6 Steps of Writing a Winning Scholarship Essay

Scholarship essays are similar to college essays, but it is written to win a scholarship. Numerous students applied for scholarships with similar ambitions, test scores, and grades. The scholarship essay can increase your chances to stand out in the competition. A winning scholarship essay allows the reader to understand your skills and abilities. A good essay writer can increase his/her chances to get a scholarship. If you want to write a winning scholarship essay, here are 6 steps of writing for your guidance.

Step 01: Recognize Your Audience

Before writing your scholarship essay, you have to consider your audience. Keep it in mind that your tutors will not be the part of the panel of specialists in the specific field. You have to understand your audience to write a successful essay. Try to find out about the members of the scholarship committee, such as they will be Ph.D. in a particular academic field or subfield. Understand their goal, such as why they are offering a scholarship either to promote traditional values among youth or change the climate of the institute.      

Step 02: Answer All Questions

It is an important component of a scholarship essay but can be difficult for some people. If you find it difficult to answer the questions, you can rephrase these questions in simple terms. Divide each question into manageable parts to make it easy for you.

Step 03: Introduction

After understanding your audience, you have to write an introduction. It is a powerful section of your scholarship essay. The introduction can set you apart in the competition. It is an effective way to signal readers that you can be the right candidate for this scholarship. There is no need to state obvious, such as your height and qualifications. Try to write about something special, such as your skills, motivation and other unique details.

Step 04: Deliver Your Message

Another important part of a scholarship essay is its body. You can narrate your resume in this section. Try to use your broad vocabulary while answering questions in an argumentative way. There is no need to share stories, but write facts about your skills, achievements, and objectives. While writing this section, you should be clear and concise.

Step 05: Editing and Revising

Numerous people find it difficult to proofread and edit their own work. You can consider taking the help of your friend for editing procedure. Read every sentence of the essay and read it with a louder voice. Your final product should sound like it is written by an educated and knowledgeable person instead of a robot. Read them aloud to identify awkward sentences.

Step 06: Final Touches to Scholarship Essay

People often mix revision and editing with proofreading. Proofreading is an entirely different step. Numerous scholarships are for well-qualified applicants because the final decision is taken between well-crafted essays and almost two 4.0 GPAs. You will need three proofreads, two by your eyes and third by another set of eyes. You can ask a professional, senior or friend to proofread your scholarship essay. The trusted service providers, such as DoMyResearchPaper.com, can be another choice for writing task.

Pros and Cons of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy

Application of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training which has always been welcomed with the smile on the face has in certain cases proved to be disappointing. Without any doubt these strategies have benefitted the organizations in umpteen ways yet the downsides cannot be ignored other. Where on one hand you might see all the benefits in using these methodologies, at the same places there are certain limitations that you might face. It can, thus rightly be termed as a mixed blessing. On the one hand it is a revolutionary strategy which has the tremendous potential of significantly improving the efficiency but on the other hand to some it is a complex process that seems to reap no actual benefits. When you compare the strategies of the programme with the initial years on its beginning, you will see the advancement that it has experienced. It is today, a revolutionary tool that has primarily focused on the identification as well as elimination of the root of errors plus the defects in the manufacturing processes that aim at meeting or else exceeding the customer requirements.

Advantages of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy

To begin, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy that is being applied by almost all the organizations today have plenty of benefits to offer to these organizations. To highlight a few, we have compiled a list below. These are as follows:

  1. It is a progressive process

There is no doubt about the fact that implementing Six Sigma tends to spread a ray of progressive process improvement methodologies to all the organizations at diverse levels of the production as well as the manufacturing process. Once you make it a part of the culture of your business, the individual operations of your firm continue to improve over a period of  time. This is so because the system is known to closely monitor your processes and eventually identify and correct the problems right from the roots of their development. Here you get to eliminate the problem from its base.

  1. Easy to apply

Six Sigma is known to rely basically on the data, this means that you can very conveniently plus comfortably have a look into the actual  processes that you follow in the real time. With the progression in the measurement trend, you begin to have a better control over the processes that you follow. This facilitates better understanding as well as documenting plus measuring the current process. In case the things do not go as you had planned it to then you can simply evaluate the things that went wrong.

