Tips on What to Do When You Receive a Job Offer

Many people spend a huge amount of time trying to secure the perfect job. From undergoing work experience and training to creating the perfect resume and completing lengthy applications, there is often a lot involved. If you are lucky enough to then get a face-to-face interview, a great performance will boost your chances of getting that job. If you then receive an official job offer, it may be time to start celebrating.

However, before you start those celebrations, it is important that you take the appropriate steps after you have received your job offer along with any contract that goes with it. Taking these steps is important as you need to respond to job offer appropriately and after taking some key things into consideration. One thing to remember is that employers do not assume that you are going to accept the job offer, and this is why it is important to respond. In this article, we will look at some of the key things to do when it comes to responding to a job offer.

Some of the Steps to Take

There are some key steps that you need to take when it comes to receiving and responding to a job offer. Some of the main ones are:

Look Over the Contract

One of the things that you should always do when you receive a job offer is to look very carefully through the contract to ensure it is what you are looking for. It is very important that you do this so that you know exactly what you are agreeing to with your acceptance of the job. If the contract is not in with the offer letter for any reason, contact the employer and ask for a copy of the contract before you respond to the offer.

Make Sure You Are Happy

It is important that you ensure you are happy to enter into the new job before you respond to the offer letter. Things may have changed since you went for your interview – for instance, there may be another job you have been offered that you prefer, or you may have changed your mind about the job you are being offered. So, before you make any rash decisions, take some time to think about whether you are happy with the job being offered and the terms of the contract.

Contact the Employer with Your Decision

Once you have made up your mind about the job offer, you need to contact the employer with your decision. Whether or not you decide to accept the job offer, it is very important that you contact the employer in writing to let them know so that everyone knows where they stand with regard to the job. You should make sure you are respectful in your letter, but you do not need to go into a lot of detail about your decision other than to let them know that you accept or decline, and to thank them for the opportunity.

These are the key steps to follow when you receive a job offer.

The Resume is Critical for Career Success – Few Tips for You

There are several different types of resumes, and it’s important to know which one works the best for your particular circumstances. If you want to land a dream job, the best resume is critical for your career. The following are some tips to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Reverse Chronological Resume

The reverse chronological resume format highlights your relevant work history in chronological order, beginning with your most recent position. It lists dates, job titles, and employer names. Highlight your most recent job and highlight the skills and experiences you gained within the past one to five years. Reverse chronological resumes also highlight achievements and accomplishments. Reverse chronological resumes are often preferred by hiring managers. This format is the most common and favored resume format for career seekers. You can search on Google for top resume examples and the right format. 

When writing your reverse chronological resume, you should never start with your first job. Instead, list your positions in reverse chronological order. Include a brief description of your role, numbers, and metrics where applicable. Your most recent position should be listed at the top, followed by your previous positions. This is especially important if you have no work experience. A reverse chronological resume is not suitable for job seekers who have no work history.

Functional Resume

If you are new to the job market or have little work experience, a functional resume may be a good option. It should clearly state your skills and accomplishments and show examples of how you have applied those skills in the past. Nevertheless, a functional resume should not completely ignore your past employment history as hiring managers want to see that you have some experience.

Include your greatest personal achievements. The objective of a functional resume is to persuade the hiring manager to hire you. If you are unsure of your capabilities, you can look at sample resume objectives to determine how to write your own. You’ll be glad you did! You’ll be surprised by the results! 

Side Projects

Including side projects on a resume is an important way to highlight your skills and experience, since they add to your work history and functional summary. The term “side project” is also synonymous with “external engagement,” “freelance engagement,” or “supplemental engagement.” In the event that you’re working for several clients or companies, make sure to list each project under a specific category or company.

Having side projects on your resume can demonstrate your interests, as well as your passion for a particular field. For example, you may have been working on a side project during your free time and enjoyed it so much that you decided to make it a full-fledged business. In addition to demonstrating your enthusiasm for your field, side projects also allow you to explore new technologies and increase your creativity. These projects are also an excellent way to establish your personal brand and show what you can do.

Employer Benefits

A resume is the calling card of the job-seeker. It conveys an overview of experience and skills, but it also provides an opportunity to highlight personal characteristics and personality. In this way, it will help employers gain a better understanding of you. Here are some tips for writing a good resume. Make it relevant to the job. Include relevant accomplishments and skills in your resume. Employers will appreciate your professionalism and enthusiasm.

