What Are the Signs of Sexual Abuse in Teens?

As the parent of the teen, one of your first fears might be that they are abused in any way, including sexually. Unfortunately, sexual abuse is a reality, and perhaps one that’s more prevalent than you might think.

There are often stories of sexual abuse that happens to both male and female teens, and the perpetrator is often someone who is trusted, such as a teacher or school official.

The CDC estimates 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls will experience sexual abuse in the U.S. before they’re 18.

If you can recognize the warning signs of abuse, you may be able to stop it before it happens or do something about it quickly if it already has.

The signs of abuse in teens can be challenging to identify, however.

The following are things to know about red flags of sexual abuse that are often seen in teens, and also more details about what you can do if you’re a parent.

Physical Symptoms

You may wonder if there are physical symptoms and the difficulty in identifying sexual abuse is that there often aren’t. If there are, your teen may hide them from you. If there are physical symptoms, a medical professional might bring them to your attention as a parent, but these tend to be things that can easily be misdiagnosed.

If there were going to be physical signs or symptoms, they might include unexplained bruising or symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Behavioral Symptoms

You are more likely to start to see there’s a problem by the way your teen behaves, but again, that can be challenging because teens tend to be moody and unpredictable regardless of the circumstances.

In girls, in particular, some of the symptoms that may occur when they are a victim of sexual abuse include:

  • Eating disorders: A lot of parents don’t understand the links between an eating disorder, particularly one that seems to have developed recently, and sexual abuse. Eating disorders can include anorexia but also bulimia and binge eating. A lot of times, sexual abuse survivors will feel a sense of shame or guilt, and they may try to deal with that by punishing themselves with food-related behavior.
  • Substance misuse: When a teen starts to use drugs or alcohol, there’s a tendency to automatically think they’re doing that because their friends are or they want to have fun. What a lot of parents and even educators don’t understand is that teen substance misuse is often masking something else that’s happening, and one of the things that it could be covering is sexual abuse. Research has found significant links, particularly in females, between substance use and sexual abuse at some point in their lifetime.
  • Depression: Depression, along with other mental health conditions, including anxiety, are common signs of sexual abuse.
  • Self-harm or self-destructive behavior: If a teen is cutting or harming themselves or talks about suicide or attempts it, there may be something else happening, particularly if this behavior has just seemed to come out of nowhere.
  • Some parents may notice that their teen seems to be very sexual or have an advanced level of sexual knowledge for their age. They might not even realize they’re sharing this with their parents.

Sometimes the signs of sexual abuse can be different in males versus females. A male may become aggressive, for example, while that’s less common in females.

Boys who have been sexually abused may show signs like inappropriate sexually related behavior and physical problems like pain in the genital area.

With both boys and girls, changes in sleeping or eating habits can also be indicators that something isn’t right.

If you do see anything that you as a parent feel isn’t right, it’s important to try and talk to your teen about it because they may be honest with you.

If your teen comes to you about it, you should first and foremost tell them that you believe them and thank them for being honest.

If your teen comes to you to tell you this, rather than asking questions, just let them speak.

From there, you will need to get professionals involved.

Contacting the Authorities

If you find out, as a parent, that your teen has been sexually abused, no matter what your child says they want, you have to contact the authorities. This is important not only for your child but for other children and teens who could be victims.

You are obligated to report it, and there are safeguards in place to prevent your child from being retraumatized in a court situation.

You may also need to talk to a medical professional and also a counselor or mental health professional.

Dealing with Your Own Feelings

As a parent, your first priority will undoubtedly be helping your teen in any way possible, but eventually, you will also have to deal with your own feelings about the situation.

You may feel extreme anger, guilt, shame, or so many other emotions. It’s normal to feel this way, particularly since as a parent, you want to protect your child more than anything.

You first have to avoid showing these emotions around your teen because it’s probably going to heighten their own similar feelings.

You can talk openly and honestly with your teen, but don’t let your emotions become so outwardly escalated that you add to the stress or trauma your child is feeling.

