 2017/2018 PDF
Siti Herlina Panjaitan 88-92
The Development of Teaching Materials in Writing Poetry Environmental Based for Students Class X 2 State Senior High School of Kisaran PDF
Ameliya Fultami, Khairil Ansari, Amrin Saragih 93-98
The Difference in Reading Skills Intensivethe Learning Model Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and Jurisprudential Inquiry (JI) Grade X SMA Negeri 2 Cotton Stalks South Pesisir Regency PDF
Deri Wan Minto 99-103
The Effect of Management Support, Mastery Learning and Learning Transfer on the Learning Success of the First-Year University Students Who Studied in Cambridge School in Jakarta, Indonesia PDF
Kumalasari Onggobawono, Yetti Supriyati Saefudin, A. Suhaenah Suparno, Kumaidi . 104-111
The Relative Effects of Activity and Direct Teaching Adjuncts on Primary School Pupils’ Learning Outcomes in English Language PDF
Victoria I. Iroegbu, Iroegbu, Chidinma Linda 112-116
Understanding Washback in the Classrooms: The Conflicts of the Syllabus and the Examination PDF
Maizatulliza Muhamad, Richard Kiely 117-130
The Effect of Different Presentations on English Words Retention of Chinese Learners of English PDF
Jiayao Wang, Zhongxin Dai 131-135

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 3 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Learning Strategy Integrated Character and Social Interaction Towards IPS Learning Outcomes of Students in SD Kalam Kudus-2 Medan PDF
Heldiana S 1-4
Impact of Visual Graphic Organizer in the Study of Information PDF
Hamdan Al Maziadi 5-17
Principals’ Perception of Information Technology Infrastructure Management Constraints in Enugu State Seconadry Schools PDF
Eneh, Francis Ndubuisi, Okechukwu, Oliver, SR. Nwosu Stella 18-23
Literacy for Students with Low Vision in Special Schools: Perceptions of Teachers on Instructional Media in Kenya PDF
Chomba M. Wa Munyi 24-28
Modern Tendencies and Characteristics of Legal Writing in English for Specific Purposes PDF
Greta Përgjegji 29-32
The Representation of Radical Islamists in the NYC and USA Today American Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study PDF
Duaa Mohammad Abed Zaid – Salih Mahdi Ad 33-40
Development of Assessment Plan for Online Thermo-Fluid Science Courses PDF
Jeff Hung, Gonca Altuger-Genc 41-46
Library Advocacy on the Social Media- What Works PDF
Adenike Damilola Omoike, Daniel Olusegun Ikegune 47-57
Linda Sari Rambe, Deny Setiawan, Anita Yus 58-65
Organism Metaphor And Its Effects On Educational Organizations PDF
Nuriye Karabulut 66-77
A study in Intelligence Psychology in the Arabian Islamic Heritage of Imam Ibn Al_Jawzi : A Psychological & Educational Study PDF
Saleh .Hasan Ahmad Dahry 78-89
Al-Zaytoonah Private University: statistical indicators, academic achievements and future trends in the light of the annual report for the year 2015 (descriptive analytical study). PDF
Aref Mohammed Mufleh Al-Sarheed, Mohammed Mufleh Sarheed Khalida 90-100
Teacher Trainees’ Attitudes toward the Untrained Teachers Diploma in Basic Education Program in Ghana PDF
Seidu Sofo, Emmanuel Thompson 101-107
The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model and Inquiry Learning Model for Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability Reviewed from Students Learning Motivation PDF
Neni Fauziah Batubara, Dian Halimah Batubara, Mukhtar ., Mulyono . 108-114
Legal Framework for the Protection of Children’s Rights in Ghana PDF
David Naya Zuure, Prince Percy Kwamena Mbir Taylor 115-121

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 4 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analysis of Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in Gubalafto Woreda: The Case of Ahuntegen General Secondary School, North Wollo Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia PDF
Birhan Getachew 1-9
Quality Teaching: A Reflection of Students’ Learning Outputs in Tanzanian Teacher Colleges PDF
Sylivester John Buyobe 10-15
Assessment of Challenges to Civics and Ethical Education in Ethiopian Secondary Schools PDF
Gosa Setu Tafese 16-20
The Evaluation of Skin Cancer Profile in Fatmawati Hospital Centre PDF
Dameria Sinaga 21-28
High School Students’ Images of “Biology Teacher” PDF
Musa Dikmenli, Selda Kılıç, Osman Cardak 29-35
Financial Management Competence of Principals and Attainment of Secondary School Goals in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
Udoh-Uwah, Okon Effiong, Ubok-Obong, Ime, Etim, Mary Effanga 36-39
Classroom Management, Teachers’ Attitudes, Self-confidence and Demography on In-Service Teachers’ Motivation: Its Implication to Quality of Education PDF
Gemechu Abera Gobena 40-50
To Develop Linear Programming (LP) Model to Determine the Best Combination or Mix of Products to Produce to Reach the Maximum Profit PDF
Nashiru Abdulai, Zakaria Abubakari Sadiq 51-58
Psychological Factors Affecting Students Academic Performance Among Freshman Psychology Students in Dire Dawa University PDF
Wondu Teshome Beharu 59-65
A Study of Teaching Competency in Relation with Attitude Towards Creative Teaching of B.Ed. Trainee-teachers PDF
Ram Niwas 66-72
The Role of Permissive and Neglectful Parenting Style in Determining the Academic Performance of Adolescents in the Senior High Schools in the Birim Municipality PDF
Seth Odame-Mensah, Emmanuel Kofi Gyimah 73-82