A good resume will match keywords from the job description to the skills you offer. For instance, if the job description calls for a software developer, it’s a good idea to include the keyword “JSON” in your resume. This is because most employers use keywords to filter resumes. Indeed, some companies even auto-sort resumes based on keywords. So, a good resume matches keywords with the job description and aims to gain the employer’s attention.

How To Choose the Best Physical Therapy School for Your Child

Students who wish to pursue their career in physical therapy are often bombarded with the different choices for DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) programs by several schools. Amid these massive options, it can be quite difficult for parents and students to determine which school suits them best. 

To make things simpler, you can look at a few factors and determine the best fit for your child. Here’s a list of these main factors that you should consider when choosing a physical therapy school for your child. 

Check Out the Infrastructure

A good infrastructure in a school is vital, as it signifies how the next few years of learning will go for your child. It’s not that difficult to get a potential visit to any school, either. In fact, many schools have programs where interested candidates can visit the campus and view how the interior of the school is. 

In essence, you want to take note of three things: the classroom sizes, type of technology (new or old), and the resources available. If you’ve only taken a look at the school’s website so far, paying a visit won’t hurt – plus you can also jot down any questions you may have which weren’t answered on the site. 

Consider the Distance

Commuting to large-distanced schools can quickly become a nightmare. Even the slightest bit of interruption along the way can cause your child to be late. Apart from the energy and time it consumes, students who enroll in schools out of their state pay far more than those who apply for local schools. 

Studying in a local school, though, gives students better freedom and flexibility to work a part-time job if they want to and return home quickly. If you live in the U.S., it will be helpful to know that out of the 50 states, 46 have a physical therapy school. 

Look for a 3+3 Program

When it comes to completing schooling for students who have yet to begin their prerequisite courses for physical therapy school, a 3+3 program is usually the least expensive and efficient alternative. 

The standard PT programs require four years to earn a bachelor’s degree and an additional three years of continued education in a DPT program, which is seven years of schooling in all. In the 3+3 program, you will be able to receive both a bachelor’s and a physical therapy degree in just six years.

The 3+3 program is ideal for students who are confident of pursuing their career in physical therapy, as students need to apply for the program within their first year of the school itself. After being accepted into the program, the student will have to maintain the minimum GPA required by the college. 

Education and Opportunities

The teaching styles and the opportunities offered at the school are yet two more vital factors to look at. Ask yourself, are the teachers motivated enough to teach and answer every student’s questions? Is the classroom filled with many students where the teachers can’t meet everyone after class for further explanations? Does the school offer a good career opportunity (i.e., a part/full-time role or internship at a reputed company or institution)? 

You can even check if the university offers standard teaching or problem-based learning. If you haven’t heard of either one, standard teaching is how we’ve all been taught in life. It’s the familiar combination of a teacher, a chalk or a marker, and a board. Problem-based learning groups students into small pieces who are asked to solve a situation that may occur in a clinic.

Consult Advisors 

Academic guidance is essential, especially when transitioning from school and deciding your further courses. Once you have found a suitable P.T. program, consulting with academic advisors will help you in decision-making and understanding the curriculum. The advisors will guide you through the following:

  • Application process
  • Academic procedures and policy
  • Acceptance rates
  • Additional information about the school (housing and meal requirements)
  • Scholarships
  • General information about the campus, such as transportation support

Stay Loyal to Your Budget

Last but not least, never go beyond your budget. Parents often go overboard and get into heavy debts, which their children need to pay off later. This is a real and serious issue which we do not pay enough attention to in our daily lives. Always ensure that the school you’ve decided on is well within your budget. You can also talk to your advisor about and find the best local college. 

Overall, physical therapy schools have a lot to offer to ambitious students. Some may stand apart as better than others, making it somewhat difficult to narrow down which one is the best for your child. When you take a few considerations in mind, though – such as the distance away and your overall budget – you can help ensure your child receives the best education possible, no matter what!

Why You Should Consider Blogging to Improve Your Writing Career

Whether you are an aspiring novelist, or an academic writer, you might be feeling the pangs of the ever-changing publishing industry these days.  While some transitions have made publishing academic journals easier, still other changes in the publishing biz have made it extremely challenging to get your work published.  If you can relate, then you’ve probably had your fair share of rejection notices.  As a result, you might be looking for different ways to improve your writing career.  Enter the helpful art of blogging.