  1. You find a place a step ahead

If you have a team composed of the dedicated quality experts then they help you to place your company one step  ahead of others in the market. All the credit goes to the multi-tasking abilities that this course work facilitates you with.

  1. A great learning platform

At last, by documenting the processes as well as the defects, you get an opportunity to set up a learning platform not only for yourself but also for the other workers. You can easily share the lessons given by the experts as well as the other employees in a bid to make an improvement in  their individual lines of assembly.

Disadvantages of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy

Like every rose comes with a thorn, similarly this strategy also comes with its own downside. Here we will mention certain pitfalls of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy. These are as follows:

  1. It is not a cost saving strategy

It is worth noting that this strategy is primarily focused on quality improvement. This implies that it has either nothing to do or very less to do with the cost reduction. Six Sigma therefore might not necessarily land up in cost savings. In certain cases it might lead to increase in the production costs. The major reason remains that the cost savings that are made is primarily by the virtue of the elimination of the returned products, the costly reworks plus the defective products, which is there just to provide a better service not for profits. With the passage of time, the progressive quality improvement will only result in the increase in overhead expenditure as well as the capital costs.

  1. Results in more resource consumption

Six Sigma as you know is associated with improving the services provided. This eventually results in addition of the stricter tolerances, the improvement in the manufacturing equipment, enhancing the testing systems and timely quality checks. All these at the end of the day results in the consumption of more resources further increasing the manufacturing footprints. Lean Six Sigma is known to use an approach that primarily focuses on the hybridizing of two of these aspects. However, this need a deeper data assessment so as to compare the operations plus their outcomes.

  1. Lose on the client chain

Having incurred so much of expenditure with the sole objective of providing a greater quality  you tend to raise the price of the service or the product you provide. This you do with the purpose of expecting the customers to pay more for the quality. However, there are products the quality of which hardly matter to the client. Therefore instead of paying you a higher price they end up shifting to another brand. In this way you tend to lose the customer chain. This further calls for the assessment of your company’s target market so that you can  adopt a required strategy which further implies more investment.

All in all, these are the Pros and Cons of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Strategy. However, after deliberating on all the merits and the demerits of this strategy it can surely be analyzed that the benefits tend to be greater than the pitfalls. Therefore, you need to be a little cautious as to see at what all places this strategy will work as per the plan and objective.

Algonquin College

About the University

If there’s one thing Algonquin College offers above and beyond most leading Canadian colleges, it’s flexibility. While some universities focus on classroom-based studies or distance/online learning, Algonquin College strives for the highest quality in both areas. As it stands, more than 130 programs are available alongside an incredible 1,000+ courses, which are accessible to both on-campus students and distance learners alike.

According to the Algonquin team, the college exists to provide students with the kinds of hands-on education that translates to valuable job-market skills and talents. Having been at the forefront of Canada’s educational scene for more than 45 years, Algonquin College has a track record of delivering incredible results for tens of thousands of students every year.

Courses and Programs

With a strong focus on diversity and dynamic study opportunities, the course catalogue at Algonquin College is uniquely comprehensive. All the usual entries you’d expect, along with any number of niche courses and vocational programs you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else.

Some of the most popular courses among existing students at Algonquin College include Child and Youth Care, Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Ultrasonography, Early Childhood Education, General Arts and Science, Plumbing, Medical Device Reprocessing, Medical Radiation Technology, Music Industry Arts, Paralegal, Paramedic, Powerline Technician, Practical Nursing, Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training, Respiratory Therapy, Veterinary Technician and Welding and Fabrication Techniques.

Algonquin College is all about creating bespoke educational experiences for each and every student. For full details on course availability or to learn more about enrolment, check out http://www.algonquincollege.com.  

Fast Facts and Info

Algonquin College was born when the Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology, established in 1957, and the Ontario Vocational Centre, established in 1965, merged in 1967. Since then, the university has seen any number of ambitious extension and expansion projects completed, resulting in the three incredible campuses that comprise Algonquin College today.

