Start Doing an AAT Course In Order To Improve Your Professional Capability

The AAT qualification is regarded as the first step one needs to go through if he or she desires to become a qualified accountant. No matter what position one finds himself in or stage in life you have reached, there is no better time to start AAT Courses in London to make sure that one gets that desired job in no time at all.

Becoming an AAT Accountant will come with a large amount of professional qualification as it interweaves the practical and technical skills to support businesses with various accounting activities. Some typical jobs which are in included in the sector are Finance Officer, Payroll Manager, VAT Accountant, Commercial Analyst as well as Senior Finance Officer.

Gaining such accounting qualification will not just benefit you. Your employer will stand to profit from the newly acquired skills and we do believe that a lot of companies should be funding qualifications for their employees. We’ve come up with some perks of doing an AAT Course in order for you to make sure you enroll in one.

You Will Be Better At Your Job

An AAT qualification shall not be regarded as a diploma which you attach to a CV. No matter the level studied you will gain firsthand experience and practical skills that you can apply in every situation in the workplace. Not only will you become more productive and efficient but such courses have the chance of better employment conditions such as a rise or a promotion.

Your Morale Will Improve

Doing an AAT course will prove to be fantastic as it is a nice way to show employers that you actually care for personal development and there are some tangible benefits which will come from doing so.

Employees which lack from personal development will lose motivation which will not only cause the loss of productivity but it will put your own job in jeopardy as well. Training will improve employee loyalty as well as the retention of talent which will reassure your boss that you are doing your boss and are vital for the company.

Access To Important Resources

Doing a professional course will come with an access to a wide array of relevant and high quality materials such as industry news as well as the best techniques which should be put in practice as well as some advice from the leading experts in the field which come up with leading accounting publications. Not only will this be an amazing opportunity to “steal” some insight from your supervisors but it should also be regarded as an improvement opportunity which would otherwise not arise if such courses are not followed.

High-quality Dissertation Writers Will Give You a Helping Hand

Description: Can’t complete your final university project? Hire affordable professional dissertation writers that are ready to provide a quality dissertation by the deadline you need.

Stuck with your PhD dissertation or thesis? Struggling with procrastination or the writer’s block? Do not know how to write a research proposal or a literature review? Feeling lost and tired and the deadline for your work is due so soon?

You definitely need to find professional assistance to complete your final university project and get a good grade if you do not want to fail and to put your future career at stake. Nowadays, it’s very common for students to hire professional dissertation writers to help them with their numerous written assignments and if you have never done that before, maybe this time you should do it and purchase a quality sample dissertation on a reliable essay writing service online.

There are plenty of affordable options on the web. You can use Google search and see for yourself. You can type in your browser ‘buy dissertations’, and you will get instant results. You might be surprised or even puzzled with a number of search results on your request. No wonder. The custom writing business is on the rise because the demand for such services is constantly growing – you are not the only one who struggles with academic writing due to the lack of writing skills or problems with time management.

As there are a lot of companies that offer dissertations for sale, it might be rather tricky to make the right choice and to find an agency that provides the best paid papers to students. A strong dissertation is your last chance to make a good impression at the university and improve your grades so you should be very cautious in choosing a service to pay for qualified help. What should you do? Surf the web, visit student forums, read reviews on special websites and choose a company with top ratings such as, for example, or some other good website where you can order dissertations for money. Check available examples of the previously written papers to make sure that the writers are qualified enough to cope with such challenging piece of writing as a dissertation.

What Kind of Paper You Get When You Deal with a Reliable Dissertation Writing Service (h2)

Professional agencies that have been in business for many years do their best to provide high-quality services for students so they employ only experienced writers with degrees who can complete impressive college papers on the complicated or rare topics and show unique research approach to any unusual problem. When you hire an expert to create a dissertation for you, you can be more than sure that your custom project will be 100% original, written in perfect academic English, with no sign of any grammar or punctuation mistakes. It will have a proper structure and will be formatted in accordance with requirements of the formatting style that you need. You will get a perfect practical guide that will help you better understand your topic and learn the rules of perfect academic writing to improve your own communication skills.


Pay for Essay and Get the Best Paid Essay You Need from Professional Writers

When you choose the right people to pay for essay, you get a lot of benefits. Order paid essays on a reliable custom writing service and get enough time for other important issues.

It’s Best to Pay for Essay Than Do It Yourself

College is a unique and exciting time in the life of all young people: you become independent, meet a lot of students from different backgrounds, have fun, get good grades, and successfully graduate. But it’s not so easy. Being a student also means writing a great number of essays in a variety of courses and submitting them at the right time. And a lot of modern students often lack necessary skills to write a good essay at a college level and have problems with time management to be able to complete their paper by the given deadline. There are also foreign students whose English is not good enough to do a deep research using scientific sources and complete a perfect paper written in a proper academic style.

