Effective Study Habits: Strategies for Exam Preparation Success

Whether you’re a high school student, a college attendee, or a lifelong learner, your approach to exam preparation can dramatically impact your academic performance and stress levels. Exam preparation is akin to training for a marathon; it demands consistency, resilience, and a well-devised plan.  

This article explores strategies that will transform your study sessions from aimless to strategic, ensuring you’re optimizing your efforts and intellect. By integrating these methods into your study routine, you’ll not only enhance your learning efficiency but also foster a healthier, more balanced approach to academic challenges. 

  • Understand Your Learning Style 

Identifying and embracing your unique learning style is the first step in transforming your study habits. Do you absorb information better through visual aids like diagrams and charts, or do auditory methods like lectures and discussions resonate more with you? Pinpointing your learning style can significantly boost the productivity of your study sessions. 

Integrating a variety of learning materials that align with your style can enhance your preparation. For instance, if kinesthetic learning is your forte, you might find that engaging in physical activities or hands-on experiments to understand complex concepts is highly beneficial. This personalized approach not only makes your study time productive but also engaging. 

Recognizing when to seek assistance is crucial. If you’re struggling with certain subjects, don’t hesitate to reach out for support from tutors, study groups, or online resources. Remember, the goal is to prepare students for high-stakes exams, not just by cramming information but by truly understanding and applying knowledge. 

  • Set Specific Goals 

Transforming your study routine from overwhelming to manageable is achievable when you set precise, attainable goals. Instead of a vague aim like ‘study more,’ define concrete targets such as ‘complete two chapters of biology by Wednesday.’ This specificity provides direction and fosters a sense of accomplishment as you progress. 

Segmenting your study material into smaller sections can make the content more digestible and facilitate easier tracking of your progress. Establishing a timeline for each goal sharpens your focus and motivation. Remember, these goals must be realistic, considering your other commitments and the timeframe until your exam. 

Consistently reviewing your progress is essential for staying on course and fine-tuning your strategies as needed. This ongoing assessment ensures that your study objectives align with your exam preparation requirements. 

  • Create A Distraction-Free Study Environment 

The environment in which you study extensively impacts your focus and efficiency. Design a space that minimizes distractions and fosters concentration. Whether it’s a quiet corner in a library or a dedicated room at home, your chosen environment should enhance your academic productivity. 

Keep your study area organized and well-stocked with necessary materials to reduce stress and boost concentration. Also, consider the comfort and lighting in your study space, as these factors significantly influence your ability to focus over long periods. 

In this digital age, electronic distractions are ever-present. Employ strategies like using website blockers or setting your phone to airplane mode to limit interruptions. Your aim is to create a supportive environment for your study endeavors. 

  • Utilize Diverse Study Techniques 

Relying on a single study method can become monotonous and ineffective. Diversifying your techniques can cater to various learning aspects, making your sessions more dynamic and fruitful. For example, active recall, testing yourself without notes, is a powerful strategy for memory retention. 

Consider the Feynman Technique, where you simplify a concept as if teaching it to someone else. This method not only solidifies your understanding but also uncovers any knowledge gaps. 

Incorporating spaced repetition and revisiting material at increasing intervals can drastically improve your long-term retention of information. By varying your study methods, you activate different learning phases, from comprehension to retention and application, keeping your study routine engaging. 

  • Prioritize Your Health 

Neglecting sleep and exercise for extra study time can backfire. Sufficient rest is vital for memory consolidation and cognitive function, directly impacting your learning efficiency and exam performance. 

Engaging in regular physical activity boosts your mood, energy, and mental clarity, contributing to more productive study sessions. Short breaks for stretching or a brisk walk can rejuvenate your mind and alleviate stress. 

Nutrition is equally essential. Consuming balanced meals provides the sustained energy needed for intensive study sessions. Staying hydrated is crucial as well, as dehydration can cause fatigue and impair concentration. Prioritizing your health is about more than just exam preparation; it’s about fostering sustainable learning and well-being. 


Mastering effective study habits is a journey that not only boosts your exam performance but also enriches your overall approach to learning. By recognizing your learning style, setting precise goals, creating an optimal study environment, employing diverse study techniques, and managing your time wisely, you arm yourself with a comprehensive toolkit for academic success.  

Adapt these strategies to fit your unique situation and watch your exam preparation evolve from a source of stress to a pathway of achievement. Embrace these habits, and you’ll find that overcoming exam anxiety is not just a possibility but a predictable outcome.