Year after year, Algonquin College consistently ranks number-one in Ontario in terms of its overall student satisfaction rating – 80% towering over the regional average of 76%. What’s more, around 83% of graduates from the college find work within six months of graduating, with an impressive 91% of employers voicing their satisfaction with the graduates they take on. There are currently around 21,000 students studying with Algonquin College, with more than 1,300 international students representing 100+ countries.

Algonquin has also recently taken part in any number of international projects and exchanges, spanning a long list of countries including India, China, South Africa, Tanzania, Yemen and Montenegro.

Contact Information

There are dedicated service centers available for both traditional classroom courses and online distance learning opportunities. Full course information and college details can be found at http://www.algonquincollege.com, or use the following information to make direct inquiries with the college:


Online Programs and Courses

Phone: 613-727-4723 ext. 3330 or 1-888-684-4444

Email: OL@algonquincollege.com

On-campus Programs and Courses

Phone: 613-727-7655 or 1-888-684-4444

Email: CCOL@algonquincollege.com


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5 Lung Cancer Treatments Helping Mesothelioma Patients

Mesothelioma is an extremely rare form of cancer. It’s also aggressive and the majority of patients don’t last for five years after diagnosis. Cancer death rates are expected to rise to 13 million by 2030 and it’s necessary for new innovations in cancer treatments to appear.
There’s a significant amount of crossover in surviving mesothelioma. Lung cancer treatments are increasingly being used to help mesothelioma patients suffering the pleural form of the disease. Of course for the other forms of mesothelioma, like the peritoneal one explained here at https://survivingmesothelioma.com/mesothelioma/peritoneal/ they will require alternative treatment plans.

Here are just some of the lung cancer treatments that can help with the pleural form of mesothelioma.


This is a type of drug typically used for non-small cell lung cancer patients. But in studies it demonstrated that it was twice as effective as chemotherapy.

The revelation that it’s superior to chemotherapy has led to it being brought to clinical trials for use with mesothelioma. Walter Merth, who has survived mesothelioma, says that the drug has helped him to be able to live a good quality of life since his diagnosis.


This is a single-agent immunotherapy drug that has been in use since 2015. It was approved by the FDA to treat skin cancer too. But it’s now being seriously considered for use with mesothelioma patients as it boosts the immune system and makes it more likely that tumors can be successfully inhibited.

Some mesothelioma patients who have taken it have seen increased lifespans.


This is another immunotherapy drug that’s currently in production. It has yet to receive FDA approval for treating mesothelioma, but it’s continuing to be tested via clinical trials.

Originally, it was only approved for use with specific types of bladder cancer. Since that time it has been used in non-small cell lung cancer. It has been found to be particularly effective for patients who are no longer responding to traditional chemotherapy treatments.


CimaVax gains credit for being the first ever vaccine developed to treat lung cancer. Created in Cuba, it has made its way to the US.

It acts against epidermal growth that lung cancer patients typically experience. It’s been explored for the same reason for use with mesothelioma patients.

The only reason it has taken so long to try is because of the lifting of the Cuban embargo by the US.

CAR T Cell Therapy

Known as Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell therapy, this has been developed for cancer therapy and to help treat various blood cancers.

The patient’s white blood cells are literally reprogrammed in a laboratory to make them more effective at attacking cancer cells. At its heart it’s a type of gene therapy customized for the specific patient. It has already shown an extremely high level of effectiveness against a variety of different lung cancers.

Last Word – Lung Cancer Treatments a Game Changer?

These five treatments have been effective with lung cancer. Early evidence shows that mesothelioma patients could benefit from these non-surgical treatments.
For now, mesothelioma sufferers should be cautious about these drugs as they’re still involved in clinical trials. However, the future for new treatments is bright.

Do you believe that these treatments will change the game?

Free PHP IDE – CodeLobster PHP Edition review

PHP is a scripting language that is being used by many programmers. If you are a young programmer that ones to give a chance to PHP programming, you should know that you need a PHP integrated development environment (IDE).

A PHP IDE is a tool used to edit certain elements and there are various PHP IDE for you to choose from. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages and there are a few popular ones such as NetBeans, Eclipse PDT and Sublime Text 3. However, today we are here to talk about CodeLobster PHP Edition, a PHP IDE that does not receive enough attention.