How Can Blogging Help Your Writing Career?

Blogging is an often overlooked resource because most writers are more focused on getting published.  To explain, many writers assume that blogs are for promoting works that have already been published, not a tool to help them improve their writing career. 

In truth, blogging can be a multi-faceted strategy to help you write, publish or even land a writing job.  What’s more, starting a blog these days is incredibly easy to do and requires very little startup investment.  All you need is a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress and fast WordPress hosting service to get you rolling in the right direction.  

That said, here are a few ways blogging can not only help you get published but might actually help you find a stable, writing job you might be dreaming about.

Use Your Blog as a Portfolio

Publishers and employers alike are more apt to take your writing skills more seriously if you have a portfolio.  In the old days, a writer almost had to be a veteran in order to get a second publication.  However, with the help of a blog and the internet, you can self-publish and showcase your own work. 

When you are beseeching publishers or academic institutions to consider your work, include your blog URL address with your submission.  This gives the “powers that be” a better understanding of your scope, style and capabilities, which can work towards your favor in getting published.

Include Your Credentials

While we’re talking about using your writing blog as a portfolio, don’t forget to upload your resume and credentials on your blog too.  If you have a professional social media network such as LinkedIn, include a link to that as well.  Including your accomplishments and past experience on your blog can go a long way towards landing a book deal or getting your academic paper published.

Use Your Blog to Land Freelance Gigs

Once you have a healthy amount of high-quality, well-written blog posts on your site, you can start marketing yourself as a freelance writer.  There are many syndicates that are eager to hire ghostwriters, content writers, or advertising writers. 

With the internet being the behemoth that it is, more indie publication sites online are looking for contributing writers to substantiate online authority as well as increase awareness to their websites.  When you put a “hire me” CTA (call to action) button on your blog, you are essentially putting your shingle out and encouraging these publications to hire you for their writing needs.

Convert Your Blog Into an EBook

After writing on your blog for a while, you may find that all your accumulated posts can make a cohesive and even profitable book.  In this case, you can convert your blog into an ebook.  This is self-publishing at its finest. 

Very often, blogging promotes writing in chunks which is far easier than sitting at the keyboard trying to hammer out an entire novel or a 300-page piece for an academic journal. You may even find that you appreciate the sporadic approach to writing on a blog because it’s less rigid and not as stress-inducing.  Before you know it, you might find yourself with several hundred blog posts that could culminate into a sensational best-seller.

Promote Your Blog for a Book Deal (Or More)

If you promote your blog on social networks, you may get the attention of publishers such as Random House, which could result in turning your blog into a book deal.  Sound far-fetched? Not really.  Consider the unlikely, but hugely successful, I Can Haz Cheezburger, which started as a blog and became so wildly popular that the blog was picked up by Avery publishers and made into a book in 2008. 

You never know, your blog could even become a movie. Look at the film Julie & Julia which started out as a blog about a Julia Childs fan who set out to post one of Childs’ recipes every day for a year.  The blog became so popular, it landed a book deal and eventually was made into a movie starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep in 2009.

As you can see, there are many opportunities that blogging can offer when it comes to improving your writing career.  Just remember to stick with it and keep adding high-quality, well-written posts. With dedication and commitment, you could have a better chance at getting published, landing a writing job, or maybe even a movie deal.

Why Financial Literacy Is So Important

Do you know how to manage your money? Do you understand the basics of financial literacy? If not, that’s okay! You’re not alone. Financial literacy is something that a lot of people struggle with. But it’s important to learn about it because your financial health is essential to your overall well-being. In this blog post, we will discuss what financial literacy is and why it’s so important for everybody to embrace it. We’ll also share some tips on how you can improve your financial literacy skills! Read on!

What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy is the ability to understand financial concepts and make informed decisions about finances. It’s not just about counting your money with cash counting machines or balancing your checkbook. Financial literacy also includes understanding concepts such as credit, debit, investing, insurance, and retirement planning.

Why Is Financial Literacy Important?

Your financial health is essential to your overall well-being. If you don’t have a good grasp of financial concepts, it can be difficult to make sound financial decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Poor money management can lead to stress, anxiety, and even bankruptcy!

Financial literacy is important because:

Gives You More Control over Your Personal Finances

This is probably the most influential reason why financial literacy is so important. When you have a good understanding of financial concepts, you have more control over your personal finances. This means that you can make informed decisions about things like budgeting, saving for retirement, and investing.