Structuring Your Essay: Building a Solid Foundation for Coherent Writing

When writing an essay, creating its structure is one of the most important things you will have to do. In fact, the way you structure your essay could affect the way you actually write it. If you don’t plan well, you could end up with a mess of an essay. Hence, here’s how to structure your writing correctly and build a foundation for your essay with the help of an outline.

#1 Know the Basics

First and foremost, you need to know the basics before you start structuring your essay. At its core, every essay can be broken down into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part has its own purpose:

  • Introduction – This is where you introduce your topic and make your thesis statement if you have one.
  • Body – This is the biggest part of your essay where you present your points, explain concepts, make arguments, and so on.
  • Conclusion – This is the final part of your essay where you sum up everything you talked about.

#2 Break Down into Sections

Once you have mentally separated your essay into three main parts, you can further break it down into sections. The introduction and conclusion usually don’t need this because they are relatively short, but you should definitely break up the body of your essay.

Depending on your essay type and the topic you will be writing about, you may want to have more or fewer sections. You don’t need to have subheadings for your sections, but if it is an essay on the longer side, your educator might ask you to add them. You can already name your sections while creating the outline.

#3 Make a List of Points

Before you can structure your essay, you need to decide what you want to write about. This is why you need to make a list of points on the topic that you want to cover in your essay. Just write them all down in a separate list and brainstorm additional ideas if necessary.

You can then review the list to cross out any points that you think aren’t relevant enough to bring up in your essay. You can already group your points to make it easier for you to add them to your structure during the next step.

#4 Fill Out the Outline

Once you have a comprehensive list of points you want to cover in your essay, you can fill out the outline with them. Some points may be more suitable for the first section while others could be more appropriate for the section right before the conclusion.

If you are unsure whether you are structuring your essay correctly, you can get help from a professional writer from the writing service Trust My Paper. They will help you throughout the entire process and give you tips on essay writing.

#5 Use a Logical Approach

The way you structure your structure should be logical – you can’t let it be a stream of consciousness. The way you add points to your sections should make sense. Here are some approaches you can use for structuring:

  • Chronological – Recount events in chronological order.
  • General to Specific – Present points from general to specific ones.
  • Compare and Contrast – Compare or contrast different aspects of a topic.
  • Problems-Methods-Solutions – State the problems, choose the methods, and offer possible solutions.
  • Level of Importance – Discuss arguments based on the level of their importance (more important to less important or vice versa).

#6 Add Details and Specifics

Now that you have a rough version of your outline, you can improve it in different ways. First, add details and specifics to it. If there is a relevant piece of information related to a particular point in your outline, add it in. It’s like a note to yourself so that you don’t forget to write about this information when writing the essay.

#7 Move Around Parts

Another way you can improve your outline is by moving around parts. Once again, it should make sense for them to be structured in a particular way, so only move them if it is logical to do so. Moving around parts can help you create a foundation for a more dynamic and interesting essay.

#8 Remove Redundancy

There may be some things in your outline that are redundant, so just remove them. Don’t be afraid to do so, especially if you have a word limit. You can also remove redundant parts during the writing process. To help you write the essay itself, you can use the Write My Essays AI tool which has a number of features specifically created for students.

#9 Review Before Writing

Before you start writing your essay, make sure to review your outline one last time. Does the structure look logical to you? Are there any other improvements you can make? Are you ready to sit down and finally write your essay?

#10 Adapt as You Go

Last but not least, don’t be afraid to change things during the writing process. You need to adapt as you go. If you are writing your essay and realize that something in your structure doesn’t make sense, you can still change it. Don’t stick to the outline so strictly.

Final Thoughts

All in all, structuring your essay shouldn’t be too difficult if you know what you want to write about. You should simply organize your thoughts and create a backbone for everything else you write. Use the tips in this article to help you structure your essays well.

6 Ways To Make Company Workshops And Conferences More Exciting

One of the indicators of a workshop’s or conference’s success is the degree of engagement from its attendees. Low levels of participation suggest that your audience wasn’t paying attention, and, hence, may have failed to fully absorb the information you presented.

There’s no denying that a large portion of most people’s time at a workshop or conference will be spent listening rather than doing anything productive. In contrast, the most successful events are those that pay close attention to the attendees and work to improve their experience as much as possible.

The ideal approaches to increase the quality of such types of events will be explored here, ranging from incorporating entertainment to using cutting-edge technological solutions.

1. Choose A Presentation Format That Suits Your Audience Needs

The business world has learned that virtual and hybrid events can be fun and exciting, and the same is true for workshops and conferences. It’s possible that a fully online version of such affairs might be more effective.

