How To Launch A Scalable E-Learning Business

E-learning is a booming industry that’s only set to grow more and more as the ongoing trend of digitization continues to take hold across the economy. Despite the growing importance of e-learning services and the immense profitability which can be tapped into by clever entrepreneurs, however, few e-learning businesses which are launched these days ever endure for long enough to scale themselves upwards.

What’s the secret to scaling your e-learning business, anyway, and why do so many entrepreneurs fail to see their digital teaching efforts take off? Here’s how to launch a scalable e-learning business that will thrive as time goes on.


Understand the burgeoning growth of e-learning

If you don’t appreciate the extent to which the e-learning industry is rapidly burgeoning, you’ll never be able to scale your business as it slowly but surely becomes more popular. According to Orbis Research, the global e-learning market is set to swell to an astonishing $275.10 billion in value by 2022, so those entrepreneurs who get started in this field right now could be reaping the financial rewards of their work sooner rather than later. In order to tap into this thriving growth, however, you need to understand that scaling your e-learning business begins with establishing secure foundations upon which the rest of your commercial enterprise can grow.

Establish solid foundations for your business begins with reviewing the simple mistakes that other entrepreneurs have made before you. By reviewing the errors which have caused other e-learning endeavors to crumble and fail, you’ll be well-equipped to avoid succumbing to such errors yourself. Review a list of the top mistakes that e-learning professionals make time and time again, for instance, and you’ll realize that many of these errors could have been easily avoided with a little touch of foresight. Failing to create a company-wide vision which can steer your e-learning endeavor to success, for instance, will make it challenging for you to expand your business if you find commercial success.

Furthermore, your enterprise will only be scalable if it has a way to narrow down its target audience into a selection of consumers who are eager to purchase your services. This means learning how to conduct market research and developing customer profiles is essential towards long-term success, as you won’t be able to learn as you go once your business takes off and you’re swamped with activity. Another thing you need to take care of early on is getting insurance coverage, which will be cheaper if you buy it well-ahead of time before your business fully develops.


Learn to cover all your bases

You may think that your e-learning company is immune to legal jeopardy, but the truth of the matter is that any business enterprise faces the possibility of legal action which could deliver financial ruin to your doorstep. That’s why it’s imperative to properly insure your e-learning company if you want it to survive its first lawsuit or angry customer. Tenant insurance and other consumer-oriented plans won’t be sufficient for your business, however, which will need insurance coverage specifically crafted for business endeavors in this industry.

Getting comprehensive general liability insurance for your business is imperative towards protecting yourself from generic legal threats which could become a financial burden on your business’ performance. Furthermore, if you’re really interested in scaling your business, you’ll need to be able to recruit talented e-learning professionals who are invested in the future wellbeing of your company. That means providing your rank-and-file workers with good employer-sponsored health plans which can boost their morale and keep them on their feet in the unfortunate event of a medical accident. Smart business owners don’t view insurance as an unnecessary expense but rather as a lifesaver that will keep their business from succumbing to the first fire or flood which plagues you.

Finally, you need to understand that your e-learning business will only achieve scalability if it’s niche-specific and capable of gaining a leg up on your competitors in that area. Not all industries are ripe for e-learning enterprises, but traditional education, IT, e-commerce, and retail are all good examples of fields which are ripe for e-learning companies to thrive in. This will entail building professional contacts with those in your industry who may not need your services now but could enlist their help later on, so never be afraid to network if you want your business to scale upwards with time.

All of this will be in vain if you don’t have the best workers around to help you expand your company, so reviewing the crucial e-learning skills that your workers should have may help you expedite the hiring process. Invest properly in the right human capital, and you’ll soon discover that scaling your e-learning enterprise is easier when you have talented professionals to help you along the way.

Sharpening your financial education: Things they don’t teach you in college

Financial literacy offers the necessary knowledge and skills to manage money in an effective manner. Financial education should start from an early age. Institutions of higher education place a great deal of importance on teaching students about finances. In the modern world, financial responsibility is of the essence. To be more precise, they need to learn how to manage money and other assets of the same nature in a productive way. More students should have access to personal coaches long before they reach the age when they are able to get a loan. Until that happens, the only thing that can be done is to advocate for financial education. It’s not just for investors.

Colleges strive to prepare students for the real world and their efforts always meet with success. Interestingly, there are some things they don’t teach you in class. Take education into your own hands. What seems challenging in the beginning will motivate you to come up with a successful approach. You’ll learn a great deal during your time in college. However, you won’t grasp all the aspects the art of investing and managing money, that is, if you’re not attending business school. Keep on reading to improve your financial literacy. These are the lessons that they don’t teach you in college. Read attentively.

