Vol 6, No 10 (2016) Mathematical Theory and Modeling

Vol 6, No 10 (2016)

Table of Contents


Hanan Khalid Mousa 1-10
An Efficient Sumudu Decomposition Method to Solve System of Pantograph Equations PDF
Jamshad Ahmad, Sundas Rubab 11-24
Common Fixed Point Theorems for Meir -Keeler Type Contraction Condition PDF
Another Look at the Consumer Price Index – A wavelet Approach PDF
I.A. Iwok, G.M. Udoh 32-56
Error Estimation of Numerical Integration Methods PDF
R. Zafar Iqbal, M. O. Ahmad 57-70


Paper submission email: MTM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5804 ISSN (Online)2225-0522

Vol 25 (2016) Journal of Resources Development and Management

Vol 25 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Challenges Facing Female Police Officers in Service Delivery in Kenya PDF
Evans Makori Oruta, Maurine K. Lidava, Collins Reuben Gaunya 1-10
Climate Change and Measures to Mitigate its Effects in Crop Production: Review Paper PDF
Getahun Mitiku 11-20
Contractualisation of Labour in the Organised Manufacturing Industry PDF
Jojo Jacob 21-23
Determination of Optimum Harvesting Age for the Existing Sugarcane Varieties at Amibara/Middle Awash Agricultural Development Enterprise, Ethiopia PDF
Endris Yesuf 24-30
Determinants Level of Income of Gums and Resins in the Dry Forest Areas and the Contribution to Different Socio Economic in Northwestern and Southern Ethiopia PDF
Busha Teshome 31-37
Investigation of Moringa Production and Marketing Potential in Eastern Part of Ethiopia (A Case Study of Dire Dawa City and Rural Administration Zone) PDF
Mulugeta Girma 38-51
Evaluation of Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) Model for Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Eastern Ethiopia PDF
Getachew Workineh 52-59
The Determinant Factors of Sugarcane Productivity: The Case of Wondo Genet, Ethiopia PDF
Solomon Erifo 60-65
Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Social Media for Recruitment: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach on Private Universities in Bangladesh PDF
Mohammad Ali Rana, S. M. Khaled Hossain 66-76


Paper submission email: JRDM@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8397

Vol 13 (2016) Journal of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine

Vol 13 (2016)

Table of Contents


Relationship between Depression and Students’ Health as Well as Their Academic Achievement at Secondary Level Due to War Hazards Including U.S Drone Attacks in North Waziristan Agency PDF
Matiullah . 1-6
Attitude of Nurses Toward Psychological Support to Patient in Hebron Hospital PDF
Mohammad Qtait 7-14
Sero-prevalence Study on Foot and Mouth Disease in Selected Districts of Western Oromia PDF
Milkessa Gelana 15-18
Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence among HIV Positive Women Attending ART Clinic in Fitche Hospital, Central Ethiopia: An Institution Based Cross Sectional Study PDF
Leul Deribe 19-27
Point Prevalence and Factors Associated with Institutional Delivery among Married Women in Reproductive Age in Abe Dongoro Woreda, Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Western Ethiopia PDF
Phytochemical Evaluation of Dry, Wet and Oil of Leaf of Annona muricata for Medicinal Activities PDF
Olanrewaju Roland Akinseye, Ale Ebenezer Morayo, Akinwale Samuel Olawumi 42-47
Podoconiosis Prevalence and Its Associated Factors in Soddo Zuria District, Wolaita Zone, South Ethiopia PDF
Alemtsehay Elias 48-56
Physicians and Nurses Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices in the Management of Childhood Fever in Hebron Pediatric Clinics PDF
Mohammad Qtait 57-72


ISSN 2222-4807 (online)  ISSN 2222-5668 (Paper)

Journal of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine (JPAM@iiste.org)

Vol 6, No.19 and No.20 (2016) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

