Vol 61 (2017) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 61 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Condonation of Delay and Assurance of Justice: An overview PDF
Kalim Ullah 1-8
ASEAN Single Market and Challenges for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Product in Indonesia PDF
Husni Thamrin, Kadarudin . 9-18
The Legal Protection for Trademark Rights in the Judge’s Decision of Indonesia PDF
Deity Yuningsih 19-22
The Legitimacy of Using Cross-Border Force to Counter-Terrorism before and after September 11 Attacks in the Light of the Right of Self-Defense PDF
Ali Al-Zubi, Bassam Al-Trawneh 23-31
The Contractual Liability of Deputy (Contract) in Electronic Contracts PDF
Ammar Mahmoud Ayoub Al Rawashdah 32-39
Electoral System in Indonesia: Reviewing the National Legislative Elections PDF
Wahdah Zainal Imam 40-45
Reinterpretation of Contemporary Islamic Law (Analysis Study of the Legal Fatwa of Smoking) PDF
M. Arfin Hamid 46-54
Globalization and the Homosexuality Battle: A Church’s Theological and Social Response PDF
Grace Wambui Itegi 55-66
Reformulation of Tax Dispute Resolution in Indonesia PDF
Heru Ratno Hadi, Sudarsono ., Bambang Winarno, Abdul Rachmad Budiono 67-76
Political Motive in Terrorism Criminal Act PDF
Hoiruddin Hasibuan, Sudarsono ., I Nyoman Nurjaya, Bambang Sugiri 77-82
International Contracts in Developing Countries about Oil and Gas: for instance, Kurdistan and Kuwait PDF
Mahdi Nooruldeen M.Nory 83-86
Legal Principles for Public Service of Indonesia Based on the Act of Number of 25 of 2009 PDF
H. Muhammad Jufri 87-90
Investigation of Criminal Acts in Mining of Minerals and Coal by Investigators Civil Servant PDF
Jeanne Darc N Manik, A.Rachmad Budiono, Prija Djatmika, I Nyoman Nurjaya 91-97
Meaning of Environmental Management Surveillance of Coal Mining in Uupplh and Mineral and Coal of Law Perspective PDF
Nurul Listiyani, Suhariningsih ., Istislam ., Bambang Sudjito 98-105
The State Role through Court Warrant in Protection of Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia PDF
Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti, Aloysius R. Entah, Dewi Astutty Mochtar 106-113
Legal Review of Individual Candidate in Direct Elections PDF
Kelik Endro Suryono, Hartanto . 114-121
The Principles for Islamic Debt Contract in the Sharia Pawnshop of Indonesia PDF
Muh. Sjaiful 122-125
Avoidance of Contract as a Remedy under CISG and SGA: Comparative Analysis PDF
Bzhar Abdullah Ahmed, Hassan Mustafa Hussein 126-142
Restorative Justice Approach in the Settlement of Ballot Manipulation Crime Inindonesian Legislative Election PDF
Sanusi ., I Nyoman Nurjaya, Masruchin Ruba’i, Kuat Puji Prayitno 143-153
The Criminal Act on Religion in Indonesia with Syari’Ah Perspective PDF
Rossa Ilma Silfiah, Thohir Luth, Bambang Sugiri, Nurini Aprilianda 154-160
The Protection of Energy Investments under Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties: A Myth or a Reality? PDF
Omolade Adeyemi Oniyinde, Tosin Ezekiel Ayo 161-169
The Right of the Jordanian Citizen in the Expressing Opinion in the Jordanian Legislation and the Word Decrees PDF
Malik Mohammad Hussein Bani Ata 170-181
Legal Certainty To Sanction Violations Of Publicity By Joining Limited Company PDF
Widad Muhammad Khaitam, Budi Santoso, Lutfi Effendi 182-191
Human Trafficking: A Global Challenge Reflection on the Challenges in Nigeria PDF
Amuda-Kannike Abiodun, Aaron George, Amadi Celestine Chukwuma, Oladapo, Gbenga, Lawrence Udodilim Iluno 192-207
Fahad Mohammed Alabdulmenem 208-223