You may benefit from participating in a support group or talking to a counselor yourself as well.

The reality is that a trauma like teenage sexual abuse can affect your child for the rest of their lives, but at the same time, their life is far from ruined, and the next steps you take can make a world of difference.

Long-term therapy and emotional support are going to be two of the best things available for your child.

Don’t pressure your teen into anything they don’t want to do, and take the process as slowly as they need it to be.

5 of the Reasons Why You Should Learn Spanish as Part of Your Education

There are many students who never have the opportunity to learn a foreign language. Their school may not require them to learn one at any level, regardless of whether they’re in middle school, high school, or college. They also might not necessarily have the inclination to learn a foreign language on their own.

However, learning a foreign language can come in handy more than you might anticipate. There are dozens that you can take, but if you do have the opportunity, you may find that Spanish is the best way to go. Let’s discuss a few of the reasons why you may wish to learn it if you ever get the chance.


You Can Communicate with the Locals if You Ever Go on Vacation

Talking Spanish with native speakers is one thing that you can do if you ever go on vacation to a Spanish-speaking country. If you go to Spain, then they obviously speak Spanish there. There are several great cities worth visiting in Spain, such as Madrid, Salamanca, Barcelona, Ibiza, or Seville.

You could also head south of the border to Mexico, where they speak Spanish as well. You might visit Mexico City, Oaxaca, Puerto Vallarta, San Miguel de Allende, or Punta Mita.

There are some other countries you might visit where they speak Spanish or at least a version of it. The natives speak Spanish in Columbia, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Venezuela, and many more.

When you arrive, you can communicate easily with the desk attendant at your hotel. You can ask for directions at the airport, or you might talk to your tour guide if you decide to go out on a guided tour. Your Spanish knowledge will doubtless impress all of them.


You Can Speak to Various Contractors You Might Hire

It’s also highly likely that you might encounter contractors somewhere in the US that speak Spanish. You might hire a gardener, roofer, plumber, electrician, or other workers who speak Spanish primarily.

You also may need to hire a nanny, a website designer, mechanic, or many other positions where the candidate speaks more Spanish than they do English. If this is true, then you can talk to them about what you need done and get some idea about whether they will be the right fit for the project.

They will also likely appreciate your knowledge. You encounter many Spanish-speaking individuals in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, but you might run into them virtually anywhere across the US.


You May Have a Spanish-Speaking Person in Your Family One Day

It’s also definitely not outside the realm of possibility that you may have someone in your family one day who speaks Spanish fluently. Since there are so many different Spanish-speaking countries, you might easily meet and fall in love with someone who speaks Spanish, either as a first or second language.

If that happens, they will be happy that you can communicate with them in multiple languages. That will make things easier when you meet their parents or other relatives.

It’s also possible that someone else in your family might fall in love with a Spanish speaker. You might end up having a Spanish-speaking step-parent, or perhaps your brother, sister, cousin, etc., may bring a Spanish-speaking person home. If this occurs, they will like speaking to you in Spanish, and that will certainly make them feel more welcome and comfortable.


You Can Put Spanish Speaker on Your Resume

It’s also nice when you’re applying for a job, and you can put on your resume that you speak fluent or even a little Spanish. There are many jobs where the company will appreciate that skill.

Your boss might speak Spanish, or some of your other coworkers may speak it. You can understand what they want from you if you’re about to start a new project or you’re meeting them at a job site.

If you speak a foreign language, that might be what a would-be employer notices on a resume that can set you apart from some of the other candidates. If you can have a brief conversation with them to prove that you do indeed speak Spanish like you say you can, they may even hire you on the spot.


You Might Find that You Enjoy Learning Foreign Languages

One more reason why you may enjoy learning Spanish is that you might find out that learning a new language is a lot of fun. The more of a new language you understand, the more you will feel like you are broadening your horizons.

