How to spot cyberbullying in your classroom

  1. What is cyberbullying? 

Most people have heard of cyberbullying, but not everyone is familiar with the exact definition. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place online. It can involve posting mean or hurtful comments, spreading rumors, sending threatening or harassing messages, or publishing personal information without permission. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, but it’s especially harmful to children and teens. It can lead to or intensify feelings of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. 

If you’re wondering how you can protect students against cyberbullying? It’s important to recognize the signs so you can help your students stay safe and healthy. 

  1. How it occurs in the classroom

Research indicates that cyberbullying has a strong impact on the academic and emotional development of students. Students are most often cyberbullied on social media platforms and through email. 

  1. What are the signs

There are several warning signs that a student is being cyberbullied. They may suddenly become withdrawn or start avoiding social situations in school. They may also suffer anxiety, depression, or attention problems in the classroom. Here are some examples of signs in the school:

  • A student is anxious or agitated when going online. 
  • A student is avoiding specific social media platforms or websites. 
  • A student is receiving strange or threatening messages from unknown people. 
  • A student’s mood changes drastically after going online. 

If you notice any of these signs, talk to your child about what’s happening. Have an open and honest dialogue to allow them to explain their feelings. You may find that they’re unwilling to talk about their emotions, and that’s okay – note that every situation is unique and must be carefully managed. 

The aim of these conversations is to help them understand that you’re here to support them. You can also contact a professional for guidance on how to best deal with the situation.

  1. How to prevent it cyberbullying 

As a teacher, if you notice any of these changes in any students in your classroom, it’s important to talk to them about it privately. They may be reluctant to open up at first, but it’s important to let them know you’re there for them. 

If the bullying occurs on social media platforms, there are ways to mitigate how much exposure you have to these comments. Instagram – like many others – has introduced tools and features to protect users from bullying.

Some studies show that parent communication is a step in the right direction when enabling an environment where children can express their emotions. By working with parents, you’ll strengthen the support network of victims.

4 Reasons Why Securing Data is More Important Than Ever

Professionals that run businesses have many things to keep in mind. From keeping track of profits to training employees, these tasks are essential, no matter the type of business. Data security and digital file management are just as important. Documents are e-shared more than ever before, and it’s the responsibility of each employee to keep sensitive information in the right hands.   

One of the safest ways you can share documents safely is through a data room. Here, we’re going to tell you four reasons why you should only share documents in these secure digital environments and take cybersecurity seriously.

1) Protects from Breaches

For any business, transactions with both employees and clients are of the utmost importance. With the advanced technology available to the public these days, there are many ways with which you can protect your data. However, there are also many methods with which someone can breach your security!

According to the data room experts at, one method for compromising data is through automated bots. Sometimes, it’s not a real person doing the heavy lifting. Hackers use bots to distract your security team, so they can gain access to your files. Understanding the different ways your security can be compromised is the first step towards combating these breaches.

2) Helps Save Money

Securing your business’s data will help save you money in the long run. A breach can cost a monumental amount of money for your company. According to IBM,the average cost of a data breach in the United States is $3.86 million dollars in 2020. It also takes an average of 280 people to fix the breach.

That money can be better spent on a data room plan, which offers space to share files securely with both employees and clients. With proper measures in place, you can rest assured your company is in safe hands!

3) Keeps Business Running in an Emergency

Many businesses today rely on online records to keep their business afloat. Imagine one day waking up and none of your files are there anymore. This could be due to a breach, natural disaster, or equipment failure. This can halt your operations for weeks, or even months! Therefore, choosing a reliable and suitable software development services is quite important.

If your information is properly protected in a data room and backed up, you no longer need to worry about this possibility.

4) Builds Trust in Your Company

Taking the time to properly build your online security can help build trust in your company. Clients should know that any information they send to you is confidential. Employees will also appreciate the effort you take in securing their files so their personal information is never in jeopardy. 

You’re taking a huge risk with a lack of proper security. One breach can tarnish your reputation with workers and clients alike. Not only will this cost you money while you fix the breach – you may not be able to build your clientele in the future, either!

In Conclusion

With the rise of online file sharing, losing data is a concern for businesses more than ever. That’s why you should make sure you take the proper precautions today. This security will save you time, money, and the trust of the people involved in your business.

Research the types of security that will work best for you. Data rooms, firewalls, antivirus, and backup/recovery plans are just a few of the most popular ways professionals choose to protect themselves. You should also make sure your plan is synchronized across the entire company so you’re protected on all fronts.