What is CodeLobster PHP Edition?

CodeLobster PHP Edition is an IDE that comes with multiple possibilities for PHP programmers. The software allows you to code efficiently, especially if you are a WordPress developer. CodeLobster also has a forum where users can ask support question and they will get an answer right away.

CodeLobster features

CodeLobster has a HTML/CSS inspector like Firebug which allows connection between selected certain selected elements and the proper style. There is also a PHP debugger which lets you execute PHP scripts incrementally, and a SQL manager makes you able to produce any kind of actions for a database, such as editing, adding or deleting records and structures in tables, as well as exporting data and executing SQL queries.

When it comes to frameworks, Code Lobster’s website mentions CakePHP CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, Twig, Laravel, Phalcon and many others. CodeLobster can be integrated with many CMS, and of course it also works with WordPress.  CodeLobster also allows you to select blocks, navigate on descriptions of functions with the CTRL key, preview in a browser.

By typing the first letters of a function the Autocomplete function should do the rest of the job, so you do not have to worry about memorizing all the arguments, functions, or attributes. This IDE also comes with various interface languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Turkish and Persian.

How much does it cost?

CodeLobster is available for free and it works with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux and MacOS.  If you are a beginner, the free version is exactly what you need since it can be used to develop PHP, as well as CSS, HTML and JavaScriptIn order to download CodeLobser you simply have to go to their website and click the Download button.

However, if you feel like you need more than that, you can always pay for additional features. If you wish to integrate CodeLobster with a CMS such as WordPress, you will need to but the professional version of the application.

Integration with PHP and JavaScript Framework is another feature that can be purchase. CodeLobster IDE comes with support for JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS, Backbone JS, Meteor and jQuery. CodeLobster is also able to integrate PHP frameworks such as Phalcon, Node JS, Symfony, CakePHP and Codelniter.

Things You Should Know About a Credit Repair Company

It’s strange to witness how the modern-day society looks down on your credit score before doing any business with you. Credit score has now become more of a wealth indicator for every person around.

Having said, the individuals with shady credit score are now left to seek repair.credit companies to achieve better financial opportunities. Not only this, credit repair companies serve as the perfect companion to raise the degraded credit score quickly.

However, before you delve into the ocean to come up with a reliable credit repair company, we want to share some interesting facts with you that you should know.

There Is No Magic A Credit Repair Company Can Perform

It has become a myth that credit repair company are encompassed with people working in banks, state-sponsored bodies and more organizations who could do a job that isn’t possible for anyone of us.

In reality, the credit repair companies do nothing other than using strategies to eliminate credit report disputes, providing letters of goodwill, validating debts and much more.

These strategies are brought into practice by a credit repair company to remove all the negative information from a credit report of a client. Not to mention, anyone can perform these activities to achieve better control on one’s credit.

Credit Report Over Credit Score

In essence, credit repairing has to do more with acredit report, instead of credit score itself. In other words, credit report influences your present credit score.

Thus, you should go through credit report before signing up for a credit repair company. Also, you could get a copy of credit report from one of the major credit bureaus around.

Doing Nothing At All Might Help In Some Cases

Hilariously, your credit report won’t remain filled with negative information forever. Having said, much negative information on your credit report will only stay for as long as seven years. Also, various exceptions are there.

The Chapter 7 unpaid taxes and bankruptcy could affect your credit report for as long as ten years only. On another hand, according to state’s statute of limitations for a debt, unpaid judgments could affect your credit report in case statute is more than seven years.

Also, if an account is about to meet the credit reporting time limit, it’s better to wait and let all the negativities fall off on their own rather than performing stressful and time-consuming activities.

On top, making efforts to remove negative account doesn’t help in extending credit reporting time limitation. Having said, if you clear off a 6-year-old debt, it would still drop off after seven years.

The Credit Won’t Stay Good If You Don’t Want

Irrefutably, a good credit won’t last if you stick with odd financial habits. A large number of people spend money on repairing their credit to qualify for a loan, house mortgage or car finance.