You might start with Spanish, but you may decide to learn some others as well, like Portuguese or French. There are also many Chinese and Japanese speakers abroad, and if you travel often, you may discover that the more languages you speak, the easier of a time you will have.

Aside from the reasons we mentioned, you may learn that you can help people in more situations than you might envision or expect. You might find a person lost in an airport, and if you speak their language, you can assist them.

You may come across a person who’s in trouble, such as if they are having a medical emergency. If they are not a native English speaker, you can give them a hand.

The reality is that people speak so many different languages, and with America being the melting pot that it is, you never really know when you’ll need to whip out your new linguistic skills. If you pay a tutor to teach you a new language, you will definitely find that the cost is well worth it.

If you speak more languages, then you will appear more worldly as well. You can impress the strangers who you meet, and they’ll realize that you’ve lived a rich and exciting life. Some of the world’s greatest travelers, inventors, and other historical figures were also bilingual or even multilingual.

How to Choose a Field of Study

Image Credit: Pixabay

Determining what field of study you are going into is an extremely difficult decision. Not only are you likely deciding while you’re young, but there are also many factors to consider. Additionally, you likely have several schools and majors to choose from, further complicating the process. For example, do you want to go to an out-of-state college to become an occupational therapy assistant, or do you want to attend an in-state school to learn how to become a teacher? So how exactly can you narrow down your decisions and ensure that your final choice sets you up for future success? Here’s how to choose a field of study. 

Follow Your Passions

One of the best pieces of advice to follow when trying to choose a field of study is to simply follow your passions. Many people say that you should enter into a field with lots of job opportunities that provides you with a high salary, but that isn’t always the case. You have to actually enjoy what you’re doing for a living. If you choose a path you’re not interested in, finding the motivation to study and earn your degree will be extremely difficult. Even if you pull it off, you’ll have to work the rest of your life in an industry or field that you don’t even like. A common saying is, “When you love something, it doesn’t feel like work,”  implying that you’ll have a much easier time holding a job you enjoy doing. Before you choose a field of study to enter into, make sure that it’s one that you have an interest in or are passionate about. 

Analyze Job Prospects

Although choosing something that you like doing is important, you also can’t completely neglect the money aspect of a career either. College is expensive, and for most people, it will leave you with thousands of dollars in debt. That debt needs to be repaid, regardless of what field you enter into. If you enter a field of study that is extremely difficult to find a job in or doesn’t pay that well, then the investment you make into college won’t really be worth it. You may love art, but if you’re not confident in that study’s job market, then you may be better off pursuing another one of your interests. Choosing a field of study is all about finding a perfect balance that allows you to enjoy what you’re doing but can also set you up for future success. 

Look at Potential Programs

When choosing a field of study, it’s extremely important to look at potential programs and what they offer. For example, if you’re passionate about biology and medicine, you may find schools that offer a fast-track to medical school. Alternatively, those fascinated by business and marketing may find schools that allow for a completed bachelor’s degree and an MBA in just five years. Finding a program that can help you build a career and establish a professional network is extremely important and can set you up for future success. If you find a really great program that aligns with your interests and has plenty of great opportunities, then you should strongly consider entering that field of study.

Make an Educated Decision

Perhaps the biggest mistake that a prospective student can make is deciding on a field of study based on extraneous conditions. For example, you shouldn’t choose a field of study and program simply because the university is located in a beautiful town with great weather. You also shouldn’t choose a school or field of study based on things like athletics or parties. When deciding what university to go to and what field of study to enter, you should solely look into your interests and your future. Any outside influence from extraneous factors could lead to you making a bad decision that will be costly to correct. 

How to Stay Healthy and Stress-Free During Your College Years

Now that you’re in college, the last thing you are concerned about is your health. There are so many new people to meet and adventures to experience, besides you’re still young, what could go wrong, right? Wrong. Due to the simple fact that you are now in college, you need to take your health a bit more seriously than you have in the past. Here are a few quick and easy ways to do just that.