That’s why a lot of students consider an option of paying to write their papers on a professional essay writing service. For example, you may pay for essay on, an online custom writing company that offers quality paid essays at affordable prices.

How to Choose the Best Agency to Pay to Write Paper

You should pay for quality academic assistance and buy sample papers on a reliable website. Before making the final decision of dealing with an agency and ordering paid essays, it’s better to do the following if you want to feel confident that you have made the best choice.

  • Find out how experienced and skilled their writers are.
  • Get some samples of the previous works of the writer you are going to hire.
  • Evaluate their customer service and find out how friendly and reliable their customer support is.
  • Check their prices and make sure there are no hidden charges. You should not deal with a company that offers ridiculously cheap services to be on the safe side.
  • Read the reviews and find out if the papers are submitted by the given deadlines.

Great Benefits of Paid Essay Writing

It’s quite clear that when you pay a professional writer to do a paper for you, you get a lot of benefits that you couldn’t enjoy if you wrote a paper yourself.

  • You will get a perfect essay that you can use as a wonderful tool to boost your writing skills, it is actually a practical example you can follow in your writings.
  • You will have better grades and, as a result, reduce the level of stress you experience in college.
  • You will always submit your assignments in good time, and won’t be penalized for submitting your project after the deadline.
  • You will get the friendly support and useful advice at the most challenging periods of your life.
  • You will be able to take your time and focus on learning to write well at a college level. Use your chance to become an academic guru!
  • You will have enough time for other important academic, social, and personal issues.

As you see, paying someone for a quality essay is more beneficial than doing it yourself if you choose the right people to help you with your difficult assignments.

Vol 7, No.23 and No.24 (2016) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 7, No 23 (2016)


Vol 7, No 24 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analyzing the Financial Performance for Jordan Islamic Insurance Companies PDF
Sari Sulaiman Malahim, Abdullah Yusri AL Khatib 1-9
Corruption: Where Does It Stand? – A Point of View PDF
Mostéfaoui Sofiane, Mediani Mohammed 10-16
Internal Controls in Jordanian Banks and Compliance Risk PDF
Hossam Haddad 17-31
The Influence of Leadership Style, Integrity and Organizational Commitment on the Performance of State Development Audit Agency (BPKP) at BPKP Representative Office of Aceh Province, Indonesia PDF
Muslim A Djalil, Mirna Indriani, Firman Dariyansah 32-37
Nexus among Oil Prices, Current Account Balance and GDP in Pakistan PDF
Vivake Anand, Jianhua Zhang 38-42
Prospects and Challenges of Electronic Banking in Société Generale Ghana Limited: Evidence from Accra Metropolis PDF
Francis Onuman, Daboug Bright Christopher 43-55
Push or Pull Factors of Female Labour Force Participation in Bangladesh PDF
Mst Morium Khatun 56-63
Using Capital Budgets Techniques in Evaluating Investments Projects: Applied Study on Jordanian Industrial Corporations PDF
Essra’a Al Haddidi 64-70
The Effect of the Proportion of Independent Board, Audit Committee and Audit Quality on Earnings Management (Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesia Period 2012 – 2014) PDF
Yenny Dwi Handayani, Putri Febrizki, Muhammad Nashar 71-79
Intellectual Capital Accounting – Value and Benefits for the Sustainable Development of Enterprises PDF
Vu Thi Kim Anh, Ha Thi Thuy Van 80-90
International Influence on Stock Markets in Pakistan PDF
Vivake Anand, Jianhua Zhang 91-99
The Relationship between Each of (Return on Equity & Return on Asset) and Annual Return in the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX): Evidence from United Arab Emirates PDF
Anas Ali Al-Qudah 100-109
Voluntary Disclosures in Financial Reporting Among Listed Companies in Ghana: Does Corporate Governance Play a Part? PDF
Samuel Gyamerah, Albert Agyei 110-115
Jordanian Commercial Banks Performance Relative to Their Expenses PDF
Ghazi Abdul Majeed Alrgaibat, Ahmad Salem Alkhzali 116-122
The Effects of the Board on Corporate Performance. Evidence from Cameroon Banks PDF
Maurine Manka’a Ngwa, YuSheng Kong, Naiping Zhu 123-130
Corporate Proprietorship and Performance of Listed Conglomerates in Nigeria PDF
Agbi Eniola Samuel, Yunusa Abdulateef 131-152
The Relationship between Unemployment and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Granger Causality Approach PDF
Eze Onyebuchi Michael, Atuma Emeka, Egbeoma Nwigboji Emmanuel 153-162
Pricing Unit-Linked Insurance Contracts using Estimated Volatility PDF
Cynthia Ikamari, Noah Mutai 163-167
Taxation Mechanism of Fuel and Power Companies: Cross-Country Analysis of Reform Efficiency PDF
Sherzod Jalilov 168-172
The relevance of financial structure in WACC’s determination PDF
Carmelo Intrisano, Giovanni Palomba, Anna Paola Micheli, Anna Maria Calce 173-187
Auditors’ Independence and Accountability of Federal Higher Institutions in Ogun State PDF
Rasheed Olatunji ANIMASAUN, Issa Adewola ADEGBITE 188-203