Helps You Avoid Financial Scams

Financial scams are becoming increasingly common. If you’re not financially literate, it’s easy to fall for these scams. A scam artist will often use complex financial jargon to confuse and mislead people. But if you know what to look for, you can avoid these schemes!

Provides Essential Knowledge for Managing Your Money

In order to be successful in life, it’s critical to have a good understanding of basic financial concepts. These concepts are especially important if you want to achieve financial independence. Financial literacy provides the essential knowledge that you need to manage your money effectively!

Tips for Improving Your Financial Literacy Skills

If you’re looking to improve your financial literacy skills, here are a few tips:

  •         Read books and articles about personal finance: This is a great way to learn about financial concepts and how to apply them to your own life.
  •         Attend workshops and webinars: There are lots of great workshops and webinars out there that can help you improve your financial literacy skills.
  •         Talk to a financial advisor: A good financial advisor can teach you everything you need to know about personal finance. They can help you create a budget, save for retirement, and invest in stocks and mutual funds.
  •         Start tracking your expenses: This is a great way to get a better understanding of where your money is going each month. It can also help you identify areas where you could be saving more money!


Financial literacy is essential for everybody! If you want to have a healthy financial future, it’s important to learn about financial concepts and how to apply them to your own life. This article provides a basic overview of financial literacy and some tips on how to improve your skills. With all this information at your fingertips, there’s no excuse not to get started!


Why Do Professionals Seek Life Coaches And You Should Too?

Back in the 1980s, Mr. Thomas Leonard started life coaching and adopted it as a career. Most people rejected the idea and did not agree with Thomas’ idea of being a professional life coach.

Soon, with time and as the younger generation started to get into more troubles, the idea was accepted and recognized as one of the most important disciplines.

Life coaches are the people who work with individuals facing problems to help them resolve these issues and motivate them in their life goals. Some work to improve or save their relationships, some do it to get better at their jobs as well as personality development. 

Every human being is a work in progress and is slowly moving towards perfection. No one is perfect and we all are an unfinished work of art living to be completed.

life coach courses at The Life Coaching College Australia can help you clarify your goals, identify the roadblocks in your way, and devise solutions to overcome each one. Life coaches tailor these tactics to your specific abilities and strengths.

What Does A Life Coach Do?

It’s a teamwork between the coach and the student. The aim of each session is different depending on the specific requirement of the student but a simple layout is followed in each session. Here is what a life coach do during a session

  • First step of each course is building a connection between the coach and the student. It is indeed one of the most important steps of any life coaching course through which a deep, honest and powerful connection is established between a coach and his student.
  • A particular approach to address each issue of the student is taken by the coach based on the personality, mental level and objectives of the student.
  • A plan or a set of daily tasks or habits is formulated and the student is made to follow the routine.

Who Needs A Life Coach?

Young entrepreneurs as well as well-established individuals seeking a new path or a complete life change enrol in life coaching courses to better understand challenges and their solutions. People who are having marital problems consult life coaches in order to maintain a good relationship and live a happy lifestyle.

However, if you are experiencing any of the issues listed below, hiring a life coach may be an excellent option for you.

  • Anxiety, lack of confidence or motivation.
  • Unable to quit bad habits.
  • Dissatisfaction at work or stressful life.
  • Marriage troubles, unhappy partner.
  • Feeling stuck or loss of creativity


These life coaching courses come in different forms and types. Each life coach works in a different style and it also depends on your requirements. Some have face-to-face meetings where discussions take place. Some can have a seminar or public speaking session. 

If you are considering consulting with a life coach, please keep in mind that you get to choose what you want to work on throughout your meetings. Each meeting should get you feeling energized and elevated, so pick a coach whose approach and ideology you connect with.

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Use a Staffing Agency

Staffing agencies work as the middle man between a company and its potential employees. From checking references, shortlisting candidates, scheduling interviews and screening resumes, they also help people find career progression and opportunities within their chosen field.

So, if you run a business and are trying to decide whether hiring a staffing agency is worth it, then read on. Here are five reasons that will make up your mind for good:

1. They Reduce Overhead Costs

Full-time employees will cost your company much more than just a regular salary. There are other overhead costs to think about, like:

  • Health care
  • Sick pay
  • Vacation pay
  • Retirement plans
  • Employer tax

When employing a staffing agency, you won’t have to pay any of these extra fees; you pay the agency for the work they’ve provided with no additional overhead costs. For example, IT staffing firms such as IS&T at offer employers modern, up-to-date services that factor in these additional costs.

