The Hidden Impact of the Pandemic on Professors

The pressures that educators at all levels are under have only continued to grow. From mounting pressures in the classroom to maintain high educational standards to mitigating growing behavioral issues possibly stemming from post-pandemic fatigue to increasing parental involvement, the stress added to teachers has become almost unbearable. 

Add to those demands the impact of COVID-19 on professors, and there’s a hidden mental health issue among these educators. But what do those stressors mean for the future of education? First, a possible widespread exodus of teaching talent and experience may impact future students.

The Truth About Modern Education

Most people believe that education is a simple, objective task that is one-size-fits-all. But the idea that one-size-fits-all in education is wholly inaccurate. Some learners are auditory, meaning they learn by listening. Others are kinetic, meaning they learn by doing. Finally, some learners are visual, meaning they learn by seeing, and others still learn by combining these types. 

As classroom size expands and resources become more complex, teachers approach the classroom to reach a maximum audience. Teaching as more lectures than interaction also means more passive learning. For disciplines such as STEM, that serves to be less beneficial as this type of coursework requires more hands-on discovery. This one-size-fits-all approach is doing a disservice for STEM-type and music courses. 

Additionally, the detachment of remote learning brought about by the pandemic makes online learning challenging and less engaging. Combined with a disinterested student body that is being taught remotely, the issues of childcare and working from home leading to a work-life imbalance and the strains on personal relationships make instruction even less attractive than in years past. 

Lower Rates of Job Satisfaction

The toll that the classroom demands have taken on instructors has a deleterious effect on job satisfaction. Dealing with these stresses has seen a surge in lower job satisfaction and interest for professors and post-secondary educators. In fact, a recent study found that more than 50% of all professors report considerations toward early retirement and career changes. Some additional findings in the study included: 

  • Stress: Over 69% of respondents felt an increased burden and anxiety since 2020 than any year prior.

  • Anger: More than 35% of respondents claimed to be considered “angry” than in previous years to the tune of nearly three-fold.

  • Burned-Out: 68% of respondents claimed to be experiencing chronic fatigue, up from 32% just a year prior.

  • Depressed: Before 2020, over 40% of professors sampled claimed to be optimistic about the future, but since that number precipitously dropped to only 13%.
  • Work-Life Balance: Before 2020, work-life balance saw a positivity rate of over 59%. Since 2020, the sample reports that over 54% of men and a whopping 74% of women respondents claim that work-life balance has deteriorated. 

These factors have contributed significantly to the overall decrease in job satisfaction, and what’s more, the startling number was that over ⅓ of tenured instructors have planned to leave the profession. Additionally, stressed-out individuals tend to have lower self-defense mechanisms and lack the higher coping mechanisms that are customary to healthier individuals. 

Problems such as depression, anxiety, rejection sensitivity, and others manifest themselves, further driving down career satisfaction and happiness. With these stresses and the impact of COVID on every aspect of society and life, it’s no wonder that job satisfaction has dropped and a departure from the profession may be quickly occurring. 

The hidden stresses from the pandemic that have caused widespread disinterest and lower job satisfaction include:

  • Uncertainty in the future of the pandemic
  • Remote teaching being sterile and impersonal
  • Occasionally technical glitches
  • Dealing with disaffected students
  • Work / life imbalance

The stress is due to multiple factors, from growing class sizes that impact the ability to teach a lesson plan; to the emotional strain of remote education and more. Mitigating the negative impacts of more and more disinterested students, as well as the occasional supervisor and parental intervention, has made instruction at the collegial level less inviting than it once was. 

The personal impact on instructors ranges from an increase in anxiety and other stress disorders, a lack of work-life balance, and overall career satisfaction, which may lead to a pandemic of its own; the exodus of highly qualified instructors in the classroom. 

Importance Of Using Health And Safety Software In Today’s Pandemic

As of late, the pandemic that has shaken the world in the late 2019 is still present. To successfully battle it, it’s not only the medical world that’s playing the game. Rather, it’s now a contributive effort among different sectors to survive. Thankfully, technology is also on everyone’s side, providing ease, effort, and help as people scramble on towards this health crisis.

One of the key players in technology that contributes to managing the pandemic is a health and safety software. Having this software in place, particularly in the workplace, may help keep everyone safe from this deadly virus. 

In addition to that, here are other benefits of using health and safety software:

  1. Enables Easy And Fast Mobile Reporting Of Data

The importance of fast reporting of data in your organization is one that most people have probably not thought of. But it’s a very important aspect, especially now that some employees are scattered–with many being asked to work from home. If you’re the manager of a small business or an organization with a limited amount of resources, you need to be thinking about this every day. If you don’t, your company is probably paying a lot more money than it should.

When your data is fast, it’s easier to make the necessary changes to the way things are going to work. It makes it easier for your employees to do the things that’ll improve your business and get the information that you need.

Now that many organizations are striving to get back on their feet and go full force with their operations, the importance of having fast data is highlighted even more. If your workforce is constantly on the move, you’ll need to ensure the timeliness of data being reported to them. That way, they can, for instance, keep the distance from an employee that still hasn’t gone home, and has started to display symptoms at work.



  1. Allows For Streamlined Data Collection

A streamlined data collection with information from reputable sources, such as VirusSAFE EDU, means having greater flexibility in your business processes. You need to have a data collection process that matches the exact processes and needs of your business.

For instance, businesses that have re-opened have to strictly comply with contact tracing procedures. Health and safety software enables businesses to keep all these pieces of information in one place, making it easier to comply with any health checks or tracing procedures that need to be done.

  1. Enhances Workers’ Safety

Workers’ health and safety are now considered a major concern and priority, especially during this pandemic. This is because almost all industries and large organizations are now facing serious health threats due to various factors, like poor working conditions, diet, lack of personal hygiene, and high levels of stress among others. That’s why some industries have become infamous among workers as well as society as a whole because of the high level of injuries and illnesses sustained by their employees. 

In today’s time, this safety has more to do with the onset of possible diseases while in the workplace. You wouldn’t want your employees to contract the flu, virus, and others while they’re inside your work premises.

With health and safety software in place, the workers’ safety is enhanced. That’s because workers will now have easy access to all pieces of information they’ll need to learn more about this virus. 

With this software, all information is in one place. More so, these are all trustworthy and verified information. Hence, your workforce will know better how to keep themselves safe and how to avoid contracting the virus from others.

Thus, prevention is a key factor to eliminate such issues. Thus, it’s important to develop preventive measures to reduce these risks, making it necessary to have a program or plan to ensure that there are adequate workers’ health and welfare provisions in place.

  1. Enables Data Logging On-The-Go

Mobile applications are now being used in the application of health and safety software. Remember, right now, collecting data while people are on-the-go is the new norm. This is the most convenient way of logging data and spreading it to the rest of the employees. 

Regardless of the mobile device you and your team are using, this can be used to log and view data, which is useful for better management of the virus.


All these said, if you don’t have one yet for your business, you may want to consider having a health and safety software system in place. Even though it’s going to cost you quite a bit to get things started, in the long run, the benefits it’ll bring to your organization will always prove to be worth it. Thus, apply with a trusted provider for your health and safety software application needs.