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vol 34 (2017) Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Vol 34 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Genre Analysis of Move Structures in Job Interviews by the Judicial Service Commission of Kenya in 2011 PDF
Anne Obinju, Pamela Oloo, Lydia Akuno 1-5
Conflict Management through War Metaphors in 2013 Kenyan Presidential Campaign Speeches PDF
Norah Mose, Lilian Magonya, Benson Ojwang’ 6-16
How Task Based and Situated Language Learning and Teaching is Changing the Way English Can be Taught to Foreign Students PDF
Mansour Hussain Alomar 17-21
Finding Relationships between Acquisition of Basic Skills and Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques PDF
Mohammed Ilyas 22-26
Diverse Representation of Muslim Women in the US Newspapers-A Corpus Based Critical Discourse Analysis PDF
Madiha Neelam 27-32
Unconventional Hardy in the Light of His Two Female Characters ‘Bathsheba Everdene and Eustacia Vye’ PDF
Moshiur Rahaman, Nusrat Nilufer 33-37
Weakness of Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Modern Classes PDF
Ali Al-Enezi 38-42
Deixis in PNoy’s Eulogy for the Fallen PNP-SAF Troopers: A Stylistic Analysis PDF
Erwin L. Purcia 43-50
The Types and the Frequencies of Reporting Verbs in Research Articles Written by Lecturers in a Ghanaian University PDF
Ebenezer Agbaglo 51-57
Language as Evolving: Introductory Notes to Some Aspects of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics PDF
Bel Abbes Neddar 58-72
The Linguistic and Non-linguistic Factors That Affect Choosing Names of People in Jordan from Al Zaytoonah University Students’ Point of View PDF
Dima Mohammad Al-Wahsh 73-80


Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435

Vol 7, No 4 (2017) Journal of Information Engineering and Applications

Vol 7, No 4 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Integration between Cryptography and Steganography to Hide Secret Message inside an Image PDF
Ahmed Nashaat SHAKIR, Sibel TARIYAN 1-10
Scenario of Employee Welfare Programs in IT sector of Rajasthan – Employee Expectations and Reality PDF
Manju Nair, Swati Jha 11-22
Time Delay Estimation in Mobile Sensors for Underwater Networking PDF
Rand N. Dawood, A. E. Abdelkareem 23-31


Paper submission email: JIEA@iiste.org
ISSN (Paper)2224-5782 ISSN (Online)2225-0506

Vol 38 (2017) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 38 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Effect of Transactional Stress and Meaning-Focused Coping on Compliance with Therapy Management for Diabetes Mellitus Clients PDF
Bambang Heriyanto 1-6
Impact of Compliance to DASH Teaching Dietary Guidelines on Hypertension and Dietary Knowledge among Egyptian Sample PDF
Asmaa Diab Abdel-Fattah Hassan, Anahid Kulwicki 7-17
Diagnosis of Early Infant HIV Infection among Sero-Positive Mother in Jimma Zone, Southern West Ethiopia, Jimma PDF
Asfaw Mesfin 18-22
Life Adaptation Program & Its Effect on Daily Living Skills of Autistic Children and Their Parents Stress PDF
Mona, H. Mostafa, Nefissa, M. AbdElkader, Samira, A. AbdElsalam 23-32
Adverse Effects of Prolonged Use of Pausinystalia yohimbe on Sperm and Reproductive Organs in Rats PDF
Louis Chukwuemeka Ajonuma, Adebisi Saka Bamiro, Samira Lobo Makonjuola, Misturah Salami, Eniola Carew, Grace Adeyemi Umoren, Innocent Ikechukwu Okoye, Basil Chinedu Bonaventure 33-43
Determinants of Sexual Debut among High School Girl Students in Arsi Zone, Huruta Town, Ethiopia: School based Cross Sectional Study PDF
Digafe Tsegaye Nigatu 44-49
The Influence of Infrastructural Investment on Adoption of ICT in Health Information System: A Case of Sub County Referral Hospitals in Nakuru County, Kenya PDF
Samuel Kibugi Githiomi, Lilian Wambui Muiruri, Ben Onyango-Osuga 50-60
Translating Evidence into Public Health Practice PDF
David Akpan 61-64
Effectiveness of Food Safety and Hygiene Training Program for Hospital Food Services Staff in Holly Makkah PDF
Mohammad .A. Elmadbouly, Ahmed M. Ashshi, Haifa M. H. Hegazy, Mostafa H. Osfor, Naser A. ElSawy 65-72
Predictors of Non-adherence in Patients Taking Psychotropic Medication and Suggestions to Improve PDF
Suzie Yassin Abd Al-Rhman Ali Rababa’h, Fayzeh Nayef Mohammad Yousef, Amer Ahmad Rasheed Al- Omari 73-84
Bio-Sexual Profile of Wives of Males with Sexual Dysfunction PDF
Walaa.M. Abdel-Rahman, Magda.A. Fawaz, Shadia A. Hassan 85-94