Anything that is related to banking deserves your attention  

Financial institutions like banks play a major role in the economy by offering services to individuals who are looking forward to saving. Banks act like intermediaries in the sense that they connect surplus and deficit economic agents. Why should you learn about banking, anyway? Because it can impact your financial future, that’s why. When you’re able to grasp basic economic concepts, you’re able to set up a savings account and, of course, start saving money. It’s important to learn some of the basic things prior to opening a bank account. You need to become familiar with concepts like routing number, compound interest, or overdraft fee. Take the time to learn everything you can about banking. Understand what’s the best way to manage your money and don’t do yourself a disservice.

You can start paying back your student debt immediately

Students need loans to balance the books. As a matter of fact, if it weren’t’ for student loans, they wouldn’t be able to pay for education. Student loans are meant to meet the needs of students of higher education whose personal resources are scarce. Repaying the debt doesn’t have to be a major hurdle. In case you didn’t know, you can start paying back your student loan starting right now. How? Well, trade Forex in your spare time. Anyone can trade in the foreign exchange market. If you treat it as a serious business, you’ll surely be successful. The money that you’ll make won’t be enough to pay off the loan early, but it will be enough to manage the debt.

FX trading is a sure way to make extra money. Low spread Forex brokers are extremely popular nowadays. If you’re looking for an affordable trading solution, you don’t have to look too long, as you can easily find brokers with a low trading cost. The trading strategy that they offer is one you should consider. Low spread Forex involves completing several financial transactions in the course of a day. The commission can rise up to 100 pips. When it comes to trading FX online, you should best focus on the winning strategy. Anyway, it’s possible to make profit from your dorm room. Don’t miss out on this important opportunity. There are many software solutions available, so you don’t have to actually be online to trade.

There are various ways of balancing a budget

There is nothing more important than having a balanced budget. When your expenses don’t exceed the income, you can easily meet your financial obligations. Budgeting makes it possible for you to create a spending plan and determine ahead of time if you have enough money to do the things you need or want. Ideally, students in college should be taught about the basics of keeping a financial record of their financial transactions. As you know, we don’t live in an ideal world. Creating a budget and, most importantly, sticking to it is the most adult thing to do. In addition to putting your savings into an account, there are some things you might want to do.

When determining what is the best way to spend money, think in terms of needs and wants. To be more precise, figure out if what you’re planning to spend your hard-earned cash on is a need or a want. Do you have your eyes set on an expensive pair of shoes? You might want to reconsider. Equally important is to stick to one type of payment. It’s a lot easier to track your spending when you use, for instance, the debit card. Use cash or card. If you happen to have a credit card, make sure not to overspend. It’s recommendable to spend as much money as you can afford to, not more.

Accounting can come in handy in the most surprising situations

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions, storing information in a useful way, and presenting the results. Everyone should have basic accounting knowledge. imagine the following scenario: You want to buy a car. The investment is a significant one and you do your best to negotiate a better price. If you’ve had any experience with accounting, you would know all too well that the vehicle you’re on the point of purchasing is on the dealership’s balance sheet as inventory. What does that mean? It simply means that in order to keep the business operating, the dealer has to make a profit. When you’re armed with knowledge, you can walk right up to the dealership, tell them what you’re looking for, and walk away with a better deal.

To sum up, institutions of higher education do an excellent job when it comes to providing financial education. As a student, you’re responsible for your learning. Open your computer and watch a helpful tutorial. There are many things you can do to broaden your financial education. The things that you don’t learn in the classroom, which is why you have to make an effort. Take your financial education to the next level. It can be done.  

Tips for Portfolio Review in College

Has art been your best hobby and interest since childhood but you don’t know how to get into your school of choice? Wondering how to make your application stand out among the thousands of applications sent in each year? Then working on a portfolio is the best chance you have to get into that school you desire so much.

In a writing portfolio, you need sufficient work to present. You can rely on support from websites like Edusson essay writing services. Likewise, you can look up for online reviews of edusson-like websites to find the best writers to help you prepare. Your portfolio needs to have work you have done; no cheating.

Tips to Adequately Prepare for Your Portfolio Review

A portfolio review is not one of the events you look forward to with a joyful face. It attracts a lot of fear and anxiety since you don’t know the kind of criticism you will get. Proper and thorough preparation is necessary to ensure that you are comfortable as your assessors come to assess your skills and critic your art. Here are some essential tips that can help you prepare for your review.