2. They Save You Training Time

Let’s face it: training new employees requires a large investment of time and money. If your business requires the expertise of someone for just a few months, it isn’t financially viable to spend money on their training.

By using a staffing agency, you can cut the time that training takes. Simply employ someone that is already trained in the job and focus more on your business operations.

3. They Make It Parting Ways With Employees Easier

Once the contractor has finished the job, the work is completely over, and you have no ties to the employee. This means you won’t need to stress about how to part ways or worry about:

  • Unemployment insurance
  • Severance pay
  • Sourcing a replacement

4. They Handle Short-Term Staffing

As an employer, you may need to quickly hire a temp for a number of reasons. Whether it be sick leave, maternity leave, a leave of absence, or a family emergency, staffing agencies can step in and fill the position quickly and efficiently. You’ll be less thrown off by the sudden departure of an employee and have more time to focus on your current obligations.

Let’s say you need seasonal workers. The job advertisement, interviewing process, hiring, and training would also need to happen within a relatively small window, which is more often than not difficult for business owners. A staffing agency has the resources to source temporary employees for seasonal work. Skip the training and bring on an employee that’s trained to do your work for a few months.

Staffing agencies also give you the flexibility to schedule external workers for one-off shifts or short periods of time to handle specific absences.

5. They Have Large Networks

Staffing agencies have a larger network of available professionals than employers do, which means they could have more than one candidate in mind to fill the spot. This also makes it easier to hire: if one worker can’t complete the job due to other commitments, they have other people readily available to jump in.

Many agencies also have good relationships with workers, which makes it easy for them to recommend people to employers. Not only does this make the hiring process quicker, but it also provides a sense of security for employers when taking on short-term employees.

Hire a Staffing Agency to Take the Pressure Off

If you are an employer and you’re looking for ways to cut costs and make short-term hiring worth your while, you should definitely consider a staffing agency. From ensuring you have the best people working for you to saving you training time, the extra help will allow you to focus on other important aspects of your business.



IQ Tests – Purpose, Procedure, and Results

IQ, formally known as ‘Intellectual Quotient’ comes in various forms. Broadly, it has the capacity to measure intellectual disabilities and the intellectual potential one may possess.

IQ tests are among the most commonly conducted psychological tests and their popularity prevails in all fields of life. From Medicine to Army, all of the Institutes use IQ tests to measure the cognitive abilities of the being.

Generally, IQ tests are standardized but few have open-ended questions in order to analyze various personality traits of the candidate. Each test also has a different scoring method that may not be the same as other IQ tests. The most common is:

Purpose of IQ Tests

IQ tests are used for a wide range of purposes:

  • Educational enrollment or placement
  •  Various researches measuring cognitive abilities
  •  Job placement
  •   Job performance evaluation
  •   Assessment of intellectual or cognitive disabilities
  •    Assessment of skills such as memory, speed to perform a particular task, and ability to focus.

How to measure IQ

Modern IQ testing originated from the work of psychologist Henry Herbert Goddard. He translated Binet’s French IQ test into English. This test, designed by Alfred Binet, was made to evaluate the intellectual abilities of students in school settings. It served as an effective tool to highlight those students who had mental health problems.

With the success of this test, a wide range of research studies was conducted in this field. A large number of IQ tests were conducted over a period of several years. The main purpose of all the tests designed was to analyze people’s problem-solving ability, reasoning skills, and cognitive skills.

Some of the most commonly used IQ assessments are:

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Kids
  •  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Grownups
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
  • Differential Ability Scales 

All these tests are required to be purchased by licensed psychologists. All the tests are different from one another and have several parts. They are normally divided into various subsets.

Each subset measures the different aspects of human personality such as mathematical skills, analytical skills, language ability, memory, speed to process the information given. The results are further combined in a form of a single score that is known as IQ Score.

Results of IQ Tests

The IQ score of 100 is considered a standardized average score. While the research studies have shown that, those students with cognitive and mental disabilities have IQ scores between 55 and 70. They have an average IQ score around 60 to 65, generally not more than that.