Remember to Wash Your Hands

In these times of mysterious viruses, it is more important than ever to keep your hands clean. Your hands pick up a significant number of germs throughout the day, and by touching your hands to face or other parts of your body, you are exposing yourself to those same germs. While you don’t have to wear mittens to stay alive in college, you should wash your hands on a regular basis, especially coming back from public spaces.

Feeling Stressed? Talk It Out

Stress can cause not only mental issues such as anxiety, but it can slowly break your body down as well if not acknowledged and treated. You may be embarrassed to talk to a doctor in person, but there is really no reason to be. However, if you can’t seem to muster the initiative to visit a doctor’s office, most campuses offer telemedicine appointments, especially with COVID restrictions still in place. If you are feeling physically ill, you can speak with a real doctor about your symptoms and possibly even get a prescription. 

If you are feeling depressed, you can talk about things with a licensed therapist. No matter how you look at it, practicing self care tips for college students is a great way to stay both physically and mentally sound during these unique times. Remember, the better you treat your body, the better your body will treat you, so follow these tips and make sure you are placing taking care of yourself as priority number one.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

This should be obvious, but it is still one of the main reason’s college students fall into ill health. It is very easy to get caught up sustaining yourself on nothing but greasy food and alcohol. However, that is also a sure way to run yourself down and possibly flunk out of school. Try and work in as many fruits and vegetables as you can and keep the beers to a bare minimum. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and you can avoid the brain fog to which so many students fall prey.

Get All of Your Shots

No matter what you may read to the contrary, it is very important that you get all of your vaccinations, including the flu shot. If you qualify to receive it, you should get the COVID-19 vaccine as well. With some vaccinations, you may not be able to hold certain jobs While you are in the telemedicine session with your doctor, ask them if there are other things that you need to take into consideration.

Stop Smoking

The headline pretty much says it all. If you are still a user of tobacco, it is time to quit. This will be one of the most beneficial things that you can do for your body.

5 Ways to Advance Your Digital Marketing Career

Everyone wants a fulfilling career. If you are a digital marketer, you need to work hard to stand out. Making a successful career as a digital marketer has never been easy, and there are numerous frustrations along the way. However, you’ll get there eventually with some hard work and determination. Below are five tips to help you advance your digital marketing career.

  • Continuous learning

With changing technology trends, continuous education is necessary. A digital marketing leadership graduate certificate on top of your marketing degree cert is a great place to start. Continuous learning equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to serve better. If you want to grow, you must embrace learning. Be sure to take courses from accredited schools to make your resume more professional. If you decide to take an extra course, here are some factors to consider:  

  • Where to take the course
  • The cost of the course
  • The reviews on the school
  • Your availability 
  • Keep up with the trends

Staying current on trends helps you become a better marketer. If anything, trends are here to make work easier. When you are up to date, your clients get assurance that you are offering them the right services. You can keep up with digital marketing trends by following blogs, podcasts and following opinion leaders in the industry.

  • Have a strong digital presence

If you cannot market yourself, you will never convince anyone that you can market them. A strong digital presence will help you convince prospective clients that you are the best candidate to market their services or products. Update all your social media pages with decent images. Add strong content and make meaningful posts. Avoid unnecessary comments that may be offensive. You also need to regularly post about your services on your social media. 

  • Personal branding

Personal branding is one way to stand out from the crowd. Grow a personal brand by showcasing your abilities in digital marketing. You do not have to post on every social site available. Find one where you have a great following and use it for your gain. Post consistently, and grow your following as much as you can. Do not forget to engage your audience by answering questions and attending to your inbox and comments. 

  • Understand and make use of data

When you understand data, you can make better decisions. Data analysis can be a hard nut to crack for many. However, you must understand data so you can decide what that means for you and your career. Clients want to see ROI and metrics when they hire you. If you cannot prove that there has been an improvement after campaigns, they will have a hard time keeping you. Learn how to collect and analyze data. Consider taking a short course in data analysis. 