However, they could find themselves back with bad credit if they don’t pay back the loan on time, leading to an awful credit report. Thus, it is recommended to change our spending habits for having a good credit always.

Advantages of the Credit Repair Companies

Repairing the credit card becomes the cushy job with the right approach. You can also secure the services of the credit repair companies to improve the condition the credit card. You must know the pros and cons of both options, so you make the correct choice.

Advantages of the Credit Repair Companies

Credit repair companies offer the significant number of benefits. However, numerous companies overstate their position. Make sure that the company is true to its words before agreeing.

Elimination of the Negative Aspects

The credit repair company moderates the negative aspects and increases the credit score.

Dealing with the Lenders

These companies have experience in the respective field. They know how to deal with the lenders. They can get the promising deals on the repayments.

Error on Credit Report

The mistake on the credit report can be the reason for stress. An average person doesn’t know how to get rid of this problem. The companies can work well when experiencing such issues.

When Do the Credit Repair Companies Charge?

The well-reputed companies don’t charge until the completion of the task. They abide by the law. Further, they give in written the cost of their service. They also tell about the expected time to deliver the desired results.

Is Credit Repairing a Time-Consuming Process?  

Of course! The credit repair consumes a lot of time. It becomes very complicated work for the person who hasn’t even little know-how about the process.

The Responsibility of the Credit Repair Company

Once you hand over the task of repairing credit card, it becomes the responsibility of the company to manage the time and the problems. The group communicate with the lawyers and copes the questionable report item.

Get the Credit for What You Deserve

The client doesn’t have complete knowledge of the laws. On the other, the professionals have experience, and they know the steep laws. They can get the due credit for their clients.

Reduce the Amount of Money for Different Loans

Once you have health credit card in hand, you can decrease the amount of the money you require to borrow for a mortgage loan or the vehicle loan.

The Parameters of Lenders

The lenders take into consideration the credit score. The credit repair company increases the credit score. So, you can get the significant volume of money from the lenders and invest it in any business.

The Long-term Benefits  

The services of the credit repair companies are reliable because they give long-term paybacks. They accomplish the credit reports efficiently that oxygenate the credit score. The client enjoys the outcomes for the considerable length of time.

Sit Back and Enjoy the Peace of Mind

Invest little time in finding the trustworthy company. Take into account the terms and conditions, expected benefits, charges, warranty, etc. Now sit back and relish the harmony of mind because you are going to cultivate the cherished interests.

The Disadvantage

Some people consider that the paying to the credit repair company is a disadvantage. One should be realistic. The client pays for their services, time and skills. The high profits overweigh the investment.


Safety Instructions You Need to Follow to Install And Operate Linear Actuators

Linear actuators are everywhere, from household items to big machines. One of the main reasons why they have become so famous is their affordability and ease to use.

According to experts at Powerjackmotion, linear actuators are very easy to install and care for. However, things can also go ugly if you neglect to follow safety steps.

Installing linear actuators or operating them is not child’s play. It requires prior knowledge and as a lack of knowledge can cause problems not just to the machine, but to people around as well.

Therefore, it is essential to carry out a safe installation and know how to use a linear actuator.

Here’s what you need to know:


Protective Gear If The Environment Seems Hazardous

Linear actuators are installed and used in many industries, and hence you need to take special care when installing them in an environment that poses potential risk.

Chemical factories or construction factories pose a threat to the lives of the labor. Therefore, while installing an actuator, make sure the technician is wearing protective gear.

This is important because the type of actuators used in these factories are hydraulic actuators. They run on oil pressure and can cause damage if no proper care is taking during their installation.

Make sure that the person who is operating or installing the actuator has his/her hands and face covered while doing so.


Don’t Install It If You’re Not A Pro

If the actuator you want to install is huge in size then know that it’s not a one man’s job.

You need to hire professionals to do the job for you.

It may cost you a bit but it is far better than putting the lives of people in danger.

Also, you need to talk to the manufacturer to help you with transporting the product by sealing it properly.

Poor installation can not only affect the performance of the product but also pose threat to the people working around it.


Inspect The Product First

Check for any damages on the product before you begin installation. It is common for a product to get damaged during transport, hence an inspection can be useful.