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 7, No 5 (2017) Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy

Vol 7, No 5 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Two Optimization Techniques for Optimum Control of Energy Use in Comfort Conditions in an Air Conditioning Room PDF
Yılmaz Akgüney 1-13
Physical and Thermal Characteristics of Solid Bio Ethanol PDF
I Wayan Arnata, I Wayan Gede Sedana Yoga, Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono 14-22
Investigating the Impact of Oil Export on Gross Capital Formation in Nigeria PDF
Odo Stephen Idenyi, Udude Celina Chinyere, Okpoto Sunday Ituma 23-31
Analysis of Oil Import and Exchange Rate in Nigeria PDF
Odo Stephen Idenyi, Anoke Charity Ifeyinwa, Udude Celina Chinyere, Okpoto Sunday I. 32-42
The Impact of Financial Leverage on Firm Performance in Fuel and Energy Sector, Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Ashraf, Mian Waqas Ahmad, Naila Mehmood 43-49


Paper submission email: JETP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3232 ISSN (Online)2225-0573

Vol 8, No.9 and No.10 (2017) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 8, No 9 (2017)

Table of Contents


Effects of the Sick Industrial Units Onthe Socio-Economic Conditons of the Employees of Small Estate Kohat Road Peshawar PDF
Abdullah . 1-9
Determinants of Income from Moringa Tree based Agroforestry Practice in Konso, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Yohannes Shonde 10-20
Analysis of Households’ Willingness and Ability to Participate in Micro- Enterprise in Gambella Town of Western Ethiopia: In Case of Nuer and Agnwaa Community PDF
Alemu Ayele 21-26
Determinants of Cattle Market Participation Decisions by Smallholder the Case of Wolaita Zone, SNNRP, Ethiopia PDF
Shambel Bekele 27-41
Methodological Needs of Using Mobile Technologies as Tools for Inculcating Green Skills into Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) University Students in Nigeria PDF
Yekinni Sunkanmi Afeez 42-51
Farmer’s Participation in Participatory Forest Management and Factors Affecting its Performance (The Case of Sodo Zuriya District, Wolaita Zone , Ethiopia) PDF
Girma Jatana 52-62
Trade Between India and Bangladesh: Performance and Prospects PDF
Potato Value Chain Analysis in Degem District, North Shoa Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Central Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Alemu Assefa Gelan 79-90
Perceptions and Demand for Health Insurance services offered under National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) Scheme among Civil Servants in Tanzania PDF
Vicent Kibambila 91-122
Financial Illiteracy and Cashless System in Nigeria PDF
Maria Chinecherem Uzonwanne, Uju Regina Ezenekwe 123-139
The Syrian Conflict and Its Effect on the Real Local Production Growth and Unemployment in Jordan PDF
Adnan A. Thiabat, Mohammad N. Almarshad 140-149