Enhancing your digital marketing strategy requires the right tools, and using an AI picture maker to stand out from the crowd can help you create eye-catching visuals that set your brand apart. You can grow your digital marketing career with the simple steps above. If you want to go further, look for a mentor and network. Everything is always easy when you have the right guidance to see you through. 

Want to Work Abroad? Here Are the Best 3 Degrees to Get You There

Do you envision yourself visiting faraway places? Do you dream of diving into a culture and getting an authentic experience? Imagine yourself chatting in French to an intriguing Canadian at a café in Montreal while watching the snow falling outside the steamy windows. Maybe you would prefer ordering a bagel and lox at an authentic New York deli and feeling like a real city dweller. 

For those with fantasies of traveling the world, a career as a flight attendant or pilot used to be the perfect match. However, with travel being limited and job retrenchments happening at every turn, the outlook for a career in hospitality or tourism is uncertain. This doesn’t mean that you can’t pivot your plans and maintain the same trajectory to maintain your goals of working abroad. If you are always dreaming about going overseas and working abroad, then have a look at our list of the best three degrees to get you there.


Teachers are needed the world over, so getting a degree in education will allow you to work almost anywhere on the planet. Specializing in a particular area will be advantageous when applying for a working visa in your country of choice. This can either be done through a Master’s in Education program or through on-the-job training. Depending on where your passion lies, consider the following specialties:

  • Curriculum development
  • Leadership in education
  • Adult education
  • Elementary education
  • Early learning
  • English as a second language
  • Secondary education
  • Music
  • Art and design
  • Physical education
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Certification can also get your foot in the door to get teaching positions, but your options of countries that will accept this qualification for obtaining a working visa will be more limited than if you had a degree.


Engineering offers massive scope for being able to work abroad on a contractual or permanent basis. As you become more specialized, you will be able to pick and choose your placements and likely work in some incredibly remote parts of the planet. In addition to earning a fantastic salary, you can have the opportunity to make a lasting impact in the places you work. Examples of engineering specialties where foreign positions are often available include:

  • Petroleum engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Manufacturing engineering
  • Geophysical engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Material engineering


Nursing has always been a highly sought-after and versatile profession. It is now possible to do an online study for registered nurses, which can have you working in various fields when combined with practical training. You might see yourself as a care home nurse, live-in nurse, or based in a hospital. You may also wish to specialize in oncology, pediatrics, or tropical health in years to come, depending on where life takes you.

We can’t plan for every possibility in life, but we can work towards our chosen destiny. After all, the difference between a dream and a goal of working abroad is just putting measures in place. A degree in the above fields will open up doors to the world and be a giant leap in the right direction.

University Applicants Moving Away From Art and Design Due to Pandemic

Universities throughout the nation are facing a crisis. Hopefully, that crisis begins to fix itself as the pandemic is handled, but things are changing.

The nation is full of young people who want to earn degrees where the jobs are secure, which is leaving some degrees behind like

 Schools that have departments that focus on that are seeing a dramatic drop in enrollments and general interest.

COVID-19 has changed young people’s minds, and college administrators want to help these folks navigate this new direction.

Why is the Art and Design Sector Suffering?

The pandemic has shut down many businesses. People had to isolate themselves from the world and concentrate on the bare necessities and nothing more.

When folks focus on the necessities, people start to see what jobs are truly essential and which ones aren’t. The pandemic made it clear that even grocery store workers and truckers were essential for society.

Regrettably, art and design did not make the cut. No one seems to care about art right now, nor do they care about design. These types of jobs might have looked secure before the pandemic, but now people are seeing that may not be the case.

Students want to feel like they’re investing in careers that’ll last. They want something that’ll support their lifestyles, which is why many are pivoting away from these types of degrees.

Running Towards Security

Students are running towards financial security, and that means medicine, law, and MBAs. Medicine in particular is likely to see a large pool of applicants. The pandemic has helped folks redefine what careers matter. This goes beyond careers that offer financial security.