If you want to engage those who can’t make it to the session in person, a hybrid approach is a good option. However, in-the-flesh sessions, especially if they’re smaller and more personal, can also be a viable choice for your target demographic.

The needs of your audience will determine the best presentation style. Also, keep in mind that the event’s technology requirements will vary depending on whether the event is hybrid, virtual, or in-person.

2.Set Aside A Few Minutes For A Quick Icebreaker

Start the event on the right foot by engaging in some exercises. Aside from making people laugh and think, such activities also put them in the right mood, encouraging them to contribute their own creative input.

The time invested in these quick exercises is certainly worth it. Remote team-building activities or business discussions can be more productive when participants feel comfortable talking to one another and sharing their ideas.

Icebreakers are like a magical on/off switch, igniting everyone’s imagination and encouraging them to work together. Any meeting, call, or brainstorming session will be met with increased energy and passion after a brief 15-minute game has been completed.

3.Use The Right Technology

Participating in a workshop or conference session allows you to meet new people and discuss topics of mutual interest. Thus, no matter where you hold your event, you’ll need a space that’s conducive to effective communication and group work. So, make sure the venue is equipped with all the right tools and equipment.

Incorporate smart and interactive whiteboards, a reliable Wi-Fi connection, mobile event apps, large screen projectors, video conferencing hardware, and screen-sharing software, among others. Having these technological tools in place ensures you have the optimal and most effective setup possible.

Before the session begins, do a brief run-through and make sure everything is working.

4.Hold A Demo

Have a product demo at your next conference or workshop to show attendees how the item might benefit them. Demonstrating your product to an audience won’t only increase their familiarity with it, but it’ll also pique their interest. You should have knowledgeable and competent representatives available to answer inquiries about your product.

A four-to-eight-step interactive demo is ideal. A video demonstration should last one up to four minutes. To prevent boredom or overwhelming the audience, keep the discussions brief and simple.

5.Take Advantage Of Social Media

If you’re selling or launching a new product or service, try integrating your corporate events with your other marketing tactics, such as social media campaigns.

Knowledge of social media platforms isn’t only useful for getting the word out about your event, but also for increasing excitement and participation in the event itself.

Make the workshop or conference more engaging by allowing the audience to ask questions in real time, providing rewards and incentives for sharing information or hashtags, conducting polls, and many more.

You can also create an online event, like in social media groups or online communities, so you can connect with one another before, during, and after the event.

6.Don’t Forget About Post-Event Strategies

In order to keep event attendees engaged, it’s important to keep the conversation going long after the event has ended.

Following up with your attendees can be done in different ways, including the following:

  • Write Thank You Emails. Sending thank you emails is a good way to maintain communication with attendees long after the event has ended. Write emails to the individuals you spoke with, expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to get to know them and their objectives. Just make sure to make every email specific and relevant to the recipient.
  • Send Out Post-Event Surveys. The best way to get feedback from attendees is to send out survey forms after the event and ask them what they think of it.

These questions can be asked after the event has ended, helping improve the quality of future conferences:

  • Did you find this session informative?
  • Is there anything you want to change about the conference?


There’s a wide variety of possibilities available for those looking for ideal business workshop and conference event ideas. Quite a few are convenient because they can be held in different settings or conducted online.

Remember to be creative if you want to stand out in a competitive market and leave an everlasting impression on your clients and employees.

What Nurses Should Know Before Taking CE Courses

When most people talk about CE (continuing education) courses, they’re referring to classes or certifications that are taken on voluntarily. Some professionals take CE courses to keep their heads in the game, while others do it to look more eligible for a promotion. If you’re talking about continuing education for nurses, though, it’s a slightly different story. Continuing Education Units, or CEUs, are mandated for nurses in most states; they’re meant to sharpen the nurses’ knowledge of their craft, and they’re also required in order to keep nurses’ licenses current. Instead of choosing courses solely on the basis of what seems relevant, nurses have to pick from a list of accredited courses. 

There are quite a few more requirements, but those are the main differences between continuing education in general, and CEUs for nurses. Understanding CEU requirements can be tricky the first time around, not only because there’s a lot to learn about them, but also because they vary by state. Some nurses do all the leg-work themselves, while others use services like Nursing CE Central to help them fulfill CEU requirements. If you just want to get the bird’s-eye view, though, keep reading – there’s plenty of helpful information below.

It’s important to keep accurate records

The reasoning here is much the same as why you should keep tax records. You’ll probably never have to pull them out, but if you do need them, it’s essential that everything is in order. The information you should keep track of includes the title of the course, name of the provider, course identification number, date of completion, and number of CEUs awarded. If you don’t want to keep hard copies, it’s recommended to scan them and keep all your copies in a well-organized folder.