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 8, No 10 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Study on the Role of UIG Triple Helix Intensity in the Level of Regional Entrepreneurship PDF
Xiaobao Peng, Shanwei Liu 1-8
Practice of SCM Performance Drivers and Procurement Process: Case Study on Globe Pharmaceuticals Limited PDF
Syed Abrar Rafid, Ashfaque A. Mohib, Md. Faruque Hossain 9-19
Logistics and Supply Chain: An Overview of Business Jet Aircraft Manufacturing PDF
Ashfaque A. Mohib, Ramit Azad, Subarna Haque, Md. Faruque Hossain 20-29
Effects of Abandoned Highway Construction Project in the Nigerian Economy: A Case Study of Enugu – Onitsha Highway Road PDF
Uju Regina Ezenekwe, Maria Chinecherem Uzonwanne 30-34
Evaluation of Clean Market Chain from a Biosecure Farm PDF
Ni Putu Sarini, Ni Nyoman Suryani, I Gede Suranjaya 35-39
The Link Between Food Import and Cereals Production in Kenya: Evidence from Cointegration and Granger Causality Analysis Using Time Series Data PDF
Alphonce Juma Odondo 40-48
Achieving Sustainable Development and Promoting Development Cooperation in Nigeria: Way Forward PDF
Sustainable Water Supply: An Overview of Water Supply Systems in some Nigerian Peri-Urban Communities PDF
Israel Dunmade 57-63
Assessing the Economic Cost Benefit Analysis of Fractionating Raw Condensate into Specific Products by the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant, Ghana PDF
Justine Akosua Dzidodo Adjimah, Bayuasi Nammei Luki 64-94
Income Distribution Inequality Analysis between Regencies/Cities in Papua Province PDF
I Nyoman Putu Arka, Nyoman Djinar Setiawina, I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi 95-103
Poverty and Empowerment of the Sustainable Fisherman Community (Critical Ethnographic Study in the Province of Gorontalo) PDF
Sudarmin Parenrengi, Georgina Maria Tinungki 104-112
Influence of Core Resources on Performance of Cultural Heritage Tourism in Kenya PDF
Philip Omondi Abiero, Maria Onyango, Vitalis Mogwambo 113-124
International Trade as an Engine of Economic Growth in Zambia. An Application of New Structural Economics PDF
Kiru Sichoongwe 125-136
Lending Model: Micro Credit Risk By Joint Liability PDF
Sunardi ., Lita Dwipasari 137-140
Linkages between Rural Poverty and Land Use in Nyando and Muhoroni Sub Counties Kenya PDF
Nelly Juma, Francis Wegulo, Joseph Otieno 141-147
The Marginal Profitability Share among of Stakeholders in Rice Value Chain: A Case Study in Banian Commune, Faranah Prefecture, Guinea PDF
Siba Kolin Koivogu, Yonggong Liu, Diawadou Diallo, Alexandre Konaté, John Morris Togo 148-160
Private Capital Inflow, Financial Development and Economic Growth in Kenya PDF
Umulkher Ali Abdillahi, Muganda Munir Manini 161-199
Remittance: Means of Income for Developing Countries PDF
Syed Shoaib Ahmed, Saima Akhter 200-202
Dynamics of Savings-Growth Interactions in Nigeria (1980-2013) PDF
Laniran Temitope Joseph 203-214
Sino–Bangla Bilateral Trade (Trade Analysis and Future Development) PDF
Shahriar Kabir, Mohammad Maruf Hasan 215-224