  • Produce more varieties for the event or application

The biggest mistake you can ever make in your entire career is walking into an exhibition without sufficient work to showcase. A portfolio review is like an exhibition, only that it marks the beginning of your career and not the success. You need to parade the diversity of your skills as an artist.

It is not mandatory that you have many exhibits. Instead, you should focus on producing high quality work. When preparing a paper for the review, you must ensure that it is properly researched.

  • Pick the best exhibit of art from your collection

If you have a wide variety of images, designs or articles to choose from, you should highlight some of your common and beautiful works to take with you. Pick your own authentic work to represent your level of skill and competence.

Random writing helps you have a wider variety of work to choose from once required to. Hiring competent writers and artists can help improve the quality of your collection.

  • Ensure that all your works are properly documented

Documentation is also another thing that determines whether or not you will be successful. Your work should have something unique that identifies with you. If you keep all your artwork properly, it shall be easy producing art portfolio examples when called upon.

  • Review your work keenly

If you are sending in your application attached with your collection, you ought to go through your selected work of art carefully. For a college-planned portfolio review, you must examine each piece carefully before deciding to include it in your showcase. This is one of the most important graphic design portfolio tips.

You need to show how excellent your skills are to supervisors and potential college recruiters as well. Remember, this is your once in a life-time chance to make a better artist by getting into the best college, or landing that dream job.

  • Carry along your sketchbook if you have one

If you rely on sketches before making the final drawings, you need to bring your sketchbook along too. It is like a representation of how you think as an artist, what inspires you. Some schools are attracted to potential students by going through their sketch work rather than their finished work.

Even in an art exhibition, sometimes sketches fetch better prices than the finished drawings. Moreover, it is a guarantee that your work is legit, thus you can’t be considered a scam or a con artist.

Final Thoughts

Portfolio review is nothing close to an assignment or a test, it is like a guaranteed opportunity for you to excel because you do it how you know best. For this reason, you really need to be when preparing one. It might be the only chance you get to get into your college of choice.

Remember to trust your skills and present nothing but the finest collection in your work. Your showcased work must be reliable and a perfect representation of your skills at the finest. It is through determination that you shall grasp tips on how to create an art portfolio.

Why Should You Attend at a Personal Trainer Conference?

Wanting to turn your passion into a job is not a bad thing, and it can be a great option. You will have an income while doing something you like, which means you are going to have a pleasant job.

If you are into fitness, you can do that through a personal trainer conference. More than that, you are not only going to cultivate your talents, but help other people stay healthy as well. So, what makes attending personal trainer conferences so important? Here are four reasons.

  1. Educational Opportunities

Although you probably think that you have enough experience, you always have something to learn from everything. Considering there are many other people attending the conference, you may not only learn something from the conference itself, but from these people too.

Because the business venture is small, you may feel pretty isolated, with no exposure to other points of view. Consequently, you can miss certain trends or ideas that can have a good influence on your future results. So, if you attend a conference, it can show you new and unknown ways to conduct a business and help you discover how to be more productive.

  1. It Can Ensure You a Stable Career

Basically, personal trainer conferences can give you a unique insight into the practices of being a personal trainer. If you are dedicated to it, this course can improve your skills and trainer qualities, so you will be a successful personal trainer and maintain the position.

You will get the training that you need, and it will be easier for you to gain a position if you have what it takes.

  1. You Can Help Others Stay Healthy

Personal training is not only about making money to sustain your life – it’s about helping other people have a healthy body and mind too. After all, that’s why the occupation exists. People seek your help, and offering it is your responsibility. Their smiles after helping them achieve their goal is a reward in itself, and if people are pleased by your services, they may recommend you to others as well. As a result, you will become even more successful.

  1. You Will Meet Other Passionate People

You won’t be the only one attending the conference – there will be other people interested in personal training. The conference is a great way to meet other people and make friends in the field you’re interested, and share the passion with likeminded individuals.

Also, meeting other people will keep you more motivated to strive for success in the field, because seeing it so appreciated will give you a boost. So, you will work even more on your skills and become a unique personal trainer.

Final Thoughts

Attending a personal trainer conference is a great opportunity to educate yourself, improve your skills and meet other people who share the same passion. All of these will contribute to your future career as a personal trainer, and you could be successful in helping people stay healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? There are PT Courses in London, and it can be a great way to start your journey as a personal trainer.

UNILORIN cut off mark 2018

Are you planning to become a student of University of Ilorin? Then you should know UNILORIN cut off mark. We provided all latest information in the article below.