Courses can only be taken from approved CEU providers

In each state that mandates CEUs for nurses, there are two authorities that can approve CEU providers: the ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center), and the state’s BON (Board of Nursing). This is important for two reasons. First, since each state’s BON approves their own list of providers, each state will have a slightly different list. Second, if a nurse takes a continuing education course that hasn’t been approved, it won’t count towards their CEU requirements.

Just because a course is related to the field of nursing doesn’t mean it’s a CEU

There are plenty of courses that seem like they should be CEUs, but simply aren’t. For example, taking advanced life support classes or attending a nursing-related seminar may add to a nurse’s overall knowledge, but they won’t be recognized as CEUs by the state BON. This isn’t to say that all hands-on training courses or conferences can’t be accredited. Some of them are; it’s just that you have to check beforehand to avoid confusion.

CEU courses can have many different formats

Just because they’re called “courses” doesn’t mean you’ll be spending hours poring over reading materials or taking tests. Here are some examples of CEU courses that take less traditional format:

  • Getting published in a peer-reviewed journal
  • Developing the curriculum for a nursing-related class
  • Teaching a nursing-related class
  • Attending an accredited workshop
  • Attending an accredited seminar or conference
  • Enrolling in online courses that primarily teach through reading materials, webinars, or videos

Some of these types of courses are only accredited in specific states, so you may have to request clarification from the state BON.

If you have a multistate nursing license, CEU requirements will be determined according to your home state

Most states in the US allow registered nurses to practice in multiple states without having to earn additional licenses (this only applies to RN compact states). This allowance makes it easier for nurses to be mobile and work where they’re most needed, but it can also complicate their understanding of CEU requirements. What if a nurse is working in a state with no CEU requirements, but their home state does have those requirements? In that case, the nurse would still have to complete CEUs, even if they’ve been working in another state for years. 

Some states don’t have CEU requirements

If you’re a nurse practicing in one of the following states, you won’t be required to take CEUs:

  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Indiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin

Even if you aren’t strictly required to take CEUs, though, you can still complete them for your own benefit. Continuing education helps nurses stay current on healthcare advancements and recent medical research, and it can even boost a nurse’s career.

CEUs have to be completed before the license renewal period ends

Even though there are many practical benefits to taking CEUs, one of the main purposes is to prevent your nursing license from expiring. Without fulfilling CEU requirements for your state, there could be several consequences. These include losing a job, having your license suspended, or even having to re-take the nurse’s exam as if you’re earning your license for the first time.

Keep in mind that each state sets its own license renewal period. For many of them the interval is two years, but there’s a lot of variation. There are also differing numbers of CEUs required by each state, so that’s another thing to check on before finalizing your studies.

The difference between CEUs and contact hours

These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but this isn’t accurate. If you look at CEU requirements by state, they’ll typically be written as contact hours rather than continuing education units. The ANCC also adopts the same format, but some CEU course providers measure according to CEUs rather than contact hours. With the two terms being used so often, it’s important to know the difference – 10 contact hours equals one CEU. 

The takeaway

There are plenty of ins and outs when it comes to taking CEU courses, but the steepest part of the learning curve is at the very beginning. Once you’ve gotten better acquainted with how they work you’ll be able to focus on the courses themselves, rather than all the associated regulations.

Tips for Finding the Right Career for You

When you ask someone what the most meaningful aspects of their life are, the chances are good that their answers will include health, family, and work. Therefore, choosing what type of work you’ll be doing might just be one of the most important choices in your life.

When it comes to choosing a career, whether you are just starting on your work path or you just feel it’s time for a change, the following steps can help you pick one that’s a great fit for you.


Before making any important decision, it’s always a good idea to take a bit of time and self-reflect. When it comes to choosing your career, there’s no difference. In the self-assessment step, think about what type of environment you’d like to work in, be it indoors or out, helping people or selling something; what you’d enjoy doing, being a product designer or a lawyer, etc.; who you’d like to have as coworkers, and more. As you’re considering these things, you may want to jot down a few notes. These can help you evaluate various job descriptions further down the road.

Determine Your Must-Haves

Next, you might want to take a bit of time to identify those things you have to have in a job. These might range from your benefits and salary to whether or not you want to travel and the workplace location. It can be helpful to employ a question-and-answer session with yourself to find out what areas you can be flexible in and what you can’t with your career.  Is there a certain salary you need to make, or do you require certain benefits such as time off or healthcare? Are you willing and able to travel on a regular basis? How long of a commute are you comfortable making each day?