If you see any damage, no matter how minimal it may be, contact the manufacturer to have it repaired or replaced.

Don’t try to resolve the issue by yourself.


Things To Look Out For While Operating The Actuator

The next step is to operate an actuator. Again, you must do it properly so that there is no harm done to the machine or anyone around it.

Here are some tips:

  • If it’s an actuator that operates on pressure then make sure the pressure systems are properly vented before use.
  • Let the temperature of the actuator come to normal before switching off the


  • Make sure no vents are kept isolated.
  • Hire a person who knows how to operate large actuators.

Keep these tips in mind and you will have no problem in handling an actuator.

Writing tips for grant winning essay

Grant writing can be very demanding especially if there are lots of issues to be addressed. In other words, it means sometimes one has to flip through page after page writing what he or she believes will persuade a prospective financier to provide a grant for an initiative.  The other option is which has worked for many, is to hire scholarship essay writing service. Grants are usually written by students seeking financial help to cater to their higher education or research needs. It has been the norm that one doesn’t walk up to a financing individual, organization or company to ask for such help face to face but rather makes such a request in writing. But again, even if that was the case, the culmination of all is usually putting everything down on paper.  

The Challenge…

This is not always easy for those who are not endowed with requisite skills involved in writing persuasive requests. And the fact that money is involved makes it even more challenging because people or organizations do not want to part ways with funds towards unfeasible ends. You have to be very good with words and convincing. Thus, one can hit a dead end during the first trial but it is not usually a reason enough or proof that all hope is gone. The idea of term paper help should once again never be far from thought. And because it can be the best option, it is important to look for a company that has what it takes to provide the best write-up.  Qualities of professionalism, reputation, experience and great online reviews are some of the things to look out for.

How to go about it and what it takes

Essays that fetch the highest marks are usually written creatively but when it comes to crafting a grant request paper, it should not just be about this. Assuming one has identified a potential grant issuer and wants to make a request in writing. How does he or she go about it? If you are planning to do this for the first time, then lots of help is necessary because the thought of going out there to solicit for funds to further one’s education or start up an initiative; money which is non-refundable; unless otherwise stated, usually freaks out many students. As a result, a good number have let golden opportunities slip off their hands.  The catch therefore is; how do you face up to such a challenge boldly and craft a paper that will earn you the best financier even though you can get help from professional writers for hire?

There are pretty many ways to approach this but in this post, and because many students have been able to acquire the much-needed grants by employing some the tips this post explores, I explore only the best.


  • Look at grant paper samples


This is an area that is not taught in many learning institutions as other writing areas. However, it is notable that grant writing is quickly gaining ground in the wake of those who are missing out on both scholarship and fellowship financing.  Well, if you are just starting out, Inside Higher Education is one source worth looking at. But again, a closer review of published grant papers on an area of your interest will reveal pretty much about how things are supposed to be done. In fact, this is a path many students follow. Quick online search for the best paper samples will thus never disappoint.

  • Brainstorm on the organization and your purpose

General responses to questions when writing grant papers has on many occasions been costly and it mostly occurs when one does so based on hearsay or rumors. This is why it is recommended to contract the services of reputed assignment help agency to avoid erring in the process. Well, it is important to find out as much information as possible about the organization from which you seek scholarship. Look at their mission statement, goals and visions as well as history. Tie this information to the purpose for which you are writing a grant request to them. This way, your proposal will definitely look different from those of other applicants.


  • Be confident, not tough


Making money requests through writing isn’t going to be better if you do it in a demanding tone. Hispanic Grants website review a number of ways to do it and being soft on every aspect of it while stating in clear terms why you need help usually pays off.


  • Be specific to instructions


Sending a photograph if it is not needed will make you look amateurish. When such is communicated across, you will have to write several scholarship papers before finally hitting where it matters. It is important to pay close attention to instructions. Check out this post on Writer’s Digest for more tips.

In summary, grant writing is an opportunity that everyone who seeks scholarship funding should make the most of. This equally applies to those in dire need of fellowship money and among others. You’ve got to write in a personal and passionate note because is more or less an appeal for help. Further, everything should be outstanding right from the introduction.

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