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X



Vol 9, No 5 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Reality of Applying Six Sigma in Kuwaiti Higher Education Institutions from the Point of View of Its Faculty Members PDF
Ghadir Jasim Abdullah Hussein 1-9
Nurturing Spiritual Growth: A Review of Adult Christian Education among Episcopal Church Congregants in South California PDF
Alice W. Mambo 10-22
Corporal Punishment in Nigerian Schools from Psychological Perspective: Issues and Recommendations PDF
OJO, Funmilayo Yemi 23-28
Effects of Literature Circles, Dialogic Reading and Vocabulary Self-Selection Strategies on the Reading Comprehension Skill of Lower Primary School in Osun State, Nigeria PDF
Okewole, Johnson Oludele, Odejobi, Cecilia O., Ajayi, Hannah O. 29-36
Examining the Benefit of School Inspection on Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of Dubai Private Schools PDF
Mohamad AlKutich, Abdulai Abukari 37-48
An Evaluation of the Guidance Services Offered by Counselling Centre of University of Cape Coast: Implications for Counselling PDF
Stephen Doh Fia 49-54
The Extent to Which the Quality Standards are Achieved in Teaching Social Sciences in the University of Mosul PDF
Fadhil Khalil Ibrahim 55-59
Global Development in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education: An Appraisal of Science Teaching in Katsina State, North West-Nigeria PDF
Suleiman Sa’adu Matazu, Elizabeth Julius 60-65
Impact of Using Participatory Video in Enhancing Arabic Speaking Skills among Seventh Grade Students in Jordan PDF
Suad Abdulakreem Alwaely 66-79
Integrating Mentoring for Capacity Building among Newly Employed Secondary School Teachers in Rivers State PDF
Ugwu Chinelo Joy, Nicholas Ikechukwu 80-86
Fields and Principles of Democratic Governance of the School PDF
Lili Koridze 87-96
The Impact of Problem Solving Approach on Students’ Performance in Mathematical Induction: A Case of Mukuba University PDF
Kambita Danny, Hamanenga Jacob 97-105
Availability and Adequacy of Physical Infrastructure as Determinants of Parental Choice of Primary Schools in Embakasi Sub-County, Nairobi City County, Kenya PDF
Monicah N. Muchiri, Jeremiah M. Kalai 106-110
Effects of Analogy Instructional Strategy on Students’ Performance in Wave Concept PDF
Ayiwah Mark Wesono, Nunifant Timothy, Akantagriwon Diana Nyamekye Prosper 111-119
Relationship between Juvenile Delinquency and Background of Children in Remand Home in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria PDF
Gambo Mustapha Aliyu, Ali Mburza 120-126
Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Fast-Food Intake of Private and Public Primary School Pupils in Ondo State, Nigeria PDF
Competency-Based Assessment and Reporting in Ghanaian Polytechnics: A Critique of the Prevailing Perceptions PDF
Peter Boahin 131-140
Scaffolding Based on Learning Style as An Effort to Increase Mathematical Creative Thinking Skill PDF
Wahyudi ., Stefanus Budi Waluya, Rochmad . 141-148

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 9, No 6 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Instructional Immediacy Practices in Online Learning Environments PDF
Samar Alharbi, Yota Dimitriadi 1-7
Comparative Analysis of Academic Performances of Sleep Deprived Versus Non-Sleep Deprived Undergraduate Students PDF
Victor Moses, Abdulwahid Umma 8-13
Effect of Problem Based Learning Toward Mathematical Communication Ability and Self-Regulated Learning PDF
Edy Surya, Edi Syahputra, Nova Juniati 14-23
Job Satisfaction Determinants and Its Impact on the Achievement Motivation among the Guidance School Counselors in Algeria PDF
Haidra ouahida, Guidoum Ahmed 24-29
Analysis of Structure and Value of Character in the Novel Entitled “Jokowi Si Tukang Kayu” and the Benefits as a Literature Teaching Material PDF
Nurmala Hasibuan, M. Oky Fardian Gafari, Wisman Hadi 30-35
Secondary Schools’ Strategies in Maintenance of Physical Facilities on Costs of Education in Western Region, Kenya PDF
Khatete Ibrahim 36-45
Self-Explanation Prompts in iFractions: The Effect on Students with Different Levels of Ability PDF
Ummu Husna Azizan, Nor Zuhaidah 46-52
The Differences of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Motivation of Learning Mathematics Between Students are Given PBL and RME Model Assisted by Geogebra PDF
Samuelson Lubis, Bornok Sinaga, Mulyono . 53-59
The Implementation of 5E Learning Cycle Model by Using Virtual Manipulatives to Improve Students’ Understanding Toward Mathematical Objects PDF
Michael C. Simanullang, Hasratuddin . 60-64
The Effect of Using the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Technique on Saudi EFL Students’ Speaking Skills PDF
Hayat Rasheed Hamzah Alamri 65-77
Mass Media and Adult Education: Appraising the Perception of Adult Learners in Afijio Local Government Area Of Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
Samuel Toyin ADELEYE 78-90
Effects of Curriculum on Transition to the World of Work for Learners with Intellectual Disability in Special Schools of Nakuru County, Kenya PDF
Hannah Njeri Maina, Jessina Muthee 91-96
Security Management in a Terrorized Nigeria: The Task for Educators PDF
Igbinedion, Doye Angela 97-106
Status of Rural Women: Patriarchy and Inevitability of Subjugation; A Study of Rural Area in Multan, Pakistan PDF
Safdar Abbas, Muhammad Hashim, Ali Abdullah Mohammed Alzuhairi 107-114

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X