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 8, No.13, No.14, No.15 (2017) Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 8, No 13 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Status of National Values in the Books of Social Studies for the Grades of the Upper Primary Stage in Jordan PDF
Eid H. Subheyyin, Baker S. Mawajdeh, Mansour H. Talhouni, Mohammad O. Rfou’ 1-7
Social Cultural Factors Influencing Appointment of Headteachers in Primary Schools in Eldoret East Sub-County, Kenya PDF
Esther J. Suter 8-13
An Evaluation of Academic Training Program (ÖYP) from Professional Socialisation and Identity Perspective PDF
Tijen Tülübaş, Şöheyda Göktürk 14-20
Interventions that Increase Enrolment of Women in Higher Education: The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania PDF
Nasero Charles Kilango, Yu Hai Qin, Watende Pius Nyoni, Richard Allen Senguo 21-27
Preparation of Teacher-Trainees in Pedagogy in Kenyan Universities PDF
Nasimiyu Genvieve 28-34
The Role of Cultural Events in Rehabilitation, Therapy and Education of People with Special Needs PDF
Marine Gurgenidze, Nani Mamuladze 35-38
Sedentary Life-Style as Inhibition to Good Quality of Life and Longevity PDF
Akindutire. Isaac Olusola, Olanipekun, Johnson Adetunji 39-43
Sustainable Interventions in Enhancing Gender Parity in Senior Leadership Positions in Higher Education in Tanzania PDF
Watende Pius Nyoni, Chen He, Mashala Lameck Yusuph 44-54
Influence of Classroom Practice of Home Science on Employability among the Youth in Kakamega County, Kenya PDF
Abwao Linet Kuya 55-66
Effect of Constructivist Based Training on Learning and Teaching: An Experiment in Classroom PDF
Laxmi Pandey, Devendra Ameta 67-72
Space for Convenience Planning and Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
Suleman Yakubu 73-78
Post Modernity Theory and Its Educational Applications in School Fields PDF
Maaly Bent Mohamed Saleh El-Baz 79-84
The Perception Created of Online Home Work by High School Student, Their Teacher and Parents in Saudi Arabia PDF
Abdulhalim Ali Alshehri 85-100
Renaissance of Social Studies Instruction in the Senior High Schools in Ghana: Technological Perspective PDF
Clarke Ebow Yalley 101-107
Developing Mathematical Knowledge and Skills through the Awareness Approach of Teaching and Learning PDF
Abour H. Cherif, Stefanos Gialamas, Angeliki Stamati 108-132
Construction on Practical Talents Training Mode in Environmental Monitoring Curriculum PDF
Jing-Ping Wang, Xin-Hong Wang 133-135
The Reality of E- Learning in the Jordanian Public Universities and its Constraints from the Faculty Members’ Point of View PDF
Hussein Khazer Almajali, Suad Esmael Al Abdallat, Nisreen Shamayleh 136-144

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 8, No 14 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Assessment on Awareness and Acceptability of Child Adoption in Edo State PDF
P. Aluyor, L.I. Salami 1-4
Analysis of Enrollment Scale of Chinese Specialty Education PDF
Jinmei Hao, Suke Li 5-9
Analysis of Student-Teacher Cognitive Styles Interaction: An Approach to Understanding Learner Performance PDF
Lusweti Sellah, Kwena Jacinta, Mondoh Helen 10-20
Level of Discipline among University Academic Staff as a Correlate of University Development in Nigeria PDF
Anyi Mary Uhoman 21-29
Challenges of Administering Teacher Education Programme in Kenyan Universities PDF
Nasimiyu Genvieve 30-33
Effects of Insecurity on Community Development Projects in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni and Ahoada East Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria PDF
Adekola, G., Enyiche, C. C 34-39
The Mainstream Problems Coping Students with Hearing Disability in Najran Region PDF
Suhib Saleem Saleem 40-45
Understanding the Effect of Loneliness on Academic Participation and Success among International University Students PDF
Hafız Bek 46-50
Influence of Examinations Oriented Approaches on Quality Education in Primary Schools in Kenya PDF
Caleb Imbova Mackatiani 51-58
Students Problem-Solving Difficulties and Implications in Physics: An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors PDF
M. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy, Buncha Panacharoensawad 59-62
Towards Free Day Secondary Schooling in Kenya: Exposing the Impediments PDF
Kamau Njoroge John, Wambugu N. Beth 63-70
Analysis of the Socio-Economic Factors That Contribute to Children School Dropout in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities of Tanzania PDF
Dora Harrison Ouma, Zuo Ting, John Chrisostom Pesha 71-78
Promoting Institutional Collaborations for Capacity Improvement of Business Educators in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State of Nigeria PDF
Godwin Onnoh Onajite, David Oluseyi Oyerinde 79-87
Effects of Self- Efficacy Training Programmes on Adolescents’ Sexual Risk- Taking Behaviour in Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
Musa, Titilayo Monsurat 88-96
Synergy among School and District Leaders in the Application of Quality Standards in Kuwaiti Public Schools PDF
Sultan Ghaleb Aldaihani 97-104
Teacher Preparedness in the Implementation of the Integrated Business Studies Curriculum in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya PDF
Florah Jerotich, Susan J. Kurgat, Chris K. Kimutai 1051-111
The Constraints to the Application of Self-assessment of the Academic Programmes at Al- Balqa Applied University from the Viewpoint of the Faculty Members PDF
Hammam Samir Hamadneh 112-117
Use of the Self-Monitoring Strategy among Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review PDF
Areej Alsalamah 118-125
Research on “STI +” Model in College Entrepreneurship Education PDF
Maike Liu, Shuo Xu, Jibao Gu 126-131
Specialized Courses Teaching Mode Innovation of the Independent College Based on MOOCS PDF
Sun Hongxia, Zhao Na, Zhang Zhixiang, Zhu Pengcheng 132-136
“You Have Come a Long Way Woman” A sparkle slogan without realistic meaning Woman Status in Jordan PDF
The Impact of Social Networking Websites on the Improvement of Self-awareness among Students at Mu’tah University PDF
Asma Naiyf Salti Saraireh 143-150