Create a List

Once you understand a little more about yourself and what you need in your career, you can begin looking for jobs that seem desirable or interesting to you. You can do this by utilizing your network, finding industries that interest you, identifying things you enjoy doing, and more. If you come across a job you don’t know too much about, make a note of it so that you can research it. You might just end up finding the right one that way. Also, keep in mind that job titles don’t always convey everything the job entails. While a specific title may not seem desirable, the actual job description may be a perfect fit. 

Training and Resume

Once you’ve narrowed your list down to a couple of possible careers, you’ll need to determine whether or not you need any additional credentials or training. Some employers may be willing to provide training on the job, but others will be in search of candidates who already fit their needs. 

Once you’ve determined your career path and are qualified for it, you should update your resume to show your relevant skills and strengths. It might be helpful to explore some job postings to understand what the employers in your preferred industry are looking for. 

Last Step

Once you’ve done all of the above, it’s time to begin looking for job openings. There are many places to do this – on job boards, in the newspaper, online, and more. Depending on where you look online, you can apply various filters like distance, experience level, job type, etc. 

As with any change, it might take time to adjust to your new career. During your transition, make sure to pay close attention to which parts of the job you enjoy. You’ll continue to learn, grow, and change as you begin to understand more about your job, yourself, and what works the best for you.

How To Attract More Participants To Your Business Conference

You have an excellent idea for a business conference that will benefit business professionals from various industries. You’ve invested a great deal of time, money, and resources into selecting the best materials, guest speakers, instructors, vendors, location, menu, and entertainment. Unfortunately, none of it means anything if you can’t get people to attend. With so many competing entities (including the internet, which provides free access to information), getting people to sign up is easier said than done. 

Attendance is one of the most significant factors event planners use to determine the success and effectiveness of their corporate events. Fortunately, there are ways to spread the word and pique the interest of your target audience. Continue reading to learn more. 

Sell The Advantages

There are a variety of business conferences, training, seminars, and events available. So, what makes yours any different? If you’re going to attract participants, you must work hard to sell them the advantages of attending your event. What information will you provide? Who are some of the guest speakers and trainers? How will this benefit their career or business?

You should also point out what’s included, such as overnight stays, meals, and engaging activities. A three-day conference in Florida with an all-inclusive stay at a luxury hotel and free meals from a well-renowned chef will warrant a lot of attention. 

Make It Exclusive

Most people like feeling special. They enjoy feeling like they’ve gained access to something that others didn’t. Instead of advertising your business event to a broad audience, consider making it exclusive. Ultimately, the idea of needing an invitation to participate increases interest. 

Certifications And Badges

Does your corporate event include training opportunities? There’s nothing like getting recognized for your accomplishments and adding to your list of credentials as a business professional. Offering certificates of completion or badges to participants that finish the training can attract more attendees. You can use a badge creator to reward participants with a measurable way to demonstrate their accomplishments that will help them advance their careers. 

Attendance Options

Not everyone can afford to pay for travel expenses, hotel accommodations, and admission tickets to attend a corporate event. Offering various options for attendance can increase your chances of getting people to sign up. You could allow participants to choose between in-person and virtual sessions to accommodate their needs. 


Affordability is one of the most significant factors for business professionals when deciding which events to attend. You can increase your guest list by offering discounts. For instance, giving a break to groups would encourage businesses to enroll departments for your event. You could also work with other establishments like hotels, airlines, and restaurants to provide conference attendees with cheaper rates on products and services they need most. 


Collaborating with other businesses is another creative way to get more attendees. It enhances the quality of your corporate event while reaching broader audiences. The more brands, business experts, vendors, and service providers you have advertising the same event, the more likely you are to gain the recognition you need to fill those seats. 

Multiple Marketing Platforms

You can’t expect a good turnout for your event if no one knows it’s happening. Ultimately event planners should use various marketing platforms to spread the word. Advertise the conference or training on your company website, social media, and industry-related websites. You should also combine traditional and digital marketing strategies like flyers and email marketing campaigns. The more audiences see your advertisement, the more inclined they are to learn more. Increased exposure and interest ultimately equates to higher attendance. 

Putting together a business conference or corporate event is an all-encompassing task. It requires extensive planning and research and the investment of time, money, and resources. When you put forth that much effort, the last thing you want is to have no one show up. The most practical way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to use strategies such as those listed above to boost enrollment. 

Why Do Professionals Seek Life Coaches And You Should Too?

Back in the 1980s, Mr. Thomas Leonard started life coaching and adopted it as a career. Most people rejected the idea and did not agree with Thomas’ idea of being a professional life coach.

