Vol 51 (2017) Chemical and Process Engineering Research

Vol 51 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Municipal Solid Waste Conversion to Energy and Derived Chemicals using Pyrolysis PDF
M. Abdul-Qdir, M.A. Olutoye, D.O. Agbajelola, O.D. Adeniyi, E.J. Eterigho, A.G. Isah 1-8
Extraction Method and Solvent Effect on Safflower Seed Oil Production PDF
Fethiye TAKADAS, Onur DOKER 9-17
Recovery of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.) and Orange (Citrus Sinensis L. Osbeck) Pomaces PDF
Memduha ERGÜT, Onur DÖKER 18-33
Oxide Film Destruction on Al-Mg Alloys in HCl Solutions PDF
S. Abd El Wanees, Mohamed I. Alahmdi, S M. Abd El Haleem, A. Abd El Aal, K. M. Abo Zeed 34-42


Paper submission email: CPER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-7467 ISSN (Online)2225-0913

Vol 9, No 5 (2017) Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

Vol 9, No 5 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Clinical Trials of Drug – Thalidomide, and Its Derivatives PDF
Esaim Fadhel – Khalfa, Alaa Alaawad 1-4
Oil Recovery from Petroleum Sludge by Solvent Extraction Method PDF
Saima Jadoon, Arif Malik, Abdulfattah Ahmad Amind 5-12
Study of Structural Changes of BaFe2O4 Barium Coefficient by Co-Precipitation with Temperature Change PDF
Nagam Fakhori, Ibraheem Ismaeel 13-16


Paper submission email: CMR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3224 ISSN (Online)2225-0956

Vol 8, No 4 (2017) Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Vol 8, No 4 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Deep Insight into Diabetic Data with the Help of Association Rule Mining PDF
Adil Aziz 1-7
Integration of Requirement Engineering Challenges with Its Practices in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems PDF
Madiha Anwar, Rabia Tehseen, Ramiza Ashraf 8-12
Implementation of Symmetric Encryption Algorithms PDF
Haider Noori Hussain, Waleed Noori Hussein 13-18
An Empirical Investigation of Information System User Security- A Knowing Doing Gap Model PDF
Khaled Abdussalam A Elkoni, Mohamed Abdulla Ahmed Emeigel, Bilal Mohammed Eneizan 19-25


Paper submission email: CEIS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2863

Vol 54 (2017) Journal of Arts and Design Studies

Vol 54 (2017)

Table of Contents


Journal Coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Applying Gagne’s Nine Events in Designing a Multimedia Programme for Teaching Elements and Principles of Design in Secondary School PDF
Jonah Baba, Peter Sale, Bonaventure Zirra 1-8
Evaluate of Static Information Visible in Online Newspapers PDF
Sameh Mostafa Hassaan 9-20
The Metaphor of a Photograph: The Relationship Between Philosophy, Art, and Digitisation in Photography PDF
Mira Sutrisna, Setiawan Sabana, Pribadi Widodo 21-26


Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

Need more precision? Consider a mechanical pencil – Top best mechanical pencils you can get

If you are using anything else than a mechanical pencil and feel like you aren’t getting enough precision, it might just be that you need to try a mechanical pencil. It might not be for you but it just might be. The thing is, you’ll never know until you try it. They are good for pretty much anything from writing assignments to drawing sketches. It’s up to you how exactly you are going to use that precision and quality to your advantage. Mechanical pencils have a reputation for providing extreme precision and high quality features that allow students and artists alike to attend to their craft in the most professional manner possible. You can consider this article a sort of guide that will show you what the best mechanical pencils are and why you should give them a try. If you’re going to get a mechanical pencil make sure it’s one of these or one of similar quality because there’s no point in getting a pencil that doesn’t live up to the expectations riding on its back. Without further delay, here are the top mechanical pencils available on the market.

Pentel GraphGear 500 Atuomatic

This here is a great example of how you can take a really useful pencil and use it to apply the utmost precision to whatever it is that you are doing. What that means is that you will be able to enjoy an elevated quality to your assignment, drawing or work in general. There’s no reason why your drafts and projects should be of any less of a quality as far as the build goes than the final product. If you’re interested to learn more about this pretty cool pencil, check out some of these features for the pencil.