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 8, No 15 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Examination of the Effectiveness of Instruction in which Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers Use Technology to Overcome Student Difficulties PDF
Arzu Aydoğan Yenmez 1-21
Graduate Students’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Alternative National English Course on the Improvement of Their English Language Learning and Their Learning Challenges at the University of Jordan PDF
Ahmad Mokbel Alkhawaldeh 22-28
Metaphorical Perceptions of Teachers, Principals and Staff on School Management PDF
Ayşegül KADI, Osman Ferda BEYTEKİN 29-35
Challenges in the Decentralization of Recruitment and Selection of Teachers in Kenyan Secondary Schools: A Case of Gucha District PDF
Samba Serah Moraa, Koske Luciana Chepkoech, Mulongo Leonard Simiyu 36-43
Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Self-Employment Initiatives among Nigerian Science & Technology Students PDF
AFOLABI, Michael Oluseye, KAREEM, Fatai Adebayo, OKUBANJO, Idowu Olulanu, OGUNBANJO, Olufunmilola Adesola, ANINKAN, Olubukola Omonike 44-51
Evaluating the Impact of Disseminating of Information in Learners on Fighting Corruption in Kenya through a Kiswahili Set Book Mstahiki Meya PDF
Stephen Muhala Kuyuni 52-54
Gaming in Education: Using Games as a Support Tool to Teach History PDF
Victor Samuel Zirawaga, Adeleye Idowu Olusanya, Tinovimbanashe Maduku 55-64
Geometry Teaching via Origami: The Views of Secondary Mathematics Teacher Trainees PDF
Hülya GÜR, Mevhibe KOBAK-DEMİR 65-71
Impact of Simulation Based Education on Biology Student’s Academic Achievement in DNA Replication PDF
M. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy, Phyu Phyu Mint 72-75
Analysis of Leisure Time Activities of Syrian Children in Turkey as an Adaptation Process PDF
Figen Eres, Fatih Aslan 76-84
Making of a Corporate University Model: Transition from Traditional Training to Learning Management System PDF
Mohammed Ilyas 85-90
Science Perceptions of Prospective Class Teachers PDF
Mediation Effect of Research Skills Proficiency on the Core Self-Evaluations – Research Engagement Relationship among Master of Education Students in Uganda PDF
Dennis Zami Atibuni, David Kani Olema, Joseph Ssenyonga, Steffens Karl, Grace Milly Kibanja 103-108
Plagiarism under a Magnifying-Glass PDF
Diana Starovoytova 109-129
Principals’ Personal Variables and Information and Communication Technology Utilization in Federal Capital Territory Senior Secondary Schools, Abuja, Nigeria PDF
Ogunshola, Roseline Folashade, Abiodun Adeniyi 130-135
Problem Solving Strategies among Primary School Teachers PDF
Wun Thiam Yew, Lim Hooi Lian, Chew Cheng Meng 136-140
The Effect of Meaning-focused Listening Input on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Productive Vocabulary Size PDF
Mostafa Azari Noughabi 141-149
An Analysis of Oppression and Health Education for Underserved Populations in the United States: The Issues of Acculturation, Patient-Provider Communication, and Health Education PDF
Shannon Weaver, Bethany Gull, Jeanie Ashby, Akiko Kamimura 150-155
Learning Analytics in Higher Education Development: A Roadmap PDF
Olugbenga Adejo, Thomas Connolly 156-163
Challenges in The Decentralization of Recruitment and Selection of Teachers in Kenyan Secondary Schools: A Case of Gucha District PDF
Samba Serah Moraa, Koske Luciana Chepkoech, Mulongo Leonard Simiyu 164-172
Implementing Project Based Learning Approach to Graphic Design Course PDF
Menul Teguh Riyanti, Tuti Nuriah Erwin, Suriani, S.H 173-177
African Philosophy of Education: Analysis of the Neglected Ideals of Nyerere’s Ujamaa PDF
Maira Justine Mukhungulu, Vengi Ambrose Kimathi, Atieno Kili K’Odhiambo 178-186
Assessing the Influence of Social Networking Material on Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior in Kampala PDF
Ritah Nagaddya, Sylvia Kiconco, Alimah Komuhangi, Pardon Akugizibwe, Christine Atuhairwe 187-193
Relationship between Forms of Career Guidance, Academic Performance and Subsequent Career Choice of High School Girls: A Case of Vihiga County, Kenya PDF
Mabel Ambogo Mudulia, Laban Peter Ayiro, Emmy Kipsoi 194-206
The Use of Multimedia in Teaching Dirasah Islamiyah Course in Higher Education Institution in Indonesia PDF
Maryam Sulaeman, Yuli Marlina 207-216
The Challenges Facing the Implementation of Early Childhood Development and Education Policy in Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Violet Muyoka Wangila 217-223


Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X

Vol 7, No 5 (2017) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 7, No 5 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Assessment of Suitability of Climate for Tourism in Northwestern Nigeria PDF
Usman S. Hashidu, Attia M. El-Tantawi, Soltan F. Hassan 1-8
Review on Crop Diversity for Climate Change Adaptation PDF
Bekele Tona Amenu 9-18
A Gamma Spectrometeric Analysis and Radium Equivalent Activity Index of Water in Abak, Nigeria: A Baseline Survey PDF
Yehuwdah E. Chad-Umoren, Inimbom J. Umoh 19-26
Correlation between Pest Abundance and Prevalence of Honeybee Pathogens at Selected Apiaries in Kenya, 2013/2014 PDF
Juliette Rose Ongus, Janet Irungu, Suresh Raina 27-36
An Overview of Challenges on Smallholder Agroforestry Farms in Jigawa State, Northern Nigeria PDF
Umar S. Daura, Aziza M. Badr, Attia M. El-Tantawi 37-44
In the Milieu of Planning: The Micro and Meso Scales Climatic Effects in Urban Neighbourhoods in Nigeria PDF
Davidson S.A. ALACI, Adewale F. OLATUNDE 45-52
Geophysical Investigation for Aquifer Potential Assessment and Groundwater Development at EKSU Staff Quarters GRA Ado Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria PDF
O. L. Ademilua, O.F. Ojo, A.B. Eluwole, C.A. Ajayi 53-66
The Assessment of Forms and Bioavailability of Copper, Chromium, and Cadmium in Soils of Automobile Workshops using Sequential Extraction Procedure PDF
Augustine A. Chokor 67-75
Malaria Hazard and Risk Mapping Using GIS Based Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation Technique (SMCET) in Tekeze Basin Development Corridor, Amhara Region, Ethiopia PDF
Yirga Kebede Wondim 76-87
Home-Garden Agro-Forestry Practices and Its Contribution to Rural Livelihood in Dawro Zone Essera District PDF
Bekele Tona Amenu 88-96
Land Surface Temperature Analysis over Akure PDF
Mojolaoluwa Daramola, Emmanuel Eresanya 97-105
Estimation of Land Surface Temperature Using Landsat by Split Window Algorithm: A Case Study in Bahir Dar Zuria, Ethiopia PDF
Bekele Bedada Damtie 106-115
Water Productivity of Teff under Semi-Arid Climates PDF
Kidist Hilemicael 116-123
Land Use/Land Cover Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of The Polytechnic Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (2005, 2010 and 2015) PDF
Akeem, A. Babatunde, Martins, A. Oyekola, Gbola, K. Adewuyi, Olajide, O. Folayan 124-136
Evaluation of the impact of crude oil spillage on soil and cassava plant (Manihot esculenta) in Uzere, Isoko south LGA of Delta State Nigeria. PDF
Onyegeme-Okerenta, B. M., Oharisi A. O., Wegwu M. O. 137-143


Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948