High IQ Scores

100 and beyond score is considered as a high IQ score. Those having 100 and above IQ scores are considered highly intelligent people. Whereas those who are considered extraordinarily intelligent have IQ scores of 130 or above.

It is assumed that those having such a high IQ score are smart people with a lot of potentials. They have a lot of mental capacity to solve complex problems and to deal with complicated situations.

Low IQ scores

Individuals having IQ scores below 100 are considered below-average beings. While the score of 70 or below is considered highly low. Such a low score causes a concern that some intervention needs to be done to increase the IQ level.

History has shown that IQ tests have proven to be an effective tool to highlight intellectual disabilities. If a particular child has an extremely low score, he/she must be taken to the doctor.

The doctor then further analyzes the child via blood tests, adaptive skills screening, ultrasound of the brain, and mental health screening.

Screening of parents can also detect intellectual disability in a child even before he or she is born. The mothers having the age above 35 are more likely to have babies with cognitive disabilities. Those who are exposed to excessive drugs usage or alcohol have more chances to deliver babies having an intellectual disability.

In case, intellectual disability is identified at such a young age, doctors or consultants can undergo the required IQ assessment. This may bring the solution at a very early stage.

Drastic Rise in IQ Scores

Since the 1900s, the average IQ score around the world has increased in most parts of the world. This particular phenomenon is known as the “Flynn effect” named after the scientist who discovered it.

He noticed that the same test used by U.S. Military in the 1980s brought better results as compared to the 1950s. After deep research Flynn discovered that the average IQ score around the world is increasing with time. It is increasing at the rate of three points or more per decade.

Scientists and researchers believe that this increase in IQ scores is due to an increase in the ability to think logically. The world is evolving and with every development, humans are developing the capacity to solve their problems in a logical way. It can also be due to an increase in the quality of formal education, better diet, and nutrition, better environment, and vaccinations available.

Concluding Thoughts

IQ tests have come a long way and one thing is for sure that they are here to stay. Usage of IQ tests is involved in nearly all fields of life. These tests are used by Army, Military Personnel, Educational Institutions, Medicine, and the corporate world.

The actual purpose of IQ tests is to measure the intellectual potential one may possess. But over time, these tests have also become highly controversial. Several research studies have claimed that IQ scores solely cannot determine intelligence. There are several other factors that are associated with intelligence and they must be taken into consideration while measuring the intelligence of an individual.

An IQ score probably does not tell the whole story. It just shows a single side. It fails to measure a few broader aspects of a human’s personality such as level of creativity, curiosity an individual may have, and social intelligence.

So, if a person doesn’t have a good IQ score that does not mean he or she will never be able to succeed in life. Success depends on several other factors as well.

Heading Back To College: Practical Solutions For An Easy Transition

Are you thinking about going back to college but nervous about how it will impact your home life and career? If so, you’re not the first woman to have these concerns, especially if you have a family to raise. Going back to college may help you advance professionally, but the sacrifices it requires will add to your everyday responsibilities. Many women don’t want their children to suffer or the finances to fall behind, so they decide to hold off on this goal. 

Although it would be naive to overlook the typical struggles of returning to college as a mother, there are ways to make the transition more manageable. Continue reading to learn more about online degrees for adults

Choose Your School Wisely

Where you go to school has a direct impact on your home and job life. The best way to find balance is to select your educational establishment wisely. You want to opt for a college that offers affordable classes, diverse programs, and flexible schedules to accommodate your financial and scheduling needs. 

Let’s say you were interested in becoming a therapist. You might go to a university that offers psychology certificates. Ideally, you should opt for a school that offers night and weekend hours or online courses so that you can complete your studies when it’s most convenient. You should also review the cost of tuition, available scholarships, and financial aid to keep the cost of returning to school down. 

Rally Up The Troops

You’re going to need help ensuring your kids’ needs are met every day. As going back to college will take up a portion of your time and energy, it’s best to rally up the troops for assistance. Who are the troops? These are family members, friends, and other trusted adults that you can turn to for help with your children. 

Before school starts, it’s essential to understand who these people are in your life and how they can lend a helping hand. Whether your mother prepares meals a few times a week or watches the kids after school, it enables you to focus on your studies without stressing yourself out. 

