What’s the secret to selecting the very best online university Canada has to offer? With thousands of programs and service providers to choose from, how can you be sure that your chosen online university in Canada is up to the job?
Alongside personal preferences and priorities, there are certain key considerations which must be factored in. Read on for a brief overview of the most important criteria to work with when deciding which online university in Canada is worthy of your time and trust:
1) Accreditation of online programs
First and foremost, it’s important to remember that only those distance learning programs that are accredited and nationally recognized can earn you a degree or qualification your future employers will accept. As such, any online program that isn’t fully accredited probably isn’t worth your time. On the plus side, this is usually a relatively simple check to carry out – the vast majority of leading Canadian colleges exclusively offering accredited courses.
2) Flexibility
One of the main reasons students make the decision to study with an online university in Canada is their requirement for extensive flexibility and accessibility. Contrary to popular belief however, every online college in Canada does not follow the same standards and principles, when it comes to flexible learning. Exactly how flexible or otherwise your course will be is something that will vary enormously from one college to the next. So rather than simply reading into the promise of ‘flexible’ learning, find out exactly what this means before making your final decision.
3) Overall costs
Some online study opportunities represent much better value for money than others. In some instances, absolutely everything required to complete the course is included in the initial purchase price. In others, you may be required to purchase your own course materials and study aids along the way. It may also be necessary to bear the costs of periodic transportation and accommodation, in the case of online programs that require your attendance for on-site meetings or assessments.
4) Student support services
Always find out ahead of time exactly what the online college provides in terms of student support services. While a good example of an online university in Canada will provide comprehensive support for its online and offline students alike, others short-change distance learners somewhat drastically. Once again, the fact that standards differ so significantly between each online university in Canada means that this is the kind of thing you cannot take for granted and must proactively research.
5) Graduation rates
Last but not least, nothing says more about any traditional or online university in Canada than its quantifiable success rates. The simple fact of the matter being that all the promises in the world don’t amount to a great deal, if the university in question consistently fails its students. For obvious reasons, an online university in Canada with an overall graduation rate above 70% is always going to make a safer option than an online college with a graduation rate closer to 40%. It simply makes sense to stick with those that have proven their capabilities and performance, rather than taking chances with anything substandard.