Folks are also paying attention to the types of jobs that one could look for. Everyone knows doctors and nurses have stepped up during the pandemic. People have fallen in love with these types of careers because they know these folks put their lives on the line.

On top of being able to live a life of dignity, people love to know their job positively contributes to society. This is one reason why the hunger for careers in medicine is going to grow. The problem is it might grow so much that space is going to become limited. This means it’s going to be harder for applicants to get noticed.

Administrators are anticipating the problem by creating roadmaps for applicants that should help them improve their chances. One of the most interesting additions to these road maps is a focus on personal brand.

Yes, administrators think it’s important for applicants to invest in brand identity design to improve their chances. Brand identity has always been a good thing in the business world. Folks would use it to improve their chances of getting noticed by the right employers, but it seems like the same tactic has to be used for university applications.

Careers in law have also seen new interest because they seem like reliable careers to choose from. Applicants are going to have to compete because the list of applicants will likely be pretty big, so they have to pay attention to things like their LSAT score along with their GPA. This is on top of everything else like the personal brand design just mentioned.

Folks who are looking to get into law value it because the law has been pretty important during the pandemic, too. It’s lawyers who are going to help protect workers from some of the issues they’re facing. It’s lawyers who have been helping to fight systemic issues that were only highlighted during the pandemic.

Some students are seeking an MBA right now, and they’re doing so by making sure their GPA and GMAT scores are great. While businesses may be closing right now, the pandemic has also given rise to new businesses.

Students who care about business and can spot opportunities are hungry to get started. When the pandemic is finally handled, a lot of people are going to want to go back out and start spending money. Business-minded people know this and want to capitalize on it. The best way to do that is to get their degrees now so that they’re prepared once the opportunity finally presents itself.

Things have been turned upside down because of the pandemic including education. Some of the trends like the ones mentioned here are easy enough to see, but there are bound to be others that might take some time to take hold. Hopefully, some of this helps students think about the future and what they want to do with their lives.

10 Best Books to Learn Japanese

While this particular concept applies to any foreign language, most people who could master the basics of Japanese will tell you that you must start with understanding the culture of the Japanese language before achieving any success. Indeed, you may spend hours polishing your grammar or pronunciation, yet you must feel how every sentence is being formed and how intonation can easily change the original meaning. Thankfully, you can turn to educational books and find out more. 

10 Best Books That Assist With Learning Japanese 

  1. Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana: Workbook & Practice Sheets by Tetsuo Takagaki. One of the most popular workbooks that will help you cover grammar, basic vocabulary, and pronunciation with the help of not too complex practice exercises. It fits well for beginners and intermediate learners. It is best to start with a teacher. 
  2. Japanese from Zero! Proven Techniques to Learn Japanese for Students and Professionals by Yukari Takenaka. If you do not have any prior knowledge, choose this book. It has over ten language learning techniques that let you test your perception. It also covers various professional fields that translators may find helpful. 
  3. A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar by Seiichi Makino. Regardless of what book you may choose to learn Japanese, the presence of a good dictionary always comes first. Even professional linguists cannot get by without it. Speaking of safe and affordable Japanese translation services, you may check PickWriters for top choices and explore what fits your requirements best. Keeping a dictionary, you can easily check any word or even a phrase. 
  4. Japanese Phrases for Dummies by Eriko Sato. We all remember that most phrases that we hear in the streets are rarely included in any textbook. Japanese is no different! This book aims to remedy this situation and does it quite successfully. 
  5. Speak Japanese in 90 Days: A Self Study to Becoming Fluent: Volume 1 by Kevin Marx. One of the easiest self-study Japanese books that will help you work out your learning schedule. Marx implements various teaching methods to keep you inspired. It can work even without a teacher. 
  6. Japanese for Busy People (Textbook by Penguin Random House). An example of a good textbook that keeps everything to the point by letting you study for at least 15-30 minutes daily and progress with your Japanese skills. It is not an easy curriculum since it follows every rule and keeps things intensive. If you need Japanese for Business, check it out. 
  7. Japanese for Young People 1 by AJALT (The Association for Japanese-Language Teaching). Even if you are an adult learning, do not ignore this book. If you prefer learning by multilingual associations, explore it. Based on the influence of early bilingual education and an experience of teaching Japanese, it aims to explain how the Japanese can be compared to your native language. 
  8. Japanese Picture Dictionary by Timothy G. Stout. Japanese is a vivid language, which is why some people master it easier when they have visuals. This picture dictionary is a great addition to anyone learning Japanese. A rare interactive experience! 
  9. A Guide to Japanese Grammar by Tae Kim. Unfortunately, you cannot cope without learning grammar rules. This great book makes things easier by offering not only rules but explanations. Make sure to focus on examples and real-life sentences as you learn. 
  10. The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary by Jack Halper. This book is for achieving genuine literacy in Japanese. It has all the Kanji (a logographic writing system) rules required for any professional needs. It is aimed at intermediate students. 