  • It features a .5mm lead which means that it is giving you the ability to come up with super fine lines that you might not have even though possible of achieving
  • You are able to get more lead going with the top click, which definitely releases more than a normal pencil would
  • It comes with a mesh grip that has a metallic finish which means that you will be able to hold the pencil comfortably for hours on end, because it’s pretty well known that quality stuff takes time
  • If you manage to get a fine line in the wrong spot, you can easily get rid of imperfections with the help of the included stationary eraser which is like the frosting on the cake in this scenario

MyLifeUNIT 2.0 mm Mechanical pencil

This is another pencil model that has received a lot of praise for its combination of ease of usage and elegance in design. By elegance in design we don’t mean something flashy but rather executing simplicity in a proper way. What that all translates to is that this pencil is pretty simple looking and that makes it look pretty. Moreover, it has a professional vibe around it which practically drives you to instill the same quality into your work. Those that don’t like the generic black color for mechanical pencils can opt in for the blue variant which on top of all its high quality attributes will also pack in a dash of color. Let’s see what else you can get with this mechanical pencil.

  • It is designed to cater to the needs of many people with different interests meaning that it can be used for a multitude of things from sketching and drawing to crafting and writing
  • If you’re the kind of person that likes to hang pens and pencils on their shirts, you can do that with this model since it comes with a metal clip that enables you to do just that, and if you don’t want it on your clothes you can also clip it on your notebook
  • You don’t have to worry about it slipping out of your hand because it comes with a really high quality rubber grip which prevents things like that from happening
  • When you first get the pencil you’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to start rock bottom and will automatically receive 9 pieces of lead to start your adventure
  • It even comes with a sharpener incorporated making it even more fancy that some might have given it credit thanks to its inconspicuous, simplistic design

Morning Glory Flat Lead Mechanical Pencil

Yet another great design for a mechanical pencil, this Morning Glory model is great for multiple uses. If you need to use it for something other than writing for example, you can easily start using it right away for drawing or whatever you need at that moment. What this means in other words is that it is conveniently able to multi-function. The design looks really sleek and the minimalistic yet elegant appearance is definitely a plus in most people’s books.

But there is more to this pencil than just meets the eye so we’re going to take a look at that right now.

  • It comes with a high level of comfort which means that you will be able to comfortably hold it in your hand for long periods of time
  • It features no less than 36 lead refill sticks, which is quite a lot
  • It’s great for a variety of similar activities such as writing or drawing
  • It features 1.8 mm by 60 mm lead, which some wouldn’t have expected

Using a mechanical pencil is semi-transforming into a lost art. There are still many people that use mechanical pencils but compared to the number that should be in reality associated with mechanical pencil users, it’s just way too small. Nevertheless if you want to add to their ranks or “resubscribe” in case you were already using one, you should definitely try one of these models.

Post-Apocalyptic-themed Books to enjoy

When you wish to enjoy the end of the world, without the negative effects that come with it, then Post-Apocalyptic novels are the best choice. While countless in numbers, there are many such books that can be enjoyed and are just as diverse in their own right.

Patient Zero

If government agencies and bio-weapons is your fancy, then the novel Patient Zero, written by Jonathan Maberry, will surely be to your liking. The story follows the adventures of detective Joe Ledge from Baltimore as he is recruited to be the leader of a special task force that is designed to handle problems which are way over the capabilities of regular security agencies. Known as the Department of Military Science, or DMS, they have to undertake an operation to stop rogue scientists as they are working on creating a bio-weapon designed to be launched into the atmosphere and transform humans into zombies.

The Rising

A more supernatural take on the zombie genre, mixed in with science, is The Rising. In The Rising, a scientific experiment has opened a portal into another dimension that caused demons to pour into our own reality. Once they’ve reached our own world, they started possessing the dead and has caused an infestation that plunged the world into Chaos. Our protagonist is a construction worker, Jim Thurmond, who managed to survive the invasion in a bunker. Faced with the idea of suicide, Jim is only saved from this contemplation when he receives a message from his son, who apparently is in hiding a very long distance away from where Jim is.

Jim decides to set forth to rescue his son, and along the way he forms a party with a very interesting host of characters. We can see a preacher, an ex-prostitute and a scientist join in with him as they try to survive the horrors that have been unleashed upon the world.

World War Z

In World War Z we follow the exploits of Max Brooks who is researching the effects of the Zombie War. The Zombie War was the closest possible event which may have caused the extinction of the human race. Our protagonist travels the globe to gather information from survivors and how they experienced the war. We can see him going from America to the very epicenter of the virus infestation, in New Dachang, China. This is where Patient Zero and the zombie virus originated from. Other horrifying places that are visited includes the southern regions of Africa, where the survivors had to endure soul-crushing hardships.

Brook’s research results in the formation of the ‘’World War Z’’ document and provides insight on many horrible places and the effects of the aftermath. More information can be found on https://booksiren.com/apocalyptic-books/ on these and other such works of fiction.