Soon, with time and as the younger generation started to get into more troubles, the idea was accepted and recognized as one of the most important disciplines.

Life coaches are the people who work with individuals facing problems to help them resolve these issues and motivate them in their life goals. Some work to improve or save their relationships, some do it to get better at their jobs as well as personality development. 

Every human being is a work in progress and is slowly moving towards perfection. No one is perfect and we all are an unfinished work of art living to be completed.

life coach courses at The Life Coaching College Australia can help you clarify your goals, identify the roadblocks in your way, and devise solutions to overcome each one. Life coaches tailor these tactics to your specific abilities and strengths.

What Does A Life Coach Do?

It’s a teamwork between the coach and the student. The aim of each session is different depending on the specific requirement of the student but a simple layout is followed in each session. Here is what a life coach do during a session

  • First step of each course is building a connection between the coach and the student. It is indeed one of the most important steps of any life coaching course through which a deep, honest and powerful connection is established between a coach and his student.
  • A particular approach to address each issue of the student is taken by the coach based on the personality, mental level and objectives of the student.
  • A plan or a set of daily tasks or habits is formulated and the student is made to follow the routine.

Who Needs A Life Coach?

Young entrepreneurs as well as well-established individuals seeking a new path or a complete life change enrol in life coaching courses to better understand challenges and their solutions. People who are having marital problems consult life coaches in order to maintain a good relationship and live a happy lifestyle.

However, if you are experiencing any of the issues listed below, hiring a life coach may be an excellent option for you.

  • Anxiety, lack of confidence or motivation.
  • Unable to quit bad habits.
  • Dissatisfaction at work or stressful life.
  • Marriage troubles, unhappy partner.
  • Feeling stuck or loss of creativity


These life coaching courses come in different forms and types. Each life coach works in a different style and it also depends on your requirements. Some have face-to-face meetings where discussions take place. Some can have a seminar or public speaking session. 

If you are considering consulting with a life coach, please keep in mind that you get to choose what you want to work on throughout your meetings. Each meeting should get you feeling energized and elevated, so pick a coach whose approach and ideology you connect with.

Is Pathology The Right Career Path For You?

If you are a student in college studying medicine but haven’t quite made a firm decision about what your specialty should be, you might consider the cutting-edge field of pathology.  Why? Because pathology offers a dizzying array of opportunities for medical professionals.  While pursuing your medical studies, you will find that pathology spans over a myriad of different disciplines and can also be a lucrative path in your career.

From forensic pathology to cytopathology – this exciting and diverse field of medicine has the potential to enhance your personal growth beyond your wildest reckoning.  Furthermore, the demand for qualified pathologies in all areas of medicine has skyrocketed in the last few years.  And the job market for pathologists is only expected to increase.  Read further about what it takes to be a pathologist, and what this stimulating career path can offer you.

What Pathology Is and The Two Main Branches

At its simplest, pathology is a branch of medicine that studies the cause, nature, and origin of diseases and disorders.  Pathology is at the forefront of devising innovative treatments and solutions to combat disease, viruses, and other health disorders such as cancer.  This field of study plays a crucial role in the development of vaccines and medical treatments for all manner of conditions. 

There are two main types of pathology, clinical and anatomical.  Clinical pathology explores diagnosis and cures for disease using laboratory equipment such as microscopes and centrifuges.  A clinical pathologist works in a highly controlled environment where sterile testing is done.  These facilities must operate under accreditation by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and should adhere to the lab CAP guide to make sure testing is in compliance and accurate results are determined.

Anatomical pathology is similar to clinical in that this field still executes demanding tests to find answers to medical disorders and diseases.  The most common example of an anatomical pathologist is a medical examiner that performs an autopsy to determine the cause of death.  An anatomical pathologist takes samples from the human body and conducts tests in order to find answers about the human condition.

What Are The Requirements To Be a Pathologist?

There is no exclusive educational degree for a pathologist per se.  Rather, a pathologist is a medical doctor who chooses pathology as his or her specialty.  As such, a pathologist must attain a medical doctor’s degree. This path usually starts with a student obtaining a bachelor’s degree.  No major must be claimed at this time, but students interested in medicine and pathology typically take pre-med courses with a concentration in biology and microbiology during their bachelor’s education.

Pathologists are often referred to as the “doctor’s doctor” because pathologists must be medical doctors (MD or DO). They go through all the training medical doctors do including attending a residency program, internship, board certification, licensing, and ongoing training.

Who Would Enjoy a Pathology Career?