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 6, No.23 and No.24 (2016) Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 6, No 23 (2016)


Vol 6, No 24 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Counselling Techniques as Veritable Tools for Attitudinal Change of Nigerian Youths PDF
Stella Ngozi Nduka-Ozo 1-6
Democracy and Authoritarianism: Understanding Three Decades of Bangladesh Politics PDF
Md. Masum Sikdar, Md. Mehedi Hasan Shohag 7-20
Characters’ Personality Analysis on “A Grave in Gaza” by Matt Beynon Rees PDF
Moh. Yamin 21-31
Desirability of Social Values and Sexual Morality among Nigerian University Undergraduates: Social Studies to the Rescue PDF
Osalusi, Florence M., Alonge, Rufus A. 32-36
The Role of Personal Characteristics in Professional Choice of Adolescents PDF
Slagana Angelkoska, Rusanka P. Mancheva 37-40
Association between Bulimia Nervosa, Body Mass Index and Depression in Period of Puberty PDF
Ahmeti Aferdita, Stankovska Gordana 41-46
Depression Among Teenage Mothers in Otumi Community in the Kwaebibirim District of the Eastern Region of Ghana PDF
Thelma Gleku, Kwesi Nkum Wilson, Patricia Mawusi Amos 47-51
Translating Military Slang Terms from English into Formal Arabic PDF
Mohammad Faleh Hanaqtah 52-62
Public Attitude towards Mental Illness and Mental Health Services in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia PDF
Eman Dawood, Omar Modayfer 63-75
Effect of Auditory Training and Aided Language Stimulation on Speech Perception of Children with Hearing loss in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
Ayo Osiaanya, Mayowa Comfort Afolabi 76-85


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 6, No 12 (2016) Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling

Vol 6, No 12 (2016)

Table of Contents


The Comparison between the Simulation Variance for Censored and Uncensored Data for Maximum likelihood Normal Regression Model PDF
Adel.A. Haddaw 1-7
New method for square root of non-singular M-matrix PDF
Zubair Ahmed Kalhoro, Ghulam Qadir Memon, Abdul Waseem Shaikh, Linzhang Lu 8-16
Fixed Point and Common Fixed Point Theorem for Expansive Mapping in Fuzzy Metric Space PDF
Pankaj Tiwari 17-24
The Effect of Teaching Mathematics through Polya’s Problem Solving Process upon Attitudes of 4th Grade Students towards the Mathematics Lesson PDF
Transient Analysis of M[X1];M[X2]=G1;G2=1 Queueing Model with Retrial Priority Service, Negative Arrival, Two kinds of Vacations, Breakdown, Delayed Repair, Balking, Reneging and Feedback PDF
G. Ayyappan, P. Thamizhselvi 32-55
Modelling of Malaria Risk Factors in the Mpohor District of Ghana using Logistic Regression PDF
Senyefia Bosson-Amedenu, Kojo Amuah Prah, Francis Hull Adams, Sampson Takyi Appiah, Anthony Simons 56-66
Seasonal Variation and Trend of Malaria Prevalence in the Mpohor District of Ghana PDF
Senyefia Bosson-Amedenu, Kojo Amuah Prah, Francis Hull Adams 67-78
Malaria prevalence in rural and urban communities of Mpohor district of Ghana PDF
Senyefia Bosson-Amedenu, Kojo Amuah Prah, Francis Hull Adams 79-91


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5804 ISSN (Online)2225-0522

Vol 23 (2016) Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports

Vol 23 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Patrons’ Perception of Service Delivery of Medical Tourism Sites in Metropolitan Lagos PDF
Agbabiaka Hafeez Idowu, Omisore Emmanuel Olufemi, Akinbinu Akintan Akinkunle 1-9
Economic Incentives of a Non-handicapping Built Environment: A Case Study of Tourism Sites in Stockholm PDF
Yahya Muhammed Bah 10-23
Prosocial Behaviour of Front-Line Employees in the Jordanian Hotels Industry PDF
Hussein Abu Alasal, Shadi Ali Alhrout, Mohammad Allymoon 24-32
Brand Trust and Customer Retention: A Survey of Branded Automobile Dealers in Port Harcourt PDF
N. Gladson Nwokah, Stephen M. Owuso 33-46


Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper) 2312-5187   ISSN (Online) 2312-5179