Get Serious About Time Management

Time management is essential to juggling the many responsibilities you’ll have once you go back to school. Make the most of the time you have each day by developing routines and schedules. Set a designated time for your home life, work, and your studies, while remembering to pencil in moments for a break and self-care. If you have a hard time sticking to routines, use alarms, calendars, and charts to help keep you on track. Eventually, it will become like second nature. 

Tap Into Educational Resources

If you’re going to pass that class, receive a certificate, or get a degree, you must set yourself up for success. As higher education can be challenging, you’re encouraged to tap into the available resources to help you achieve your goals. Take advantage of after-hours offered by professors, tutoring, study groups, and more to ensure that you comprehend the materials and succeed. Find out if there are training programs, internships, or other opportunities you can enroll in for a better educational experience. 

Enjoy The Experience

Going back to school as an adult is a fantastic milestone. Don’t spend the entire time worrying about what could go wrong, as it can make accomplishing your goals a lot more challenging. You’re encouraged to enjoy the experience. Live in the moment, connect with like-minded individuals, learn new things, and celebrate successes along the way. 

Whether you’re trying to get a promotion, switch careers, start a business, or earn more money, going back to college can help you accomplish those goals. Although being a parent can complicate this decision, there are ways to find balance. By sticking to the suggestions listed above, you can return to school, raise a family, and reach new heights professionally. Of course, there will be challenges along the way, but taking these steps can ease the transition. 

7 Ways to Use Degree in Chemistry

If you’re one of the many people who get excited about stoichiometry and chemical reactions, then you have the start of a great career. If you think that a chemistry degree only qualifies you for a life of research or working as a medical doctor, there are countless other careers you can pursue. Some of these might require additional or concurrent education to go along with your chemistry degree. It’s possible to have a thriving career doing what you love. Here’s how to use your degree in chemistry to get it.

Food Science

Did you know there is a whole field of study around the science of food? It’s how we get light and flaky layers in a croissant, and dense, melt in your mouth goodness in a wedding cake. Food science is all about the science of food. Why does this ingredient make the food behave this way? What are the best, food-safe preservatives to use? How much preservative do I need in a batch? What happens if we take out one ingredient and substitute something else?

All these questions are answered by food scientists. They spend their time creating new recipes and producing foods for various companies. They also help in the research and development of new flavors.

Soap Making

A simple saponification reaction can be used to create harsh soaps to clean the bathroom and one’s gentle enough for your face and body. Soap makers use their chemistry skills to determine the right amount of lye and fats to use to get the intended hardness after the soap has cured. Soap makers know how long to let a soap rest before cutting and before using for the first time. Soap makers can also use their skills to create new perfumes and scents, mix new blends, and create soaps that improve skin health and that kill off the harshest bacteria.


Take what you know and teach someone else. Whether you use your chemistry skills to also pursue a career as a schoolteacher, or you use it to teach independent classes through a local homeschool co-op, there are plenty of places to teach chemistry. You are qualified because you know important facts about chemistry, and you can create a fun and exciting class using what you know. There are some online platforms where you can also create an online course.

Developing New Materials

Have you ever wondered where new plastics come from and new metal materials? Chemists work with engineers and other scientists to develop new materials that have many industrial uses. From storing chemicals without leaks to creating products that are biodegradable, there are numerous options.

Beer Making

What does chemistry have to do with making beer? Everything! Making beer is an art and a science and creating brews with the right blend of flavors takes some finesse. Use your chemistry degree to start your own brewing company or just create some home brew beer. You’d be amazed at how taking an approach using you understanding of chemistry can help you get your beer just right.

Technical Writer

People who spent their time doing organic chemistry prep, studied for science tests, and wrote all about their experiments in lab are uniquely qualified to write. Technical writers know how to put their thoughts in writing in a calculated and concise way. They can create manuals, how-to articles, and even use their knowledge to talk specifically about science topics. Science writers are in high demand to help explain topics and communicate scientific information outside of the scientific community.

Wastewater Management

Managing the wastes that come in is a critical role. Chemists understand what needs to happen to filter out and purify toxic and contaminated water. They understand that this water will be recycled to go back out to the community and needs to be safe to drink, safe for watering plants, and more. Chemists know what can happen if they don’t get the concentrations of chemicals right in the purification process.


There are many career paths for a person with a chemistry degree. While advanced degrees can be useful, it’s possible to pursue entrepreneurship and to start your own company with just a bachelor’s degree. You gain valuable skills and knowledge about chemistry that you can share with others through teaching, writing, and even making soap.