Of course, a love of medicine should be a priority for anyone considering a satisfying career in pathology.  Also, if you have a curious mind and a genuine passion to help others heal, then you may make a great pathologist.  People who work well in this medical discipline are those who have investigative propensities. In other words, they like to do intense research to hunt down solutions to health problems. 

Furthermore, if you are detail-oriented and appreciate order in the workplace, pathology might be a satisfactory field.  Pathologists are required to take copious and accurate notes and their jobs rely heavily upon research, testing, and data analysis.  All this requires a meticulous mentality and a high standard for accuracy.

What Are The Benefits of Being a Pathologist?

The benefits of becoming a pathologist are many and varied.  Firstly, you will never lack a job as long as you work with integrity and keep your medical credentials current.  Pathology is such a diverse field, that jobs are plentiful throughout all disciplines of medicine.  You can choose from dozens of different specialties and subspecialties. This affords pathologists the freedom and flexibility to make lateral moves in related yet different aspects of medical research. 

For instance, you may start out your pathology career as a forensic pathologist.  Over time, you may choose to switch gears into pediatric pathology or neuropathology.  Because this field of medicine is so diverse and covers a broad territory in the healing sciences, pathology is a great career for those always learning and exploring different aspects of their professional life.

Furthermore, pathology can be a lucrative career.  Currently, the average physician of pathology salary is over $250,000 a year.  That salary can increase in time as more experience is gained in the field.  Pathologists are typically hired by major medical facilities and these institutions usually provide excellent benefits such as insurance, retirement, and paid holidays.

Lastly, and perhaps the biggest benefit of being a pathologist is the opportunity to help humanity overcome illness.  As a pathologist, you could be contributing to the cure for cancer, doing life-saving research, or discovering vaccines that heal people with crippling conditions.  Pathology offers diversity and the opportunity to help mankind.  So, if you’re seeking the satisfaction of helping your fellow humans and want a rewarding career you can be proud of, pathology might be the perfect path for you.

How To Pass Salesforce Admin Certification

Salesforce administration is one of the most lucrative roles in the world of business today. Many companies rely on the platform to build and manage relationships with their clients. Therefore, as an experienced admin in this area, your experience and skills are in high demand. But like any other job, you can only be regarded as a qualified candidate when you have the right credentials.

Keep in mind that more than half of the people working in this or related capacity hold at least one salesforce certification. It does, after all, hold the largest market share in the industry. Additionally, some of them state that their salaries increased significantly after adding the extra credentials. Have you taken the Salesforce admin test? (1)(6)

Salesforce certification quantifies and measures the skills of cloud specialists. Whether you’re an administrator who ensures that the system runs smoothly, a developer who creates new apps, or a Salesforce architect who ensures that your business’ infrastructure is stable even amidst receiving high volumes of data. (3)(4)

If you haven’t, here are a few tips to consider when preparing for it:

  • Go through the exam guide

For you to pass your Salesforce Admin certification, you need to understand what the exam entails. This way, you will know what to study and which resources to use during the preparation process. Salesforce customization, platform configuration, user management, and other skills related to Salesforce are among the things you’ll need to gain knowledge on before sitting for the test. 

Going through the exam guide will give all the information you need to prepare for the certification. You’ll also have an idea of what to expect regarding the number of questions and how to answer them. In addition, the exam guide covers everything about the weighting process, including those topics that you should prioritize in your studies. (2)

  • Schedule the exam in advance

Of course, this is an obvious step, but you’ll be surprised how many people keep on delaying it. For one, scheduling your exam early enough gives you time to focus on your preparation. It also motivates you to work towards the certification. As such, you will have the much-needed push to read and understand all the required information regardless of how hard it might appear. 

On the flip side, late scheduling will always leave you unprepared no matter how much you study. In most cases, you will be worried about the deadline more than what you should be reading. Such ‘chaos’ in your mind will have a ripple effect on your performance during the examination. In the long run, you might find it challenging to pass the test.

  • Learn from Salesforce Trailhead

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced admin, tutorials will always come in handy. There are many resources online, but the best place to start your learning journey is Trailhead. It’s a series of tutorials created by Salesforce to train beginners and intermediate users of the Salesforce products. 

The best thing about Salesforce Trailhead training is the fact that the learning lessons are arranged in a given sequence. As such, you get a predefined path to follow. 

For instance, commencing the whole journey with a basic introduction will ensure that you have a good idea of the entire subject before going into intricate details. This guided experience makes it easier for you to assess your performance and know where to strengthen before sitting for the certification exam.