Your complete guide to Optic Character Recognition technology or OCR

If your job or hobbies have you working with text and images a lot, you might have heard the term OCR a couple of times. If this terminology has infiltrated your inner circles once or twice it shouldn’t surprise you because it is gaining speed considerably these days. You are probably curious as to what OCR means and why is everyone talking about it when it comes to image editing or text manipulation. This little guide was compiled as a solution for those that need a quick introduction to OCR, what it stands for, and what it can do for them. That being said, let’s dive right into it and see what it’s all about. Keep in mind that you can get OCR yourself at any time, for there are many OCR solutions online such as  https://www.sodapdf.com/products/pdf-form-creator/.


What does OCR stand for?

OCR stands for Optic Character Recognition. The term is directly related to what it can do and what it can achieve through image scanning and text manipulation. Check out the rest of the guide to see what that is precisely.

How many types of OCR are there?

There are two main types of OCR that you will be able to find online. There is the premium software that will require you to pay a fee straight up or in smaller increments in the form of a subscription, and there is the free software or free version of OCR, which can be used without having to pay anything, at any time. The main functions are presents for both versions. The premium software contain additional tools and perks that justify the fee.

What can OCR do precisely?

OCR can take image files and scan them for text. The software is capable of detecting text inside an image and then creating it in a format that allows the use to edit it as they see fit. OCR can be used not only to store text but also to edit it and send it to different contacts.

What can OCR help with?

OCR can help users get a fully functioning text document of a big text that they need. Often times people run into text they need to memorize or keep for later but it comes in the form of an image. Taking pictures with their phones has been a crippled solution for ages, but the result is a photo that is of poor quality most of the time and doesn’t show the text properly. OCR helps by providing a fully readable version of that same text that’s stuck on the poster on the wall for example.

Should you get OCR?

As previously mentioned, you can get both premium and free OCR, which means that you don’t have to take any risks. The answer is yes, if you work with images and text a lot, this can be very useful software for you and you should try it at least.

Do’s and don’ts of writing a descriptive essay

Writing a descriptive essay is a unique challenge for many academics. Writing essays from scratch is definitely not an easy task and can take up a lot of your free time, as if you have any. This kind of writing involves building a detailed, sensory description of the subject of your paper – a person, a building, a place, a situation, or even an idea – with the purpose of creating a vivid image in the minds of your readers. However, correctly using language to paint a picture for someone else can be difficult for many students.

Knowing the dos and don’ts of writing a descriptive essay can help you focus your paper and come up with a solid final draft to turn in to your instructor. Keep in mind that writing essays is only a small part of your main responsibilities in college and it’s not a surprise that so many students are in need of assignment help and services like essay pro review by NoCramming. We are ready to lend you a helping hand, follow these tips to craft a beautiful descriptive essay.

DO: Create an outline.

This kind of assignment is more creative writing than a lot of students are used to – and they’ll often skip the brainstorming, outline step that is common with essay writing. However, this step is just as important for a descriptive essay as it is with a research paper, to ensure your ideas are clear and established before you begin writing. It’s always best to have a sense of direction.

DON’T: Just tell – show, instead.

You can say something is old, but it’s better if you can use sensory language to show readers how it looks, feels, smells – and let them determine for themselves that the subject is aging. Create concrete images using similes, metaphors, and other kinds of descriptive language to touch on each of the five senses.

DO: Use a thesaurus.

Rather than using the same words over and over again, look them up and see what other kinds of language might make your point more effectively. However, you don’t want to use words you don’t know – before including it in your paper, make sure you’ve looked it up in a dictionary to see how each word should be used. This is a great way to make your essay more colorful and interesting to read.

DON’T: Just stuff in random adjectives.

While it is important that your essay paints a picture, too many descriptive words can muddy the image for readers. Your writing should still be clear and concise, and overly flowery language has no place in descriptive essays. Pick the adjectives you use carefully, and use them only when necessary. You don’t want to confuse your readers with excessive wordiness.

DO: Share it with an audience.

Reading your paper to a friend or family member can help you see if the language you’ve used is effective. Ask them if they can picture in their mind the subject you’ve tried to describe. This is also a great way to find any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors in your work.

DON’T: Narrow your focus.

Sometimes, when you’re trying to accurately describe something, you can get stuck on minor details and forget the big picture. This can be confusing for readers, who need to build a solid mental image from your writing. While including details is a great way to help them create that picture, don’t spend too much time on each descriptive element. Find a way to draw it into the bigger concept of your essay.