Vol 6, No 19 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Sett Size and Spacing on the Growth and Yield of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) at Areka, Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Wolde mariam Woelore 1-23
Antihyperglycaemic and Antilipidaemic Activities of the Methanol Seed Extract of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats PDF
Wasagu RSU Sabir AA, Amedu AM Lawal M 24-29
Assessment of Mahogany Leaf Powder and Cabofuran on Plant parasitic Nematode Infecting Okra (Albemuschus esculentus) in Northern and Sudan savanna of Nigeria PDF
Jacob Madu, Fatima Mohemmed, Hyerma Surhyel 30-34
Analysing the Determinants of Adoption of Organic Fertilizer by Smallholder Farmers in Shashemene District, Ethiopia PDF
Biru Gelgo 35-44
Characterization and Analysis of Farming System in Chiro District, West Hararghe Zone PDF
Gosa Alemu 45-51
Determination of Radioactive Elements Concentrations in Soils of Selected Areas in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis PDF
Imeh E. Essien, Akaninyene D. Antia, Joseph G. Atat, Ukeme A. Umoh, Aniefiok E. Udofia, Anthony J. Inyang 52-57
Multiple Advantages of Pigeon Pea (Cajanas Cajan) in Maize Based Cropping Systems: Used as Live Stake for Climbing Bean with Phosphorus Rates and Maize Productivity Enhancement in Mono Cropping Areas PDF
Zerihun Abebe, Shiferaw Tadesse 58-69
Participatory Research for Integrated Nutrient Management (INM): The Case of Potato Production in Central Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Abebe Chindi 70-77
Physicochemical Analysis and Mineral Contents of Honey from Farmers in Western States of Nigeria PDF
Akharaiyi, Fred Coolborn, Lawal, Helen Adetoun 78-84
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cell Wall Polysaccharide-Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Augments the Formation of Biofilm by the Bacterium PDF
Khedhir Hassan Ali, Hanan Tariq Subhi 85-89
Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Application of Lime and Phosphorus on Acidic Soil of Areka, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Tesfaye Dejene 90-100
Response of Medium and Late Maturing Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties to Application of N and P Fertilizers in Halaba Area of Southern Ethiopia PDF
Daniel Markos 101-108
Effects of Sowing Methods and Seed Rates on Yield Components and Yield of Tef in Soro Woreda, Hadya Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Sate Sahle Tafese Altaye 109-114
Assessment of Macroinvertebrate Communities in Enda Gabr Stream, in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia PDF
Solomon Tesfay 115-123
Adaptability Study of Tef Varieties at Mid Land Agro-ecologies of Guji Zone, Southern Oromia PDF
Aliyi Kedir 124-126
The Eucalyptus Dilemma: The Pursuit for Socio-economic Benefit versus Environmental Impacts of Eucalyptus in Ethiopia PDF
Mekonnen Daba 127-137
Comparative Chemical Analysis, Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activities of the Rinds, Seeds and Juice of (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) Passion Fruit PDF
Wasagu RSU Lawal M, Amedu AM Sabir AA, Kabir S Tukur UG, Zaharadeen A 138-143

Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921


Vol 6, No 20 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of the Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments along Upstream at Wadi Al-Arab, Jordan PDF
Ibrahim Ahmad Ali Bany Yaseen, Alaa Hamed Al Elaimat 1-12
Cocoa Cultivation on Suboptimal Land PDF
Sri Budiastuti, Djoko Purnomo, Sri Nyoto, Salim Widono, Mercy Bientri Yunindanova 13-17
Effect of Addition Different Levels of Parsley Leaves Powder (petroselinum sativum) to the Ration on Some Blood Serum Biochemical Traits of Broiler Ross 308 PDF
Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali, Galib A. AL-Kaissy, Mamdooh A. M. AL- Nasrawi 18-21
Estimation of Some Heavy Metals and Physico-Chemical Parameters in Selected Herbs Sold in Old Market Area, Sokoto-Nigeria PDF
Uba, Ahmad, Baburo Shehu Ibrahim.Baba 22-27
Emotional Intelligence: A Key for Nurse Managers’ Transformational Leadership Style PDF
Abeer Refaat Kabeel 28-36
Electrical Potential in Plants Detached Stalks PDF
Taiwo Adekolawole 37-45
Genetics Diversity Analysis of Progeny F3 Soybean (Glycine max L.) Tolerant Salinity Using Microsatellite Markers PDF
Rosmayati ., Nini Rahmawati, Retno P. Astari 46-51
Mutations in Exon 4 of ESR1 Gene in Iraqi Women with Breast Cancer PDF
Sahar M. Hussein, Hayfa H. Hassani, Mohsen H. Risan 52-58
Molecular Characterization of β-Thalassemia Patients in Wasit Province, IRAQ PDF
Ahmed D. Jabbar, Safaa A. Faraj, Jaffar Nouri Jaffar Alalsaidissa, Zainab D. Al Khateeb 59-65
The Climate Assessment of Iraq Region PDF
Aqeel Ghazi Mutar, Firas S. Basheer, Emad Khraibet Rashid AL-khuwaylidee 66-70
Aqueous Extract of Grape Leaves Effects on Liver Enzymes and Some Kidney Function Parameters in Hyperthyroidism Female Animals PDF
Muntaha A. Lafta 71-75
DNA Fingerprinting of the Local Pathogenic Bacteria Which Treated with Copper PDF
Shayma`a J. Ahmed, Raneen K. Tawfeeq, Hind H. Shaker 76-79
Medicinal Activity of Alkaloidic Compound 1H-pyrido{2,3-b} indole Isolated from Solanum melongena Cortex Against Some Pathogenic Bacteria PDF
Jamal Harbi Hussein Al-saadi, Abbas Dawwas Matter Al-Maliki, Mohammed Ajah Aouda 80-85
Utilization of Petroleum Products in Liberia – A Review PDF
Ericson D.F. Kawwawhee, Boima Darju, Dillys Mansoh Elad 86-88
The Perception of Farmers on Climate Change and Variability Patterns in the Nzoia River Basin, Kenya PDF
Catherine N. Mbaisi, Emmanuel C. Kipkorir, Paul Omondi 89-97
Study and Characterization of Non- linear Optical Properties of ZnS nanobelts PDF
Nada Abdul Hadi Kareem 98-103


Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921

Vol 54 (2016) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 54 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Crimes Against Humanity Committed During the Arab Revolutions from the Perspective of International Law PDF
Ola Gazi Abbasi, Jamil Samawi 1-12
Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA: The Right of Adolescents to Make Medical Decisions and the Many Shades of Grey PDF
E. Smaranda OLARINDE, Ifeoluwayimika BAMIDELE 13-20
A Legal Reponses to Global Terrorism for the Attainment of World Peace PDF
Sunday Didam AUDU, Eteete Michael ADAM 21-27
Protection of Human Rights under the Criminal Justice System of Jordan “An Analytical & Comparative Study” PDF
Raed S A Faqir, Muddather J. Abu Karaki 28-39
The Legal Framework for the Protection of Wetlands in Nigeria PDF
Maureen Ngozi Agbasi, Ngozi Oluchukwu Odiaka 40-49
Sex and Sexuality Rights Issues: It Myth, Reality and Idiosyncrasy to Modern Day Nigeria PDF
Laminu Bukar, Baba Isa Sanda Benisheikh, Grace Emmanuel Kaka 50-60
Principle of Law and Justice Certainty on the Position of Woman Witness in Proof System in the Procedural Law of Religion Court PDF
Rahmida Erliyani, Thohir Luth, Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Sihabudin . 61-67
Sewing Slits of the Laws: A Critics on Criminalizing Negligent Acts of Transmitting HIV and Constitutionality of Compulsory Testing for HIV/AIDS in Criminal Proceeding of Ethiopia PDF
Yosef Peteros Yosef 68-80
The Media and the Fight against Trafficking in Persons and Child Labour in Nigeria PDF
OLAIFA Temitope 81-86
The Best Interest of Child Principle for Protection on Rights’Children of Judge Decision in Indonesia Legal System PDF
Deity Yuningsih 87-91
ICRC’s Responses to the Challenges of Humanitarian Assistance during Armed Conflicts PDF
O. A. Olaseeni, Kayode Mimiko 92-102
Pancasila The Ultimate of All the Sources of Laws (A Dignified Justice Perspective) PDF
Teguh Prasetyo 103-109
Knowledge and How It Helps in Validating Cyber Crime PDF
Ali Al – Zubi, Ahmed Al_Nuemat 110-127
Impact Against Rising Unemployment Crime Act In Pontianak City PDF
Khamim . 128-137
Geographical Indications Protection “Pulut Mandoti Rice” as an Alternative of People Economic Empowerment PDF
Hasbir Paserangi 138-146
The Spatial Planning Based on Local Wisdom of the Customary Legal Community in Aceh PDF
Rachmad Safa’at, Mohd. Fadli, I Nyoman Nurjaya, T. Nazaruddin 147-151


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259