  • Get hands-on experience

The best way to master a skill is to practice it. Salesforce administration requires the same spirit for you to have a better chance of passing the certification exam. After all, you will need to gain expertise on the subject to get more than the passing score of 65% and complete the exam in 105 minutes. (5)

Of course, reading and exhausting all theoretical resources is a good thing, but this can’t compare to the benefits you’ll get through hands-on experience. The best way to start this is by going through the beginner tutorials on Trailhead. Once you’ve understood what it’s all about, you can go on start practicing some of the skills. 

For one, you can build an app to track your interests like TV episodes, movie collections, or recipes. This way, you’ll gain the experience of building an app from scratch and managing it, which is something that most employers today look for in their Salesforce administrators.


Every entrepreneur is looking to improve various business sections as they grow their brand, and Salesforce administration is one of those areas. In fact, there is a growing demand for experienced people in this area. Therefore, going for a Salesforce admin certification exam will improve your chances of getting a job that matches your skills. 

To prepare for this test, you will need to go through the exam guide and understand what’s required of you before even commencing your studies. Once you are ready to begin the reading and training sessions, 

Salesforce Trailhead is the best place to coach yourself and nurture the skills you already have. With hands-on experience, you stand an even better chance of passing this test.


  1. “Top 5 Reasons Why Now Is The Time To Get Salesforce-Certified”, Source: https://medium.com/trailhead/5-reasons-to-get-salesforce-certified-4853b6bb3464
  2. “Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Guide”, Source: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/help?article=Salesforce-Certified-Administrator-Exam-Guide
  3. “Salesforce Made Simple”, Source: https://www.salesforce.com/content/dam/web/en_us/www/documents/datasheets/certification-guide.pdf
  4. “Salesforce Architect”, Source: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/credentials/architectoverview
  5. “Salesforce Certified Administrator”, Source: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/help?article=Salesforce-Certified-Administrator-Exam-Guide#outline
  6. “Is Salesforce Overpriced?”, Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/quickerbettertech/2021/07/05/is-salesforce-overpriced/?sh=2b4dac9130f0 


5 Tips For A First-Generation IT College Student

As a first-gen student, you face expectations unlike any other. You’re trying to figure out how to make your parents proud, how to make new friends, how to live on your own for the first time. There’s no denying it’s tough, so we want to make it a little easier. 

Get ready for campus life by reading our five tips for being a first-generation college student below.

1. Apply for Scholarships 

If you’re a first-generation college student, you may have additional financial stressors others don’t. Thankfully, there are great scholarships out there specifically for you — and plenty are offered by former first-gen students. 

Jasdeep Singh created a scholarship in honor of his parents, who valued education and helped their son through secondary schooling. Apply to as many of these opportunities as you can to help alleviate the financial burden college places on you. 

2. Get Involved 

College isn’t just about locking yourself in your dorm and studying — it’s a time to have fun and discover yourself. 

Joining clubs, attending school events, and participating in campus activities will help you feel more at home. Fostering your social life is almost as important as handling the academic side of things (just ensure you find a nice balance). 

3. Understand Your Limits

Chances are, you’re on your own for the first time. You’re away from your routine and juggling a schedule that revolves solely around you. There’s no denying it’s difficult figuring out what and who to prioritize. 

The trick is to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. This may mean saying no, denying an extra project, or opting out of a social situation. Burnout is very, very real, and taking on too much puts you at risk. 

4. Assess Your Study Habits

Don’t base your study habits on those around you. Your roommate may be able to absorb all their info from the lecture alone, leaving him plenty of time to party. But that doesn’t mean your brain works the same way. 

In your first semester especially, take the time to determine what method of studying works best. You may have solidified certain habits in high school, but as college coursework is more involved and requires advanced understanding, your study sessions will need to keep up. 

5. Network

Some people with connections — they’re legacies, their parents were in a particular sorority or frat, etc. — and some don’t. If you’re a first-gen student, there’s a high chance you’re in the latter group. But don’t panic; college is the perfect way to make the connections you need. 

Picture-perfect academics isn’t the only way to jumpstart your career. A 2016 survey concluded 85% of jobs are filled because of networking. 

So, don’t be afraid to attending dedicated networking events. Have that elevator pitch in your back pocket. And, for the love of all things good, take advantage of your professor’s office hours! Before you know it, these foundational relationships may present you with a career path. 

Final Thoughts & A Bonus Tip

It’s time to let go of the expectations you think others have of you. College is a time to discover your interests and explore potential career fields you’ve never thought possible. So, meet new people, join fun clubs, and explore your hobbies in full. 

It’s challenging to decide what you want to do at 18, even more so when you feel the pressure to make your family proud. But chances are, they already are. Use this opportunity for yourself and see what the future holds.