When considering candidates, the admission committee takes into account two types of marks: JAMB and O level results.

JAMB cut off mark

In accordance with the general statement for all universities, prospective students must have at least 180 points. UNILORIN followed this rule. If you scored less than 180 points, you will not be able to become a student of this educational institution.

Take into account that this year’s competition is very tense. The high JAMB mark plays a crucial role. With good results you can choose the most popular and prestigious specialties.

It is not recommended to relax if you have 180 points. This level is not enough to enroll in some UNILORIN courses. If you have 220 points, there will be virtually no restrictions in choosing a specialty. However, even this high result is perceived just as a minimal University of Ilorin cut off mark at some faculties.

As you can see, there is a direct relationship between your success at admission and the JAMB score.

O level marks

There are 50 O level marks. Each grade is tied to certain mark:

A – 8 marks;

B – 5 or 4 marks;

C – 2 marks.

Simple logic works here. You need to get as many A marks as possible. And vice versa, a large number of C marks can push your candidacy to the background. Try to get a lot more points than prescribed by the minimum level in order to obtain a place in the university.

UNILORIN courses and their cut off mark

The enrollment process can vary depending on the direction chosen by the student. In fact, you can apply for any courses if you have at least 180 points. But you should understand that the real selection will take place according to the cut off mark of each faculty. Find your course in the detailed list below:

  1. (Aquaculture and Fisheries) – 180

B.Agric – 180

B.Sc. Food Science – 180

B.Sc. Home Economics – 180

  1. Forestry and Wildlife – 180

B.A. Arabic – 180

B.A. English – 180

B.A. French – 180

B.A. History and International Studies – 180

B.A. Linguistics – 180

B.A. Yoruba – 180

B.A. Hausa – 180

B.A. Igbo – 180

B.A. Performing Arts – 180

B.A. Christian Studies – 180

B.A. Islamic Studies – 180

B.A. Comparative Religious Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Social Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Geography Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Social Studies – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Educational Technology – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer Science – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Technology Education – 180

B.Sc.(Ed.) Health Education – 180

B.(Ed.) Primary Education Studies – 180

  1. Ed Adult Education Studies – 180

B.(Ed.) Counsellor Education – 180

B.(Ed.) Educational Management – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education – 180

B.Sc.(Ed.) Human Kinetics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Maths Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics Education – 180

B.Sc. (Ed.) Agriculture – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Arabic Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Christian Studies Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) English Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) French Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) History Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Islamic Studies Education – 180

B.A. (Ed.) Yoruba Education – 180

B.Eng. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering – 180

B.Eng. Computer Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Food Science and Technology – 180

B.Eng. Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering – 180

B.Eng. Civil Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Electrical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. Chemical Engineering – 200

B.Eng. (Metallurgical Engineering) – 180

B.Eng. (Biomedical Engineering) – 180

B.Sc. Architecture – 180

B.Sc. Estate Management – 180

B.Sc. Quantity – 180

B.Sc. Surveying and Geo-informatics – 180

B.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning – 180

DVM – 190

LL.B. Common Law – 240

LL.B. Common & Islamic Law – 220

B.Sc. Anatomy – 200

B.Sc. Physiology – 200

MB;BS – 235

  1. Nursing Science – 210

B.Sc. Computer Science – 200

B.Sc. Mass Communication – 220

B.Sc. Information and Communication Science – 180

B.Sc. Library and Information Science – 180

B.Sc. Telecommunication Science – 180

Doctor of Optometry – 190

B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry – 200

B.Sc. Microbiology – 200

B.Sc. Plant Biology – 180

B.Sc. Zoology – 180

B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry – 180

B.Sc. (Applied Geophysics) – 180

B.Sc. Chemistry – 180

B.Sc. Physics – 180

B.Sc. Geology & Mineral Science – 180

B.Sc. Mathematics – 180

B.Sc. Statistics – 180

B.Sc. Finance – 200

B.Sc. Marketing – 180

B.Sc. Industrial Relations & Personnel Management – 180

B.Sc. Public Administration – 180

B.Sc. Accounting – 200

B.Sc. Business Administration – 200

B.Sc. Psychology – 180

B.Sc. Social Work – 180

B.Sc. Criminology and Security Studies – 190

B.Sc. Economics – 210

B.Sc. Geography & Environmental Management – 180

B.Sc. Political Science – 200

B.Sc. Sociology Surveying – 180

Now you know the cut off mark for UNILORIN. We hope that your knowledge will be enough to start a bright, interesting and fruitful student life in one of the best universities in Nigeria. Good luck!