Remember The Culture 

They often say that learning Japanese stands for learning more about the country’s culture. Take your time to master the Japanese ethical code and start by respecting rules and traditions. Once you understand how people live their daily lives, each sentence will start making more sense as you write or compose your own phrases. 


Henry is not afraid of choosing challenging languages and is happy to share his educational experience. His posts are like small online guides for people wishing to learn something new. Follow Henry to find innovative solutions and achieve success. 

Top 10 Colleges for Foreign Language Learning

While most people will think about King’s College in London or Harvard for learning a foreign language, it is not always the best choice because some other colleges and universities are better adapted in terms of educational tools. It means that various foreign language learning practices are adjusted to any person wishing to master a foreign language without being overly complex or demanding. 

Top 10 Colleges for Foreign Language Learning Courses

  1. Princeton University. It combines the social aspects of learning a foreign language with innovative technologies and digital solutions. Starting from Generation Y’s teaching approach to the preparation of technical writers, everything is based on care and attention to detail. It has a great community and team projects that are quite helpful for those who prefer learning through social interaction. 
  2. Columbia University. It is not only an excellent place to learn a foreign language but also an opportunity to secure your future employment. Start by checking various language curriculum offers and then read about top translation companies to determine what will fit your professional plans. Columbia University offers anything from African Studies to such languages as Catalan, Serbian, Welsh, and Icelandic. 
  3. Yale University. It needs no introduction and remains a prestigious institution to focus on the research aspect of learning a foreign language. They offer Directed Independent Language Study, which aims to provide languages that are not traditionally taught at colleges. Letting students direct their curriculum, it’s one of the most flexible foreign language learning methods. 
  4. Duke University. If you seek additional flexibility and want to try various ways of learning a foreign language, it is your safest bet. It would be helpful if you would like to get employment as a freelance translator by polishing your existing skills. You can check language translation services at TheWordPoint to see what certifications are most helpful and proceed from there. This university has a high acceptance rate. 
  5. Dartmouth College. If you want to combine great outdoor activities, online learning, and great academics by learning a language, Dartmouth College has it all. It offers multimedia learning programs and community projects. Their student support is top-notch! 
  6. Indiana University Bloomington. As one of America’s leading research facilities, it offers outstanding language certifications as you graduate. It also offers great employment options for such specialists. You can check professional document translation services to see how your salary will differ with a certificate. It also focuses on rare languages and dialects. 
  7. The University of Notre Dame. It has caring lecturers and an individual approach to every student. If you are still hesitant about learning a foreign language, try them. They have great emotional help service for students who cannot overcome linguistic barriers or start with one’s college studies. 
  8. Wellesley College. An elite college that offers assistance for female students that want to achieve academic success. Their language learning courses focus on Nursing, Political Science, and Journalism. They have an extensive internship network, which is something to consider. 
  9. Rice University Houston. The best choice for technical translators. If you want to combine your major with learning a foreign language, look no further. They offer improved language learning curriculums that focus on your original employment field. 
  10. Tufts University (Somerville). A great choice for students with a Christian background. Their Linguistic Department offers social sciences and cultural aspects. Even if you study Architecture and Biology, they will help you to learn specific terms related to every field. 

What if I Have No Skills?

It only depends on how you learn because there are no people who would be totally unable to learn a foreign language! All college entries in my list are aimed at innovative and flexible teaching methods that are unlike basic school language learning. The best way is to combine your major and future employment with specific language terms. Your initial subject confidence will help you to achieve success. 


Henry is a true linguistic aficionado who seeks practical solutions when learning a foreign language. His posts offer innovative ideas that are worth trying as you want to start or continue your education. Follow Henry to learn something new and get inspired! 

Understand The PMP Certificate And Its Perks

Many consumers are interested in improving their education so they can achieve more in life. Nevertheless, a lot of people will never take the first steps. Those interested in earning more money and getting more done should learn more about the Project Management Program. Completing this program will give you a certificate that you can use to earn more money. Once you’ve obtained this certification, you’ll be able to use it to obtain valuable jobs and earn more. What is the PMP program all about? Why should you complete this course? You’ll find out in the guide below.

What Is It?

First, consumers should learn more about the program management program. What is it about? A project management degree will prove to be a valuable asset for any engineer. By completing this course, people will gain the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to be a very effective manager. A bachelor’s degree in program management will provide you with skills that you can apply to a variety of sectors including healthcare.

By completing the PMP program and obtaining PMP certification, you’ll be ready to manage a project efficiently and effectively. The demand for people who can manage and people projects is increasing immensely. With that being said, you may benefit immensely from obtaining your certification.

How Long Will It Take?

When deciding to improve your education, you cannot rush the process. You have to understand that it can take a long time to get the certification. With that being said, you need to be ready to work hard for the long haul. How long will it take to obtain a PMP certificate? In most cases, it will take more than 6 months to complete the course and obtain the certificate. This may seem like a long time and it is.

Nevertheless, your efforts will pay dividends in the long run. As long as you’re willing to work hard, you’ll be able to get your certificate and earn more money for yourself and your family.

How To Obtain A PMP Certificate

You’ll want to obtain your PMP certificate as soon as possible. This will be valuable but it is a big commitment. Do you want to obtain real-world experience that can be used to your benefit in the long run. Before you can obtain this certification, you need to meet several requirements. You need to obtain a 4-year degree. Then, you need 36 months of experiencing leading projects and 35 hours of project management education.

Alternatively, you can have a high school diploma, 60 months of experience leading projects, and 35 hours of project management education. In addition to this, you’ll need to complete the PMP exam. As long as you’ve prepared for the exam, you’ll be able to pass the exam without any issues whatsoever.

Benefits Of Being Certified

At the end of the day, obtaining a PMP certificate will make your life much better. It is estimated that the median salary of PMP holders in the United States is 25% higher than people without one. Suffice to say, your efforts will pay dividends in the long run. If you work hard and complete the exam, and start a job like a website analyst, you’ll earn your certification and you’ll make more money. At this point, it is estimated that the world has more than 1 million PMP certification holders. This is a universally recognized knowledge so you can use your skills anywhere in the world.

In addition to this, you should know that this certificate will help boost your confidence. Once you’ve obtained the certificate, you’ll be ready to conquer the world and make more money.

Steps To Get Your PMP Certificate

You’ll need to follow a few steps before you can obtain your PMP certificate. Once you’ve met the requirements, you will need to apply to take the exam. The cost depends on the provider but you need to be ready to pay a little more. Then, you’ll need to take the exam. As long as you’ve prepared, you’ll likely be able to pass the exam without any issues. Since you’ve paid a lot to take it, you’ll want to make sure that you pass.

And, you have to remember that the process doesn’t end when you’ve received the certification. You’ll need to work hard to continue your professional development to maintain your certification.